#also very funny that the Toilet Water That Makes You Tell The Truth Monster is coming back next week bc Genba didn't see Honest Ishiro
spandexual · 1 month
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chasshiro is so moe I'm going to kill myself
still incredibly suspicious of Genba being nice and kind and friendly and caring and helpful. what's this stinky little ranga up to
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specialmindz · 3 years
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“Mmm *POMP!* this some good milk, Snas,” said Papyrus, shuffling around in his brother’s makeshift backpack. It wasn’t very comfortable, but as long as he didn’t have to crawl…
“eh, i prefer hot chocolate myself,” replied Sans. “glad you like your milk baby bro, i was worried about how it’d do in the microwave cause’ of all the chemicals, but you’re not dead yet so…”
“Daddy say is okay to put mah super milk in da’ mikeywave…or is I baby guinea pig?” Papyrus narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
“guinea pigs are cute pap!”
Sans blew on his hot chocolate for what seemed like the sixth time. He didn’t put his drink in the microwave like Papyrus’s, he preferred to use boiled water as the cold weather of Snowdin usually cooled it off without him having to do anything.
Today though, they weren’t going to Snowdin, plans had changed.
Alphys had always had a messy workspace, but the Nursery, according to her, was in worse shape. FAR worse shape. She didn’t mind the broken toys scattered everywhere seeing as it wasn’t her room, but the fact that the toys came from the Dump meant they smelled terrible. Sans and the rest of the family were either nose-blind to it, or simply didn’t care, but Alphys couldn’t stand it. She complained weekly about the stench, claiming it was getting worse and worse, seeping from underneath the Nursery door and distracting her from work, but no one would do anything about it.
Today, SHE took the initiative and decided to spray the Nursery with every air freshener they had, making it impossible and even dangerous to sleep in the room; that meant that not only did they have to find a new place to sleep, but Baby Papyrus also missed his nap.
Not good.      
“You an idiot,” mumbled the cranky infant, unhappy to be a baby guinea pig.
“Lazy idiot stink head with stupid broke gloves…”
“heh ha! they’re not broke pappy, that’s how they’re SUPPOSED to look. these are fingerless gloves,” explained Sans, hoping to laugh away his irritation. Papyrus wasn’t having it though.
“Your gloves dumb like you.”
“they’re not dumb! i think they make me look cool…”
“They make you look homeless. I half aspect you to be shaking a tin can around, asking for monies.”
“Screw you, Papyrus.”
“Is I your bindle, big Buther? You’s supposed to carry me on a stick…”
“Can you do da’ har-mon-ica? Pay a song for the baby.”
The young comedian quickened his pace towards the Resort Area. “i’ll pay you a beating, you keep mouthing off,” mumbled Sans under his breath.  
“Ooooh, Buther think he tough now cause’ he gots biker gloves! Nyeh heh heh, what gang you from, Snas? Pussies of Anarchy? Renegade Rejects?”
San didn’t reply, he merely pushed open the doors of the Resort and went inside, not wanting to travel all the way to Snowdin’s hotel or teleport whilst carrying his brother in a bag rather than his arms. He knew for a fact that anything touching his body would travel with him, but what about the things that weren’t? Or the things he wasn’t holding on to purposely?
It’s not like I’ve ever lost anything in my pockets when I take my shortcuts, but I still don’t feel comfortable with something so precious in such a flimsy bag…
“Harlem’s Asshats?”
Hm…maybe “precious” isn’t the right word to use for Pap.  
Sans grimaced as Papyrus continued to complain and come up with more insulting gang names. He himself was a complainer when HE didn’t get enough sleep, but Papyrus?
“Big-butted Bums of Bloomington!”
His brother REALLY sucked when he missed his nap. He was loud, angry, and mean. Babies weren’t supposed to miss their daily naps and baby bones already had hot tempers to begin with…
The Receptionist, a monster with a giant hand in place of her head, tapped her red painted nails on the counter impatiently, a strange sight for those who weren’t used to seeing it. “Do you need a room you two?”
“No, I needs a doctor cause’ Snas give me irradiated milk!” Papyrus tried to point his finger accusingly at his brother, but found it next to impossible in his current position, so instead he threw his bottle on the ground.
It bounced along the tile floor, empty despite his whining, and rolled to a stop before a janitor, who kindly picked it up. “Ah-hawww, looks like you’ve got a fussy baby on your hands!” chuckled the employee, returning the bottle.
“PAPYRUS! i’m so sorry sir-”
“Oh, don’t be, it’s what I get paid for after all! It’s best you get that little guy to bed though…”
Sans took the bottle from the janitor and put it in his pocket. Even if his brother were telling the truth, he knew the Lying Font was still going to ACT tired, and a tired baby was a cranky baby. For Papyrus, a missed nap was all the excuse in the world to be a douche, and Sans would rather fork over 400g then listen to his crap.
Lucky for us, children get discounts.
“E-excuse me?”
“just ignore him, miss-”
“When Azzy be small like me, he used to headbutt the desk. You not remember Nail-Lady? You was all like, ‘STOP ATTACKING THE DESK GOAT-BABY!’ and Moo-Mom say, ‘HOW DARE YOU YELL AT MAH BABY LIKE DAT!?’ and then Fluffy Buns say ‘settle down now ladies, is not that serious,” said Papyrus, voice acting each line. He’d been doing that a lot as of late, trying to “perfect his mimicry for when he got big” and by extension, he ended up disturbing those unfortunate enough to hear him. Asgore’s loud booming voice coming from such a small baby was…eerie…and it was even worse when he decided to imitate Sans...
The receptionist doesn’t have a face, but I bet she’s as uncomfortable as I am right now.
How do I get bro to stop talking though?
“…I actually DO remember,” said the receptionist. “Someone, who used to do that. Yes…there was a small child with an entitled mother who used to headbutt and jump atop the furniture…”
Who was that?
“Yep! I’s there too with Chara, so I knows! You and the Moo Lady used to argue about discounts-”
“Oh my goodness, you’re right!” the woman suddenly remembered. “There was a woman who claimed she should only have to pay the regular 400g because you weren’t her child and THEN she got upset when I AGREED and asked you for 200g-”
“That’s EXACTLY how it went, every single time. It was always the same argument.” The monster, who prided herself on her professionalism, could feel herself getting angry all over again, her old forgotten hatred bubbling to the surface. She couldn’t stand the Royal Family. The Entitled Mother, the Spinless Husband, the Destructive Child…and if she recalled, the human they adopted was an actual thief…
“Yep, and Chara was all like ‘don’t be a bitch, bitch’ and da’ Cow Lady say ‘I agwees, but I doesn’t ah-pea-ciate yo’ language my child,’ and Chara go ‘I was talking to youuuu-”
“hey pap-”
“Fluffy Buns smacked them right on the butt! It was funny.”
“Yes…Chara was their name…the thieving human who kept getting in trouble with security. They would go into other people’s rooms and take their things like it was okay and the mother-”
“She say, ‘Oh Chara just curious, you should be more patient wit yo’ customers! Da’ world of monsters be new to them ya’ know? They just a child…!”
Sans didn’t know how she was doing it, but he could have sworn he heard growling coming from the woman’s direction.
“ha ha…hey uh, bro? let’s just get us a room already, yeah? i’m sure the receptionist here is busy-”
“TWO WOOMS PEAS!” yelled the infant. “One for the baby and one for the Pussy of Anarchy.”
“damnit pap…!”
“Very well, that’ll be 400g then.”
Glaring over his shoulder, Sans forked over the money and headed to their room. “now bro, there are other people in this resort so try not to be a dick, alright? we need to be quiet-”
“WAIT SNAS!” the baby bones picked himself up out of the bag with his wingdings. “I gots to visit the fountain real quick.”
“Oh uh, please don’t urinate in the fountain,” said the receptionist raising a finger. “The rooms have toilets in them.”
