#also with that last question there & the thread with eunjae WHY are mythvoiced enbies putting Calum through it WHY
mythvoiced · 3 months
@stillresolved | ♥
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Patrick's gaze travels with eerie tranquility as he slowly turns his head to stare in the direction Calum had so very subtly avoided looking into. A flicker of an eye, or even just the likelihood of that being the one thing currently concerning his gentle companion, and even the densest among humans would have turned to the same angle.
Or, in other words, to be more earnest and less pretentious: what else would Calum be worried about, especially considering the source of his concern was the catalyst to Patrick's statement. He hums in assessment, as if truly only noticing the oh so brave and heroic members of law enforcement nearby, happening upon the sight of them with the same feigned surprise a prosecutor must wear at hearing the defendant's guilt laid out before them.
"Lying is not a crime," Patrick recalls kindly, not looking away from the posture, the uniforms, the stench he imagines coiling around the officers. "Unless you're under oath. Or pretending you aren't guilty of a different crime you've committed." He waits a moment, hoping to catch the casual instance any vigilant person's gaze would wander, and in this case, inevitably land in their direction. He waves playfully and doesn't stop to watch the officer's response, turning back to smile at the worrier.
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"Have you never been in a situation in which, say, you've potentially had to lie to someone to keep someone else safe?"
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