#also: the other day my father was watching football and the commentator's name was Claudia Neumann!
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tothelasthoursofmylife · 8 months ago
Character Profiles: Cloudia’s paternal extended family (and Florentin)
Index: Aurèle, Jacques, Arnaud, Anaïs, Gérard, the Marquis, Anselme, Sylviane, Amélie, Firmin, Florentin, Horace, Quincy, Abigail (Percival's siblings)
(All character ages are as of the latest chapter, or when they died. All information as of the latest chapter too.)
Navigation: Main and extras | Cloudia's grandparents and maternal extended family | Cloudia's paternal extended family (and Florentin) | Other servants and employees | Antagonists | Scotland Yard and misc.
Name: Aurèle Beauchene
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: May 20, 1829
Age: 19
Physical description: dark brown hair, brown eyes; he resembles his grandfather the most out of all grandchildren
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: grey, blue
Favourite Flower: lavender
Favourite Dessert: chocolate cake, pain d’épices
What is in his bag? knife, handkerchief, bandage, sharpening stone, another softer handkerchief for glasses, another knife, comb, more knives
Random fact(s):
His favourite dish is quiche Lorraine.
Because his uncle took rather long to get married and have children, Aurèle was regarded as his eventual successor and educated as such. This was only phased out when Gérard was born. (All Beauchene/Dupont children receive excellent, special education nonetheless.) If Aurèle had remained his uncle’s heir, he would have taken the Dupont surname upon succeeding him.
Aurèle was relieved when Gérard was born because he always thought he was unfit to become the Marquis one day. (He also worries about his little cousin in that regard.)
Background info: He was originally named Gervais before I accidentally named the original Clockmaker character that too. I then changed his name to Aurèle, but Gervais the Clockmaker ended up getting replaced by Florentin.
First appearance: The Countess, Travelling (Chapter 21)
Name: Jacques Beauchene
Nickname(s): Jacky
Birthday: February 12, 1835
Age: 13
Physical description: brown hair, brown eyes, glasses
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: green
Favourite Flower: very difficult to choose!
Favourite Dessert: cakes with fruits, particularly strawberry cake
What is in his bag? book, notebook, pencil, glasses case, handkerchief, a secondary notebook, a little telescope, compass
Random fact(s):
He used to be a bit afraid of ghosts when he was little. Now, he does not believe in anything paranormal or supernatural.
He wants to be a researcher and author for wildlife and nature. Although his parents assured him it was fine to pursue this goal, Jacques still feels odd not to help with/take part in the “family business” at all in the future.
He’s a bit embarrassed that he still occasionally requires a night light.
Background info: None.
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: Arnaud Beauchene
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: October 15, 1839
Age: 8
Physical description: black hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: red, blue
Favourite Flower: marguerite, purple hyacinth
Favourite Dessert: soufflé
What is in his bag? marbles, card game, notebook, pencil, small toy train, hair ribbons, handkerchief, tissues, small whetstone
Random fact(s):
Because he has always been so quiet and unintentionally blends in with the wallpaper, Jacques used to believe in ghosts for a while.
Arnaud hears and sees quite a lot but prefers to keep his discoveries and observations to himself.
He’s set to become Gérard’s right-hand man when he becomes the Marquis.
Background info: None.
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: Anaïs Dupont
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: September 21, 1840
Age: 7
Physical description: red-brown hair, blue eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: red, purple
Favourite Flower: iris, anemone
Favourite Dessert: everything with pomegranate
What is in her bag? handkerchief, small faerie doll; she has the habit of not carrying around a lot (i.a. because she sometimes loses things)
Random fact(s):
She liked faeries before her near-fatal fever.
While she likes faerie stories the best, she is very enthusiastic about myths and legends in general. She is particularly interested in Celtic (because of the faeries) and Greek mythology; her favourite Greek myth is that of Orpheus and Eurydice.
Background info: She was originally named Amable and is now named after Anaïs from The Amazing World of Gumball. (She gets a bit of her personality from her too!)
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: Gérard Dupont
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: March 22, 1845
Age: 3
Physical description: light brown hair, blue eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: blue, yellow
Favourite Flower: the colourful ones
Favourite Dessert: chocolate cake
What is in his bag? too small to carry a bag, but keeps a stuffed toy close by and his pockets are filled with all sorts of things
Random fact(s): By 1889, no one calls him by his given name anymore as he has become the new Marquis.
Background info:
He was originally meant to be five, not three years old.
Gérard was originally set to become the Aristocrat of Evil with the scarred eye before I changed my mind.
