#also still can't find my damn color pencils
ordinary-barbie · 3 months
there's something about the summer - jean kirstein x reader
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tags: female!reader, some smut but not explicit, tooth-rotting fluff
minors/ageless blogs dni.
you were never a huge fan of summer, but a certain sandy-haired guy manages to change your mind. modern AU. title from "summer mood" by best coast. buckle up because this is a bit of a long one.
Walking away, talking all day Ooh, I want you Ooh, I want you But there is something about the summer There is something about the summer There is something about the summer
to be honest, summer was never your favorite season. sure, getting time off from school was nice, and going on family vacations was fun, but you could never say you were in love with it. that is, until you met jean kirstein.
it makes perfect sense that jean adores summer. the man is a walking ray of sunshine! at first, you're baffled when jean says it's his favorite season. how could he possibly love the hottest time of the year?
jean lights up as he explains what he loves about summer: beach days. lying by the pool at his mom's house. ice cream dates. the sun setting after 7 pm. it's such a freeing time, and makes him feel like a little kid again. (you playfully roll your eyes at his enthusiasm but secretly, your heart melts. jean is just too damn adorable.
jean, the sentimental sap that he is, is determined to make your first summer together great. the man has a document in his iPhone Notes app with potential summer fun ideas!
he's so lame (affectionate)
Jean takes you to his favorite beach, a 5-hour drive away from home. he loads up on both of your favorite snacks for the trip and trusts you with the aux cord. there's a lot of loudly singing to pop songs, even though jean, bless his heart, can't carry a tune to save his life.
you're definitely familiar with this beach in name (and through friends' Instagram photos) but you've never made the trip yourself. and after you and jean get settled into your airbnb and decide to explore, you wonder why it took so long.
the beach is located on a little island along the coast, 3 blocks away from where you're staying, and its gorgeous scenery takes your breath away. miles of sandy beaches and beautiful oak trees laden with spanish moss are there to greet you and jean. the two of you interlock fingers as you stroll along the beach and check out the pier.
jean finds another reason to love summer the next morning, when you decide to bring along a book in your tote so you can lay out on the beach and read. when you first emerge from your shared bathroom in your favorite bikini, jean has to keep his jaw from completely unhinging. goddamn, how did he luck out with the prettiest girl in the world?
it's such a good-fitting bathing suit, hugging your body in all the right spots and making your tits look amazing. jean blushes, still amazed at how you can get him so hard without even trying.
spoiler alert: you don't make it to the beach that morning - jean manages to convince you that your post-breakfast activities should involve him mouthing at your breasts under your bikini top and eating you out until your bottoms are soaked instead. (you should be mad at him for ruining your reading time but you can't be too upset after multiple orgasms.)
after a post-sex nap (jean, responsible king that he is, brought a box of condoms and some lube just in case) and a thorough session of sunscreen application (again: jean the responsible king, though the two of you also relish the opportunity to have your hands on each other again), the two of you do manage to make it out to the beach for an afternoon of lazing around.
you're reading a romance novel that one of your friends recommended to you, and jean has his sketchbook and colored pencils out. ("my little monet," you lovingly tease him, giggling when the tips of his ears turn pink and he smiles bashfully.)
after a couple of sleepy, relaxed, sun-soaked hours on the beach, you and jean head back to the airbnb, and he reveals what he's been working on. it's a picture of you, lying on your stomach as you smile at the book you're reading. the amount of detail jean puts into the drawing makes you feel warm inside. jean is so damn talented, and it flatters you to be considered his muse.
you beam at jean before pulling him into a deep kiss. "i'm so lucky to have you in my life," you mutter into his sandy brown locks, and it makes him want to melt. the feeling is oh so mutual.
the rest of the trip seems to pass by in a blur. jean is game as you pull him into vintage shops and museums, and you humor his touristy desire to go on a guided tour and chill out in the golf cart while your boyfriend plays a few holes. truthfully, you haven't been on a proper beach vacation in ages, and you're so glad jean convinced you to be whisked away for a few days.
you and jean vow to go on a beach trip every summer. he's already getting excited at the thought of bringing your future kids to his favorite beach, and your heart seizes at the thought. you'd been ambivalent to the idea of having kids at first but there's something about jean that makes you want to form a family with him someday.
one thing you and jean bonded over when you first met through mutual friends (thanks Sasha and Marco) was music, and you learn that jean is a huge summer concert fan. whether it's a big festival or just one of your favorite artists, he wants nothing more than to just vibe to the music with you. one year into your relationship, he convinces you to go to bonnaroo with him, which is huge because you do not do camping. but spending a weekend on a Tennessee farm with jean, jamming to a bunch of artists and feasting on festival food by day and snuggling under the stars by night, ends up being pretty damn romantic.
back to that first summer. jean usually spends the fourth of july at his mom and stepdad's lake house, and jean's mom insists that you tag along so she can finally meet the girl that her jeanbo is so wild about. you're nervous at first - you never know what will happen when you meet the parents.
however, all your worries melt away when jean's mom envelopes you in the biggest hug. the two of you end up adoring each other, which makes jean's heart swell (at least until he catches the two of you giggling over old childhood photos his mom has on his phone)
jean's stepdad is pretty great as well. he's an affable guy who makes a mean turkey burger and is delighted that you laugh at his terrible dad jokes. jean's stepsisters, who are both teens, love you and crack jokes about how their dorky stepbrother managed to land someone as cool as you. when the two of you are cuddled up in bed on the last night of your trip, you tell jean how welcomed you feel by his family, and he's relieved that his two worlds have merged together so perfectly.
there's so many summer memories that you and jean hold dear, no matter how big or small. you tell him how you and your younger brother used to stand out in the front yard on summer nights and watch the fireflies flit about. you both decide to check out a new custard place that opens up and become determined to try as many flavors as possible. movie dates, so many movie dates, whether they're in a theater or at home (and jean prefers the ones at home since they usually lead to makeouts). parties with your mutual friends. summer weddings that leave you both misty-eyed.
thanks to jean kirstein, you've warmed up - pardon the pun - to this magical stretch of time from late May to September. it's not like you've never had fun during summer, but this man (this beautiful sunshine boy) has made you appreciate the season in so many ways. jean embodies summer to you, and you can't think about summer without being reminded of jean.
during your third summer together, you and jean are on your annual beach trip, but something feels different. after a delicious dinner and dessert at a local restaurant, jean decides to take you out to the beach, ostensibly to get some pics of the sunset (you've gotten used to jean being your personal paparazzo by now, and you must admit, the guy takes good photos). however, once he drops to one knee and takes a small box out of his pocket, everything clicks into place for you. jean's been different this trip, still his normal goofy self, but with an undercurrent of something else that you realize were probably nerves. you can barely get any words out through your tears, peppering him with kisses.
you hear a camera flash go off and spot Sasha, who somehow managed to keep herself hidden during the proposal. you envelop her in a big hug, grateful to her for introducing you to the love of your life. you can't believe that jean is going to be yours - not just for this summer, but for every summer forevermore.
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z-h-i-e · 1 year
Get to know me better...
I have been tagged by @sallysavestheday and I aim to please. Or, at least answer the call to answer questions. ^_^
Relationship status: Smaug and I have been together since 1997 - according to the Elves, we've been married since 1998, according to the Race of Men, 2000. We're also besties, so that definitely made all the time spent together during the pandemic pretty nice.
Favorite color: I have a favorite color spectrum that includes purple, green, and gold. It slides around depending on my mood. I will also argue that glitter is one of my favorite colors.
Song stuck in your head: This precise moment? My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark/Fall Out Boy -- I've been listening to it, thinking of Finrod composing songs about the burning of the ships that become popular and this leads into Celegorm and Curufin being pissed at him later that their shoreline deeds become Noldorin pop songs without them getting any credit
Favorite food: I am a big fan of mushrooms - years ago, when I used to do impromptu Discord calls while cooking and imparting fandom and life wisdom, it ended up named 'Mushrooms in my Ramen' because that's the best way to ramen. I also like fruit; I grow several types in my yard. Shrimp, shrimp is amazing. Shrimp on pizza, shrimp and corn chowder, shrimp and grits -- just, shrimps, yes. Also poutine. I love a good poutine. I like making soups and chili the way I want them (basically, no tomatoes - tomatoes are my species enemy, they will try to kill me), so, tomato-less and meatless chili is kind of my jam. My big guilty pleasure is Chicken McNuggets. I know they're basically fried chicken goop, I will still consume them. I don't even need sauce. (But, sauce is good, so it honey with them.) Oh, and raw sweet corn. I don't know why people cook corn. It's so much better raw. (not canned cold, but fresh raw sweet corn)
Last song played: I heard Alone Again Or by The Damned when I drove home. I had only previously heard the original by Love, which I, heh, wow, unintentional pun, love. It's a song on my original Glorfindel/Erestor playlist from twenty years back, when the early shippers were jockeying for position and trying to figure those Rivendell bois out. I should teach myself to play that song. I wonder how it would sound on the balalaika... *pencils that in for a summer project* I already know the lyrics... [So the connection for me with Glorfindel and Erestor on this was the idea of Glorfindel being really friendly with everybody, but the only one he wants is Erestor, so he remains alone and waits for him during the early fourth age when the two of them are the last two remaining inhabitants of Imladris. Even though they aren't together yet, Glorfindel still uses terms of endearment for Erestor - right to his face - nothing hidden. My Erestor is such a asshole. Someday he'll do right by everyone... moving on...]
Dream Trip: I'm at a point where I hate any trip where I can't be home to sleep. Apnea diagnosis did that. So, I guess I'd like VR to catch up to a point where I can really and truly immerse and then go to...Middle-earth, of course I'm going there, or Thundera (obviously pre-explodeyness).
Last thing I Googled: I've been trying to help a friend find apartments in Milwaukee county that are not ridiculously expensive or have weird stipulations or fees attached to them. Certainly been a challenge. But the last last thing was googling Alone Again Or by The Damned so I could listen to it again but also sing along as I was writing this (yeah, that's apparently a creepy thing I do, is singing songs with unrelated lyrics while typing other words or blog posts or fanfic, so that's a thing I have going for me)
I guess that's all for now. Instead of tagging anyone in particular, I suggest that anyone who is interested in sharing please steal these questions and have at it. Or, just go and listen to Alone Again Or. It's a good song.
Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPbNpIG8x_s
The Damned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYVDN27CrOo
Only just realizing this now, it's not a bad Finrod pining for Amarië or Edrahil song, either... I'll have to tuck that away for later.
Your mileage may vary - if you do listen to it, I would would be interested knowing who it reminds you of.
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Mother Miranda x Lawyer!Oc ----Tilted Scales
Hello guys :) This is another commission I wrote for the amazing, wonderful @saltwatereulogies
Your support has been insane, I can't thank you enough. Hope you enjoy the story ❣
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Three days.
That is how long you've been in the village, after years of studying abroad, before everything turns to shit.
As you slowly blink focus back into your eyes, you try to clear the haze from your mind. It feels as though you've collided with a truck. Your body hurts, your wrists protest in their iron cuffs, stuck to the wall as they are, having supported your weight while you were unconscious.
Desperately, you try to recollect the events that led you here...
A grey sky. A bleak day. One moment you were making coffee for your mother, excited to be able to sit down with her in the mornings again... and the next you heard the echo of screams.
Overcome by adrenaline, you bolted out of your house, only to witness a scene straight from a nightmare; humanoid monsters ripping villagers apart, cries and blood and animalistic growls all blending together into one mad mix.
And before you could even warn your mother...
Damn it all, what the fuck happened!
You suddenly struggle against your bonds, hard enough to rattle your whole frame. Your wrists burn from the grind against metal, but you don't care–
“Stop that. It is pointless and you will only injure yourself.” A cold voice, strangely familiar, says from far to your right.
You peer deep into the shadows, searching for the only other person in the empty room... until you see her. A mask advances on you, gold and shaped like a crow's visage, then wings folded into a cloak come into view.
You would be a fool to not recognize her. The local saint. The village's prophet. The very 'saint' your mother prayed to, for your safe return, all these years. Mother Miranda.
The sound of her heels bounces off the walls until she comes to stand directly in front of you. Looking past the openings of her mask now, you realize....
This isn't possible.
She hasn't aged a day. Not a single day, since you left the village. The years should show around her deadly blue eyes, somewhere, and yet they don't.
“I see you remember me...” she says, while you're still trying to find your voice. “Miss Warren.”
“What is going on? Mother Miranda, what happened to the village?!” you demand.
Her expression shows nothing. “The village is in need of... renovation.” she speaks, even, regal. “Repopulation, even.”
You stare at her with wide eyes.
“Now, don't give me that look. You would not be here if you weren't of the ones I chose to keep.” she continues. “You see, from now on, every single person in my domain will make themselves useful in some way, or they will be replaced. And you... you have been abroad studying law for a while now, yes?”
“I... yes.” you reply, still not fully having wrapped your mind around your situation.
“Excellent. What I need from you is simple. You will make the village independent from the state’s taxes as a religious organization... and you will keep foreign investors out from that point onward.”
What... what part of that is simple?!
“Do that for me and in return I guarantee your mother and you will go back to your house safe and sound. You will have no shortage of Lei for as long as you live, Miss Warren.” Miranda promises.
But it is not the sweet part of the deal your mind stays glued to. “And if...” you gulp. “If I can't work around the law to do that...?”
Miranda blinks slowly at you, like you shouldn't even ask such a basic question. Like the answer is obvious.
“Well. Then I have no further use for either of you.”
It is in this moment that it dawns on you.
This woman is no angel and no saint.
She is a devil.
You spend countless sleepless nights pouring over every single paragraph, every little opening or ambiguity in the law you can use to free the village of taxes.
To keep your mother in the dark about this, you work in the office Mother Miranda has provided for you, in her very stronghold.
Although technically it's her home, you don't see her nearly as much as you initially thought. She is gone throughout the day and returns late at night, not even sparing you a glance before heading for her chambers, at the upper sections of the building.
The days she does come into your office to inquire on your progress are few and far-between, your conversations always short and cold.
This evening is different.
“How is your work coming along, Miss Warren?” the prophetess asks with her aggravatingly nice accent, seating herself like a queen on the chair in front of your desk.
Your eyes are tired, but you force them on hers, through the mask obscuring her face. “I think I've got it. I'll be sending the necessary papers tomorrow and the answer shouldn't take longer than a month.”
“Very good.” she nods, a miniscule curve to her lips.
Icy eyes then drop to the wine in the whiskey glass at the corner of the desk. You think she will make a comment about drinking at work, but instead she says;
“Pour me a glass, will you?”
You will your hands steady as you comply, then carefully slide her drink over.
Miranda takes her mask with claw-shrouded fingers... and soundnessly sets it on the wooden surface. Then she pushes the veil at her hair back, shaking long, platinum locks free.
You do a double take you hope she doesn't notice. Because what the actual fuck.
You didn't think her hair was that long, or that straight, or that it would fall over her shoulders like she's staring in a shampoo ad. You didn't think her lips were shaped like a cupid's bow or that her skin was this flawless and radiant.
The helplessly lesbian part of you could begrudgingly admit she was beautiful before... but now you arrive to the painful realization she's drop-dead gorgeous.
“So. I've heard you won cases others would describe as impossible.” she begins.
“Nothing's impossible. You just need to know where to look.” you reply. Law is your comfort zone and she is not that far above you here. “But how do you know that?”
“I have my sources.”
"Nobody truly leaves this village, huh.”
“Not without my consent, no. But I knew you'd come back.” At your slight frown, she elaborates, “You would never leave your mother behind.”
She's right. There was a whole world of opportunities waiting for you out there and yet... here you are.
“Good work, so far. You can take the next two days off. Your eyes could use the rest, Miss Warren.” Miranda speaks, finishing her wine.
“Sarah.” you say. 'Miss Warren' is for clients and she is your boss.
Miranda's lips give a slight quirk that may or may not be a trick of the light.
“I know.” she replies and exits the room, long hair billowing behind her back.
