#also ofc i got over the crush years ago. i regret it a bit i mean not the feeling i guess bc u cant regret honest things like that but i
juniestar · 11 months
I feel like one of my friends is being weird with me but I’ve got no proof all I know is I asked her for another friend’s number (someone I haven’t spoken to in 4 yrs 😟) and she stopped texting me back and liking my posts. Which could be entirely incidental like it should just be entirely incidental but I am getting a weird vibe
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lavender-lotion · 4 years
3, 4, 16 (DON'T say cherik), 22, 28
oh my god i absolutely hate you for asking me these aha you’re my favourite person in the entire world 
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
to date, it’s been X-Men (alt timeline movies, ofc) despite the rocky beginning I had. in this fandom I’ve learned so much about my own writing, and my writing style has grown SO greatly since I first joined and has taken shape into... well whatever the hell it is now, which is something I really like (most of the time)!
I fairly quickly created a small, tight circle of people I really enjoy being around in this fandom, and have since cultivated my own little fandom space that I really, really enjoy. it’s filled with people I love chatting with, people as open-minded as accepting as I am, and it’s a place that I strive to make feel welcoming for all who join, as well! I run an 18+ X-Men Alternative Timeline Movies focused discord, so if you’re interested, join us here! 
I am trying to branch back out into The Fandom a little more after feeling a type of way for some time, and I’m honestly enjoying that a lot too! it’s been interesting to follow some more folk, and I’m really happy to see my dash start to thicken up after being close to barren for so long. 
currently, I have a small group of close friends I care a great deal for (hi, Mid!) that has absolutely made this fandom into one of the best i’ve been involved in. 
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
very very very simplified and slightly unture answer: no. every single bad experience has taught me something that I’ve carried into my other fandom experiences, just like life lmao, but for more of a meaty answer to this question: yes. 
so much yes. 
I have SO MUCH regret around teen wolf, actually, for so many different reasons, but I’ve also learned SO much. seeing a server ran in a way I Did Not Like has helped me better mod my own fandom spaces, and I am very anti-totalitarianism and am VERY against showing abject favouritism to specific members, while I also always try incredibly hard to ensure no one feels ignored. I was reminded of how finicky friendships are, and learned not to be the person who puts in the sole work to keep ‘em going (and how to recognize if I am) because... when you stop the friendship might stop, too. I learned NOT to hit on close friends, no matter how much I might want to, and I learned the importance of open, clear and precise communication in romantic endeavours, which was actually a very good life lesson because I’d never been in a situation that could teach me it before. I’ve learned, or, am LEARNING, not to let personal experiences with one-on-one relationships taint my view of a fandom—this one is hard, and is something I am trying very, very hard to work through as I’ve recently been hit with a very strong and very sudden wave of inspiration for teen wolf.
but like, with that all said, I still absolutely LOVE the teen wolf fandom and have had so many amazing amazing amazing experiences that I wouldn’t change for all the bad, and that the bad experiences are really localized to the ship-focused spaces I was in and the personal relationships that I had, NOT with the fandom as a whole which I am slowly dipping my toes back into! I learned so much about myself and my writing during my time in the fandom, and that is another thing I absolutely wouldn’t change for the world. I am over the moon that I’m writing here again, honestly, and the reception I’ve gotten has been SO insanely amazing. 
starker is another one I regret-but-don’t-totally-regret-because-I-learned-shit. starker taught me the importance of 18+ fan spaces, and showed me what can happen when people... aren’t careful. when mods are minors themselves. I learned that cross-generational nsfw spaces are a RED flag, and that they mean GET OUT, and that anyone who would willingly allow minors and adults to mingle over explicit content are people I Do Not Want To Be Around. I learned a lot about myself there on an interpersonal scale, and I found out a lot about my sexuality and kink preferences, too (which was a wild time). while I do very much enjoy the lessons I learned from being in the space I was in, I could do without some of the more negative things I witnessed, even if they taught me a lot. 
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
SINCE I CAN’T SAY CHERIK I’m going to have to dig a little deeper and talk about Sterek, lmao. I was really, really, really into Sterek starting around... 2014? I read... fuck tons. absolutely insane amounts of Sterek fic. and I wanna say... around 2015? maybe? there was a really popular trope in Sterek, wherein Derek would push Stiles away (by being mean, by pretending to date one of the Pack (usually Erica), by bullying him, by telling him the pack didn’t want him, etc, etc) so that he could... keep Stiles safe? it almost always went the same way. there is a threat no one told Stiles about, Derek did “what he had to do” to keep Stiles safe (i.e cutting him off from all his friends and massive, obvious crush) and then when Stiles got hurt, the pack would come to his rescue and save him (only after Stiles got a little beat up), and then Derek would care for him, or not leave his side, or check up on him, and Stiles would wonder why he cared after everything that had happened and... bam. Derek would admit his undying love. And Stiles would just like forgive him and they’d get together and be happily ever after as a pack and...
that was so damaging lmao??? I can’t even tell you how many fics fitting into this trope that I read, to the point where I was like... “wow Derek loves Stiles so much he’s such an amazing person for keeping him safe by pushing him away and making him feel isolated and alone and hated” BUT LIKE WHAT. WHAT. that’s horrible??? so so so horrible??? I am so fucking thankful it isn’t something I really saw too much of when I came back around to the fandom around 2017, but.... oh boy. for a ship that I considered an OTP and read like the entire tag of, I have VERY few sterek fics of substance (when compared to the rest of my teen wolf writing) and this is the reason why. 
this trope and it’s absolutely ludicrous popularity a few years ago really, really turned me off the ship. 
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
content-wise: no. very, very easy no. I don’t regret any of the pairings or kinks I’ve written & I don’t think I ever will (I’m very anti-shame, lmao. if you like it, flaunt it). 
but... I do regret some of the emotional labour I’ve put into works? the emotional attachment I have with certain fics, or genres, or pairings, and how I’ve tied them to a specific person or persons. like, I can’t write ageplay anymore, because of how strong the association of ageplay is to someone I cared for deeply and no longer have in my life (and even if I ever manage to write it in general, I’ll never be able to write Steter ageplay). I have 13k of a fic that was supposed to be a surprise gift to a close friend that I hadn’t heard from in... ages, to the point where I gave up on sending the occasional monthly-message. I have one thing I wrote for a dear friend (who never interacted with it) and now I can’t help but feel like the story is awful, despite not doing horrifically stat-wise.  
I write because I love it. I write for people I care about, because writing is a labour of love, and it’s a way I can show them how much I care for them, but... sometimes that bites me in the ass, I guess. 
I’m working on it, lol. 
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
god okay there is NOTHING better than the idea of this. I’ve had a few mood boards made for me here and there, which are always SO loved and cherished and massively appreciated down to my BONES, but I don’t know if I’ve... ever really gotten fan art? I had someone make some really, really cool like... OG bit-moji type art of a couple of my fics, which is amazing and I have it on my phone still, and @hd-hale once drew me a GORGEOUS sheriff stilinski inspired by Daddies’R’Us, but to get FAN ART i would CRY lmao
right now, I think something from to love and be loved by you would feel really, really extra special because even at 6/17 chapters posted, it’s my longest work ever. what would it be a picture of?? hell if i fucking know but probably something that hasn’t happened yet, lmao
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biscuitfam · 4 years
Healing Hands
Summary: Despite leaving the life of hunting behind, you were slowly reeled back in by the one and only Sam Winchester. You told yourself you would never fall in love again; you had lied to yourself twice.
WC: 1625+
Pairing: Sam  x Reader, OFC Sabrina
Warnings/Tags: flangst, mention of minor character loss (reader’s daughter)
A/N: Posting something other than Doctor Who fics. I’m trying to become more multifandom. ASKS ARE OPEN! SEND A REQUEST!
Also, if you enjoy my content consider buying me a ko-fi to support this broke college student  >  Here!
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Meeting the Winchesters had been a matter of fate, you were freshly out into the world on your own, nowhere to go, no plans to work from and a long road of decisions to make. You weren’t broken or weak, in fact, you were stubborn and not so easily discouraged. You didn't choose to be brought into this world of hunting, into the long line of hunters before you. Rule number one was the simplest; don’t let others in. Protecting them from this life would protect you from lifelong regret. Many hunters have the same wish as you: to have a normal life. You still had nightmares of that night, even years after what happened. Her blood and cries still stained your memories The night you lost your daughter was the night you vowed that never hunt again. It was one big, unforgivable mistake even if it was an accident. Accidents happen and while being told that hunters could never have that life, it never occurred to you that you couldn’t be an exception.
It had been a little over a year since you swore to yourself that you would never hunt again. You had become a waitress in a greasy little dinner in just another run downtown. That night was like any other: orders, cleaning the anywhere but near immaculate place and closing. The winter air had gripped your skin harshly that night, the streets a near ivory black and the silence pure and unadulterated. It all occurred so fast, from the first step outside to then being knocked unconscious by the unknown force. You didn't expect the soft yellow fluorescent lighting when you woke, but it blinded your sight nevertheless and two men hovered in your peripheral. They were both leggy, one more so than the other, but both wore layers of plaid miles thick. You sat up with exhaustive eyes, looking between the two men; they stared back at you with the same dumbfounded expression.
“ What the hell are we going to do now, Dean?” The taller of the two spoke, his brows dipped down into a frown.
That was two years ago. From what the boys had said, they saved you from some local vamps. Something so simple, but from being rusty, you put down your guard. Letting down your guard happened more than once during those first few hours of knowing them, and then some over the years.  Despite leaving the life of hunting behind, you were slowly reeled back in by the one and only Sam Winchester. You told yourself you would never fall in love again; you had lied to yourself twice. Hunting came as a natural, bare instinct. Wielding a weapon between your fingertips turned out to come with ease, a natural-born talent that you would never escape. Falling in love was a softer story and one you wished you would not repeat. It may have been more life-threatening than hunting itself. Being with the Winchesters was like having a gun locked and loaded against your skull -- dangerous.
At the start, you dreamed of the day Sam would know, what his reaction would be and how a large smile might break out across the plane of his restless face. Those dreams were only dreams, however. Beautiful, bright, hopeful daydreams that always became crushed down by the weight of anxiety and fear of rejection when you got the chance to be alone with the youngest of the two. And that scared the living hell out of you because you hated to fall in love again after your daughter’s father. It just so happened that Sam felt the same way about you. That’s how he slowly began to learn about Sabrina. Your daughter.
A case had led you and the boys to a small city where newer, stronger creatures were on the loose. It wasn’t the same old salt and burn, or demon knife to the chest. It wasn’t killing sirens or ghouls. There were no werewolves or lonesome vampires. The town held more dangerous, different creatures than you’ve never seen before. You began to feel helplessly lost with the scattered notes before you and all the gruesome deaths. The stress was emotionally tearing away at you. The pictures and autopsy reports no longer represented death, they represented people who had a tragic end. Innocents who you could’ve saved if you were just a bit better...
 “ Y/N?” A tender voice called from across the wooden table, a worried tone wedged between a gravely morning voice.
You looked up to see a pair of dopey hazel eyes staring at you like you were some foreign artifact. You laughed weakly and shook your head, your eyes crinkled toward the corners despite the mood you were in. You wiped the sleep from your eyes, trying your hardest to stay awake.
“ Yeah, Sam?”
“ If you stare any harder at that paper, I swear it’s going to catch flames,” He pursed his lips and let his pen glide between his long, skilled fingers. He then smirked, “ Tell me what’s on your mind..other than this. I know you’ve been hiding something from for a while now. You get this...You get this look on your face, Y/N. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re scared.”
Your eyes dipped down slightly, trying to break that deep gaze he had on you. You can’t put it past Sam with hidden secrets. The man was once physic when reading people’s emotions was one of his better kills versus his older brother’s endless. That trait hasn’t gone away, even when his eyes bored into yours now.
“ What? Nothing is wrong, Sam.” You tried to dodge these questions, but when Dean came back in with food your voice dropped into a silence.
In fact, everything was wrong; from the victim's young faces to the churning feeling in your stomach, you felt scared beyond your wits. The victims were children and even years later, the pain still rung deep within you. It's been a secret for so long and the guilt hasn't died down. You closed the folder rather forceful, hissing as the paper slipped sharply across the pad of your index. The sliver like cut begun to bleed and dribbled down the table in small scarlet drops.
