#also shout out to the black jeans 'cause they were working
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papa-evershed · 5 months ago
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Rob James-Collier as Michael Generation-Z
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kelppsstuff · 1 year ago
HI MOOTIEE anyways I got smth for ya
Of course it's Adam cause YEA.
what if Adam and his goth girlfriend who is an angel of course can be fluff can be smut anything you want
Thanks mootie have a wonderful dayyy
HIIII MY BELOVED!!!! Ahhhh I hope you like thissss I enjoyed working on it! Have a fantastic day for everyone reading! Also I low-key think I’m turning into a slut with all the smut I’ve been writing recently 😭
“Looking Pretty!”
Adam x Goth gf reader
Warnings: blow job
Taglist: @adamsfavoritesinner @sashaphantomhive @leathesimp @ladyninggs @michelleszn @sirenetgeblogger
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Adam had first met you when he was on stage performing at a concert. You saw you next to Lute singing all the lyrics on the top of your lungs. He threw two guitar picks y’all’s way, one for each of you and moved on to the other side of the stage.
After the concert had ending Lute introduced you two. You were her sister, and he was her boss.
“Sir?” Lute called out to her boss. She was behind stage and wanted to introduce her best friend to her sister. “Yeah danger tits?” Adam asked looking over his shoulder for a spilt second. He was signing autographs for girl and guys, and even little kids.
“I’d like you too meet someone if you’d have the time.” Adam brain flashed to you and Lute together in the audience. Shirley his lieutenant. wanted to introduce him to you. “Sure thing. I’ll be back ladies.”
He and lute walked over to where you were, talking to the drummer. Adam felt his eye twitch. Said drummer always pissed him off — copied Adam 24/7.
“Y/N. This is Adam.” Lute said, taking your attention away from the drummer. You looked to the first man and felt a whole bundle of nerves and excitement gather in your stomach.
“Hi! I’m Y/N!” You stuck your hand out and Adam took it. “Never expected to see a big toy goth girl in heaven.” Leave Adam to be… Adam.
Lute was screaming in her head at Adam. That was her SISTER. And what if you said something slick back?! That’s her BOSS!
“Guess I’m special.”
“Sure babe, but you ain’t better than me.”
The thing that made Adam really start to notice you was your outfits. He loved all the necklaces you would wear, loved the make up you did most days. He also loves your fishnets.
He couldn’t count how many times he gotten hard when you would walk around in them. It gotten that porn wouldn’t even help him anymore, but the thoughts of you did.
Adam had invited you to every one of his concerts, and even if Lute didn’t show, you still did. You were his biggest fan, his biggest supporter.
Adam had to be on stage in thirty minutes and every thing had started to go wrong. First his guitar wasn’t in tune. Next his singer called out last minute, something about forgetting an date. So he would have to sing, and his throat had been hurting all day. Then he couldn’t find his mask. And finally while he was trying to calm himself down, there was knock at his dressing room door. He couldn’t get a fucking minute alone.
“Fuck off!” He shouted, trying to tune his guitar. But the person didn’t fuck off. You opened the door and poked your head through the door. “Need help?” Your eyes widened. You hadn’t ever seen him with out his mask.
He was handsome safe to say. Rich brown hair, golden shimmering eyes, and a stubble that suited him. He wore black ripped jeans and a white tank top, typical rockstar outfit.
Adam glared at you but the ultimately decided you could be useful. “Come here.” His voice had a certain chill, it sent shocks of excitement down your spine. You walked over to him, and stood waiting for what he needed.
Adam looked you up and down and silently cursed. You wore a short ass skirt, with a crop maroon tank top — that did a poor job in hood your tits from spilling in Adams opinion. The platforms you wore, made you a bit taller but Adam still towered over you. And you wore those fucking fish nets.
Adam sat you down on the couch and put his guitar in your hands. He got behind you and put his hands over your own. You noticed he wasn’t wearing his gloves, you had also noticed how vain-y his hands really were along with his fore arms. “Do you know how to tune a guitar?” His breath fanned over your ear and blowing you hair the faintest bit.
“No,” you went to turn your head around to him but he grabbed your chin with his hand and pushed your head to look back at the guitar. “You see these nobs? The make the strings tighter and loser.” Adam reached into his back pocket, pulling out his phone.
Once he had his tuning app pulled he placed said phone your thigh. He didn’t move his hand away from it, at least not before gripping your fishnets, wishing to tear them.
“Adjust the nobs accordingly and the app will tell you if it’s in tune or not, and if it needs to be looser or tighter. Understand?” You nodded your head, and he reluctantly pulled away from you.
He started to look around for his mask. He couldn’t preform without it. He was surprised that he was comfortable with you seeing his face. Despite that, he knew he wouldn’t be comfortable performing without it.
You started to tune his guitar, slightly confused at first, but slowly got the hang of it.
Adam had trouble finding his mask. He would look at you and think thoughts that would, we’ll send him to hell probably. When he would look away — after telling himself to stop being creepy — it wouldn’t be long till his eyes were back on you. So yeah, he couldn’t find his mask.
You looked up over to him and saw him staring directly at you. Placing the guitar on the couch you got up and walked over to him. Normally you would be wearing necklaces that would move with your steps but he took notice in your bare neck.
“It’s tuned.” He hummed and acted on his intrusive thoughts. He pulled you closer to him by your neck. “You know what would compliment this outfit? A collar.” His hand wrapped around your neck, and squeezed the tiniest bit, his veins bulging.
Your breath got caught in your throat as you tired to find your next words. “What kind?” Adam took another step, you chest now pushing against each other. “One with my name on it.”
Cocky bastard.
"20 MINUTES TILL SHOW TIME!” Someone called out from the hallways. Adam clenched his jaw in annoyance. “Ya wanna suck me off before I go on?” He said in a joking tone, but holy fuck that would take away about 85% of his problems. He was pent up. He wasn’t expecting you to do anything. You’d always brush away his sexual comments, which unsurprisingly was more often than not.
You raised a brow and started to unbutton his pants. “You have twenty minutes.” His hand on your throat tightened and you started to get on your knees.
You brought the zipper and started to pulled down with your teeth. Most girls he fucked tried to act innocent. Always looking at the package he had to offer as if it was the first dick they seen. But you — you looked up at him through your lashes, eyes begging. Like a fucking slut. You pulled his pants down a little — along with his boxers and started to pump him. Getting him hard but you did need to do it for long — seeing as he was already leaning precum.
Fuck if he had twenty minutes he was gonna make it worth it.
“I’ve gotten a hand job before babe, I prefer a blowjob.” He really couldn’t shut his mouth.
You brought your lips to his shaft and started to kiss him gentle, and so soft he shuttered. You continued to move you hand as you slowly took him in your mouth.
Your mouth was warm and you started to suck him off. You couldn’t fit him all the way in your mouth — fulling his ego more — so you made up with the inches you couldn’t fit with your hand.
Your hand twisted around him and you sucked harder, making him throw his head back in a groan. His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed the moan wanting to escape.
It was like a switch in Adam. He started to thrust into your mouth, desperately trying to release his frustration. Spit started to fall past your bottom lips — fuck, I need to be neat, you thought, insanely hot, Adam thought. You rest reached up and started to play with your nipples with your now free hands.
You could feel your gag reflex kicking, tightening your throat up. That had done it for Adam. “Fuck!” He poured himself into your mouth. Some dripped onto you lips and chin.
You looked up at licking you lips and wiping your chin with your pointer finger, before sucking that as well.
You throat had started to become sore. “THREE MINUTES! ANYONE SEEN ADAM?!” You looked to the door, but something caught your eye. Adams mask was under a desk. You crawled to it, seeing as it wasn’t far.
“If you don’t get up right now, I’m fucking you.”
You rolled your eyes and got up, handing Adam his mask.
Adam was wrong, it didn’t fix 85% of his problems. It fixed 100% of his issues. “TWO MINUTES!” That send Adam into over drive, but before he could put his mask on you grabbed his chin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Your lipstick was ruined, but a kiss mark still showed on him face. “See you out there.” You grabbed tissues and walked out. Adam not far behind you.
Once the concert was over, Like normal you went to find Adam backstage. You stood behind him as he signed autographs. Your feet started to hurt from wearing play forms all day. Adam seemed to take notice.
“Take your shoes off.”
“And walk bare foot on this ground?” You raised you brow to him as if he was insane. Adam rolled his eyes and bent down on one knee in front of you.
He started to take your shoes off, you did little protest, happy to get them off. He then took off his own shoes and put your feet in them. Tying them tightly so they wouldn’t fall off.
Fans started to look in shock, people started to take photos while other glared in envy.
You kind of half expected Adam to wear your shoes — you didn’t know why — but he didn’t. He carried them for you and when you two left the building he slung an arm around you. “So this means we’re dating.” Even though it didn’t sound like a question, it was.
“If you can get Lutes blessing, sure.”
Fuck. Adam hadn’t tried to ever convince someone of something so much before. He spent a total of 5 months proving himself to Lute. Proving himself to you. He could see why Lute wouldn’t trust him. He was a huge playboy but in those five months he gave that up. Only wanting one.
So when Lute gave him his blessing to date you, another five months later he was asking for your hand in marriage. To which you both called him deranged.
Ahhhh I hope that was good? I feel like the ending was rushed so I may edit this sometime in the future
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mydearesthrry · 1 year ago
how would gf!reader react to seeing Harry’s ex at a function
ooooh. stirring the pot. i like it! made this fbh and new(ish!!!!) gf!reader cause hes hot and why not! enjoy :p also sorry anon this took so long lol love u
jealous-ish reader and some angst under the cut 💋💋
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Walking into the party, her arm resting on the inside crook of Harry’s elbow, she took small steps next to him, trying to take up as little space as possible.
To signify the start of school, Harry’s frat had obviously thrown a party. This was one of the first times the couple had seen each other all day, Harry working with pledges and helping out with house prep prior to the party. He’d gone to her apartment just a few blocks from campus to pick her up, originally clad in a brown toned flannel, a white Rolling Stones graphic tee, and a pair of black ripped jeans. However, the flannel now draped across her shoulders since she’d met him in his car wearing nothing but a tiny black dress that exposed her arms and went down to her midthigh. And there was just no way he was letting his sweet girl get all cold. Not under his watch, anyway.
His skin was soft beneath hers, her fingertips now gripping onto the soft fabric of his sleeve, her palm on his inner elbow as her hand slipped farther and farther down. As if he could sense it, he moved his arm to let hers fall to her side, and moved behind her to rest a hand on the junction between her lower stomach and hip, scratching lightly at the silky material of her dress. Nudging her forward with a kiss to the back of her head, she kept walking, now leading her and her puppy dog of a boyfriend.
The night carried on, Harry occasionally greeting his brothers with a few shared expletives, Y/N being a supportive girlfriend and just leaning back into him whenever he paused to talk to someone, introducing herself to unfamiliar faces with Harry’s help. She could barely hear them because the music was so loud! Smiling apologetically whenever she asked them to repeat themselves, Harry took initiative to start introducing the unfamiliar person to his girlfriend, and vice versa.
There was eventually a small lull in the night, the two standing in the kitchen with an almost full red solo cup being shared between them, Y/N curled into his side as he ran his hand up and down her side. Her eyes scanned the crowd from their spot in the darkened room, eyes widening when she caught sight of a familiar face.
“Oh shit,” She said, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she leaned against Harry a bit more, looking up at him with a wide grin.
“Wha’?” He drawled, hand coming up to bring the cup to his lips.
“I see Anna,” She giggled, resting her head on his shoulder, small giggles turning into full chuckles when she felt the way he tensed.
“Oh, um,” He mumbled. “Yeah, she comes t’these parties pretty often.”
“Oh, really?” She smiled, pushing off of him to leave the kitchen.
“Oh, oh no, absolutely not. Do not think about it, puppy. I’m warning you.” He whined, pushing off the counter to follow her.
“I’m doing it, you can warn me all you want, but I’m not gonna listen!” She shouted, running after his ex girlfriend. She knew that the break up was mutual, and there were no hard feelings involved, but she thought it’d be fun to mess with her boyfriend a little.
“Jesus Christ. What’d I get myself into?” He whispered under his breath, following his girlfriend with annoyed steps.
“Hi! I’m Y/N! I’ve heard so much about you!” He heard his love squeal, and when he rounded the corner, he found his girlfriend and his ex both with excited gleams in their eyes, hands holding hands, compliments whirring in the air between them.
“Oh my god, hi! I’m Anna! You’re Harry’s girlfriend, right?” The blonde smiled, squeezing Y/N’s hands in her own.
“Yeah, I am!” Another shared grin.
“Hi, Anna.” Harry greeted, the ghost of a smile playing on his lips.
“Hi bug,” She smiled back, hands slipping from the grip they’d initially had on Y/N’s, now coming to the front of her stomach to fidget with her cuticles. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah, it has. I see you’ve met Y/N,” He smiled, his arms stagnant by his sides.
“She’s an angel, H. Good job, really. I knew… I knew you’d find someone really great for you.” Anna said, placing a hand on his arm. Now, this might’ve been Y/N’s first real relationship, but she wasn’t dumb. She could sense the distaste that Anna withheld the second she went up to her, and she could see the hearts practically sown into her eyes, and the worst part about it? Harry seemed like he couldn’t give less of a fuck.
Matter of fact, he was eating this shit right up.
“Thanks, A. I um- I appreciate that.” And she thinks that was her breaking point.
She knew it was mostly her fault, but she really didn’t think she’d get jealous! She promises!
“Okay, um- I’m gonna let you two catch up, and I’m gonna go get a drink. Find me, H, will you?” Was all she said before she turned on her heel and beelined for the kitchen, trying to will away any tears before they could even think about arising. She felt herself flicker onto autopilot, making her normal cherry vodka with Sprite as if she was tracing the steps. Her mind was just swirling with doubt. Doubt if Harry was actually in love with her, or if she was just being delusional and wasn't picking up on any tells that he could've been making obvious. Seeing him with Anna- the way he was just so comfortable with her- made her want to sink into the floor with embarrassment.
"Hey, baby," His voice made her jump out of her thoughts, now completely in control of her body again. "Y'okay?"
"Mhm. Peachy," She squeaked, cursing her vocal chords for failing her so prematurely in the conversation. "Why?"
"'Cause ever since y'pretty little face left m'side, I've been watching y'and noticed that y'got that look on y'face." He says, grabbing her cup and placing it on the counter, boxing her in against the cool marble with both of his arms encasing her, hands flat against the corners.
Fuck. "What look?" She could play dumb, right? He wouldn't notice, she thinks.
“Don’t play dumb, baby. You know I know what face y’make when you’re jealous.” Fuck. Never mind.
“Umm, I don’t know what you’re talking about?” She questions, voice wavering as she began to give up her facade since she knew she’s been caught.
“Bunny,” He starts, pausing when she groans and drops her head to rest her forehead on his chest. “Why’d you even go over there? I knew you would get jealous the second me and her talked.”
“And you didn’t stop me?”
“Why would I? You wanted to so bad, I even tried telling you no. You don’t listen to me, bunny. I literally— dude, I literally warned you.” He sighed, shaking his head but placing small kisses onto the top of her head, burrowing his nose into her hair to inhale the scent of her coconut shampoo.
“I didn’t think it’d go that bad.” She says simply, hooking two of her fingers into the front left pocket of his skinny jeans.
“Well, that’s your fault- ow!” Harry groaned, releasing his girlfriend to rub the side of his thigh.
She’d smacked him. But, this was serious, and he was taking it too lightly!
“H, this isn’t funny! Now I look like the stupid girlfriend who’s jealous of my boyfriend’s ex! And I hate being jealous!”
Grabbing her shoulders, he pulls her back to peer down into her eyes, grabbing her chin when she avoided eye contact. “Hold on, woah. I, for one, love it when you get jealous. It— it makes me realize how much y’actually want me. I love the feeling, mama. It feels nice t’be wanted, y’know?”
She sighs. “Well, when you put it that way…”
“I don’t want anyone but you. You’re m’present and m’future. Couldn’t see m’self marrying Anna, but with you? God, bunny, I think about it like, four times a day. You’re my person, baby. I promise.” He starts choking up, making Y/N step forward to collide with his front, propping her chin onto his chest.
“I love you, probably more than I’ve loved anything or anyone.” She whispers, trying to keep the intimacy of the moment sacred in the semicrowded kitchen.
“Promise?” He asks, leaning down to place his forehead onto hers.
“I promise.”
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mountttmase · 2 years ago
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A Mountain To Climb: The Sequel
Chapter Three
Note - chapter three already 😭 I can’t believe we’re here. Also if you want to be included in the tag list just let me know. I know I had one for the last series but I forgot to ask for this one 😂 but let me know what you think of this chapter 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 3.1k
Warnings - series will contain fluff, smut and angst
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‘So he hasn’t given you any details? Like at all?’
‘Nope, not a thing. Hence why I’m not sure what to wear’
It was the day of your date and you we’re currently on FaceTime to Freya so she could help you pick an outfit, however due to Masons lack of information about what was happening you were struggling.
‘What about jeans and a nice top? Can’t go wrong with jeans and a nice top’
‘I’ve never really understood what that means’ you told her, flicking through your wardrobe. ‘Like what’s constitutes a nice top? And are jeans not too casual?’
‘Honey, I wish I knew. You best be prepared for when I find my man cause I’m gonna be a mess I can feel it’
‘What do you mean? You’re the most sensible head I know’
‘Well yeah, when it comes to you I am cause I know what’s best for you. I quite clearly don’t know what’s best for me or I’d have my own brown eyed beauty’
‘Don’t talk about my man like that’ you laughed in mock offence, knowing she was joking but it made you a little smug knowing she thought Mason was attractive.
‘Well does he not have a friend for me? What about that one with the Prince Charming hair? Ben is it?’
‘That’s Ben, yes’ you laughed ‘but he’s got blue eyes’
‘Brown, blue, practically the same thing’ she waved you off but you geared yourself up as were about to break her heart.
‘Hate to break it to you, Frey. But Ben has a girlfriend now’
‘Of course he does. Just my luck’ she sighed, covering her face in her hands as she pretended to cry.
In the end you decided on some leather trousers and a short top. Heels felt a bit too dressy so you settled on trainers and with a final spin Freya gave you her nod of approval.
‘I’m loving the all black, it’s classy. And I think you fit the smart casual brief. How long till he’s here?’
‘Like 15 minutes’ you told her, a tidal wave of nerves settling in your tummy as the realisation hit you.
‘Please don’t tell me your nervous’ Freya laughed, watching you panic from the other side of the phone but you couldn’t respond as you were starting to freak out. ‘Come on love, it’s Mason. There’s nothing to be nervous about he adores you. You could be sat there all night with food stuck in your teeth and he’d still worship the ground you walked on’
‘That’s the thing though, it’s Mason. I haven’t felt like this about anyone else. Haven’t been on a proper grown up adult date ever like this is all a lot’
‘I bet as soon as you see him you’ll be fine, just stop getting worked up. You’ll ruin your makeup’
‘Just let me freak out a bit’ you laughed as you made sure you had everything in your bag until you heard a knock on the door. ‘That’s probably him. I should go’
‘So he comes to the door rather than texts you from the car? Old school, I like it’ she winked and you laughed as you picked up your phone and made your way to the door. ‘Have the best time, yeah? And wear protection!’ She shouted and you flipped her off before hanging up. After a few quick breaths you answered the door with a smile and the sight you were met with caused your heart to flutter.
There was Mason, dressed in the most adorable green jumper and black jeans and you smiled at the fact you didn’t feel too overdressed. But it was the way he was looking at you that made your head spin.
‘Hey, you all ready to go?’ He smiled and you nodded at him before locking the door up behind you and following him to the car. He opened up the door for you to get in but just before you had the chance he pulled you to him and brushed a little bit of hair out of your face. ‘Are you okay?’
‘Yeah, why?’
‘Cause you haven’t looked at me in the eyes yet’ he laughed before cupping your jaw so you’d look at him. ‘Nervous?’
‘A little bit’ you laughed which caused him to look at you lovingly. ‘I’ve never been on a date like this before. It just feels massive for me after everything you know?’ you confessed and he gave you a gentle nod before kissing your nose and then gently kissing your lips and you felt yourself relax instantly.
‘You’re in safe hands with me. I promise’ he whispered, reassuring you a little bit before you got into his car.
‘So where are we going?
‘It’s a secret’ he winked and you shook your head playfully at him.
‘So you’ve been saying’ you laughed ‘I’ve been having a breakdown for days about what to wear’
‘Well you didn’t need to. You could of worn a rubbish bag and I wouldn’t of cared’ he told you before reaching for your hand and kissing the back of it. ‘But you look beautiful’ he murmured and you felt yourself go hot all over.
‘Well you don’t look too bad yourself’ you chuckled which caused him to laugh, his smile warning your heart in a way no one else’s could.
You were driving for about twenty minutes when he finally pulled into a random underground car park and you still had no idea where you were but the smile on Masons face reassured you everything was fine so you took his extended hand and followed him up and out onto the street.
‘So I thought long and hard about where to take you tonight. I didn’t wanna take you somewhere random so I’m taking you to a place that’s pretty special to me’ he told you, squeezing your hand lightly as you stopped in front of a cute Italian restaurant. ‘I come here all the time with my family, they sort of know us in here but I’ve never bought a girl before’ he laughed, looking down at you with a nervous smile. ‘We come here for birthdays and anniversaries. Wins, losses, you name it. I hope this is okay’
‘It’s perfect’ you smiled, reaching up to kiss the side of his nose gently to let him know he had nothing to worry about. If anything you loved that he was taking you somewhere that meant something rather somewhere generic.
‘Mason! Teddy said you’d be here, it’s so good to see you’ the hostess smiled as the pair of you walked in. She looked genuinely happy to see him and he kept hold of your hand as he lent over to give her a small hug.
‘Hi Dee. Yeah he said he’d sort me table out’
‘Of course. Although I was surprised when he told me it was for two’ she laughed, her kind eyes landing on you. ‘You must be y/n?’
‘Oh, yeah that’s me’ you told her, reaching out for her extended hand but you had no idea how she knew your name until you looked up to Masons pink cheeks.
‘Teddy made him tell us who you were. He never books a table for two’ she winked up at him before reaching for a couple of menus. ‘Come one then, I’ve got you the best table in the house’ she exclaimed before leading you through the restaurant, making small talk with Mason about his family and when she would see them next.
It was fairly unassuming from the outside but the inside was a whole other story. A huge skylight in the centre of the room with a massive chandelier hanging low enough that you could probably reach it. The decor felt classy but homely at the same time and the huge trees covered in fairy lights dotted around the place made it even more magical.
Dee took you over to table near the back, a round booth that Mason shuffled all the way over in so you were sat next to each other and you smiled up at him when you felt him place his hand on your thigh.
‘Is this alright?’ He whispered and you couldn’t help but lightly peck him on the lips.