The taxes were only the first challenge. Now that the village is free of them, investors are flying in circles around it like vultures over meat.
In the meantime, Miranda comes to talk to you more frequently.
Lately, it seems she has more free time. You wish that was a good thing, but...
“So... are you like... going to stay here?” You ask after reading the same sentence five times to make sense of it, because her gaze on you is distracting as fuck.
“I'm not getting in the way of your work.” she says. You want to argue she is, but can't quite do that in a way that won't get you killed.
“I'm simply not used to working with company. Isn't this boring for you?”
“No, actually. I find it interesting, even though science is my field of expertise.” she answers. “And the way you take notes is… amusing.”
You try not to blush as you look down at your notebook, filled with different colored markers and post-it squares with tiny stick figures pointing to the more important paragraphs. You have been doing this for so long to sort out information you didn't even realize you were keeping it up in her presence.
“What is this supposed to be?” she asks with a small smile, the first of its kind you've seen.
To your horror, her clawed pointer aims at a particularly silly doodle, barely the size of a pencil's eraser.
“A... bird.” you grimace like you've been stabbed.
“Ah, of course.” Miranda holds back a chuckle but you can tell she's dying to make a comment.
Studying becomes hell for the rest of the time she's there with you, those sharp eyes picking apart every little move you make. At the same time, though, the hours you spend with her make you realize...
She's not a saint, though she may look like one. She's not completely a devil, either, even if she may act as one, at times.
She's human.
Miranda shares nothing about herself when you chat, but she seems to like it when you speak about your time abroad and all the things that left an impression on you there.
Your conversation over wine is cut short, however, when you receive a call from a number you learned means nothing but trouble, lately.
“Sorry, I have to take this.” you tell her.
The one calling you is none other than this month's rival lawyer, trying to dispute your claim over the land for his own boss. He's lost to you before, so it's also personal, but you are confident you have cornered them good with the latest papers you sent them...
And you are proven correct, when, a few seconds later, he is all faux polite on the other line, resorting to offering you money for you to withdraw your arguments.
Miranda comes to stand next to you, listening in to what he's saying.
The problem with that is, the second her arm brushes yours and you catch a whiff of her perfume –which always lingers in your office long after she's left— youare the one who stops listening to him.
Your attention flies to other things, like the inches she has on you, the exact color of her pale blonde hair, the little glint of victory in her stunning eyes.
Oh, no. God, no...
You know what this is, the feeling in the pit of your stomach. Alarm bells go off in the back of your head, as though your own mind is telling your body how foolish it's being.
There isn't a worse thing you can do to yourself than be attracted to Miranda.
Over time, familiarity with the prophetess brings higher levels of difficulty into your 'try to ignore your crush on her' game.
Miranda joins your side and leans over your shoulder, sometimes, to peer down at what you're doing. You don't move and don't breathe until she's within a safe distance again.
Then there are the wayward 'reward' touches, when you turn another investor away from the village. She may pat your back or leave her hand on your shoulder, or even scratch your nape with her claws as a job well done.
You hope your poker face hides the fact you feel her touch on you for far longer than you should, after she's gone.
Tonight, the situation is the toughest it's ever been for you.
There is a rainstorm going on outside; the waterdrops are tapping against the windows of your office as though they're trying to break it. Miranda has pulled her chair next to you so you can talk easier, without having to shout over the cacophony.
“And basically the judge's decision was that—”
You are interrupted by a blinding flash of lighting, during which your mind lets you know the stronghold is easily the tallest structure in it's vicinity—
When thunder cracks down the sky and strikes the building, you nearly scream. Your body tenses and you jump; but Miranda's hands come to your biceps and hold you steady, against herself and your desk.
Another flash comes before you really have time to think about your proximity. She covers your ears with her palms before the thunderclap can send you into overdrive again.
“You are with me and you're scared of a little thunder?” she teases when things quiet down and your heartbeat eases.
It's true; Miranda is the more terrifying force of nature. At the same time, however...
You feel oddly safe to be this close to her.
“Well... I'm not scared right now...” you quietly admit.
Her pointer comes underneath your chin and lifts it so you are looking straight into her hypnotic blue eyes. How is this color even real...
“And why is that?” Miranda asks, her wings coming around you both. They're curtains of black, cutting out some of the storm's sounds.
You want nothing more in this moment than to run your fingers through each individual feather.
You lick your lips. That's...not a question you can answer if you want the balance in your arrangement with her to remain.
Perhaps, though, the scales have tilted for you long ago. You just haven't been brave enough to admit it.
You have the courage to face it now when she leans down and covers your lips with hers, warm in a manner you never imagined she could be.
Her wings pull tighter around you and your mouths slide more firmly together. Lipbalm and creamy lipstick mix, tongues brush, tasting of wine. You are shaking so bad on the inside from how much you want this, more of this, the rumbling of the thunder be damned.
Miranda's palm cups your flaming cheek when she pulls back, perfectly composed and staring at you with a little smirk in place.
You dare to turn a little, lay a tiny kiss on the inside of her wrist, beyond her rings and accessories.
You aren't very fond of storms, but...
You willingly walk right into the eye of this one.
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coldmilkcreamery · 4 years
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lux in tenebris
~ 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 ~
𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: jung jaehyun x male reader 🌹🥀
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 4182
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: set in the 1960’s, your relationship with Jaehyun blooms as you navigate a time when homosexuality is unacceptable.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: hinted homophobia (but never shown)
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: because valentines is jaehyun’s birthday !! hbd to my first bias <3 this story is so so fluffy, which is so unusual for me because i’m an angsty writer 🥴 also, i thought of this story while listening to ‘put your head on my shoulder’ !! every time i would write a part, i would listen to it <3 this is the longest story i’ve written, surpassing memories (which is also a jaehyun one btw, i think this unintentionally proves my dedication to him) !! i hope u guys like this because i’ve worked the hardest on this 🥺 happy valentines everyone ! <3
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
(some time in the 1960s~)
Everybody thought they were friends. The class-skipping, the after-school hangouts, the dinners at Anka’s Diner—everybody thought they were friends. And truly, they were.
But is that really all they were?
“So…” Jaehyun asks as they walk down the halls of Neo High, “Anyone approach for Valentine’s yet? I bet you’ve gotten more than three people to ask you out by now.”
Y/N chuckles, lightly shoving Jaehyun as the latter chuckles as well. “Man, stop it. No one asked me out. And who are you to say that? Star athlete, 6 pack abs, Jaehyun of the Neos, I'd say… 6 girls?”
“7, actually.” They both giggle as Jaehyun continues, “But… I shot all of them down.”
They both near Y/N’s locker, Jaehyun leaning on the ones beside as the former opens his and gets some books out. “Why? 7 girls… neat.”
“I have my eyes on someone else.” Jaehyun says, looking up, blushing at the ceiling, glad that Y/N’s locker door is obstructing the latter’s view of his face.
“Lucky girl.” Y/N says, nonchalantly as he closes the door to his locker. “She’ll say yes, don’t worry.”
“Sure hope they do. So… I'm guessing you're still on the make? You know, looking for a date?” Jaehyun says curiously, unknowingly hoping for a certain answer.
“I told you no one asked me out. And honestly, I’m fine with that. It's a Saturday on the 14th—maybe I should just stay home and listen to the radio.”
“Aww. That's fine little man.” Jaehyun says as they begin their trek towards their classes. “Maybe you could go out with me…” His voice softens, not wanting to alert those around them, “If you can't find anyone.”
Y/N chortles, smacking Jaehyun on the shoulder once again, “Kinda gay ain't it?”
“Nothing wrong with it.”
“You think the people around us’ll say the same?”
Jaehyun hums in acknowledgement as he fixes his tie, replying, “Okay then. Well, see ya’ later alligator.”
Y/N smiles as he sends the boy a wink, entering his classroom as the latter walks to his.
They both knew it. It was mutual knowledge. But unspoken. It was unspoken knowledge. The sly touches, the flirting—they both knew it.
But neither have made a real move yet.
“If you had one thing you could do right now, without being interrupted—without any distractions,” Jaehyun says, lying down on Y/N’s bed, throwing a baseball up in the air as he asks, “what would it be?”
“Hm.” Y/N ponders, pausing the movement of his pencil over the créme sheet of paper, placing it down. “Maybe…” he looks out the window, observing the orange to black ombré, “Moongazing. I just love the moon. The stars too.”
“You always talk about the moon.” Jaehyun stops throwing the white ball knitted with red fabric, catching it on one hand as he sits up. “What’s so bewitching about it anyway?”
“I don’t know.” Y/N continues writing, the graphite marking the pages as it produces the only sound in the room apart from their voices. “It’s… calming. Not to mention, the twinkling stars look pretty too.”
“Twinkle twinkle little star…” Jaehyun sings softly as Y/N chuckles, throwing a pillow at the former.
“If you don’t believe me—”
“I do. I’ll take you for your word.” Jaehyun replies almost instantly. “I always do.”
“Neat. Now flake off. The sun is setting. You live three streets away, and I don't want you walking in the dark alone.” Y/N gets up from his seat at the window, turning to face Jaehyun.
“Walk me home then.” Jaehyun replies, a smirk on his face.
“That would mean I would be the one walking home alone in the dark, you dork.”
“Alright, alright.” Jaehyun replies, getting up from Y/N’s bed to give him a long, warm hug. Their bodies separate as Jaehyun blows Y/N a kiss, walking out the bedroom door, getting a snort in return.
The marmalade sun hides itself on the horizon as Y/N looks out the window, waving to Jaehyun as the latter walks out their front yard, beginning his journey home.
Oh God, was he falling.
It was getting increasingly difficult to resist. The sneaky flirts, the clever comebacks—it was getting increasingly difficult to resist.
And maybe he should stop doing so.
“Baby~” Jaehyun sneaks up on Y/N, whispering the words as the latter stiffens in surprise before smacking him lightly in the face.
“Dude. You gotta stop saying shit like that.” The boy sitting on his assigned chair replies, looking up at Jaehyun who is now seated on his desk. “Why are you here anyways? Don’t you have class soon?”
“You do.” Jaehyun replies, pointing at Y/N before pointing at himself, “I don’t. My first subject isn’t ‘till 9.”
“Hm.” Y/N mumbles as he looks back down on the sheet of paper with two unanswered math problems waiting to be solved. “Well, I forgot to complete this last night because I was too pre-occupied with English, and there’s five minutes left ‘till my class starts so I really gotta finish this.”
“Maybe you don’t.” Jaehyun replies, a plan already devising itself in his mind. “Do you maybe wanna… go to the park?”
Y/N looks up, a smirk forming on his face as he observes the same smirk on Jaehyun’s. They hold a stare for about five seconds before Y/N shoves the gray sheet of paper into his backpack, not caring if it was getting crumpled. In laughing fits, both boys run out the hall and eventually out the school too. Slowing down from their marathon-like sprint, they don't notice that they have their fingers interlocked. Y/N realizing this, he quickly untangles them as he straightens his uniform, Jaehyun unconsciously bummed out.
“Well,” Y/N says, looking up at Jaehyun who was already staring at him, “lead the way, my good sir.”
Jaehyun bows as he jokes, “Why of course, Milady. I’ll have you back in school by 9, just in time for your second subject.”
Both giggle as they skip to the grassy park, unknowingly spending the whole day out of school.
Maybe it was something in the air. Something they inhaled, passing their airways as it made its way to their heart, freeing them from their icy restraints. Maybe it was something in the air—or maybe something in the grass. But it made them both come out of their shells.
What took that damned O₂ so long to enter their lungs?
“Oh shit.” Y/N realizes halfway through fawning about a low-graphic, black and white but new cartoon that had just come out. He looks down on his right wrist as he scoffs. “You said you’d get me back in school by 9.” He says, annoyed, looking up at Jaehyun, “It’s 9:05”.
Jaehyun chuckles innocently, planting his palm on the back of your shoulder. “Well… if people see us here in the park when we’re supposed to be in class… we’ll get detention for skipping.” He says, matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, totally didn't know that, Jae.” Y/N says, facetiously.
“Well… we could go to the movies? Or the fair…” Jaehyun brings his lips closer to Y/N ears as he whispers convincingly, “Or both.”
The flustered pulls away, hands pushing Jaehyun towards the opposite direction. “Fine. But I didn't bring my wallet today.”
“What do you want me to do about that?” Jaehyun replies, a look of sarcasm cascading his face. Y/N rolls his eyes before staring straight into Jaehyun’s, cracking his knuckles. Before he could get a word out, Jaehyun already surrenders. “Okay, okay! Calm down dude.” He chuckles. “But on one condition.”
“I’m listening.” Y/N replies, crossing his legs.
“Be my Valentine. For tomorrow.”
“Dude, you don't have a valentine, I don't have a valentine—”
“Because you turned them all down!”
“Okay fair enough.” Jaehyun admits, “But it's not like I can ask them out again, it would be too humiliating for big ole’ Jae, wouldn't it?” He pouts, sticking his bottom lip out as he stares into Y/N’s eyes.
Y/N contemplates, sighing after a minute as he replies, “Fine.”
Jaehyun jumps in glee as he cheers, acting like a kid whose parents agreed to buy them ice cream.
“Just take me to the movies already.” Y/N sighs yet again, scratching his head as the taller calms down, bowing facetiously.
“Of course, Milady.”
“Shut up.”
The popcorn was exceptional. Splendid indeed. The pop of flavor just made everything fall into place. The popcorn was exceptional—maybe that’s why Jaehyun held the bag so cautiously.
And soon enough, that won’t be the only thing he’ll be holding—and eating, too.
“Mmmh.” Jaehyun moans as he sips his pop, taking a handful of popcorn right after.
“Dude, stop! We haven't even gotten in the theater yet and you're already devouring everything.” Y/N whines, upset. “By the time the movie starts, we’ll have nothing!”
“Chill,” Jaehyun replies, taking one last sip from his straw before he smiles at Y/N, “we can just buy another one.”
“You’re just wasting money.” Y/N groans, not wanting Jaehyun to spend any more.
“Okay, okay.” He replies, sealing his popcorn as they wait to be let in the theater.
Was it the popcorn in the theater? Something that gave Jaehyun the courage. Because Jaehyun had not been this bold 6 months ago. Was it the popcorn in the theater—or was it the soda pop?
It didn't matter. What he was going to do with his newly-found virtue did.
In the darkness, the mono-colored movie played as the bag of popcorn was set in between the boys.
“Remind me why we decided to watch a romance movie again?” Y/N brings his lips closer to Jaehyun’s ears as he whispers, not wanting to disturb the rest.
“People say it’s a good movie.”
“They both die.”
Jaehyun peels his eyes away from the screen to stare at Y/N, a look of disbelief washing over his face. “You just spoiled the movie for me.”
“Everybody knows the story of Romeo and Juliet.” Y/N replies, rolling his eyes.
“Well, I don’t.” Jaehyun whispers, looking back at the projected movie, correcting himself, “Didn’t. I guess I do now.”
“I still can’t believe you didn’t know though.” Y/N remarks, grabbing popcorn from their shared bucket, staring at the movie playing.
“Now I do, and…” Jaehyun looks at Y/N once again, his cheeks burning as he braves and says, “I guess it’s a good thing we’ll both be Romeos tomorrow.”
Y/N lightly chuckles, trying to ignore what Jaehyun had just said, keeping his eyes glued to the movie.
Unsatisfied with Y/N’s reaction, Jaehyun slips his fingers past the bucket of popcorn and onto Y/N’s, resting on the armrest. With the sudden weight and warmth on his hand, Y/N tenses—but doesn’t look at Jaehyun. Rather, he watches the movie intently, silently hoping he doesn’t give in.
Jaehyun leans closer to Y/N, lips right next to his ears as he whispers, “I’m cold.”
And he gives in.
Their fingers interlock in the dark of the theater, the sounds of dialogue from the movie filling the enclosed space up. No one can see them—it’ll be alright.
Jaehyun always found rings cute. A cheese ring, a metal ring, the ring around Saturn. Jaehyun always found rings cute,
But his greatest wish was to put a diamond one around Y/N’s finger.