“I’s not a gross peepee-baby Nail-Lady, don’t you know a cute widdle skelly when you sees one? I’s looking for coins-”
“Absolutely not!” cried the woman, her tone taking a sudden turn. “This fountain is a memorial to…someone. It is strictly forbidden to gather the coins within, read the sign!” The monster pointed at a sign that said “Stay Out of the Fountain.” Apparently, people were so desperate, they were stealing G from the memorial…
“I NEEDS EM’ TO PAY SNAS BACK!” yelled Papyrus, wondering how much 200g was.
“READ. THE. SIGN. THAT IS UNACCEPTABLE!” she replied, shouting just as loud. Clearly theft was a daily problem for her.
“heh heh, you don’t need to pay me back lil’ bro, thanks though.”
That was…unexpectedly sweet.
“I’s not a deadbeat big Buther…also, I can’t reads so dat sign don’t apply to me.”
“you do too know how to read, quit your lying pap,” said Sans chuckling.
“I’s not lying, I’s a baby and babies don’t read. Erybody knows that! Isn’t that right Nail- Lady?”
“I just told you what it said, get away from that fountain!”
“Babies also have poor memor-ies. I doesn’t remember what you said,” Papyrus used his wingdings to scoop up a handful of coins and deposited them into his onesie to count later. “I’s very sorry for da’ inco-venience.”
“uh, okay pappy this is getting serious, let’s just put the pretty coins back like the nice lady said…”
“Is serious? THEN WE SERIOUSLY WANT OUR MONIES BACK,” said Papyrus, angrily. Here he was being a good bae, paying back his big brother, (something babies did NOT have to do) and this big person wanted to yell at him?
CLEARLY, she was a baby-hater and didn’t deserve to have such cute guests staying at her gaudy hotel.
“We take back our monies and we go somewhere that ah-pea-ciates sweet babies such as ourselves. Your hotel ugly anyway…too bright, right Snas? We leave.”
“no no no, we don’t need to do that!” said Sans quickly in a panic.
The receptionist slammed the money down on the counter.
I’m so sick of serving thieves…
“wha-ho, lady! let’s just calm down alright? *sigh* geeze…” Sans scratched behind his skull. “why don’t we come to a compromise? that sound good?”
I CAN’T take Pappy to that inn in Snowdin again, I didn’t sleep at all last time!
The comedian winced, remembering the night he spent there with Papyrus. The infant didn’t like the snoring from the other guests in the room.
“Nyeh? Com-per-mize…? Waz dat?”
“it’s a negotiation,” explained Sans. “where arguing people get a little bit of what they want, so everyone’s happy…ish.”
“Okay Snas, I do da’ com-per-mize cause’ I’s a good bae,” said Papyrus sweetly. Seemed he was done acting cranky for the day…or so Sans hoped.
“good boy, pappy! GOOD babies compromise allll the time.”
“No they don’t, but Imma make an ah-ception cause’ I doesn’t like the snoring baes in Snowdin. Remember them Snas? The snoring bunny baes?”
“heh heh, yep, iiiii remember.”
“You can’t tell a sweepy baby to shut the fuk up, cause’ they just babies, so we get no sweep and the Inn lady get all our monies for fee! Is a scam, I KNOWS it!”
“Put the coins back please,” said the receptionist, no longer interested in Papyrus’s stories.
“Kay’. Papyrus picked himself up out of the fountain and waddled over to the counter, his onesie jiggling with coins and leaving a wet trail behind him. I gots a good idea for a com-per-mize Nail-Lady.”
“I thought you were going to put the coins back?”
“Slow yo’ roll woman, we makes a commerize first-”
“compromise’ bro.”
Papyrus ignored him. “I’ll put the coins back like you say…and in return for being a good baby bones, I gets a fee room, kay’? Dat sound like a good commercialize?”  
“*pfft!* papyrus-”
“Why not Nail-Lady? It solve both our problems, yes? Why you so unreason-able?”
The receptionist sighed and hung her head, her energy for the day having been completely drained.
I forgot how terrible this infant was, all he does is talk and make things worse. Why is he even here? Doesn’t he have a mother and father to go home to?
Ugh, he’s still going...
“…Good babies get rewards Nail-Lady, is the law. Dat’s how we learns to be good people’s ya’ know? I do something good…then I gets a reward, then I be good again to get another reward. You see where I’s going with dis?”
“There’s a difference between a reward and a bribe, child-”
“I’s not a child, I’s a baby! How you gonna learn if you no listen? BIG people’s get bribes, BABIES get rewards-”
“bro, stop, it’s okay,” said Sans picking up his brother. “i’ll pay your way and if you really want to return the debt, you can pay me back with your OWN mon-”
“Except ugly babies like Snas, they get nothing.”
“…you know what? nevermind, you can sleep out here like the bum you’re destined to be." He put Papyrus back down.
“I can join your gang…?”
“no, we’re full.”
“Bums of Bloomington full?”
“Kick someone out.”
The receptionist pressed the security button underneath her desk.
“why should i? you don’t have biker gloves and you’re mean.”
“Baby not mean! Also, I’s family and family comes first. Kick someone out.”
The two boys stopped fighting and grew silent as a giant knight in black armor approached the counter.
“*Yawn* ………Is there a problem ma’am?”
“Yes, there is,” replied the receptionist. “That baby is stealing from the fountain…and apparently the other one is in a gang-”
“what? no i’m not! papyrus is lying!”
“Nope, is true all right. My big Buther a rebel! He drive his motorcycle around at night when is bedtime.”
“no i don’t, shut up papyrus!”
“……...Is this true?”
Sans gave the knight an irritated look, “why don’t you tell me? why don’t you tell me where i can ride a motorbike without filling the underground with carbon dioxide? why don’t you tell me where i can get one whose pedals i can even reach? where i can get one PERIOD-”    
“……...You don’t need to be a smartass.”
“………Please return the coins.”
“Why you gots so many ellipses in yo’ text Knight-Lady? You sweepy too?” The baby bones crawled over to the sleepy giant and gave her the coins in his onesie. “Here you go Heavy-Lady, now you can affords to sweep like us!”
“that’s very sweet, pappy-”
Papyrus turned to the receptionist, “NOW baby gets a fee room?”
Damnit bro…
“Nyeh? Why not? I WAS GOOD, GOD DAMNS IT!”
“Get out.”  
“papyrus, you don’t need to scream-”
Taking out a coin pouch, the knight poured some G onto the receptionist’s counter, “…400g right?”
“You don’t have to do that Knight Knight-”
“Yes, I do,” replied the armored monster, handing over the coins Papyrus gave her. “It’s a knight’s duty to help those in need…and we live in times where money is scarce…” She looked down at the skeletal children. “…Remember these words well…following the rules may make others happy and keep the peace, but if it comes at the cost of your or another person’s survival…ignore them.”
And with that, Knight Knight walked back to her post, leaving the receptionist alone with the two brothers.
The hand monster wasn’t angry anymore, in fact, she felt a bit guilty and embarrassed over her previous behavior. It was true that the coins in the fountain were people’s wishes…and it was part of her job to make sure people treated those wishes and the memorial with respect, but when looking at the big picture and thinking about WHY so many thieves were running about, well, it was clear who the bad guy was.
“I apologize for my previous behavior,” said the receptionist bowing low. “I’d forgotten that rules were made to help others, not act as bait for the desperate. There’s no point in a memorial if there’s no one left to honor it.”
How many people have starved to death for my job?
She winced and shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of such thoughts. What was done was done, all she could do now was change so it never happened again.
“Is okay Nail-Lady!” said Papyrus petting her back with his wingdings, “It’s your intentions dat count, not what you do.”
“that’s true. as long as you’re at least TRYING to do the right thing, you’re still a good person. mistakes are mistakes, ya’ know? you shouldn’t be punished for something you didn’t MEAN to do, ain’t that right pap?”