‘It’s perfect, I love it’
You’d had your drink orders taken and you were just opening the food menu when you heard Masons name being shouted across the room. He quickly shuffled out from the table and you watched as a man in chefs whites approached and pulled Mason into a quick hug.
‘Hey Teddy, thanks for sorting this’
‘Don’t be silly, I told you anytime’ he laughed before his eyes landed on you. ‘So I take it this is y/n?’
‘Oh shit, yeah’ Mason laughed, the pair turning to look at you. ‘This is y/n. Y/n this is Teddy, he owns the place’
‘Nice to meet you’ you told him with a small wave as you watched as Teddy hit Mason on the back lightly almost as if he was congratulating him.
‘The pleasure is all mine. I always told Mason as soon as he meets his girl he needs to bring her here’
‘Well here she is’ Mason laughed and you felt yourself blush at his words.
‘Listen I need to get back, but let me know when you’re leaving yeah?’ He told Mason and they shared a quick goodbye before he was sliding in next to you.
‘So what do you fancy?’ He asked, opening your menu up so you could look together but the only thing that was jumping out to you were the prices. He caught on straight away and squeezed your thigh so you would look up at him and his kind eyes relaxed you. ‘I asked you out, so it’s my treat yeah?’
‘But you paid for McDonald’s’
‘And I’m paying for this’ he laughed, nodding his head back to the menu. ‘So pick what you want’
‘Will you help me?’ You asked and when the waitress came over he ended up ordering for you. You were happy he had because whenever he’d picked was delicious and you almost lost it when he fed you some of his, keeping up his eye contact as you took a bite off his fork.
‘Now I know you probably want dessert but i actually have somewhere else for us to go so we’ll have to skip it’ he told you once you were finished and you pouted up at him as he knew you liked to end your meals on something sweet. ‘Don’t worry, the night is still young’ he reassured you and once everything had been paid for and you’d said goodbye to Teddy and Dee, Mason started walking you down the road in the opposite direction of the car. You didn’t ask where you were going as you knew he wouldn’t tell you so you just walked with him until he stopped outside where you needed to be.
‘The cinema?’ You laughed as he led you in but it didn’t look like any one you’d ever been in before and when he took you into the screen your heart gave a thump. The seats you were used to in most cinemas had been replaced with comfy looking sofas and arm chairs and you were pleased to find he’d reserved you a sofa to share. Popcorn, chocolate buttons and a blue raspberry ice blast already sat waiting for you and you lent up to kiss him gently to thank him. ‘This is so cute Mase, thank you’ you laughed as you plonked down next to him, his arm making its way around you shoulders as he pulled you closer.
‘Well you said you’ve never been on a proper date so I thought I’d bring it back to basics. You can never go wrong with dinner and a movie’
‘Maybe after we could share a milkshake’ you teased with a wink and he shook his head whilst laughing.
‘You feeling better now?’
‘A bit yeah’
‘I can tell’ he whispered, bumping his nose against the side of your head before kissing your temple. ‘I love it when you get sassy’
‘Well you normally make me too nervous to be sassy’ you laughed, finally looking up into his smiling face. ‘But I’m having a really nice time’
‘I am too’ he whispered before dipping his head to kiss you gently. You wanted to kiss him deeper but you were aware of where you were and who you were with so you took what he gave you knowing you could hopefully get more from him later.
Thankfully there weren’t too many others in there with you and you took great pleasure in watching all the adverts and telling him what films you wanted him to take you to see next. You were so caught up you hadn’t even checked what film you were actually seeing, hoping he hadn’t picked something scary even though the thought of hiding in him was appealing. It looked like it was a mushy romcom though and you relaxed into him as he lightly kissed your neck.
He kept teasing you the whole way through, kissing any part of your skin he could reach and stroking his hands over your thighs and waist to the point you had to smack his hands away and tell him to concentrate on the movie as he was missing the best part. You also didn’t know how much more you could handle of him touching you without doing something about it.
He behaved for the rest of what was left, and you waited until everyone had gone until you made your way out so you could remain as inconspicuous as possible. The car park was pretty much empty when you got back and when he pushed you up against the door so he could kiss you properly you didn’t stop him this time.
You hadn’t really kissed him properly like this since that night at Bens, getting by on soft touches and pecks as you got comfortable with each other again but you’d been craving him like this for a while. His hands were in your hair as you gripped at his jumper, dragging him as close to you as possible before you felt his hands move over your waist and hips so he could grip your bum and as much as you wanted him you knew you shouldn’t be doing this here so you reluctantly pulled away. His forehead resting on yours as you both got your breath back before he looked at you a little shyly.
‘Sorry’ he laughed, kissing your nose as he ran his thumb under your bottom lip. ‘Got a bit carried away there. You ready to go?’
‘I suppose’ you huffed, not ready to leave him yet but you knew it was getting late and he had training in the morning so you slid into the seat when he opened the door for you. You weren’t far from home when he pulled into the McDonalds drive through he’d taken you in the week prior and you turned to him confused.
‘What? Thought you wanted to share a milkshake’ he winked at you before ordering one whilst you laughed besides him. He let you drink most of it on the way back to your flat but you made sure to let him have some too, holding the straw to his mouth so he could take a few sips but you told him you were too full for the rest and you left it for him to finish. He walked you up to your flat just like always and you turned to face him as soon as you got to the door.
‘Would you like to come in?’ You asked, and you watched the cheeky smirk take over his face as he nodded shyly.
‘I guess five minutes won’t hurt’ he told you before following you inside. ‘I’ve only ever really been in here once I think’
‘Oh yeah, you came to pick your charger up when I was hanging out my arse’
‘Seem like a lifetime ago’ he told you, perching on the arm of your sofa before you slipped yourself in between his legs, your hands resting on his shoulders as his rested on your waist so he could caress the skin of your tummy that was slightly on show. ‘I’m glad I’m here under different circumstances now’
‘Me too’ you laughed as you placed your lips to the bridge of his nose which caused him to scrunch it up adorably. ‘Thank you for tonight, I had a really nice time’
‘I did too’ he told you honestly, smiling up at you lovingly before you reached down to kiss him again. This time you were in the driving seat as you were a tiny bit taller than him since he was sitting down as you kissed him with as much feeling as you could before the pair of you were gasping for air. ‘I think it’s best I go’
‘Oh’ you breathed, trying not to let him see how disappointed you were but he could see right through you and how your mood had shifted instantly.
‘It’s not that I don’t want to, you know… I just don’t wanna rush things’ he explained, kissing your arm gently. ‘And I know if I stay here any longer I’ll never make it to training in the morning’ he laughed which made you smile a bit. ‘Ah there we go, that’s my favourite smile’ he teased which only caused you to laugh more as he pulled you into a hug. ‘We’ll see each other soon though yeah?’
‘Okay’ you nodded stepping back so he could stand before cupping your jaw so he could kiss you again and even though you were disappointed he wouldn’t be staying any longer you reminded yourself that this was technically your first date and you had all the time in the world. ‘Text me when you get home?’
‘Of course’ he whispered kissing you again before you walked him to the door. Once he was finally gone you made your way over to the window so you could wave him off like you always did and when he blew you a kiss you felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
Tags: @chaotic-taco-collector-blog
Thank you so much for reading 😌 I’d really like some feedback so please feel free to drop me an ask or whatever you feel comfortable doing, I’d really love to hear from you 🩷
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lovechrissturniolo · 6 months ago
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5/ day one - morning
contains: Lea & Chris talking and being interested in/ looking at each other
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After a 30 minutes intro Chris and Matt played Fortnite.
As the day was just dawning, Lea - sitting in the living area - noticed an unfavorable change in the light in Chris's room and she texted him:
I have to adjust your light if it`s possible? Your room is a literal lighting challenge!
No problem, go ahead. I open the door so they can't hear when you come in.
Chris tried to concentrate on the game as she slipped into his room, but he couldn't help but watch her out of the corner of his eye.
She had this deliberate posture and highly concentrated look when she was working.
It was kind of cute.
Lea was wearing blue jeans and a black baby-T, her long hair tied into a messy bun and subtle make-up. Chris had to admit to himself that she looked pretty good.
Her belt and the lower part of her belly were visible as she leaned over the table behind the camera making adjustments to the ring light.
Her being here during the stream was definitely better than some old guy, he thought to himself again.
Immediately afterward, he heard Matt yell and realized he'd been shot down.
“Chris! You're an idiot!”
“Fuck, sorry!” he shouted back, ruffling his hair.
As Chris leaned back in his chair, he caught Lea's gaze, who silently formed the word “Sorry!” and twisted the corner of her mouth.
He waved his hand to indicate that it wasn't her fault and smirked without looking directly at her.
“What's funny about that, you moron?” Matt joked from above.
“Nothing!” Chris answered, laughing about his stupid fault and rubbed his eyes. “Bro, I don't think I've ever played Fortnite this early in the morning! You can't expect my full concentration!”
“You better focus, man! We almost won that round!”
“Yeah yeah, all right! Go!”
Lea sat down on Chris's bed with her laptop and phone.
Sorry for the interruption!! I'll be off again in a minute.
You can also stay! You're not bothering me.
After the light was set, she moderated the chat without changing her location again to avoid making too much noise.
The madness in the comments was limited - probably because it was still early in the morning - so Lea kept catching herself watching Chris play.
He was one of the most expressive people she had ever met. Concentration, anger, excitement, joy - it was as if his whole body showed how he was feeling in every moment.
Something about his posture and facial expression was so fascinating that she could barely look away.
It was undeniably a beautiful sight to see him on her screen from the front and live from the side.
Chris noticed out of the corner of his eye that Lea looked over at him once in a while.
He somehow liked it and wondered what was going on in her head. Probably just the lighting situation, but maybe also personal interest?
Chris couldn't really log into Fortnite today, causing him to blow one game after another.
Eventually Matt had enough and they decided to have breakfast and try again later.
Lea disconnected Chris's computer from the stream, stated: "It's off." and gave him a thumbs up.
They unintentionally stretched at the same time and smiled sheepishly when they realized it. “Sorry about the interruption earlier. It shouldn't happen again.”
“Oh, please." Chris relented. "That's not the reason, I'm just still tired and play like shit!”
“That I can't judge, even though I've watched you guys play often.” Lea smiled.
Chris dropped onto the couch, stretched his hands over his head and mumbled: “I really should have slept more!"
“You didn't?” she asked casually.
“Not really well. Probably too nervous.”
“You guys really don't need to stress. Literally everything you try turns to gold anyway.”
“Nick says, you always have to be a little uncomfortable to be comfortable. That's what we do and why it works, I guess."
“That actually applies to my life too, I have to say,” Lea replied thoughtfully.
“You know what, I'd like to know more about that!” Chris replied quickly, sensing his chance to find out more about her and sat up.
Lea smiled involuntarily and wondered whether she was feeling a little too comfortable right now.
“You need to go support Matt, I think.”
“Is he already on camera in the kitchen?”
“Yes, he texted me to switch over right away.”
“Damn, this kid needs to chill, we'll be here for a while!” Chris sighed and made his way to the door.
“We talk later. I'll bring something for breakfast when I come back."
next ➡️
⬅️ index
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Imposter - Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: none, all fluff, entirely SFW (let me know if I missed any)
Pairings: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader (no mentions of any gender so all are welcome) (no use of "Y/n" in this either)
AN: This is my first fic post, and also my magnum opus. I didn't actually intend to not use Y/n in this, cause I do in a lot of my drafts. I just wrote it how it feels the most right, and that is with lots of "you" and not a lot of "Y/n" and somehow no gendered pronouns. P.S. I had to throw in one "they" hope you don't mind.
Summary: Established relationship with Eddie, Established friendships with the HellFire club boys. Reader makes a plan to prank Eddie, and it all comes together at HellFire Club that night.
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You walk into school that morning wearing one of Eddie's HellFire shirts, (he had definitely given you one just for being his significant other) jeans, and a plan. You've had this idea in the back of your head for a while, but today would be the day you pull it off.
Step one took place during lunch. It was a chilly day already, and you shivered through your first 3 classes waiting for the right moment. When Eddie was waiting outside the door to your class so he could walk with you to lunch was the perfect time. You ham it up with the shivers a little more as you walk out of the door towards Eddie. "Hey baby." He says throwing an arm around your shoulder. You moved a little closer to the warmth that his chest provided, "It's pretty cold today, huh?"
"Yep. You should've worn a jacket." Eddie quips. But it wouldn't be enough to save him from the puppy dog eyes you were giving him. And just like that, he's taking off his jacket with a huff and placing it around your shoulders. "You just get everything you want, don't you?" He says. "From you? Yeah, I do."
Lunch passes quickly and Eddie let's you keep his jacket for the rest of the day. He knows he'll get it back later since he is your ride home. Besides, HellFire club is tonight, and he can get it back from you then.
'Step Two: Buy Time' takes place in your last class period of the day. For the plan to work, you have to be at HellFire before anyone else, and you know Dustin practically runs from his last class on HellFire nights. So when you raise your hand in English, 10 minutes before the final bell would ring, and ask to go to the bathroom, you have no intention of returning. Once you make it to the hallway you take off towards the theater department. You walk into the theater and see the usual table still set up, the map and the minis aren't out yet, entrusted in Dustin's backpack. But the DM screen is up, and that's all you need. Eddie leave the DM screen sitting on the throne most nights, knowing that most people know better than to mess with his stuff. And that way it takes up less space in his backpack.
Once your backpack is stashed in its usual spot in the corner, you sprint to the props closet and grab the curly black wig that you spotted in there a few weeks ago. Just then the final school bell rings. Placing the wig snuggly on your head and making sure none of your hair is poking out, You assume your place on the throne (something entirely forbidden). It's all coming together now, just as the younger boys start to filter into the room.
There you sit, in the throne and behind the DM screen. Eddie costume complete with HellFire shirt, jeans, wig, and authentic jacket. It takes a minute for the boys to notice, but quickly Dustin breaks out laughing. He is practically rolling on the ground, gasping for air, he is laughing so hard. Mike is not as entertained by your actions. He looks to Dustin, “They can’t do that. Right?” Gareth agrees but is a little entertained. Laughing, Gareth says, “No. Eddie is gonna freak.” Hahaha. The evil plan is coming true. Most of the boys have arrived at this point so you rise from the throne and unclasp your hands, raising them in the air. You do your best impression of Eddie’s enthusiasm, shouting “Let Us Begin, Boys!”
You have payed attention the last meeting and Dustin had already set up the board how it last was. “Sir Mike, it is your move.” You have no real idea how to actually play the game, so you are almost relieved when Eddie shows up. But Hell was truly about to be upon you.
Eddie hadn’t even made it all the way to the table before he bellowed, “What. Is. This?!?” You know it's time for the real show now. You stand up and point and accusatory finger in his direction. “Who is this imposter!!” He just opens and closes his gaping mouth like a fish. “No you are the Imposter! How dare you sit in MY thrown!” Dustin is once again dying of laughter at this point. No more words can be said before Eddie is tackling you to the ground. Much laughter is had as you roll back-and-forth over each other, wrestling on the ground.
Finally, since Eddie is much stronger, he is able to pin you to the ground. He gets very close to your face and says, “What are you doing?!?” You try to compose yourself and hold in the laughter, “I’m you. Obviously!” Now you both can’t help but giggle. He sits up a little, still with you pinned beneath him. He points a finger right in your face, “You little… You planned this! That's why you wanted my jacket! You were never cold!” He gets back up and reaches out a hand to help you up. You take it but he does like Billy did to Steve, and holds you on the ground with it. You know he is just being dramatic since he is smiling the whole time but he still snaps “Don’t you ever fucking do that again.” Once you are actually back up he takes his jacket back from you “Gimme that! You don’t deserve to wear it. Be cold!” He sits back at the table and begins to actually play with the boys.
But you still have the wig and hellfire shirt on so you begin to mime everything he says from behind him. "Thats a 15. Which hits. Roll damage." Eddie says as he flails his arms around. You mimic each movement of his arms and make stupid faces at the other players. Dustin blows your cover as he cracks up again. Eddie whips his head around to you and you freeze. Standing completely still with a guilty face. Before Eddie can even move to do anything you SPRINT to the props closet. He turns back to the table, shaking his head but smirking.
You put the wig away while you are in the closet. Once you come back out you are done with shenanigans for the night, but this meeting will go down in Hellfire History. 
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gayashelljatp · 3 months ago
Prince Charming x James Hook | Trophy Boy Chapter 6
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Tags :Sorta Enemies to Lovers Fake/Pretend Relationship Not Canon Compliant, Inspired by Cinderella (1997), I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Prince Charming is a Bi-King, Prince Charming Is Filipino, Because the actor is and I also am one so yeah, Prince Charming gets a lot of bitches but no love, Merlin Academy (Disney), James Hook is gay, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, I don't know how to tag in this fandom, No Beta Like Not Going To Castlecoming
Content Rating: Teen and Up.
Charming had himself caught up in a pretty little lie, telling his parents he had a date for his birthday ball. Desperate to stop their meddling in his love life, he came up with a plan: show up with someone who’d make the court gasp—a notorious pirate at school, James Hook. It was supposed to be a quick fix: fake a romance, cause a stir, and be free from the royal matchmakers forever. But the more time Charming spent with Hook—as a person, the sharp banter—the more complicated things got. This wasn’t just about pretending anymore. He was starting to get hooked. Or The enemies to fake dating to lovers between Hook and Charming no one asked for.
Can y'all applaud me. Yes I updated on Tumblr on time what a mircale!!! I do appreciate all of y'all who read on this platform. This is honestly a passion project I do to escape reality for a minute or two.
Had to update y'all at least one more time before the holidays. This chapter was very out of my comfort zone writing I don't do much drama I'm more a romance fluff writer. So here is some drama that I've been setting up since the very beginning. This is the family breakfast (brunch) and the day of the actual ball. Don't worry cute stuff happens before I hurt y'all.
A few housekeeping reminders: - This fic has multiple POVs for Charming focused parts 👑 emojis are used on the other hook if it's James it's this emoji 🪝. - It wouldn't be a GayashellJATP fic without a playlist of songs I have on that help immerse you,
Chapter 6: Pre-Ball Discord
Charming felt the breeze rush past him as he watched Hook effortlessly skate down the castle’s steps. For once, Hook was trying out the skater-boy style. 
A tight black shirt that clung to his chest in ways that should’ve been illegal, paired with some very shredded, loose jeans that only emphasized his already toned legs. He looked almost too good to be true.
The skateboard seemed to float like water beneath him, the wheels barely made sound on the pristine marble.
Hook glanced back over his shoulder. The sunlight caught his hook and the chain around his neck. His dark windswept hair was tousled just enough to look careless but perfect. He flipped it with a casual toss of his head like it was a weapon and he knew how to use it, “Keep up, Princey.”
The way he said it was enough to light a fire in Charming’s chest. It made him want to scream. Or tackle him. Maybe both.
“I could skate circles around you, I was just going easy on you,” Charming shouted, picking up his pace.
“Oh, easy ?”
Charming groaned, half from frustration at how insufferably smug Hook looked, and half because, damn it, he was ridiculously hot. Suddenly, the skateboards were gone, leaving them standing toe-to-toe in the castle courtyard. Hook was now all up in his face, his smirk replaced by something darker yet soft.
He reached out, grabbing Charming by the front of his shirt. His fingers curled just enough to pull the prince closer, the warmth of his hand radiating through the fabric. And the coldness of his Hook sent shivers down his neck.
The pirate leaned in, his breath brushing against Charming’s ear as he whispered something that made his ears burn, words he couldn’t quite make out but that left his stomach flipping in ways it definitely shouldn’t have. But before he could respond—
“Sir, you should wake up.”
The sharp voice of Lionel cut through and reality had set back in. Charming’s eyes flew open, waking up rudely dragged him away from the borderline wet dream he was enjoying.
He blinked, disoriented, only to realize he was still half-asleep and clinging to Hook like a lifeboat. His arm was wrapped snugly around the pirate’s waist, his hand resting on the flat plane of Hook’s stomach.
For one fleeting, awful moment, he considered leaving his arm there. Just a little longer. But no—no, that would be wrong. Was Hook uncomfortable with this? Did he do this all night? Fuck Is this weird? Of course, it’s weird. Did I just fucking curse in my head? He quickly shifted his arms away, careful not to wake the brunette.
“Morning Lioenel,” Charming croaked in his deep morning voice.
“Happy birthday, Christopher. I see you’ve gotten quite comfortable with your… friend there.”
“It was because of the magic string.”
“Ah, yes, the cupcake magic. Then why are you wearing that very specific shirt you made during Spell and Stitch class,” Lionel noted, his tone practically dripping with insinuation. “A curious choice for sleepwear.”
He looked down at the old, glorified rag of a shirt. He knew damn well it would be too tight and the fabric too flimsy for his build now, and he’d secretly hoped Hook might… notice. Damn, Lionel for being right.
“Don’t read into it,” Charming muttered, pushing past Lionel and towards his morning routine.
“Perish the thought, sir,” Lionel said, deadpan. “Though I must say, it does seem very convenient.”
Charming scowled as he put his running shoes on. “My only concern right now is trying not to lose my mind, at family breakfast.”
After his princely routine a grueling jog, some obligatory bench presses, and Lionel droning on about greeting cards from neighboring kingdoms.
The Prince found himself distracted. Every now and then, his thoughts wandered back to the pirate still sprawled out in his bed. He doubted Hook even knew how peaceful he looked when he wasn’t sneering or smirking or being Hook .
“Should I wake him up, sir?” Lionel asked, breaking into Charming’s reverie.
Charming hesitated, glancing back toward the bed. Hook was still there, one hand loosely gripping the sheets, his hair a complete mess. He looks cuddly, which was a word he never thought he’d associate with him.
“Nah,” Charming said finally, his voice quieter than before. “Let him sleep in for a little more. He looks like he needs it.”
“Ah,” Lionel said, the picture of mock solemnity. “You probably tired him out. Cuddling him all night. How was being the big spoon?” 
Charming nearly choked. “Nope, I’m not doing this.” He said as he grabbed his towel and escaped to the bathroom.
“I’ll see you at the palace, Sir,” Lionel said before heading out. “One last thing, don’t be late,”
Charming just glanced at the bathroom mirror, his chest tightening for reasons he didn’t want to name. “Happy birthday to me,” he muttered under his breath, dragging a hand through his hair.
Charming then started his shower musical. He’d been belting out tunes with abandon, knowing full well this was his last chance at solitude before his obligations descended like a royal army. 
By the time he emerged, a towel slung loosely around his hips, the steam swirling out behind him, he felt rejuvenated until he noticed the sun had risen and so had Hook, looking unusually alert.
Hook’s piercing eyes were fixed on him, though they lacked the typical dark smudges of eyeliner that usually made his glare extra sharp. Instead, he looked softer, more human, which was almost unsettling.
“Guess who finally woke up?” The dark haired teen asked, leaning casually against the doorframe, pretending his heart wasn’t pounding.
“Only because of your bloody singing,” Hook replied, his voice dry but laced with amusement. “You’ve got pipes, though. Bet you had singing lessons growing up.”
