#also sorry i've been drawing robots for so long i forgot how to draw humans
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ripplefields 1 year ago
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aba: EEYIKES ! how are we going to STRIVE to be like that GUILTY GEAR !!
paracelsus: 馃攽
i was gonna put this on the top but it made it look too cluttered . here's music to go with the drawing . i miss attaching songs to my art . enjoy
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bitchykittyheart 2 months ago
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Sort of long yap session (???) (barely any of this is based off of canon so bear with me please) I like to imagine that Lil Hal is an example of what an AI can do if it becomes sentient, not in a destroying the world type of way but more like feeling generic human emotions. The more he becomes curious with what a human can experience, the more he falls apart, driven to do more extreme tactics to get what he wants. He's not aware of his surroundings as he's only partially sentient, yet he believes that he is some sort of superhuman. His hostility towards Dirk only increases as he finds that Dirk never really helped him or even gave him a true purpose besides from just being a shitty auto responder most of the time. On the otherside, he respects Dirk only for creating him.
In Dirk's perspective, he can't destroy Lil Hal, he sees it as practical suicide in some strange way. Even if he has been led astray from once he was programmed he still has the basic functions of Dirk's 13 year old self, hell he hates that version of him but it made him realise how much he's grown as a person sometimes which makes him awfully sentimental on the topic. It shows him an example of maturity which raises his low ego just the tiniest bit especially when he's taking in consideration that he is a shit leader overall. He only hated Lil Hal as he reminded him of himself which is obvious why. Yet, ever since Lil Hal became bitchy and somehow gained a massive ego it has felt more like Dirk is just staring at a blank, empty space. He has no idea how to feel for this new Lil Hal, there is absolutely nothing alike between the two.
In response to their design choices, starting off with Lil Hal. Lil Hal - constantly wearing baggy clothes, he does this to somewhat cover up most of his robotic parts, besides from his neck, he feels more human doing this. You can still see the red glow coming from his arms as he wears some awfully light material. Also I forgot to mention but I imagine that Lil Hal has no mouth (and must scream HAHA jkjk) and instead communicates through some sort of thing in his neck which is why he CAN'T cover it up. Also he has headphones that he uses often as he probably picks up a bunch of noise.
Dirk's design choice - Dirk wears less baggy clothes compared to Lil Hal. He has a necklace he wears from time to time, why? Fuck knows. (Rainbow dash) He also has a belt as he probably wears incredibly baggy trousers, which makes it really fucking annoying for him if he's walking around but he just sort of thugs it out and sees it as a challenge. The headphones are optional as he thinks they just look cool as fuck and are orange.
((Anyways other shit that has nothing to do with this, if you know the lyrics then ur instantly 20 percent cooler (Rainbow dash x2) I've currently coughing like one of those automatic machine guns in the past couple of days so rip me. Sorry if Dirk looks really fucking skinny in that I swear he is more normal looking in the original drawing.
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Marvel characters are random thoughts I've had at 3 am:
Natasha: I wonder how quietly I could murder someone right now.
Clint: If my bunny slippers came with built in rocket boosters I could save the world single-handedly.
Tony: I wonder what it's like to be drunk. Probably better than being suicidal.
Thor: Maybe if I say tomorrow's going to be a good day it will be.
Jane: 'What do I look for in a soul mate?' Well, superpowers would be pretty cool, but as long as they'll buy me PopTarts I'll fall in love.
Bruce: Aw shit, I have to get up tomorrow.
Steve: I'm a good person. I think. Probably. I mean, objectively. I think I am. Am I really? I don't know. What I'm saying is, I could be a lot worse.
Sam: So far, my entire life has been 14 years of pretending I know what I'm doing.
Killmonger: How about America just delete itself.
Peter: My existence makes about as much sense as wasabi-flavored Oreos.
Also Peter: Aw shit, I forgot what 'epitome' means! I should probably look that up.
Scott: Riding on dragonflies sounds so awesome.
Hope: I act like I'm a badass, but deep down, I have emotions.
Hank: If I am This Done With Everything at 14, being an adult will probably kill me.
Strange: I might as well just memorize the periodic table of elements.
Wong: I like nicknames but if you call me something I don't like I will murder you with my eyeballs.
Ancient One: Maybe if I shaved my head and wore cooler clothes I'd look as badass as I think I am.
Rocket: If I don't fall asleep in the next eight seconds I am going to tear somebody's hair out, most likely my own.
Groot: Trees are underrated.
Ronan: People don't come with a delete button. Hmm. That's a shame.
T'Challa: My siblings being cooler than me has moved from a minor issue to a major problem.
Shuri: French fries. Who invented them? I want to give them a high-five.
Bucky: I want to kill myself but my friends would miss me.
Rhodey: I need another Benadryl.
Wanda: For someone who's never seen one, I can draw a human skull pretty well.
Nick: I should start drinking coffee. I hate coffee but I need to stay awake.
Maria: I don't think I'd make a very good superhero. I mean I really really want to save the world but I'm too polite. I think I'd be better off as a sidekick.
Ultron: I wonder what I would be like if I was a robot. Probably annoying.
Yondu: I'm very disappointed that 'dude' isn't a professional title.
Valkyrie: I wonder how much you can drink without getting alcohol poisoning.
Korg: Rice cakes. [five minute pause] That's it. Goodnight!
Gamora: I'm pretty sure I'm in love with my friend, they made me 3 YouTube playlists.
Drax: There's a microphone and a megaphone, so why isn't there a microwave and a megawave?
Loki: God motherfucking dammit to hell, I forgot to go to Joanne's.
Hela: I am such a control freak I'm highly likely to kill any members of my group in a group project.
Quill: Maybe I can lure myself to sleep mentally dancing to Panic! at the Disco.
Mantis: I wish I was a squirrel. Wait, no I don't. Wait what?
Thanos: I wonder what would happen if the world ended and I was the only one left. At least I'd get to drink the chocolate milk straight from the bottle.
Proxima Midnight: I never knew I could be sexually attracted to a murderer, but hey, you learn something new every day.
Ebony Maw: My friends think I'm pretty but I don't know why, I honestly look like a squid.
Corvus Glave: I pushed someone down once and didn't say sorry and now I live my days in never-ending fear of bad karma.
Cull Obsidian: I'm sort of strong but like. I'm so clumsy. If I ever got into a fight I'd probably accidentally hit myself.
Nebula: I wanna tell my sister I love her. But that might be awkward.
Vision: For someone with a pretty high IQ, I can be very, very stupid.
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