#also you asked abt any theory but i have none lol sorry it turned out to be 'daynes these mysterious bitches' rant whdxbdj
aerltarg · 3 years
hi do you have theory about this mystery relationships between ned stark and daynes like why ned dayne was named like him and etc btw i love ur response on that post so i am curious about your thoughts :))
hi! <3 omg thanks and i'm so, so sorry for such a late reply!!
tbqh, i'm not good w theories, lol. the only thing i think is certain is that ned and daynes worked together to cover r+l=j bc they literally have the same legend.
“You were never the boy you were,” Robert grumbled. “More's the pity. And yet there was that one time… what was her name, that common girl of yours? Becca? No, she was one of mine, gods love her, black hair and these sweet big eyes, you could drown in them. Yours was … Aleena? No. You told me once. Was it Merryl? You know the one I mean, your bastard's mother?”
“Her name was Wylla,” Ned replied with cool courtesy, “and I would sooner not speak of her.” (Eddard II, AGOT)
“My lady?” Ned said at last. “You have a baseborn brother… Jon Snow?”
[...] “How do you know about Jon?”
“He is my milk brother.”
“Brother?” Arya did not understand. “But you’re from Dorne. How could you and Jon be blood?”
“Milk brothers. Not blood. My lady mother had no milk when I was little, so Wylla had to nurse me.”
Arya was lost. “Who’s Wylla?”
“Jon Snow’s mother. He never told you? She’s served us for years and years. Since before I was born.” (Arya VIII, ASOS)
wylla is the name ned told robert twice (once in agot when was asked and once in the past many years ago as robert recalled) lying abt jon's parentage and the one edric dayne said is jon's mother and a servant from starfall who was working for them for many years. it's interesting to note that at starfall two tales - ned stark having a love story w ashara dayne and presumably the one who broke her heart so she threw herself from the tower AND wylla being a mother to ned's bastard - seem to coexist.
moreover, we know that it's allyria dayne, edric's aunt and sister of his father, arthur (presumably killed by ned stark) and ashara (presumably dishonoured by ned stark and later commited suicide bc of him), who told edric abt ned's and ashara's possible love story. yet, when we hear edric talk abt all of this, there's no malice or anger or anything negative to his tone or words. on the contrary, he said he wanted to talk to ned stark and almost eagerly proclaimed to arya he's a milk brother to her half-brother known as ned stark's bastard, lol.
[...] “My father was called Ned too,” she said.
“I know. I saw him at the Hand’s tourney. I wanted to go up and speak with him, but I couldn’t think what to say.”
He looked at her uncomfortably. “My aunt Allyria says Lady Ashara and your father fell in love at Harrenhal—” (Arya VIII, ASOS)
like. the dude (or his big bro) hooks up w a lady, doesn't see her again, then war starts, and he marries another, and kills her brother, she kills herself and then the elder brother of the slain bro and sis who committed suicide names his son and heir ned. after the said dude.
[another interesting detail that was pointed out by @lorelei-4 here is that edric is most likely a northern name. aside from edric storm and edric dayne there were only three known edrics in asoiaf universe and all of them are historical starks: 1) edric stark, son of cregan, 2) edric stark, son of alaric, and 3) edric “snowbeard” stark, the ancient king in the north]
like wtdhxbdjsj lmao 😭
so yes, there IS so much more to this story and relationships between starks and daynes.
[and yes, starks aka plural form, not just ned even tho he played a big role here. but they all came together bc of rhaegar (arthur's bestie) and lyanna (ned's sis), and ned was claiming jon as his own to save him bc of lyanna. also i think the theory of ashara (and wylla) being there w lyanna at toj (by @998th-lord-commander) is very interesting and pretty much likely]
honestly, i struggle to answer what exactly happened. and, imo, whatever other versions might be around most of them would step on the territory of headcanons and even fanfiction since there's not much canon details to base any specific assumptions on.
ned must've done smth for daynes for them to name their heir basically after him, surely? even tho it was daynes who helped him to cover the deal? and honourably returning the sword dawn to them is not enough (not as the only reason for sure since ned needed help to be able to move lyanna's bones and baby jon from one end of westeros to the complete opposite end of the continent through the whole realm, having only howland and whoever else was w lyanna at the tower of joy for company, all the while daynes were 1) aware of the whole deal and 2) the closest location to seek help from). but what was that? did ashara have a baby w him or w brandon? is the baby truly dead or is it actually allyria? and some might say deaths of ashara and even arthur are too fishy, what abt this?
personally, i don't like any secret parentage theories (we already have r+l=j, adding another one would be too much and make too little sense) or “character X is actually alive” theories bc they don't seem realistic enough to me.
but, hey, maybe i'm wrong and ashara is actually hanging out somewhere! she has the most chances to be still alive among all dead rebellion era characters, imo, since she has the most notable mystery around her death story, likely intentional by grrm. but we can never guess right now. hopefully, if we ever get the next books, howland or someone else will spill the tea!