Sam looked up to you with a troubled expression. He wouldn’t ignore this any longer. When Dean left the room, he stood and rounded the large library table and pulled your chair away. Two large hands softly set on your shoulders, forcing you to tear your focus from the case and to his senseful eyes. His expression alone was the last string to snap and allow the dam to flow. Tears thickly dripped and dribbled down your ruddy cheeks, eyes becoming red and your posture slacking into a stance equally rivaling his. Sam’s hands slowly lifted and cupped your cheeks, trying to bring you comfort and make you face him. He let his tongue dart out to lick at his lips before he spoke.
“ Don’t lie to my face, Y/N, I can see right through you. Is this about the case? I know we couldn’t save the kids it got before...but we can save the ones now and kill the thing --”
“ It’s not that, Sam! It’s...It’s this entire case,  ” You admitted to Sam with gentle hands rested against his chest, lips curled into a sad grimace. “ It’s about Sabrina.”
His hazel eyes flicked away briefly, remembering this all too well. Sabrina may have not been his, but helping you move on, helping you heal..holding you after every nightmare and every time you broke down -- He was there and that felt very real.
“Mommy! Help me! MOMMY!”
“ Sabrina...Baby, just hold my hand. Don’t let go!” You cry, fingers curling tighter around her thin wrist.
The dirt beneath your feet slipped as the rain poured down harder. Mud accumulated, making it harder to keep yourself stable. Once your foot slipped, so did her fingers. Sabrina screamed as the rake pulled her away into the depths of the woods.
“ You probably think I was some horrid mother..or, or...or some disappointment. Sam, this case brings back memories that I just want to forget. This scares me, I really do disappoint the people I care about. First Sabrina..now you and Dean. I’m letting you down by being like this, aren’t I?”
Sam looked at you with a deadpan expression and his jaw set like uncut stone. Anger shone through his eyes, fiery and fierce. He took your hands between his larger ones, his thumb gently swiping the soft surface. “ I used to think that Jess’s death was my fault..that my mom’s death was my fault, that all my choices had made me evil in some way. But truthfully, Y/N, it was fate. As far-fetched as it sounds, it’s true. My mom made the deal to save my dad, out of fear and love. Things happen..”
You looked at Sam with an angry expression, but he just gave a weak apologetic smile,
“I can’t imagine anyone seeing you as a disappointment.”
“ I can’t see how you think an accident makes you a bad person. We all make mistakes, Y/N. We just need to learn to...to forgive ourselves. Sabrina loved you, she always will. I..I’ll always love you too. She's not here now, but if she could be... I know she would want you to save the children.” He smiled, equally teary-eyed as you collapsed into his arms. With a shaky sigh, you buried your slight red face into his sandalwood scented skin.
With weak fingers, you curled your hands tighter into his shirt, feeling safe with him.
“ Thank you, Sam.”
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teddystrap · 5 years
[神なる君と] Spirit duo - Rei
Rei is the friendly spirit that Sakuya and co. met when they were investigating rumours about hauntings in the old school building. He’s arguably the most ‘mysterious’ character, since nothing is known about his former life, and I was super curious what his deal is. Not to mention he’s the final obstacle standing between me and Mikoto!! Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψケケケ
Truth be told he’s not really my type, though - since I’m not 15 anymore. I mean he’s a ghost but looks more like a forest elf / Mori Boy circa. 2001, and his voice sounds like it’s breaking. Compared to the other characters also he has a personality (or lack thereof) that is blander than konnyaku. In fact I found myself opening all the Yuzuru options in his common route first before going back and redoing them for Rei, because senpai saranghae I only wanna be wit u <3... 
-Mizuniwa Rei-
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Rei-kun’s common route was actually quite revealing and interesting - in two of his ema, Mikoto actually asked to tag along, so it seemed like there might be some important information there idk. 
In his second ema, Mikoto tells Sakuya that she has the power to push people who are on the brink between Life and Death into one world or another, depending on what kind of guidance she gives.
Which in retrospect seemed like heavy foreshadowing for what’s about to come.
Fuu-san’s backstory was also revealed here:
Around 10 years ago, Fuu-san and his bff, a boy named Kawashina Yuuya, were students at Mikagurayama High School. One day they found a hidden basement storage room in the old school building, and turned it into their hang-out spot.
The basement used to be a bomb shelter, and had some books left over on occult spells and curses, that were used during the war to protect the townspeople. Fuu-san found a book with a spell to summon the powers of the Great Demon, and wanted to try it out of fun/boredom, but Yuuya was against it.
So Fuu-san did it by himself anyway. He got the sealed cursed box from the magical cave and took it back to the basement to perform the spell. Halfway through he passed out... and when he came to, he realised that Yuuya saved him by transferring the spell onto himself. 
Yuuya never woke up again, despite a lot of medical attention and whatnot. After half a year, Fuu-san decided to quit school and skip town to learn exorcism so that he can save his friend. But when he finally returned a few years later, Yuuya had already died...
Fuu-san lived with guilt all these years and thought that Yuuya died hating him. But when he went down to the basement with Sakuya to liberate his spirit, Yuuya’s spirit communicated through Sakuya that he doesn’t ever regret saving Fuu-san, and he hopes Fuu-san can stop blaming himself and go forward in life, smiling... By this point I was pretty much crying like a baby... 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
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Oh how I wish there was a Su-sa-no-o in my neighbourhood, with a sexy store-owner like Fuu-san... 
But we’re not here to court Fuu-san (I wish we could, mang. I wish we could), so let’s get back to Rei. In his route Sakuya tries to help him to find out about his family and his past. She asks Aki for help ofc, and Aki reports back that she couldn’t find anyone matching Rei’s description in the database of deaths, nor the missing persons list...
And the mystery deepens dun-dun-DUN. This would’ve made for an interesting story development,... except the writers totally abandon it and instead opt for Rei and Sakuya frolicking around in the forest, true to his Mori Boy style (wholesomely tho, since they are both underage XD). Then Rei realises that he’s not long for this world, and he tries to put some distance between them - but Sakuya eventually convinces him that they should spend his last remaining time on earth together and make lots of beautiful (wholesome) memories.
There were a lot of group events in his route, which was nice since I got to see Yuzuru-senpai mucho. (Although he’s not an option here obvsly T_T)
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You know I will happily choke on a fish bone for you, senpai <3.
So hoshimatsuri night, Rei undergoes the ceremony to pass into the other world. Sakuya stays home, because she’s not strong enough to go and say goodbye to him. Is this like deja vu from the Yorihito/Nisei story arc or what?? ...After that, Sakuya goes to the old school building one day after school, and finds a note from Rei. SURPRISE - he’s still here.
It turns out that Sakuya’s, uhh, clinginess is keeping him from successfully departing. At this rate he’s going to grow weaker and weaker and become trapped in the interstitial space between two worlds - forever. They keep communicating through notes, and through voice chatting over radio, while Sakuya grows enough balls to finally let him go.
Eventually she does. Because let’s face it - Otomate can’t afford to pay their seiyuu to carry on a story for like two gajillion chapters.
In his final moment of departure, he appears to Sakuya in a dream, but they can’t hear each other’s voice. Just as Sakuya is freaking out, he pulls her in and kisses her, then disappears into the ether. (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡
...I guess Yuzuru and Rei’s routes don’t work the same way as Narumi and Yakumo’s, bc you don’t get the alternative ending by choosing the ‘wrong’ option for the last couple of choices. I wasn’t strong enough for senpai’s bad end, but I was actually pretty curious about Rei’s, although all the same I wasn’t able to unlock it. Either way I hope he didn’t get stuck in between worlds forever, poor kid has been through enough.
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1. Good end: Fast forward 10 years, Sakuya becomes a teacher at Mikagurayama High School, just as Rei had hoped. She still goes to the garden every day to take care of Rei’s flowers. The old school building is about to be torn down because it’s too old and might be a safety hazard. She’s on her way there one last time... when she gets a call from Aki, who finally found out what happened with Rei’s past-life investigation 10 years ago. Unfortunately Aki trips on something and the line cuts off before we get to hear it. _(:3」∠)_
So Sakuya is there happily watering her flowers, when guess who appears - ahem *Rei*, now all grown up. He tells her that this time he’s not a spirit anymore... and the scene just ends there. I’ve seen a lot of abrupt endings but this has gotta take the cake. Although I’ll admit adult Rei is kinda sorta smoking hot, so less talk more making out!
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[Thoughts] What can I say? This route really didn’t explain as much as I thought it would, although there were some good bits. For one, the Fuu-san backstory really got to me. Fuu-san was always the side character that I was most curious about, since he seems kind of... shady, and like he might’ve had a colourful past. His arc really delivered, and it’s my favourite out of all the four side stories, although I loved them all in their own way.
I was expecting to find out about Rei’s past here, but I guess the writers are saving it for Mikoto’s route / wrap-up, which almost certainly means there’s going to be a surprise revelation. So I am looking forward to that and I hope they don’t fuck it up.
The route itself actually felt like it was mostly stuff that belongs in a fandisk, rather than an individual character route. All the group hangouts, and scenarios that reveal idiosyncrasies about the other characters (e.g. everyone’s drawings in the Fuu-san arc. I finally got to see Yuzuru-senpai’s kawaii creations! :3).
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Senpai’s art totally unleashes his inner otome...
As expected, Rei failed to give me any doki-doki feels... except at the end, where we saw grown-up Rei and got to hear Iguchi Yuuichi’s normal voice for like 2 seconds. (I wish this game had a fandisk bc I *definitely* need more of that!!) From the other character routes I got the sense that he’s an iyashi-kei type of guy, and he’s probably the most consistent out of all of them, because he continues being selfless and caring about Sakuya before himself throughout - e.g. helping her to find her future path despite not having one himself. 
Still I gotta admit, when he confessed that he liked Sakuya, I did a silent fist-pump in the air, because FINALLY here’s a guy who said it first. I’m so tired of always having to make the first move >;(
Also the thing that Narumi said really touched me here: that Rei would rather choose a lonely existence as a spirit trapped between two worlds for the rest of eternity, than force Sakuya to let him go. Even when he was weakening, he never said anything to Sakuya. In a way he was perhaps the most adult-like one out of all of them. Admittedly I didn’t like Sakuya very much in this route. She seemed very self-absorbed and immature, refusing to face the truth. But eventually Narumi kind of slapped some sense into her (figuratively ofc, I mean Narumi would never actually slap her XD) and she did choose to do the right thing.
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...I guess Narumi is determined to be the guy that has a crush on her and ‘saves her’ one way or another in every route. Kudos to him but he’s still only, like, my third or fourth favourite lols.
Lastly, I felt that this route was actually the most poetic + metaphorical one so far. (Maybe the other ones were, too, and I just wasn’t paying attention?) ...The metaphor of flowers bearing seeds that blossom into new flowers, bearing witness to their relationship and carrying on their legacy. When they first met the flowers were newly planted, and when they said goodbye they were just about to wither. 
Also Sakuya and Rei always met after class at sunset, the time between day and night - like the space between Life and Death. Idk mang but that’s, like, really beautiful or sumshit.
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But this is the most poetic thing of them all~!
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patexie · 6 years
Some “Atem after coming back” headcanons
Sooo some time ago @amatsubuart made a post with a lot of very good Atem headcanons and I got inspired to write some of my own !