“Daz right big Buther! Now give us da’ key.”
“say please.”
The woman handed the baby bones, who had taken the liberty of climbing onto the counter, the key to their room. “Please enjoy your stay.”
“you mean it’s time for OUR nap, pappy.”
As the boys headed to their room, the receptionist left her post and walked towards the fountain, removing the sign.
It was never put up again.
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2gether Rewatch ep 1:
I forgot that it starts out with Tine narrating for a bit.
Tine telling his friends about Green and how Green said he'll make Tine change his mind about liking guys
And his friends' immediate responses being Team Green! Is actually super realistic friend group dynamic teasing and I love it.
Tine RUNNING AWAY from Green KILLS me every time!!
And he runs directly to his friends, "Guess who I saw this morning!" 😂 I love their friend group.
Green handing toilet paper to Tine in the bathroom....... Yeah........
Did Green pursue P'Dim like this too? And it worked?? Or did P'Dim pursue Green?? Gosh, now I want like a prequel story for them.
Tine's friends saying he needs to start playing hard ball and then joking about football and baseball 😂👍
Tine's friends dressing up to scare Green! And one's holding a TOILET SCRUB BRUSH! HOW does someone even come up with that!?? It's brilliant!???
"I've taken a few boxing classes." Tine looking absolutely terrified: "Not just a few O.O" (poor bunny :()
Green's skinny jeans are so tight, but like 👌 nice
Green does not strike me as a fickle person. Did he really like Tine? I think he did, but like, what about P'Dim? Part of me feels like he just used Tine to make P'Dim jealous, which is awful and in no way helps Tine's low self esteem.
What's annoying is that Tine does straight up, honestly, and kindly tell Green he's not interested. Green just reads into everything and twists the truth. And won't listen to Tine.
He takes advantage of Tine's kindness and inability to tell him a harsh no, stop. Tine doesn't absolutely, concretely refuse Green and somehow that leaves just enough wiggle room for Green to squeeze in and manipulate the situation.
😂 I forgot about Tine's run when he escapes Green to get drinks 😂😂😂👌 it's the best thing ever. I love him so much. It's such a great little run!!
I think it's interesting that Tine acts happy/drunk from that drug and not just sleepy/dead tired.
Tine's favorite song is Together. Hmm. How fitting.
Poor Tine. Green immediately forgets to hold him up and drops him!
Okay. I can kind of understand the logic of "a fake girlfriend didn't work. Maybe a fake boyfriend will." Because Green is convinced he can change Tine, but what if Tine does admit to liking guys but it's not for Green? Then Green would be forced to acknowledge that Tine isn't rejecting him because he's a guy but because he's genuinely not interested in Green.
I think it's funny that they just had to shoot for the best of the best guy though 😂 why not just someone decently attractive? It worked out brilliantly for them though. The lucky b*stards.
Their little bulletin with a drawn portrait with no likeness at all to Sarawat with a question mark over the face 😂😂😂 and the sticky notes. Very professional detective work y'all are doing over there.
You know what's really weird. When I started watching 2gether, I had no idea who Toptap was but I knew Tine had a brother so I kept wondering who was the brother in the show during ep 1. Now I know who Toptap is and recognize him and I know that Type isn't even introduced as a character until several episodes later. But that was weird to realize because it means that since episode 1 was released I've watched multiple shows with Toptap in them. (Water Boyy, 3 will be free, rewatched love sick)
Sarawat is awesome. He's such a killer. 😂 And his friends are so great!! Gunsmile and Mike. *Chef's kiss*
The cast for this show is perfection. I love all of them. They're all amazing and hilarious and adorable AND amazing actors.
Posting a fake schedule for Sarawat was so smart! Too bad Tine and his friends kinda blew it for him.
Tine's friend Ohm (JJ) said he has a spy that said the schedule is a fake. Who's his spy???
Love the guitar music as Tine's running to Sarawat. How the heck did he manage to get in front of all those girls? There were girls on the stairs below where he and his friends were standing.
I really want to know what Sarawat is thinking when Tine just shows up right in front of him. He and his friends just walk away without saying anything at first. Why?
Sarawat's friends' reactions to Tine calling him an asshole 😂
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What's super interesting to me about their first interaction is that Sarawat has been aware of and probably been watching Tine for a year. Which means he at least has some basic knowledge about Tine. Like he's kind, relaxed, cool (chill), etc. I wonder what he thought about Tine calling him an asshole. Not a great first impression, buuuuut~ it wasn't a first impression. Sarawat already knows that Tine is a good guy.
Is Sarawat just so introverted and socially stunted that he just has no idea how to interact with his crush so he's acting overly cool/cold to him?? I don't understand why he acts like that to his crush?
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I just don't get it.
And then we get this wide shot and I love watching Sarawat's friends' reactions because I love their perspective on everything. But their faces after Sarawat says that and walks away are so funny! And Gunsmile's little wave 😂👌 (not the greatest snapshots sorry)
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Guys I just finished part 2. This is bad. This post is so long already.
I feel like Sarawat got lucky because of how stubborn Tine is. Tine's friends are like, "let's find a different target." And Tine goes, "Nah, he's difficult so I have to have him now."
Tine said "email" so now I'm thinking about him speaking English and that Win lived in the US for a year and he's only a year younger than me and how crazy would it have been if I had met him? I went to a school that had a lot of foreign students. So weird. I mean the US is huge so of course the chances are crazy small, but it's fun to think about.
I finally understand how Tine's email sounded like he wants to kiss/sleep with Sarawat now. Got it. I was really slow on that, wooow....
Tine's dream is 👌
Sarawat's jacket is 🤤
Fun story (cuz this post isn't long enough already): before I started watching 2gether, I read a post about Tine's dream and that Sarawat turned into Green, but I didn't know Green was a name (and there were no capital letters to indicate that) so I thought that Sarawat must've turned into like a green monster or something in Tine's dream but nope! That's not what that meant!
After that email, I wonder what Sarawat thinks of his crush now. Lol.
I just noticed this bike statue 👌 I love public artwork so much sometimes
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Aaaaaaaaaand now that I've noticed the statue, I also noticed
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That when Tine crashes into the bush, he's somehow magically back at the statue and that little roundabout.
Aw. Okay. I'll give Green one (1) point. It's sweet that he got Tine and was sitting next to him with a smelling thing for Tine to wake up.
This girl Ann is precious. She's so cute.
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This is the shared student number party. I'm a little confused why there are so many people there? Is it multiple student number groups meeting up?
Tine goes from 0 to 100 energy wise real quick! "I'm a chic guy. I like to act cute!" He is so cute. You all know the rest of that speech.
Oh I'm dumb! Sarawat and Tine are both new incoming freshman! Sarawat probably recognized Tine from the concert, but he probably hasn't even seen Tine since then! For some reason I was thinking they've probably had the chance to see each other around University. I'm dumb. So everything Tine is doing, Sarawat has no context for, nothing to compare it to or anything.
Tine.... Breaking the phone..... The cringe.... The secondhand embarrassment.... I'm struggling. It hurts. Oh the pain....
Okay yay!! EPISODE 1: DONE! 😄
I hope you all enjoyed my commentary even though it was very very long. 😂😘
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polygamyff · 5 years
38. Part 4
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There is another reason why I didn’t want to sleep here, Robyn’ bed is not exactly big, I mean luckily for me I’m skinny but it’s not the biggest bed I’ve been in, it does mean I’m closer to Robyn but I can hear her whimpering in her sleep and it’s really upsetting me, now I can’t sleep. I can’t exactly move either, she is holding onto my arm. I’ve never heard Robyn whimper in her sleep before so this is new to me but also it’s just not what I want, she’s really hurt by him this time. I just don’t know what to do, keeping it from her just causes whole lot of shit for Terry but then telling her, she will be devastated and rightly so, her whole life has been a lie in regards to her father. This whole situation could have been avoided if he just stopped being selfish, just love her. I did honestly think I would have had a problem with my dad, I thought he would have never forgiven me for it, I thought he would have done a lot of things but he didn’t, he has been there for me and Robyn, it was nice to hear that he called her off of his own back. I think he did assume that Robyn was going to come after me for the money, which was not a thing, she didn’t care for it, I mean even I tested that out myself by not telling her the truth. I’m just very much nervous about this whole thing, I do hope it’s Thomas that says it seeing as he wants to be a bitch ass in this situation.
