#also there's the whole “the plant he gave him is representative of his estranged son which makes giving it to him pretty fucking gay” thing
penofwildfire · 8 months
Sometimes I feel like people get so caught up in the whole "hehe normal boring human guy dates Oni Dragon son of God such a sillay ship 😝" aspect of Survivalshipping that they completely ignore the depth and beauty of it all. The Dark Lord Himself shows up at a man's doorstep asking for help. Help to become a better man, because in all his years slowly falling to darkness he never learned how to be good. Even when he was good before, it was an unsure goodness, personality copy-pasted from the influences of his brother and father, because that's who he felt he was supposed to be. And now, having fallen again to evil, he crawls back up out of the depths and has the courage to ask for help. And he goes not to his brother, or some great philosopher or teacher, but to an average human man, about as bland as they come. A man who's not sure what he's talking about but speaks in simple enough terms for Garmadon to understand. A man who, despite his fear, puts in real effort to help this ancient beast. Who gifts him a plant that isn't easily killed because he cares that much. And Garmadon is enraptured. Vinny is the wisest man he's ever known, he says. This demon speaks of this small human man with so much awe and adoration and Vinny, despite his complaints about the late nights of talking and asking questions, keeps trying. Keeps helping. Watches Garmadon improve, however slowly. And god I'm getting emotional just typing this out because damn it, it's fucking beautiful.
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