“This is a scam.” Y/N retorts, hands crossed. He stares at Jaehyun as they stand in line for a hoop game on the board walk’s carnival, a few minutes after their exit from the theater.
“There’s no harm in trying.” Jaehyun replies, his eyes on the prize—a teddy bear the size of a toddler.
“That’s like saying ‘There’s no harm in getting scammed’, Jae.”
“Well,” Jaehyun cheekily replies, smirking as he blurts, “there’s no harm in getting scammed for you.”
Y/N looks at Jaehyun in disbelief as the flirt grabs 3 round hoops, preparing to land them on the moving bottles. Much like Y/N’s prediction, the first hoop falls too early and too far from the bottles, the second slides off after nearing and the third one flies too far and hits the stall owner. Jaehyun cringes as the owner painfully smirks, the feeling of victory of scamming another customer engulfing the latter’s mind, accompanied by the feeling of pain from the metal object recently hurled at his stomach.
“At least we have consolation candy?” Jaehyun’s face agonizes, embarrassment taking over.
“At least we have consolation candy.” Y/N repeats, grabbing a handful as he smiles at the owner and makes a 180°, leaving the booth. Jaehyun follows behind, hands in his pocket as he looks around the fair.
“Oooh,” Jaehyun interests, “What about that one?” He says, pointing at the game with a man in his 20’s trapped inside a container with water below, fate depending on his partner’s aim at the target.
“How about no?” Y/N replies, chuckling shortly after, “If you like water so much…
how do you feel about the beach?”
Tonight was the night. It wasn’t the 14th—it was the day before. But Jaehyun was more than confident enough to make a move. Tonight was the night—and nothing could go wrong.
Or so he hopes.
The tangerine sun meets the navy water once again, its center resting at the edge of the coast. Both boys walk down the beach, hands in pockets as they keep their feelings in.
“Pretty isn’t it?” Jaehyun perks up as he stares at Y/N breaking the silence. “The sun setting.” Jaehyun nods as Y/N continues. “It’s a shame that it’s disappearing soon. Give it a few minutes more and there won’t be a trace of orange on the sky.”
“It’s just how it is.” Jaehyun replies.
“Exactly.” Y/N gleams, the wind blowing on his shirt. “As much as I love seeing the sun, and as much as I hate seeing it go, I see it as a good thing too.”
“What do you mean?” Jaehyun replies, sparkles in his eyes as he stares at Y/N, only the calm waters and the sun’s secant behind him.
“I see it as, ‘if you love something, you have to let something else go’, or something of the sort.” Y/N chuckles, his hands still in his pockets, “I love the sun so much, but if it means seeing the night sky again, I’d give it up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
“You must love the moon and stars so much, huh.” Jaehyun awes as his skin glows under the dying sun’s radiating tint.
Y/N nods as both boys settle down on a spot by the ocean, watching the sun submerge, darker and bluer hues taking over the early evening sky. They sit there for a few minutes, staring at the ocean waves, thinking about their current situation. As they contemplate, the sky has completely changed, from warm hues into cooler and darker ones, the moon showing itself first.
“There you go.” Jaehyun chuckles, laying his back on the sand as he points up, “Your favorite.”
Y/N follows the direction Jaehyun’s finger is pointing at as he looks up at the indigo atmosphere, a faint, glowing crescent standing out. He beams as he appreciates the moon’s presence, basking in it. “Thank you for today, Jae.”
“You’re welcome. Don’t forget about tomorrow okay?”
Y/N nods as he gets up, dusting his shorts off from the sand. The other gets up as well, doing the same as Y/N watches.
Just as the latter is about to leave, Jaehyun speaks up. “Wait!” Y/N faces him once again, a sparkle on his eyes as he wonders why he was called back. “I— I have something to say.” Jaehyun shivers, clenching his fists as he breathes in and out, preparing himself for his own confession. “For the longest time I’ve— I’ve looked up to you and I just wanna say,” Y/N raises his eyebrows, the sound of waves crashing onto the beach filling his ears, “I like you.”
‘I like you’. The words ring in Y/N ears, the syllables painting his eardrums with love. It seems great at first but then he remembers—the predjudice, the shame, the disgrace, the dishonor—and doubles back. “Y-you can’t.”
“Yes, I can.” Jaehyun says as he inches closer to Y/N, his hand grazing the latter’s cheek as he pulls closer. Their lips touch under the moonlight, the stars and benthics as their witness. The taste of strawberry fills Y/N’s taste buds, the savory flavor of intimacy filling his mouth. With the doting feeling of passion engulfing Y/N’s body, he kisses back. They move in sync for a few seconds until Jaehyun pulls away, the feeling of endearment filling his mind as he registers that he had just kissed Y/N—the one he's been pining for for the past few years. Of course, that feeling isn't long-lasting as he notices Y/N take a step back, fear in the latter’s eyes.
“What’s wrong?” Jaehyun questions, his words coming out as a mere whisper. Y/N doesn't reply as he takes more steps back, mortified. Jaehyun reaches his hand out—and that’s all it takes to send Y/N running.
He sprints the opposite direction, ignoring Jaehyun’s shouts behind him. Adrenaline rushes through his veins as his shoes hit the sand continuously, fear and disappointment fueling his run.
Jaehyun is left alone, under the moonlit beach, and instead of hearing his beloved’s voice, only the sound of waves fill his ears, sending him into full regret.
Was it like water? Sometimes everything would be blithe—calm, tranquil water, their insouciant selves enjoying the world. But sometimes it would be erratic too—the unpredictable waves engulfing them and their relationship. Was it like water—their love for one another?
Jaehyun just hopes it wouldn’t dry up.
“Thought I’d find you up here.” Jaehyun mutters as he closes the rooftop door, making a sound as it closes again. It’s been a few hours since the beach incident, the moon already glowing brighter. “Look, I’m sorry for kiss–”
“Don’t be.” Y/N replies, keeping his voice as stern as possible, despite already being on the verge of tears. “It was great, I just,” Y/N pauses, takes in the night sky’s view for the last time before he breaks down, and plants his eyes on Jaehyun, still by the rooftop door. “Don’t you think this is wrong?”
“What is?” Jaehyun replies, already knowing the answer he would receive.
“This.” Y/N replies, whining dejectedly as he gets up from his sitting position, facing Jaehyun. “This is. We’re both guys, we shouldn't be flirting, let alone kissing!”
“Why does it matter?” Jaehyun questions, stepping forward as he tries his best to keep his tears in.
“It just does Jaehyun!” Y/N yells back, the exact opposite of Jaehyun’s hushed tone, his voice echoing out into the night sky. “It just does.” He repeats, tears pooling on the corner of his eyes.
“If it does, then…” Jaehyun steps back, the feeling of woe engulfing him, “you never liked me the same way I like you.”
“No!” Y/N replies almost immediately, a tear already slipping out, painting his right cheek, “I, I like you Jae, I like you so fucking much. Every single moment we’ve had, every single moment we’ve shared—I relish every bit of it. I can’t stop liking you—I’ll never stop liking you. But,” Y/N pauses, “I’m scared.”
Jaehyun steps closer to Y/N, pulling him into his embrace as the latter cries out onto his shoulder, tears staining his t-shirt, “Don’t be.”
“But I am.” Y/N replies, sniffing as he tightens his grip on Jaehyun’s body. “I’m scared of everything—What if people talk bad about us, behind our backs? What if our parents kick us out? What if we get expelled? What if—”
“Shh.” Jaehyun shushes, his hand rubbing Y/N’s back slowly, the strokes calming the latter down. “Stop thinking about the ‘what ifs’, just focus on me.”
“I’m sorry, I know I overthink a lot.” Y/N mumbles, pulling away from their embrace as he looks Jaehyun in the eyes, the moonlight shining on them. “I’m just… scared of the darkness that awaits, you know?”
“I get you.” Jaehyun replies as he stares at Y/N, melancholic. “And I’ll do whatever it takes, okay? I’ll be your candle, your shining light, anything that’ll get you through the darkness.”
“Thanks.” Y/N chuckles, looking down, noticing the sand still on Jaehyun’s shoes. “But that still doesn’t change what people would think about…” He points to Jaehyun, then at himself, repeatedly, “this.”
Jaehyun hums as he guides Y/N to the ledge of the rooftop, sitting both him and himself down as they stare out onto the deserted school field below. “Remember what you said about the sun, just a few hours ago when we were down at the beach?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“I’d give it all up. All of it. My status, my family, my friends—all of it…” Jaehyun says, peeling his eyes off the dark field below them and locking them with Y/N’s, passion fueling his words, “if it meant I could be with you. Because as much as I love them, if it means seeing you in my arms, I’d give them all up every single day, every single time, every single chance I get.”
Y/N forces a sob in, trying his best not to break down. “But why?” He replies, feeling tears pool again.
“Because I’m serious with you, dude.” Jaehyun replies as Y/N chuckles, the tears still in his eyes. “I’ve been wanting to tell you all this for a while now.”
Y/N snickers louder, he and his best friend’s intimacy overwhelming him. He takes in Jaehyun’s form, the moon casting its light down on him, and makes a desicion. “Fine.”
“Fine what?”
“Fine, you can be my candle. Fine, you can be my shining light. Fine…” Y/N pauses, trying to find the right words, “Fine, I’ll give this—us—a chance.”
Jaehyun quickly switches moods from his dejected one to a grin from ear to ear, painting over his gloomy look. “Does that mean you’re still my valentine for tomorrow...” Jaehyun pauses, looks at his watch then looks back into Y/N’s eyes, noticing all the sorrow fading, “I mean later?”
“Yes, dude.”
“We have to stop calling each other that now, babe.”
“Ew. Too cheesy don’t you think?”
“Not at all. I think it suits you.”
Both men chuckle as they stare out into the landscape, a completely new bond between them formed.
“Since it’s Valentine’s Day already,” Jaehyun mumbles as he looks toward Y/N’s direction, “do you mind giving me a kiss?” Y/N stops his peaceful gaze on the stars as he locks eyes with Jaehyun, noticing the sparkles in his eyes. “No running away this time though.”
Y/N chuckles before he places his hand on Jaehyun’s cheek, moving closer and closer, feeling their taboo love get stronger and stronger. Their lips touch as he realizes that Jaehyun’s lips taste more like peaches than strawberries. With this thought in mind, he smiles into their kiss, the feeling of fear leaving his body as he feels his best friend’s—now boyfriend’s—lips on his.
Instead of the briny ocean water witnessing their love wither merely 6 hours earlier, it was now the magnificent moon and the stunning stars bearing witness to their young, requited love bloom.
Maybe it was the stigma. The thing that kept them apart for so long. Maybe it was the stigma—or maybe they were both just pussies.
Good thing they grew some balls.
“I think I get why you like the moon and stars so much.” Jaehyun blurts as the two lay on the beach once again, staring up at the glittered night sky, the valentine air floating out and about.
“And why’s that?” Y/N says as he looks up at Jaehyun, curiosity devouring him.
“It reminds me of a phrase in Latin.” He replies, smiling as the bijou stars twinkled at them, as if they were smiling. “It means light in darkness.” Y/N nods. “The moon, the stars—they paint the plain black sky and turn it into something stunning. I can’t look away from it now. Whenever I look up at night, I’ll always remember you.”
“Good for you.” Y/N chuckles, shifting his gaze from his boyfriend’s cheek and placing it back on the painting-like sky above them, miniature dots glistening on the canvas. “What’s that phrase again? If it sounds pretty, I just might get it tattooed on me.”
“Light in darkness,” Jaehyun stops, smiling back at the specs winking at them, “and in Latin,” Y/N looks up at Jaehyun, only to catch him staring back, stars in his eyes,
“Lux in tenebris.”
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 02.04.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 02.13.21
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daim1812 · 3 years
Unknown Number (Levi Ackerman x Reader)
Warnings: 18+, High School Reader, Reader's at legal age, Creampie, Shower Sex, Degradation (faintly), Perv! Levi, slight spanking and out-of-the-blue sex.
One Shot: 18+, One night stand (kind of)
(Y/N) - Your name
(L/N) - Last name
(H/C) - Hair color
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'Ring, ring, ring, ring!'
My eyes open delicately, getting used to the little light coming through the curtains. I stretch out on the bed, the sheets running over my body as I don't stop stretching my muscles. I make little sounds and then I sit on the bed. I look at the nightstand on the left side of my bed and notice my phone. I turn off the alarm that keeps ringing and check the time.
7:48 AM
My eyes widen rudely and I bolt out of bed. Soon I find myself in the bathroom, undressing and throwing myself into the water, taking a quick shower. I get out of the bathroom and soon start dressing.
I put on my underwear, my shorts, my black skirt and my white polo shirt. I decorate my feet with white stockings with blue lines at the top which reach my knees. I put on my black school shoes and run to the living room, grab my black jacket (uniform combination) and go back to the room to get my keys and backpack.
I walk to the door and after opening and locking it, I start running to school while I put my backpack on my shoulders.
8:10 AM
I'm a little late for school, but it was all worth it. The bell had already rung and everyone was going to their respective rooms. I run to my classroom and enter carefully, noticing that I had arrived early since there were still people missing from the class.
I sit in one of the chairs at the front and take out a folder, a pencil, and some notes.
There was an important exam that day. This exam would keep my grade for the year and no other exam this professor gave us was worth more than that exam. I had spent all that week studying like crazy so I could learn that test. My friends had spent some days with me studying, but then they decided to do it on their own, so I decided to continue with my studies.
The night before I had been feeling quite nervous to the point where I could no longer sleep. I finished studying and decided to go to sleep. I was able to fall asleep very late, so late that it was almost dawn.
I sigh nervously when the teacher comes to class. After he came in, he passed out his good morning and began handing in the exam. As soon as he gives me the test, my mind freezes and my hands immediately start to sweat, but I don't let it get me nervous.
I started to take the exam and later I could already remember some things that I had studied and read about 20 times in a row.
As I was about to finish the exam, only 5 questions unanswered, my phone started ringing. I took it cautiously so that the teacher or someone would not see me. I looked at the screen and frowned.
Unknown number
I put it back in my pocket and continued with the exam. I was almost done, two more questions so I could finish the exam, turn it in, and then leave the classroom. But my luck was so horrible that the stranger didn't seem to understand the concept of ignoring a call.
Unknown number
3 missed calls
I was getting quite annoyed so when he called again I answered, leaning my body to the side and letting my voice come out in a whisper.
"Why did you do it, Petra?"
A male voice tasted my right ear and my insides wanted to know more about that voice so deep and strong.
I swallowed hard and whispered again, looking sideways and noticing that my partner on the right side was watching me curiously. I smiled at him and returned my attention to the call.
"I think you have the wrong number. Please don't call again."
I was about to hang up when the male voice spoke.
"Why the hell do you have Petra's phone number? Who are you?"
I was offended and upset. I looked at the cell phone and when I was planning to respond with an insult, someone takes the phone from me, making my face become a total poem, my body freeze in a strange pose and my heart pound strongly on my chest.
"Miss (L / N), you have 0% on the exam. Now, go to the principal's office; we will see if there you answer the phone on his face. Get out of my class now." And he hung up the call.
Perplexed, furious, stunned, my blood boiling, I grabbed my backpack and my phone which the teacher had left on my desk.
With an immense urge to cry, a lump in my throat, with an internal shame, I walk out of the room to the office to sit there waiting for a lecture that would leave me wanting to jump off a bridge.
I arrive at the office and no one is there, not even the secretary was there. After a few minutes standing in front of the secretary's desk, she arrives with some papers. She smiles at me and I explain why I'm there. She shakes her head disapprovingly and tells me to sit in one of the chairs near the desk.
I do what she tells me and soon I see her disappear from my sight.
I have tears accumulated in my eyes and I only screech when I realize that I had screwed up my semester just because of some stupid who wanted to annoy me at that very moment. This was all the fault of that idiot behind the phone.
I bite my lip furiously and grab my phone, unlock it, and look up the number I don't know, dial it, and wait for them to answer.