Charming ran a hand through his damp hair. “I did. Mandatory, not by choice.”
“Figures,” Hook said, inspecting his nails as if he wasn’t already planning his next jab. “Though you were a bit pitchy in the chorus. Add that to your ever-growing list of mistakes, right up there with your bear-hugging—”
Charming groaned, pushing off the doorframe. “I didn’t mean to do that. I swear—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Hook cut in with a gleam in his eye. “I mean, I get it. I am properly fit, but you don’t need to make excuses to get your hands all over me.”
“Oh, for the love of—” 
“Speaking of fit,” Hook cut him off, his gaze dropping just enough to make the prince self-conscious, “You’re quite the show off this morning. Did you workout?”
It took a second too long to realize what Hook was talking about. When it hit, his face turned beet red as he registered his current state of undress—nothing but a towel clinging dangerously low on his hips. He crossed his arms over his chest instinctively, trying to appear unaffected, but the heat crawling up his neck betrayed him.
Hook, predictably, looked delighted. “Don’t cover up on my account,” he teased, his grin wicked. “This is quality entertainment.”
“Can you not?”
“Come on, Princey. Don’t act like you’re shy. You’re the one who can’t keep your eyes off me half of the time.”
“Is that what you tell yourself to sleep at night?” 
“Nah,” Hook said with a wink. “I don’t need to. Knowing you’re think of me is enough.”
“We’re still meeting your folks, right?” Hook finally asked.
Charming nodded, grateful for the change in topic.
Hook finally got up, stretching leisurely as if the world itself moved at his pace. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll get ready at my place.” He glanced down at his empty wrist before fastening his hook on with practiced ease. “Pick me up.”
Then Hook bolted straight for the door.
“Wait,” Charming blurted, reaching for Hook’s hand before he realized he didn’t actually have anything to say.
“Make it quick, Princey. We don’t have all day,” Charming’s mouth opened, but his mind had gone blank. Hook’s gaze was too much. Too sharp yet somehow too warm, like he could see straight through him. It was the kind of look that they write songs about.
“Maybe…” Charming finally managed, his voice quieter now, “Maybe try buttoning up all your buttons this time. I’m not trying to change your style, but, you know…”
Hook tilted his head, smirking as he let the words hang. “Oh, you don’t like it when I do all of  that? Should I take more clothes off then maybe that’d make you happier?”
“Just…Try for me. For my sake and my parents”
Hook leaned in slightly, just enough to close the space between them. “Only if you promise to keep the towel.”
As the door closed behind him, Charming knew this was only the beginning. He made a mental note to keep a spare shirt nearby next time—just in case.
The hallways were a blur of "Happy Birthday!" and enthusiastic waves, but Charming hardly acknowledged them as he skated past, focused on his destination. 
He was already bracing himself for whatever mood Hook might be in, but when he arrived at the pirate’s door, he was caught off guard.
For once, Hook was punctual. Not only that, but he looked… different. 
Gone were the flowy pirate blouses and loose button-ups that Charming had grown accustomed to. Instead, Hook wore a tailored white shirt that clung to his frame in all the right ways, tucked neatly into navy denim jeans that looked suspiciously new.
Charming hadn’t even realized Hook owned jeans; he'd always assumed the pirate was permanently ingrained in his dramatic, swashbuckling wardrobe. But no, Hook had denim. And it looked nice.
To top it off, Hook was wearing Charming’s varsity jacket.
The royal crest never looked so good. On Hook, It looked both completely out of place and yet ridiculously good at the same time.
When Hook spotted Charming skating toward him, those dark, kohl-rimmed eyes glinted with mischief. The look said more than words ever could: Caught you staring, Princey.
“You clean up pretty nice,” Charming managed, his voice a little tighter than he intended.
“And you wear the same outfit,” Hook shot back, his tone teasing. “I think I’ve seen a paper with you wearing that exact getup from head to toe.”
Charming winced slightly, glancing down at his brown barong shirt and black cargo pants. On second thought, maybe he should’ve worn something different for today. Something that didn’t feel so… predictable.
“You read the papers? The Asian prince asked, almost gasping. He straightened up and raised an eyebrow. “More importantly, what have you read about me?”
Hook didn’t bother replying, just gave him a look that practically screamed, Do you really want me to answer that?
Before Charming could press further, Hook shifted, plucking at the varsity jacket as though suddenly remembering he had it on. “Oh, and I thought I’d return this,” Hook said nonchalantly, starting to shrug out of the jacket. “I even got Morgs to do a quick laundry spell on it, so no need to complain—”
“No,” Charming interrupted quickly, stepping forward and stopping him mid-motion. “Keep it on.”
Hook paused, blinking in surprise. His eyebrows raised slightly, and for a brief moment, he almost looked unsure of himself. “If you say so,” He said lightly, settling the jacket back over his shoulders.
“It looks nice on you,” The Prince added, quieter this time, his gaze lingering a second too long before snapping back to the hallway.
“Let’s go,” Charming said, clearing his throat and rolling his board onto the ground. 
Normally, he’d let the pirate trail behind him something about making sure Hook understood who was leading but this time, he slowed his pace.
As Charming skated leisurely down the path, Hook walked alongside him, the rhythm of his steps keeping time with the quiet hum of the wheels. Neither of them said much, but the silence felt strangely comfortable.
The castle was a smug fucking thing, wasn’t it? All glinting spires and pristine stonework, like it had never seen a speck of dirt in its entire existence.
It made Hook itch. He swore he could feel the walls silently judging him as they arrived at the feet of the stairs.
This was not his world, and every fiber of his being was telling him to turn around before it was too late.
But then there was Charming, skating along like he had no cares in the world, the ridiculous good boy turned bad image fully intact. Well, it's time to tarnish that image a little.
“You ready?” Charming asked, hopping off his board with a practiced ease that Hook found entirely too irritating.
Hook tilted his head, trying for nonchalance. “And what about it? You nervous ‘bout lying to your parents?” His words dripped with his usual sarcasm, though his accent made “bout” sound more like a soft jab than a sneer.
“Is it bad if I say I’m actually nervous?”
“And here I thought you’d be an expert at it. I heard you were in a rebel without a cause stage, so I assumed you had lying in the bag.” 
“Just teenage rebellion tendencies,”
“Well, you’ve got nothing to be nervous about,” Hook said before taking a pause. “Your butler already thinks we’re damn near engaged. Playing a fiddle is as easy as your parents.”
“That doesn’t sound right,” Charming muttered, his voice breaking with a wave of nerves. Hook just responded with a shrug,
When they finally made it to the fucking top of the stairs. Hook looked at Charming with an unsure look, as a knot was starting to form in his chest. 
The grand entrance loomed ahead, its gilded doors polished. As the guards pushed the massive doors open, a wave of noise hit him.
Charming’s home, his very busy, very lavish home was alive. Maids whisked by with trays of what looked like champagne glasses (at this hour?), a butler directed a pair of footmen carrying an elaborate floral arrangement, and somewhere in the distance, the faint hum of a string quartet drifted through the air.
Charming greeted the staff with a practiced smile and steady politeness, his voice warm and cordial in that maddeningly princely way. Hook could almost see the mask sliding into place.
“So, this is where you grew up. Bit much, don’t you think?”
Charming glanced at him, distracted, but managed a half-hearted smile. “It’s home.”
“Home,” Hook repeated dryly, his gaze skimming over the chandeliers, the intricate crown moldings, and the floors that gleamed like they’d never known a speck of dust. “You’ve got a very different definition of the word.”
Charming, however, didn’t retort. Not even his usual speeches. Just plain silence. The life got sucked out of him, replaced with a stiffness Hook wasn’t used to seeing. It was… unsettling.
“What’s the matter? When did you learn to shut up?”
“Nothing is—” Charming stopped, shaking his head. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not,” Hook pressed. “If you were, you’d be a confident schmuck. But you’re not, and it’s throwing me off.”
Charming sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s just…my parents. They’ll have questions. They are a lot. And you’re…” He gestured vaguely at Hook, his cheeks flushing.
“I’m what?” Hook asked, narrowing his eyes. “Not a princess? A pirate? A little bit too dramatic?”
“I didn’t say anything.” Charming’s voice was tired. “It’s just… They’re not going to understand this. Us.”
“There is no us,” Hook reminded, his voice sharp but quieter than he intended. He glanced over his shoulder at the line of gawking staff before leaning in closer. “You wanted a fake date, and you got one. So pull yourself together, Your Highness, and stop bloody looking at me like you don’t want to be here.”
Charming didn’t respond, his jaw tightening as they approached another set of doors. 
Then a familiar figure stepped into their path: Lionel, the ever-watchful butler-slash-life coach-slash-unpaid babysitter of Prince Charming. His posture was immaculate, his expression a perfect blend of disapproval and exhaustion.
“Ah, Your Highness,” Lionel said smoothly, his gaze flicking between the two teens with just a hint of amusement. “How kind of you to finally grace us with your presence. Shall I tell the Queen you’ll join her for brunch after all?”
“Good to see you too, Lionel,” Hook drawled, his smirk too apparent.
“You might want to wipe that grin off your face, Mr. James Hook. Did you forget to prep him on manners?”
Charming shifted beside him, his shoulders visibly tensing. “Are you alright, Your Highness?”
“I’m fine,” The Prince replied quickly, too quickly.
“Look,” The pirate lowered his tone. “Let’s just get this over with. Sit, smile, nod. Do whatever it is you do at these things, and we’ll be out of here in no time.”
Lionel cleared his throat. “That might work for you, Mr. Hook, but His Highness doesn’t have the luxury of disappearing when things get uncomfortable. And he has a schedule to follow.”
“Cheers for the pep talk,” Hook muttered, rolling his eyes.
But Lionel wasn’t done. He turned to Charming. “Christopher, whatever’s bothering you, we’ll talk about it after breakfast. Just go in there and be you.”
Charming nodded, but the tension in his jaw didn’t ease. He glanced at Hook, his expression unreadable.
“Can you give us a minute Lionel?” Hook asked rather politely.
Lionel entered the dining hall not questioning anything. Hook on the other hand (hook) had a plan. He stepped close to Charming and pressed the golden metal on his hand against his cheek.
The prince froze, stared wide-eyed, and for a second, Hook wondered if he’d gone too far. But there was no turning back now.
“Get your act together, we can do this,” Hook whispered, his voice too soft for his liking. “You can squeeze my hand if you need me to come save you.”
Where the hell had that come from? The old him would have gagged at the idea of Charming touching him, let alone willingly offering himself up for emotional support.
But here he was, pitying the guy or at least that’s what he told himself. Definitely not because he was getting used to those big brown stupidly honest eyes or the way Charming looked at him like he wasn’t a total piece of ship.
Charming blinked, nodding stiffly as if he couldn’t believe what Hook had just said either. “Thanks,” he whispered, his voice nearly inaudible.
Hook stepped back, yanking his hand down before it betrayed him again. “Don’t mention it,” he muttered, turning back to the door. “Let’s just get this over with.” 
The dining hall was nothing short of obnoxiously, unnecessarily big. Who needed ceilings that high? Or light fixtures the size of boats? Hook barely stopped himself from gawking at the sheer excess of it all, his eyes narrowing at the four plates laid out: two for them and two for Charming’s parents. Thankfully, the royal couple wasn’t here yet. Thank the sea gods for small mercies.
Once the two were seated, Hook couldn’t help but notice the Prince next to him had all the life sucked out of him. Charming looked pale and was one lost breath away from falling apart. 
Hook blinked. Was he trembling? This wasn’t supposed to happen—if anyone should’ve been shitting themselves right now, it was Hook. 
“Hey, My Knight in Shining Armour, I thought my little pep talk worked” Hook muttered under his breath, stepping closer. 
Before he could say anything else, Charming grabbed his hand, fingers ice-cold and gripping far too tightly. Bloody hell. Hook glanced around, as though someone might burst in and see this very unprincely display of nerves. No one yet.
Hook sighed, squeezing Charming’s hand back, though his voice kept its edge. “You already squeezing my hand your parents aren't even here. Way to use this feature way too early.”
Charming shot him a glare that screamed not helping. Hook bit back a smirk.
There was one way to fix this. Time to put these genetics to good use. Hook took a purposeful scooched closer, so much so that Charming startled and blinked up at him. 
Hook tilted his head down and then looked up through his lashes, making sure his hair fell in just the right tousled way to frame his face. The piercing gaze he hit Charming with could’ve stopped time and space. 
He’d perfected this look in countless flirtationships, on countless nights in the mirror, but this was the first time it was actually for a prince.
Charming stilled. Completely. His hand went slack in Hook’s.
Hook smirked, satisfaction curling in his chest. “There there. Calm as a dead fish.”
Charming didn’t say anything for a moment, just stared back at Hook like he’d forgotten how to breathe. “I hate you,” he mumbled finally, though there wasn’t a shred of bite in his voice.
Hook grinned, releasing his hand with a flourish. “You’re welcome, Princey.”
They barely had time to share another word before the loud, booming voice of Lionel cut through the moment.
“ Their Majesties, King Maximilian and Queen Constantina! ”
Hook startled, snapping his head toward the doors just as they swung open. And there they were. The king strode in first, while the queen glided in behind him.
The Queen’s gaze immediately landed on Hook.
She gasped, clutching her pearls—literally. Hook resisted the urge to walk out. He’d been on the receiving end of many reactions in his life like horror, anger, and misplaced lust but this one? This was a uppity in a new level.
Hook forced himself to stand straighter, every muscle in his body tensed. It took every bit of restraint not tug on the jacket.
“Happy birthday, my precious Prince Christopher Rupert Windermere Vladimir Carl Alexander François Reginald Lancelot Herman Gregory James,” Queen Constantina said in one impossibly long breath.
Hook bit his tongue to stop the smirk that tugged at his lips. Someone was more dramatic than him, and it hurt.
“Good to see you too, Mom,” Charming muttered, clearly trying not to look too mortified.
Queen Constantina’s sharp eyes flicked back to Hook like she was zeroing in on prey. “And might you introduce this lovely individual sitting next to you?”
Hook coughed, already regretting agreeing to all this bullshit.
Charming plastered on the fakest smile Hook had ever seen on him all day. “This lovely individual is my partner, the one I was talking about. I'm bringing him to the ball” Charming rambled. “James Hook. Of Neverland. I think. And these are my parents.”
Hook shot him a what the hell look but nodded smoothly, “Lovely to meet you both,” he said, his accent extra posh. 
He stood up, offering his hand for a shake, despite the laughable distance between him and the royals.
Queen Constantina stared at his hand like he’d just offered her a live snake. Hook tried not to let his confidence crack, though he swore his smirk was starting to feel brittle.
King Maximilian, at least, gave him a polite nod, though his lips were twitching like he was trying to hold back a laugh.
The Queen didn’t sit immediately. Oh no. She glided down the table until she stood entirely too close to the pirate. Guess she and her son we’re experts at invading personal space.
“James Hook,” She said, the syllables of his name pronounced like an uncurerable disease. “Such an... interesting choice for company, Christopher. How come I’ve never heard of him before.”
Hook arched a brow, but Charming cut in swiftly, his voice tense. “I wanted to keep things private. Mom, please step back, you’re too close to him.”
Queen Constantina didn’t budge, her sharp gaze still roaming Hook like she was deciding whether to take him out back and hose him off. Instead, her eyes snagged on the royal varsity jacket draped over Hook’s shoulders.
“Oh, I’m just admiring the jacket. It looks so nice on him.” Her tone was saccharine, but Hook didn’t miss the undercurrent—like she couldn’t decide whether the jacket belonged on him or in a donation bin.
Hook cleared his throat, resisting the urge to tug at the lapel. Right, he thought bitterly. Wearing Princey’s clothes. Did not help win brownie points.
“Thanks, Mom,” Charming said a little too quickly. “I let him borrow it because he looked so good in it.”
Hook glanced sideways at Charming, just in time to see him flash an unconvincing grin. Hook rolled his eyes. Smooth fabricated retelling of a story that never happened .
“Honey, maybe step away from the boy,” King Maximilian added lightly, though his voice carried a hint of wariness, like he was trying to keep his wife from poking the bear too hard.
But before more could be said, attention quickly diverted to the table as servants swooped in to lay out the food.
Or well—attempted food.
Hook stared at the absurd portions placed before them. A single baby pancake perched at the center of Charming’s plate, flanked by eggs that looked like someone had taken a quarter of a quarter and called it a serving. 
Hook’s own plate held what appeared to be a microscopic sliver of toast and some “fruit”—and by fruit, he meant a single grape cut in half.
Oh. It all made sense now: Charming’s borderline torturous morning workout routines at the academy, all the extracurricular physical activities. 
Hook had always wondered if the boy was just some over-enthusiastic fitness freak, but no. Apparently, the Prince was on a diet .
“That explains why you eat like a bloody horse back at the academy,” Hook muttered with an amused smirk, spearing his miserable excuse for a piece of egg.
Charming snorted quietly into his glass of water.
Before Charming could reply, King Maximilian cleared his throat, his voice deep but easygoing. “So, Junior, how’s your day going so far?”
Charming perked up like someone had flipped a switch. “Going pretty amazing, ” he said brightly, though he squeezed Hook’s hand under the table like a lifeline. “I can’t tell you why, though.”
Hook shot him a look that said What’s that supposed to mean? Charming just grinned mysteriously.
The King chuckled, clearly entertained by the whole thing. “Oh? Keeping secrets already?”
Before Charming could answer, Queen Constantina took the conversational reins, her smile sugar-coated but still unnervingly sharp. “ I’m so curious—tell me, how did you two meet?”
The pirate teen stiffened. Charming’s hand snuck under the table, finding Hook’s in a silent plea for help. Hook barely refrained from rolling his eyes. Of course he had to answer.
He hadn’t exactly been focused when Charming droned on about their fabricated backstory yesterday, but he’d caught enough to make shit up.
“We’re schoolmates, Your Majesty,” Hook said smoothly, slipping into his most pleasing tone. 
“Your son’s quite the heartthrob, you know. Couldn’t go anywhere without people swooning over him.” He shot Charming a sly grin before continuing. “He fell for me—quite literally—when he was skateboarding. Crashed right into me, knocked us both flat. You could say he fell for me at first sight.”
King Maximilian barked out a laugh. “Accident-prone? Sounds like my boy.”
Queen Constantina’s smile stayed plastered in place, though her expression remained unreadable. “ Quite the story,” she replied, her voice a shade too light to be genuine. But she wasn’t done
“Forgive me if this is personal, James, but I must ask. How did you come to… acquire that?” She gestured vaguely at the hook. “Your hand, I mean.”
He’d been through this song and dance plenty of times before—curiosity wrapped in condescension, pity disguised as politeness. But it was the way she said it like it was a nuisance that hurt.
“A croc took it,” Hook replied casually, though his tone was clipped. “Big bastard. I survived, though, so I’d say I got the better end of the deal. It matches with my last name.”
Queen Constantina blinked, clearly unprepared for his bluntness. “Oh, how… harrowing. It must be such a challenge to—well, you know.”
Hook’s eyes narrowed, and the smile he shot her was anything but kind. “Past is past. Your Majesty. Doesn’t stop me from living my life, just going to school like a normal teenager.”
Charming’s voice cut in, sharper than before. “If you're asking me, I like the Hook.”
Hook blinked, startled. Charming’s words were sweet, but there was a protective edge to them that hadn’t been there before. He glanced sideways at the prince, who met his gaze with a resolute nod.
Queen Constantina seemed equally taken aback, her lips twitching. “Well, I suppose that’s what matters.”
“See, Constantina? This lad’s tougher than half the men in the kingdom.” King Maximilian leaned back in his chair, grinning. “I like him.”
Queen Constantina didn’t respond immediately. She turned her attention back to Charming, her voice dripping with maternal concern. “Well, I just hope you know what you’re doing, Christopher. I’m sure someone like Mr. Hook lives quite an adventurous lifestyle. I wouldn’t want you getting caught up.”
Hook’s jaw tightened, and before he could snap back with something cutting, Charming’s voice rang out, firm and clear.
“With all due respect, Mom, I can decide for myself what’s good for me. You said you wanted to meet my partner and here he is.”
The Queen stared at him, her smile frozen. Hook nearly choked on his shock. He must be dreaming. Did Princey just stand up for him?
“Oh, Constantina, let the boy have his fun. It’s his birthday, after all!” King Maximilian boomed, He turned his attention to Hook with a wide grin. “Now, any skateboarding story James? are you any good?”
“Oh, I don't your majesty. I’ve fought sea monsters, sailed ships but I have not skated any boards yet.” 
King Maximilian barked another laugh, slapping the table lightly. “And son no need to call me your majesty, Dad would do.”
“You don’t need to call him Dad if you don’t want to,” Charming whispered.
Hook snorted under his breath, but before anyone could comment, Queen Constantina leaned forward “So, James, tell me—are you the jealous type?”
Hook let out a short breathy chuckle, the question catching him off guard. “Jealous?”
“Well,” she said smoothly, her tone as sharp as the edge of a dagger. “It’s just that tonight, Christopher will have quite the lineup of dancing partners. It’s customary, you see. He’ll be dancing with a lot of suitress. Lovely ones.”
Hook froze, his grin flickering for half a second before he schooled his features into something resembling indifference. Charming stiffened beside him, his fork clattering lightly against his plate.
“Comes with the territory, doesn’t it?” Queen Constantina continued, voice cool. “I know it’s hard to understand but I’m sure Christopher can explain.”
There it was. A carefully veiled jab, one that Hook knew wasn’t just about the dancing. It crashed like waves on the shore.
Hook leaned back in his chair, forcing a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “No need to worry, Your Majesty. I’ve never been the possessive type. Can’t be jealous if I don’t bloody care.”  His tone was flippant as he tried his best to lie through his teeth. He was a pirate after all, being possessive came with the hat and the job description.
Charming shot him a look, somewhere between apologetic, hurt, and worried, but Hook didn’t meet his gaze. 
“Oh, good,” Queen Constantina said, her smile tightening. “Because Christopher has always been so popular. I’ve heard you're quite popular for things too.”
Hook gripped the edge of the table. He knew a loaded comment when he heard one. What made it sting more was that it wasn’t even the same old barbs, wrapped in prettier packaging. The message was clear: you don’t belong here.
And Hook was fucking sick of it.
The rest of the hour blurred into white noise. His thoughts high as in the stratosphere, checking out completely as the conversation droned on. The clinking of silverware, the hum of idle chatter, it all faded into a low buzz in his ears.
He sat there because he had to. Because this was what he’d come here for, wasn’t it? To shake things up. To cause a scene. He was a pirate at the royal table, and they’d never let him forget it.
Somewhere in that haze, he missed Queen Constantina’s voice softening as she glanced at Charming.
“I’m only looking out for you, Christopher,” she murmured. “And I’m sorry if I came off a bit… harsh earlier.”
Hook didn’t hear it. He didn’t hear any of it. His mind was already halfway out the door.
