#also simon needs to be with klav and nahyuta to cut the tension
aceprosecuties · 8 years
Klapollo and Blackmadhi double-date. Do with this idea what you will.
Omgthis is amazing tysm I mean they are all eventually going to be relatives so itmakes sense that they all hang out (also brother-in-laws Simon and Apollo I can’tget over it I love this conception so much).
ALSO I’M NOT SURE IF THIS IS WHAT YOU HAD IN MIND but I tried aha I’m not as good on Klapollo characterization so please forgive my mistakes.
AlthoughSimon would admit that he considered Klavier a friend, spending an entire planeride with him from Los Angeles to Khura’in was not something he really had any desire to experience.  Especially not after their first trip –somehow, they both had received time off at the same time, and decided to visittheir boyfriends over in Khura’in together. (Or rather, Klavier had bought them both tickets and just assumed thatSimon would want to come along…and to Simon’s chagrin the rock star wascompletely correct.)  Klavier had yet togo to Khura’in yet – he had seen Apollo when the attorney came here, but hewasn’t able to go visit until now.
Inother words: Klavier spent way too many hours of their plane ride justfidgeting and gushing about how excited he was to see his ‘Herr Forehead’ andasking Simon questions about the local culture…as if Simon was an expert eventhough he had been there not too many times himself.  Simon tried to answer him as best as possibleall while maintaining an air of annoyance…though occasionally he would crack ajoke at Klavier’s expense.  Not that hisfellow prosecutor would catch it – he was too excited.
Itwas a bit heartwarming in its own right…when Simon would think about it afterKlavier finally slept for a time.
Klavierbeing asleep also allowed him to think about seeing Nahyuta.
Whenthey landed, Simon was given priority since he was the king-regent’s personalspecial guest, and Klavier was able to ride his coattails.  While he was used to the rock star treatment,this was on a whole different level – guards personally escorting the two ofthem, carrying their luggage, making crowds disperse to clear the way for theking-regent’s “consort.”  
Klavierjoked about how Simon now was a bigger rock star than he was, even if it wasonly here in Khura’in.  
Finallythey saw the reasons why they had come here: Nahyuta and Apollo were bothwaiting for them by a royal car.  Klavierdidn’t hesitate – he practically sprintedover to his Herr Forehead and embraced him so tightly that Simon thought Apollo’seyes would pop out of his head.  Simon,on the other hand, walked up to Nahyuta with a pace that was only slightlyfaster than normal – the guards wouldn’t be happy with him sprinting over toNahyuta like that, and well…he had more self-control than Klavier (or so heliked to think, anyway).  
Thoughwhen he did reach Nahyuta, the monk pulled him into a hug that was close andintimate; Simon missed his boyfriend’s scent and breathed it in deeply beforekissing his lips rather passionately despite the setting.  
Whenthey (and the other pair) separated, Simon greeted Apollo with a polite “Justice-dono,”and could tell that Apollo was stillsomewhat intimidated by him.  Good.  Klavier called Nahyuta “Herr Sahdmadhi” andtold him that it was nice to see him again, to which Nahyuta responded with acourteous welcoming to Khura’in.  
Theypiled into the car, easily all fitting in the back.
“Ihave placed reservations for us at a local restaurant for dinner,” Nahyutainformed them.  Judging by Apollo’sexpression, this was the first he had heard of it.
“Rightnow?  But…”  Apollo trailed off a bit, leaving theobjection unexplained…but Simon knew what it was.  Because he had the same objection: getting laid was not going to be possible if theywere all going out to eat.  But Nahyutajust put his hand up and closed his eyes, meaning that he was about tobasically tell them that they had no choice.
“Ourguests have had a long flight, Apollo.  I’msure they’re hungry and need their energy.” The look Nahyuta then flashed Simon made him blush a little – he knewexactly what Nahyuta wanted the energy to do.
Thatdirty monk of his.
Eventhough Klavier was also eager forsome alone time with Apollo, he was smiling, obviously being overly polite tohis boyfriend’s royal brother. Smart.  Unlike Simon, Klaviercouldn’t afford to be a sarcastic asshole. Not that he was anything likethat…Klavier was the nicest person intheir office after all (though you wouldn’t hear Simon say that out loud).  It was just that he couldn’t afford to beanything but that right now.
Whenthey arrived at the restaurant, Simon took mental notice of the fact that itwas a Japanese-themed place that they had gone to once before; at the time,Simon had been excited to find a Japanese place and had enjoyed the foodimmensely.  When he looked over atNahyuta, the monk was smiling at him in that sly knowing sort of way.  
Nahyutahad reserved a private room for the four of them, and they were led through slidingdoors to their table.  The couples satacross from each other, and Simon rolled his eyes at Klavier’s sickeninglysweet smile that he had directed at Apollo.
“So,”Nahyuta began once the waiter served them all some sake.  “To reunions. May the Holy Mother bless us with more of them.”  He then said a prayer; Simon noticed thatKlavier sat up straighter during it. Yeesh, he really wanted to suck up to Nahyuta, didn’t he?
Dinneritself was delicious but largely uneventful; Klavier tried to engage Nahyuta insome discussion about what he was doing and Nahyuta rambled on about some Khura’inesepolitics that really…none of them save perhaps Apollo really cared about.
“You’reboring everyone, Sad Monk,” Simon finally said when he felt that Nahyuta’sspeech had gone on for too long.  Nahyutaturned and smiled, though it was clear from his eyes that he wasn’t exactlypleased with being cut off.  
“HerrBlackquill, speak for yourself,” Klavier said, taking hold of Apollo’shand.  “I found Herr Sahdmadhi’s story tobe quite interesting, actually.”
“Please,Klavier,” Simon replied while rolling his eyes. His use of Klavier’s first name did not go unnoticed by Nahyuta; sincewhen was Simon close enough to Klavier to be on a first-name basis withhim?  “You don’t need to suck up so much to his majesty over here.  Frankly, it makes you seem desperate.”
“I’vetold you before that isn’t my title, Panda.” Nahyuta’s smile finally fell and Simon considered it a smallvictory.  He couldn’t deal with all theStepford faces anymore.
“Whatis your title, Herr Sahdmadhi?”  Klavier was obviously trying to bring theconversation back to his boyfriend’s brother.
“Hisgraceful merciful elegant excellency,” Simon chimed in before Nahyuta couldeven open his mouth.  Luckily, hissarcastic answer earned a laugh from Apollo; Nahyuta looked at the man as if hehad betrayed him somehow.  
“What?”  Apollo shrugged and gave a toothy grin.  “You know I can never remember it myself.”
“Itshouldn’t be that difficult to remember, Apollo.  It is one word.”
“Well,technically two, if you count the ‘your’,” Apollo mumbled.  And thatearned a laugh from Klavier.
“Isee my Panda’s sense of sarcasm is infectious,” Nahyuta said with a deadpantone.
“Ohlike you’re not sarcastic,” Simonresponded.  “Please, this whole regal façadeof yours is old and fake, and frankly…scaring Gavin-dono here.”  He didn’t wait for Klavier’s inevitableobjection.  “I say we order more sake andactually enjoy ourselves.”
Unbeknownstto Simon (or anyone), Klavier was very grateful to him for making the airslightly less…formal.  It felt stuffy andawkward.  
A fewrounds of sake later and Klavier was singing with a drunk Nahyuta and standingon the table while Apollo and Simon sat on the ground watching their boyfriendsact ridiculously with one another.
“Well,”Apollo said at one point.  “At least theyseem to like each other.”
“I’dwait until tomorrow for the judgments, Justice-dono.”  After all, they were all probably going tohave terrible hangovers at this rate.
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