#also that leech monster is such a chef's kiss idea
baked-hylian · 2 years
Fuck yeah, I was wondering when we were gonna get to the real body horror stuff
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merakiui · 2 months
i’m still thinking about the tag in the co-writing ask a whole few days later and MERA 🥲 saying it would be an honor to exchange ideas is crazy bc it’s such a honor to even be on that list of people you’d hypothetically co-write something with! i adore your work to the fullest and you always release such BANGERS for writing!
(i really also appreciated hearing your thoughts on how you structure your work, your progress with first drafts, and what your favorite line is!! so exciting to peek into the mind of another writer!!)
anyways, i know it was probably just a tag that meant nothing to answer a question, but it really meant a lot! also fellow eel appreciator so real ‼️ i’m hella looking forward to your next jade leech work that you mention, something with a princess and childhood friends i believe,, i’ll be in your comments ofc tearing it up with analysis!
also i studied arnolfini painting for a class too so i’m really happy to know someone else got the reference <3!
also never got co-wrote or exchanged ideas before but u know my DMs if ure serious! or don’t! i hate to sound pushy
RE-L!! HELLO!!! ⸜(。 ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
I'm honored that you consider it an honor omg!!! Thank you for such kind words and praise. 🥺 you're too sweet,,, I'm glad my thoughts and writings are enjoyable and interesting to read!
I truly do mean that tag from the bottom of my heart! It would be a joy to co-write or discuss ideas! Your thoughts and ideas are always fascinating (your swimsuit thoughts were so *chef's kiss*). I'm just much too shy to reach out randomly and I always worry it will be bad manners to just burst into private messages so suddenly. ;;;;; but it's a relief to know you would like to do so!!!
ALSO AAAAA!!!! Thank you so so much for your anticipation for My Sweet Monster (my next Jade fic hehe)!!!! I hope to write it after I finish this Floyd fic I'm currently working on. Royalty aus with childhood friends is a delicious combination. Also,,,,, butler Jade pining for the princess he serves........ >:) I look forward to your (as always) banger analysis once that fic is published!
I had to read the title again because it caught me by surprise. I thought, Arnolfini Portrait? As in, the Arnolfini Portrait?!?!?! It's a very pleasant surprise to see a reference to that painting!!
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hewwwwo do u have any burp stuffing hcs from jade recently ? I luvvvv ur content and the fic u made of him(the halloween one) is just *chef kiss*
sorryyy I'm just really happy to find someone who appreciates jade stuffing and I would love to share my hcs with u too !!
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Jade Leech is an interesting kind of burper in my opinion as there are several different levels to him that all kind of interplay with each other. I think the biggest ones with Jade are: Manners, Gluttony, and Trolling. Though even then manners is very possibly only a front in service of other things.
For example, on the one hand manners would dictate that he doesn't burp much at all, while gluttony would say he would at every opportunity. Or Jade would toy with others and try to do the unexpected all the time. They all will have an effect on the other depending on the situation.
But I think that first, what should be remembered is that Jade is a troll and likes to toy with others. Many times I think that his manners serves his trolling endeavors. Act proper and unassuming, then have a better opportunity to throw someone off by acting out of character.
However, Gluttony can override both of those other traits, or deepen their expression depending on the situation.
How does this all play into Jade stuffing himself and burping? There are LOTS of ways and I'm sure there are more than I could even list.
I believe Jade frequently tries to uphold his manners despite his appetite and often politely suppresses his belches either swallowing them back down to make his stomach churn some more (feeling even more bloated than before) or he'd burp in his mouth and release the air through his nose, or politely burp into his fist. This however, is usually only reserved for a mild stuffing, probably when he's having more than usual. This would be more of his stuffing at Harveston though this would be on the much higher end (meaning yes it sure was a ton but he didn't seem too bothered by the amount, even when people were staring and commenting. Especially during this or if he ate a similar amount (as has been implied), manners are still intact.
However, when trolling comes into play, Jade belches become a bit of a different beast entirely. I wholeheartedly believe that Jade has quite a bit of control over his belches and stomach, being able to stifle his belches when need be or just letting out monstrous roars of gas when he wants to. When someone comments on his eating a lot or someone complained about burps or others were burping, Jade's trolling senses kick into high gear. That is unless he'd been planning something already which is very likely.
This could mean several different things like Jade sneaking up behind or whispering and then burping gently in someone's ear or it could be that someone let out a random burp and he lets out an absolute monster burp that catches everyone off guard. Or Jade will gently smile like nothing is the matter and let one rip and go back to normal like nothing happened, even going so far as to gaslight and pretend it never happened when it had just moments before.
If he knows you like burps, then you're in for a time. That could mean he will burp on every occasion possible, or it could mean that he doesn't burp at all even when absolutely stuffed just to make the person yearn for it even more. Then again this may change when gluttony really comes in.
I think Jade is a horrible glutton and much of his manners is but a veneer on the surface for his trollish behavior or a cover for his appetites just simmering under the surface. It's a madness that's waiting for him to indulge. This also plays into the idea I haven't seen explored that Jade is more a sociopath and Floyd is more a psychopath.