I faked my yawn as I stretched out, I felt Robyn starting to wake up and move around so I had to make out like I slept when I didn’t “are you awake?” Robyn said, it’s still dark outside so it’s like way early in the morning and she is awake “yeah I am, what’s up?” Feeling Robyn’ hand placed on my chest, the side of her face pressed against my chest “I’m just not sleeping well” opening my eyes slowly “same, I can’t sleep because you’re upset, it’s hurting me” placing my hand atop of hers “did I wake you?” Pulling her hand up, pressing a kiss to the tip of her fingers “no, you didn’t. Just can’t rest, I was thinking. I can’t wait to see you on the wedding day, how beautiful you will look” looking down at her, that made her smile “I can’t wait to see you without this beard, I just feel a little deflated. I just don’t feel like my life is supposed to be like this? I just don’t get it, I always said to you I wanted my daughter to have what I had, I was a daddy’s girl, he loved me and then he just done this to me, I don’t get it” now she is crying again “I am sorry, some people can’t be helped” I wish I could beat his ass again, my poor baby is crying again “sorry” Robyn got up “I am wetting your chest, I will be back” grabbing her arm “Bonita” I said, Robyn looked at me. It was a weird feeling to see, she dead ass looks like her real dad, she has his features “yes?” Robyn said breaking my train of thoughts “I love you, I don’t want you upset” reaching over and wiping her tear “I love you too” Robyn smiled at me but she is teary eyed “you are my pootie, let me go toilet” I don’t want her to go, I know what she is going to do, she is going to cry her eyes out.
Robyn just makes me so sad; I don’t like her being in this way at all. Robyn is crying in the toilet; she hasn’t come out “what is she like little momma” Reign in the morning makes me smile, her hair is all over and she is so cute and cuddly, she looks so lost too “morning queen” pressing a kiss to her cheek “Robyn, I will be in the bedroom” I said as I made my way to the bedroom, Reign rested her head against my shoulder “aww Mir Amor, you want snuggles” rubbing her back lightly, kicking the door shut and walking around the bed, moving my hand away from her back and she lifted her head up “what is it?” my little angel just staring at me “you want daddy to rub your back? OK, you lay back then” rubbing her back again and she laid her head back down “my little snuggle monster” slowly sitting down on the bed and shuffling back, moving my hand away from Reign and then pushing myself back using my hand. Reign is really out here demanding back rubs, she is lifting her head up again “yes ma’am?” staring back at her, I don’t know who she is staring at like this. She placed her head back on my shoulder, she is a damn diva with these back rubs “come on now” moving Reign from off of my shoulder and placing her on the bed, grabbing the pillows at the side of me which is Robyn’ pillows but placed them behind Reign “let’s prop you up so you can see daddy face” Reign grinned at me “daddy hand hurt baby, I can’t keep on rubbing your back. Your daddy is broken, I am slowly breaking” I chuckled, touching her hand. My hand is looking very sore, pushing back Reign’ hair after “you can look at daddy” I need to check on some emails and messages, I have a lot of updates to look at.
Deleting the email and going onto the next email “you see this Reign, so I got an email from Nike. So listen to this Reign, leave boo thang alone” taking the bear from her “it says, Hi Mr Davenport, it’s John Donahoe, we met at the fashion show. I would like to use your New York hotel for a meeting for my partners, we will be inviting Lebron James, as we are developing the new set of sneakers and clothing line. I want to also fulfil a deal we both spoke on which was opening an exclusive Nike store in your Dubai hotel, alongside the likes of Gucci. Looking forward to hearing from you, John” looking at Reign “now I remember I met him, he thought he was special, I asked him Reign about opening a store in my Dubai hotel. He thought I was funny, but he didn’t see my idea, my plan, my vision. Reign, the hotel has it’s own island, with it’s own mall in there, I have the likes of Burberry, Gucci, Hermes there. Now he wants to come to me, laughable. See with business, they all fake, they all come back” Reign lifted her arms up to me “sure, but Reign. I will teach you the ways” picking her up and placing Reign on my lap “so I will leave this on read, I don’t care who he is” the bedroom door opened “I am back” side eyeing Robyn “all that time?” I said, “I went downstairs” letting on oh “then who the hell was I talking too in the bathroom?” shaking my head “yourself maybe, I just went to have some water. She is awake, Maurice she adores you so much. I get jealous” Robyn climbed on the bed “baby she loves you too” Robyn sat next to me on the bed.
Robyn is feeding Reign upstairs so I came down, I am hungry too “morning friend” Leon said “hey, you stayed the night?” he got up from the couch “yeah, I couldn’t sleep, the same with mom. She’s just been here worrying” walking over to the dining table “you look terrible, I mean so do I” pulling the chair back “I contacted Thomas, he said to me that it’s your daughter. I want out” Terry shook her head “I have no tears for that man, but he is right. She is my daughter; she is my blood, so this is my issue. It’s over for Thomas and I, we spoke and I said it’s over, I ended it and he said things but I don’t care. Now I have stayed awake all night thinking, and I did this” Terry paused “I want my daughter to have the best start to life, to a marriage. Why enter a new lease of life with this burden that I did, I wanted to protect her, I wanted my daughter to have a dad, I wanted her to have love and he did do that. Just he slipped away, he thought he was losing Robyn and there was no bond there. He hated me for it but it’s not true, he has broken her heart already. Maurice you got to promise me you will never break her heart, when you make her a Davenport that will give Robyn a purpose, a difference, a change she needs when she finds out. I want her to be a Davenport as quickly as possible, because Willis is something she won’t be. Please don’t ever hurt her, I love that girl so much so I need you to promise me” nodding my head “I got so much respect for you Terry, you know that” she is getting me teary eyed “I want to tell her, the truth. Because she will enter married life not knowing why, it’s killing her more being this way, it’s horrible and I hate Thomas for this” taking in a deep breath “we got this Maurice” Leon grabbed my arm “how is she supposed to move on from it, tell me this?” I said, I am just so sad “she will, for you. She has you Maurice, and she will move on with you” Terry really believes in me but I don’t believe in me “why can’t we just wait for after the wedding, I have to sleep in the bed with Robyn when she is whimpering in her sleep, it’s wrong. But then I also don’t want her to enter married life with this issue” looking at Leon “what you think?” I asked him “you’re her best friend, you have known her longer than I have” he has to help me out here “I think” Leon drifted off “I think my friend deserves to know, she needs to know this is not her fault because she will be thinking she did something wrong when she has done nothing wrong. Terry is right, she needs to know, she needs to know that she has done nothing wrong and she does have you. The sooner she is your wife, the better so she has nothing to do with him” I guess I am outnumbered with it “fine” I mumbled, what more can I say.