Finally, the longest hour of his life came to an end. Servants began clearing plates, and Hook decided he’d had enough. He pushed his chair back abruptly, the screech of wood against marble cutting through the room like a knife.
“Right. I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.” His voice was sharp and loud enough to draw everyone’s attention.
“James, what are you doing?”
But Hook didn’t care. He was already on his feet, shoving his hand and hook into the pockets of Charmings jacket. “Thanks for the breakfast, Your Majesties. It was a delight meeting both of you.” His words dripped with sarcasm, but his smirk was nowhere to be found.
“Charming, I can't do this . I’m sorry ” His voice was quieter this time, but no less sharp. And with that, he turned on his heel and strode out of the dining hall, not sparing a single glance back.
The heavy doors closed behind him with a resounding thud, and Hook let out a shaky breath.
He didn’t know where he was going, but he sure as hell wasn’t sticking around.
Charming hesitated at the table, his fingers tapping nervously against his plate. His mother’s pointed questions and his father’s strained attempts to mediate played on a loop in his mind. 
He should stay, keep up appearances— But every second he spent sitting there while Hook stormed off felt like a weight crushing his chest. Finally, with a sharp inhale, Charming stood abruptly.
“Excuse me,” he said, his voice clipped and tight. He didn’t even glance at his parents.
“Christopher, where are you—”
“I’ll be back.” His tone carried enough edge to make even his mom pause. 
He strode toward the door, ignoring Lionel’s raised brow as he intercepted him in the hallway.
“Christopher, you have other obligations,” Lionel reminded him, ever the composed observer.
“They can wait,” Charming snapped, brushing past him.
“They can handle being late, right?” he added over his shoulder, more to himself than Lionel. He didn’t wait for a response as he hurried up the grand staircase.
Hook was at the top of the stairs, shoulders hunched and back turned, but before he could slip away, Charming reached out and grabbed his wrist—his left wrist.
The cold curve of the metal hook pressed against Charming’s palm, and Hook flinched like he’d been burned.
“You were good in there,” Charming said, trying for a grin but faltering. “You caused a scene, just like we planned.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
Charming wavered. “I mean... I thought you knew coming into this wasn’t going to be fun.”
Hook’s laugh was bitter, almost hollow. “I didn’t agree to any of this. I only went along with it because you caught me red-handed, remember?” His voice dropped. “Don’t act like I had a choice.”
Charming winced. “That’s not fair. I didn’t blackmail you—”
“But you didn’t exactly give me any fucking options, did you?” Hook interrupted, his voice rising.
“I don’t have much time, but I’ll see you later—”
“No, you won’t.” Hook’s voice cut through the air. “I meant what I said. I can’t do this anymore.” His words felt hollow, but the look in his eyes made them hit like a slap. 
Charming stepped closer, desperate now. “Hook, can we just talk about this? I thought you wouldn’t care what they said about you. You said it yourself—there’s no us.”
“But I didn’t know, okay?” Hook snapped, his voice cracking slightly. “I didn’t know it’d get to me.” He exhaled sharply, shaking his head. “I always cared. I just didn’t let it show. And it got to me because—”
“Because what?”
Hook shook his head again, jerking free of Charming’s grip. “Because nothing. It doesn’t matter.” He turned, starting down the stairs.
“James, wait up!” Charming called after him, following. “I need you.”
Hook froze for a moment but didn’t turn around. His voice, when he spoke, was low and brittle. “You don’t need me. You’ve known me for bloody a day and some hours.” 
The prince reached for him again. “James, please, let’s just—”
“No!” Hook snapped, taking a step back. “You don’t get it, do you? I let you see me— all of me. Dancing with you without the hook. You were wearing my clothes. Do you know how hard that was for me?” He let out a bitter laugh, blinking rapidly. “It’s too much. I can’t—I’m sorry.”
Hook’s voice cracked on the last word, and for a moment, Charming thought he saw tears glistening along with the dark brim of his eyes, but Hook turned too quickly for him to be sure.
“No.” Hook’s voice was sword-sharp, slicing through Charming’s protests. He didn’t turn around, but when he spoke again, his words came fast and furious, as though he’d been holding them in for too long.
“You’re not listening. You never do.” Hook finally spun around, his eyes full of hurt. “You walk around like the world bends to your fucking will because it always has. You’ve never had to fight for anything real, have you? You sit there playing the perfect prince while the rest of us—normal people—are fighting just to keep our heads above water!”
Charming tried to interrupt, but Hook’s voice only grew louder, angrier. “Do you know what it’s like to walk into a room and know— know —that you’ll never belong? That no matter what you say, or how hard you try, people like your mother will always look at me like I’m the dirt on their fucking shoes? And you—you brought me here! You put me in that room! And for what? To use me to make a point? To piss off your mummy and daddy because you’re too much of a coward to stand up to them yourself?”
“That’s not fair—” Charming started, his voice weak.
“Not fair?” Hook laughed, bitter and hollow. “You want to talk about fair? What’s fair about putting me through this circus act just so you can have your little rebellion? What’s fair about pretending like you care—like you actually see me—when all you care about is what I can do for you ? You don’t give a shit about me. I’m just a guy you’ll use and throw away when you’re done.”
“That’s not true,” Charming said, his voice cracking.
“Isn’t it?” Hook’s lips curled into a sneer. “Tell me this, Charming—when was the last time you actually thought about what I wanted? About how I felt? You didn’t. You don’t. Because that’s not who you are. You’re a spoiled, entitled asshole.”
Charming’s throat felt tight, his mind scrambling for something—anything—to say. But Hook didn’t give him the chance.
“I let you in,” Hook said, his voice breaking now, anger giving way to something raw and vulnerable. “I let you see parts of me I don’t show anyone. And you took it all, didn’t you? You took and took and took, and now I’m the one left standing here feeling like a fool. Well, congratulations, Your Highness. You win. I hope it was worth it.”
Hook stepped back, his chest heaving, tears shining in his eyes, though he quickly blinked them away.
“Happy fucking birthday, Christopher,” he spat, his voice dripping with venom. “Hope you enjoy it, because I’m done. I’m so done. ”
He turned and stormed down the stairs, his boots echoing against the marble. 
Charming watched him go, frozen in place, his mind racing and his heart pounding.
He ran a hand through his hair, his thoughts swirling in a mess of guilt and confusion. Hook’s words replayed in his head, each one a punch to the gut.
Happy fucking birthday.
Charming let out a shaky breath, his hand gripping the banister as he sank onto the stairs. 
He’d thought he had everything under control. He’d thought he could handle this. But now, sitting there alone, he realized just how wrong he’d been.
He was back to square one.
Charming was someohow even more screwed than before.
Hope you enjoy the fic & Remember to give feedback!!! It is always appreciated. I am so sorry for making you read that.
4 notes · View notes
miraxetine · 2 years ago
Ecstasy: an intensification of emotion so powerful as to produce a trancelike dissociation from all but the single overpowering feeling. That is her callsign. Her being recently introduced to the Task Force. Will the members grow addicted? Addicted to the swing on her hips? To the intelligence she holds? The bounce on her curls? Or maybe the mystery within her eyes?
Hey! So this is my remake of an old one I wrote. I hope you enjoy! I took a lot of time thinking on the plot and stuff and stuff. This will have more chapters for sure! Shoutout to my friend, R, for helping me with planning and revising. This fanfiction is sort of like a OC and Reader kind of moment, so take that as you will. Also, the tags and this note will be the only trigger warning! Enjoy!!
  - M ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Work Text:
“Raven!” The little curly haired girl waved from the top of the big red slide with a smile on her face. She tried to get attention from the named girl, Raven Watts, her best friend. The eight year old slid down, making her way towards her best friend. Raven seemed to be surrounded by other girls around their age. Jogging her way over, she began talking with excitement, “Raven, let’s get on the new slide that was just set up—“ she was cut off.
“I don’t know why her family is getting the cops involved,” Raven was talking to the other girls. “My mom said it was her fault for wearing that skirt. I think my mom is right, I always told her to wear the other blue skirt that my daddy likes. That’s what she gets for wearing that ugly pink skirt!” 
“Raven?” the curly haired girl asked with confusion, though she had an idea of what Raven and the others were talking about.
“XXXX! We were just talking about you!” A girl chimed in.
“XXXX, why would you call the cops on Mr. Watts? He’s a great art teacher!” Another girl asked.
“What do you mean?” XXXX asked, her eyes switching from the other two girls to Raven.
“Don’t act silly, XXXX!” Raven said giggling. “You know it was your own fault for getting touched like that by my daddy! I told you not to wear that ugly pink skirt!”
The curly haired girl stood in silence, frozen, and her eyes wide. Her fist tightened up, knuckles turning white and lips pressing against each other. 
“So you do know it’s your fault!” Raven started giggling, taking the curly haired girl’s silence as an answer, whilst turning her eyes to the other girls. “You don’t need to stay quiet—”, before she could continue talking, Raven felt a pang travel down her spine after feeling the back of her skull hit the cement floor she was once standing on.
Screams and shouts echoed between the tunnels and slides filling up the park, the yells of horror coming from different mothers and children. But, none of them came from Raven or the curly haired girl herself. Raven wasn't able to speak, she laid blacked out on the floor, nose bleeding, with the curly haired girl sitting on top of her, being the cause of the bloody nose. ambidextrous punches travelled with a surprising velocity towards the face of Raven, precise in the centre of her face. The little girl didn't stop, she wasn't able to, she didn't want to.
“Ecstasy?”  Asked Kate Laswell, she looked at the spaced out woman with the given callsign with concern. Station Chief Kate Laswell stood by the end of a conference table next to infamous Captain John Price. 
“Ah yes,” The curly haired woman with glasses stood up with a nervous smile, the chair screeching behind her as she made her way towards Laswell, handing her over a black folder. “Here is the file.” Eyes followed the curly haired woman as she returned to her seat, her stature tall, her body curvy and fit hugged by dark blue high waisted fitted jeans, white t-shirt tucked in with a beige tweed blazer on top. 
The curly haired child had turned into a woman, now called Ecstasy, callsign recently provided by the station chief herself. Ecstasy now worked in the CIA. She's a specialist in cyber operations, finding and protecting important information, along with following orders from Laswell. 
“This would be an explanation to the breach all of you experienced whilst in the safehouse in Mexico City.” Laswell opened the file, her hand fixing the zoom of the projector for everyone in the conference room to observe. “Russian intelligence managed to get into our database, revealing your location.”
Captain Price started to organize the different pages under the projector, his hands evening out the spaces between each scattered paper. “Your database got hacked into?” Price chuckles, “The CIA never ceases to amuse me.” From the corner of his eyes, the captain noticed Ecstasy quickly look down after his comment. He made an internal note on her reaction.
“There is an explanation for it.” Laswell replies dryly.
“There's an explanation for everything, ‘innit?” John replies with certain sarcasm and tiredness in his voice.
A dark voice filled the room, “Obviously you guys gained something while giving away that information.” It came from Ghost. Lieutenant Simon Riley, callsign Ghost. “What did you find out?” Heads turned towards Laswell once again. 
Laswell smiles, searches for a specific paper and zooms into it with the projector. The paper was big compared to the other ones, it was a map, an aerial view of Al-Mazrah, Republic of Adal. Red circles, coordinates, and blue exes scattered around the black and white coloured map. 
“What the fuck’s that?” Sergeant Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick asked, placing the pencil he was once tapping the table with, flat on the table.
“Ecstasy’s work.” Laswell’s eyes found the curly haired woman’s dark brown orbs before shifting towards Gaz. “These are locations of stolen missiles, given away by Shepherd. These are now in the hands of Russians and Al-Qatala.”
“Shouldn't we contact Farah?” Gaz’s voice filled with worry.
“Farah has already been contacted, she has a copy of the map, and she said she will deal with Al-Qatala.” Laswell assured.
“How did you guys manage to get all ‘o this?” John ‘Soap’ MacTavish got to the point, he looked at the other coworkers of Laswell one of them being Ecstasy herself, waiting for an answer.
“Once again, Ecstasy.” Laswell repeated herself. Soap looked at her with a confused face but he wasn't the only curious one, and this prompted Laswell to nod towards Ecstasy herself, signaling to speak for herself.
Ecstasy looked around the room, taking each man’s vibe in before speaking up, “I work in Cyberspace of the CIA, I found a crack into Russian intelligence but whilst retrieving information, our information got leaked…” she looked down in embarrassment. “Leading to the sudden attack you guys faced in Mexico. They got your guys’ coordinates. It was the only way to get information about the missiles.” 
“She almost got us killed.” Ghost stated as soon as Ecstasy finished talking, blaming her for the failed mission.
“No. She got us information on the fuckin’ missiles we've all been crying over.” Soap defended the hacker, “I like ‘er.” he pointed his finger at Ecstasy, he got a shy smile in return.
“So, what's the plan? We go to Al-Mazrah?” Gaz asked.
“After the US placed sanctions against Mexico, Russia did the Zimmermann move the Germans did back in the day.” Ecstasy explained.
“Translate.” Gaz urged.
“Russia has been trying to convince Mexico to buy missiles off of them to attack the US.” Laswell chimed in. “We need to seize and retrieve the missiles from them for the sake of not having another war with Mexico.” 
The Task Force remained quiet whilst other soldiers and coworkers of Ecstasy whispered amongst each other not knowing how this would play out. Ecstasy fixed her glasses whilst her eyes scanned every crevice of the conference room, her pair seized moving once caught with another blue pair of eyes, these coated with black paint, Ghost. She smiled at him before quickly returning her attention to Laswell, her chair spinning and her hand travelling to rest under her chin. Ghost followed her movements, how her arm supported the weight of her face and how strangely, a twitch of anger appeared for a second on her face before quickly fading away to the original passive, submissive and shy look on her face. Ghost frowned with displeasure under the baklava he was wearing, attentive of the little façade coming from the named Ecstasy.
“You're not giving us this information for free.” John stated, tapping the map with his index finger. “What do you want us to do?”
“Take Ecstasy with you.” Laswell nodded her head towards Ecstasy, Laswell found herself meeting a pair of widened eyes. It seemed like Ecstasy herself wasn't aware of the deal Laswell was setting on the table.
“You want us to take the ‘lass?” Soap asked, laughing with disbelief.
“I'm not going.” Ecstasy spoke up, she began collecting her things, her voice quiet and nervous.
“She said it herself.” Ghost eyes moved from Ecstasy to Laswell, his head moving first before his eyes. “She's not coming ‘wit us.” 
Price didn't seem too fond of the idea of taking Ecstasy with them either. It would be dangerous for Ecstasy herself and for the rest of the Task Force, it'd be tiring for him to babysit another human too, the boys were already a handful. John couldn't afford getting closer to another soul, like Ecstasy, while being in constant danger, while there was a high possibility either of them wouldn't be awake to see the sunrise the next day. He couldn't afford that nor could the rest of the Task Force. 
John already preoccupied himself with the fact that Ghost would give up on his life any minute from now, that Soap was crying over his family again, or that Gaz was once again breaking down from all the atrocities he had committed so far after following him into the Task Force. He also had to care for himself. Remind himself that someone out there has to make sure the enemy was still scared of the dark, and that that someone had to be him. List reasons in his head about why he should keep doing what he's doing. He didn't want to worry about Ecstasy. He couldn't. He didn’t have the time or space in his mind to worry. 
“Why should we take her with us?” John spoke up, wanting to forget his thoughts.
“She's under constant exposure of being a target of the Russians. She's vital for us, meaning she's vital for you.” Laswell answered. “She can retreat constant information about Russians and provide you with coordinates in Al-Mazrah, the downside is that while hacking she has Russian intelligence hacking her in return, them obtaining her location. We’ve had an incident with her safety before already, we can't have that happen again.”
Ecstasy pressed her lips with displeasure and discomfort. Her mind travelled back to the certain incident. 
The pistol in her hand propelled her shoulder backwards, bullets repeatedly entering the chest of the corpse that laid in front of her feet. The man laid with his eyes closed and mouth slightly open, his body jolting after each bullet impacted his lifeless body. 
The frame resting on the woman's nose had specks of dark red blood on them, evidence of the kill she had obtained. Her eyes blinked defending her brown pair from the blood entering after each bullet squirted the red liquid out from the body. A tiny smile on her face which grew after the sound of each bullet. 
Before she could continue on any further, a loud noise of doors opening and commands of putting the gun down filled the office she was standing in. Immediately, she dropped the weapon, and embarrassed and shy smile on her face. Her eyes met with each officer before meeting with the pair of her boss, Laswell. She who stared wide eyed, in horror, at the scene before her. Ecstasy with her hands in the air, blood splattered on her outfit and her face, a small awkward smile, and the lifeless body before her, a pool of blood surrounding it, along with orifices caused by bullets all over the torso of the man. 
“Russian spy.” An officer looked up at Laswell, the man leaned on top of the lifeless corpse, his hands holding some sort of identification. 
Laswell’s eyes travelled from corpse to the woman. “XXXX…”
“You're getting the missiles.” Laswell commanded. “And you're taking her with you.”
“I did not agree to this.” Ecstasy laughed with nervousness, her eyes looking for mercy with Kate’s. “I don't remember talking about this.”
Laswell walked towards the hacker with heavy steps, a stern look on her face. Before Ecstasy could speak up once again, she was already being dragged out the conference room, the heavy black wooden door closing behind them. The exit of the two seemed to be the end of the meeting, everybody else in the conference leaving shortly after, though the Task Force 141 remained behind.
Gaz leaned back against his chair, his arms crossed with one of them reaching up to his face, his hand holding up his jaw and his index finger tapping his nose, thinking. “Are we seriously taking her with?”
John sat down by the open file left behind by Laswell, his hands moving papers. “I'll see what I can do.” John also leaned back on the dark conference room chair, holding in front of him the map that was once displayed in front of everyone. 
“I don't see why everyone's so sad about it!” Soap stood up from his seat and made over his way to the Captain, touching the papers and picking up a specific stack from the table. “Besides…” He became quiet after his eyes landed on the cover of the clipped stack of papers he had just picked up.
“Besides?” Gaz looked at him.
“It'll be a good opportunity for you to get laid for once.” Soap teased Gaz, his hands moving, turning the stack he was holding to face Gaz. A picture of Ecstasy along with her callsign and specialisation under it. “I wouldn't complain if I were you. She's a pretty thing.” 
Kyle’s hands reached out to hold out the bottom of the picture, scanning the female specialist’s face. “I’m not the horny cunt here, Soap.” Gaz roasted back. “She’s all yours.”
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ja3gerb0mbb · 1 year ago
bloodsucker chapter 7: missing persons
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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work count: 3.7k
content warnings: sexual content and descriptions of blood
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the lake was a distant memory. like we didn’t get back a week ago. all the events scrambled in my mind like mush. i couldn’t keep any of them straight anymore. my obsession with the closet pushed every other memories out. 
i couldn’t stop thinking about it. his eyes. the blood. his skin that’s always cold. he never eats. never seems to sleep. it all pointed to one thing. no. i shut my eyes with force. i balled my hands into fits, pushing them into my forehead. stop thinking. i bared my teeth at the mental anguish. 
eren had gone ghost again. it made everything so much worse. i just needed to look at him. confirm that his eyes were not black. they were green; and i finally saw the sparkle in them. but he was gone. my friends didn’t seem to be all that worried about it; maybe i should take notes from them. or maybe they had prepared themselves for when he inevitably vanished again. 
my thoughts were all consuming. the only way i escaped them was by keeping busy. the mountain of school work was a good start. i even turned in the paper on beowulf, figuring eren wouldn’t be around to finish it. packing after just moving in three weeks ago was an ever better distraction. there was an endless amount of work to be done in the transfer of spaces. my assumption about hitch was right; she would be moving into the alpha phi sorority house. 
i played my music loudly and constantly so my mind had a hard time drifting. though, i could tell it started to bother sasha. the police investigation on the break-in got us nowhere. if we weren’t safe in that dorm; we wouldn’t be in any. we were constantly transporting boxes filled with our lives to an apartment off-campus. i couldn’t lie.. the inheritance money was nice to have now. 
my room was fully put together and decorated within a week; the only thing missing was eren’s bear from the fair. it was taken in the break in; who the fuck takes a stuffed bear? my room also lacked the mirror it once had. i couldn’t put that up either. couldn’t look at the purple on my neck that eren left. it was probably faded by now, but i didn’t have the strength to check and risk seeing it. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
eren wasn’t here. but the next best thing was. jean. i found myself at his dorm before i could even process that i had left my new apartment. life felt like this recently. like i was only catching glimpses of my own life; my body acted out of habit mostly. everything around me had gone numb again. sounds were quiet and my vision didn’t really see what was in front of me.
i opened the door to his and connie’s dorm. it was unlocked; no surprise there. jean was already standing in the kitchen, prepping food. he looked surprised to see me; although it might have been the rough state i was in that caused his eyes to widen.  “what the fuck are you not telling me about eren,” i demanded with no introduction. 