There are also some Kaiba headcanons tying into them,,
* Atem has a very hard time getting used to the 21st century. It wasn’t that hard for him before because he didn’t have to understand anything, he had the comfort of going back into the puzzle and he had nothing to compare it to bc he didn’t have his memories. But now, he has his memories of AE and even lived in it for a few years through the Afterlife. So the differences are huge and can be overwhelming and disheartening
* More on that last point; he has quite a lot trouble getting used to the noise. All the people, all the cars, traffic, TVs, radios, phones, machinery, etc. It can just be too much. And he still has some problems with identifying certain sounds that would be evident for everyone around him (like a car’s alarm going off and he’s freaking out bc he thinks some great danger is coming or something)
* He doesn’t quite understand everything of the 21st century, so he has a certain child-like and genuine curiousity towards everything that’s new to him
* He’s pretty religious. He grew up worshipping the Egyptian gods and back in his time religion was handled a whole lot differently. So he prays a lot, makes offerings and even has a shrine. Well, especially now that he remembers the gods, he still feels somewhat guilty for losing his memories about them and therefore neglecting them
* He and Kaiba sometimes get into fights over his religion. Kaiba doesn’t quite believe in anything and finds Atem believing in “fairy tales” to be ridiculous and unbelievable. Sometimes he ends up offending Atem and his luck goes very down until Atem forgives him. Kaiba never said a thing about this to Atem because he knows Atem would have that smug look on his face and claim it’s the Gods’ punishment for insulting them. He tries to racionalize these times as just coincidences and to find some reason behind them, but sometimes he’s at loss for explanation (for example once his perfect systems shut down and he couldn’t get any work done or fix them, but as soon as he and Atem made up his systems started working perfectly again)
* Even tho he enjoys being with the Yugi friend gang, he also enjoys being alone and being with Kaiba (even if they aren’t doing anything together and do their own stuff next to each other)
* Neither him nor Kaiba ever talk about what happened during those times Kaiba went to visit him in the Afterlife and just how he managed to get Atem to return with him. But they had formed a much more stable bond than before and its apparent in both of their behaviors (Kaiba’s calmer and more balanced and Atem’s a lot more patient and forgiving towards Kaiba. Plus the both of them are less violent when it comes to competition)
* From time to time Kaiba goes as far as to give Atem difficult maths and logical puzzle books to keep his mind busy. They still play Duel Monsters, but not as much as they used to. Now they play a lot of different games and make a competition out of almost everything to challenge each other
* Both Kaiba and Yugi (+ his friend group) are protective of Atem. They lost him once and that’s something non of them would let happen again. Tho this isn’t all that obvious and they show this protectiveness in different ways (Yugi’s very caring to the point of being motherly and overcautious, Kaiba’s overly possessive and Anzu, Joey and Tristan would beat up anyone who even tried to lay a hand on Atem). Atem doesn’t understand why everyone seems to think he needs that much protection as he can look out for himself just fine, but he’s grateful nonetheless
* He lives with Yugi and Solomon and tries to take out his part in the chores around the house as much as possible. But he also has his own room at the Kaiba’s where he stays at from time to time
* He looks at Yugi like a twin brother and Solomon like a grandpa/father. He doesn’t care they aren’t his biological family, he still treats and loves them as such
* He still has his shadow powers and even tho he has more control over them, he barely uses them. Tho they can go out of control when he has a panic attack or something of that caliber
* Beside the mind crushing thing, he also has other powers, such as at times seeing ghosts, pyrokinesis, telekinesis and just having a huge energy power thing in general ((tho this is very much just a personal headcanon and ties into my au in which Atem is divine and the Egyptian Gods were present during his childhood, but more on that maybe later))
* He’s very lucky on the basis and his instincts are pretty much always spot-on, so things usually conveniently go his way
* Whenever he’s very bored, he reads books about AE and Egyptian mythology. This usually ends up with him either laughing or getting angry at how much they got wrong. But sometimes certain books and authors impress and surprise him if they turn out to be accurate
* He actually picked up the habit of talking with Ishizu from time to time. She gives him comfort bc she reminds him a lot of his era and she can talk with him about AE. He also tends to help out with translating/reading hieroglyphics and clearing up stuff about AE (like traditions, life in general, religion, etc)
* As Kaiba and Ishizu became sort of business partners, Kaiba sometimes flies out to Egypt to have business meetings with her. And he started taking Atem with him as well (just Atem, anyone else in addition would be too much). And Atem’s very grateful, he feels more at home there even if it makes him very sad bc he misses his former friends, family and people
* His fashion style is either very elegant or baggy everything and there’s no inbetween. Also lots of gold jewelry
* As his biggest fear is becoming useless, Yugi and their friend group try to keep him busy as much as they can. Ishizu tends to give him work by having him help out with AE-ian stuff. Kaiba sometimes calls him for help (which is never stated) with some of his newest technologies, mainly with testing or finding shortcuts. In addition, he also does voluntary work and helps out at different organizations like animal shelters
* More about him helping out Kaiba. Atem’s thinking and problem-solving is a lot different from anyone else’s. He grew up in a completely different era where people believed completely different things and interpreted the laws of physics in different ways. He knows how his people built the pyramids and follows the same mathematical calculation style. So whenever Kaiba gets really tangled up in his programming or calculations, Atem goes and approaches the problem on hand in a very different mannerism and usually gets a much quicker way to the correct answer or answers. Sometimes even Kaiba can’t properly understand just how Atem’s logic work
* He’s fluent in Japanese, but whenever he gets overwhelmed he starts talking in his native tongue. Solomon, Ishizu and Kaiba are the only ones who can more or less understand him and talk to him (tho Yugi also has been trying to learn ancient Egyptian and take up classes on it). And he also picked up on some English and Arabic
* As he sort of just appeared out of nowhere, they had to get all his papers made. And that process would have been a hella lot more difficult if Kaiba didn’t help out and get all of them done for Atem. It was never said why exactly he did it, but it was because he was grateful for Atem’s return and he has problems with saying thank you or expressing his feelings
* He has a bad habit of getting a bit too “royal” at times and someone needs to pull him back by telling him to stop. He got used to being the pharaoh and being treated and looked at as a sort of god, so at times he picks up a more demanding tone and orders others around, which reminds everyone of Kaiba more than Atem himself
* Thanks to getting his memories back and getting back into ruling, he has a bigger respect-demanding authorial vibe to him. He grew up in royalty and in being believed he was divine, so he was taught to have the stance of a king all the time
* He tells a lot of stories about his Gods to Yugi. He grew up on them, so they are dear to him and Yugi’s interested in listening to them. They are kind of like bedtime stories to Yugi, they have that kind of charm. And even tho Kaiba says they are bullshit and doesn’t believe in them, he’s willing to listen to these stories as well (alongside Mokuba, who openly enjoys and looks forward to them)
* He loves animals and they seem to love him as well. Stray animals always let him pet them, especially how he often gives them food. He can’t have a pet on his own tho
* He and Anzu never got together. He never had such feelings for her and her feelings sort of faded during those years when he was gone. But he’s rooting for Anzu and Yugi to get together and tries to help Yugi out even tho he has no dating experience
* He has a lot of dreams regarding AE. Most of them good, but also some bad ones like reliving his death. Some of the good dreams feel like they are the way his dead friends are communicating with him. And regardless of if it’s good or bad, after waking up he almost always cries himself back to sleep bc he feels regret and just misses his friends and family so much
* He has gotten used to the very warm weather and the constant sunshine, so being in Japan, where it’s colder and the sun shines less, has taken a toll on him. He got used to it with time, but he still gets moody bc of it at times and he has a lower cold-tolerance than most people (but at the same time he can take the heat much better than everyone around him)
* It didn’t exactly thunder in the Afterlife. There were some light rains, but that’s about it. So during the first few months of coming back, he would go outside whenever it was really raining and there were a lot of lightnings. And ofc whoever he was spending the night at (mostly Yugi, sometimes Kaiba) had to drag him back inside so he wouldn’t catch a cold. This adoration for thunders didn’t go away, but with time he learnt to just watch them through a window
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stan-and-the-newbie · 6 years
A kpop newbie’s reaction to BLACKPINK
Alexa: bold Alex: italic
today you are reacting to... BlackPink!
o damn, are you sure this band isn’t your favourite?
pFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT-  ok, good one, anyway this is them :3
((she tried sending me a picture but it didn’t work))
awh come oN
~ technical difficulties, please stand by ~
dfgfd shhhHhhHhH i know wot im doin smdh. this is alreaDY GOING BADLY
...should i just google them?
its okay, i got it. this is them
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o damn. they're very pretty, but that was to be expected
yep.. so what concept do you think they have? lol as if it isnt obvious
idk man three of them are giving me death glares. uhh black? and pink?
tbh,,,,,they have the girl crush concept, like, theyre all badass and stuff
oh, well that’s..  interesting
i cant believe im letting you edit this post..  anyway, opinion on them? they dont look that similar, thank god
well the red-haired one i like the most so far since she doesn't look like she wants to choke me (and not in the kinky way)
fgjgfghj yes i see
the one wearing the 2b outfit is probably your goth waifu
and the pink(TM) one looks like she's the sugar mommy of the group
m o o d
i'm guessing she's the leader? it could just be the thanos throne
they dont really have a leader..  this is also them
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ah, lovely, a picture where they don't look like they want to murder me
yes, finally
a bunch of talented asian cuties, wot is new
to be honesT. i'll start with the first one from the second picture
her stage name is rose
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the first two from left to right are the prettiest imo
o rlly
i'm gonna get lynched alive for saying that, aren’t i
so, opinion?
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she's uhhh 23? and a singer, and she's the goofy one
well youre right about her being a singer..  shes 21, and yes, she is pretty goofy. she is fluent in english because she is australian
n i c e
this is her kickin everyone's ass 
((Then she showed me this video))
skinny legend
and they said infinity war was the most ambitious crossover... asian idols wearing brazilian carnival outfits as some dude sings that song from shrek 2? sign me tf up
LMAOO gee her voice still gives me chills rose step on me
alexa that's lewd, let us move on swiftly
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sorry i just like her shes also a good dancer
i'm guessing she's gonna be my favourite
english speaking idols get bonus points, and she seems to excel at everything else, so...
yes, she is amazing. oh, she also cried over her fish's death
;-; oof
:( bless her anyway, you have any questions?
nop, she's gucci, let us proceed
right, the next one is jisoo
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she's a qt ;; she looks like a dork i want to shake her hand and give her a hug
this is her smiling
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see thats the heart smile
is she the radiance? because my retinas are burned
literally no one is gonna get that joke
wat if they do?
then they are people of culture
uhh, she is the soft one, and.. she's short because why not, and she's 22 and she sings ;; 
o- i mean, she isnt really tall, but she isnt that short. yes, she is a singer, the oldest, 23 y/o and she is a goofball, a derp. very entertaining tbh
she looks adorable and has a cute name and is a goofy dork god bless
all of them are good at english but her. but she Tries- and is confused.  
o o f
tis a baby
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she deserves all the hugs
she isnt the best dancer, but shes a Great singer, and very stable on stage
their hair alexa their hair is so fucking aesthetic
i KnoW
i am in pain, pack your dictionary we're moving to korea
fuck yeaH the next one is lisa
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abs of JUSTICE
hot diggidy she's the sass queen, and she's uh..  23, and a rapper
oh, this is also her
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she is also 21, and yes, a rapper!! a very swaggy one
but shes a whole cutie, and the youngest
awh ;;
and she gets embarrassed easily
i see, so she's the tsundere of the group
she is from thailand, and i think shes fluent in four languages, including english
nice, man
she is also an Amazing dancer
n i c e ,  m a n
shes kinda my wife but theyre all my bias so i cannot decide it is Too Hard
i only have one bias  u-u
ofc u do
remember to only have one waifu alexa, too many waifu will ruin your laifu
a baby
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they’re all cuties this is fucking illegal
it  i s do you have any question about baby lalisa over there :(
so far this is a very solid kpop band
lots of english speakers, cute dorks and pure babies everywhere
;-; yes
it has my seal of approval
n i c e the last member is jennie
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o damn. jennie? j-just jennie?
just jennie. she doesn’t need anything else
is that an ACDC shirt
why do they all look so good and fashionable, and both glamorous and cute and pure at the same time, alexa the space-time continuum shouldn't allow this
pffft opinion?
hmm.. she's both a rapper and a singer, and uhh..  she's the second sassiest, but also a goof, and she's 23. I'LL STICK WITH MY 23 also damn nice thighs
she does have amazing thighs tbh.. WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW SHES ALSO A RAPPER AND A SINGER
well usually in smaller kpop bands one of them does the support for both singing and rap..r-right?