I am put off my food now, I don’t want breakfast anymore. My phone started ringing in my hand, it’s my dad so I will pick up. Answering the call “dad” I said down the phone, we are all waiting for Robyn to come down, but she isn’t at all, I wish she would “where are you? I rang the hotel, you’re not there son?” I stifled out a yawn, I never said it to him “I am in Cali, I told you about me wanting to get married to Robyn on her birthday, so she came here to tell the family so yeah. That is what is happening, when are you coming back? How is Tokyo? Mom said she hates the food there” rubbing the top of my head “have you ate Maurice?” looking at Robyn, she is here “your mom doesn’t like how they make the food here but she is well, losing weight” I can hear my mom shouting in the background which made me laugh “yes you did say it, you wanted to do it at the home in Texas, well if that is what you want then by all means use the home. We will be back in time for it, of course but you need to have family there Maurice, private includes my brothers ok” rolling my eyes “sure, but Robyn and I don’t want anything to eat. Just sit down here for me. Dad I know, I get what you mean but I don’t want them there, but I don’t have a say in that, just sort me out with the home. Sort the ball room out for me. And tell mom to use her useful skills for a party. Also, can you tell Ally, email John back tell him I don’t need his Nike store in my hotel but he can use my hotel for the meeting, also tell Ally I approve of the time off, and one more thing. I am happy with what you sent. I need to go now, thank you” my dad went out of his way to do this for me “noted, see you soon son” disconnecting the call “sorting things out” I said to Robyn “I can tell, what do you want? I literally came down to feed you” licking my top lip “and I appreciate it, uhm I think your mom wants to speak to you” I don’t know what else to say “I was thinking why everyone was sat around the table, is this like a pre-wedding meeting” Robyn said, rubbing my face not really wanting this to happen but it is out of my hands “Robyn, there is something I really need to tell you, it’s something that has always been a burden to me but I thought things would have been different for us” Robyn’ face look very nervous now, she knows it’s serious.
Terry has her pictures ready “am I in trouble? Mom you did this to me when you assumed I was whoring myself, when I was not doing anything” Leon snorted laughing “you remember when your mom placed the pregnancy test on the table and it was Tiffany’ oh my god, your mom was so angry. Chile. She ain’t shit, like she got us all in trouble and you got the blame for it. Terry was like Robyn you need to be a surgeon, you can’t be pregnant” Leon laughed “you kids are terrible but please, it’s serious now” squinting my eyes at Robyn “you whore yourself out?” I said, Robyn scoffed “be quiet I didn’t, it was Tiffany. I was choosy who I did that with” we are going off course now “sure” I mumbled “your mom wants to speak to you” I said to her “and I am listening Maurice” Robyn retorted back to me “thank you Maurice, Robyn what has happened with Thomas is not your fault and never has been. You have been dragged into the mess and it’s my fault I would say, I wanted you to have the best. I wanted you to have the love and Robbie, you did. You are so loved but the things that happened with Thomas, it’s not your fault at all” Terry looked down at the table and took in a deep breath “mom, are you crying? It’s ok, I don’t blame you either. He is lost in his own mind” Robyn said “just listen to me Robyn, just please don’t speak for me. I just want you to listen. I want you to know that none of this was your fault, everything that happened was our fault, ok?” Terry’ voice broke, I don’t know how I would have reacted if my dad said he wasn’t my dad, this is going to break hearts, this broke my heart to hear but it depends which side of the story she starts with “when I gave birth to you, it was the best moment of my life Robyn. But then I also lost a piece of me when I gave birth to you, I lost my womb so that is why I could never have another child, this is why I never ever gave you another sibling like you asked, it was the most traumatic thing to happen to me but Thomas was there for us, and I had you at the end of it. Best moment of my life baby is you. I am not regretful of what happened to me, I got you. You have been the best daughter to me but that did strain Thomas and I, now what I am going to tell you Robyn. It’s hard, I have kept this away because it’s something we agreed on, we moved on and as a family that was it, but he let me down. He let us down and I have no choice because I don’t want you to blame yourself because it is not your fault, it had never been your fault in this” I don’t want to look at Robyn but I just looked to the side of me at Leon, he put his head down “mom you’re literally scaring me, what is it? I’m adopted?” She laughed nervously “I mean that is bullshit, I look like you” Robyn said.
I think Terry is finding it hard to say it “before Thomas Robyn, I was with another man. I met him and we fell quick, we was inseparable” every time Terry talks about him, she smiles and I feel for her because she lost out because of dumb shit “for those four months, and I counted the months, the weeks, the days with him, the hour until I saw him because we was close but we argued. That one night, and I say it to you Robyn, do not argue with the man you love and you’re always getting annoyed with me but we argued Robyn, I went to sleep angry. Woke up to find out he died in a shooting” Terry sighed out “Cali gangs, he wanted to make easy money. And erm” my eyes slowly diverted to Robyn “no” Robyn said as her voice broke “I never got to tell him I was pregnant, with you. I never told him but I kept you” Robyn shook her head “no, mom. Don’t say that” Robyn shakily placed her hand over her mouth “Robbie I am sorry” Robyn pushed her chair back, she looked at me “no” she heaved out “Robyn” getting up from the chair “no!” she shouted “you all knew, you all knew! How could you” she got up from the chair walking off, she held the wall. Utter silence in the room and then her cry left her lips, before Robyn fell to the ground I wrapped my arms around her and held her against me as she cried out, she is in pain and it’s hurting my heart too.
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douxreviews · 5 years
Legends of Tomorrow - ‘The Getaway’ Review
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"My friends and I here are time travelers, we’ve kidnapped Nixon and we’re headed to Disneyworld."
The Legends serve up a giant sugary treat to help us get down a couple of awkward bitter pills. They don't need to get to Disneyworld, we're on an emotional rollercoaster already.
See what I did there?
There is a philosophy of screen-writing that, if at all possible, having the protagonist confront their emotional problem should be the solution to solving whatever their plot-related problem might be. See, for example, Craig Owens defusing a spaceship by declaring his unspoken love, or more subtly, Willow's lies finally being brought to light curing the Scooby Gang's amnesia.
It's easy to see this as being formulaic, but really it's just a matter of solid storytelling and remembering to give your narrative an emotional core. With the caveat that if it's done too awkwardly it's a one way ticket to schmaltz-town. See, for example, Craig Owen blowing up Cybermen with the power of father-love.
So, when I observe that this episode of Legends of Tomorrow is a textbook example of solid comedy overlaid onto a situation wherein one character is avoiding dealing with the emotional consequences of recent events, only to pivot to heartbreaking pain and reconciliations as the characters learn to honestly deal with their emotions, that's not a criticism. Doing that kind of thing well is a real skill, and they pull it off here quite well. Again, "Tabula Rasa" is a great example of the all-comedy to suddenly-way-too-real-drama pivot. It's done badly much more often than it's done well, so what we have here is well worth praising.
It helps enormously that the jokes in the jokey parts are pretty much all laugh-out-loud funny. The swallowable bug that makes you tell only the truth is 100% uncut phlebotinum, but it's grade-A phlebotinum, and it leads to Mick Rory confessing his desire to grow out his hair like Fabio, so let's all agree to cherish it forever. The phlebotinum-iness of it is made even more easy to take due to the fact that it's only used to cause Sara to blurt out those hurtful truths to Mona, which drives Mona away from the team. The painful truths that Sara has to confront to fix the situation, in which she both confesses how much she's hurt by the loss of Ava and how much she's failed Mona by not being there for her are all completely coming from herself and her own heart, which gives them genuine emotion and validity far beyond 'magic made me say it' plot contrivances.
The takeaway here, future screenwriters, is that you can only use the phlebotinum for the jokes. The genuine emotional responses have to be just that – genuine. I promise that that's the last time I will use the term phlebotinum in this review.
But we have to also acknowledge something about this episode. All the jokes and the post-breakup heartache and teambuilding are at least partially on display here to help us to get past the one, big, awkward, clunky plot correction that this episode needed to make happen.
This was the episode that needed to make Hank Heywood not the villain of the season anymore.