“y/n…” his voice wavered; warning me. but i was sick and tired of being warned with no real explanation.  “no! i’m sick of this evasion bullshit. i know you two are closer than you let on. so. what. is. he?” my question caught him off guard; like he thought he was the only person in the world who knew. he grabbed my shoulders, forcefully bringing me into his room. his face looked terrified as clasped a hand over my mouth. “just- just shut up!” 
his eyes were worried now. he released his grip on my face after scanning me over and realizing i wasn’t fighting against his grip. everything was so overwhelming; i felt the familiar sting return to my eyes. “you can’t know; just pretend like you don’t know anything,” he sighed. this wasn’t easy for him either. 
my shout came out softly; pathetic almost, “but i don’t know anything!” the tears welled up in my inability to hold them back. i could feel them spilling out over my face; but i couldn’t register that i was crying. jean moved his hands, gripping the back of my neck and waist before pulling me into an almost crushing hug. “you do. or you would be here asking.” he had a point and i hated it. 
his words seemed to bring me back to reality. everything went numb again. my eyes stopped watering and i wasn’t breathing automatically. i had to force my body to suck in breaths. jean continued, “i can’t tell you. i don’t really know anything more than you do, anyway,” he sighed, “and you can’t know. you’ll end up just like marco and i can’t have that” he slipped; he knew it. i felt his head fall against my shoulder in defeat. who was marco? i wouldn’t ask. 
i was suddenly glad that eren wasn’t here. i knew things would go differently if it was him i blew up like this at. jean’s voice; his logic, brought me back. from anyone else, i wouldn’t listen. probable not even eren. i hugged jean back; i guess we were in the same boat after all. 
my walk back to my own apartment felt like one of shame. all that and i was still no closer to understanding a damn thing. a text went off on my phone. wishful thinking and circumstance made me believe it was eren. my heartrate upticked, only to return to normal a few seconds later. 
have you seen bert recently?
no i haven’t seen him since the fair
everything okay?
the trost fair? when was that
um literally like two weeks ago? you don’t remember?
why would i remember?
because he said you went with him….
now i’m even more confused
uh yeah aha so am i 
what’s going on
bffr don’t leave me on delivered
a sinking feeling arose in my stomach. was bertholdt okay? the text from reiner sent my mind down an even bigger spiral. why did everything suddenly feel like it was caving in on me? i was starting to question the very constructs of this world; and now bertholdt and eren had both vanished? reiner must be having memory loss. it was the only logical explanation i could come up with. 
i started to question the possibility that bert had lied at the fair. maybe he really was on a date and didn’t want to tell me. why not? we were friends, weren’t we?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
a few more days had passed. i was doing better; i guess. hanging up the mirror in my room, i saw that the purple marks on my neck were gone now. i took a shower that lasted hours: shaving, exfoliating, deep conditioning. and then i put makeup on and dressed to the nines; telling myself i would feel better. and i did. i don’t think i could go back to feeling a security in the world like i had before the closet, but it was a start.
it was monday again, and i had a literature class to go to. i somehow managed to attend almost all of my classes last week; just wrapped in hoodies and sweatpants. eren was in none of them; i assumed today would be the same. i took a seat in my regular spot; scrolling through messages i hadn’t opened from last week. there were a lot. mostly connie spamming me with random and strange photos. 
at least until eren walked through the door. my mind immediately spiraled; putting my head back to where it was a week ago. everything i had just done felt futile. he didn’t look at me but i could see his eyes were green and white again. it set me at ease for a moment before it was broken. he sat in a different seat. 
that action somehow hurt more than anything. i picked at my cuticles; trying to drag them down as far as i could. if i could ignore his black eyes from the closet; all that was left was his rejection. it wasn’t a comforting feeling, and at this moment i wanted to go back to questioning how the world was compromised. i couldn’t rip my eyes away from him. eren was exactly like he was on the first day. i couldn’t bear it. 
before the lecture could even start, i made my way out of the class. was it too late to drop the class entirely? a ‘w’ on my transcript seemed like a good price to pay to never have to walk in there again. i hated myself for caring so much. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
eren’s rejection couldn’t keep me away. not for long, at least. if he was never going to talk to me again, i couldn’t make it any worse, right? i knew that any wrong question could end badly. might cause him to run away; so i wouldn’t ask any. 
i pushed all the curiosity away as i stood outside of eren’s apartment door. it felt eerie to be outside without him; just alone in the hallway. i hadn’t knocked yet- i couldn’t bring myself to. i drove the twenty five minutes here with ease, but now that i was so close; i felt out of place. while i was staring at it, the door cracked opened, “what are you doing here,” came from eren’s bored voice.
he looked.. exhausted. his eye bags had almost never looked more prevalent. his posture was hunched over slightly; light he could barely stand up. taking advantage of his weak state, i made my way closer to the door frame, pushing on his chest to force my way in. he was surprised, but didn’t make a move against it.
i got straight to the point, “you drink blood because it’s a kink.” staring directly into his eyes; his face was astounded, but confused more than anything, “what?” he asked, not understanding quite where i was going. maybe jean hadn’t even confronted him like this. 
he didn’t break my gaze, either. it almost made my legs buckle, but i stood my ground. “what i just said,” my tone was harsh,  “there’s nothing strange or otherwise abnormal going on. just a kink.” eren continued to stare at me. he opened his mouth as if to say something, but decided otherwise and closed it. he couldn’t figure out what i was doing. having the upper hand gave me confidence. 
i walked over to his kitchen counter, grabbing a knife from the butcher block. i looked to his eyes for confirmation. if i really was right; i didn’t want to unleash something i knew nothing about. 
i held the blade to my wrist; right along the blue vein visible on my skin. faltering, i looked back to him. what was i doing? he didn’t disapprove; but he didn’t encourage it either. eren just continued staring, but his features became even more tense as he realized what i was about to do. 
i cut vertically without thinking about the consequences of it. the drag of the blade stung my skin before the blood started to pour. eren was at my side in an instant, pulling the knife back. “what the fuck y/n,” he eyes were wide, as if he hadn’t believed i would really do it. eren continued to look back and forth from my eyes to my bloody wrist. 
he was frantic, not sure what to do, “ you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.” i laughed through my nose, bringing my bleeding wrist closer to him. the edges of his eyes started to turn black; the scent of blood had probably fully registered. i pushed the twinge of fear i felt down, “yeah, but isn’t that the point?”
in an instant, he gripped my wrist, bringing it to his mouth. i could feel his teeth on my skin, two of them felt sharp, but they didn’t pierce my skin. eren was quick to lick the blood around the wound before sucking from the cut vein. his teeth pulsated around my wrist; like he was fighting the urge to bite into my arm. 
his other hand gripped my arm from further up; pulling the gash even closer to his mouth. i gripped his bent neck, inviting him to drink more. i thought i had prepared myself before coming here. come to terms with the possibility he really was a vampire, or something. but watching him suck in gulps of blood was a different story. i gripped my legs together. i didn’t expect the sight to turn me on. but his sharp jawline and tongue moving with my arm.. 
my body began feeling faint; i tightened my grip on his neck in an attempt not to fall over. would he even be able to stop? as if he could sense it, eren stopped abruptly. letting go of my arm, he started into my eyes with horror. the black started to bleed away, bringing back the bright green. 
his lips were covered in my blood. looking back to the gash that was still ebbing with blood, he leaned back down to lick it. i furrowed my brows as the cut started to tingle. looking at it closer my skin was fusing itself back together. slowly, but the blood had stopped pouring. “y/n, i’m sorry.”
he stared at me, still in shock at his own actions, while his grip on my wrist tightened. he didn't let go. “why are you apologizing,” i kept my tone light and sincere. bringing my hand up to his face, i tried wiping away the blood. it was stubborn on his lips, so i tried a different approach. 
i placed my hands on either side of his cheeks, gliding my tongue over his mouth. he stood unmoving for a few seconds before mimicking my actions, fervently kissing me back. 
eren was quick to bring his hands to my ass, moving them down to my thighs; asking me to jump silently. i moved my hips to his; and he gripped my legs quickly before lifting me on the counter top. my legs spread, allowing him to push himself in between. unlike our first kiss, this one was sloppy. neither of us could contain our lust for one another. in this moment; i was okay with being in the dark. i was okay with not knowing anything about eren if it meant that i could be with him. doing this.
he shoved his tongue into my mouth as he pushed my back onto the counter roughly. his body followed mine; and he kept our lips together before breaking contact moments later; moving down my neck. there was no bite this time, but he began to tug at my shirt. 
lifting my torso back up he pulled the hem up to my chest and i brought my arms up so my top could come off cleanly. i tugged at his own; he took a breath before leaning back and removing it with one motion. eren shoved me back on the counter with one hand on the center of my chest before following me with his lips. there wasn’t a place he didn’t kiss or suck at leading down to my stomach. 
he closed in on the area right above my pants. he hooked his finger on my jeans, pulling it back just far enough to kiss there, too. i moaned in response, he was so close. “is this okay?” he asked, stopping any motions for a moment. “yes,” i grabbed at his shoulders, trying to pull him back onto me. my body needed to be close to him; it was a natural instinct. 
not even bothering to unbutton my jeans, he just ripped at the zipper before pulling them off. in the moment, i didn’t care about how expensive they were. the action left me cold; i attempted to close my legs together. eren didn’t like that; he pulled at the edge of my thong before letting it slap back on my skin. just the action made my back arch; another moan escaping from my lips. 
eren saw i was wet; he taunted me, “looks like you have a blood kink too,” he slipped his finger along my clothed slit, before he took it away. he cupped my cheeks; forcing me to look him in the eyes. he didn’t say anything, just smirked at me. his gaze followed around my body, admiring the bloody marks he had made. “eren, please,” i whined; my body craving him. 
eren’s smirk grew, “say it again.” i didn’t want to oblige; attempting to lift my hips, he removed his hands from my face, and instead gripped my thighs. he held them down, keeping his hands far away from my heat. “i said beg,” he snarled. i stared at him for another moment, squirming under his hold. “please, eren.” my nails dug into the exposed skin on his back; i felt the skin break. he didn’t move, so i continued, “please, please, please,” i could cringe at how pathetic i was later. in this moment, i didn’t care. 
“good girl.” he paused before releasing my hips; pulling my thong cleanly off. he discarded it on the kitchen floor. one hand came up to snake around my throat. he let spit drag down his lips; slightly red from the blood that still stained his lips. it dripped onto my clit; eren used his thumb to drag it down. i arched my back another time, hitching my hips. 
a throaty moan echoed through the kitchen when he abruptly slammed two fingers into me. i was already sensitive; worked up from his previous actions. one of my hands moved up to circle his neck; bringing him closer to my body as he pumped his fingers in and out at an agonizingly slow pace, “going crazy over two fingers?” his grin was devilish as he added in a third. my body confused again, i couldn’t believe the effect he had on me. i chalked it up to supernatural powers. 
“shut up,” i groaned at him, attempting to lower myself further on his fingers. he placed his thumb on my clit as a response, slowly rubbing circles as he continued to pump his fingers into me. they curled easily into me; hitting my g-spot without fail. 
biting my lip, i tried to hold back the moans in my throat. i didn’t want to give into him anymore.  eren removed his hand off my throat, using it to bring my hips closer to him, “i wanna hear you,” he whispered in my ear; begging me for a change. i refused, keeping my mouth shut. eren didn’t like that either; moving away from my face, he dragged his fingers out of me slowly. he lightly slapped my cheek, “come on, baby, don’t be like that.”
he tried a different approach, sliding me further to the edge of the counter. i could barely register his movements from the shock of pleasure still thrumming through my veins. i could feel his arms wrapped around my thighs. he lifted them to pull me onto his face. his nose hit my clit before his tongue went in between my folds. i let out a loud moan at the surprise. 
i felt him laugh at my reaction, sending vibrations through my core. i threw my back onto the counter, arching it. “eren, don’t stop,” i begged. this side of him.. i liked it. the pressure built up in my lower stomach as he focused his tongue on my clit. he could feel i was getting closer; his grip tightened around my legs like he did when feeding. lifting my head, his eyes were turning black again as i started into them. 
bringing my torso up from the counter, i grabbed his head. curing one of my hands in his hair, and using the other to claw at his back. eren sped up at my reaction, releasing one of his hands to enter my heat again. it sent me over the edge, and i let out a string of moans when my climax finally hit. “fuck,” my groaning throat caused me to sound pathetic and needy. at the pleasure, my legs went numb, slightly shaking. my stomach convulsed as eren worked me through my orgasm. 
my grip continued to wrap round him; impossibly tight. he kept his tongue on my body; lapping up my cum before pulling away. my body collapsed back onto the counter at the lack of his presence, legs going slack. eren came back just a second later, collecting any moisture with a towel. he bent down into my ear, “such a slut,” his voice was husky as he nipped my ear lightly. 
he grabbed my left nipple in between two fingers, applying pressure. i whined at the contact, but he released quickly after getting the reaction he was looking for. 
his hands slid underneath me, picking me up bridal style. it was then that the exhaustion hit me. the blood loss and orgasm were almost too much to handle. my body slumped over; hanging my head on eren’s shoulder. he was cold, of course, but i began to find that comforting; preferring it to warmth. 
i could’ve drifted to sleep right there in his arms, but he set me down on a mushy surface. it was his bed, i think. my mind was so fucked out, i couldn’t even process his touch leaving me. my body sensed it, gripping his wrist before he could leave. he seemed to understand what i was asking for. 
he sighed but i eventually felt his arms wrap around my still naked body, and my mind went blank, content with the contact. 
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a/n: next chapter is another flashback :)
spotify playlist
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hoodies-n-cola · 11 months ago
Tell us about that concert :)
All those details :)
OUGH okay so me, CL, and SL (CL's husband) went to Autoheart's first US tour :D
We had to wait in a p long line before the show, but we talk loud so some of the people behind us were laughing at the stuff we were saying n that's always fun :> the merch line was long as well, but I got 2 CDs and a shirt <3 (they didn't have the third CD there, but for some reason they had them at later concerts? I don't get that but I'm angy, I don't wanna pay like $22 shipping for a $13 CD ;0; )
Anyway the show started with the first opener, RAEGAN. She was p cool, her music was very punchy n we got to participate at one point n shout "FUCK RAEGAN" but like, there were a couple minors and a lot of nice people not entirely willing to yell that so it wasn't as loud as it could've been u,u
The second lady came up, Pidgeon Pit, and oh man her energy was amazing! She was all over the stage with her guitar, her songs were toothy and some political (in a good way) and she gave off hardcore big sister vibes, she was great :D she even had a moment of like, well for context Autoheart is popular with the gays bc it's a gay band (I know for sure the lead singer is gay but idk about the other two) so of course the queers were out in full force n the lead singer is a trans woman herself, so she gave a big shoutout to all the trans people in the audience (like me and some of the people to my right, who I made a bet with on Autoheart's opening song hehe) and it was nice to be in a room with so many people shouting for trans people instead of against them
Okay so I'll be using names; Jody is the lead singer, Simon is on keys, Barney is on guitar, and he's not a member of the band but Adam handled drums, he was fantastic <3
Anyway so they call come out on stage, Jody first, and he's got these genuine Gucci shades on that are so round and thick, it was so cute X3 he also had a suit jacket on that was a pinkish-reddish color over a black shirt, it was such a good look ;; Simon had jeans, a red Dickey's shirt, and a white short sleeve button up over that And Barney I believe had a graphic tee and jeans, but he also had a jean jacket on when we saw them after the show
Their first song is Lent bc of course it would be and everyone was singing along and like, god first of all, this is genuinely my favorite band ever of all time, I don't dislike a single one of their songs, I have them all saved to my Spotify, so you know I'm crazy about it, second I kinda face a lot of "oh that's what you're listening to?" (/neg) at home when I try to play Autoheart, and third I was with two of my favorite people in the world So believe me when I say I was FEELING it, being in a crowd of people who knew every word I knew, every vocal flourish in every word to the point the audience could all be heard doing the same vocal flourish from the base song that he did differently live, it fuckin got me man, I'd never felt so connected and part of something great like that ;0;
And of course the band is just going, they're playing banger after banger, Jody making these cute little smiles n doing these cute little dances and moves with his hands as he's singing, he was a joy to watch Barney was killing it on the guitar over there too, he was also doing backing vocals and he sounds so nice!! I'm not fully sure if he does backing vocals on all the songs or if it was just for live, but if it was just for live, then I hope they let him back up on more songs cause he was wonderful <3 Simon, oh man, don't even get me started, his work on the keyboard is part of why I fell in love with Autoheart in the first place, their first albums and EPs being FULL of those deep, punchy piano work, it's so good ;;;; oh and his tambourine work was great too, he was on that on the more lowkey songs And of course Adam was fantastic, filling the room with percussion when it calls for it omg dude was killer!
Oh oh and the LIGHTS oh man during "Time Machine", there's the line "voices/7 of them inside of me/each requiring autonomy" (referencing the 7 deadly sins) n when Jody got to that point, he'd do a Y pose, reaching his arms up as he's bathed in green light and subtle smoke, it was religious ;;;;
Unfortunately we had to do it out on the back patio where the radio was turned up; I'm hard of hearing n they couldn't turn the radio down, so I could barely hear them ;-; But we got to meet them and get things signed and I got to tell them how much they all mean to me and I got to hug Jody ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Last thing though, for those of you who know about me n CL's EW OCs known as the blormas, I imagine you're familiar with Joey. Joey himself is based on Jody, and a lot of his personality is based on the songs, so of course I had to draw a Joey for them all to sign, and they did <3 They were pretty impressed with the fact that I did it with pencils on paper and it made me blush ngl ;;
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professorsaber · 2 years ago
Since AO3 has been down for several hours, here is a copy of my McFly July fic for the 10th!
Daylight Savings Time
Warning for pathetic attempts at Lovecraftian horrors.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Tuesday, September 22, 1992
1:41 PM
The DeLorean materialized on Highway 147 in pitch darkness.
Doc slammed on the brakes. Fortunately, he had had the headlights on—they’d left 1962 late at night. Marty flew forward in the seat.
As the car came to a stop on the empty road, they both looked out the window.
“What happened, Doc?” Marty asked. “Are we back?”
“I don’t know,” he admitted, looking at the time circuits. “Something must be wrong with the display.”
A car blared its horn at them, causing them both to jump.
“Jesus!” Marty said. He looked over his shoulder as best as he could in the DeLorean. “That guy didn’t have his headlights on!”
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Doc said, shifting the DeLorean back into gear and driving towards Hill Valley.
They moved slowly. At several points, other cars passed them—their headlights also off.
“This is weird, Doc,” Marty said.
Doc turned right onto Eastwood Ravine Road, towards Lone Pine Mall.
“Something is very wrong here,” he agreed, as they came up to a stoplight. The stoplights worked, but the cars drove through the darkness with their lights off.
As they moved closer towards the mall, Marty said, “Doc, all these people are staring at us.”
He did a double-take at Doc. “Doc? Shouldn’t you say that it’s just my imagination?”
As they stopped at the light in front of the mall, the DeLorean’s headlights illuminated the sign:
1:5̴3 P̃M
“Smudges on the sign?” Marty asked.
“Uh-huh.” Doc looked over the parking lot. “I see your truck. Jennifer’s still waiting for us.”
They pulled up to the truck, bathing it in the glow of the headlights.
Jennifer was leaning against the truck, arms folded, looking away from them. She didn’t react to the sudden light.
“She wasn’t wearing those clothes when we left, Doc,” Marty said.
He desperately wanted Doc to tell him he was wrong, to chide him for having a poor memory of such a thing. Doc just frowned.
Marty looked at his wife. He knew, though. He knew. She was wearing a red top and jeans. But Marty knew that pair of jeans—she’d always roll her eyes when he complimented her when she wore them, but something about that particular shade of blue and the way they’d shape her legs oh so right… He’d know if she’d been wearing them when they left.
It had been a half hour for her, tops. Not enough time to go home and change.
Doc shifted the DeLorean into park and opened his door, leaving the engine running. Marty did the same.
“Jesus!” he shouted. It was cold—he’d be surprised if it was above freezing. He saw his breath in the air.
Jennifer was dressed for summer.
Doc shivered, looked towards Marty, and nodded towards Jennifer.
“Hey, Jen,” Marty said. “Listen—.”
The rest of his sentence died in his mouth as she turned towards them. His eyes went to her legs first—those damn jeans—but he saw her face just in time to see her eyes shift from annoyed to concern.
Her eyes.
There was no color in her eyes.
Jennifer looked at him with black eyes, eyes blacker than night, eyes without light in them and oh god he couldn’t breathe and—
“M̷a̶r̸t̴y̸,̸ ̴w̴h̴a̸t̴'̵s̵ ̷w̴r̸o̵n̶g̵?̷” she asked. There were echoes of her voice in her question, but something else was also behind it. Screeching, screaming, scraping.
“Shit,” Marty heard Doc say, but he was rooted in place as Jennifer (Jennifer?) walked over to him, and as she walked he heard the scraping of metal against metal.
She took his hand, with the same tenderness she always took his hand, and he bit down a scream at the coldness of her hands. It was like that time when he was three, and tried to make a snowball with his bare hands, and he didn’t know snow could be that cold.
“Y̸o̷u̵'̶r̷e̴ ̴s̸c̷a̵r̵i̴n̵g̶ ̷m̵e̶,̷” she said. Then she looked at the DeLorean, as if she had never seen it before, and said, “T̸̩̋h̷͈̽a̵͈͗t̴͜͠'̸̳̾s̵͎̆ ̷̈́͜ḁ̸̍ ̸̹̈n̸͇̓i̸̢̓ĉ̷̯ẽ̷̘ ̸̙̕c̴̤̀ḁ̸̉r̷̼̕ ̸̧̋y̶͚͠o̷͓̓u̶͐͜ ̴̨̈́h̴̬͒ă̷̰v̴̹̄e̸͈͂ ̷̟̚t̶̩̋h̸̳̅e̶͓̒r̵̨̒e̷̺̒.̶̻̆” Less of her own voice was there now.
Marty was dimly aware of Doc circling the two of them.
“̴͕͌Ỳ̴͉o̴̹̿u̸̟̇'̷̳̈́v̶̡̛e̵̠͛ ̶̰̔t̶̹̿a̵̲̒k̵̥̅ȅ̴̝n̸̛͍ ̵͚͋m̵͉̅e̴͙̋ ̸̺̾o̴͇͐n̷̲̊ ̸̧̾à̸̝ ̶̯̃ř̸̞ḭ̸̒d̴̞̋e̴̗̓ ̸̦̚w̸̘̓i̶̙̿t̷͌ͅh̸̩͊ ̴̹̒i̴̹͘t̴̙̆ ̸̨̊b̸̡͐e̶̞̊f̸͍̈́õ̵̲ȓ̶̬ẻ̴ͅ,̷̜̚ ̵̱͝ḧ̶̻́ȧ̴̰ṿ̴̇e̶͔͋n̶̦̓'̴͕͝t̶͙́ ̶̠͂ý̸̜ö̶͖́ü̷̢?̴̻̍”̴͈̀ she said. She looked back at him with those eyes, those eyes with absolute nothingness in them.
Doc tapped her on the shoulder.
She jumped, dropping Marty’s hand, and he saw the color return to her eyes.
“Marty!” she cried, in her own voice. “You have to go back!”
As she fell to the ground, Marty helped her back up and held her face in his hands.
“Jennifer,” he said. “Jennifer McFly, look at me. Jennifer, what’s wrong? What happened?!”
She shuddered and closed her eyes, and when she opened them again they were pools of infinite darkness.
Marty screamed as his her frozen skin burned his hands, and as she spoke her voice was nothing but screams and wails and gnashing of teeth.
