#also this turned into a BJ hate post somehow I'm so fucking sorry I didn't mean for that to happen ghdskgdsgkdsklsdjjk BEEJ FANS DON'T LEAV
your post about charles was really good, and I agree that the narrative calls him out at the wrong moments but not always when he deserves it. Also agree that sometimes his crime was just being there. but it'll bug me if i don't say that in the smell of korea, it wasn't that they destroyed his french horn because he was playing it badly, it was because they asked him not to play it in the tent he shared with them because it was loud and they were trying to rest, and then when he refused, potter suggested alternate places to play, and he still said no. so like they went too far in destroying it, but it wasn't just 'he played badly so they destroyed his horn'
Hiii thank you so much for the feedback! I knew The Smell Of Music was not the best example for that post, but I was blanking on another specific instance at the time of writing, alas. I do always want to provide good evidence when discussing things, but also I have a terrible memory and I still haven't seen all of the show for various reasons, which is a car crash of a combination. I need a search engine specifically made to handle requests like "in which episode did BJ destroy the needle of Charles' record player and did Charles do anything to deserve that" so I can finally sound smart like the rest of mashblr QwQ.
Anyways, back on topic, I should also mention that I hope my post didn't come off as arguing that Charles gets punished for no reason or insufficient reasons--but for the wrong reasons, when compared to other awful things he does that he essentially just gets away with. The elaborate and protracted campaign against him in The Smell Of Music doesn't mean anything in isolation, but it becomes a problem when contrasted with the utter lack of anything similar in, say, Bottle Fatigue, in which BJ is just as if not more angry at Hawkeye for not drinking than at Charles for being a racist xenophobe. #CentristBJ
Anyways thank you again for caring about my silly little meta post! ^_^ We do so love discussing Charles here. At charlesemersonwinchesteriii.tumblr.com.
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