It will be interesting, later on, to find out exactly when and to what extent the plans for the season changed, but it seems abundantly clear that change they did. The Hank of the first half of the season was an unmitigated bastard, with the occasional moment of charm. He was being built up to be the face of the 'government turns monsters into evil monster soldiers' plotline. At least, it seems reasonably clear that that was what was happening to the monsters. That wasn't a spoiler, just my assumption about what Hank was doing with the monsters when he had them tortured. However, at some point they appear to have decided that Hank needed to be redeemed, and so we do a lot of back-paddling here in a short space of time to justify Hank suddenly deciding to let the Legends go when he finally had them dead to rights in order to make things right with his son.
Now, that's a fair story to tell, and I think they would have pulled it off easily if that's where they'd been intending to go all along. But here, in this episode, it feels very much like a retcon/course correction, and I just didn't buy it. Having the demon Neron in Dez' body kill Hank immediately after his redemption, and setting up things so that Nate thinks Nora killed him, thereby setting up a Nate/Hank rift, just felt contrived to me. I'm sorry about that, because the rest of this episode was fantastic, but there it is.
Still, we shouldn't complain too much over one awkward bit of plot housekeeping. It was great to see all the Legends together, more or less, and a road trip in an RV was just what they needed.
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Aim for the horsies!  Wait... .wrong show...
So what have we learned today?
We've learned to stop asking questions, since nobody seems to care about causality anymore. The Legends can watch Nixon's 'incorrect' version of the 'Not A Crook' speech from a future vantage point, then go back to change it so it doesn't happen. But then Mona becoming a were-kaupe in the middle of a restaurant goes totally unnoticed by history, not to mention the theft of an RV and a patrol car.
I don't know, I think maybe I should just enjoy having a show with time travel in it that doesn't get too concerned about temporal physics. As the MST3K them song so eloquently stated, 'If you're wondering where he eats or sleeps, or other science facts/ Then repeat to yourself, "it's just a show, I should really just relax."'
Sound advice.
Everybody remember where we parked.
Nixon's famous 'I am not a crook' quote was from a televised Q & A that was, in fact, at Disneyworld on November 17, 1973. The Legends pick Nixon up pre-emptively in Washington D.C. a few days before that, but apparently Nixon's truth telling was already an observed problem by the White House staff. We hope that after the events shown they got around to going back for Charlie. The running joke of realizing that they'd forgotten her was very, very funny. I'd forgotten her too, the first time it came up.
The Time Bureau still appears to be in 2018, although they didn't directly say so. Zari once again appears to be a conduit between the 2018 Bureau and wherever in time the Legends are at the time. It's just a show. I should really just relax.
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Abrupt redemption arcs can be quite painful.
Mick: "What? No Redford? No Sundance. No indie film. No artful nudity. We gotta fix this!"
Gary: "I’ve always wanted to untangle a conspiracy. I’ll need a bulletin board… index cards… I already have yarn, I’ve been getting into crochet." Zari: "Yeah? Me too." Gary: "We should start a club." Zari: "We’ll talk."
Mona: "Grrr."
Agent: "Here that? The truth. Something is very wrong with the President."
Hank: "Siri… Alexa… Gideon! Fire up the ship!"
John: "A bit on the nose, no?" Sara: "We left subtle back in Mexico."
Mona: "You know, I’ve never been in a car that’s a room before."
John: "Not to bother you, but we’ve lost the ship, drugged the President, and I’m stuck in the back with her."
Sara: "Maybe it’s best if we all just don’t talk."
Sara: "Maybe that’s what family is – the family you don’t mind being annoyed by."
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Bits and pieces:
-- The group truth telling scene was comedy gold.
-- It looks like they're definitely setting up Zari and Nate as a couple. Sigh. Oh well, I'll learn to live with it.
-- We finally get a Ray and Mick pairing on their own mission, and we barely get to see any of it. That was disappointing.
-- No Ava this week. I wonder if that was for the plot convenience of Hank being in charge, or if Jes Macallan had another commitment. It was probably the right choice to take her completely off the board while we process things with Sara.
-- Several clever plot details this week. Zari's solution to communicating with the RV and Nate's plan for getting Hank's password were both nicely done.
-- This was the first time they've found a way to use Charlie's powers that didn't make her feel too powerful to be part of the team.
-- Whoever's idea it was for all of them to have changed into t-shirts that read,  'Barnes family vacation – Our family is a trip!' should be given anything they ask for, immediately.
-- John's little 'not really a speech' to Sara was a nice bit of dialogue writing.
-- Having a were-kaupe on the team who retains their personality and reason and who can transform on command kind of works.
-- Despite the way she was set up for being blamed for Hank's death being a little contrived, I like the way they got Nora back onto the board here. I hope they don't go the obvious route with Nate wanting revenge.
-- Did they ever give even a handwave explanation for why Zari is working at the Bureau and not on the Waverider now? I mean, from the Bureau's perspective. I get from Zari's point of view why she's there.
So much funny. So much emotional honestly. Just a little bit of clunky plot mechanics.
Three out of four forbidden red toilet buttons.
Mikey Heinrich is, among other things, a freelance writer, volunteer firefighter, and roughly 78% water.
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jooheonspinky · 6 years
Lure of the Lore 2
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Word Count: 1.7K
Two days later I had the answer to my question. I’d been texting and then calling Changkyun after a day of silence and was getting no responses. Worried, I called an Uber to take me to his home. I knocked and rang the doorbell a few times, but there was no answer.
    “Changkyun! It’s me, Y/N,” I call loudly before pressing my ear to the door.
    There is a faint, muffled groan from inside. Rustling my keys out of my purse, I locate the spare he’d given me and let myself in. Closing up behind me I shoot up a prayer that I was not about to interrupt something...intimate.
    Heading down the hall, I tentatively call his name, “Changkyun-ah? Is that you?”
    It doesn’t take long for me to get my response. I find him in the bathroom face shoved in the toilet as he releases his stomach’s contents into it. I quickly grab a hand towel and moisten it with cool tap water. Pressing it against his forehead I use my other hand to rub his back trying to sooth him as best I can.
    “Thanks,” he mumbles weakly when nothing more comes up.
    Helping him stand, I walk him to his bedroom. Changkyun falls in a heap onto his bed. Finding a throw, I cover him up. He looks so pale with purple circles tinting the skin beneath his eyes. What if the wolf had been rabid and this was his body trying to fight the infection?
    “I think I should take you to the hospital,” I fret as I wring my hands nervously.
    “Don’t,” comes the weak reply.
    I press my lips together as I stare down at him, not liking his retort. Dammit!
    “At least let me make you some soup to help ease your stomach. I’ll bring some Tylenol for the fever and chills.”
    He nods and as I look up it is then that I realize he has taken down all of his fantasy posters. His lore magazines are in the garbage next to his desk. Anything that has to do with the supernatural and fantastical world…are gone from around his room.
    Sighing, I hurry to the kitchen to make him a chicken soup. When it’s ready, I only place the broth in a cup. I bring along a water bottle and a few tablets of medicine to help fight off whatever he is battling.
    Helping him sit up, I pass him the opened bottle and the tablets. With a little difficulty, he swallows them. I then gave him the warm soup and watch to make sure he drinks that as well.
    “I’m really worried about you,” I finally speak as I dab at his clammy forehead.
    He smiles wanly, his voice low as he tries to reassure me. “I’ll be ok.”
    Setting the cup down, I lean over for a hug. I hate to see him like this. Changkyun wasn’t one to get sick much. I pat his back as he returns the gesture. His arms tighten around me while he presses his nose into my neck and inhales deeply.
    “Y/N…you smell so…,” he murmurs as he takes in another breath. “-different.”
    His embraced becomes even more constricting. My heart begins to race as fear grips me just as strongly as my best friend is.
    Nervous laughter bubbles up from me. “Ok… That’s enough hugging for today.” He resists for a moment as I struggle to tug myself from his arms and stand. “Don’t want to catch what you have…in case it’s contagious.”
