#also we keep crossing our fingers that I don't have an allergic reaction to my antibiotics because the doctor just! ignored me!!
midnightwind · 6 months
I have had 4 gushing nose bleeds and my period over the past 3 days, about to go gnaw on raw meat for a hit of iron I swear to god-
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jedi-bird · 2 months
Medical issue story time
So yesterday I had to go to urgent care at the end of the day. Partner got freaked out enough about my arm that they were like we're not waiting. And I was on the fence enough about to agree outright.
Last week, I got stabbed in the arm by a very large rose thorn. It didn't break off in it and it's not the first time I've been hurt by them, so I cleaned it thoroughly and used an otc antibiotic ointment and covered it with a bandage. I have an allergy to adhesives but all that does is leave a rash and minor scar for a while, so it's usually fine. Well, four days of wearing bandages (changing them every few hours), took off a chunk of skin and left a very large rash. More concerning though was the initial spot being three times larger, having a red two inch field below it, and being quite hot to the touch.
So. Off to urgent care late in the day.
I have never been seen so quickly at any urgent care location as I was last night, which is honestly a bit funny. Five minutes in the waiting room after checking in they were taking my vitals (both the nurse and the guy at check-in freaked out once they saw the marks on my arm). No fever, mild pain unless it was touched; mostly I just didn't want it to get worse since I'm very prone to staph infections. Put in a room and less than ten minutes later a doctor way in apologizing for the delay.
Now, I have to say, I really liked this doctor. As soon as he looked at my arm, he recognized that I'm allergic to the adhesive. We talked about. No, it's the not the latex because I've tested that many times. It's definitely the glue and no brand of adhesive bandage is less likely to cause a reaction. It's usually fine and doesn't bother me too much. The rose throne spot though...
Apparently there is a fungal infection called Sporotrichosis, also known as the rose handler's disease. It's... nasty. It's rare, but it can happen and if it does it needs to be formally diagnosed through a biopsy and treatment for the skin type can last months. It can also spread to joints, lungs, and very rarely the brain. Again, it is months to years of treatments. Now, it's very unlikely that I have that, but the fact that it's hot, red, and solid under the initial puncture means I need to monitor my health very very carefully for a while.
I got some antibiotics to take because it's much more likely to be a bacterial infection. I have to watch it very closely for the next two days and if it's not improving by Monday I need to go to the hospital for a much more intensive diagnosis. Today it's very itchy and a bit achy, but the area did get repeatedly pushed on by multiple people yesterday so I'm hoping it's just that. I've taken two of the antibiotic pills and have several more days to go. I'm supposed to avoid direct sunlight and if I do need to go out I need to cover up. So fingers crossed the antibiotic works and this passes quickly.
Moral of the story, don't wait if you think something is wrong. Yes, as an American our healthcare and insurance situations suck (let's not even get into the fact that my insurance still isn't fixed despite the company claiming that it is and I might be getting a very big bill for this). But if you can catch something early it's much cheaper and easier to fix. I should have gone to urgent care yesterday morning when the redness first appeared but that's in the past and a few hours likely didn't make a difference since it wasn't any worse than yesterday morning. But yeah. Get checked, keep wounds clean and covered, and don't wait if symptoms start.
And as soon as I'm allowed back in the sun, that rose bush is getting very heavily pruned.
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just-my-fandom · 5 years
Lost then Found (Emily Prentiss x Wife! Reader)
Request; Can you write your favorite episode from Criminal Minds? It can be any pairing I just love your writing :)
Add on; Emily Prentiss was supposedly dead, leaving her wife, the reader, and their sperm donated daughter behind. Hotch has important news for the BAU, Emily is not dead, kept secret to save her. Emily comes to the BAU office as a surprise, but Reader isnt happy to see Emily after leaving her to be miserable. There is a fluffy ending, so, enjoy
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"Get anywhere with Doyle?"
You sink down into your rolling chair next to JJ, clasping a stack of papers in front of you and laying them down neatly,
"Goyle doesnt think Gerace has the guts to take him on," Derek answers, eyes looking up at Garcia clicking buttons on a remote,
"But thats definitely Gerace on the tape," Garcua sighs, waving her arms around, "His scar matches his description,"
Hotch steps in, your lips tugging upwards in a small smile, "Welcome back,"
Hotch nods his head once, leaning against the large table and flickering his eyes around, "Thanks. Everyone take a seat,"
"Why?" Derek asks, nothingless sitting down next to Rossi, "What's going on? Everything alright?"
"Seven months ago I made a decision that affected this team," Hotch crosses his arms, eyes glancing at you before looking straight ahead, "As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle,"
He pauses when he catches you inhaling deeply, leaning farther into your seat and averting your gaze to pick at the paper clip in your hand,
"But the doctors were able to stablize her," Your eyes look over to Hotch, his gaze firm on you, "And she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda,"
Derek looks over at Rossi, who quickly looks at you and notices you dropping the paper clip,
"Her identity was need-to-know," Hotch continues, "And she stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities,"
"She's alive?" Garcia gasps, her watering eyes looking to you
You clench your jaw, eyes falling shut, before you push yourself away from the table, exiting the office with quick steps,
"Wait," Derek calls, Hotch putting out a hand,
"We figured she would be the one to take it the hardest. Its best to leave her be until shes ready to talk again. If anyone has any issues they should be directed towards me,"
"Any issues?" Derek growls, Garcia looking at him with a panic, "Yeah I have issues. You lied to Y/N, saying that her wife was dead and left her with a child to raise on her own, they were a perfect family!"