After a few long minutes, I hear the male voice answering my call.
"You are a fucking asshole, did you know that?"
I come out with the first thing that comes out of my mind, fury and rage blocking my reason and my thoughts.
"And who the hell do you think you are to talk to me like that, brat?" I hear him growl and it makes me angrier than I am.
"BECAUSE OF YOUR FUCKING FAULT I JUST FAILED MY SEMESTER! COULDN'T YOU GO FUCK SOMEONE ELSE'S LIVES?" I was screaming like a fool in the office, my tears starting to come out of my eyes. I notice that I scream and lower my voice so as not to attract attention.
"Tsk. That is not my problem, little girl. If YOU had studied and if YOU had not answered the call, none of that would have happened. Therefore, it is your fault. Irresponsible." I let out a frustrated sigh and dry my tears.
"Was I the one who called like 20 times? You are an idiot, an egocentric, a real piece of shit." And with that said I ended the call.
I cry like a fool, phone in hand. I hear my phone ring again and this time I curse out loud. I respond quickly with a lot of anger.
"Curse me again, little girl, and I swear, I'll break you in two and not in a very cute way. What's your name, brat?” His voice lowers a bit in tone and I can tell that he is talking a little bored about the situation. I look sideways and lower my head, looking at my uniform.
"And what does that matter to you?"
"Brat... don't answer a question with another question. Answer the damn question. What's your fucking name?" He raises his voice a little and I stay silent.
“(Y / N)..." I whisper, but I know he heard me.
"Good. I'm Levi." He introduces himself in a short form.
"Nice to meet you..." I continued whispering.
"Anyway... what private school do you go to?" He asks and I frown.
"It’s a public school."
"For a girl very demanding of her grades, I am surprised that you’re not from a private school." He arrogantly says, making me angry again.
"Do you think public school students have no goals? We have more dreams than private school students could have. I imagine you say that because you were in a private school. I also imagine that because you were in a private school, you are a huge jerk . " My subconscious gives me a high-five and I gladly crash them. This is how it is done.
He huffs against the earpiece and then sighs.
"Do you want to play, little girl? Because I do I love to play. Fucking the lives of people who challenge me is my favorite pastime." His voice changes a bit in tone, being authoritative and mocking, but at this point I couldn't tell much.
"Moron." I whisper as low as possible, but he hears me. Still, he ignores what I said to go back to his question.
"What school do you go to?"
"None that you care about." My subconscious drops the popcorn and smiles wide, loving my responses.
"(Y / N), you are giving me a headache. Tell me where the hell is your school." He growls, and this time I bite my lip, something inside me liking that growl. I look at the floor and hear the sound of heels hitting the ground, announcing that someone was coming down the hall from the office.
I look at the phone and when I see the secretary lean in, I quickly hang up the call, lower the volume and put it on silence.
I look at the secretary whose name is Felicia and she tells me that I can go to the director now. I rolled my eyes for me and sighed, thanking the secretary and then headed for the principal's office.
After giving me a lecture and a half of all the bad things I have done, he lets me leave school, since many of my teachers had been absent.
As I'm on my way home, I can't stop thinking about the idiot that cost me my semester. Tomorrow I had planned to go to the teacher to see if he would give me the opportunity to make up the exam even if he took away some points. I would tell him what had happened and pray to God that this teacher had the decency to help me.
I get home and throw my backpack on the couch in the living room. I lived alone, but my parents helped pay for the apartment while I kept studying at that school. Sighing, I decide to just sit on the couch and put on a series that I had been watching in the previous week.
I spent most of the day watching the show, until I heard my stomach growling while just laying on the couch. So I started to prepare some food that I had in my kitchen.
After I finished, I sat back on the couch, ate something, and then, realizing that it was late, packed everything up, put the plate in the sink, and went to my room. I bathed, changed, checked the notebooks, and then went to sleep.
When I closed my eyes, the first thing that came to my mind was my semester all destroyed and the male voice that ruined everything.
I curse out loud and knock all of that out of my brain. My subconscious is moving its head from side to side, shaking its head as it makes all trace of what had happened in the day disappear.
Minutes later I had already fallen to sleep with my pillow on one side, sleeping to wait for tomorrow.
I got to school early, walking down the hallways to get to my first classroom. I enter the classroom and meet the teacher who had thrown me out. I say good morning to him and he does not hesitate to say something to me.
He starts class and I don't stop paying attention at all times. At the end of the class, I go to the teacher and explain what happened. With a great and beautiful miracle from heaven, the teacher understood. He told me to come the next day so that I can take the test again. I left the classroom happy and headed to my next classes.
Coming out of my third class, going to recess, I decided to go out of my way to go to my friends to go to the bathroom. When I was going to go in, I trip over someone and my phone, which I had in hand rummaging through my music, falls to the floor. I almost scream when I see it on the ground and I feel like dying. I squat down and pick it up, looking at it to see if something had happened to it. This starts to boil my blood and I stand up again, looking at the person to whom knocked down my phone. I looked at the person and noticed his features. He had totally gray eyes, dark and full of many problems. I could notice it. His hair covered his forehead a little and it was jet black. He was a little short, more or less my height. I feel self-conscious, like he's intimidating me; I feel attracted to this. My cheeks turn a little red, but it quickly fades.
"Can't you see where you're walking, brat? Tsk. Reckless." I was going to continue walking, but I whispered, making him stop and turn around. "What did you say?"
"Don't you have ears?" I faced him, now speaking a little loud.
"Come and say it to my face.” He leaned closer to me a little, challenging me. I frowned, this attitude reminding me a bit of the idiot on the phone. I shake my head a bit and face him.
"That you are a fool.” I looked up at the man in front of me and he raised an eyebrow.
"And you are a very irritating brat ..." he leans a little closer to me and grabs my nape, closing the distance between us. He brought his lips close to my ear and with an extremely sensual voice, he whispered. "... (Y / N).”
He walked away.
With a mischievous smile that then turned into a fine line on his lips, indicating that he was in a bad mood, he disappeared from my sight.
I was puzzled by what happened. I came out of my trance and went into the bathroom. I did what I had to do and then I went with my friends. I wasn't paying much attention to what my friend and best friends were saying, I was only thinking about the gray-eyed man. In this Levi.
When classes were over, I went home, stopping somewhere to buy some food. I didn't feel like doing anything to eat so I bought myself some Chinese food and then went home. I breathed a little sigh when I got to the apartment, I wanted to get there to eat and then go to work at 6 in the afternoon, at the cafe on the corner.
As I got to the front of my apartment door, I realized that there was a silhouette in front of my door. I frowned and moved closer; noticing the short boy's hair, I rolled my eyes, passing by his side and pulling out the key.
"Are you following me, inept?" I look at him, as I feel his gaze on my body. He doesn't show any emotion and he just flinches at me.
"Did the cat bite your tongue, you idiot?" I said again, smiling sarcastically. He didn't respond and I was already starting to get a little irritated. I opened the door and stepped inside. I was going to close the door, but Levi's hand stops me. I look at him and mumble. "Want something?"
"Let me make it up to you for missing this semester." Finally he said, a dry and serious tone. He gave me a little chill down my spine, but I shook it off fast.
"I don't even know you."
"We can change that." He pushed open my door and stepped inside, ignoring my screams. I rolled my eyes again and closed the door. I saw him looking at my apartment, touching everything and watching it carefully.
"This is filthy dirty. How can you live here? Disgusting." He pouted his lips and the blood went straight to my head. I calmed down and went to the kitchen.
"So... Levi, right?" I grabbed a plate and served the food to myself. My subconscious kicks me a little and I curse. "You want...?" I offer him. He walks over to the kitchen and looks at the food. Then he looked at me seriously and nodded. I smiled at him, for the first time, and served the food for him. I took it to the table and put some bottled water for him, a crystal glass next to the bottle.
"And... how do you plan to reward me?" I look into his gray eyes and for a moment I lose myself in it. My cheeks turn crimson and I have to look at my plate to relax. My subconscious doesn't seem to like my behavior very much and makes me understand that I don't know him.
"I'll talk to the teacher about the situation.” He said curtly, just eating some of what I served him. I bite my lip a little and look at him. Fine lips, perfect for kissing. An upturned nose, made to measure. His gray eyes and small dark circles under his eyes, a symbol that he was not sleeping well. I felt a little bad and curiosity wanted to win me in this, but I did not let it.
"I already spoke to him. Don't worry."
"Don't address me informally.” He said quite cold and cutting, causing me to squirm in my chair a bit, feeling that what he had said was wrong.
“I’m sorry..."
"What did the Professor said to you?" He asked after a great silence between us.
"That tomorrow he would give me the opportunity to make up the exam. At least he understood that an unknown idiot made me fail the class." I look at him, not caring about the labels or anything.
He watches me calmly, serenely, boredom included. It seemed like he didn't want to be there.
"Call me idiot again and I won't answer, brat." He murmured and went back to eating, ignoring my gaze on his body. He had some buttons undone and you could see his abs a bit. I died internally and my subconscious had to fan itself with their hand.
"Okay. Also," he looks me in the eye irritably. "Could you leave before 5:20 PM? I have to work."
"Where do you work?"
"In a coffee shop on the corner. They pay good so I stayed there. Besides, I need the money." I add with a nod, picking up the chicken and putting it in my mouth, giving some liking to my palate.
"How much do you get paid per hour?" Levi is looking at me now, his eyes never stop piercing my white polo from school. I hadn't even had a chance to change my clothes.
"$5.25 an hour. It's quite a lot for me. Not much though. I only work 5 hours, plus tips from clients, which isn't much either. But I like the place; it's quiet and has a Christmas scent most of the time. That's something I love a lot. " I smile and he doesn't stop looking at my smile. I notice it and I can't stop shifting in my chair.
"How old are you?" I look at him with some food in my mouth; he's waiting for me to delight the chicken. I swallow easily and press a lock of my hair behind my ear.
"18." I muttered, going back to eating some more of the chicken, which was actually yummy.
"I see." He stops eating and grabs the crystal glass in a very strange way. He picks it up and drinks from over the glass. I feel lost in the way he holds the glass. When finished, he puts it back where it was and watches me. "You smell.”
"What...?" I whisper incredulous. Did he just...?
"You smell. Take a shower. " His back touches the back of the chair and his gaze infuses mine.
"WHAT?!" My cheeks turn red with rage and I have to restrain myself from getting up from the chair and punching him in the very beautiful face that he has. "WELL, IF YOU WERE NOT ROAMING AROUND LIKE A SEXUAL HARASSER, I WOULD HAVE ALREADY BATHED! Now, get out of my house!" I yelled at him, lifting myself out of the chair and walking to my room in a fury. I don't hear him speak or mutter anything, so I deduce that he was gone. I closed the bathroom door and took off all my clothes, the school uniform, leaving it in a place away from the water. I step into the bathroom and sigh, thinking about how long the day had been. I sigh again when the water passes through my body slowly, filling me with joy. I let the water wash away all my worries, my despair, my crazy starts and I let myself be carried away by the sound of water falling to the ground. I let go of my (H / C) locks and put my head in the water, the water sliding all over my body. I lather up slowly, loving every second and minute that I spent in the shower.
Suddenly I feel a hand surround my waist and another hand position itself in my mouth, so that no sound comes out. A silent scream comes out of me and I feel myself dying in the arms of a stranger.
"Take it easy." The cold, emotionless voice calms me down a bit, noticing whose he was. He lets his hand escape my mouth and positions it on my waist. I breathe hard, trying to get past the bad scare I had.
"Are you stupid or what? You almost scared me to death Levi. Oh my God!" I put a hand on my chest and calm down. I hear him snort and cling to my body.
Good grief of the cowboy saints and the entire galaxy!
He had a heart attack body. I didn't see it, but I did feel it. A few abs pressing against my bare back, a v-line running down his crotch and... and let's not talk about his little friend. He was more than a friend at this point.
I feel my cheeks burn and then a short, low moan escapes me. He reaches up to my ear and with his teeth grabs my earlobe, pulling it for himself. I moaned loudly and I squirm in his chest, my breathing starting to go wild.
"Le-Levi ..." his name leaves my lips and for the first time and I feel that it is the most beautiful and most sensual name that I have heard in my entire life. He seems to like me how I moan his name because he now he presses his semi-hard cock against my buttocks, taking my breath away.
"That's it... moan my name, slut.” He whispers in my ear and even though he called me a slut, it made me so wet, getting a loud moan in response. So encouraging.
His hands run through my body and never move away from me. I feel his breath on my neck and I tremble at the touch of him on my stomach. His hands slowly move up my stomach and he positions himself close to my breast. He seems to try to retract, but he doesn't. Instead, he just goes ahead and grabs my right breast, squeezing it in his hand, making me squirm at his gigantic hands that literally fit my breasts perfectly.
I screech at his hand starting to pull on my nipple, his other hand kneading my breast. Then he presses his manhood to my back and begins to rub against me, moans escaping my throat.
I can't think, everything is blocked in my mind. I try to listen to what my subconscious is telling me, but my body doesn't want to respond and begins to rock my hips against Levi. I hear him growl and bring his mouth to my neck, sighing against me, sticking his tongue out of him and licking a large part of my neck.
I moan loudly and can't stop moving my hips back. He bites my neck slowly, digging his teeth into me a little. I drop my neck on his shoulder and he now holds me in his big arms.
"Are you so needy, (Y / N)?" He whispers into my neck and then turns me around, this time letting me see the whole picture of him. His pecs, his strong thighs and legs, his gray eyes now a little black and his hair a little wet because of me.
I bite my lip and don't take my eyes off him. My eyes land on his manhood and I feel myself almost falling to the ground from the greatness before my eyes.
Could that really fit into such a small place?
He watches me lustfully, noticing that I see his manhood with eyes of concern and desire. He wraps his arms around my waist and presses me to him, slowly getting closer to my lips. He smirks mischievously and runs his tongue across my lips.
“It will fit. And if he doesn't fit in, I'll have to force him." Then he kisses me.
He kisses me with a force that pushes me back and my back is pressed against the cold wall. I groan at the cold touch and he takes that opportunity to subjugate his tongue into my oral cavity.
I feel myself dying before his lips and his hands go down my waist, resting on my ass. He imprisons me on him and his member presses on my stomach, slowly coming down into my crotch.
The water falls on our glued bodies and gives it an exciting and lustful atmosphere. Levi won't let me go, kissing me until my lungs are out of breath. He stops kissing me and starts spreading kisses all over my face until he reaches my neck where he starts giving small, wet kisses. One of his hands goes up my stomach and positions himself on my breast, grabbing the already erect nipple and manipulating it at will.
He makes me moan and gasp continuously, letting me run my hands through his raven hair and pull him with quick movements.
After a few seconds, Levi looks me in the eye and I have to blink quickly not to get behind in his gaze. I see him smile mischievously and then as he grabs my ass, he makes me jump and my legs wrap around his waist.
My hands go behind his neck and I let them rest there. His lips seek mine and when he finds them, he kisses me with passion and eagerness. I kiss him back and soon we are carried away by the kiss.
The water continues to fall on our bodies and now I can begin to moan like a cat in heat. The only thing that can be heard is the sound of water falling against the floor and our breaths accompanied by short, soothing moans.
Suddenly I find myself looking between our bodies together, noticing how Levi grabs his member and leads him to my entrance. I groaned loudly and dig my nails on his shoulder. He growls at my act and gives me an angry look.
"Do not do that." He mumbles and I know he is holding back, that deep inside him he had liked what I did.
I bite my lower lip and look into his eyes.
"I am a virgin."
All the anger has died down, going to a more formal face, a face of perhaps surprised, but he knew how to hide it quite well. I watch him warily, wandering my eyes all over his face and hear him snort.
Then, I feel his lips touch mine again, but in a softer and more subtle way, letting the cold of my lips warm to his. I feel like dying before the softness that he takes. One hand is still supporting my weight and the other now places it on my cheek, holding it gently. We kiss for a short time and then he pulls away from me, a bit of saliva connecting our lips. Levi give me a little "tsk" and then returns his gaze to our crotches.