    It sounds like I’m making excuses to get away from him and I pray he doesn’t sense it. Changkyun’s eyes narrow on mine and I shiver. They appear darker than his usual warm chocolatey eyes. And there is a hunger in them I’ve never seen before. There is something predatory like in them that has me taking a step back.
    With a shake of his head, he coughs and a flush of pink spreads across his pallid cheeks. “Yeah sorry. I think it’s best you go. I’ll call you if I need anything.”
    Nodding, I rush out feeling as if I couldn’t get away fast enough.
    And that’s how I end up back at Monsters, Mutants, and Oddities just an hour after leaving Changkyun’s place.
I shouldn’t fear my best friend. I shouldn’t want to get away from him when he clearly was not well. And maybe his superstitions and beliefs in the supernatural has finally rubbed off on me –or perhaps I’ve just gone crazy- but I was starting to believe the anger, the illness and the…weird reaction to the hug… all had to do with that bite. Wonho had to know something and I was going to find out what.
    Paying the fee, I enter the now familiar cyclops opening of the tent and make my way through the exhibits quickly. Being a work night, the place was empty save for three other people. I linger back, waiting for them to leave.
    I know the moment Wonho realizes I’m there, hiding in the shadows, because he stiffens. From my vantage point, I can see clearly as his chin lifts up while his nose crinkles. It’s as if he’s sniffing the air. Seeming to find a scent, his head dips down as he squints his eyes and turns my way. It was so akin to a canine catching a whiff of his hunt and preparing itself to charge after it. Though I am blocked by the branches and leaves of a decorative tree, I sense that he could see me clearly and were it not for the cage he was trapped in, he’d probably stalk me down.
  I remain hidden, staying as still as possible while the others ask Wonho questions and laugh off everything he says. Once I notice the three have left, I step out of the shadows and walk forward cautiously.
    “Can’t seem to get enough of me?” he teases flirtatiously.
    Ignoring his toying words, I think it best to introduce myself before asking for help.
    “Wonho is it?” I ask, trying my best to keep my voice from trembling. He cocks an eyebrow before nodding once. Out of habit, I move closer and offer a hand courteously. “My name is Y/N and I’m here on behalf of my best friend Changkyun.”
    Lightning fast, his hand reaches through the bars to clasp mine. Too late I realize my mistake. He yanks me forward, my other hand grasping a bar just in time to keep myself from crashing against it.
    “You dare stick your hand into a wolf’s den?” he growls fiercely, his face so close to mine. He tisks, “You are either very stupid or very brave.”
    Flustered, I tug at my hand, struggling to free myself. His grip is extremely strong!
    “I just need help for my friend,” I grit out, my heart pulsing rapidly in my throat.
    Wonho holds on a moment longer, a grin spreading across his lips as he brings them down towards the back of my hand. He presses his mouth there briefly and I inhale sharply as a spark of electricity tingles up my arm. His eyes widen in surprise, apparently also feeling it. They snap up to meet mine, a questioning look in them before he finally releases me. He retreats to the furthest part of his cage.
    “What do you need?” All playfulness is completely gone from him now. “I will do what I can to help you.”
Not wanting to lose the opportunity to question him, I decide not to dwell on his sudden change in demeanor.
“What do you know of the wolf that was in here a few days ago?” I plead. “It bit my friend and I need to know if it had rabies.”
Wonho scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest, “I do not have rabies!” 
“Cut the crap,” I scowl. “This is serious! He’s really sick!”
Wonho stomps back towards me. “I’m telling the truth. Look into my eyes.”
And I do. Again I realize they looked exactly like the wolf’s had and a chill crawls up my spine. Holy crap! Werewolves were real!
“This is crazy,” I whisper incredulously.
“But you believe me,” he urges. “I can see it in your face. You know I’m telling the truth.”
“All this time,” I murmur walking back and forth. “I thought Changkyun was foolish for believing in such things, but turns out I’m the fool.” Giving my head a shake, I do my best to calm down. “Well...you bit my friend...does that mean he’s going to turn into one of you?”
“Your friend, he seemed very familiar to me,” he states pensively. “There was a connection… Did you say his name is Changkyun?”
    Wonho seems to hold his breath as he waits for me to confirm it.
    “Yes,” I nod.
    Eyes broadening, he then asks, “Does he have a mark on his hip in the shape of a sideways hourglass? Like this?”
    He draws it out in the air and goosebumps spread across my arms.
    “Yes,” I whisper breathily.
    Wonho’s eyes widen even more as excitement starts to build.
    “Then he is the missing one! My little cousin! I can’t believe this!”
    I stumble back.
    “What did you say?”
    I could hardly hear over the buzzing in my skull. Changkyun had family?!
    “Miss! I see you’ve returned.”
    I startle, twirling around to face the exit. It was Richard. That pain in the…
    “Yes,” I offer a small exasperated smile before returning my saucer-like eyes to Wonho.
    He’s retreated to the back again.
    “Planning on becoming a VIP member or are you trying to woo my werewolf?” Richard laughs at his not funny at all comment. Drying none existent tears, he adds, “I do appreciate your business, young lady, but I’m afraid it’s closing time.”
    “I’m so sorry,” I apologize, my heart sinking. “I lost track of time.”
    “Well, come along then.”
    I follow Richard reluctantly, turning to mouth ‘I’ll be back’ to Wonho who nods his understanding. Once out in the parking lot I order an Uber and wait anxiously for the driver to arrive. What an evening. Though I didn’t find out anything that could help me with Changkyun, I still had life changing news to share with him. Before I tell him, I need to find out more. I will return the next day, but not during business hours.
    As the Uber driver pulls up, it dawns on me that if Wonho was really a werewolf, then he was there against his will. I needed to figure out a way to help him out as well!
Thank you for reading!
Part 1| 2| 3
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carissabrigham-blog · 7 years
Make Trailer Themes Party, Playing Truck Games
When choosing wedding shower games, one should be keen to pick games that are all inclusive, that is games that include the whole group and whose focus is more on fun that individual talent. Games that require skill are not suitable. To make it an appropriate moment, you should choose either relationship building games or games of chance. All this however depend on the guests you anticipate. There are times when games of skill work best. There are several games that you may choose to entertain your guests. Some of these involve many people while others can played by relatively are smaller number. One of these wedding shower games is the Toilet Paper Wedding Dress game. To play this game you should divide your guests in two teams. You may however do more teams than two depending on the number of your guests. Each team should have at least three people. Let each group choose a bride among of their own. The bride need not be a lady. Thereafter allocate time for each group to make a wedding dress for and on their chosen bride. This time should be approximately twenty minutes. Afterwards, let the guests vote for the most creative, best and funniest dress. You may give prizes to the winners. Another interesting and entertaining game among the many wedding shower games available is the Clothespin game. To play this game, you start by choosing a buzz word. This can be a word such as groom, maids, and wedding among others. As each guest enters the venue of the party make sure you hand him a clothespin. If any guest hears another mentioning the buzz word he or she should take that other guest's clothespin. It could also be done in such a way that a guest losses his or her pin on crossing his or her legs. The second version of the game will of course see many ladies lose their pins because they are notorious for this. TAnother game that could make the evening special is the Cotton Head game. For this game, choose a guest and make him or her sit in the middle of the room. Grant her a bowl full of balls made of cotton then blindfold him or her. The objective is make the guests pile as many balls on the blindfolded guest as possible. This should be done within the least time possible. It is recommended that a timeframe of thirty seconds will make the game fun to play. The guest who piles most balls on the blindfolded guest emerges the winner and gets the prize. You can choose to play Two Truths and a Lie. This is a wedding game that involves each guest. Each guest introduces themselves and tells the others two truths and one lie, that is a total of three things. The guests in the mean time write these things down and they shout aloud what they opine to be a lie. Some guests are shy and need help to play. The host can aid the guest in case he or she is shy by whispering in his or her hear some clues or ideas of a lie, that is if she does not have any. One should underscore the fact that wedding shower games are meant to spice up the evening. If played joyously they should make the moment memorable. The list of wedding shower games and ideas for planning the perfect marriage is quite long. In this fact game the public race inside the clock and on other rivals. You have can multiply mountains; switch through valleys and traverse the waters. The most important playing experience varies for each performance. At that place are two-player games so you can play via your lover. This promises that you have don't exercise into any trouble or increases chances of back again. You in many cases can enjoy sometimes even better graphics card as easily as amazing trucks and then tracks toward get most of the most!