“̷̹̃̚Ï̷̜͚͘ ̵̠̯͗s̵̨̛͇a̵͈̐̈w̷̧̍̑ ̴̨̤̚y̴̘͈̕ọ̶͇́u̸̖̬̕,̸̺̏̚”̷̨̟̎̂ she said. “Ĭ̸͍͛ͅ ̴̩̱̀ś̶̪̫a̵͓͋͘w̷̨̚ ̸͇̈̄ȳ̵̧͐ͅo̴̢̺͌u̴̱͑ ̷̦͒͠s̸͈͘k̸̖̤͋i̸̞͍̔p̷̩̭̎ ̵̜͖̂̉à̶̟̀c̴̙̿͊r̵͚̔ͅō̴̯̼s̸̩͐͜s̵͕͘ ̵̧̲͊t̶͕̤͂̏ï̶͚ͅm̴̮͇͌e̶̤̅,̸̪̈ ̶̟͈̚a̵̱̟͛c̷̡̹̾̀r̶̛̦̓ȏ̴̺̍s̸̔͝ͅs̷̻͍̐͑ ̴͇̑̐t̸͖̾̔h̵̰̞̓͘ę̶̔̄ ̷͓̓̉r̶̼͓̊i̶͓̯͋v̷̡̆ë̸̬ṙ̵̬̰ ̴͇̒̕o̸̭͘ḟ̴̗͘ ̴͎͂͝š̴͔̬́p̸̨̗̾̌ä̸͉́̏č̶̩̈ë̷͖̅,̷̢͚̾̏ ̴̣̇a̷͇̭͗g̷͇͊ȧ̵̞̕i̵͍̯͛͂n̶̢̑ṣ̴͒ẗ̸͖͓́̀ ̶͙͆̑ì̵̛͓t̵͐́ͅ,̶͎̊̈́ ̴͓̬̌̑a̶̢̦͑g̸̲̒̍ạ̶́i̷̡̲̇́n̵̠̜͑s̷͕̒ṯ̵͚̇̇ ̵̨͑t̵̟͍̓͆h̴̟̩̿é̷͚̼͒ ̴̟̂̚c̷̯̃͜͝ü̵͎̪ṛ̸̾̇r̷̟̣̽͛è̶̢͝n̸͕̒̂ț̷̉͌,̶͙̮̽́ ̷̹̹̿͒ă̷̞̙͘n̷̗̲͗̎d̶͍͎́̉ ̸̬͆Ḭ̶̟͗ ̴̈́͜f̴̯̔o̴̖͓͗l̵̙̅̋l̸͓͙͂o̶̟̎͒ẅ̵͙́ê̴̹̰d̶̺͐ ̷̜̙̓y̵̭̫̋̌o̷̲̪̚ũ̷̺ ̷̘̈̌h̷̗͇̅e̷̡̯̾̽r̶͓̂ĕ̸̟̲̈.̶̳͊̀”
“Marty!” he heard Doc scream.
“Ȋ̷̲̖̝͔͉͗̽̽͜ ̴̧̦͚̤͘ḏ̵̆i̴̮͍̹̯̔d̷͍͎͋̃̈́͝ͅn̶͍̭̱̒̓͘'̵̧̫̙͙̫̱́̉̒̌t̵̗͌͊͗̂̈̕ ̷̯̜̟̣̥̾k̸̘̺̎̑͜n̸͚̰̬̘̿ơ̶̢̭̖͉̐̎̐ŵ̶̝̄,̶̹͚̲̮̾̄̔̎̎̚” she said. She let go of him and pushed him against the car. “I̵̩̝̾̅́ ̶͈͓͖̑d̴̦̱̅̑̒i̴̳̜̋͝ḋ̴̼̳͈n̵̡̟̮͂̊͝'̸͕̞̗̿̂̎͝ṫ̸̝͎̖ ̷̘̺̈́̾ǩ̶̡̯͎n̷͕͘ò̸͕̼̟̹ŵ̵͙̘͓̀͜͝ ̴̹͚̹̍͋̕t̴͉͓̘͔̿̆̅h̸̟̦̞̝̏̿͑a̸̡̮̿͌͛͝t̵̬̯̽̀̓ ̶͍̬̿ͅt̵̙͌̈h̶͈̲͂̿e̸̜̲̔̒̀̕ŗ̶͇̹̿͗̏e̴̟̥̺͐̉̅̚ ̶͙̜͉̇͛̐͘w̷̩̞͛è̷̝̭͙r̵̨̰̠̓͜è̵̡͉̳͉̍͋ ̴͍͍̏̈͛͐b̶͙̫̺̰̏̈o̷̧͇͊́d̵̩̒̐̓ȋ̶̢͔̰̰͆̍͆ḛ̶̛͎͂̊̆s̶̲̆̽́̚,̵̪̂̚ ̷̻͈̥̦͌͌͝s̴̱̻͉͒̈́͌o̴͉̓̀ ̴̛̣̮̙h̶̲͙̀̚ó̸̼̰t̸̰͊̏͌̇,̶̨̿͠ ̸̗̓͗͝͝s̷̱͎͛̓͘ó̴̮̣͌͒ ̶̛̠̮̈͗͌f̸̹̺̹͛ṷ̶͒̍l̴̖̱̆̂̎̕l̸͕͂̉̄̊ ̴̲͋̈̏͝ȍ̸̫̞̲̲̅̾f̸͔̘̠͍̀͂̑ ̷̪͎͂̾̄̓b̵̺̑͝l̷̨͎̮̑́͑̚o̸̧̪͇͑͝ö̵́́��͚d̸̛̩̋̂ ̶̞̔ä̵́͠��͎̗̠n̷̼̲̏̐͆̐d̵̨̦̖͊̾̎͘ ̵̛̖̬͇̑͑p̷͍̙͑̚͝ä̶͚͓̤̙͋i̷͙̗̐n̴̢̼̰̝͂.̵̧͉͖͓̂ I̶̟͎̟̫͇̭͎̙̎̚ ̸̘̼͎́̃́͒̚̕S̷̨̖̩̺͓̘̩̍̓͊̑̔́͝Ạ̵̢̤̮͔̰̱̒́͊̅̐̕͝͝W̶͙̝̖̳͇̣̗̋̀͑̽͐͊̆͜ ̴̭̯̺̯̻̤̹͠Y̷͙̟̱͖̮͂Õ̸̡̢̪̯̼̲̞̻͂́́̉U̷̢̗̥͂̿͌̈̅̌͆.̶̡̡̻̼̰̊͛̽͒̈́̐̿͜ ̶̩͆̋̇͜ ̵̹͕̻͓͚̇̐Į̵̫͔͈̦̮̻̐̀̈̏̾̊̉ ̷̹͈̹̄́S̷̡̙͈̳̭͚̓͜Ą̵͚̹͕̱̌̈́͑̃̏W̶̢̤̫̗͕̘̓̅̉̂ ̵̨͚̆́́̌Y̴̺͙̞̹̟͙̹̮͒͘Ơ̴͈̟͋̂͗͂́͆Ú̶̦͈͍͠͝ ̴͎̃̈͜À̷̱͈̜͈̆̑͌͗͌̃̉G̸̛̠̺͖̝͒͆̌̈́A̸̠̘̖̓̿͐Į̵̳͔͊̆͑̑̐N̷̡̫͉̄̍̕̕͠͠S̷̛̼͚̈́̉̎̆̾͘Ṭ̶̘̉̅ ̷̟̩̉͠Ť̶̞̲̭̞̺͉͈̜̄̿͑̾̍̌͝H̸̺̯̪̬̤͉̐̄E̶͔̠̟͔̠̐̆̀͝ ̷̗̪̄̏̐͊̆͛͝S̵͚̬̼̖͓̤̓̓́͌̚͝͠T̶̙͈̈̍̌͐̊͗͘͘ͅǍ̷̡̻̋̋Ř̶̥̙̝̋͒͗̓S̸̼̥͉̐͋̌̕͠,̴̫̬͙̬̱̺̇̾͆̍ ̷̨͍̠͉̫̥̩̤̀̍̉̚Ą̶̢̜̤̗̐̾͌͊͘̚G̴͙̜̞͙͎̲̥̾̆̍̈A̷̢̜̠̤̺̻͆́͑͋̀Ǐ̴̤͇͎̣̳̔͐͊̉͛N̷̛̫̐̿̑̅̋S̵̝͉̃͒͒̽̐̚T̶̡̪̩̞͓̒͗̿͋͘ͅͅ ̵͔͖̙̹̐̒̓̽̀͝͝͠ͅT̴̡̞̠͎̹͐̌ͅḦ̶̨́͆͆͗̆̒͘͝E̷̢̠͈̗͇͔̬̎̂̇̕ ̴̡̮͕̖̙̎̍M̵̫̬̻̫͕̘̝̜͛I̵̗̞̐̆͑̏̀̎̕͝D̸̨̘͇̝̗̉̌̒̅̍͐Ñ̸̡̨̛͎͙͚̙̣̋͊̚̕͝Í̶̙̺̝̮̦̽̀G̴͚͈̻̀̚H̸̢̫̖̫̑̋̓̿͛͐T̴͚͒̓ ̶̧̧̛̺̞͎̔̏̈͗̕͝͝S̴̛̖̯Ķ̸̨̧̻͔̤̬̜͑͒͌̽́Y̶̥̥͔̑͐̆̚̚͝ ̸̙̳͙̰͊̕̚À̶͕̳̰̙͓̤͓͖͗̚N̵̙̭̞̽͑́̏̅̅Ḑ̷̻̒̈́̈́́ ̵͚̈́̾́̔̒̕͜͠͝I̷̲̝͒̐̒̅̏̎̀ ̷̭͇̻̺̹̀̂͗͐̍̈́̕͝Ẅ̵̪̺͙̮́̎̽̊̀I̶̗̮͗Ḷ̵̡̰͌̈́͆̈́̑̎̈͝L̷͕͎̝̠̳̏̈̾ ̸̬͓͉̈́̕F̷̨͇̣̂Ę̸͉̬̩͒̃̈́̔̑͛̽̃ͅA̸̢͓̖͊́S̸̢̢̯̝͚̰͐̓͘͜T̴̨̟̖̠̱̩̪̘̂.̴̱̠̟̝̫̫͉̏̈̈̉̕͜͝”
Marty did the only thing he could do, the only thing more unthinkable than a day without daylight and a beautiful woman with a voice made of screams:
He punched his wife in the face.
As she fell to the ground, he jumped back into the DeLorean. He saw Doc do the same, and neither of them had even closed the doors before the DeLorean took to the sky.
As they flew away to the sounds of enraged screams filling the night, Marty said, “DOC, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!”
Doc was programming the time circuits. “I don’t know what we unleashed in 1962, Marty, but we’re going to put it back. Time to save the daylight!”
Yeah, I don't know. I'm sorry? This feels so stupid to me. But it was either that or riffing on this XKCD.
I got the "Zalgo text" from this website: zalgo.org
And since you probably had difficulty reading what the Jennifer Entity said, a transcript:
“Marty, what’s wrong?”
“You’re scaring me” … “That's a nice car you have there.”
“You've taken me on a ride with it before, haven't you?”
“I saw you. I saw you skip across time, across the river of space, against it, against the current, and I followed you here.”
“I didn't know. I didn't know that there were bodies, so hot, so full of blood and pain. I SAW YOU. I SAW YOU AGAINST THE STARS, AGAINST THE MIDNIGHT SKY AND I WILL FEAST.”
At the end there, I was kinda ripping off homaging "Midnight," a Doctor Who episode I've only read about on TV Tropes.
Let me know if this was worth reading!
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prairiesongserial · 2 hours ago
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With the dining car to himself, Kaoru settled in. He took the time to rifle through both briefcases–and in doing so, learned some interesting facts about the dead man on the floor. According to his collection of European passports, his name was either Jeremy Delmoore, Julien Dupuis, Stephen Boucher, Jean Jensen, or Antoine Black. He had also been carrying a book hollowed out to hide a set of throwing knives, a spare change of clothes, a garotte disguised as a tube of lipstick, and an unlabeled tin of teabags that almost certainly didn’t contain any tea. 
It hadn’t crossed Kaoru’s mind that the dead man could be another international agent. This assignment was one close call after the last. At least he would probably net himself a bonus for bringing both briefcases back to Shinjuku; surely one of the analysts there would be able to figure out which, if any, of the man’s identities were real, and who he’d been working for.
Kaoru popped Hennig’s briefcase open next, and was pleased to find it only contained clothes and a few overfull file folders. No surprises there. Oikawa’s intel had been right about the one thing that mattered.
He closed the briefcase again and carefully secured the latch. After a minute of sitting around drumming his fingers, he got up to get a handful of napkins to try to wipe some of the blood off.
The dining car’s intercom buzzed to life, and a steward announced that the train would be stopping in Basel in five minutes. Kaoru stood, his drink long since finished, and took a briefcase in each hand. That was his cue to begin moving downstairs and towards the doors. Time to get off the train as fast as possible before anyone realized Hennig’s luggage was unaccounted for.
Kaoru took the stairs quietly, pausing halfway down to eavesdrop when he heard passengers unloading their luggage and bickering. He didn’t hear the Russians among them. They were likely still up at the front of the train, waiting for their chance to slip away.
Had they killed Valerie by now? They must have, right? Kaoru clenched his teeth and banished the thought. Valerie was not his problem, he reminded himself. Valerie was never going to be his problem again. Therefore, it didn’t matter if Valerie was dead or alive.
“Excuse me, coming through,” someone muttered in German as Kaoru finished descending the stairs. The throng of passengers parted to make way for two young boys toting suitcases. Everyone seemed eager to get off the train at Basel. After seeing the state of the dining car, Kaoru didn’t blame them.
The train jerked to a stop as it came into the station. Kaoru braced himself against the stairwell wall, then slipped out behind the first rush of passengers, using the briefcases to carve himself a path. He squinted as the sunlight hit his face, then began to walk at a brisk–but not too brisk–pace towards the cover of the station’s interior. It was more effort than he would have liked; his legs were wobbly from running up and down the length of the train all morning.
He was in the midst of a gaggle of civilians when the gunshot rang out. They all instinctively scattered for cover, running in a crouch as though it stood a chance of deterring any sniper who might have been aiming for center mass. Kaoru’s own instinct was to dive behind a bench, wedge both briefcases between his knees, and pat himself down to see if he’d been hit.
He hadn’t. His ears rang, and his heart was pounding like he was a step away from full cardiac arrest, but whoever had fired the shot hadn’t shot at him. It was a little hard to tell over the sudden din of passengers screaming and shouting at one another, but it didn’t sound like there had been more than one shot, either. The shooter had hit their target–or they’d only fired to cause a distraction.
Who had it been, though? The Russians? The cardinal? Someone else? Kaoru twisted and lifted his head to peer between the bench’s slats. The crowd on the platform had formed a ring around something–someone, Kaoru amended, seeing the pool of blood that was fast breaching the wall of rubberneckers. 
Someone was very injured over there, or even dead. There was no telling who it was or who had shot them, unless he risked getting close. Which would risk being noticed; worse, it meant the briefcases could be noticed by the sniper unless Kaoru stashed them somewhere first. That was a non-starter of an idea. After the hell he’d been through to get his hands on the briefcases, there was no way he was going to let them out of his sight.
“It’s none of my business,” he said under his breath, in Japanese. As he stood, briefcases once more in hand, he repeated himself with slightly more conviction. “It’s none of my business! Whatever is back there is absolutely none of my business.”
A woman rushing past–a conductor or engineer, judging by her uniform–gave him a strange look. Kaoru supposed that talking to himself several yards from where someone had just been shot would do that. He smiled in response, somewhat hysterically, and hurried inside the station.
A group of uniformed officers were flooding towards the outdoor platform’s entrance. Kaoru stepped aside and held the door for them–aside from a nod and a tip of the hat from the lead officer, none of them even acknowledged him. His heartbeat calmed, evening out from the jackrabbit pace it had been thumping at.
It occurred to him, for the first time since he’d picked up Hennig’s briefcase, that he had really done it. And not only that, but he might have been the most successful Hemisphere agent on the train. Or, at least, the only one to leave completely unscathed, in possession of useful intelligence. It was the sort of thing he could have leveraged into a hefty promotion–but, as things stood, Kaoru was probably going to leverage it into a month of vacation instead.
All of this for a bunch of blueprints. Kaoru snorted. At least now if Japan lost the election, he could still honestly say he’d given it his all. Maybe this field agent thing was easier than he’d thought.
24.28 || epilogue 24
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miracleweaponhunt · 1 year ago
Miracle Weapon Hunt Chapter 37: Planning Stages
Roxanne woke up without any bad dreams in the hotel room. It was early, still dark outside. But as hard as she tried, she couldn't get back to sleep. She woke up alone, making her way to the hotel reception for breakfast. Everything there seemed to be made for building muscle or keeping energy, nothing that really focused on the taste aspect. She just got some yogurt with fruit, hoping that would carry her for a while. As she sat down in the corner of the room, a short girl with messy black hair that looked like it had never been styled approached her.
"Is that good?" She asked nonchalantly. She looked at Roxanne with her dopey brown eyes, dressed in a black sweater with a necklace like hers, only with a white gem in the centre. Fairly common type. Other than that, black sweater and jeans. Really skinny, too.
"It's pretty good." Roxanne said back.
"Cool, know what I'm getting." The girl nodded. Roxanne watched her order her yogurt, then sit with her table of two other friendly looking guys. The guys looked familiar.
Then it hit her. They were the Lumps, the fourth ranked hero group. Or at least the two guys were. The girl she'd never seen. She knew all about the two guys. The blonde muscular one was Ryland. Leader, fighter, expert in grappling. The skinnier man with perfectly styled black hair was Rodrick Santiago. No nonsense master of every tool needed for every situation. Both of which could make excellent boyfriends, but finding love was on hold. Not finished, for whatever Kazumi or Julian were saying, just on hold. She just needed to know what it was she really wanted.
"Hey, what's up there?" The girl with the lumps asked, looking at the TV right next to Roxanne. It was playing the message she and the others saw yesterday to the public.
"I'm sorry, are they just giving away the gauntlet?" Rodrick asked.
"It's like a heroism test, probably." Ryland replied quickly. "Seeing as Sandala gave their axe away to help fight the Legion, maybe Fightston wants to do the same thing."
"I thought that some scouting ship stole the axe while Sandala was being invaded."
"I mean, it worked out. And Zach probably wants to repeat the success, you know how he is."
"Well, I think it'll be cool." The girl with them nodded. "Besides, Ryland and I could probably clean out the whole legion with it." Rodrick just sighed at the end of the sentence.
"Look, as long as the winner isn't some legion spy or one of those Battlestorm assholes, I'm fine."
"Gee, thanks."
Caoimhe walked past them as she got her food, also yogurt. Makes sense, it's high quality yogurt. She sat next to Roxanne afterward.
"So, you ready for the first round?" She asked.
"Totally." Roxanne lied.
"That's good." Caoimhe sighed. She knew it was a lie, but whatever. Not like she'd get hurt in some major way. She tried coming up with another conversation topic by glancing around the room. Yogurt? Nah, that's dumb. What kind of moron bases their identity around yogurt? TV shows. They definitely don't have a single show in common. The lumps?
"So, ignoring your own, what's your favourite hero group?"
"I guess…the Stones? Julian seemed to like them."
"The eternal underdogs, huh? Makes sense. What about the Kerobons?"
"The clown ones?"
"Okay, how much do you know about the hero groups?"
Roxanne stopped for a second. "Basically nothing."
"Makes sense. Well, you got this far. Good luck during the weeding process, I guess."
Just as Caoimhe was about to leave, Cutter walked in. He briefly looked around the room, and gave what seemed to be a sign of disbelief. He quickly handed out dark blue noise cancelers to everyone in the room. before flashing a devilish grin. He grabbed a megaphone, and immediately started shouting as loud as he could.
Roxanne and Caoimhe both got texts on their phone.
'whats going on why is cutter yelling' from Julian.
'Tell me why exactly tattoo man is screaming?" from Luca.
'We need to go to the Arena of Death? No clue where that is? Cassandra probably does.'
'Arena of death. Get dressed so we can follow Cutter.'
"Gotta say, dint expect ya to be up 'fore the others." Cutter said to Roxanne as she gave the noise cancellers back.
"Well, a hero's always gotta be up early, right?"
"You'd think." Caoimhe replied calmly.
The others appeared soon afterward. Most of yesterday's important names were up, if slightly grouchy looking. Cutter looked around, nodded to himself, and started whistling a merry tune to himself as he led the early birds to the arena of death.
The Arena of Death was just an ordinary sports stadium. It was bright blue, with nothing to indicate the 'of Death' part of Arena of Death. Not even a black banner draped over the entrance or something. As the competitors entered the reception of the Arena, Zach stood proudly in front of them.
"These the guys, Cutter?"
"Should be." Cutter replied.
"Great job as always. Anyway! And to any newcomers, welcome to the games. Before I explain how this round is gonna work, I need to introduce one more contestant. Introducing the next in line to the Vannana throne, the ever lovely Willow!"
Zach stylishly moved his hand towards the chair Willow was seductively lying upon, where she slowly got up, her countries lance in hand, towards the group.
"Greetings, heroes and other miscellaneous oddities of wonder! I, miss Willow Vannana, have decided to enter the Fightston games, bringing with me the Relic weapon of Vannana."
"Is that also a prize?" The girl with the lumps asked.
"No. My mom is probably planning my murder, and I'd at least like my body to be somewhat identifiable."
"Also should mention, but if you do use a weapon, it's the blunt stuff only. Healers here aren't miracle workers." Cutter interjected quickly, already ready to end Willow's tirade of valour. "Zach, you wanna explain the first round?"
"Certainly, Cutter!" Zach nodded, as peppy as ever. "Put simply, there are over three hundred people here. So, we're putting you in one arena, and having you fight it out. If you get knocked out or put outside the safe zone, you're out! The thirty-two remaining will progress to the next round!"
"Alright, ya got twenty minutes to pick out your weapons and figure out group plans." Cutter interjected. "Now get to it."
The players were shoved into the stadium's field to discuss strategy. In the changing rooms was a selection of training weapons for anyone who needed them. Cassandra took both an axe and a shortsword, just in case.
"You sure you wanna do this, Roxanne?" She asked, looking worried. "I mean, your legs still busted."
"It's not as busted." Roxanne added. "Besides, I need something to work on now that my journey for love is on hold."
"Right." Roxanne gave an uneasy nod.
"Okay, I have an idea." Julian added. "Zach is getting my bear for me, so why not have Roxanne ride it while we protect her, then carry her to the next round? Could buy some time to eliminate a problem for later."
"And then I fight for real in round two?"
"I'll be honest Roxanne, you are getting eviscerated in the second round if this works."
"Hey, I got an idea."
The girl with the Lumps was smirking behind them.
"If you want, I am a wielder. I can boost people's reflexes. So we can work together on this."
"What's in it for you?" Julian asked, crouching down to her level.
"Easy. You think about the main reason the gauntlet is up for grabs? It's probably to lure anyone from the Legion over to steal it. So tell me anyone who looks sus and I'll help you to the next round. We got a deal?"
The three glanced at the girl, her facial expression still unchanging.
"Name's Siena, by the way."
"Didn't even think of the Legion part." Julian whispered as he turned the other two around. "I say we take it."
"But what if she's in the Legion?" Roxanne asked. "She's with the Lumps, and I've never seen her with them before now."
"Well, she's a support, so even if she is with them, cornering and grabbing her shouldn't be too hard." Cassandra added.
"Yeah, we'll take your offer." Julian said with a flourish back towards her, shaking her hand.
"Right!" Cutter yelled in the rooms. "'rena time! Find a spot and stay there!"
The four stood where Julian suggested, just shy of the middle for safety, but also away from where the action will be most intense at the start. The other Lumps joined up with them, not saying much. Cassandra boosted Roxanne onto the bear, just in time for Cutter to barge into the centre.
"Okay, errone ready?" He asked. Without waiting for any answers, the next phrase emerged.
"Round one, begin!"