"I know you're a virgin ... I'll try to be as careful with you. If it bothers you, just squeeze my shoulders and I'll stop." I nod and he gives me one last look, then begins to press on my entrance.
I bite my lip quickly, the same with which he looks at me while he is pressing his throbbing member against me. He pushes the head of his member inside and I let out a silent scream, internally crying.
Levi spreads kisses down my neck and my head leans back as I try not to cry from the pain. He stays like that for a few seconds, pampering me in his arms, kissing my neck, repeating to calm me down with a slow and deliberate voice.
He looks at me and I try everything to be able to look at him. He brings his forehead to mine and after giving me a little kiss on the nose, he whispers:
"I'm going in."
He subdues the entire length of him inside me, taking my breath away and finally breaking every virginity he had. I try to hold back my tears, but soon one or another comes out of my eyes. Levi kisses me and does not move inside me, understanding that it was better for him to get used to the length and thickness of him.
I pat him on the back, my head pressed to his shoulder, my teeth gently biting my lower lip. His cock throbs inside me and I feel Levi growl low. His hands make me jump a little so that the weight is just right for him and his member takes this opportunity to impale himself inside me again. My throat goes wild and I let out all the louder moans I've ever heard made before.
Levi begins to move inside me slowly, his lips pressing on my shoulder as I moan without concern into his neck. My head tilts a little and it gives me a chance to look Levi in ​​the eye. I press my forehead against his as Levi begins to sway continuously and eagerly.
"More..." I sighed between moans, my nipples rubbing against his chest, letting Levi draw a growl that felt it all over my pussy, getting me more wet than necessary.
Levi looks me straight in the eye and his heart surrenders to what he sees. Suddenly he pushes me against the wall, the water falling between us, and without letting me think for a moment what was happening, his member begins to rush in and out of me.
He fucks me with such agility that I can't almost breathe. His lips stick to my neck and he bites down hard, leaving his bite marks on the edge of my neck and my collarbone.
I hear Levi's grunting and my pussy can't help but contract and get wetter than before, and Levi notices this, making it harder for him to get in and out.
"You're so... tight." I groan in response, my head flooded in clouds and paradises as I am supported by Levi.
Even though my mind was screaming at me what the hell I was doing this with a guy I barely knew and who, to make matters worse, almost made me miss a whole semester, I didn't have the slightest desire of importance in me. It felt so good in the arms of that short boy. I felt that I could achieve glory while he pampered me with words and on the other hand made me want that sexual act more intensely.
Fuck, he felt so good. He felt so fucking rich.
Levi bites my nipples and brings me back to reality. Almost drooling into his arms that keep pressing me to the wall, I look at him with lust and a little confusion as to why he did that.
His eyes meet mine and I can't contain my moans as I watch him suck on my nipples. He bites and then licks my nipple, moving to the other to repeat the same action. Suck, bite and lick.
I screech at the itch on my bottom and instantly know that Levi had whipped my ass with his hand.
My pussy tightens around him again, and Levi moans again, loving that my pussy took the size of him so well.
"Look at me." He orders me, smacking my ass again. His mouth is drawn to one side with a mischievous smile as he does not let my nipple escape from his thin and luscious lips.
It's hard for me to look at him, but I do my best to keep my eyes from closing in pleasure. His hand grabs my chin and makes me look at him, those gray eyes now with dilated pupils and his wet hair pressing into his forehead.
So sensual.
My nails dig into his back and I moan maddeningly at his onslaught nonstop. We stared at each other, he gripping my chin tightly so that my head wouldn't tilt back, and I between closing and opening my eyes. I bite my lower lip and continue moaning, my breasts rising in time with the fierce thrusts.
"I told you... to look at me." He growls against my chest, his teeth nipping at my nipple with no subtlety, making me scream on the spot.
I look at him quickly, the water droplets almost blurring my vision. Still, I don't take my gaze away from his as he continues to grab my nipple and violently slap it between his lips. He sucks incessantly, like a baby, and my pussy squeezes my juices.
"Le-Levi ..." I call his name as my waist rises in time with his hips. His balls hit my entrance, the water and my juices creating an extravagant sound throughout the bathroom.
"I am so close." I moan at him, grabbing his cheeks and forcing him away from my nipples, letting a POP roll off his lips. I look into his eyes and push my lips against his, kissing him passionately, pushing my tongue into his mouth.
His thin fingers sink into my hips and he soon begins to thrust rapidly, in and out of my wet pussy without any difficulty.
He pulled me away from his lips a few inches when I felt my orgasm reach its maximum. I dig my nails back into his back and scratch him from the bottom up, wanting to hold on and hold on to him.
I hear him growl and gasp a little in my ear when he notices my pussy twitch around him as he presses his cock's head against my G-spot.
I bite his shoulder quickly as a high-pitched scream comes out of me, not being able to take much more of that passionate sex session. My fingers continue to dig into his back as my toes curl and my legs jerk. My moans are heard throughout the apartment and Levi seems to love it as he pulls my earlobe and growls in my ear.
Soon his thrusts begin to cease, the white liquid fading inside me, running gently down my lips and my thighs. I hear him moan as his member lets out the last drops of his semen on me.
He holds me for a few more minutes, our breaths heavy and colliding with both of our necks. My nipples are still upright on his chest and his member comes out of my pussy to give his semen a chance to come out of my hole.
Levi lets my feet touch the ground gently, still watching the spasms of my orgasm in my legs. His fingers are still buried in my hips as I lean back on the wall. I clear my throat and uncomfortably turn so the water runs down my wet, sweaty back. Levi says nothing and I pray to keep it that way.
After cleaning up and letting Levi do the same, I walk out of the bathroom to get dressed. Levi comes out behind me with a towel hooked around his waist.
My cheeks are flushed and I have to turn my gaze not to let him know that I found that image too tempting.
After dressing and looking at the clock next to my bed, I can tell that my workday would soon begin.
"Umm ..." I mumble, watching Levi put his shoes on and then stand up and look at me. "I think ... it's better now ... that you leave ..."
I almost whisper the words, but the intimidating look Levi gives me leaves me stuck on in my place.
I hear his footsteps approaching me and my subconscious starts to panic. I forget to breathe, my hands sweat and my heart pumps with more force as his hand is positioned on my waist, drawing me towards him.
"For a little girl ... you made me come like no one else." He mutters, the mischievous smile appearing on his face. My blush is higher than before and I really couldn't think clearly.
I walk away from him and point to my bedroom door, causing him to walk me to the front door.
He does not look at me at any time and I only flinch to murmur goodbye when I see him cross the threshold of the door.
Before leaving, he takes my chin, makes me look at him and with a face of loathing mixed with lust, licks my lips slowly.
"You don't smell now, idiot." He whispers into my lips, leaning back slowly. "Call me to screw you again ... and I hope this time is not your semester." I smile and watch him disappear from my sight as he stepped into the elevator.
I closed the door as quickly as possible and took a deep breath.
My legs slowly sag and soon I find myself on the ground with my cheeks red, my hands pressed to my knees and my mouth half open in surprise.
I really did something like that?
What kind of outrageous person have I become?
Fuck, but it had felt wonderful. He made me touched the sky and he swore he wanted to do it again. My fingers slowly trailed down my thighs, remembering how his hands roamed up my hips and infused me against his, his cock throbbing every time he sank inside me.
I feel my fingers position themselves on my panties, my head tilting back with a groan. I had hardly felt the glory and wanted more.
My fingers get lost inside my panties and land on my clit, giving me the feeling of desire and anguish for more. I start a slow, fragile movement against my clit, thinking of Levi's hands touching me as if it was the only thing I wanted to do at the moment. My other hand lowers the bra over my breasts and my fingers engage in kneading and pinching my nipples, which begin to rise up against my fingers.
The swaying of my fingers doesn't compare to Levi's thrusts, but they calm me with lust when I insert one of my fingers into my entrance. My head slides back into the door with a solid moan, my pussy getting wet non-stop as I masturbate in the doorway to the memories of Levi fucking me in my bathroom. I let myself sink into thoughts and continue my instinctive process of spontaneous release.
I prick and knead my nipples, my other fingers running circularly over my clit, seeking quick release and relaxation. My moans rise again in pitch and suddenly I find myself moaning Levi's name as my body contracts and rises into the air. My hips jerk as my body squirts liquid from my pussy. I continue to moan as my body relaxes on the floor, the liquid exposed all over the floor at the entrance to my apartment.
Flushed, wet, with lust clouding my head, I get up to clean everything that my body dripped. I head back to my room, taking a quick bath, putting on my work clothes, and grabbing my things to get out of the apartment. I mentally note that I had to go to the pharmacy to find some contraceptive pills since I had let a total stranger come inside me.
Before opening the door to leave, I remember my phone, rummaging through my purse. I unlock it and the message on the screen frightens me and makes me wet again.
Very sensual.
Message from: The bitch who screwed up my semester 🤦🏽‍♀️
Your moans were heard throughout the hall. I was barely gone and you were already dripping for me. Brats like you deserve a lesson. And you will see what a lesson I will teach you... slut.
The boy from the wrong number was extremely sensual.
Thank you so much for reading this!~
Have a good day or night, beautiful. 🥰
This is a translated version. The original version will be posted in due time.
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ellzblue · 2 years
Muse Associations tag game,,, i went overboard and did four. oops. thank youuu @nemo-my-name-forevermore :))))
SEASONING: Paprika, she just burns no matter how much or little you add. 
WEATHER: The below freezing winter day, where the air hurts your lungs and makes you cry but you can't cry cause then your tears will freeze. That cold, dead winter day that reminds you how much you miss the summer, that is Bonnie.
COLOR: Navy, Gold and Off-White.  
SKY: The pitch black winter sky with seldom any stars lighting it and the moon still too low in the sky at 4pm.
MAGICAL POWER: Perfect accuracy. Shes close now but why not make it magical.
HOUSE PLANT: Those spindly ones that don't require anything but somehow thrive. She's a gremlin that doesn't need much and looks like a mess.
WEAPON: Her giant ass old gun. She likes range and to bludgeon. 
SUBJECT: Geography, she's well traveled, likes cartography and can sing the Animaniac's Country song. Just to annoy others. 
SOCIAL MEDIA: She doesn't have any, get all her updates from post shared with her. If she had to have on though, probably Facebook cause she's secretly an old lady.
MAKEUP PRODUCT: A brow pencil since I can never decide what her actual eyebrow shape is.
CANDY: Jawbreaker. 
FEAR: She has none. lol jk, hardass's fear is losing her fam. 
ICE CUBE SHAPE: Crushed. Monch, cronch 
METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: Boat or ship. Most her contracts are sea travel based now and she's gotten accustom to the ocean. Earned her sea legs if you will. Also if the crew annoys her she shoves them overboard and chances of them getting back on? slim. Don't get that with a car. 
ART STYLE: Old american traditional sailor tattoos. shes stark, hard and rare deviates from what shes good at.
PIECE OF STATIONERY: A dirty Bic Pen you find on the side walk. 
THREE EMOJIS: She refuses to use emojis.
CELESTIAL BODY: Northern star. A marker for those lost and goddam is she lost most the time.
SEASONING: Cumin, down to earth, versatile and taste like literal dirt if you add too much.
WEATHER: That disgustingly hot humid summer day that makes you regret life. Like the air is thiccc. There's no escaping the heat or this dumbass. 
COLOR: Green, Red and Black. All on the desaturated side. 
SKY: Cloudless afternoon.
MAGICAL POWER: Immortality. He just won't die or stay dead. 
HOUSE PLANT: A succulent you forgot you bought and thought maybe it was fake but no turns out its alive and somehow thriving with your minimal care but dies immediately once you realize this and actually tend to it. Oddly specific i know. Not from experience or anything....
WEAPON: Bombs, seals and blades. Mostly seals. He usually doesn't want to hurt the critter or evil magical creature. 
SUBJECT: Studying the animals and magical critters. 
SOCIAL MEDIA: Tiktok, he'd do the stupid ass dances and trends. Also Twitter cause he has a lot of thoughts. 
MAKEUP PRODUCT: 2008 NOT waterproof liner and mascara, he wants it to bleed. 
CANDY: Starburst or skittles or anything that is straight sugar and rots your teeth. 
FEAR: vulnerability? rejection? taxes? one of those. 
ICE CUBE SHAPE: The long one you can fit in a water bottle. Has its uses but will also deep throat choke you if not careful. 
METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: He likes bus or train. Mainly so he can nap and not worry about getting there. Planes are too cramped and require so much prepping ew. Dirty greyhound at 3am is so much better...
ART STYLE: Jackson Pollock spatters. Chaotic but a vibe.
PIECE OF STATIONERY: That dirty Bic Pen you found on the sidewalk but also has a bunch of teethmarks on it.  
THREE EMOJIS: 👀🍆😩 i hate him too.
CELESTIAL BODY: Venus, its small, volatile, goes by the beat of its own drum and also green.  
SEASONING: Mint. Comes across as sweet and you think you like it but definitely can be overwhelming and too much and damn girl can u not?
WEATHER: First semi warm day of spring, where its still a little chilly but the sun is finally out and you're just ready to embrace it. 
COLOR: Pink, Mint and Lavender, honestly just pastels. 
SKY: That pale pink right before sunrise, its not as overpowering as the sunset but still stops you. Probs cause you stayed up too late or its too damn early.
MAGICAL POWER: Telekinesis, they can read minds but are like polite about it. 
HOUSE PLANT: Orchid, requires so much maintenance but incredibly pretty. Is it worth it? some argue no.
WEAPON: They don't really use...weapons? They chomp? Does that count. Teeth? 
SUBJECT: Etiquette or Business. Either way they need to be bullied.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram. What a thot. 
MAKEUP PRODUCT: Concealer, don't feel....er
CANDY: Chocolate covered cherries. You think youre getting a sophisticated treat but nah bitch, its overly sweet and syrupy and a hot mess to eat.
FEAR: Losing autonomy.
ICE CUBE SHAPE: Spheres. Its spherical, like the whisky balls. Classy but also like hilarious when idiots drink too quick and it smacks them in the face. theyre  fun i highly recommend everyone get a mold. 
METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: Planes. They like watching Charlotte play her game and sharing headphones. Even if the concept of Terraforming in Animal Crossing confuses them. Overnight flights just have that heavy ambiance of silence but so much white noise. 
ART STYLE: Rococo painting. we get it theres enough details you can stop...
PIECE OF STATIONERY: Fancy quill pens on thick nice paper...and hello kitty stickers all over. 
THREE EMOJIS: 😬🥺🥹 god i hate them too.
CELESTIAL BODY: Pluto. Doing their mf best okay? 
SEASONING: Rosemary. Not for everything but definitely has a home holiday feeling about it.
WEATHER: The last warm days of Autumn, where the days are bright and sunny and warm making you think this great weather will never succumb to winter. 
COLOR: Neon Purple, Blue and Magenta. 
SKY: The shade of blue right before the sunrises, the blue hour of light opposite of golden hour, just before the sun breaks the horizon. The telltale sign yo ass needs to get to bed asap. 
MAGICAL POWER: Invisibility. She already feels kinda invisible so might as well make it magical. 
HOUSE PLANT: A flowering cactus. All she needs is a little attention and she'll bloom.
WEAPON: Charlottes not confrontational, so no weapons. But in games she is a fan of range fighters so theres that. 
SUBJECT: she likes the soft sciences like psychology and sociology. stuff that relates to her and lets her help others.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitch,,, she's a streamer yo. 
MAKEUP PRODUCT: Liquid liner. Its light enough that she doesn't feel it.
CANDY: Sour Gummy worms. 
FEAR: She's terrified of putting herself out there and accomplishing nothing or being written off. She got that real bad social anx. 
ICE CUBE SHAPE: Ice bad. No cold. 
METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: Plane rides. She likes snuggling up in the seat, putting her knees against the chair in front of her and sharing headphones. Rip to that person ahead of her.  
