#also there are definitely influences from/similarities warrior cats here. i can't exactly avoid that
multi-lefaiye · 2 years
unnamed kitty cat wip worldbuilding
hey gamers it's time for me to talk about the kibbies
not sure who to tag but uhhh if you wanna hear more about the kibbies. this is your one-stop shop for that.
so the basic premise for this world is that it's another post-apocalyptic fantasy, this time one focusing on animals. specifically cats, but other animals probably have their own shit going on and would make appearances now and then.
anyway, this story focuses on three colonies of cats (i've gone back and forth between calling them clowders and colonies, but for now i'm going with colonies) living in the remains of what was once a bustling coastal city. there are still humans alive and around in this world, but they've long since abandoned this place and the cats don't really know what humans are. the city isn't full of just cats, though--it's also full of monsters, which the cats struggle to live alongside.
these cats, with time, adapted to their environment and circumstances to become, as i affectionately call them, funky little freaks. the obvious difference is that they're intelligent enough and sentient enough to form their own little societies, but there's more! we'll get into that.
so what are each of the colonies? more info on them under the cut! it's important to note that these are by and large generalizations about each group, and there are exceptions to everything i say in here.
cadogan colony
the cadogan colony is a group of cats living near the docks, in an area that was once a bustling shipyard. they're incredibly skilled at both swimming and fishing, as one might guess, but there's a catch to that: the water where they are is INCREDIBLY toxic and highly acidic. it's not safe to swim in for most creatures. however, these absolute mad lads do so anyway.
cadogan cats have evolved over time to have a strong resistance to the poison in their waters, as well as to the high acidity in the water. they're not completely fine swimming for long periods of time, but they can tolerate it much better than anyone else.
another thing that makes cadogan cats stand out is that, even among the smart funky cats in this world, they're VERY smart little beasts. one thing they've become very skilled at is determining which fish are safe to eat, and which ones are too full of toxins. even if they have a strong resistance to most poisons, they're careful to avoid ingesting too much of it directly.
and finally, cadogan cats have developed some physical mutations, most notably a very thick, water-resistant coat, thick tails to help them steer in the water, and webbed feet to help them swim. also, they have third eyelids like alligators. little freaks (affectionate).
haverford colony
the haverford colony is a group of cats living near the outskirts of the city, on the opposite side from the cadogan's. they specifically live at the edges of a swathe of forest, making their homes in the branches and occasionally venturing out and into the city for one reason or another. however, they usually stay there.
they tend to be large yet light, with strong legs and prehensile tails that make it easy for them to climb and keep their balance in the trees. haverford cats are usually built like. just absolute powerhouses. getting smacked by a haverford cat will ruin your day. they have a weirdly high bite force for cats, and in general just. they are built for living in the trees and fucking up anything that tries to fuck with them.
in terms of culture, haverford cats have a strong culture of honor and respect. they believe that it's important to always fight fair, especially against other cats, and that all life deserves to be respected and defended. they're BIG on defending those who can't defend themselves and just. honor. respect. strength. being a good person (kitty). those are all big here.
the forest is full of big scary monsters, and the haverford cats pride themselves on fighting back these beasts and keeping them from getting into the city. really, they're the first line of defense against the Forest Horrors in many ways, and this culture of strength is reinforced by that.
maddox colony
the maddox colony is the only one that lives in the city itself, mostly near the edges but occasionally venturing deeper inside. these cats tend to be small and scrappy, built for hiding among the rubble and debris more than fighting in the open. for the most part, maddox cats are incredibly crafty and resourceful, using their environment to their advantage.
combat against what? the horrors <3 there are a lot of monsters in the city limits, many of which are specifically located near the heart of the city. maddox cats are frequently caught in fights against them, and they've adapted to fighting for their lives in close quarters on a near daily basis.
while haverford cats have a culture of honor and respecting one's enemy, maddox cats are just willing to do whatever they have to to survive. they help each other however they can and have strong bonds and loyalty to each other, but they don't extend any of that to the monsters they fight. it's kill or be killed, and maddox cats would prefer the former.
in terms of physical mutations, maddox cats really are little freaks (affectionate). namely, their forepaws are more similar in structure to little hands than little paws, and they have opposable thumbs. they're not human hands, not that far, but they're fully capable of grabbing objects and using tools. maddox cats are excellent at crafting, mostly making items for defense against the monsters.
misc. notes:
the different colonies have a loose alliance with each other and will help each other in their time of need, but for the most part they're focused on themselves.
there are no rules against interbreeding in the colonies or breeding with cats outside the colonies. why would you care about that when there's monsters everywhere? come on now.
the colonies also have different religious beliefs for the most part, but i will admit i haven't put a lot of thought into that element yet.
yes, these cats say fuck. maddox cats swear the most and haverford cats swear the least.
there is a thriving trade/bartering economy going on among the colonies, primarily consisting of the maddox colony trading for food with the other two in exchange for the cool gadgets they make.
the maddox aren't super technologically advanced, but they're pretty smart and use what they have to great effect.
on that note, kitty mobility aids do exist in this universe. north is going to have a leg brace eventually, made for them by maddox cats.
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