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anime75 · 1 year ago
SooOOoo, I'm writing a story. And I think y'all will like it. so i'm gonna post a chapter every now and then maybe like once every other day or once a week, I'm not sure but well find out on the way. :D
oh and there is information about the character, it is a Y/N sinario, and it is MHA
Story line,
Name: Y/n Takami
Age: 16-17
Hight: 5’8
Quirk: Wing Lava (WL for short)
Quirk definition: Large light blue wing’s (like their uncle) can turn wing’s into lava and manipulate other parts of the body (skin muscle) but can not add how much stronger they get. Can harden the lava and turn it into obsidian to use and turn it into like a cage, but it can still burn others.
Family: uncle (pro hero hawks)
~Now let’s get on with the story!~
Chapter one: the meeting morning…
You were very young, like six to seven years old. You had gone to live with your uncle, and he just so happened to be a hero. But here’s the reason why…
Your mother and father were not the nicest people you knew, but let’s not go into detail. You only had two other relatives and the people who had taken you from your parents had decided that it would be better for you to live with your uncle since he was more “safe” since your grandmother was still slightly recovering in a way. So there marks the day you went to go live with a newly profound hero.. Hawks, or as you would know him. “Unkle Keigo”. 
5:23 AM Monday…
“Ok Y/n, behave yourself. I understand that you are excited, but this is no way for a child to act.” Your bodyguard/nani Matilda explained to you
“But Nana, I want to look around!” You said in a small whisper shout as she tried to pull you down and keep you from flying around with your quirk or causing some sort of mischief like you always did. Matilda thought that was what made you most like your uncle.
“Not here on the train platform, it’s dangerous  and like I had said before you need to behave so you don’t get the wrong first impression.” She said with a soft smile kneeling down so she could straighten out your (favorite color) jacket and rub a smudge off of your face. (You were wearing a jacket, a light blue t-shirt  underneath with a picture of a dog, and wearing a pair of shorts.) Of course being persistent and not like having her hand on your face you tried to pull away like any kid your age would. 
You and her were waiting to get onto the train so you could meet your uncle at kyushu city. After waiting about two minutes the two of you boarded the train and sat down. You kicked your legs while slightly bopping to the song that played over the train's speakers. It wasn't too crowded, well it made sense it was five in the morning not many people had to be to work or school  till seven. Matilda pulled a small zip lock bag of (preferred snack) out of your backpack which was in her lap.
6:46 AM…
You excitedly got off the train practically dragging your slightly exhausted nani with you. 
“Slow down Y/N.” She asked you, slightly out of breath.  She picked you up so she could keep a better eye on you. After dealing with your shenanigans Matilda started walking out of the train station with you in hand. There was a specific meeting spot that you were to meet Hawks at. After about five to six minutes of walking, you and Matilda made it to a small local  ice cream shop. 
When the two of you walked inside you saw a few people, not a lot of them but a comfortable amount. One of those people was a man with a blond looking hair color almost a spicy mustard color, it was still slightly odd as if it were styled to look a little messy. He was also wearing a black leather jacket and jeans. You could not see his face clearly because he was turned the opposite way you were walking.
Matilda tapped on his shoulder, “Sir, do you happen to be Keigo Takami?” She asked in a polite tone. The man turned around with a smile. He had bright hassle eyes with eyeliner on both sides of them. 
“Yes I am. That means you must be Matilda. Based on the description of what I was told.” He replied happily.
He looked at you. “And that means you must be Y/N.” He said with a bigger smile but the same tone. He seemed to be a very enthusiastic and accepting person from what you could tell. You smiled just as bright and looked at him. Matilda smiled and set you down, she could tell the two of you were definitely related between your similar smiles and fluffy hair, or just your personalities in a way. You and Keigo shared a long needed hug.
 “You look so much bigger than when I last saw you.” Keigo told you with tears of joy in his eyes. Long story short, he had met you just a little while after you were born because his sister had invited him to come meet you, even if they hadn't been very close at the time. 
5:30 P.M
After about an hour of just getting to know Keigo for a little bit Matilda had to leave since you were gonna be staying with your uncle and she now knew he was gonna be a good person for you to grow up as a guardian. 
“Bye Y/N maybe I’ll see you sometime soon.” Matilda said with a big smile while giving you the most warming and comforting hug you could have possibly gotten from her since you met her. And with that she walked back toward the train station. 
And with that you now had a new guardian, but it was just the meeting morning and only the beginning, where will your story lead you and who will you become friends with on the way?
Sorry if it wasn't the best, i'm not always the best at writing, but if you liked it good because there is lots more to come! Love y'all
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theoraclefish · 2 years ago
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A mix of individual short stories that fit into the categories of horror and cosmic horror. All taking place in the same verse across alternate timelines, dimensions, and locations.
Hellish Nest
 This particular tale began during a rather stormy evening. Dark grey clouds clutter the sky, and droplets of water pour from the heavens above, splashing against the dirt and grass like bullets firing out of a machine gun. Powerful gusts of wind shoved the trees with ease, causing them to violently sway, almost snapping due to the sheer force applied to them. The animals, big and small, cower in fear of this display of nature's fury. A powerful surge of electricity fired down from above towards the earth, followed afterwards by a thunderous boom that echoed throughout the land.
 A thick forest consisted of a dark green colour scheme, which was due to the current lack of sunlight. The natural expanse stretched onward for miles on end. Trees acting like umbrellas shielded everyone from the rain, providing what little warmth they could. To best describe the situation at hand, using the words dreadful and gloomy could suffice.
Through this beautiful yet nightmarish scenario, when the sky lit up, a figure with blond hair, blue eyes, a zipped-up black coat, blue jeans, and black sneakers could be seen rushing through the maze of bushes and leaves, using their hands to aggressively swat branches as well as shrubs aside as they rapidly marched forwards, trying to find at least some kind of shelter with preferably four walls and a roof that would allow them to be warm once more; however, they were not having much luck.
They were silent for the most part, aside from the heavy breathing caused by the cold air constantly attacking their bodies as they reacted by shivering and shaking to try and warm themselves up. They may have had some clothing on, but unfortunately, it was still not enough to combat the conditions they were working in.They stopped for a moment and, with a shaky hand, grabbed their phone out of their pocket. It was what people would call a flip phone, and a particularly old one at that. They attempted to turn the phone on several times in a frantic manner to no avail, leading to frustration and anger as they kicked a nearby tree, which caused them to scream on the inside as they did not want to waste their breath by shouting. After a few minutes' break, they continued on their way.
The stranger continued their hopeless trek across the seemingly infinite expanse of this hellish place. They moaned in great annoyance as they remembered how they ended up in this situation. They were simply walking home and thought that going through the forest would act as a shortcut, which was not necessarily the smartest idea, but they nonetheless thought it would work; however, now it is clear that it was a terrible choice.  
They noted how there was a lack of animals, though they swear they saw what seemed to be blood on some plants and trees that they had passed. They merely thought that this was their mind playing tricks on them due to the stress they were experiencing both physically, as they were running out of steam having pushed themselves to try and quickly leave this place, and mentally, due to the many sounds swirling around them, some of which were strangely abstract. They could also feel their bodies quickly succumbing to the cold as they had feelings of malaise, low mood, and muddled thinking.
After what felt like hours upon hours of walking, they finally came upon a clearing.
They stumbled onward and stopped for a moment as they peered at a small brick structure in front of them. It had windows and a door, yet it looked abandoned, with wrappers and bottles littering the floor. The stranger did not want to stay out in this weather, so the seemingly creepy house, or what they assumed to be a home, would have to do, and with that thought, they quickly entered the structure and shut the door behind themselves, causing a loud bang sound. Then they sighed in relief as they finally escaped the horrendous weather of the outside world.
Once they had caught their breath and warmed up 
 little, they finally looked up and around. It was dusty, dirty, and claustrophobic with how close the walls were. 
The stranger had only one direction to go, and that was forward into a long hallway, with dim lights hanging down from the ceiling being the only thing to scare away the darkness. They walked down for a while, as curiosity got the better of them, and came upon a room with several doors; however, these doors were placed along the walls and ceiling, which immediately puzzled the stranger enough that they opened one of the doors and stared down into the abyss, watching the shadows swiftly move as if something was in hiding, which caused the stranger to turn and run back down the hallway they had just come through. As they ran, they heard the tapping of several feet behind them, which caused them to try and run faster. However, every time they would speed up, the amount of sound behind them would also increase to the point where it sounded like something was right on their tail, until they suddenly stopped with a puzzled face as it had become completely silent.
What the hell?"
They turned around and saw nothing behind them. Something was wrong. They swore that something was chasing them and chasing them with some kind of intent; however, they also noticed that the hallway they had just gone down previously was not this long. It was almost like it had increased in length. They turned around, and an expression of absolute confusion covered their faces, as they were now in a room with several dozen doors surrounding them.
"Wait? When did I... Am I dead? Did the weather outside kill me, and this is hell?"
They quickly shrugged off the ridiculous idea they just had, and because they could not go back since there was a wall where the hallway was, they decided to keep going forward, so they placed their hands into their coat pockets and took a deep breath for a moment before choosing one of the hallways at random and slowly making their way onward to whatever was potentially living here. They assumed something was living here, or maybe the house itself was haunted.
They didn't know, but they had to keep going. As they stepped down the hallway cautiously, looking around, they walked into a rather spacious room. The walls, which this entire time had been white, were now covered in splatters of crimson red, which dripped down to the ground. The floor was a black carpet, or at least it felt like a carpet. In the centre of the room was a table with four chairs surrounding it and plastic plates placed upon the table, with several kinds of food just out in the open, seemingly untouched.
The stranger approached the table slowly. 
They pulled their hands out of their pockets and sat on one of the chairs while glancing around and seeing nothing. Normally this would be a rather odd sight, and you would never approach the food; however, it felt like something was calling to the stranger. Guiding them. A gentle and soft voice of persuasion, giving them the illusion of safety. They had not eaten for a while, and with great speed and aggressive action, they grabbed what they could and ate till they could not move.
For a while, they just sat on their chair, now stuffed to the brim, before turning their heads wildly as they heard several sounds akin to the tapping of feet. The same sounds they had heard when they were being chased
They tried to stand but fell right back down upon the seat, both because they were too full and due to a fear that caused the very hairs upon their bodies to stand and their hearts to beat like a drummer going crazy.  Out of the numerous dark hallways surrounding the table approached things with long beaks that opened to reveal fleshy mouths and big black soulless eyes, and overall they resembled birds, or at least something akin to bird masks, as their heads were spherical and white like a skull being revealed to the world.
Their clothing consisted of checkered red and white shirts, blue jeans, white dresses, belts, and other items that, while the stranger recognised what they were, also seemed to be quite old in terms of style. The crowd of whatever these things were approached the stranger.
Closer and closer they got. Now touching him and feeling him with their inhumanly long fingers and razor-sharp nails. Staring and chirping, or at least making unfathomably alien-like sounds that the stranger could not decipher. After a few moments, the crowd stepped back; they all gathered on one side of the table, which gave the stranger the opportunity to leap right over the table to the opposite side of the creatures and rush down one of the hallways. The stranger pushed their legs to the limit. They did not want to stop. Stopping would likely mean death.
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! What the hell is this freaky place?"
As the stranger ran, they could hear the loud footsteps and animalistic screams of rage that the creatures emitted. The hallway had many confusing twists and turns that the stranger would narrowly miss, attempting to keep their momentum so as not to slow down and be ravaged by the tsunami of nightmare fuel behind them. Unfortunately, it seemed their fate was sealed as they ran back into the room with the table, chairs, and endless hallways.
"What the fu-"
Before they could even finish their sentence, their bodies were slammed into the ground as their clothes were torn to shreds.
Powerful bites ripped through the skin and crunched on bones as the stranger screamed and screamed until only silence and crimson-red floors were left. The creatures then crawled, walked, and sprinted into their twisted hallways full of shadow and mystery, where the very laws of physics were distorted into a trap for the unsuspecting.
The creatures, as a family of flesh, starvation, and predatory nature, pass a window, and outside is shown a group of people ranging from kids to adults who approach the entrance of the building, seeing it as a shelter from the storm. However, they are none the wiser as to the threat that hides and waits for their prey to enter, so they can feast once more.
The dark calling
Darkness. There is a lack of light in the surroundings, with a single, small, brick-constructed structure with several windows, a door, and a garden at the front of the building with a door that leads inside. This was a house. A lonely house. The house was oozing with dread as silence ruled supreme. A few minutes later, several lights would spring to life both inside the home and outside, revealing numerous trees with strong trunks and lively green leaves, which in a way took away from the eerie aura of the home in the middle of the greenery. The door used to enter the home swung open with a surprisingly aggressive amount of force, as a man of great stature gripping what looked like a shotgun would glance around before stepping into the garden and spitting onto the floor. His expression was one of rage, with a clenched jaw, furrowed brows, and reddened skin.
The sound of a snapping branch alerted him and caused him to spin to his left, hold up his gun, and fire it towards some trees with a few bushes covering anything in his sight. The loud sound of the bullets being fired was quickly reduced to silence a few moments later as the man stared towards the trees and bushes. He just shot me with a look of confusion, curiosity, and a drop of fear.
"God damn raccoons. I`ll send you all to hell."
Slowly he approached the area he had just shot, and with a slow but careful approach, he stepped through the bushes and now stepped out of the range of the lights and into the shadowy unknown. He could now feel something slimy, sharp, and rough making its way up his leg as his bones were individually broken and his skin was punctured all over. 
He let out an anguished screan before trying to inch his way forward, unsure of which direction he was moving, before falling over onto the floor as dust and dirt entered his mouth. He was losing his strength as every second passed and his eyes started to shut, as all he could see was his red blood spewing out his body as what could only be described as a deer with the body of the devil approached in a humane yet twisted and utterly impossible manner and with a sinister stare.
The man succumbed shortly thereafter to his wounds. The man was never found, and the only evidence of his experience was his blood, which was spewed all over the place within the forest and was found by a family of four that decided to have a walk and coincidentally came across the horrid sight.
This and a dozen other incidents came to be known as the cases of natural neutralisation," as the people were always killed whilst surrounded by trees, bushes, plants, etc., as well as the fact that the bodies always ended up disappearing with only their blood being left behind as evidence of their horrendous encounters, for which the police unfortunately had no leads as to why it was happening and could only come to the conclusion that a serial killer was on the loose.
Laughter of the Clouds
Matt chuckled to himself as he walked down the empty street. He was thinking about the chaos his friends were likely up to, as they could never just have a simple and relaxing time. He had passed by at least a dozen tall streetlamps that emitted bright, powerful lights that kept the darkness at bay and kept his gaze away from them because the light was honestly too much for his poor eyes, which began to struggle in their presence.
It was a rather pleasant night. a slight breeze, but not too cold. Currently, he has a rather casual outfit consisting of a grey jacket, a white shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of blue sneakers. He had his hands placed within the jacket's pockets, as he just felt comfortable doing so. He quickly glanced around before staring forward, and this glancing was just to make sure nothing freaky was happening after all. The darkness was both a clamouring and terrifying force.
He knew he was getting closer to home as he had noticed a few cars that were usually parked in certain spots acting akin to landmarks, allowing him to know he was close to the safety of the four walls he had known well since childhood. Matt stopped for a moment to look over at a group consisting of 3 men and 2 women, all laughing and likely drunk, as could be seen by the wavey nature of their walking. Matt watched as they walked, or really stumbled, down the opposite street, and he was about to continue on his way when suddenly the sound of something heavy hitting the ground alerted him. He looked down, seeing one of the people he had just witnessed walking away.
He himself was about to freak out before a strange, soothing voice within his head echoed, and the thought of this situation being strange dissipated just as fast as it had come. He simply stepped over the man and continued walking, unaware of the blood slowly making its way onto the pavement.
Matt got home, had a shower, and got changed. He got into bed and slept as if nothing odd had happened today; however, this was only the beginning of the truly bizarre events that were to come.
The Human Shape
It was a bright summer day. Clear skies and gentle breezes. The temperature could only be described as high as sweat emanated off the bodies of those walking, jogging, talking, and going on with their day. It was all perfectly mundane. Yes, a normal day.
That's what Ben, a 22-year-old teaching assistant in casual clothing with brown eyes, black hair, and pale skin, thought before he turned his head around and stared directly at the man he had just passed and got a glimpse of those wide, bulging eyes only a cartoon character could possess.
He rubbed his eyes and told himself that maybe he was just delirious. After all, he was particularly tired today, as he had been hanging out with an old friend who was quite energetic, which was the opposite of himself.
He looked away from the man and continued walking home.
"Yeah. I was just seeing things. Haha. I should sleep more."
While on his way, he had to walk down an alleyway that did not look appealing, but it was the shortest route home. He quickly walked down the alleyway, trying his best to avoid the numerous pieces of garbage littering the ground, then suddenly stopped.
What was that?"
He thought to himself before turning around and seeing nothing in sight. He stared for a good few seconds before continuing to walk once more.
Maybe it was that strange individual from earlier? Then again, maybe I'm just being paranoid."
Nearing the end of the alleyway, Ben would start to sprint as the noise from earlier was now louder than before and seemed to be multiplying, which forced Ben into a fight or flight response, which he chose. As soon as he reached the door to his home, he grabbed the keys out of his pocket, rushed inside through the door, and closed it behind himself, making sure that it was effectively locked.
Once he knew it was, he would sigh in relief. However, about a minute or two later, he could hear something seemingly heavy crashing against his door with rageful might, causing Ben to step back from the door.
After a while, whatever that was would stop. Ben was shaken and could barely stand as he walked into the living room and fell straight onto his blue couch.
What the hell was that? A bear? Wait, no, that's stupid. Why would a bear just randomly attack me? The real question is why I would think a bear would be out here at all."
As he pondered the situation, he heard knocking coming from a nearby window. Now, really, after what he had just witnessed, he should not go anywhere near the window, but morbid curiosity got the better of him, and he cautiously approached the window and pulled the curtains that were covering it aside.
That's when the colour drained from his face as he saw the man from earlier, or more appropriately, the creature from earlier, but now it really was a monster as it had the man's face and body but with six arms in total, eight rubbery-like legs, and a plethora of eyes across its body.
The thing spoke with a human voice that was distinctly deep.
Sorry for bothering. I noticed you were looking at me earlier, and so I thought you would like to talk face-to-face."
In response, Ben did not say anything but vigorously shake his head from side to side.
"Oh….how unfortunate. I thought we could be civil, but I guess manners are now off the table."
The creature said before that one of its long, rubbery, blackish legs would spear itself through the window, and glass shards fell behind Ben, who was now rushing out of the living room and up the stairs in a panic.
"I love tag!'
The creature said this before darting around and out of the living room and then crawling its way up the stairs.
"Run. Run. Little human run."
The creature tauntingly spouted as Ben tripped and turned as one of the creature's legs pierced his stomach and blood spewed out.
"Awww. The game is already over?
The next morning, Ben exited his home and locked the door behind himself. It was another great day, as suggested by the magnificent sky and radiant heat. Ben's green eyes were full of energy; his black hair, which, while a mess, still looked half decent; and his pale skin, which made him look sickly, were still the same as ever.
"Ah. Joyous life."
He mentioned it with a slightly deep voice before he started walking.
The end Is the beginning.
 Steel titans that once peaked beyond the heavens are now a meagre sight as they lay upon the ground in a position of dust, agony, and misery. Sharp shards are scattered everywhere, waiting for those who dare to walk in their direction. A great emptiness was found in this dilapidated prison, which they once called a city.
Shortly, a few light taps could be heard, and out of one of the dark endless alleyways, a youngish woman in her 20s with short blond hair, a dark green trench coat, a white turtleneck shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of raggedy white sneakers would show herself as the light of the sun grazed her being and made her shine like a star. She was quite as she quickly crouched down behind a wall and watched in the distance as a small brick structure was toppled. As soon as it looked clear, she quickly made her way into an establishment with chairs, tables, lights, and a counter, where on one of the walls was a list of different kinds of coffee for certain prices.
It`s been a while since I've seen one of these."
She said this before snapping back to reality and remembering she was on an important mission to gather supplies and get back home before she was discovered. She quickly scoured the area for any sort of resource, from cups to paper to anything else she could get her hands on, and then turned before stopping.
Her heart started to beat like a drummer who had too much sugar as she slowly looked upwards towards the ceiling, then looked back down towards the entrance of the establishment, and with careful consideration, she moved lightly, getting closer and closer before once again stopping and ducking under one of the square-like windows as a long, lanky, and rather pale hand slipped into the store, and the unknown woman looked up, making sure to avoid the thing above her with all her might.
She then waited, as that was all she could do, and sure enough, eventually she heard the loud steps getting further and further away. She popped her head up so she could just about see the outside world and caught a glimpse of the multiple-armed, multiple-legged, and multiple-headed thing known as a Dreaded.
The woman relaxed slightly and sighed in relief before quickly getting herself back on track and leaving the building, making sure nothing was around to surprise her. She rushed all the way to a rather dirty-looking door, which was the entrance of a metal shelter of some kind, which she entered, and once she was inside, a few footsteps could be heard as a whole host of individuals gathered around her.
Did you manage to get anything useful?"
One of the people said before the woman would speak, "Just the usual."
The people sighed and sat back down on the floor, chairs, and whatever they had that could be used as a seat. Someone approached the woman.
We really need to figure something out, Amy. We are running out of resources quickly."
Amy, the one we had been following this entire time, would also sigh as a guilty look plagued her face.
"I know. I know. "It looks like we will have to take a risk and move."
A look of shock appeared on the face of the man who was talking to Amy before it changed into one of understanding and concern.
"Alright. We`ve survived this long thanks to you, so I'll trust you and will make sure everyone is ready to go."
Amy nodded.
"Thanks Finn."
Survival station
Part 1: The Present
The hallways were dark, silent, and slippy. Every now and then, a slight shift from left to right would take place, as if something was bobbing in the sea and the wind was blowing in different directions with constant change.
Any exploration would cause a sense of discomfort, almost as if something was not quite right. Chairs, desks, and equipment sprawled all over the place, and doors were sealed tight or manually kept shut, with large objects being placed behind the doors, allowing no one to enter the rooms.
After a while, several squeaks could be heard, and once you turned around, in sight was a tiny, furry, and unassuming squirrel. With a nut in hand and a peaceful stare, yet more squeaks could be heard, and before you knew it, you were surrounded.
A single thought is now bubbling to the surface.
They're not peaceful.
Part 2: The Past
The earth had long been reduced to a broken, radiated, and contaminated world whose resources had been dwindling for a while now. The humans now lay in fear and despair, as if waiting for the inevitable end to come. If history had taught them anything, it was that they should not have repented, for the consequences were dire.
No matter what the genius scientists said, every day presented more problems than the last, and the law was all but a joke as people ravaged and committed unspeakable acts both for survival and out of confidence that justice would not be served. It was quickly found out that there was a quick solution to the situation, and that was by releasing yourself from the solution, even if it meant being selfish and hurting those you love.
In the end, an idea was brought to fruition.