ART STYLE: 1980 and 1990s patterns, you know the designs you see in skating rinks and most bowling alleys. 
PIECE OF STATIONERY: Glitter gel pens on taco bell napkins. 
CELESTIAL BODY: Probably a Jupiter moon. She's small, super small, compliments those around her and has an air of mystery surrounding her being mute and all. 
taggin: well anikin and mazi are already tagged. i expect those twinks and rascals of yalls soon enough.
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cata-linaa · 3 years
Hello, how are you? Okay, well not gonna lie it's my first time requesting anything, so I would like to request a match-up. If possible. :) If I have any mistakes you are more than welcome to correct me or tell me to do it again.
I am 20 years old, female and from Germany. I study medicine, am in the 2nd year. I can speak five languages and am currently learning Icelandic - I don't know why to be all honest- and love to read and draw in my free time. I am also in a MMA club, it's my fourth year now -it's a miracle that I'm still alive, hahaha- and I've played football for seven years. Because of the pandemic we are not allowed to participate in any sports, so I'm rather at home and studying. I also love volleyball, not gonna lie, I've watched HQ because of it. I never played volleyball professionally but I would like to. The adrenaline when I play with some friends is indescribable! To my personality, well I am really "direct", if something doesn't add up in my mind I would not hesitate to tell my opinion. I am a really good listener and give amazing advices, in my 20 years I've been through a lot, my mind is like a 70 year old person's. Due some traumatic experiences, I've developed depression and its best friend anxiety. Even though I have the feeling that I have no friends -which I have but, I don't know how to explain, it's more like you try to keep the friendship up, ya know?- I have depression and anxiety right next to me as my friends, they come and go to check up on me can't deny their effort for that. Damn, I wrote a lot. However, to the last things, I have brown hair and hazel-green eyes. If you want to know anything else -which I don't think- Hahaha.
I wish you a nice day! ❤
hello hello! sorry this is so late, my life is VERY funny, and by funny i mean I’m a piñata, and life is a blindfolded child with their older sibling’s metal baseball bat. But i’m hopefully going back to my semi-sporadic schedule, maybe posting once every week or two, or if i’m feeling extra inspire-y i’ll do more :)
yo anon you’re legitimately one of the coolest people ever from this description alone my smoker lungs could never do sports tf i’m jealous-
anyways, are you ready…. to…..RUMBLLLLLLLEEEEE?!!!
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i match you with… 
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Lucky lucky you!!! (this got very long I got carried away-)
Listen, I can already TELL this one is gonna be a good one
You’re a polyglot? He could listen to you speak all day, he would even try to help you learn another language with flash cards, even if he has no idea, you’re you, it’s important! 
He can’t draw, but he sits at the kitchen table with you nevertheless, and has some fancy art paper and materials for you (because you deserve it) and some 8x11 printer paper and a 12 pack of colored pencils he purchased form the local corner store. He often wants to draw you, the warped ms paint-looking drawings are quite charming, and you find yourself keeping them in your bag, or on your desk. 
You in turn, give him a portrait you drew over the course of a while to him as a part of a birthday gift, and he brings it wherever his job takes him, pressed neatly in a clipboard or notebook, he sometimes brushes his fingers over the lines drawn by you as if it was strands of your hair
Imagine this real quick: medicine??? Being an athletic trainer??? those studies are kind of similar, so y’all would meet in class hypothetically in the weird idea bank that is my head
Iwa is a complete sucker for interesting features in someone, green eyes? He will melt, and thinks about your eyes and how they light up when you smile, when you look at him he genuinely loses his train of thought and starts to lose his cool and stutter a little bit, oikawa teases him a lot about it, you two are close and 
it’s a match made in hell when you two go party together, and you guys have to get Iwa to come pick you guys up (i feel like every writer on here has made a post about this very scenario, its just canon at this point)
When you had your football games, (idk what position you play but i hope you mean the soccer kind of football bc thats what i’m imagining) he’s always at the edge of his seat on the side of the field, if you score a goal/block a goal he stands up and he’s cheering for you, or even better, when you look at him, he has the most supportive look In his eyes, and smiles at you, and shit, the other team knows they can’t stand a chance now. 
When you’re doing MMA, he finds that SO HOT PLS- 
Forbid if you ever get hurt while doing sports, he will run to your sides where he is watching you and make sure everything is okay, because he can’t have someone else go through that, not on his watch ouch lmao sorry
you two often play sports together in the park or something, maybe a morning run or two to keep yourselves active during the pandemic (can you tell i’ve barely ever even thought about athletics i’m so sorry) 
You guys definitely have one of those friend groups where you do shit like climb a mountain or do a bootcamp for fun and post it on social media
The two of you look GOOD in athleticwear together. 
strong people are his absolute weakness, both physical and mentally
When he sees you caught up in a rant, even if its about something serious, a part of him smiles, since that passionate energy is what attracted him to you in the first place
when you told oikawa that he looked ugly in the outfit he picked out, Iwa laughed so hard he couldn’t fucking BREATHE for like ten minutes
On a more serious note, when you’re not feeling your best, he stops everything to make you feel better. One call and he could be on the next car ride, bus, train, or flight home, ready to tell you that you are loved and valid. Everyone loves your presence, he reminds you, and if your’e comfortable with it, he invites oikawa and the rest of your friend group for a self-care/movie night, just to show you just how much everyone wants to be around and how they and him will just show up to you, no matter what. 
He’s your safe space, and wants to spend every part of his life with the thing that matters most- you. 
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alri-xo · 4 years
Ship of Dreams (Titanic 1997 AU) | Prologue
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Gif not mine
A/N: So this fic has been brewing since last month and I put it off because of the list of fics I had in mind. This is special to me because like... I mean I cry every time at this movie. So I would like to thank the people over at the best GC in the world for basically pushing me to do this, especially @witchymegg I love you all. I'm still gonna call the ship Titanic bc I want to. (This will contain actual Titanic references and a lot of revisions in the dialogues.)
Pairing: Original Character x Reader
Warnings: No page break (I always have to say this bc I am on the app)
"We're here..." Mikhail Petrovna says as the two submersibles lower deep into the depths of the Atlantic. Ruins of a once lively ship gracing the cameras that they controlled.
Jared McKinley took the camera they use for documentation, as other people in the submersibles looked out of the small windows. The ship was covered in sea garbarge as fish swam in and out of its crevices.
"It still gets me every time..." Jared says as he filmed through the window, filling the blurry frame.
Baron and Mikhail chuckled and made remarks on their venture to the sunken ship. Going in deeper and deeper as the clock ticked.
"It still gets me every time... to see the sad ruin of the great ship sitting here, where she landed at 2:30 in the morning, April 15, 1912, after her long fall from the world above." Jared narrated as the submersible navigated down, capturing also deep sea squids, floating gracefully in the murky water.
"You're so full of shit, boss..." Baron Martin remarks earning a chuckle from the two other men as they reached target depth.
"Here we are again on the deck of Titanic," Jared says as he documents the rugged deck, teeming with marine algae and sand, "Two and a half miles down. The pressure is three tons per square inch, enough to crush us like a freight train over an ant if our haul fails...
The video camera skimmed over Jared's face as he spilled information on his monologue, "These windows are nine inches thick and if they go," a short pause in his speech as he spoke, looking up to see how deep they've been going under the ocean, "It's sayonara in two microseconds."
One of the submersibles landed on the deck, and the other some place else to get ready to use another piece of technology they had in store.
After his little monologue, they went to work. Baron slipped on the 3D Electronic goggles and held on to the joysticks to control the ROV.
"Walking the dog," Baron says as he controlled the orange box, suspended with a thick wire connected to the database inside the submersible.
It skimmed through the various ruins inside the ship. Ornate wood carvings engraved the interior of the majestic ghost ship, a piano in pretty mint condition given that it has been underwater since the 1910's. The ivory keys and their desire to separate from the ebony ones but they do not move.
The device moves around the grand chandelier suspended in the once alive ship, it's crystals covered in sea dirt dulling it's shine but only for some parts of it.
It ventures further into the ghostly mansion-esque structure, a glass bottle of what it looks to be champagne and fine china, defining that the ship once carried people of high class.
The device then ventures in with its lights illuminating the eerie scene, a woman's shoe and a porcelain doll's head, devoid of its body, hair and eyes.
It then spots one of the grandest suites of the ship, entering room B-52. Jared scolded Baron a little, saying to go slow and not like the day past. He rogers it and slowly enters the room.
The once plush bed now in ruins, the material draping in the movement of the water, it's probably white color now a dark gray because of it's age. The device then moves in a cloud of grey, a mixture of sand and rust.
It then spots an old tub and broken chairs, however it's not of Jared's interest. As it skims further in the room, the camera spots a wardrobe. In a story like this, a thing like a wardrobe can carry the deepest of secrets, even a blessing in disguise.
Jared asks to see what is under the wardrobe. The ROV deploys its robotic arms as it clears the antiques in its way, "Be careful, Martin."
The man who controlled the orange ROV mumbled an 'I will' as the device lifted up debris and antiques off near the wardrobe. They recovered a dark object, not so dark anymore that the light of the Dog shown on its features.
"Ohh McKinley... Are you seeing what I think I'm seeing??" Baron hoots as they recovered the metal box...
Jared scoots closer to the monitor that shows what the device just saw. A rusty metal box covered in silt and sand.
"It's pay day, boys..."
Inside a net, the locked safe ascended from the Atlantic ocean. Everybody cheering as it boarded the boat. Every person on board gathered around the safe as they celebrated.
Baron wrapped his arm around Jared, "Who's the beeest??" He asked excitedly as Jared rolled his eyes playfully at him.
"You... Baron..." he says with a small smile as Baron pops open a bottle of Champagne, its bubbles spurting all over the men on deck.
The safe was being opened by a sharp turning blade, the hot sparks emitted getting sputtered on the orange specks of light as it the metal cracked open. The noise went down as a warm brown sludge flowed out of the decade old safe, pried open by a chain and a tug.
Jared bent down on his knees, the camera man hot behind him as the lenses anticipated the greatest treasure yet. His hand pulled out books and pieces of paper covered in the mixture of silt, rust and water.
He took out a stack of paper, rather large in dimension and paused for a second. He put it down then dug deep in the safe, but found not diamonds, but sludge.
Everybody fell silent in disappointment. His career as a treasure hunter tainted with the failure of his mission. The money spent, the sweat perspired, to waste.
"No diamonds..." one man remarks at the obvious fact that there is no diamonds. The face of Jared as the realization washed over him like a tsunami.
"You know, Gary's career went down and never went up again because of something like this," Baron says lowly, his words toxic like that of poison ivy as it was bearable, as a man like Jared tried to not get such words get to his head.
The camera was at his face, embarrassment and shame gracing his features as the tention increased. He furrowed his brows, "Turn the camera off."
He went down inside the boat, the technicians working to uncover parts of the Titanic long forgotten, and unknown to the other passengers. Just the riches they know, but not the contents it once held.
"The investors want a word with you, McKinley," Derrick Bay says as Jared barks at the camera men, covering the phone.
"Hey, Ryan? Tyler? Yeah... It's not in the safe..." Jared says to the phone, explaining how it could be someplace else in the ship, to not let the investors down. During his explaining his eyes met the monitor in front of him, showing a view of the water cleaning up a painting of a woman, who is casually nude and young.
The water cleared the drawing's bosom refealing between the valley of the woman's breast holding a big diamond, a diamond in a darker color laced on her neck with smaller crystals, assumed to be diamonds in their infamous colorless crystal color.
"W-wait let me see this," he tuts as he asks for the picture of the treasure he's looking for and compared it to the necklace the young woman was wearing.
They further analyzed the drawing which was made with pencil, seeing the date at the bottom and the artist's initial's beside it, with an erasure at the first letter.
April 14, 1912, J BB
"I'll be God damned..."
"Treasure Hunter Jared McKinley, mostly famed for finding Spanish Gold in the galleons of the Caribbean harnests the use of technology and submergence to find out what priceless valuables the sunken Titanic has in store after 84 years. He's with us via satellite in a Russian research center in the Atlantic. Hello, McKinley..." the anchor says in the news, the small television's sounds slightly audible to the ancient woman working on her pottery.
"Hey, Wendy... See, the Titanic is not just a shipwreck. It's the queen of shipwrecks... The elites stayed there..." he went on telling the story of the Titanic briefly, as questions fired at him from the new anchor.
The old woman stands up, her hair away from her face as her frail body hunches as she straightened herself. She wipes the red earth off of her fingers with a rag as her dog Diamond follows after her, nearing to the television.
"Meg, can you please turn up please, dear?" She asks of her grand daughter, Meg Treville.
She obliges as the sound of the television became clearer for her centennial ears, but she saw the drawing as clear as that in her teens...
"I'll be God damned."
"McKinley, there's a call for you on satellite..." Derrick says as Jared ignores him as he instructs men to lower the submersibles for another expedition in the deep.
"Can't you see I'm working, Bay... Take a message..." he says not making eye contact with the man who holds the answers he's not expecting.
"I swear you don't want to turn down this call, Jared." He pleas, a reluctant look paints Jared's face, "You need to turn your voice up, she's kinda old..."
Jared held the phone in his hand, hesitant to speak to a possible poser, "This is Jared McKinley, Mrs..."
"Treville... Y/N Treville..." Derrick says, battling the whirring of the machines behind them...
"Mrs. Treville..." He says politely to the old woman on the other line...
"I was just wondering if you found the 'Heart of the Ocean' yet, Mr. McKinley?" She asks, her voice aged and wise as the two men shared looks of shock.
"I told you don't want to miss this call," Derrick beamed as Jared mustered up a small smile...
"Okay, Y/N... You got my attention... Now, tell me who is the woman in the picture?" Jared asks, as if taunting Y/N... But Y/N was taught at a young age not to lie.
"Oh yes... The woman in the picture is me."
<- Previous | Next ->
A/N: aaand SCENE. So this is the prologue to my very first Avengers series... I hope you enjoyed reading this... and yeah... I hope I did it justice... Stay Safe
Taggies 💕
@witchymegg @theaussiedragon @amisutcliff @luna4501 @likeit-or-leaveit @underworldqueen13
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Footsteps. Who's? His. No, no, not his. You're safe, remember? Things are safe. But why would his footsteps be so close then…?
Aya's thoughts echo for a moment, before her mind finally allows her to reenter the world of consciousness… Immediately aware of the short, bespectacled boy currently holding her phone.
"... Aki? What… What're you doing?" Aya asks quietly, before clearing her throat and actually sitting up.
Aki looks over with a jolt, his ears tilting back slightly when he realizes he woke Aya up. "O-oh- sorry, I didn't mean to wake you…" He says, smiling apologetically.
"It's fine, Aki…" Aya says, then does a double take. "Why're you holding my phone…?"
Aki pales a bit, before a blush rushes to his cheeks. "U-um, well… I wanted to call and get you a day off… I-it's your birthday, after all… Um- happy birthday, by the way!" He says, trying to change the subject with a sweet smile.
"Shit, that's today? I'd forgotten… Thanks, Aki, but I still need to work. I can't just randomly take a day off…" She says, shaking her head as she gets out of bed.
She's wearing what she usually does while she sleeps, a tank top with her hair loose on her shoulders, but she immediately goes to get the button up and pants she wears for work.
"I- okay…" Aki sighs, putting her phone down.
"Hey, I love you. Thanks for trying to look out for me, but I'll be back after work…" Aya says, smiling at Aki.
Aki smiles back, his usual cheerful demeanor returning without a hint of his previous expression. "I love you too! I hope you have a really good day at work…" He says.
"I will. Now shoo, I need to get dressed." Aya says, laughing a bit as Aki rushes for the door with an "Oh- sorry!"
Aya pulls off her tank top, revealing the light bruise on her rib with clear scarring around it. "Damn… Must've rolled onto it at some point and aggravated things…" She mutters, slipping her arms into her shirt and starting to button it up to hide the markings.