When Jade let's that first level of gluttonous madness creep through, he's indulging himself, slow savoring all the food he can and loudly. He'll burp, potentially even crassly but still excuse himself for his bad manners, perhaps even while rubbing his belly to savor the moment and fullness. He won't be large but happy and indulged.
No the real beast comes out when he fully lets his inhibitions go and the madness of gluttony comes out. Jade can become a big messy eater or polite and refined but has a lot. His defenses start to fade and big deep wet belches come liberally. As he eats and bloats out, this only eggs on the monster that's desperately begging for him to feed it and pass his limits. He becomes disheveled, messy, shoving food into his maw as fast as he can. He doesn't care of his state, his only care is food. Since you asked for stuffing, I'll leave it at that but this is when Jade truly goes all out and the mask comes off. He's left a round, bloated mess. He'd rub his belly and grip it to try to force out whatever gas he can to make room and just enjoy his state of being overfed as much as possible.
Once he calms down, he may admire his own belly, taking a finger to his roundness and stroke it gingerly with a finger to the the stretched surface tingle with his tickle. The madness recedes and burps become an afterthought where they come naturally and often. If someone was there as a witness and not in his stomach he may even try to burp out louder or as a show. He'd let the mask come back on and his need to troll comes back, letting them touch or rub his belly and pulling them close to burp in their face or to burp and guess what all he had for dinner.
Truly there is a lot for Jade and I still feel like I'm only really scratching the surface or not describing things well but he's a big all around burper.
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by calligomiles and me, johannstutt413)
It was the end of the day - almost time for Gummy to go home. Not that she really wanted to today; it seemed the Doctor needed everyone but her out in the field. Why couldn’t she go with them? Sure, she helped out in the kitchen, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t fight. All she wanted to do was help her friends…
Without people to cook for, the chef wasn’t sure what she wanted to do for dinner; while trying to decide for herself, someone else came into the room. “Excuse me, is anyone- Oh, hi, Gummy!”
“Blue?” She managed a smile. “You need the oven, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah, I do...Are you okay?”
Gummy weighed her options: lie and say she was, tell her the truth but not the reasoning, or tell her everything...She settled for the middle road. “I could be better, I guess.”
“Did something happen?” The Anura uncovered a bowl of purple dough, her eyes remaining on the Ursus. “Normally you would be making dinner right now...Are they out on a mission?”
“Yeah...The Doctor sent everyone out except me.” She figured it out for herself, but then again, would you expect anything less from someone like her?
Blue Poison thought for a moment while Gummy debated leaving to grab dinner for herself. “Would you like to eat with me tonight, then?”
“Huh?” The question caught her completely off-guard. “I-I don’t want to bother you-”
“No, it’s not a bother at all. Actually, it’d be nice to not eat alone for once.” She said it casually, but the chef knew someone hiding their demons when she saw it; after all, she had to look in the mirror every morning.
Agreeing also meant she could focus on someone else’s problems, which was a great distraction from her own, and she didn’t have to worry about what she was doing for dinner. Blue really had come to her rescue. “That makes two of us, then. Can I help with the cake while we’re here?”
“Keeping me company is already a real help.” Still, there were a couple things she could do if Gummy wanted to keep herself busy - which, the Anura supposed, was why she’d asked. “Could you help me with the fryer? I’ve never used one before.”
“Sure! Are you frying a cake?” Gummy immediately started working on that.
The Anura did a ‘sort of’ gesture with one hand before using it to punch her dough. “I decided to try making donuts; since most of our Operators drink coffee, I thought they might be better received.”
“Better received?” The idea boggled the mind. “Your desserts are amazing already!”
‘I’m glad you think so...Not many people eat them, though.“
The oil was ready for Blue now, so the chef wandered over to where she was working to watch. “Why not? They’re really missing out.”
“They’re worried about my toxicity.” She didn’t want to abuse the dough too much, so she dumped it onto the floured cutting board and frowned. “Still too bubbly. Could you help me? I might not be strong enough.”
“Sure! What’s this about toxicity?” Gummy took over, slapping the dough with the back of her hand. One, two, stop; one, two, stop.
Blue picked up on her strange rhythm, but simply filed it away for the moment. “The others worry that I might leech some of my toxin into my baked goods. You’ve never seemed bothered by the thought.”
“You wouldn’t poison your co-workers, Blue; you’re not that kind of person.” She didn’t quite stop herself before adding. “Besides, there’s a chance it might work.”
“...What might work, Gummy?”
Shit, she said that out loud. “Um, nothi- no, no, I promised myself I wouldn’t lie to you.” Crunch went the cutting board as she accidentally followed through with a third slap.
“Wow.” There was a good chance there were splinters in the dough now, but the Anura could care less about that at this point. “You’re really strong.”
“Sorry! I didn’t ruin it, did I?”