,,,,,,,,,now that you say it
it finally happened folks, i taught alexa something about kpop
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THEY ARE, they have the badass girl crush concept, BUT THEYRE ALL FUCKIN CUTIES IRL also, take this
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my poor heart
jennie is so smol ;; jennie is the smolest
i'm sorry, i was distracted by the thicc
mood tbh she is also fluent in english lmao
y ES theyre all really cute and entertaining, they dont go over the top, but theyre still pretty funny - as funny as a girl group can be anyway
pfft i find all of them entertaining tbh. show me some songs fam 
o, alrighty. this is a dance practice, it was the first thing that was released and everyone went nuts
((Then she showed me the dance practice video))
lisa is the one with shorts, jennie has the cap, rose is the one with braids and the last one is jenniejisoo
oof, a bit too edgy for my taste, sorry. but the routine is great!
well, they were kinda made to be badass
yeah, i figured
also, a little side note
their company is one of the biggest companies out there, but theyre known for their shitty management, as in, they dont really give idols many comebacks or promotions, so they dont have many songs;; even tho they debuted two years ago
well, that kinda sucks
i imagine this business is pretty finicky behind the scenes. i guess it can’t be all sugar and glitter all the time
true..  anyway, this is is one of the two songs in their debut ep lol 
((Then she showed me “Whistle”))
also, may i add, their mvs are hella aesthetic
they seem to be..  not a fan of the super edgy american-ish songs though
yeh, their second ep was better. this is from the second ep
((Then she showed me “Playing With Fire”))
pyromaniac title, piano in the first second. this one's gon' be gud
yeah, this one was definitely better - well, not objectively, just imo 
yeah then theres this beautiful beautiful song 
((Then she showed me “Stay”))
that title gives me the hibby jibbies
y e p p
nvm i saw a mcdonalds in the background and now i'm chuckling
sdfdsdfg honestly the mv is So Pretty
shhh its a nice lil song just dont read the lyrics lmao
the chorus is so nice tho, with the claps
it is..  well, that was mildly depressing
at the end they hold hands and laugh and jump around in a circle in the mv and its just..  i rlly like the mv and the filter is very pretty
a e s t h e t i c
anyway, back to badass
((Then she showed me “Ddu-du Ddu-du”...?))
this is their most recent release, this time with a mini album
and i see thanos’s throne is back
y eS
these sets look expensive as fucc.. is that a fennec fox?
and the evil parrot from rio? what is this, a crossover episode?
first we had the shrek 2 song, now this they gon' hit me with dat turu turu du alexa halp meh  
i k r wat u gon do
is that.. a sparkly tank?
y ES jennie is an icon
i feel like i've ascended
tbh all these things were so unnecessary yet they did it anyway
well i certainly don’t regret it
that breakdown at the end is kinda cheap, but i think the diamond tank made up for it
sdfvbvGJHGthere are two mvs left
oh, just.. just two?
y es
i feel bad for them ;; did u say it's been two years
this is so r00d
yes, always feel bad for yg artists
what’s yg?
its a company - their company
ah, i see
their shitty company
here's their debut song (which i dont really like but Oh Well.)
((Then she showed me “Boombaya”..? who the hell comes up with these names?))
well, in all fairness if they're one of the biggest they probably have a lot of bands to manage
not really..  they had very successful bands though, so that kinda paved the way for the ones nowadays
"i'm so hot i need a fan i don't want a boy i need a man" BISH YOU'RE A 5 FOOT 20-SOMETHING ASIAN IDOL CHILL
hjkjhghj shhHHH
this is a whole drugtrip
it iS
are those..  black leather biker pants...  mixed with blue jeans? this is some next level shit alexa i can't handle this
y ES fashion icon
why do coke when you can watch this for free and legally?
ikr theres one last mv, and its better, trust me
theyre cute in this one
((Then she showed me “As If It’s Your Last”))
jisoo is the one with the heart magnet and i love her
awh ;; man these titles are edgier than 13 year old me
oh come on, its a love song
that dancing, it's s-so lewd  <-<;;
it iS oh, i forgot lisa's rap is in english
n o i c e i didn't know jennie had her own ice cream business
girl is going places okay but 1:36
what about it?
th-the cotton candy part
sorry i remember the first time and saw it and was like fukc thas cute
well, it was. it was pure ;;
alright, final thoughts?
well, they're a bunch of cute and talented dorks, but that ain't nothing new. either way, 10/10 for the lewd dancing and the fact that they speak english. give dem more comebacks, fam
they have lewder choreos, but thats for another day. justice4blackpinkcomeback edition
yeS, let’s make a petition
Heya peeps, it’s a boii mod Alex here. This was the first time I put together a Reaction Wednesday post, so uh.. yeah...  I think it turned out pretty good! But seriously, a lot of work goes into these, even though it may not seem like it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! See you next week!
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tr-u-ce · 6 years
All of the get in my businesses!!!
The meaning behind my url: Uh I was a 21p blog ages ago and truce is a v meaningful song so I haven’t really thought to change it to anything else to be honest
A picture of me: :^)
How many tattoos i have and what they are: I have none bc I’m both poor and a little bitch
Last time i cried and why: I think it was probably yesterday because I’m stressed about EVERYTHING
Piercings i have: I sorta have my ears pierced but I haven’t put earrings in them for over 10 years so they’ve p much closed up lmao rip
Favorite band: UHHH idk I haven’t listened to music properly in so long because I’ve had exams but I’m always going to be stanning The 1975 and Bastille until I die and I’m so in love w/ the Lumineers so?
Biggest turn offs: people that r just a bit too silly n stupid, being hurt and stuff, um idk 
Top 5 (Polish words): (in no particular order lmao omg I don’t have an awful lot to choose from) Chleb, Nie, miłość, jajko, żaba
Tattoos i want: I wan’t a little yin yang or mb like just a yin idk, um also I want all the lyrics to Eat Pierogi written on my forehead
Biggest turn ons: IDK I’m a baby lmao but um being nice to me lol idk um being dominant I need to be told what to do 24/7 lmao
Age: 18 but mentally about 5
Ideas of a perfect date: Walking a lot somewhere pretty like a forest or something and then going home and ordering chinese food
Life goal: To live in Poland and be able to speak the language well enough to be able to work as a nurse there
Piercings i want: Definitely my ears again, other than that I don’t think I can be bothered to get any more
Relationship status: Very much in a relationship
Favorite movie: I DON’T KNOW every time I watch a new film it becomes my favourite
A fact about my life: Uhh idk it’s not very interesting at the minute but hopefully I should be moving out soon and by hopefully I mean very very hopefully
Phobia: Flying, also like creepy crawlies walking all over me
Middle name: Leigh I guess
Height: Like 5′5 pretty much
Are you a virgin? Nop
What’s your shoe size? 5 I’m a baby
What’s your sexual orientation? I guess I’m graysexual but I just say I’m ace it’s easier
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs? I drink sometimes that’s about it
Someone you miss: Josh lol what’s new also my BAB
What’s one thing you regret? Taking Biology and Chemistry at A Level and wasting two years of my life
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive: Alex Lawther, 
Favorite ice cream? EEE cookie dough
One insecurity: My stomach I hate it I want to cut it off
What my last text message says: ahhh okay xxxx
Have you ever taken a picture naked? lol yeah
Have you ever painted your room? No :(
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex? Like at parties
Have you ever slept naked? Yeah like twice
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror? Way too many times
Have you ever had a crush? Way too many times
Have you ever been dumped? twice
Have you ever stole money from a friend? No erm
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met? I mean I have taken several taxis in my life but other than that I don’t think so no
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Not that I remember
Have you ever snuck out of your house? Yeah to play pokemon go 
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back? yes lol
Have you ever been arrested? uhhh no I am a very law abiding citizen
Have you ever made out with a stranger? no :/
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere? Does this literally mean have you ever met up with a male somewhere because yes?
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents? Yes to play pokemon go
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor? …no
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun? Once me and Imogen were really late to school so we thought go big or go home and just got breakfast from the coop and ate it in the common room before signing in lmao
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? yeah plenty?
Have you ever seen someone die? I don’t think so as far as I can remember
Have you ever been on a plane? Twice and they were traumatic experiences 
Have you ever kissed a picture? uhhh I don’t recall doing so but I’m sure I probably have like as a little kid
Have you ever slept in until 3? uhhh I don’t think so (?) I might have done after a really late night w/ Luke
Have you ever love someone or miss someone right now? What the fuck does this mean like either way yes but ??
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? Yeah once I did it at primary school and I thought that that was how fast the world was spinning and I got really really like disoriented and threw up or smth
Have you ever made a snow angel? no :(
Have you ever played dress up? yes lmao wtf I was a little girl ofc i did
Have you ever cheated while playing a game? I play a lot of monopoly so it’s far to say….. yes
Have you ever been lonely? NOOOOOO
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school? I think like I’ve only fallen asleep once and that was in a German lesson watching a film after I’d done my first ever all-nighter
Have you ever been to a club? no:(
Have you ever felt an earthquake? yess twice they were p anticlimactic because both times I didn’t realise it was an earthquake until after
Have you ever touched a snake? I don’t think (?) so, not unless I was really young
Have you ever ran a red light? Not personally but I’ve been in plenty of vehicles that have bc we just don’t give a fuck around here
Have you ever been suspended from school? nope, almost though
Have you ever had detention? Never actually had a proper detention in my entire school career how sad is that
Have you ever been in a car accident? Not really I’ve been in one where we broke down and somebody hit the back of us really slowly
Have you ever hated the way you look? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO 
Have you ever witnessed a crime? I mean probably, I think I’ve seen a lot of people stealing shit
Have you ever pole danced? No but a girl can dream
Have you ever been lost? Probably yeah
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country? Many times
Have you ever felt like dying? Many times
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Lmao many times
Have you ever sang karaoke? nope!
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Definitely I can’t think of a specific example though bc my entire life is just ‘hannah no’ ‘hannah yes’
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? Not that I can recall but probably
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger? nope
Have you ever kissed in the rain? yess
Have you ever sang in the shower? nope:/
Have you ever made out in a park? I think I probably have
Have you ever dream that you married someone? I don’t think I have as far as like I can remember
Have you ever glued your hand to something? uh no
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole? ….no?
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked? I mean once I went in a very short dress my legs were v naked
Have you ever been a cheerleader? noooo
Have you ever sat on a roof top? Kinda I’ve sat on like a shed lmao
Have you ever brush your teeth? no, not once in 18 years
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone? I’m v often too scared to watch scary movies alone
Have you ever played chicken? no because I’m not stupid
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No I’ve literally never met anybody that owns a pool
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger? Yeah bc men r weird
Have you ever broken a bone? No my bones may be bad but they ain’t snakes
Have you ever been easily amused? I’m always way too easily amused tbh
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried? Definitely 
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone? I mean my boyfriend yes
Have you ever cheated on a test? Yes and that’s why I won’t pass Biology
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name? Yeah I forgot my patient’s name and called them smth else and felt rly shit
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real? I’ve met many people who are too stupid to actually be real
Give us one thing about you that no one knows. I’m so oversharing I acc can’t think of something nobody in the world knows um mb that I’m ace? I mean I didn’t piece that one together myself for like 18 years lol
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zillanewt · 7 years
Merc With A Trashmouth
Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three // Chapter Four
summary: Despite growing up in Derry together, the two boys went down two very different paths. Richie is the world’s most notorious mercenary and assassin, while Eddie is none other than New York’s sweetheart - the literal poster boy for bringing justice to baddies without unaliving them. This is the self-indulgent spideypool!reddie au that literally nobody asked for. 
pairing: reddie
words: 1.2K
warnings: gratuitous cussing (bc this is deadpool!richie ofc), non-graphic violence (again, deadpool au), mentions of child abuse (it’s only one or two lines)
A/N: wow so idk if ive ever told yall, but im such a huge marvel fanboy and this is a fucking pleasure to write. ok so Richie’s backstory on how he became a mercenary is very vague for a reason, because nobody is actually sure of Deadpool’s backstory in canon, soooo. There’s also quite a bit of fourth wall breaking because Deadpool. I feel like this kinda sucks and is a little underdeveloped, so please let me know what you think! Please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!
Kids who left Derry were fucking strange. But that wasn’t saying much when those who stayed were either absorbed into the evil cogwork of the town’s sinister behaviors or abducted by a demonic sewer clown.
Though, none of these things truly mattered to Richie Tozier.