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survivenovascotia · 4 years
Episode 5 - they finally swapped us - Austin
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I’m taking more of a leadership role on this tribe, trying to make more calls with the challenge. On a smaller tribe it is less risky to do that, and also more risky to go to tribal if people find a reason to target you its easy to get numbers. Dylan especially is a worry for me, in the past he has turned on me for absolutely no reason, so idk how much I can trust him. Dan seems ok, he gave us good intel about the other tribe. Still makes sense to vote him out if we go to tribal though lets not make enemies out of the og tribe just to save one guy.
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Tribe swap. Honestly I’m not freakin out abt it bc I’ve got Stephen & Austin who’ve both been pretty good in challenges so. Hopefully I can Michelle my way to the merge Even seems chill he’s just got a russel hantz profile picture which is a lil susp Although I’ll admit I’m a lil sad this is a cooperative challenge bc I really don’t work well cooperatively. Especially when these people are choosing words like CAT and WASHINGTON DC have y’all never played scattergories the object is to get the most random ass answers. We can’t put Unagi that’s way too common, we gotta put UNI, which means sea urchin & is a delicacy. If someone else puts uni I would literally cry I’d be such a clown Xiomara? BITXH have y’all seen Jane the Virgin? Hell no!! We putting Serena spelled with an X. She’s a character in a short story I wrote it’s a real name look it up. Sorry to rant I just can’t believe one of these boys chose Cat. Cat. R u joking
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So after 4 straight wins from my tribe they finally swapped us. Dylan, me, eric,and stephen from my og tribe long with dan from the other tribe. I like it and think we are gonna do well together.  Dan told me sunshine said I was trustworthy which I appreciated.  I dont wanna lose any challenges but if we do I feel maybe i should try and save dan? Idk i wanna be a lil more risky then i usually play in other games. Just gotta see what happens but idc to flip for my own game to do better.  
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LOCK & MANCALA. LOCK & MANCALA mancala is like the most famous board game WHY did we choose that I said to go with Master Trainer: Pokémon why was that not CHOSEN I hope we lose so I can get voted out & be remembered as this seasons biggest bitch
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My tummy is saying Fuck rn. I don't know how this tie breaker is gonna go
So what I am thinking it is going to be like is between Keegan and Coco but like Coco is my number 1 out here rn. Glo says she will protect me and Im trying to see what chips is feeling but I feel even when he says things Im like is this legit? Keegan wants to try working with me. I have to weigh my options but if I vote people from OG Musquodoboit tribe I upset everyone else there, if I vote Keegan, Who knows where on the totem pole I can be with the OG tribe.
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It has been brought to my attention that the person I’ve been referring to as ‘even’ is actually dan. ukmmmmmmmmmmm okcay also MICHELLE let’s keep this Queen energy to the merge 😈😈
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I think I’m cursed. This will be the fifth tribal council in a row I’m attending. Like how does this even happen? And of course I had to be dumb enough to step up and do the tie breaker which sent us to tribal. At first glance this could very well be the end of my game. Getting swap fucked is becoming a personality trait of mine at this point. However, Heather and I have been messaging and she said she’s going to talk to Chips and see about making a move to keep me in the game. I’m not sure who we’d vote out between Coco and Gloria but honestly I don’t care as long as I stay in the game.
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Hosts, Admins and VL. I made a chart that went like 6 layers deep in before it would deadend and I’m like “oh okay it must be at the 6 layer mark”. Nope I got down to 8 layers (T1 was the first) and I feel like it’s either claimed or it’s down that path. In other news, my two biggest obstacles is the OG other tribe -_- me forgetting the other tribe’s name. The second obstacle is Kyle. Kyle thinks he runs the joint and I just play a “Sheeple” game when in reality I’m trying to make small moves to further myself in the game. Kyle and Livingston are close and Kyle, myself and Darcy are tight. Sunshine is the odd one out and a easy boot.
