#altho my brain's been a bit fried lately
nemossubmarine · 7 years
DA RP Write-up #14.5
We are back from our winter break after 1,5 months. All except one. RIP Humbert. (he’s not really dead, the player is just gone for the moment) This session our group takes on the Provings’ Super-Fun Round. Let’s get this show on the road!
Our heroes are meeting at the Provings’ locker room in the morning.
Some guard comes to pick up Alf and Cahair from the tavern. Humbert’s too beat up to attend, so will stay behind with Kaino who is so bored at this point even Humbert’s company will be an improvement.
Boshara and Elspet will be coming with their own committee. Boshara takes so long to eat breakfast that they’ll be a few moments late.
There’s a squadron of six soldiers to take Boshara and bird!Elspet to the locker room. The soldiers are very happy to go, because that means they get to see the Provings.
Just to be nice, Boshara says she thinks it might be dangerous so four more soldiers are added to the group.
At the locker room, our heroes split up into two teams (Boshara &Cahair, Alf & Elspet), pick sides (B&C are heels, A&E babyfaces), talk strategy (like who would look good as winner, though in the end, it’s left up in the air) and practice the fight.
There’s a few hours before the fight starts so everyone takes a nap: Alf and Elspet in the locker room and Boshara and Cahair in a star’s dressing room Boshara got for herself.
There’s kid’s match first thing in the Provings. And after that, it’s showtime for our boys and girls.
Alf and Elspet make a nice entrance, waving at the audience. Alf already has some female fans who blow him kisses.
Boshara enters with a fake fire-breathing (actually just a flame blast), and Cahair follows completely stone-faced, not taking any contact with the audience.
The match begins! Cahair looks at Boshara, who points at Elspet. Immediately Cahair is upon Elspet, grabbing her by the throat and knocking her down.
Alf tackles Cahair and they roll around a bit, Cahair ending up on top.
Boshara goes to kick Elspet. She also grabs her and slams her in one of the pillars.
Elspet is doing relatively badly already, so she quietly heals for the turn, though there is a strange grumbling beneath the ground as she casts.
Cahair is about to go back for Elspet, when Boshara tells him to “stop” and focus on Alf, so Cahair, still on top of Alf, punches him in the face several times.
It seems Cahair’s and Boshara’s cool cruelty is making the crowd pop.
Alf headbutts Cahair and gets him off himself and is back to his feet.
Boshara attacks Alf from behind, grabbing his jaw and punching him in the gut and throwing him back at Cahair.
Elspet sneaks up on Boshara and slaps her across the face.
Cahair tries to lunge for Alf, who dodges, gets up and does a very taunting retreat, much to the crowd’s approval.
Boshara returns the favor for Elspet with a slap of her own, and then another.
Elspet uses a quiet mind blast, knocking both Boshara and Cahair down. She also knocks herself out this way.
Cahair gets up, and completely calm, menacing and stonefaced follows Alf.
Boshara goes to check up on Elspet, masking it as a mocking laugh she does at her unconscious body. Nothing outwardly seems to be wrong.
Alf rushes Cahair, but Cahair dodges, takes a few steps back and dropkicks Alf in the face.
Alf decides to go after Boshara instead, hitting her so hard that Boshara gets a nosebleed.
Boshara starts yelling insults at Cahair about how he dared let Alf touch her, and how she would curse him forever is he didn’t kill Alf.
Cahair walks up to the pair, looks at Alf and then lunges at Boshara, looking like he has completely lost it, yelling and ripping at her throat.
This is quite a shocking twist, and some kids in the audience start crying.
Alf hits Cahair on the back of his head, and he falls down unconscious. After that he offers his hand to Boshara who takes it and shakes it, giving the win to Alf.
The crowd erupts in applause.
Jon Cenas comes down and presents Alf with his Super-Fun Tournament Winner’s Belt.
Elspet is waking up, very disoriented and sits up on the sand. 
Some guys with stretches come to get Cahair, who doesn’t want to break kayfabe.
As Alf and Boshara are leaving the arena, they notice there’s cracks in the pillars and the ground in the arena.
Back at the locker room, all four stuff into Boshara’s four star changing room, and Boshara is immediately upon Elspet, asking if she is okay.
Elspet is somewhat disoriented and feeling faint, but regains her senses quickly.
Elspet and Cahair decide that they will go back to the tavern and from there maybe check up on Trin’s mom at the brick.
Boshara and Alf stay behind. Boshara takes a shower and is relieved to find no Blight.
She had suspected the worst because she was feeling a headache when using magic, similar to Elspet. Since it’s not Blight, Boshara surmises there might be some raw lyrium under the Provings arena.
Seeing that raw lyrium is extremely volatile, it’s like the dwarves are sitting on a bomb.
Boshara orders some of her soldiers to check on if there’s any suspect looking folk among the crowd. She will take the maps Cahair and Alf gave them and rush to the archives to check on them.
Alf stays behind, as he is the Master. He gets a pass to get to the VIP booths and meets up with Saelac and Cenas. 
Alf would like to talk with Cenas alone, but Cenas forces him to watch the first round of the fights.
Much of it is pretty average, but there’s one fighter, very efficient, who after the match is over, takes his opponents unconscious body and cuts out his tongue, staring at Saelac as he does.
Saelac seems rather nervous by the display, Cenas murmurs about dishonorable fighters and Alf learns the fighter’s name is Grimas.
Finally Alf gets Cenas alone and mentions about the cracks and the possibility of raw lyrium below the arena and about how at loss our heroes are in terms of what to do about it.
Luckily Alf is persuasive enough that Cenas believes him and says he’ll see who he can get to check on the situation.
Boshara goes to the archive, gets Orzammar maps and starts cross-referencing. As suspected, one of the big carta-dug caverns is right below the Provings arena. Another one is under Harrowmont’s house and in fact several other noble houses have caverns under them.
This is serious. So Boshara steals one of the Shaperate maps before rushing off again.
Outside she asks her troops what they think of Saelac and whether she should mention about this to him, and they seem to think that’s a good idea, so that’s what Boshara is going to do.
But not until next time! Things are sure getting tense. Will our heroes survive? Will Orzammar survive? Tune in next time, and we’ll see, hopefully.
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