He supposes he would’ve been strange even if his parents hadn’t even birth to him in that shithole town. Besides, he’s 95% sure all that Pennywise shit happened in another universe, so it’s not like anybody would know what the fuck he’s talking about if he brought it up.
Still, you had to be a special kind of fucked up to be sitting masked in a Toronto bar while a man offers you money to kill another man.
“There are important business transactions happening here, so you won’t get my tragic backstory quite yet, sweetheart.”
The man sitting across from Richie looks confused, yet unsurprised that the mercenary is speaking to thin air. There are always whisperings about how crazy the man is, so nobody expects him to be any less than completely psychotic. If you walked away from a conversation with him without a bullet in any of your limbs, it could be considered a complete success.
“We have an offer for you,” the man said in a low voice, sliding a manila folder across the table. “High-pay target. We suspect him to be Spider-Man. He has been interfering with our drug rings in New York.”
The second Richie opened the file, his heart was hit with a pang of worry, then a wave of rage. In small black typed letters was “Eddie Kaspbrak,” then stamped over in a bright bold red were the words “TERMINATE.” There’s going to be hell to pay for whoever thought this would be a funny April Fools joke to pull on him.
“No,” he growled, tossing the file back onto the table. “He’s from Derry. This guy couldn’t even complete a lap in gym class. What in the fuck makes you think he could possibly Spider-Man?!”
The man instantly shrinks back from Richie’s yelling, slightly in fear for his life.
“People change, Tozier,” the man reasons, then chooses to go for the low blow. “You did, didn’t you?”
Every patron in the bar eavesdropping knew the comment was a mistake and so did the man, as regret instantly washed over him and his face paled. He took those few quiet seconds to silently say goodbye to his limbs.
“Get out,” he mumbled very quietly, almost like a hurt teenager.
“Get out!!” he yelled at full volume now, not holding anything back. Sure, he killed people for a living, but damn...he still had feelings.
The man quickly gathered his belongings, sweeping Eddie’s file into his arms. His breathing stopped when Richie placed a crushing grip on his arm.
“Leave Kaspbrak’s file with me,” Richie demanded, determining the amount of pressure it would take to break this guy’s arm.
“I can’t do that Mr. Tozier! My boss will kill me,” the man said panicked but gave in when Richie began applying said pressure. “Ow! Ow! Ok! Ok! Take it! Just please don’t hurt me!”
As soon as he handled the file over, Richie let go, but he wasn’t quite satisfied yet. Before the frightened man could run away, he whipped out his gun.
“One more thing, Mrrr…” Richie said very calmly, a complete contradiction to his behavior only seconds ago.
“Reynolds,” the man whimpered, not taking his eyes off the gun in Richie’s hands.
“Mr. Reynolds,” Richie began, putting the barrel of the gun against the man’s forehead, in between the eyebrows. “You tell whoever the fuck you’re working for that nobody touches Eddie Kaspbrak or every single one in your filthy operation will become very familiar with my good friends here.” He gestures to his guns and the twin katanas strapped to his back.
“We Gucci?”
The man whimpers and nods, fleeing from the bar as soon as Richie puts his gun away.
“God,” Richie giggles, “they are so fun to scare.”
Sitting in this dirty bar, he realizes now he has Eddie’s information, but he’s not sure what to do with it. They haven’t talked in a good 10 years, and he’s not even sure Eddie would even care about him anymore.
It’s not like anybody really does.
But, some crazy part of him is screaming at him to find his childhood best friend and love.
“Uhhh no,” Richie says to no one in particular. “Eddie probably has a perfect life and family, and we kill people for a living.”
Would Eddie hate him if he knew who he grew up to be? Would he be disgusted? Would he find out what’s under this mask and be horrified?
It’s times like these he wishes he still had Stan to be his voice of reason. But then again, if that were reality, Richie wouldn’t be “the Merc with a Mouth.” He’d just be regular old “Trashmouth,” like he was when they were kids.
Constantly, he lays awake at night due to the pain and wonders whether his life would’ve been different if he didn’t move from Derry when he was 15. There was nothing Richie wanted to do more than stay with Eddie, but his father was relocated Canada. Though, that sounds like a relatively safe place to be, right?
It should’ve been, but his parents just would never stop fighting. It wasn’t that bad back in Derry, but the move put too much stress on them and they all snapped in their own ways. Mrs. Tozier yelled at her husband and son whenever she got drunk (which was quite often). Richie’s dad decided to take his anger out on his “idiot son” and would throw Maggie’s empty bottles at him.
Well, Richie was a teenager. There was nothing else to do, but fall in with the wrong people and turn to violence. The violence provided money, which was his ultimate independence from the disaster of the Tozier household.
Truthfully, he doesn’t remember much else, due to his state of mental health. All he knows is that he now owns a full arsenal and always has weapons strapped to him, like a fucking lunatic.
And to think, just ten years ago he and the Losers were spitting loogies at the quarry and telling ghosts stories about “Pennywise the Dancing Clown.” Richie was at least glad he didn’t exist in the universe where that stupid clown actually tortured and tormented them. He didn’t need any more problems.
Carefully, he opened the file and looked at the picture of Eddie. This is him at 25, and he’s just as amazing as he was when they were kids. His skin is sun-kissed like it always was when they were younger. He still has all those freckles on his face. There’s a woman with him in the picture, probably his wife or girlfriend, kissing him on the cheek as he laughs.
Richie should be more bitter Eddie has all this - the beauty and a happy life - while Richie has literally nothing, but he just simply can’t be. He remembers how much Eddie struggled when they were kids, as his mother continually manipulated him and the Bowers gang constantly beat on him, but he was always kind to other people. If anybody deserves to be happy, it’s Eddie Kaspbrak.
And if Eddie really is Spider-Man, then Richie would truthfully be impressed and slightly aroused because he’s seen how tight that spandex is.
Maybe, it’s time to pay his old friend a visit….just to make sure no goons try to whack him off.
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caratau · 7 years
Dad! Seungcheol.
Tumblr media
y’all ever watched Cheaper By The Dozen?
S. Coups is basically the Dad.
raising 12 kids irl but i’d see him with a good 4 or 6
dominantly boys 
speaking of babies i read on a wattpad comment a million years ago that if theres a dominant amount of sons then that means the dad’s got a big willy and if there’s more girls then its small.
just a fact but idk if its bs so don't rely on me oK I WAS 13 MY INNOCENT (LMAO BIH WHERE) WAS TAINTED AND IDK IF ITS REAL BUT YEAH BACK TO PAPA COUPS.
but yeah like mostly boys for kids and then
hear this
his youngest is a little girl
this bewildered dad man and his three boys watch this little angel in amusement ok it was unexpected asf seen as papa coups and momma coups decided to keep the gender a surprise like hOW I HAVE THE PATIENCE OF A CHIPMUNK I GOTTA KNOW WHAT MY CHILD IS
im also not one who differentiates between genders :)
and that is how papa coups rolls too
hold up before we go onto the life lets go a trip down memory lane from the first boy
momma coups is a worry wart
she's calm and shit but like??? a baby??? she trusts papa coups but like, he’s only ever been a father to 12 teenagers and young adults???
how dis gonna work out??
and so the journey begins
not really lmao coups had to buy a personalised ‘Daddy Coups’ barbecue apron to make it official.
woozi did not approve
nor did momma coups
that apron became a scarring nightmare in those kids lives as teenagers for friendly barbecues imma tell ya that now
# prayforthechoi’s
but yeah back to the pregnancy i derail hella fast
will also buy a t-shirt with ‘daddy coups’ lmao momma coUPS HAS HAD IT
she burns it in a fit of raging hormones
poor ol’ cheol doesnt let the underlying dislike of these raging hormones show
woozi is high fiving momma coups in the bg.
do they have regrets?
being connected to cheol yeah they do
jk jk  they both love him
but yeAH 
he’ll be a wreck at the ultrasounds
not really a wreck
he’ll be all nervous and I'm picturing it now; momma coups’ hand is clutched between his and he keeps the back of it near his lips and he’ll kiss it every few seconds and ik it’s weird but like its a type of reassurance to him aND momma coups as if to say that everything ok bc they just have a fear of losing it and I'm going really sensitive I'm sorry
cheol’s eyes water y’all I'm crying inside
he sees a blob, with help from the nurse, and he just breaks down bc he made that blob y’all.
he made it
and throughout that whole break down, he realises its all real and fuCK he’s gonna be raising a child from biRTH, not from teenage years like he did with svt.
and he's just so happy from there on
honestly theres changes of him in interviews and v lives and all and everyone just loves it
will sO be the dad to take bump pics aW MY ACHEY BREAKY HEART FUCK
will do a montage
he’ll make a pinterest just for nursery ideas bc he’s gonNA BE A DAD
a participating father does diy
it surprisingly goes well
momma coups is impressed
she invites jeonghan over in hopes to watch coups suffer but the two end up stood at the door of the nursery with teas in their hands and they're just admiring the man that probably keep them sane through different points of their lives
speaking about some of svt, they consider you as their momma coups (jeonghan is shaking) 
so when y’all tell the svt kids you're expecting an actual child, the room basically has an earthquake
hug here, hug there, may god help momma and papa coups bc they were being squished 
and then at the baby shower, cheol insisted that his sons be invited bc they're the life of the party
and its true
they are
Seungkwan does a lot of karaoke
but on a stage
and to people
he does some trot
thats when it gets lit
seokmin and soonyoung take over whilst seungkwan pulls vernon over for a slow dance to a song they're screaming to???
meh its svt ok they jam to anything and everything
i forgot to mention that since coups wasn't really so prepared for a bABY (teenagers and young adults aren't a default approach to fathering, ya gotta raise them from birth) he and momma coups are a regular attendee of birthing classes
just so he can be prepared
the classes were more for him than momma coups
she gets bored really easily
tiredness is a symptom of a pregnancy
night of the birth
2:36am is the dreaded time
although seungcheol was half dead bc damn dads need sleep too, dude’s still able to grab the hospital bags, slip shoes on, get the car keys and make it out of the house in record time and into the car
when they get to the hospital, cheol is talking at 100 miles a minute to two phones (maternal and paternal parents) of how the births happening
next is the svt kids
theres a lot of screaming over the speaker but it doesnt beat your scream when you went through a sudden contraction
and that was the beginning of the long ass birth of your first son
we’re at the fourth child
a daughter
a tulip
a little princess for the family to adore
no one expected it, as i said at the beginning
momma coups that she was doomed with boys but nah, theres still hope
from the day of the birth, papa coups has his boys, ages 7, 5 and 3 stand in a line in the hospital room as if they were in the military.
momma coups is cackling in her bed as she holds princess coups.
“boys, we’re now in a default mission.” 3 year old coups struggles a bit with balance and don't even expect concentration from him. baby looks away from papa coups for a sec 
“3rd son coups, look at me please-”
“3rd son coups, where are you going-”
“i demand the presence of 3rd son coups”
lmao 3rd son coups goes to sit with momma coups on the big hospital bed aw aw he pokes princess coups’ hand
“pwincess coups?” he asks momma coups with those starry eyes (coups genetics are amazing)
“princess coups, baby.” momma coups answers back and the whole family just gathers near the bed. 