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Update since recording, I think Chips is leaning more towards keeping Keegan oof im a swing vote then oof
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Maybe I’m just getting massively played right now but I currently have an alliance chat with Heather and Chips and we’re deciding on voting Coco or Glo. And I have Coco asking me if I’d vote for Glo. Maybe I’m being bamboozled but this is actually looking a little bit promising for me staying in the game right now. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much. The last time that did I got annihilated.
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Did I just suggest a Chips blindside? I- don't know. I am AHHHH. I am in a bad position next round that's FOR SURE
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So unfortunately we are going to tribal. At first I thought Keegan would be an easy vote BUT Chips started playing dirty. He made a chat with Heather&Keegan and tried to form "majority" with them. They were discussing whether to eliminate me or Glo. I'm not having it. Heather and I came up with the plan to blindside Chips because he probably wouldn't see it coming. I kept telling Chips I was SO worried,SO nervous because none is talking to me but it's just all an act. Hopefully we can get rid of either Chips or Keegan tonight and even flush an idol if they use it on Keegan.
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So ummm, Operation Chips Gone is under way. I am HELLA nervous! Idk if this is gonna work but I feel HELLA bad.
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ok Chips has turned on me saying I am weak link on tribe and wants me voted out with Keegan staying safe, Heather and CoCO are in alliance with me and tipped me off. So our vote is CHIPS. but we all three fear the idol situation. So I may not survive but calling me weak link who beat Chips ass in Scavenger hunt and came from behind to do so lol yeppers Glo beat Chips. Anyways it might be good bye GLO GLO tonight and if so I did my best. That would be end for me I guess. <3 GLO <3
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I think if we were on larger tribes and the challenge was different I might have thrown it. Bit as it is tribal only presents three options: a) vote out dan, which is not a big move or anything and is not going to change much. b) save dan, and vote out someone from my og tribe, which would piss off 8 other people I had ground work with, and c) Dan pulls something out of his ass and survives, voting one of us out. So yeah, no good scenarios for my long term game at tribal. However without it I can keep my relationships while also building new bridges with Dan that could help come merge and further.
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If Glo is truly the vote tonight, I’m probably going to cry. Not even going to sugar coat it. I’ll be crying. She’s just so pure and so nice and just this incredible person. I’m trying to not let it sway my judgement too much. I’m tearing up just thinking about her leaving. But if Heather and Chips are being honest with me and not conspiring against me they’ve both said they’d vote for Glo. And all I need to do right now is stay in the game. Against all odds, I might just manage to stay in the game in a disasterous 4v1 swap. The biggest downside after this is getting Evan(?) back from Oak Island. I’m praying he’s not close with Heather and Chips or I might not survive another tribal.
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So we got swapped onto a tribe of 5... and lost the first immunity challenge on that tribe. Keegan is the obvious vote since he got swapped onto our tribe. I'd rather not. Spent all day lying to Glo telling her I was going to vote him. If for some reason that's not the case and Glo doesn't go, cool. I got gamed. Also, I'm in an alliance chat with Heather and Keegan and lowkey I love it. I want to see this be a final 3 but I'm not going to get ahead of myself.
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Conspiracy theory: coco, glo & Keegan voted out chips, heather on the outs. No fucking clue why but it’s the only thing that makes sense. This whole game is so scary I’m like watching blindsides & murdering happening & im just chillin on the sidelines
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KEEGAN SURVIVED! I’m so happy for him! That’s all I wanted. Hopefully Keegan and Dan can make merge. I wanna throw the F14 immunity to send home Sunshine but that’s just a thought. I always said my two biggest obstacles were the OG other tribe and Kyle. That’s still true but maybe there’s hope for the first obstacle!
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Oh damn, I didn’t see that coming. There are two possible situations here: 1) That Keegan managed to pull two votes in with promises and shit, and 2) That there was a pre-existing alliance against Chips (and others) that I wasn’t aware of. This is worrying, not only did I just lose someone I wanted to work with but it shows I’m not that aware of what’s going on. Not good.
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I watched the tribal council. Keegan wasn’t even on the chopping block which is great. Glo seems like a lovely lady and seems easy to bond and manipulate. Great for me 🐍. Our alliance including Dan, with Keegan and his allies can make a strong group and potential majority. I feel like at merge I can play my cards right and secret pull strings.
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Chips was voted out which is honestly a big surprise to me but at least I’m still here! Who survived a 4v1 Swap Fucking? This guy!
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