#also this banner start playin' nice and give me a bagpipe before it leaves
johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by anonymous)
The Doctor wasn’t sure there was anything that could salvage his day at this point. Sure, his shift was about to end - and thank whatever god watched over their calamity-ridden world for that - but what was he going to do with himself? No games he felt like playing, or shows he felt like watching...Hell, he didn’t even feel that hungry-
“Doctor?” There was a knock on his door. “Are you busy?”
“Just finishin’ up. Come on in, Bagpipe.”
She immediately did. “Do you have supper plans?”
“Uh...I wasn’t even sure I was gonna eat dinner, honestly-”
“What?! And just go to bed hungry?!” Bagpipe shook her head. “That just won’t do at all.”
The Doctor looked away from his computer to explain himself more efficiently...and saw the picnic basket in her hands. “You want to have a picnic? With me?”
“Sure do! Just the two of us, if you don’t mind. Wanna run a few things by you now that I’m more settled in.”
“Huh. Well, I’m not gonna turn you down after you already went and made a basket for us.” He got up from his chair and stretched, cracking just about every joint in his body as he did. “Ahhhh...much better. Did you already pick a spot for us, or are you open to a suggestion?”
She shook her head. “Wherever you have in mind works for me, Doctor...Do I have to call you Doctor?”
“Doc works, too. I’m not all that attached to my real name thanks to the amnesia.”
“Doc, huh? Alrighty.” She followed closely behind him as they left his office. “Do you like potatoes, Doc?” 
He smiled for the first time today. “I don’t get a lot of them, but I like them well enough.”
“Well I was thinkin’ we should start growin’ ‘em! That way we could have ‘em whenever we want, and it’d let me do some farmin’ again.”
“You really enjoy it that much?” The Doctor shrugged. “I can talk to some folks about it for you, but that sounds like a lot of work.”
Bagpipe nodded. “Oh don’t get me wrong, it is, but I’m real good at it, and it’s real rewardin’! ‘Specially if you’ll eat the potatoes I grow us...”
“Alright, here we are.” They’d arrived at an open deck with a large glass dome looking out at the sky behind the ship.
“Wow. This is mighty pretty, Doc.” She opened her basket and unfurled a plaid blanket. “Mind helpin’ me with the corners?”
He didn’t mind at all. “Hey, this blanket matches your skirt, doesn’t it?”
“Eh? Oh, I guess so. Didn’t even think of that...Maybe I shoulda found something else to wear.”
“Why would you go and do that?” The Doctor cocked his head innocently.
She sighed. “I’ve never understood city folk’s high fashion and all that, but...I wanna be cute, ya know? I don’t need to walk into a room and have the guys hooting and hollering like they do for Blaze or Skadi...But a lil’ attention now and again would be nice.”
“..Huh?” Going from innocence to confusion, his head flopped to the other side. “You don’t think you’re cute?”
“Wouldn’t folks say somethin’ if I was?”
He chuckled. “Some folks might. I dunno if they think that’s what you wanna hear.”
“Well, I do.” Bagpipe started unpacking the meal she’d made. “Alright, I found some potatoes, so I made a couple shepherd’s pies. Chicken, lamb, pork, steak, take your pick.”
“They’re still warm, too. Wow...These look amazin’, Bagpipe.”
She smiled. “Well, it’s all about how they taste, ain’t it? Let’s dig in.”
The Doctor started on the pork pie and did not regret his choice. “Man alive...You did such a good job on these.”
“As long as it ain’t fancy, I can make whatever you like, Doc.”
“Anything, huh?” He stood up, tin in hand, and sat closer to her. Much closer. “Can I tell you somethin’?”
Bagpipe nodded. “If I can tell you somethin’ right after.”
“That’s fine by me. You’re not just cute, Bagpipe; you’re adorable.”
“...Aww, shucks.” She blushed wildly, normally invisible freckles revealing themselves. “You’re not just sayin’ that, are ya?”
He leaned closer. “I wouldn’t pull your chain like that.”
“Thing is, if you were just cute, I wouldn’t be sittin’ here with you right now.” The Doctor pulled back. “You know, there are plenty of good-lookin’ people workin’ here, but a lot of ‘em are mean, or shy, or somethin’ else that throws a wrench in tryin’a date ‘em. Then there’s you - you’re hard working, cute as a button, tough as nails, a great cook. I can’t find a flaw in you to save my life.”
She sniffed, wiping a tear from her eye. “Doc, you’re bein’ too sweet on me. I don’t wanna spoil the mood, so I’ll talk to ya about that one thing later...But while we’re here, how about we call this a first date?”
“Shoot, I’m willin’ to shoot straight to callin’ you my girlfriend, if that’s something you’re in’rested in.”
“More than you’ll ever know, I reckon.” They looked at each other for a moment before Bagpipe tapped his nose with a finger. “Boop.”
The Doctor chuckled as she started tidying up. “What was that about...hon? Does ‘hon’ work for you?”
“Sure, darlin’.”
“...I just got chills.” He shivered. “So much better than ‘Doc,’ ain’t it?”
She moved the basket to the other side of her. “It sure is. Well, I should take the leftovers back home...You wanna come with me?”
“That a question?” He yawned as he stood up to help her fold the blanket.
“Gettin’ tired, darlin’?” Saying it out loud was pure bliss. “Only wish there was a proper hay bale to nap on.”
The thought came to mind before he had a chance to filter it. “Well, a bed oughta be just fine.”
“Well, that didn’t take more than a minute.” Bagpipe slid the blanket into the basket with a wry grin.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he sighed. “I’m just so happy, I-”
Basket over her shoulder, she grabbed him by both of his and pulled him within inches of her face, arms settling behind his neck. “You ain’t gotta apologize for sayin’ what we’re both thinkin’.”
“...I love ya already.”
“And I’ve loved ya for awhile now.” Her eyes flashed to his lips and back. “You gonna make a move, darlin’, or are we just gonna stand here?”
The light in his eyes only disappeared when they closed for the kiss.
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