“she's a diamond, boys, we gotta make sure no one tries to break or steal her, thats all i ask of you”
“yes dad”
cheol will piggyback the kids all day errday YGM
piggyback to brush teeth, piggyback for breakfast agh
everything is also almost like a military operation
this is where cheaper by the dozen tropes come in ok
i wouldn't say that cheol is a competitive person but if someone makes their family (*cough* jeonghan *cough*) out to be better than everyone else then its war
theres also summer trips to a lakehouse w the rest of svt and their families and my heart is hurting more now
but yeah
this is where the ‘daddy coups’ apron comes out.
did i forget to mention that princess coups has a small crush on woozi’s kid
this is when they're like 14 ok
they're both fucking shy too 
ofc cheol knows
instead of being protective, he pROVOKES IT AND OMF ‘DAD CAN YOU STOP WE GET IT’
princess coups isn't the biggest fan of her dads antics
still loves him as a dad tho
lmao his plan acc works tho like woozis kid and princess coups go on dates (both woozi and cheol chaperone lmao it ends up as a dads meeting)
OOH OOH (ooh aah I'm sorry oops)
will be the dad to make a mountain out of a mole hill over his kids dreams and damn i want cheol as a dad i feel as if very morning would be ‘CHASE YOUR DREAMS OK DONT LET ANYTHING HOLD YOU BACK’
would drive you where you needed to for these dreams
soccer games for boys, hell soccer games for the girl too she's grown in a practically all boys household
cheol doesnt degrade it tho
oh yeah all the boys are taught to be respectful towards women but the full on lessons go on at the hong’s.
coups pays joshua in the form of a future son-in-law for one of his little girls
joshua acc slaps coups i lAF
“if i see any of your boys near my princesses, choi, you're dead :))))))”
coups doesnt take it the wrong way bc its understandable?? but also not bc he trusts his kids to not make the wrong decisions
will be an emotional wreck at graduations
will also be the dad to scream their kids name at the graduation too
lmao my brother did that for my sister at hers but it failed terribly
people also had competitions at my brother’s graduation as to who could shout their graduate relatives name the loudest and ngl it was lit
but yeAH
will basically be dead at the kids weddings bC FUCK HIS KID HAVE GROWN UP WTF DID THE TIME GO
princess coups marries woozis kid btw lmao woozi regrets his whole life as cheol drunkenly cries on his shoulder at the reception
is not ready to let his kids go off into the real world but knows that he prepared them enough to be ready
or isn't he sure?? 
BUT YEAH thats the end of dad! seungcheol i hope you enjoyed my first post :) expect some of these coming dad au’s to also be angsty bc I'm an emotional wreck like that :))))
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oh-its-rois · 7 years
Get to know me - tag
I was tagged by @learntfromamillionmistakes
RULES: You Must Answer All Statements and Tag 20 Peoples
1. Drink: Coke Zero
2. Phone Call: My best mate on her bf’s phone
3. Text Message: A family friend about my dad’s birthday party next week
4. Song you listened to: We Hold Each Other by Beth Park (I think it’s originally by A Great Big World but she does a lush acoustic cover and it’s my bi anthem tbh)
5. Time you cried: last week but it was crying from laughter (playing CAH with my friend and her brother and mum)
6. Dated someone twice: Yes and oooohhh boy was that a mistake 
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: once because the girl i was kissing got the completely wrong impression and i ended up having to get a friend to pretend she needed help so i could escape
8. Been cheated on: Not as far as i know
9. Lost someone special: Yeah
10. Been depressed: currently living that depression life lol
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: whoops yes several times 
12. lilac
13. light blue
14. pastel tuquoise (actually just give me all the pastel colours thx)
15. Made new friends: yep
16. Fallen out of love: yeah (only just a year ago tbh)
17. Laughed until you cried: yes plenty (see above)
18. Found out someone was talking about you: ......? no? idk what this means tbh
19. Met someone who changed you: so i’ve changed quite a bit this year as a product of lots of things and i guess that includes the people i’ve met, but there hasn’t been one person who’s had that big an effect on me
20. Found out who your friends are: i guess?
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: lol yeah - i think all but 3 of the people i’ve ever kissed i have on fb
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: basically all of them, though some more than others
23. Do you have any pets: my pooch Beamish - she’s a border collie, epileptic, arthritic, overall quite dull, and ofc the best dog 
24. Do you want to change your name: not really
25. What did you do for your last birthday: went out for drinks with a couple of friends and some people i have not spent time with since lol (it was a month into uni i was still figuring out shit)
26. What time did you wake up: about 8:45am because i had work today
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: trying to sleep because i am ill af and had to work today
28. Name something you can’t wait for: 1- this cold to GO THE FUCK AWAY GAH and 2 - my dad’d bday party because all my family from ireland are coming over for it and i’ve not seen them in a year
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: yesterday when i dropped her and my dad off at the train station
30. What are you listening to right now: nothing apart from my dog snoring and the birds outside
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: several toms, my grandad being one of them
32. Something that is getting on your nerves: this goddamn cold jfc my nose is so sore make it stop
33. Most visited website: tumblr because i have no life yayyy
34. Hair color: dirty blonde brown (my hair used to be blonde and i am finding it hard to let go of that) and a bit purple lol
35. Long or short hair: long ish (boob length)
36. Do you have a crush on someone: not atm, but i kinda want one? like i’ve been single for a year, and in that time i have not had a proper crush and i kinda miss it
37. What do you like about yourself: my eyes, and my singing voice sometimes
38. Piercings: just my ear lobes once atm, but i kinda want more? like maybe my cartilage? idk
39. Blood type: umm red?
40. Nickname: Ro/Rosh 
41. Relationship status: single af
42. Zodiac: libra
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Favorite TV Show: atm GoT but it changes day by day tbh
45. Tattoos: none yet but i’ve been thinking about getting one for a while...
46. Right or left handed: right
47. Surgery: i once had to have 4 teeth out for braces and so i was put under for that
48. Sport: hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah the only sport i like is rugby and even then only watching it
49. Vacation: so i’m on my break from uni for summer, but i also have a job (only part time) so my vacation is working/scrolling through tumblr for hours/eating lol
50. Pair of trainers: one (1) pair 
51. Eating: just had a ham and cheese toasty :))))))
52. Drinking: not currently because i’ve had like 3 bottles of water today plus tea coffee and coke to hopefully get myself better sooner
53. I’m about to: spend hours scrolling through tumblr, watch some crappy tv, chill
54. Waiting for: my dad’s birthday present to arrive, the sun to go down because it’s been really sunny today and i’m too warm, my beep beeping bloody beep cold to leave 
55. Want: a cuddle, my mental health sort itself out ffs, and for it to be autumn now pls thank
56. Get Married: one day hopefully
57. Career: not atm, still in uni, but hope to be a counselling psychologist one day
58. Hugs or kisses: hugs are #1 but also love kisses
59. Lips or eyes: Eyes
60. Shorter or taller: i really don't care tbh
61. Older or younger: probably older? although i don't really mind as long as its not by more than a few years in either direction
62. Nice arms or nice stomach: idc, arms?
63. Hook up or relationship: relationship pls
64. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant lol living that anxiety life
65. Kissed a stranger: yes
66. Drank hard liquor: yepp
67. Lost glasses/contact lenses: not permanently, but i have put my glasses underneath things before and spent longer than i’m proud of looking for them
68. Turned someone down: yeah
69. Sex on the first date: nada
70. Broken someone’s heart: yup 
71. Had your heart broken: i don’t think so, not really
72. Been arrested: nah
73. Cried when someone died: yes
74: Fallen for a friend: yup and it was bad lol
75. Yourself: no thank you 
76. Miracles: yeah, but not in the bang crash flash of light and you're healed way
77. Love at first sight: not real love, infatuation/attraction yeah, and those can grow into love
78. Santa Claus: once upon a time but alas no longer
79. Kiss on the first date: yeah if it seems right and the other person is okay with it, but it’s not essential
80. Angels: idk tbh
81. Current best friend’s name: Emma (@clostridium-sporogenes)
82. Eye color: blue-grey
83. Favorite movie: Pride is a masterpiece
Now, on to tagging 20 people… lol no way i’m gonna tag 20, but i will tag some: @clostridium-sporogenes, @romulusandremuslupin, @meowgraine, @maraudersmadness, @ravenclawslittleplush none of you have to if you don’t want to and anybody else who fancies it
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stateofirrelevancy · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
Holla @ ma girl @kerrity13​ thx for the tag babe
1. Drink: some H and a double shot of O 2. Phone call: To my mom to ask where the olive oil is only to realize olive oil has too many calories and wasn’t worth it dsfjkds so then I tossed it back in the cabinet but it didn’t land upright woops 3. Text message: “she jus wants a friend” sent to my friend Orange who is watching Moana w me right now in response to “why is this fire lady so angry” 4. Song you listen to: Like I said I’m watching Moana so the I Am Moana song but if that doesn’t count then Vanity’s Fair - A Lot Like Birds 5. Time you cried: I actually have no idea?? Sometime in June prolly
6. Dated someone twice: twice????? bich i aint go on a date once 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Is this the section to make me feel bad bc I never leave my room 8. Been cheated on: refer to #6 9. Lost someone special: Idk I feel like yes like all my grandparents passed away and my uncle on my mom’s side and my aunt on my dad’s side and also v recently my uncle on my dad’s side but like they lived in Pakistan so I rarely saw them ya feel?? 10. Been depressed: I mean I’ve def been super sad but idk if I’d say ~depressed~ 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: refer to #7
12-14: Orange, yellow, black, in that order.
15. Made new friends: Yes, one of whomstve being @oceansweather my go to drama buddy 16. Fallen out of love: fallen out of what now? u mean when I get over bands I used to like? Then yes Big Time motherfuckin Rush yall broke my tiny heart in two 17. Laughed until you cried:  Def who hasn’t 18. Found out someone was talking about you: I don’t think so?? Like I don’t doubt people do but I ain’t jumpin 2 kno about it 20. Found out who your friends are: I guess?? I mean I’ve basically had the same friends for 5 years lol 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: On the cheeks ya
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Ok considering I have eight (8) FB friends bc I made my fb to join my college’s group I know all of them considering I only added ppl super close to me lmao 23. Do you have any pets: When my brother lived here I had his cat Glimmer who is a stripper but he moved out and now I’m constantly :( 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah I like my name 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: On the exact day I had a big dinner at home w my family and the weekend after my friends came over! 26. What time do you wake up: If my mom wakes me up then 10 otherwise 11-12:30 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: prolly on tumblr tbfh 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Bojack Horseman season 4!! and new 5sos music ofc.  29. When was the last time you saw your mom? around 2 hrs ago when I went down to make popcorn lol 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: ??? be hot or not dumb either would b k00l 31. What are you listening to right now: I’m watching What The Health now cause Moana ended rksdjlkfsd 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: No?? The only Toms I know are british YouTubers bye 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: ummm myself 34. Most visited website: prolly youtube 35. Mole/s: One on my left pinky, one at the bottom of my left ring finger, one next to my left knee, one above my right eyebrow, one in the pit of my left elbow. 36. Mark/s: I have a huge birth mark on my stomach lmao fun fact it used to look like the US when I was younger 37. Childhood dream: yall I had my life planned THE FUCK out. When I was in fifth grade I decided I would b a pop star like Hannah Montana until I was ~30, and then when my world fame inevitably dissipated, I’d become a doctor like the good little brown girl I thot I was. 38. Hair color: black like my soul 39. Long or short hair: medium length lol 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Calum mf Hood ain’t got eyes for no one else 41. What do you like about yourself: what do I what now 42. Piercings: do my ears getting pierced when I was a baby count asdklfj 43. Blood type: I think B positive?? idk 44. Nicknames? Aky 45. Relationship status: me myself and i are together and in a loving poly relationship 46. Zodiac: Taurus 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: PARKS AND REC!!! I was jus telling my friend the other day that idt I’ll ever find a show I’ll love more than it. Words can’t describe how much I love P&R yall. 50. Right or left hand: Right but don’t b fooled my left is mf skilled 51. Surgery: nope 52. Hair dyed in different color: I wish!! 53. Sport: who? I don’t know her 55. Vacation: what does this mean like have I been on vacation before?? Then ya lol 56. Pair of trainers: CONVERSE BITCH aint no one else exist in the world but her
57. Eating: idk what this question means what is my fave food????????? then,, idfk lasagna 58. Drinking: capri sun could fuck me in the asshole any day 62. Want: ?? death 63. Get married: ya I’m mf down when will a boi wife me tf up 64. Career: idk I really wanna work in AI 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs wtf i aint kiss none but hugs are pure i will fight someone over this 66. Lips or eyes: idk eyes?? 67. Shorter or taller: I guess taller cause im smol 68. Older or younger: older give me a daddy 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms gotta b strong to choke me 2 death 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive I need some1 2 feel emotions for me thx 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: are u saying i have the choice of finally having a cringey fuckboi badboy tm that most every wattpad fic was about 5 yrs ago?? no thanks
74. Kissed a Stranger: ,,,u kno the answer to that bye 75. Drank hard liquor: this is the section to make me feel bad abt myself reincarnated  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no n knock on wood I won’t 77. Turned someone down: ekjfnkdlsn one time a guy asked me to homecoming and I told him homecoming wasn’t my thing and then he saw me at homecoming ekdfjaderdfkalesdf 78. Sex on the first date: uhhh 222 early 4 me 79. Broken someone’s heart: who knows mayb i broke the homecoming guys heart the world may never know 80. Had your heart broken: anytime Calum refuses to acknowledge my existence 81. Been arrested: no but I’ll gladly b put in handcuffs :-) 82. Cried when someone died: ya when my grandma on my mom’s side died. Oh and also when Christina Grimmie died :( 83. Fallen for a friend: idt so
84: Yourself: ha 85. Miracles: sort of? Like I don’t believe in the magic behind it or whatnot but like winning the lottery would be a miracle bc like it’ so rare ya feel me 86. Love at first sight: nope not one bit 87. Santa Claus: fun anecdote so I’m Muslim and I never understood how Santa knows which houses are for people who celebrate christmas vs those who don’t and so I somehow conjured up the theory that he knows bc he checks each house and if they decorated and have a tree up, they celebrate it. So I was telling my mom this and she’s a vvv blatant person so we was straight up like he doesn’t exist and I was like he does!! and she was like ok then put up decorations and see if he comes and I was like :-( 88. Kiss on the first date: personally too early for me
90. Current best friend name: Idek who would be considered my #1?? Also what happened to question 89 lol 91. Eye color: brown 92. Favorite movie: Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam
I tag @oceansweather @aneverendingreplay @5sowoc @lukescurlies @fuckmemgc @harrqstyles @punk-dinosaur @ovalt @tennisbowels @disasterologiess @hiighriselights and anyone else who wants to
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nerdhorde · 7 years
🌻 questions tag 🌻
I was tagged by the lovely @fsstudies to answer all of these questions. Thank you very much! I shall attempt to make myself look interesting, haha. 