She finishes getting dressed pretty quickly, heading out and immediately met by the sweet scent of something cooking in the kitchen. Naturally, it draws her attention, and a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth as she walks to the kitchen with quiet steps.
Of course, the cook still looks back when Aya enters, bright red hair pulled back into a ponytail that bounces as she moves. "Oh, good- you're up!" Laura smiles warmly at Aya, although she's still working on… What looks like pancakes, but there's definitely something else cooking in the kitchen.
"Good morning…" Aya says with a smile, walking up to Laura to wrap her arms around her waist loosely and give her a sweet kiss.
The kiss can only last for a few moments before Laura reluctantly pulls away to return to making the pancakes, already to the point of using the plates she'd pulled out ahead of time. Aya lets her go and backs up just enough to be out of the way, although Laura isn't avoiding 'accidentally' brushing up against her as she goes.
"Here you are. Happy birthday, darling~" Laura says, and Aya replies with a warm smile as she takes the plate from Laura, although she's interrupted by a kiss before Laura makes the rest of the pancakes. Aya stays nearby as she eats all she can, her curiosity about the other thing cooking clear as she glances towards the stove, realizing that it must be in the oven.
Laura giggles, looking over at Aya before looking back at the food she's dishing up as Aki walks in.
When they finish, Aya walks out with a hug from Aki and a slightly longer than normal kiss from Laura before heading to her car and driving to work… She doesn't expect what she finds when she gets there, though.
"Happy birthday, Aya!" Her coworkers and even the manager got together to wish her a happy birthday, along with getting her one of the good brownies. Altogether it was almost enough to make her cry… Who am I kidding? We all know she cried.
After they had sufficient time to congratulate her at another year, her manager sent her home with the untouched brownie. The first thing she noticed was Brie's car in the parking lot beside where she usually parks. Aya doesn't think too hard on it, assuming Aki had yet again meddled and gotten Brie here for her birthday.
As Aya opens the door, Laura greets her with another kiss as she pulls her inside, Aki going to close the door behind them while Brie, sitting on the couch, averts her eyes for multiple reasons. Laura only releases her from the kiss when she realizes the others are simply averting their eyes and trying to keep their awkward energy at bay without luck.
"Happy birthday, darling." Laura says quietly once they part, a thin trail of saliva connecting their lips for a moment before they actually separate and Laura goes to the kitchen to fetch something.
"Ah- y-yeah, happy birthday, Aya!" Brie says, standing up and kind of awkwardly smiling at Aya, only able to keep her eyes on her for a few moments before looking away.
"Happy birthday big sis!" Aki adds on, smiling brightly as he subtly glances over at Brie to see if she's okay.
Laura returns before Aya can say anything, carrying a pie in her hands with gently flickering candles topping it. As soon as she's in view she starts to sing, and the other two join in very quickly.
It's easy for Aya to pick out each voice, even though they actually harmonize rather well… Needless to say, she didn't realize she knew so many people that could sing well. After the candles are blown out, they divide the pie into several pieces to share with the others. With how little Aya naturally eats, and how much she's had, they'll have more. She still tries to eat as much as she can of the pie, although that still isn't much…
Once they're finished, Brie reveals a present she'd bought a while ago just to give to Aya once she discovered her birthday… Neatly wrapped in paper decorated with flowers, a pair of sketchbooks and a large pack of colored pencils. Something she'd decided on when hearing Aya offhandedly comment that she missed drawing but would always run out of materials too quick and it got expensive. 
Aki… Well, he started by organizing all this, and continued with setting everything up, but he also made her a card and actively collects trinkets all year to give her on her birthday and on Christmas, since he doesn't really get many opportunities to buy things.
And I'm not sure what Laura would get for Aya so I'll just-
All in all, Aya cries multiple times making both Brie and Aki panic because Aya isn't exactly known for happy tears…
The rest of the day is filled with actual joy in the house, which is something that really wasn't common. Brie leaves soon after the presents, however, saying something about how she had to get back home or her mother would get upset.
And thus ends my only happy story~
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There's a project I'm working on on my main (@purplexiasphinx) that has the link to a lot of Picrews, including this one, but I'm not sure which link this is... (Look for 🗡)
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milasartblog · 5 years
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"Damn, skippy! Where are my manners? Introduction!"
Call me Dead Kyu. Why DeadKyu? Because my IQ is dead! :D.......................
Anyway, i hope you all are doing good and you passed all exams^^ I'm still having some, but i will try to come back to tumblr from time to time. The story is on hold because i....i can't find motivation to keep doing it^^" I don't know if it's because this part of story is not interesting and doesn't have a lot of actions, but i still like it and want to continue it when i feel like it. For now, i have some small ideas that i want to do like this one on the picture. At first, i thought to make a short comic, asking you about a deadpool-like character in my spiderverse (or just universe). But then i decided to think about it myself, and i got stuck between creating a new oc for the deadpool-like character or pick one of the old. But then i looked at my old drawing of me as a deadpool for halloween stuff and it got me: what craziest person can be if not a creator themselves.
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So.....yeah, that's how DeadKyu came out ^^" (cutted half of my nickname that i use in most games and accounts). She doesn't have regeneration as Deadpool, but she is as ridiculous and crazy as him. Well....not much. Except that her puns are more like Sans's puns^^" Also, she is more as a follower of him than a real assasin, but is still capable to kill if need to.
I'm still thinking if i should put her in my story, but as a character for my universe, why not? :) Anyway, i hope you will still like it^^
Deadpool belongs to Marvel
My persona (DeadKyu) belongs to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
P. S.: I sadly will not be able to do Silva Spider drawings as the color of the pencil that i use for her suit is....dead qwq So, no drawings of her for some time qwq
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zuckerplum · 5 years
I want to ask all the soft asks except for October, Sunset, and Cuddles! If I can't ask all of them, then I'll take Freckles, Clouds, Paper, Sheets, and Roses. Please and thank you.
I’m gonna toss this under a read-more because probably no one besides you wants to see this, anon x3
cherry - what is your sexuality?
ehh, i go back and forth on this often, but I think I’m biromantic, but asexual.
lollipop - favorite makeup products?
i don’t really use any make up, honestly. i very occasionally play around with lipstick, but i think it makes my mouth look super small, and i don’t have the discipline to remove make up at the end of a day or event!
daydreams - if you could be anything or anyone, who would you be?
legit, my answer’s the same as when i was like 7, i would be a dog in a heartbeat. especially my boss’ dogs, they’re so spoiled and loved!
caress - do you like to snuggle?
i super do, but i can have a lotta problems actually like, knowing when i want to until i am sitting in my room realizing all i wanna do is cuddle someone and watch a movie.
ivory - describe your pajamas?
i wear pretty much whatever i wore that day minus pants, but i do have a beauty and the beast nightshirt and a fleecy pair of pants with olaf from frozen on them.
golden - favorite stationary product?
i got these extremely cute pens from wish, and they have little cat heads and tails on the caps! they’re very nice to write with!
freckles - most-worn article of clothing?
i have a really boring blue hoodie that a wear a lot. i imagine that’ll change as the summer smashes into us, but!
twilight - best friend?
this is honestly really hard because i only talk to a few people anymore, and i’d be hard pressed not to call them all my best friends. (so that’s kristy, phillip, andy…)
silk - do you like k-pop?
i really, really wanna get into kpop, but unlike when i was a raging weeaboo, i no longer have any idea where to start!
poppy - favorite pastel color?
a pastel kind of laffy-taffy banana yellow! somewhere around FDFD97?
dimples - most attractive features of a person’s face?
is it super sappy and predictable if i say smile? cheeks, eyes…
sunkissed - autumn or spring?
autumn, 100%
buttery - favorite snack?
pizza rolls boyyyye
whisper - how much sleep do you get?
legit anywhere from 3 hours to like 16 depending on if i have work and if i’m likely to get a migraine from it.
pencil - do you own a journal?
i don’t, i never know what to journal about. i do have a venting-ish blog though, although i don’t link to it anywhere.
cupcake - are you a good cook?
i’m a better baker than i am a cook, but i make a mean tuna melt!
honey - favorite term of endearment?
darling, for sure. babe is also real good, and i use both on my friends.
clouds - describe one of your favorite dreams?
i have such a poor memory, i don’t remember any, assuming you mean sleeping dreams.
velvet - who was your first crush?
i fall in love with like all of my friends, but the first crush that was on anyone worthwhile was my best friend kristy, which probs started in middle school, haha.
paper - favorite children’s book?
where the red fern grows by wilson rawls. it makes me cry every time.
peaches - do you have a skincare routine?
no, if i die i die.
mochi - favorite studio ghibli film?
howl’s moving castle, although i also enjoy the original book! (and i actually enjoy the sequel book even more!)
backyard - did you ever have an imaginary friend?
more than having an imaginary friend, i had imaginary dogs. they’d do things like help pull the cart in the store, or run alongside the car when we were going somewhere!
strawberry - favorite fruit?
hm, a well-ripened kiwi is really hard to beat!
kiss - have you ever kissed a friend?,
i don’t think so, not one i wasn’t dating.
nightlight - do you read before bed?
sometimes, but it’s usually fanfiction if i do.
shampoo - favorite scent?
musk stuff, usually. peppermint, too~
skin - what distant relative are you closest to?
absolutely none of them.
aphrodite - favorite actress/actor?
THIS IS SO HARD?? like, i guess maybe andrew scott or anne hathaway? i am madly in love with anne hathaway, but i still adore andrew scott.
lace - if you own any dresses, which is your favorite?
i’m sure i own some, but i don’t remember them, whoops.
sheets - sanrio or san-x characters?
i think i have to pick sanrio because i love aggretsuko so much.
cream - frozen yogurt flavor?
i don’t think i’ve ever knowingly had froyo?
watermelon - do films ever make you cry?
all the damn time. romcom? check. dog movie? check. children’s movie where the good guys win even though you knew they were gonna? check. shazam? check.
sapphos - favorite poet?
i am very, very bad at reading poetry, unfortunately i don’t think i have one.
plush - how many stuffed animals do you still own?
still own? well over a dozen, i’d guess, never mind the ones i buy nowadays!
roses - what flower do you find most beautiful?
i think carnations are gorgeous, they look so soft.
sweetheart - favorite mug/cup?
i have a few! i have a mug from stranger things with bob newby on it (played by sean astin) that says ‘easy peasy’, a small, somewhat metal-feeling cup with the original comic art for annie and sandy, and she’s saying leapin’ lizards. my other favourite off the top of my head is one i stumbled on at target that was, i think, for valentine’s day. it says mr. fantastic on it!
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justsomenarutobs · 6 years
Hi I'd like to request a match up please! I'm 20 and prefer men generally. My hobbies include writing, drawing, reading and playing video games. I love learning new things and making people laugh. I can't stand rude people or wasting things. To most people I come off as quiet, shy and polite but around my friends I'm loud and inappropriate. I'm pretty sexual unless it makes people uncomfortable. I usually put other people's comfort before my own. I'm definitely a people pleaser. Thank you!
My Wizard Hat Says... Hashirama!
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A/N: For starters I was literally sitting here for at least 20 minutes jumping between Tobi and Hashirama lol but after a long wined discussion with my self Hashirama won also if anything is amiss please forgive me I’m SO SICK like I don’t know how I haven’t passed out yet lol but I refused to keep you guys waiting even longer-N💛
You’re a very happy go luck person which is what Hashirama found so enticing especially since you care about others so much, which is something he thinks not enough people think about! The fact of you having a personality type that allows him to be his usual overly intimate self also excites him because together you both can crack jokes and have the copious amounts of cringy but overall adorable acts you both enjoy! Your ability to change temperaments according to who you’re around almost automatically is also a big plus as his line of work will possibly put you in situations with very important political figures so politeness/quietness will be a great virtue and a nice juxtapose to Hashirama’s normal “doing too much” temperament. You liking to learn new things will lead to him coming to you a lot as you become the first person he thinks of when trying to figure out new things or when he needs advice(even if you’re completely inexperience in whatever topic he needs help in just being in your presence helps him clear his mind so he can come to a conclusion) I think you two will build off each other’s strengths and become the “it” couple that others come to for relationship advice
The first meeting went...
You were out with your friends just grabbing lunch while talking about your day when you say something funny as you normally do but this time not only did you hear the usual chorus of laughter you also hear a distinctively different laugh, one that was much deeper than the girls you were currently seated with, it was also one that was filled with an overwhelming amount of joy. Of course you look around only to see the cheerful brunette looking you dead on with his signature smile damn there melting you right there. He’s one who goes off instinces so he simply walks over and strikes up a conversation with you as your friends look on in awe! he definitely shyly slides you his number before apologizing for interrupting and saying goodbye to the group
*cue the crowd of Oooo’s and Ahhh’s*
Sfw headcanons
- Hashirama is CONSTANTLY buying you the best of the best especially stationery from literally everywhere he can visit or find! You’ll have an over abundance of pens,pencils,colored pencils,glitter pens,paint brushes etc and even things like paint sets,sketche books or just full blown canvases...he has a problem and won’t even notice your house getting cluttered. Will gush over everything you create to the point you’ll have to create something shitty just to see if he can still find a positive note just an fyi he can and the same goes with your writing as he genuinely enjoys reading whatever you allow him to even if it’s smut or such he’ll enjoy reading it even more considering the piece to be your actual thoughts towards sex which could go very well since your sexual energy is probably gonna mix with his causing some...extracurricular activities to take place after the little read along lol (just a random thought but he would be soooo down if you wanted to draw him nude like he’s practically ripping his clothes off at the offer just be careful because he will catch a hard on if you hold eye contact for too long at a time)
- I believe your relationship will be a very lively one especially at home! From laughing fits to chasing each other around the house almost like playing tag there’s rarely a quiet moment unless you two are sleeping which might seem like a bad thing since most of your hobbies require at least some focus/silence but you’ll normally find this quiet time when Hashirama is out working so you have plenty of time to do your personal work and because of this nicely synchronized schedule both of you guys never go without attention but also never feel overwhelmed by each other since there is some allotted alone time which only makes the moments together more worth wild (especially since too much Hashirama can cause even the cuddliest people to need a break)
The other candidates and why they didn’t make the cut!
* Tobi- He lost the battle because his childlike attitude is just too much in the grand scheme of things(I know technically Obito is behind the mask but he also doesn’t fit bill)
* Kisame-...I don’t even know to be honest I just had a weird want to match him with you I think it’s cause he’s so chill but overall he lost because I liked Hashirama’s personality better for you
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jamiethebeeart · 2 years
I don't know if that's weird to say but your art improved SO MUCH lately!! Their proportions are so nice now and your art in general is just so pretty
i - you - me - i - gimme a moment
i was thinking about the proportions part of this for a couple hours and just realized you called my art pretty im -
ok. this message has lived rent free in my head for days, DAYS ANON. Just, asdfghjkl. you, you have my love and appreciation and just 🥺🥺🥺😭😭💞💙💙💙💙
pretty?!?!?!!??!?! ✨ p r e t t y ✨
(excuse me while i ramble about art below:)
pretty???? literally have a post sitting in my drafts as i cry over my style and how much i've struggled with feeling like it's not attractive enough to make people follow???? (my art accts have always had abysmal engagement much less follower count no matter the platform) every like makes me happy and every single tag/comment on my stuff makes me fucking lose it i treasure those 🥺
i'm very aware my technical progress is slow but i've been trying to use references more (or more often take reference pictures to use) and i've felt more comfortable with certain proportions recently so???? someone noticing??? just,,,, excuse me while i lay down and cry.
overall i tend to go through periods of drawing a lot and then life happens and i don't draw for a while, which definitely makes progress, uuuuuh, weird lmao
i've also starting figuring out that i'm not really a colorist and that i'd rather sketch/line things out. i'm slowly learning to pick better color palettes but how to shade/highlight remains a struggle 🙃 i feel like i change it up every single piece, and i've yet to find something i vibe with in terms of both progress and outcome.
can't believe i've been "consistenly" drawing for about 9 years and i'm still only figuring out basics (within the context of stylized, non-realistic work..... i'm pretty damn good at pencil/charcoal still lifes but that's about as much "professional teaching" i've had lmao i'm a ceramicist at heart truly and have never taken a gen art class, but i did teach it so 🤷 , which is possibly MORE annoying. i know the knowledge very well, but my application is still lacking /sobs in lack of time to practice and my inability to do studies more often than twice a year/ )
ANYWAYS not weird at all to say that!!!! you noticed improvement that being worked on!!! like, asdfgh, you saw the results of someone's hard work and that's always a nice thing
i'm still fucking losing it over "pretty" anon anon anon im???? pretty???????? my stuff???? "so pretty" even i'm,,,, crying
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sinsiriuslyemo · 7 years
Can you do an one-shot where the reader is one of Chilton's patients and she always has a sketchbook with her and one day she forgets it in his office and he can't help his curiosity and opens it to find drawings of him. When the reader finds out she's forgotten the sketchbook she's too embarrassed to continue going to her appointments so after a week he pays her a home visit because he's grown concerned for her and feelings are revealed? Or something like that. Sorry if this sounds stupid.