So keep on still having Funny Video game titles. Clear ranges to have stars 2 . the swifter you go, the increased stars owners get. The addon of each 3D plastic was a trustworthy treat, nevertheless , no autobahn game may well be strummed otherwise.it simply HAD on the way to be of three shape! Monster wheels- you have fun using a particular car so has monstrous wheels. You can possibly also handpick and personalize your modelled truck's! Some truck games might contain you auto racing off-road within the wasteland or outdoor panorama. Nevertheless the a great number popular automobile game type is ones classic automobile racing. As the individual rack back up titles concerning winning, you can expect to unlock vibrantly designed routes that assessment your abilities more with more such as the levels increase. Most people cannot say you take great delight in driving but also not disk the Autobahn. Across addition, these people can grab as multiple kinds related to cars chances are they desire as start within order to mix and in addition match set up their favorites. Most workers prefer truck games because several more than playing playing it, they obtain an small business opportunity of trying to practice their driving expertise. In just this article we are really covering an best console games (including school apps) designed for kids on to iPad. There is certainly a wide selection of machine truck games for players to choose and consequently you could certainly write your reviews for the exercise in often the box listed. Certainly, there are exceptional that have become being experienced right so but most of the most perfectly known that will most certainly be always on the inside demand tend to be the racing games. And are blessed with you highly regarded how rather and moderately the children are? However, equally like other games, they have time for keep applying for we to immaculate your challenge. Available Online Car Games For Children In this society when we hear the word games, we automatically think of kids or children. In reality, no adult is too old to be playing games. I have seen people well in their senior age, and still enjoy the feeling of playing games online. In recent years, the trend from parking games has been on a significant growth. The main reason is due to the fact that parking is real life is not as easy as it looks. It requires a lot of practice, and people find many online games to practice their parking. These car games are not only popular with kids but with adults too. The most popular car game is probably Need for Speed, which is an addiction for most people. In fact, these games have totally revolutionized the concept of online games. These days kids have taken to these car games like a fish to water! And this is only fair because these games are extremely enjoyable, thrilling and not to mention, addictive as well. For kids who are interested in car games (of course racing ones), Need for Speed is recommended, it is not only extremely popular but some even refer to it as the king of all car games. Other recommended games are Monster Truck Madness, NASCAR '09, Dirt 2, Midnight Club, Burnout Paradise, Formula 1 Grand Prix, etc. However these need to be downloaded because they are computer games. There are tons of free online parking games to choose from. Each game varies in design, skills, and tasks. You can choose from various types of levels as well. If you would like something easy, then you would opt for the basic level. In many games, there are only three main levels ie: easy, moderate and expert. After you select one, you would begin from Level 1 and move your way up to the end of the game. As the game progresses, it will get tougher. Most of these racing car games for kids are good for your children because this game is educational are strategically so your children will not only enjoy the game he or she can also learn from the game. Race car games can also be played online, so your children will be challenge and will learn how to compete with other players. The eager if your children to win will make him or her tougher by means of making his own strategy to win the game. Your children will also gain confidence and will learn to solve his problem by own idea. Race car games for kids can also be downloaded so your children can play it even if they are not online. And this is the magic of these games. They just incorporate some very simple concepts: unique gameplay, simple controls and crisp graphics. This is a universal recipe for success in the gaming industry and because of that, people of any age can engage into them. It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl, you won't have any trouble in understanding its basic rules. Fuck me, at this rate I'm gonna have to find a real car for all my masturbation needs. He does kinda have a point, though: a lot of realistic racing games are as much about flashy, sometimes obnoxious car culture as they are cars. I feel like Forza Horizon 2 takes that to an almost ridiculous extreme with its impossible dream vacation car heaven populated largely by insufferable douchebags. So maybe a return to simpler times is needed. Something a bit more gritty, a lot less glamorous. You probably know that car games are deceptively simple: Follow the race course going as fast as you possibly can. How hard can that be? You've been following the same basic principles since you played car racing games on your old Commodore 64 system. Except that now, with the advent of 3D and a few other high-tech complications, game developers can bank the turns, create more dramatic spin-outs, and make the steering both more demanding and more precise. Some of the best racing car games have managed to revolutionize the definition of PC games. Most of the children and adults are just attracted by racing car games in the same way as fish is attracted towards water. Some of the best games are certainly thrilling, enjoyable and addictive. With the growing popularity of online games, the trend for developing more popular racing car games is increasing, so that your kid can enjoy and play them over the internet. One of the best things is that most websites do offer these games for free so you can always be sure that your kids can enjoy playing them. One of the most popular games is Raft Wars , a great flash game made by Bubblebox. The game features Simon, a normal baby who was enjoying a normal day at the beach with his brother until they found something not so normal: a treasure with gold and diamonds! Of course, they aren't the only one that want the treasure, so Simon and his brother are overrun by pirates and other enemies. Simon and his brother therefore board their trusty raft and fight back. Discover our own exclusive car games, that have a special focus on game design and accuracy of game-play, just to give you an almost real feeling of actually being behind the wheels of some of the best world super-cars. Convince yourself of the extra special care and attention we give to each driving experience and enjoy the best car cames , right here on our site. There are different ways to play these games and these really never ends. Even the people, around objects and many other things, curves, where cars act as in real life while trying to drift on turns, you will eventually see yourself playing drifting games as well, where cars act as in real life while trying to drift on turns. The funny games are really funny in sense. Indeed, advances in email marketing software have made it easier than ever to merge car washes and email marketing. Car washes used to rely on newspaper advertisements and word-of-mouth to generate new business, but newspapers are all but dead as a medium and word-of-mouth can't compare to the reach generated by the relationship between car washes and email marketing. Car washes can also distribute the message as frequently as they wish. For example, messages can be sent out after winter storms turn roads into snowy and muddy messes. And when the weather is at the other end of the spectrum, an email can be sent out reminding customers how good a freshly washed car looks in the sunlight. These specially timed messages—as well as regularly scheduled emails—will do a great job of generating walk-up" business. People might know they need to get one or more of their cars washed, but may not be moved to actually do it until they get a reminder in their inbox! But do not distract your mind from the other objective of relaxation and relieving your tensions. It is fun and entertaining as well as exciting to play these online games. Younger people tend to do this more often than the middle aged people but you may be surprise at the number of middle aged people finding it very exciting and entertaining. In some places you have to go the places or venues where these free car racing games are offered but most people would rather do it online. Playing online is much easier than going out and go to these venues where they offer them. If you are a student or if you are struggling to make ends meet, it may be wise to get a used car. If you are getting a used car, try to make sure you get your car from a reputable dealership with good customer satisfaction ratings. Always get a CarFax report before you buy your used car. This will tell you how many previous owners the car has had and what condition it is in. Choose a car based on your needs. If you're going to be hauling a lot of equipment for your job, then it may be wise to get a pickup truck. There are many different types of pickup trucks out there that meet the needs of dozens of different income levels. If you're unsure about what you want, spend some time researching different types. Think about what types of material or items you'll commonly be hauling, and get a pickup truck that can meet that need. Milestone S.R.L. is also releasing Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo in 2015 (currently scheduled for the Fall), which will place its focus on rally driving simulation, bringing an unprecedented degree of realism to the genre. We haven't seen much from the game yet, but we have no doubt that Milestone will have another winning racing game on their hands this year.
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