I tag @affinityscience @hayley-studies @my-little-studyblr @georgestudies @raven-studies. I don’t talk to very many people on here so you have been chosen at random (mostly). If you don’t wanna do it, then ofc that’s chill. I also tag anyone who sees this n kind of fancies doing it. Go wild, kiddo. 
1. Drink: water, and before that, tea. 
2. Phone call: probably my best friend
3. Text message: well, the last time I messaged someone was on facebook (my friend from uni), but the last time I properly texted someone it was probably my best friend, again.
4. Song you listened to: la devotee - p!atd
5. Time you cried: watching a film. I can’t for the life of me remember what it was. I cry a lot, tbf. 
6. Dated someone twice: no 
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: I don’t think I regret any of them, no. Well, I’ve kissed someone and regretted it months later if that counts. 
8. Been cheated on: nope
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: yes, I suppose so. 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: yes. All of the time. My stomach is very bad at handling alcohol, so tactical chunders are usually the way to go. I’ve never been absolutely plastered though, and vomiting not by choice; I’ve usually always chosen when I’m going to throw up (usually to make myself feel better/avoid a hangover). 
12. Black
13. Blue
14. Grey
15. Made new friends: yes, I started university last September so I made a fair few. 
16. Fallen out of love: not in the romantic sense, no. 
17. Laughed until you cried: yes, a week ago, actually. 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: oh lord, yes, haha. It’s been the cause of all my problems, this past month or so. 
19. Met someone who changed you: no.
20. Found out who your friends are: most bloody definitely!
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yes, I think I did. I regret it now, haha. 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: The vast majority of them I’d say. Most of them are people I went to school with, and if I didn’t go to school with them, they’re people I’ve met drunk on a night out. There’s only a handful on there who I’ve not met. 
23. Do you have any pets: yes, we have a black labrador, called Breeze. 
24. Do you want to change your name: I’ve never really been fond of my name, it was very popular the year I was born so I always find a lot of people my age called Sophie. If I were to change my name I’d change my last name. I’d make up something completely new so I wasn’t associated with either side of my family. 
25. What did you do for your last birthday: I went to see Morrissey live in Manchester with my best friend, that was a brilliant weekend, one of the best experiences of my life. And with my family I think we went out for a meal? It was so long ago now I can’t even remember properly, haha. 
26. What time did you wake up: today it was 6am, because I’ve got to travel 180 miles North to move some of my stuff in to my new uni house. Usually I’m very bad at getting out of bed before midday, but if I’ve got stuff to do I can wake up any time.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Probably watching old Whose Line Is It Anyway  episodes. The UK ones, of course. 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: going back to university in September, though I’m going to miss my best friend desperately. 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: I saw her 8 hours ago, I think? Just before she went to bed. 
30. What is the one thing you wish you could change in your life: my anxiety (lol, #deep). Deep down I know I’m supposed to be a very extroverted person, but it prevents me from being that. 
31. What are you listening to right now: other than the noisy sodding birds outside my window? Nothing, lmao. 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes? I knew two guys called Tom in middle school. 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: probably one of my ex-friends (that sounds dramatic af). She’s been very irritating recently and I wish she’d just stop being such a child and leave me the hell alone. 
34. Most visited websites: twitter, facebook, tumblr, youtube. The usual suspects, haha. 
35. Mole/s: yes. Lots. According to my mum they’re a sign of strength. That might well be bollocks, but who knows. 
36. Mark/s: I’ve got a scar on my right eyebrow from when I ran into the corner of a wooden table as a child. I used to get called “Sophie Potter”, Lords knows why cos it ain’t bloody lightning shaped. 
37. Childhood dream: when I was 5, probably just owning a tractor would be enough for me (a Ford one, because they’re blue); when I got a bit older I wanted to be an author, or an illustrator, or an author who illustrated her own books. 
38. Hair color: brown
39. Long or short hair: long. I only had it cut for the first time in 2 years a few months ago. It was ridiculously long then. 
40. Do you have a crush on someone: no, not a crush. That’s the wrong word.
41. What do you like about yourself: I actually quite like my appearance nowadays. I’m very proud of my intelligence, my knowledge of useless facts, my sarcasm, how funny I can be, and my art.
42. Piercings: ear lobes and my nose. I’d love to get more done. 
43. Blood type: I have absolutely no idea, not even my own mother knows. 
44. Nickname: I don’t have one. Some people have attempted to call me “Soph” in the past and I’ve quickly shot them down, only my dad gets to call me that and even then I don’t like it, haha. Occasionally I’ve been called by my last name, and some jokes have been made out of my last name but nothing’s ever really stuck. 
45. Relationship status: single… as a pringle..?
46. Zodiac: I don’t know much about this. I know I’m a Leo… 
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV show: Doctor Who, TLOG, anything Reece Shearsmith & Steve Pemberton write, Green Wing (recently), House, Lie To Me… There’s loads more but I can’t list them all, I’d be here all day. 
49. Tattoos: I have a tattoo of some planets and stars over a mountain on my inside left wrist. I got it about a year ago. I want lots more!
50. Right or left hand: Right. Though weirdly I started out life left-handed and then switched of my own accord when I was about 5. Unfortunately that doesn’t make me ambidextrous though, dammit. 
51. Surgery: twice. Had my tonsils removed as a kid, and then I used to be tongue-tied so I had to have that sorted a few years after. 
52. Hair dyed in different colour: not yet. I’m planning on it soon though, my hair’s a little drab at the moment. 
53. Sport: I used to love football (soccer) as a kid and I was fairly good at it, mostly because I was vicious, and at school I was on various sports teams but nowadays I rarely do any. 
54. blackpink in your area???? I’ve no idea what this means, so I’m gonna skim past it. 
55. Vacation: as a family we’ve been to Greece together (Kos, specifically) and it was wonderful, and we’ve been caravanning on the coast a few times. We haven’t been on holiday in years, but we’re all going to Jersey next month, unfortunately for some not good reasons. 
56. Pair of trainers: two pairs of grey converse, one very new, one very tatty. And a pair of grey generic trainers for the gym (I like grey, apparently)
57. Eating: mashed potato, gravy, pie, cheesy chips, my mum’s roast dinners, my grandma’s baking. 
58. Drinking: tea, always. I bloody love tea, not that I’m upholding a national stereotype there, but oh well. Wine is lovely, but vodka is my absolute favourite when it comes to alcohol. Or gin, though I can’t handle it very well. Tequila shots, yes, jaeger bombs, always. 
59. I’m about to: get dressed and go to my grandma’s for an hour before we drive up North to my new house
60. (there is no 60, this is odd)
61. Waiting for: my exam to be over (it’s on Tuesday, send help). 
62. Want: to be at the pub with my friends, and a night out at Welly (the best club ever, pop punk and indie trash on a loop).
63. Get married: I doubt it. I’m not interested in marriage really. 
64. Career: my dream career would be artist. Quite possibly a portrait artist. But I know that’s not exactly a safe bet, so I’ll save that until I’m financially stable. I’m doing a chemistry degree at the moment, so I suppose I’ll get a job using that. In research, maybe. 
65. Hugs or kisses: depends on the person. Hugs from everyone. Kisses are also wonderful too, though. 
66. Lips or eyes: eyes. 
67. Shorter or taller: neither. I’m tall compared to most of my friends, but not too tall that I can’t get away with wearing heels, so I’ll stick to where I’m at, cheers. 
68. Older or younger: younger I think. I miss being so carefree. 
(dammit why is there no 69 ffs)
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: on me? Stomach probably. But both I think. My arms are odd, I’d like to edit them a little. 
71. Sensitive or loud: both. Loud, naturally, I think. Sensitive not entirely out of choice. 
72. Hook up or relationship: hook up. I think I have commitment issues, I couldn’t be in a relationship with someone. 
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: depends. Mostly troublemaker. If I’m hesitant it’s only usually for a few seconds before I go “fuck it” and do it anyway. 
74. Kissed a stranger: yes. Many a time. 
75. Drank hard liquor: yes. It’s lovely. 
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses:  nope, never, thank god. Let’s hope this continues. 
77. Turned someone down: yes, very gently. 
78. Sex on the first date:  I don’t think you could call it a date, but I’ve had sex with someone the first night I’ve met them? If that counts?
79. Broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so, no. Not that I’m aware of anyway.
80. Had your heart broken: no.
81. Been arrested: never. 
82. Cried when someone died: yes, of course. 
83. Fallen for a friend: no. Not really. I had a brief crush on a friend, but it didn’t last. 
84. Yourself: sometimes yes, sometimes no. I can be very arrogant depending on my mood, so in those moments I do, yes. In the more anxious ones, definitely not. 
85. Miracles: no way
86. Love at first sight: no, I think it’s unrealistic. Lust at first sight, certainly, but not love. 
87. Santa Claus: hahah wait why is this even up for debate?? Duh. 
88. Kiss on the first date:  yeah, sure, why not, if I liked the person enough I certainly wouldn’t be averse to it. 
90. Current best friend name: Amy
91. Eye color: brown
91. Favorite movie: reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, anything tarantino, leon: the professional, so many of them
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Tah for the tag @mr-dvorak :)
Drink: sparkling water
Phone call: one of my best friends (she was desperate to tell me how her date went!)
Text message: sorry I didn’t pick up earlier, what’s up?
Song listened to: The Only Exception by Paramore
Time I cried: last week, got a bit overwhelmed by simultaneously being bored and feeling like I have a shit-ton of stuff to do 😣
Dated someone twice: kinda? First guy I was kinda interested was a bit of a dick and I gave hima second chance but the second time round wasn’t really dating??
Kissed someone and regretted it: nah
Been cheated on: nope
Lost someone special: not entirely sure which meaning of special we’re going with but I’ve lost 2 of my grandparents and I was pretty close with them
Been depressed: yeah, towards the end of GCSEs I got quite down and I’ve been in and out of depression since tbh 😕
Gotten drunk and thrown up: my nickname is Chunder Thunder, go figure😂
Blue (pretty much all shades tbh)
Dark purple
Hot pink
Made new friends: So many new friends! Moved to Southampton for uni and met sooooo many great people there!