...Frankly, Blue wasn’t sure, but that wasn’t what mattered right now. “Don’t worry about that. What might work, Gummy?”
“The um...the poison bit.” The Ursus didn’t want to cry in front of her, even though she’d already seen past the mask. “I wouldn’t mind if...if it killed me.”
“...Oh, Gummy...”
She backed away from the counter. “I think the board splintered when I broke it-”
“How long have you felt like this?” The Anura’s brain was working overtime to connect the dots between this revelation and what she knew about Gummy and her history. “What...what happened in Chernobog?”
“...I don’t want to talk about it.”
Fair. “I know, and I won’t force you to, but- I’m sorry, I just didn’t know...”
“That’s how I was hoping it’d stay.” The chef sighed, leaning against a stovetop behind her. “If the other girls knew how I actually felt about...about what we did, then I wouldn’t be able to help them by making them smile. I need to be happy so they’ll be happy, you know?”
“If you really think that, then I would think you would want to be happy yourself rather than pretend, though...right?”
Gummy shrugged. “It doesn’t matter that much how I really feel.”
“It absolutely does!” For the first time in years, Blue raised her voice. “Your feelings matter!...You matter, Gummy.”
“Then why am I still here while they’re out risking their lives?” One, two punches on the stovetop.
She didn’t have a concrete answer for that, but a few options came to mind. “Did they go on a mission together, or did they get split between different operations?”
“That doesn’t matter! If they’re fighting, then I should be fighting! That’s how it was back then...I wasn’t strong enough then, but I’ve gotten stronger…” It was getting really difficult to hold back. “I...I just don’t want them to get hurt anymore...Even if we deserve it.”
“There’s nothing you could have done to-”
That was the last straw; Gummy hopped back to her feet, a nearby pan (not hers, but it’d do) suddenly in her hand as if she was back in Peterheim. She could practically smell it. “You don’t know that! I killed people, Blue! Other students! And then I cooked them, so my friends and I could have something to keep us fed so we could fend off the others who would’ve done the same thing to us! We were worse than animals, because at least an animal doesn’t kill its brother when there’s another meal in front of them!...And now, after damning myself - not that they’ll ever know that - I spend every day in this kitchen, smelling the steaks and sausage on the stove and remembering the nights I spent grinding long pork so they didn’t know...I’m a monster, and- why is there a pan in my hand?” She tossed it behind her as if it’d burned her and held that hand at arm’s length with her other, staring at it. Did...did she almost attack Blue?
“...You still don’t deserve to be hurt.” The Anura closed the distance between them, looking her in the eye, hers brimming with tears and empathy. “None of that justifies someone hurting you. Yourself included.”
“I wish I could believe that.” She let go of her own wrist, and her hands fell to her sides, limp, as she felt the weight of it all fresh again.
Blue, mustering every ounce of courage she had, hugged her. “Even if you don’t, I...I won’t let you carry this all by yourself. Not after all you’ve done for me.”
“Done for you?” Gummy’s brow furrowed as she tried to think of what she’d done for the Anura. “What...eat your food?”
“You said hi, and you asked me about my day, and you talked to me, and you let me bake for you, and...you let me hold your hand.”
The chef blushed. “That’s not much-”
“It’s everything, Gummy. You’ve given me so much happiness, so much hope...Let me try to give something back to you. Let me share the burden - your fears, your worries, your sins and your scars...I’ll carry them with you, like you did mine.” She sniffled. “Please. I can’t imagine my life here without you.”
“Is that...really true?”
Blue buried her face in Gummy’s jacket. “Really. I- I can’t even think about it without...without...” She squeezed her, trying to remove even millimeters of space between them as she absolutely soaked the chef’s shoulder with tears.
“...I trust you.” She finally lifted her arms again, settling them around Blue’s waist and her cheek against the Anura’s. “I don’t want you to be alone, either.”
“Thank you...you’re so warm.”
Gummy nodded. “You are, too...Do you still want dinner? I can make us something.”
“I think we should go somewhere and eat; you’ve worked hard enough today.” She managed to compose herself a little again. “It’s been so long since someone has let me hug them. What are you hungry for?”
“Burgers. I know a place...Blue?”
The Anura still wasn’t letting her go. “Yes?”
“Since you...you want to stay, you should know that I have a few...habits.”
“I do, too.” She pulled away so they could start walking to the restaurant. “We can talk about them at the resta-”
Gummy held onto her hand and remained motionless. “There’s one I need to tell you about right now.”
“Oh.” At this point, Blue literally could not let go, so she simply stepped back into her arms. “What is it?”
“When I hug someone, I have to kiss them on the cheek.”
The Anura, without even thinking, asked, “Does it have to be on the cheek?”
“I’ve never tried another way.” Gummy blushed. “But if you’d rather...” Even though the suggestion was accidental, neither of them stopped themselves as they turned to look at each other directly, slightly tilted their heads, closed their eyes...
Gummy, from that day forward, had a new habit: whenever she saw Blue Poison, she felt like she might feel happy someday.
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