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: ??? Dupont
Nickname(s): The Marquis
Birthday: 1762
Age: 86
Physical description: grey, formerly brown hair, green eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: The Marquis
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s):
He had a very happy and loving marriage with his wife Séphora. (She had red hair which her son and granddaughter inherited.) She passed away in 1840.
He tried his hand at clockmaking too which frustrated Florentin because the Marquis was not good at it, and Florentin feared for his workshop and utensils. (The Marquis wasn’t being serious and only wanted to annoy Florentin; he was actually bad at watchmaking though.)
He grew up without any cousins. Because of this and the fact that he is a decade older than his sister and only lived with her for about ten years, the Marquis was a bit lonely in his childhood and youth. He’s rather happy that his grandchildren are so close-knit and get along well (most of the time).
Background info:
The Dupont family’s title was meant to be longer “The Marquis of […],” but I decided to scrap it because it was a very dumb reference to something. There was also meant to be a title for the heir which was cut as well.
I decided on his given name early on. It’s a funny one.
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: Anselme Dupont
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: 1800
Age: 48
Physical description: red-brown hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s): He was quite the lady-killer for a long time and already marked off as an “eternal bachelor” until he met his wife ten years ago.
Background info: He was originally named André. I changed his name because that was the name of one of my driving instructors, and I did not like driving lessons. (I did not end up getting my license.)
First appearance: The Countess, Malady - Part 4 (Chapter 23)
Name: Sylviane Dupont (née Lavoie)
Nickname(s): Sylvi
Birthday: 1805
Age: 43
Physical description: blonde hair, blue eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s): She was tragically widowed twice before she met Anselme. (One fiancé also died before they got married.) Men began avoiding her after her second husband’s accidental death, believing she was a black widow. (In reality, she really was just that unlucky.) Sylviane had made peace with never marrying again or having children until she encountered Anselme.
Background info: She was originally named Renée. I changed her name because I didn’t like it and because I wanted to have as few names with accents as possible.
First appearance: The Countess, Malady - Part 4 (Chapter 23)
Name: Amélie Beauchene (née Dupont)
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: 1802
Age: 46
Physical description: brown hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: Baronne
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s): She’s secretly a little nature nerd as well for which her brother used to tease her (and still does sometimes to this day). It was very refreshing to her when she met Firmin, and he treated her the same as everyone else.
Background info: Her name was always “Amelie,” but it was initially spelled differently and weirdly as a silly nod to her father’s given name. Because I didn’t know how the odd spelling would affect the name’s pronunciation, I settled on the more normal “Amélie.”
First appearance: The Countess, Malady - Part 4 (Chapter 23)
Name: Firmin Beauchene
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: 1798
Age: 50
Physical description: black hair, light brown eyes, glasses
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: Baron
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s): When Amélie expressed her wish to marry him, her entire family was unsupportive because they thought they were an odd match and that Firmin would not fit into the family. The Marquis was the only one who approved him; the others eventually warmed up to him.
Background info: Like with the Marquis, he had a “full” title early on until I decided to leave it out. It was “Baron de Lorraine-Lillebonne,” and I got it from a random title generator.
First appearance: The Countess, Malady - Part 4 (Chapter 23)
Name: Florentin Chastain
Nickname(s): The Clockmaker
Birthday: September 9, around 1400
Age: 400+ (about 30 physically)
Physical description: short brown hair, phosphorescent chartreuse eyes, tall and lean; occasionally wears tinted glasses but dislikes them
Affiliation: Grim Reaper Dispatch (former); the Marquis (sort of begrudgingly)
Occupation: Grim Reaper (deserted); Clockmaker
Base of Operations: Grim Reaper Dispatch (former); his workshop in the woods
Favourite Colour: everything except green
Favourite Flower: doesn’t care
Favourite Dessert: angel wings, beignet
What is in his bag? various tools, some loose gears, a glasses case, a small pocket knife, very old Ohropax (he wished he had taken more)
Random fact(s):
He deserted at some point during the witch trials (they were poorly documented in France; very few executions were officially confirmed, but many, many more are presumed). It was a bleak time all over Europe (that the witch trials overlapped with constant recurrences of the plague did not help), and it made him realise the endlessness and pointlessness of his job.
Florentin became a clockmaker not long after deserting. He also became a matchmaker when he (by chance) introduced the Marquis to his wife.
He went on many adventures with the Marquis and although he would never admit it, he enjoyed some of them at least.