Get the best people humanity has to offer and send them to the stars. An unknown amount of time passed, and now humans, along with squirrels, which were the only animals left, were now drifting in the endless void of space.
The plan was that these humans in space could survive and thrive, potentially coming up with a way to save everyone on earth, or they could at least survive the ordeal and repopulate the planet if they needed to, as this wasn't an event where love was needed but a crucial time when action must be taken.
One thing about space, however, is that sometimes the problem is not the objects floating around, but the people who make unfortunately terrible choices. A man named
Fred Barns decided to feed the squirrels, who were in their own room, contained in a cage of sorts.
Fred somehow managed to cut himself, and his blood was mixed in with the food the squirrels were eating.
Fred then left after feeding the squirrels. Unknown to him was the fact that the squirrels had now found their new favourite taste, which was the taste of human blood. 
 Fred returned after a while to check on the squirrels, so he entered the room and opened the cage once he was sure they could not escape.
A single squirrel stared at Fred, to which Fred smiled, thinking the little fellow was cute. Which was true until he realised it was digging through his stomach as red seeped out and his screams roared as he used his hands to swat the squirrels away and fell onto the floor, being quickly devoured by the creatures he once thought were his friends.
Obviously, the screaming by Fred got the rest of the crow to come check out the situation, and their faces showed horror beyond their wildest thoughts. The best decision would have been to shut the squirrels out of the room and then figure out what to do calmly, but instead panic erupted.
The crew ran as the squirrels were following and quickly closed the gap between the two. The humans thought there would not be any problems in space that they'd need a weapon for and so brought nothing, which now turned out to be a mistake.
The humans attempted to fight back by using the proficient technique of grabbing the squirrel and watching it splat as they slammed the squirrels against any surface that was available. The squirrels, however, proved to be too much, becoming akin to a tidal wave of gluttony, and soon enough, human life was eradicated.
The squirrels then proceeded to ruin the engines and equipment of the ship by simply believing everything to be a nut due to their rations having run out, leading to the destruction of the ship. The lights are now gone, the thrusters are now causing the ship to slightly weave from side to side, and red is now converting the floor and walls.
Part 3: The Future
As it turns out, no one was able to ever communicate with the space station that contained humans in space; however, the most horrific yet intriguing part was that if anyone ever somehow reached the station and entered, all they would find were squirrels, and after all, squirrels would never be a threat. Right? Adorable creatures are all they are.
There was only me.
Mac Mcdonald. A man of poor upbringing who has worked hard his whole life. He has a beautiful family of his own, which consists of his wife and their son, Tom McDonald. His hard work has paid off as he has risen through the ranks of the military he works for and is now tasked with a special job, which to him means he is now recognised as being at the top of the list. He walked out a green door, as behind him the building he was just in would shrink into the form of a dark grey cube, which he picked up and passed to a person in a white coat akin to the outfit of a scientist.
"I'm ready."
Mac said to the person who took the cube, and in response to his words, they nodded.  Mac started walking straight on. The current environment was one of sand and heat. A desert where usually nothing of real significance happens; however, today that was about to change as he was about to enter the structure known as Clockwork.
"Remember Mac. This is a chance to build up our reputation even further."
He said to himself to keep his eyes on the prize and make sure he was focused on the goal he had in mind. Eventually Mac would stop before a large wooden door, and above said door was a large clock that moved anti-clockwise. This clock was the reason this massive structure that had a door was called Clockwork.
"I was told to simply wait? Is that really all?"
A few moments after he spoke, the large wooden door would open outward, and without even realising it, Mac was now inside. Immediately, he noted there were many walls set up in a maze-like pattern.
As strange as this is, there doesn't seem to be much."
Mac heard something and turned, seeing what could only be described as himself standing just outside the entrance, and they seemed to mouth something; however, what Mac realised too late was that the doors were slowly closing as he sprinted with all his might, but unfortunately crashed into the wooden frame and fell backwards.
He was not told that anything like this would happen, and he attempted several times to push open the door to no avail. He turned around, and with the little amount of light that just seems to defy physics by somehow existing even though there is no way for light to enter this large structure, he would sigh.
I've got to keep calm. I would`ve brought weapons, but I was told not to by those damn comrades of mine. Maybe this is all a prank? But then again, that does not seem to be the case. There has to be an exit somewhere. Right?"
Mac started walking as he followed along the dull walls and came upon twists and turns every few minutes. Walking and walking were all that he could do until he stopped.
"Hang on. How long has it been now? I feel like a few hours have already passed, but I don't really feel hungry or tired. While that may be a good thing, I cannot help but think that the shadows just outside my sight are moving. Are they moving? Am I moving? Yes. Maybe?"
He took a moment to breathe and calm down before walking once more. As time passed, he felt that the light itself was getting dimmer and that the darkness was reaching towards him. He thought about his family, but something was strange. At the start of this entire thing, he thought he had a perfect family; however, he now realised that his obsession with his job, rankings, and all that stuff may have clouded his mind and that he had not been spending enough time with his family.
"I….was foolish."
He said this as he dropped to the floor. Suddenly, in front of him, a beam of light fired outward, and he saw himself walking into the building. It seemed he had reached the entrance once more.
"....I see."
He made his way just outside the now-opened entrance and was now acting out what he had seen at the start.
"I'm sorry. This is for your own good."
He mouthed to himself before the door shut. Once back at headquarters, he explained the situation and then quit his job, as he had decided to spend more time with the family he was not taking care of as he should have.
Some say clockwork is purgatory in the physical world, while others argue it's a place where you are given another look at yourself and a chance to repent, but in the end, they are all theories.
To discover God
Walking through the desert Painful heat and dusty surroundings. John continued to walk, no matter the situation. His colleague, Greg, was also walking beside him. They were both wearing clothing that would provide them with protection against their harsh surroundings, though it was indeed still extremely uncomfortable.
How long till we arrive?"
John asked Greg without turning towards him but still marching onward.
We are close. Very close."
Greg replied calmly as they both came upon a stone structure akin to a cave, yet it felt unnatural and ominous. There was a human-sized entrance, which both Greg and John entered as they fought the fear they felt within.
It was dark inside and felt far more spacious than the outside would have suggested. A few moments later, suddenly, light would generate itself in the middle of the spacious room, which was entirely empty.
"I don't understand. Where is the light coming from?"
John asked confusingly, as there were no windows or sources for this light to appear from, yet it was here nonetheless, as if this were a natural thing that could just happen.
"It doesn't matter. We are finally here."
Both John and Greg slowly made their way to the middle of the room where the light was floating, stood a few inches away, and just observed as they were unsure what to do at the moment.
Is this it? This is god?"
John said it again, confused, and Greg did not reply and instead continued to intensely stare at the light.
After five or so minutes on the ground below the light, a fleshy cube of eyes, arms, legs, and hair levitated up into the light, devouring it whole as the cube itself began to glow a bright purple.
Both John and Greg were silent as they continued to watch the events unfold.
Soon the arms of the cube, which was currently the size of a basketball, latched onto Greg and John as they felt their bodies increase in heat as their legs, then their arms, and finally the rest of their bodies began to melt and swarm around the cube, which then moulded the flesh of the two people into what could only be described as crimson wires that drilled into the ground and spread out across the land and across the globe through water and lave. After about an hour, it had successfully spread its roots to every part of the world.
A few days later, within the centre of Russia, a being rose to its feet. It towered above everything, with molten liquid spewing out of its body and thunderous storms ravaging the land.
In the centre of Brazil, out on the ground came a large number of large, 12-legged, 3-headed, and sharp-clawed dog- or wolf-like creatures that tore every living thing to shreds.
Within the centre of Canada, spawned from thin air, were the stuff of nightmares. An army of humans with different animal parts, strangely shaped bodies, and enough strength as well as speed to mow down all hostile and non-hostile beings, though they could also infect others by touching flesh and morphing targets into the creatures that were attacking them.
Australia was frozen into a palace of winter as creatures with humanoid bodies that possess long fingers, several mouths, and icy thorns growing out of their backs spew a blue gas out of their mouths and eyes, which quickly freezes anything it comes into contact with.
Over the weeks of carnage, it seemed these creatures were all moving across the world while heading towards the point of origin, where the mysterious thing that started this massacre was.
To dream of Colour
Carl used his shoulder to ram through the door, which swung open, as he quickly sprinted through and up the stairs, immediately heading through the only door that was open and screaming as he made his way through.
The first thing he saw was a puddle of black and white liquid on the floor next to the bed, which expanded and faded away as if it never existed in the first place. There was a moment of silence as Carl stood in the doorway, and soon it became a roaring rage as Carl slammed his arms against the walls and bed, threw the pillows around, and finally ended up as a sobbing mess on the floor.  Torturous thoughts of his failure to save his friend constantly fired throughout his mind, and eventually everything faded to black as he shut down from the tremendous grief.
The next morning came, or what could only be assumed to be morning with the lack of light, but it was quite hard to tell. Carl awakened from his slumber and rose to his feet. He slowly stumbled his way back out the door, down the stairs, and out the entrance of the house. He sat about 20 feet away from the building and laid against an angelic tree of pristine white colouring.
"Again. It happened again."
Carl glanced over at the other houses, both big and small. They once held magical memories, but now items were scattered about and the land was overgrown. This sight was the final straw, and Carl knew he had to leave. It may not be better out there in the wider world, but hanging about and wallowing in despair won't get him anywhere either.
He quickly walked over and into his humble abode and packed what he could into his black and originally leather backpack, which from the bottom dripped black liquid. Carl walked in front of a mirror that reflected a person of two colours, the primordial black and white. He stared blankly at the glass and felt an intense yearning to throw his fist and shatter the damn thing, but he calmed himself down and walked out of the structure, which he had been calling home for many years now.
 He spoke in a sombre tone towards his home before turning his back on it and walking. He walked past the grassy roundabout that had been near the homes for many years and did not speak as he continued to walk onward.
He noted that there was an abundance of garbage, plant life, and many puddles of black and white liquid spilled across the pavement. This was another reminder of what had happened only a year ago when that thing tore the sky apart and stole all the colours of the universe besides black and white. Yes. Some thought it was a prank, a movie, or just ignored it, but soon it became quite clear that peace was not something that thing had in mind, and soon the world went mad and the reality we once knew had become a nightmarish fiction.
Along with itself, that thing also brought along its children or its soldiers; honestly, even now, it's difficult to tell what they mean to it. One thing is certain, however: the things that it brought were not friendly and were always hungry.
He stopped in his tracks suddenly. He was near a few stores, and cars littered the area. 
He snuck over, bent down, and hid behind a rather small car. He peeked around the corner and saw three adult lion-sized creatures that had eight legs, four arms on the sides of their bodies, and a head that was a circular shape with mouths dotted across the surface.
The things were composed of a black mass, and a black liquid dripped from their very beings. They were currently viciously biting down on what seemed to be 2 or 3 people, and Carl watched horrified and felt guilt as there was nothing he could do.
He would pass by the creatures quietly as they happily had their meal.
"This was it."
He thought to himself that this was what the end looked like.
To burn from the unknown
At approximately 3:47 p.m. in Canada, a bizarre event occurred. Across the country's landscape, several 300-metre-tall, or 984-foot-high, shiny metallic rods crashed down into the earth and stationed themselves without any kind of feasible pattern. There was no structure constructed or any form of attack. The government had no clue what was happening. This could be some kind of attack, or really anything; there were no clues as to what was happening. After a few hours, the bottom of the rods on all four sides began to make an electronic sound of unknown origins and started to climb up the sides, eventually reaching the middle, ending with the rod firing a wave of heat outward that travelled for miles.
A few more hours passed, and the rods were emitting a short but intense amount of heat as forests, homes, and really anything and everything set on fire out of the blue. Animals mindlessly ran around, some of which ran into the fires, and others started to eat humans and animals alike in a state of frenzy. The people attempted to get into cars, planes, and boats in order to escape; however, all the vehicles refused to start as the fires grew across the land and consumed all life.
Usually you`d think help would be on the way, but for the outside world, Canada looked and acted fine, as if a powerful illusion were fooling the planet. What were these rods? Why were they doing this? Where would one even find the answers?
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preciouslandmermaid · 2 years ago
| costumes | carmy x reader
Note: All kinktober content is mature/explicit. Fics will be posted on Tumblr first, then transition over to ao3. All fics will be reader/canon-character with no use of Y/N. I will do my best to include additional warnings, but most should be self explanatory in the prompts.
prompt: Masks/Costumed Sex | pairing: Carmy Berzatto/f!reader | warnings: explicit sexual content. (+unstated but reader is on birth control/creampie)
Bonus Note: Took a while for me to figure out what costume’s everyone was gonna wear. Now we are here. This fic is set in the future/post-canon. Established relationship between Reader/Carmy. I’m sorry Carmy couldn’t be more dressed up/wearing an actual mask. He just…he’s not that GUY, you know? Also, yes, this is a NGHYB Universe Fic. 
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The Bear signed up to be one of the many businesses that handed out Halloween candy for kids. Your bakery didn’t join simply because you were already swamped with orders of cakes that looked like spiders and ghoulish cupcakes. Now, Carmy didn’t tell his people to dress up, but you can already see from a distance that Richie is in costume. He’s wearing a brown jumpsuit and what appears to be a vacuum strapped onto his back.
You grin, approaching him from across the street, “Ghostbusters, Richie? Really?”
“Uh.” Richie looks at you like you’ve just said the stupidest question in the world, “Yeah, duh.”
The candy table’s cheap and flimsy orange plastic tablecloth flutters in the crisp, autumnal wind. A cursory glance reveals that there’s a QR code to learn about their menu along with a sign-up sheet for emails. Your grin widens. This has to be Syd’s handiwork. The cooler of neon-green liquid, however, is clearly Carmy’s with a hand drawn sign that says ‘Ecto-Cooler’.
“Also, you can’t say shit about my costume.” Richie says, brimming with annoyance, “What are you? A fucking cat?”
“What gave it away?” You ask sarcastically, “The drawn-on whiskers or the ears?” You tug on the hem of your black turtleneck. A little low-effort compared to Richie’s—but you worked with what you had in short notice.
“Neither.” His grin is quick and sardonic, “You’ve got a cat-like attitude about you.”
“Your meaning?” You can already guess where Richie is going with this. He’s either going to call you a pussy, and throw Carmy’s name in there, or call you high maintenance.  
Fak exits the Bear with a fistful of glowsticks, “Don’t listen to him.” He’s wearing a stringy, two-dollar black wig that keeps getting into his eyes, a white t-shirt under a black vest, and a red sweater tied around his waist. Another 80’s movie character. You can’t help but wonder what Carmy’s wearing.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say!” Richie shouts, “You’re just being a little bitch ‘cuz I didn’t wanna dress up as Bill.”
“I am not!” Fak says while cracking glowsticks and taping them to the Bear’s doorframe. “It is a little weird to be dressed as Ted without Bill though, you know.”
Richie laughs, “Oh my God!” He gestures at Fak with a flat hand, “Here we go again! See?!”
You use this opportunity of their bickering to slip around the back and head into the Bear through the backdoor.
You find Carmy in his office, bathed in the warm orange-light, and you stop a little short in your tracks. He’s got…product in his hair…and slicked it back away from his face, shiny and clean. His jeans are cuffed at the bottom and a rumpled, red windbreaker with the collar popped hugs his frame. His head is bent over—what you assume is an invoice—while his outstretch hand scribbles notes onto a large yellow legal-pad of paper.
You search your brain for classic 80’s movies based on Richie and Fak’s costumes. You think your presumption is wrong, but you try for it anyway.
“Hmm.” You clear your throat and Carmy looks up, “Marty McFly?”
His eyebrows leap in surprise, “James Dean.”  At your blank expression, he adds, "In rebel without a cause."
“Carmy!” You laugh, “There’s no way any of the kids are gonna know that.” You drop yourself onto his lap, winding your arms around his neck, and press a quick and affectionate kiss to his temple. You catch the corner of his soft, quiet smile with your mouth.
In the months of dating, Carmy has softened. He’s a little more eager to let you in, to share his troubles, or apologize in the moments when he’s being non-communicative. Now, you’re not exactly Girlfriend-of-the-Year, either. But you’re figuring it out together, navigating the landmines of past trauma and stumbling your way into building something with strong, foundational roots.
His warm palm slides up the slit of your long, black, and flowing skirt and caresses your thigh. You realize offhandedly that you had instinctively shut the door when you came in. Your lips meet his and gladly open for the stroke and playful tease of his tongue. You resist the urge to run your fingers through his hair—not wanting to ruin the obvious effort he put in—and you settle for clutching the stiff, red collar of his windbreaker.
His office chair squeaks beneath your combined weight, Carmy leans back, nudging your legs apart so you’re sitting with his thigh wedged between them, and your toes touching the floor. His lips move to your jaw, suckling sweetly, and your spine arches with a familiar, heady sensation traveling to your core.
“Carmy, we’re gonna have kids outside in like thirty minutes.” You remind him.
Your hand comes to his throat, just under his jaw, and feels his strong pulse beneath the pads of your fingers.
He huffs, chuckling against your wet skin, “Don’t be too loud then.” He teases.
His hands come to settle on your ass. He pulls you closer, then pushes back, wordlessly guiding you to grind on his leg. You sigh happily and let your eyes roll back. Carmy’s lips on your neck, hands on your waist, and your cunt rubbing against the rough fabric of his jeans—separated only by the thin fabric of your underwear and the even-thinner fabric of your skirt. Once your grinding against him, he shoves both his hands up your shirt, and bunches the fabric above your breasts. A trail of goosebumps rise in the wake of his palms, touching the cool air of his office, and contrasted warmth of his hands.
He tugs the cup of your bra down and laves his tongue across your nipple. You catch a whine in your throat. You might’ve closed the door, but you don’t think it’s locked.
He breathes against you, “Yeah?” His tongue flicks over your erect, pebbled nipple and gently tugs it between his teeth. The action sends a firework of sparks along your skin and your knuckles flare in the tense grip around his shoulders.
“Mhm.” With your verbal encouragement, he repeats the ministration on your other nipple, leaving the other to prickle with the cool air mixed with Carmy’s saliva. You push your hand between your bodies, sliding down Carmy’s pristine white shirt, and palm the front of his jeans. His hard, straining cock twitches against your hand. He makes a desperate, filthy noise in the back of his throat.
You love him so goddamn much it makes your entire body shudder. You capture his mouth, panting against his tongue and teeth, close to coming just through grinding like a teenager at a drive-in movie. You continue to cup and caress his cock through the tight, rough fabric of his jeans, and Carmy willingly spreads his legs wider—even though space is limited on his squeaky, metal office chair. It’s enough to make you dizzy.
“Carmy,” You gasp with pure want. “I need you inside me right fucking now.”
He doesn’t even balk at your demanding, needy tone. Secretly, you think he might like it with how he’s able to unravel your control and composure. You disentangle from the seat and collect the long skirt, bunching the flowing fabric around your hips, and Carmy’s makes a short, strangled noise as you bend over his desk.
You glance over your shoulder and see that he’s removing the red windbreaker. He notices your raised eyebrow.
“It’s vintage.” He explains quickly while hanging it on the door.
You snort and roll your eyes, “Of course it is.”
Carmy’s hands rest on your waist and he squeezes your ass tenderly, “Ready for me?”
“God, yes, please.” You rasp, “Hurry.”
There’s a rustle of fabric, your underwear is pushed to the side, and Carmy’s breath hitches—somewhere between a gasp and a groan—his finger grazes across your slick folds. You nearly snap at him again, beg him to hurry up, to fill you but then the tip of Carmy’s cock is right where you need him. He pushes into you slowly. You choke on your moan. Your hands clutching nothing but boring paperwork on his desk. The papers crumple beneath your palms when Carmy draws out, the ridges of the head of his cock rubbing deliciously along your walls, before he slams back into your cunt.
“Fuck!” You suddenly shout.
Carmy laughs, “Shh!”
He fucks you with singular, focused purpose. His hands hold your hips, your legs spread wide, as his cock pounds into you. You can feel the soft, faint touch of his balls when he buries himself deep and then pulls out. His breathing is hoarse and erratic. Each stroke is driving you close to madness and provoking hushed, pleased mewls from your bitten lips. You rock and thrust against him, your ass hitting his pelvis, making his cock hit something deep and primal inside your cunt. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the tiny, quiet office combined with his restrained, depraved grunts.
His hand slides between your legs and finds your slick and swollen clit, “Mm- fuck.” He says lowly. He plays with you, his index and middle fingers moving in a rapid concentric motion, sending your heartrate into overdrive. You collapse, unable to hold yourself upright, and pillow your head onto your arms.
For a lucid moment—you consider how you look and how someone would see you if they happened to walk in. Your shirt is still bunched up over your collarbones, your tits spilled out from your bra and rubbing against the bills and invoices, your skirt rucked up around your waist while your boyfriend ploughs into you over his desk. It’s like a scene from a porn flick.
You glance over your shoulder and discover Carmy lost in the throes of passion. His face cherry-red and sweaty, the lower muscles of his abdomen flexing (when did he toss his shirt? Is it vintage too?), his lower lip trapped beneath his teeth as he holds back his moans. That’s what sends you over the edge. Carmy, all hot and bothered, burying himself into you as if he’ll die if he doesn’t.
Your entire face scrunches as your orgasm hits and tears spring to your eyes. Your legs tremble and you’re grateful for the stability of the desk under you. Your walls clench around Carmy’s cock, tight and pulsing, and his thrusts stutter. He sheathes himself deep into you and comes with one of his hands clamped over his mouth. You press your lips together, swallowing your own cry of release and pleasure, especially after feeling him come inside you and feeling how his cock swells and twitches inside you.
“Fuck.” Carmy sighs languidly.
You fix your top with a smile, “Yeah, you said it.” You shove a few tissues in your underwear to stop his cum from leaking out before you can reach the bathroom and adjust your skirt. “Meet you outside in a few?”
Carmy blinks, as if in a daze, and your heart flips at his Just-Fucked expression. You lean over, kissing his cheek, because you can’t resist not showering him in physical affection. That helps him snap out of it and his smile is brighter than Rockefeller Center at Christmas.
“Y-y-eah,” He swallows, “Take your time.”
Before you can leave, however, he grabs your elbow and kisses you. It’s a slow and gentle kiss—sweet as rain during a drought—and he mutters a quiet, “Love you, “ on your lips.
Richie looks at you and his grin widens dangerously. “You’re missing a few whiskers, kitten.”
You check your reflection the Bear’s window and grimace at the smudged whiskers and your clumped mascara. “Shut the fuck up, Richie.”
For good measure, you throw a Snickers at him, and it hits him square in the chest.
TAG LIST: I’m sorry, I forgot to tag people LMAO - 10/20/22
@wittyno  // @comfortwaterbottle // @guyfieriii // @thebearinmind
@lafantasiaworld  // @imreadingrespectfully // @jotarosasscheek // @buzzfrill // @man-johnnie // @reesespieces10123 // @a-wake-and-unafraid //  ))  
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