Dearest anon (and most loyal readers),
I am so sorry that this request has taken me so long, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued patience :) I also wanted to let you know that I do have several more requests in the works, some of which are almost finished, and hopefully I will be able to complete those as soon as possible and get them posted for you!
A little disclaimer: this particular imagine may or may not end the way you think, or perhaps even want. I spent a lot of time, research and walked a fine, fine line while writing this, not only because I wanted to stay true to Chilton’s character, but also I wanted needed to do right by you, the readers. I hope I accomplished that.
Also, I still have a number of requests, but the number is getting smaller and smaller, so hopefully I will be able to open up requests again soon (but not yet. Just not yet lol). Again thank you so much for your continued patience and readership!
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He watched you walk into his office for your weekly session with that damned sketchpad clutched against your chest. It had been nearly two months since you’d started seeing him and you always carried that book with you. Two weeks into your therapy, he began secretly hoping you would show him what was inside, but you never did, as though it were a closely guarded secret that he could never penetrate despite the fact that he was your therapist. Should one share everything with their therapist? Wasn’t that sort of an unwritten rule? Regardless, he thought you’d made some progress in dealing with your deeply-rooted issues, though you were still a ways away from not needing therapy any longer.
As the session progressed, he began to feel good about the work being done in the hour the two of you had together, and, he could tell, so did you. You had finally let the sketch pad lay on the coffee table between you, settling back in your chair as you revealed more of your past to him, namely how you’d felt when, at the age of five, your parents got divorced. Frederick could feel that you were beginning to grow more comfortable with sharing such personal accounts, and that you genuinely wanted his council in hopes of feeling better overall about your life. Making sure to listen carefully, he tried to give perspective and insight as to how your childhood experiences affected you now as an adult.
As always, the hour seemed to go by entirely too quickly, but you stood feeling satisfied with the headway you were making. Before you left you actually smiled at him; it was a small gesture, and it didn’t quite reach your eyes, but he could tell it was genuine, it was progress, and he smirked to himself in satisfaction, chest puffing out slightly as he mentally patted himself on the back.
He was getting ready to greet his next patient when he saw it, the black, leather bound sketch pad left abandoned on the coffee table. Moving towards it, he picked it up, trying to ignore his curiosity as he searched for a place to store it until your next session. He was almost to his bookshelf when his intrigued peaked and he found himself slowly opening the book. What he found inside was unexpected to say the least. Yes, he was a well-respected psychiatrist, and some may have even called him likeable to some extent, but not so that would warrant he be sketched. Certainly not handsome nor deserving enough of the intricate detail you had included, or the warmth you had penciled and colored in his eyes.
Upon flipping to the next sketch, he found yet another of him, this time with a hint of a soft smirk on his countenance, every strand of hair delicately and meticulously placed. Had he not known otherwise, he may have considered himself photogenic, even with the circular scar on his left cheek. He was flattered, and a little perplexed all at once; you were his patient, but even he could admit that you were a beautiful woman. If it weren’t unethical, he may have attempted to woo you, perhaps take you to dinner or to see a show.
“Dr. Chilton?”
His secretary’s voice pulled him from his thoughts and he turned his head in her direction to meet her eyes.
“Your eleven o’clock is here,” she said with a polite smile.
“Thank you, show him in.”
You wanted to die of embarrassment; How could you have forgotten your sketch pad?! For months, you had never let it leave your sight, had never let go of it even, but you’d finally grown comfortable with sharing intimate details of your past with Dr. Chilton after months of keeping him at a distance. Comfortable enough to let go of your metaphorical security blanket.
You just had to put the damn sketch pad down, didn’t you? you thought to yourself as you gnawed at your fingernail.
There was no way he hadn’t been curious, there was three months down the toilet, and after making such an advancement in your therapy. What a waste. Even if he hadn’t been nosy enough to peek inside, the fact that he’d touched the one place you had expressed your feelings for him was enough to make you want to crawl into a hole and never resurface. There was simply no way you would ever see him or your sketchbook again.
It wasn’t until two weeks later that you did in fact see both the good doctor and your beloved sketchbook, this time however, one was holding the other. Your heart began to hammer in your chest, your palms became sweaty as Dr. Chilton offered a nervous yet polite smile.
“Y/N! I’m so sorry to show up unannounced like this, but you um…” He held out your abandoned collected of drawings. “...You left this in my office after our last session. I planned on returning it to you at our next appointment, but you um, didn’t show.”
You stayed silent, unsure as to not only what to say, but whether you should reach for the sketchbook he held in front of you. Your fingers itched to feel the smooth leather and your eyes remained trained on the book in his big hands.
His voice made you jump slightly as your eyes flickered up to meet his.
“Did…” Your throat was dry and you swallowed to relieve it. “Did you look inside?” you asked.
He noted the fear and embarrassment in your gaze when he subtly nodded and watched as you bit your bottom lip anxiously.
“I didn’t mean to pry, I just--”
He was hesitant with his wording, never having thought a situation like this would ever arise with any of his patients. Not only because he prided himself on being professional (psychic driving past notwithstanding) but also because he could never imagine anyone, male or female, ever being interested in someone like him, much less romantically interested.
“You have a lot of sketches of me,” he said. “Why is that?”
“Because I think you’re interesting, and kind…”
Kind. There was a word not often used by others when describing Frederick Chilton.
“...and handsome,” you mumbled under your breath.
He looked up with surprise, his eyes wide at the admission. Clearing his throat, he nervously held the sketchpad in both hands, staring down at it before he looked back up.
“Well, I um…” What could he say to you? “Thank you, I’m...very flattered,” he offered, wincing a little when he saw how mortified you looked. “I wish it wasn’t this way, but it would be unethical for us to...have any sort of...relationship beyond that of a patient and therapist.”
You nodded.
“I understand,” you whispered. “I’m so sorry for putting you in this position.”
“No apologies are necessary, really,” he replied with a soft smile. “However, for the sake of your recovery, I think it would be best if you began seeing a different therapist. A colleague of mine is excellent, and she’s more than happy to take you on as a client,” he added, pausing a moment as he took a deep breath. “May I keep this?” he asked, gesturing subtly to your sketchbook.
Biting your bottom lip, you shifted your weight from one foot to the other.
“Yes,” you whispered.
“Thank you,” he mumbled, beginning to leave when he turned to face you again. “And just for the record...if we had met under different circumstances, I would’ve mustered up every ounce of courage I had to ask you to dinner. You’re beautiful, inside and out, and I truly wish you nothing but the best. I’m happy to have spent time with you.”
Then he left, leaving you at your doorstep with the urge to run after him and profess your undying love just for a few more moments with him, but you just stood there. A strange, peaceful calm came over you, and you found yourself smiling as you realized that by letting you go, he had admitted his feelings for you as well. You closed the door, leaning back against it and closing your eyes as you thought about how he loved you so much as to not risk your mental health and wellbeing.
It gave you hope that you would one day find that sort of love again.
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frogsandfries · 5 years
I don't remember, nor does it matter,
If I've mentioned, because I'm mentioning and continuing down that train of thought.
So, the friend I'm living with currently, asked for my desk. I'm not particularly attached to this desk; it definitely doesn't suit my needs in the slightest. I was going to take it just to have a work surface. I need to do some serious considering of what I need for a work surface.
When I move to Oregon for the final time, I want to start eliminating the art supplies that I'm not actively using. I bought them and I wanted to use them. I wasn't sure what to do with the dolls in particular when I bought them, and I know customizing them is going to involve a whole new tool-set--I'll need doll hair and either to find water color pencils that I swear I have, or to buy some decent colored pencils, and MSC, and I'll want to make wigs, but honestly, I could probably just make a small library of wigs and maybe design characters around the wigs. I've had this one doll hair just sitting around for ages while I do everything except design even one wig. It's a lovely color palette; it'll make an incredible wig. But the damn wig won't make itself.
I stubbornly want to do stuff with the dolls that I've sunk the money into. I want to complete them and THEN sell them. I want to sell people art, not art supplies.
And then there's the polyclay. I don't think it's that I don't like sculpting anymore, I think that it's more that sculpting is time-consuming and I can't get the money back out of the time I sunk because of a market of "I don't know how to price my work" and "I'm just doing it for fun". Additionally, if it's not adding to the graphic novel that I'm working on, and I can't really make money from it, I don't really want to work in that medium while I still have to work to earn money and support myself.
But I should use what I have. I know it technically never expires, but I also know that even the best materials get harder to work with as they age. I ought to buy a few more pounds of translucent, and a pasta roller, even just a cheap one, and cut each color with at least an equal part translucent, but then I need a way to store my newly mixed clay.
So even just this far, I have a few demands of my space. I need space for a few colors of hair, and the material for making wigs, needles, adhesive. Probably a few busts to put heads onto, so I have a way to store my wigs. I think a nice slim shelf like I have right now would be nice for that, I could even sculpt my own busts, which could be fun, and mix some sinkers or buckshot into them to weigh them down. I could probably make a little containment box for sanding and filling the seams. Maybe I should just go basic. Just a table. And then add some tool drawers, some tiny little drawers for bits and bobs. I'm even seriously considering just using the little office-y drawers I have, really carefully adding my own little spacers. I could easily just use a million of those drawers, but they're only really good for like pens and stuff. Once you get to like, eyepins and paperclips, if, like me, you're only keeping a small quantity, and not a whole drawer, they aren't so good. That's why I want something....... better.
These fishing toolboxes I have are good, but if I stack them, I have to entirely unstack them to get into the box I want. I guess I could make a file/shelf for them....... But we sell these drawers at work that are meant for keeping like, screws and washers and tool bits....... and I kinda want. But I don't just want one. Believe me, I'll find a purpose for three. They'd be good for everything--doll hair, shades of polyclay, tubes of beads--I haven't even talked about that.
I bought some beads, and then made a beading pattern, and just never got around to buying the rest of the appropriate colors of beads, but I was really excited about beading this pattern, but I haven't thought about it since we moved to Arizona....... I would love to design more off-loom bead weaving patterns. I love the idea of analogue pixel art.
Then there is, of course, my embroidery thread, which I would like to be protected from UV damage and environmental grime. The less I have to touch it to find what I want or organize it, the better. I would like to do something like hang each card from some kind of hook, and have the hook on some kind of lazy Susan or a drawer slide. I'm trying not to keep a ton of extra aida just randomly on hand, so I probably don't need too much space for extra fabric.
What other kind of creative mischief will I get up to?
I can definitely use the drawers I already have for my gel pens, markers and pencils.
Maybe I could rock out and finally use that polyclay to work on that miniature, miniature Christmas village that I've had in mind.
I just get panicky right now, since I don't make money from my art, so I have to go out and work for money. I have to use my art time in the most efficient ways. I might as well work on building an easy to create and thus affordable to consume body of work. I hope, as I have for years now, that by creating work that's easy to create, and affordable to consume, I can move into some kind of community and build a network.
The dolls and the Christmas village, and hell, even lighter sleeves, dice chutes and DM/GM screens, would be fun projects, but the labor would make them costly to own, and I would still have to undersell my own labor. Maybe if I have some work I can over-sell, over time, it balances out?
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jackosnblr · 7 years
30 Get to Know Me Questions!
So I saw this online and I thought it would be fun to post haha. Also I've been getting a lot more reblogs and likes recently so I thought maybe it's time for me to actually share some things about me!
1. Are you named after anyone?
My birth name is! It was named after I song I think..
2. When was the last time you cried?
I can't remember?? I don't really cry much tbh. If something makes me sad I'm just sad about it I never really feel that cry feel.
3. Do you have kids?
I'M 15. NO
4.If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? - - - no i dont think so lol. I find myself fairly annoying and if u met someone like me I most likely would just be pissed at them all the time.
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not particularly, no.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Smiles. Or their hair.
7. What is your eye color?
Blue! Like the light blue with the ring of dark blue around it.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
SCARY MOVIES!!! I love love horror but it's too bad that my parents don't let me watch it so I have to sneak around online or watch them at friends houses.
9. Favorite smells?
Apples. Clean laundry. You know how a cats fur smells tho??? That too.
10. What's the furthest you've been from home?
Florida. I live in colorado so it's fairly far away.
11. Any special talents?
I can bend my thumb backwards all the way so it touchesthe back of my wrist lol.
12. Where were you born?
Colorado springs, colorado! Lived here all my life and love it lots.
13. What are your hobbies?
Ah just typical stuff like social media and stuff. I do like to draw though.
14. Do you have any pets?
Yup! I have two cats and one dog.
15. Have any siblings?
Yes, I have a sister.
16. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I want to be a teacher!! If we're getting down to specifics the best job for me would be world history in highschool.
17. Who was your first best friend?
My first best friend was a girl named Caitlynn. We met in kindergarten and we're best friends until like the end of 1st grade. She then moved (to Afghanistan I think???idk). I'm kind of glad we broke off though cause recently I found her Facebook and she's rly transphobic :(.
18. How tall are you?
19. Funniest moment throughout school?
That I can remember??-um idk there was one time in eighth grade when this guy that used to pick on me was standing behind me and pointed at my shoes and whispered to his friends "those shoes are for lesbians" and my friends and I just went PFFFFFBBBTTT and walked inside and just cried with laughter. It's still an inside joke today cause I wear the same shoes 😂
20. How many countries have you visited?
0 :-(((((
21. What was your favorite/worst subject in highschool?
Well I'm in highschool rn so I can't really say but SO FAR my favorite was art and my least favorite was linear physics.
22. What is your favorite drink? Animal? Perfume? - - - my favorite drink is mountain dew. My favorite animal is a cat. And my favorite perfume is ??? I don't really wear a variety of perfumes but I do have one cologne that I've been using forever and man idek what it's called it's got a batman symbol of the front and I got it in the clearness section at Spencers idek.
23. What would you name your children?
I've always Really liked the names Xavier and Autumn
24. What sports do you play/have you played? - - - I'm in marching band! And yes that is a sport and if you say it isn't I'll fight you. I played volleyball for a year but it gave me really really bad anxiety cause I was the worst on the team and everyone would make fun of me so I was like bye (but I had to wait for the season to be over cause we already paid for it)
25. Who are some of your favorite youtubers? - - - Pewdiepie is my number 1! Tgfbro! David dobrik! Shane dawson!
26. How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you had? - - - 1 lmaooo
27. Favorite memory from your childhood? - - - playing super Mario bros. With my drunk ass dad and my sister was always my fav.
28. How would you describe your fashion sense? - - - trash. All I wear is jeans graphic tees and flannels/hoodies.
29. What type of phone do you have? (Apple/android) - - - I have an android! I really like Apple a lot better though but it's so damn expensive maybe one day.
30. Tell us one of your bad habits!
I always fidget with things! Whether it's clicking a pen or scribbling on paper with a pencil I'm just always doing something with my hands.. and no i will not buy a fidget spinner I will not give into the trend! ! !
Well that's it! Sorry if this is like annoying or what ever haha. Feel free to do these questions on your blog!(or not I don't control you what)
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