Background info:
The bare bones of his character come from a scrapped one-shot about Cloudia and Undertaker, with Undertaker being a very odd “clockmaker” living in the woods, and Cloudia the person who delivers his “goods.” Because I had difficulties writing it, it was eventually replaced by my one-shot “Warming�� (which I wrote for a Christmas event). As I still liked the idea, I added a clockmaker Grim Reaper to WotQ (though the situation and details differ from the original one-shot idea).
The original WotQ Clockmaker character Gervais was very, very different to Florentin. I decided to replace him with Florentin because while Gervais did have ties to Grim Reapers, the story ultimately required a different kind of character – a deserted Grim Reaper. (I still like Gervais though.)
First appearance: The Countess, Clockmaker - Part 2 (Chapter 24)
Name: Horace Phantomhive
Nickname(s): Hoho (only his sister called him that)
Birthday: 1761
Age: 24 (at time of death; 1785)
Physical description: black hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Phantomhive family; Weston College (former)
Occupation: Lord of Phantomhive; Prefect of Sapphire Owl (former)
Base of Operations: Phantomhive Manor; Phantomhive townhouse
Random fact(s):
The eldest of Octavius and Florence Phantomhive’s four children. He was “the perfect heir and son” in every way. Unfortunately, he and his twin died in a carriage “accident,” and he never succeeded his father as Earl and Watchdog.
Horace and his twin were rather aloof, keeping away from their younger siblings, so he was, despite his other qualities not a “perfect brother.” When Percival became family head, he found some interesting things his brothers had hidden away in the manor.
His middle name was “Greyson” which, just like Percival’s middle name, was never used by his parents. Horace occasionally used it as a fake surname.
Background info: I’m very for “all Phantomhives’ names contain a ‘c’” but then went and completely failed with Percival’s siblings because his original name was Horatio. However, I just noticed that I’ve never stated his name in WotQ so far although he was briefly mentioned, so I’m very quickly and sneakily fixing his name.
First appearance: Mentioned only (First: The Lady, First Training; Chapter 10)
Name: Quincy Phantomhive
Nickname(s): Q, Queeny (only his sister called him that)
Birthday: 1761
Age: 24 (at time of death; 1785)
Physical description: black hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Phantomhive family; Weston College (former)
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Phantomhive Manor; Phantomhive townhouse
Random fact(s):
As he was younger than Horace by a few minutes, he was the spare. He never minded it much though because he liked being “in the shadows.” He and his twin were very close and secretive.
His middle name was “Farran” which, again, was never used by his parents. He and his siblings were united in their confusion at least.
While Horace could be a bit stuck-up, Quincy was only a bit more relaxed. He was not much of a jokester but could at least crack some jokes every once in a while.
Background info:
His original name was Joseph which I just changed to adhere to my own little naming rules. I decided to rename him “Quincy” so that he and his brother could be theme-named after the poet Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus).
He was originally four years younger than Horace before I decided to make them twins.
First appearance: Mentioned only (First: The Lady, First Training; Chapter 10)
Name: Abigail Stafford (née Phantomhive)
Nickname(s): Abby
Birthday: 1770
Age: 29 (at time of death; 1799)
Physical description: light brown (on the verge of dark blonde) hair, grey eyes
Affiliation: Stafford family; Phantomhive family
Occupation: Baroness; Lady of Phantomhive (former)
Base of Operations: Stafford Manor; Stafford townhouse; Phantomhive Manor (former); Phantomhive townhouse (former)
Random fact(s):
She always appreciated the fact that she looked very different from her black-haired (blue)-green-eyed brothers and that her grey eyes were “all hers.”
The jokester of her sibling group, much to the annoyance of her brothers (especially Percival to whom she was the closest).
Abigail married in her early twenties but did not immediately want children. In the end, she never had any because she died in a terrible incident related to Watchdog work. (It shook up Genevieve and Percival a lot, and they didn’t speak (much) of Abigail afterwards.)
Like her brothers, she had an “unused” middle name: Delora.
Background info:
Unfortunately for me, I did mention her before by name, so I cannot sneakily change it to something that contains a “c.” At any rate, I did like the fact a bit that I messed up the (original) names of Percival’s siblings because they all died before him. Only the one sibling whose name always had a “c” in it became the successor and reached his thirties (and even his fifties!). A little accidental “curse” on my side.
Her husband’s given name is “Abraham” in my notes. I do have some name overlaps (Theodore Clifford and Theodore Sycamore, for example), so I’m a little undecided whether to change his name or not. But then, it does not really matter because he has no bearing on anything whatsoever.
First appearance: Mentioned only (First: The Lady, First Training; Chapter 10)
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