"I think that anger is directed towards me," Derek turns his head, eyes landing a familiar black haired woman, "Where is she?"
"Do you really think she'd want to talk to you?" Derek turns his body so he is facing Emily, eyes burning, "You lied to her, all of us,"
"I'll explain, I promise," Emily exhales, setting down her bag and looking at Hotch, "But please, I need to see her,"
"She just left," Hotch answers firmly, Emily nodding and stepping back, exiting the office,
Garcia sharply looks at Hotch, standing up when almost immediately a shout from a BAU member echoes from the outside of the office,
Spencer follows Garcia out to the desks in the main area, in time to you crossing your arms and staring at Emily, your eyes watering and releasing some tears,
"Was I ever going to know?" You raise a shoulder, sniffling and wiping your cheek, "I had to tell (Daughter/Name), that her mother was dead. Dead! Shes two years old Emily, she shouldnt have to be told that, only for us to find out it was a lie!"
"I know your mad," Emily whispers, her own eyes shimmering, "And you have every, every right to be, I'm so sorry, Y/N,"
"Are you?" You scoff, dropping your head to hide more tears that continued to fall, "Youve been gone for seven God damn months, Emily. You missed (D/N)s first steps, you missed her saying Mommy for the first time!"
"I didnt mean for it to happen," Emily pleas, not stopping the one tear that slipped down her jaw, "You dont know how many times I wanted to call you, to come home to be with you and our baby again,"
"Why didnt you?" You whisper, swallowing thickly, "We could have figured this out together. Emily, I was miserable. We've fought so much to get where we were. The wedding was cancelled, twice, because of a case we both had to do. We couldnt find the right sperm donor and it took us a year to find one. Then we find out the sperm donor was a murderer and came after me and our baby. Emily, you cant just leave me like that,"
"I just wanted to protect you," Emily says calmly, your body falling weak from the yelling and tears,
"Baby," Emily exhales, and you allow her to move closer, arms pulling you against her, "Im so sorry," Her lips rest at your temple, eyes shutting tightly,
You press your ear to her chest, eyes falling shut as she draws her thumb over your cheek,
"Please forgive me," Emily pulls back slightly, hands resting at your face carefully, "I don't want this to be in the way of our marriage, of (D/N),"
"You get to tell her the truth when shes old enough to understand," You mumble, Emily breaking into a weak smile before leaning down, her lips meeting yours,
Your fingers curl at her shirt, Emily pulling back far enough to rest her forehead on yours, Garcia clapping and walking down the stairs to jog up to you, "Please tell me you're coming to the dinner tonight at Rossis with that sweet child of yours,"
"I might need to get settled in at home first," Emily raises an eyebrow, Hotch clearing his throat,
"You two go home," He demands, "We'll handle this case. Catch up,"
. . .
"Did you keep it on?"
Emily looks up from her spot at the dresser, looking at you through the mirror as she clipped on her earrings,
"Keep what on?"
You place the last pin in your hair, walking up to her in your flats and sweater dress, "The ring,"
"Of course," Emily murmurs, sticking out her ring hand, "What about you? If I had been dead you shouldve taken it off, no?"
"I didnt have the guts," You sigh, taking her hand and fiddling with her fingers, "I also had an allergic reaction on my hand so it swelled and the ring was stuck,"
Emily snorts, bringing your hand to your lips and kissing the back, looking over at a wail,
"I didnt forget about you, mini Prentiss," Emily leans over the crib in the corner of the large roon, lifting the toddler up and propping (D/N) on her hip,
Emily presses a kiss to (D/N)s cheek, tucking hair behind her ear and smiling at you,
"Shoot, its nearly seven," You glance down at your phone, "We should get going,"
. . .
"Well dont you three look amazing," Derek extends his arms out and lifts (D/N) from Emilys arms, smiling at you and Emily,
"Thank you," You laugh, "Feels good for everything to go back to normal,"
"Finally! You're here!" Garcia runs up, opening and closing her hands to becon your daughter from Derek, "Hi there!" She gasps, the toddler blinking at the blonde, "Remember me? I'm your aunty Garcia,"
Garcia looks at you, squinting her eyes, "Im stealing your kid," She backs up, Emily grinning before shouting at her,
"Please dont give her wine!"
You elbow Emilys side, as she laughs, linking your arm with hers and following Derek to the kitchen, where JJ, Spencer, Hotch and Rossi all greet with cheers
You put your free hand on Emilys arm, leaning into her side, her arm sliding to your waist and tucking you against her, resting her lips on your forehead and clanking her wine glass with yours,
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