Fallen out of love: nah
Laughed until you cried: plenty of times
Found out someone was talking about you: nope, but now I’m a lil paranoid people have been😓 
Met someone that changed you: hell yeah, meeting so many new people at uni and some of my closest friends there have definitely changed me for the better 💕
Found out who your friends are: yeah- leaving school I’ve only really kept in touch with 3 friends and no one else has really made much effort to keep in touch (tbh I’ve kept the people that mattered and I’m happy). Also certain friends at uni defo look out for me loooaaads more than others; ‘finding out who my frineds are’ isn’t really the way I’d put it, like I knew who they were and events have just kinda proved it
Kissed someone on your fb friend list: pretty sure everyone I’ve kissed is on my friends list 
How many of your fb friends do you know irl: I think all of them? Some of them I might have only met briefly but I’ve at least met all of them
Any pets: A cat called Fudge 😍
Do you want to change your name?: Nah, as much of a pain my name can be (Kahlan) I like it
What did you do for your last birthday: went back to uni (we were on Easter break) with friends from uni and school and went drinking in town
What time did you wake up: 7, 7:30, 7:40, 8:00 (I really didn’t wanna get up this morning) 😪
What were you doing at midnight last night?: sleeping, I crashed out at like 9 last night 😂
Something you can’t wait for: Going back to uni in september! Going stir crazy at home and really want to hang with my friends, missing ‘em loads💔💕
One thing I wish I could change in my life: uuhhhhh idk? Probably my mental health, just wish I had a little bit more control over the rougher days
Listening to right now: my boyfriend’s playlist, currently listening to What You Know 
Ever talked to a Tom?: yeah, there were 2 Toms in my block and a Tom in my lab group last year
Something getting on your nerves: being at home- as much as I love my fam and being around my cat I’m going stir crazy, just want a bit of my independence back tbh
Most visited website: Tumblr or fb
Moles: nah
Marks: scars on my legs from shaving and falling over a lot when I was younger, a scar on my wrist from where I leant on an iron
Childhood dream: A massive treehouse/summerhouse in a forest with a ton of fiction books. That or a massive blanket fort, like the one they built in Community
Hair colour: naturally brown but currently black
Long or short hair: Long hair
Do you have a crush on someone: yeeeeaah
What do you like about yourself: I dip in and out of liking most things about mysef tbh, there’s never been one thing I’ve always 100% liked about myself- maybe that I’m there for people when they need me (or at least try my very hardest to be)? Idk really
Piercings?: Got 2 piercings in each of my earlobes, planning on getting a third in a few weeks
Blood type: not a clue
Nickname: Chunder Thunder (well-earned at the the first house party I went to😂)
Relationship status: taken 💛
Zodiac: Aries
Pronouns: she/her
Fave TV show: I have a few but atm it’s GoT
Tattoos: not yet, really wanna get an ace tattoo tho
Right or left hand: right
Surgery: never
Hair dyed a different colour: yeah, went a subtle pink/purple in A-levels and then Black at Easter
Sport: casually I do karate, ballet and badminton, used to do rounders and trampolining. Mostly I just go running now tbh, kinda wish I did more sports
Vacation: going to Madeira in August- the airport I'm going to has that horrific bust of Cristiano Ronaldo 😂
Pairs of trainers: I have a pair of Asics for running and a couple pairs of converses
Eating: not sure what’s meant by this but I like most foods besides seafood and bland/creamy sauces??
Drinking: I like most drinks tbh, though my go-to favourite drinks are the cocktails from a bar in Southampton called Clowns
I’m about to: go to bed
Waiting for: September, just really wanna be back at uni
Want: …to be back at uni
Get married: maybe?? Wasn’t sure I’d ever even be in a decent relationship until about 6 months ago, let alone thinking about marriage 
Career: not a fkn clue my guy, probably gonna end up staying at uni to do research tbh
Lips or eyes: both preferably??? Eyes I guess?
Shorter or taller: taller, defo
Older or younger: around the same age tbh, but older if I had to pick
Nice arms or nice stomach: nice stomach, but either tbh
Sensitive or loud: if I had to pick one it’d be sensitive but a good mix is better
Hook up or relationship: relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker, I’m hesitant and ik I’d never have to guts to try stuff out without someone encouraging it
Kissed a stranger: yeah
Drank hard liquor: I’m a uni student, ofc I have
Lost glasses/ contacts: surprisingly no
Turned someone down: yeah,the same guy multiple times
Sex on the first date: nope
Broken someone’s heart: …yeah. It broke my heart too but it would never have worked between us, I’m pretty sure he can see that now.
Had your heart broken: ^^
Been arrested: nah
Cried when someone died: yeah
Fallen for a friend: yup, on more than one occasion 😂
Yourself: sometimes- only when I know I’m competent in what I’m doing, if there’s any doubts my self-belief goes through the floor
Miracles: uuhhhh kinda? More the ‘exception to the rule/anomaly’ miracles than the ‘a higher being saved me’ miracles
Love at first sight: definitely not, but that’s just from personal experience and as someone who’s identified as ace for pretty much all their life it’s not much to go on😂
Santa: nah
Kiss on the first date: only if it feels right? Never really done dating tbh
Angels: nope
Current best friends names: Josh😘💕 & Freya
Eye colour: green-brown
Fave movie: probably Rogue One
Tagging: @alicee-in-wonderworld @easily-broken-by-emotion @tlhingan-tlhup @unitedspoonsofvulcan (and anyone else who wants to!) if you guys are bored and have time to kill😊
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nordic-ravens · 7 years
tagged by @deerlulu, thank you <3 ❌ the rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people the last: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: I have no idea, I don’t like to call anyone or answer to the phone (Kurapika I feel ya) 3. text message: “voi pojat” (= “oh boy” in english), sent to my boyfriend with a screen cap of the game I’m currently playing 4. song you listened to: fly on the wall by thousand foot krutch 5. time you cried: today when I watched criminal minds 6. dated someone twice: yes, one of my abusers and I regret it so fucking much 7. kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. been cheated on: yes 9. lost someone special: if death of someone special counts then yes 10. been depressed: I currently am 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: on March list three favorite colors: 12-14: blue, black, silver in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: yep 16. fallen out of love: I guess 17. laughed until you cry: sooo many times 18. found out someone was talking about you: no but I have a hunch 19. met someone who changed you: if earlier this year counts then yes, if not then no 20. found out who your friends are: no, I’ve always known who are my friends 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes general: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them 23. do you have any pets: no but I want a few 24. do you want to change your name: nope 25. what did you do for your last birthday: sat at home 26. what time did you wake up: around 3pm 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: talking with my boyfriend and playing on ps3 28. name something you can’t wait for: my boyfriend is coming to my place in August and he’ll stay for a week <3 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: few weeks ago I guess? 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I could be a cis guy or have a lot of money so I could afford top surgery and such 31. what are you listening to right now: I found by Amber Run 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no 33. something that is getting on your nerves: myself, people, everything 34. most viewed website: tumblr or youtube 35. mole/s: I probably have over 100 of them 36. mark/s: scars all over my body because of accidents, stitches, self harm, previous piercings, dermatillomania and such 37. childhood dream: to be a boy and a police officer 38. hair color: currently black 39. long or short hair: something in the between 40. do you have a crush on someone: does my boyfriend count? 41. what do you like about yourself: I’m analytical and I got a great booty 42. piercings: 1 on my ear, 3 on my lower lip, septum, bridge, tongue and 2x stretched earlobes. I’ll get more soon tho 43. blood type: B+ 44. nickname: Nate, onii-chan, Spora. I don’t have many 45. relationship status: taken 46. zodiac: pisces 47. pronouns: he/him 48. favorite tv show: criminal minds or american horror story 49. tattoos: not yet 50. right or left hand: I’m ambidextrous but I mainly use my right hand 51. surgery: I got my wisdom teeth surgically removed and I’m going to a big plastic surgery soon 52. piercing: why this is two times in here  53. sport: idk I don’t do sports anymore if hiking doesn’t count 55. vacation: I’m not on vacation atm 56. pair of trainers: I don’t own any
more general: 57. eating: I ate pea soup earlier today 58. drinking: still water 59. i’m about to: continue playing on ps3 60. waiting for: one person to answer so I can get an operation time for the plastic surgery 61. want: cuddle with my boyfriend 62. get married: it’s not important to me but if my partner wants to get married, then sure 63. career: I would want to be a hairdresser but I’m currently going to the dressmaker school which is better: 65. hugs or kisses: if kisses on somewhere else than lips count, then kisses 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: I wanna be taller but I prefer my partner being taller than me 68. older or younger: older 69. nice arms or stomach: arms 70. sensitive or loud: sensitive 71. hook up or relationship: relationship 72. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant have you ever: 73. kissed a stranger: no 74. drank hard liquor: yes 75. lost glasses/ contacts: I wear only colored circle lenses so no 76. turned someone down: yea 77. sex in the first date: no 78. broken someone’s heart: I guess so 79. had your heart broken: idk probably not 80. been arrested: nope 81. cried when someone died: ofc 82. fallen for a friend: yes, every one of my partners was my friends before we started dating do you believe in: 84. yourself: not much 85. miracles: no 86. love at first sight: a little bit 87. santa claus: nope 88. kiss in the first date: ?? if u want to do it then go for it 89. angels: no other: 90. current best friends name: I dunno if she considers me as her best friend but Hanna. Though I call her my wife sometimes cause she buys me food almost every time we meet haha 91. eye color: something like ocean blue, so they’re green-ish blue with gold/yellow on the center 92. favorite movie: I have way too many aaaahh...but I really love the old version of Watership Down. Underworld movies are so good too, and I also love the Millenium trilogy (swedish version) ❌ i’m tagging: no-one, cause I don’t want to torture anyone with a challenge this long hahah. but if you want to do this, feel free to say that I tagged you!
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Tag 🦄
Rules: You must answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people. the last … 1. drink: Tea 2. phone call: My Mum 3. text message: My friend 4. song you listened to: Jungkook’s cover of Paper Hearts 5. time you cried: Last night, watching The Handmaid’s Tale 6. dated someone twice: No 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Yus 8. been cheated on: Yes actually. 9. lost someone special: Yes 10. been depressed: No 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes, but only the day after favourite colours: 12. to wear: Green, Red 13. Baby- I don’t know what this means? 14. Baby- “                                               “ in the last year have you … 15. made new friends: Yes! 16. fallen out of love: No 17. laughed until you cried: Yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: I’d be surprised if people never said anything behind my back. 19. met someone who changed you: Yes (Although I think everyone you meet changes you a bit) 20. found out who your friends are: I guess? 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Most, I’ve been unfriending people I don’t know because they clutter up my feed. 23. do you have any pets: A cat called Chloe  24. do you want to change your name: I used to, but I like my name a lot more now. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Went to a steakhouse with my parents 26. what time did you wake up: This morning, 7:10 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping 28. name something you can’t wait for: The summer holidays 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 5 minutes ago 31. what are you listening to right now: Shangri-La by VIXX 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: My school keeps changing rules and expecting us to abide by them, even when they’re unrealistic. 34. most visited website: Kissanime.ru 35. hair colour: Currently sort of white-ish 36. long or short hair: Pixie cut 37. do you have a crush on someone: Idk, I think I just like the idea of a relationship tbh 38. what do you like about yourself: Everything. (or at least I make an effort to.) 39. piercings: Ears, but I never wear earrings because they get infected soooo easily. 40. blood type: O? possibly? I can’t remember 41. nickname: Don’t really have one 42. relationship status: Single and enjoying my life 43. zodiac: Aquarius 44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: not sure, but I really like Outlander 46. tattoos: I’d love one when I’m over 18 47. right or left handed: Right 48. surgery: None 49. piercing: Ears, fairly sure we’ve had this one. 50. sport: Badminton 51. vacation: I’d love to go to Japan at some point 52. pair of trainers: some Nike trainers I got for free more general 53. eating: Nothing right now 54. drinking: Tea (This reminded me that my tea has been in the teapot for far too long) 55. i’m about to: Go camping overnight with my friends 56. waiting for: The Summer holidays 57. want: To do well in my A-levels so that I can go to my University of choice 58. get married: Not ruling it out. 59. career: Research scientist 60. hugs or kisses: Hugs?????? ofc 61. lips or eyes: Eyes 62. shorter or taller: Taller, although it’s not hard to be taller than me 63. older or younger: Older or same age 64. nice arms or nice stomach: I don't know what constitutes nice arms? 65. hook up or relationship: Relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: I think I’m more hesitant 67. kissed a stranger: Not a stranger in the sense that we talked to each other beforehand 68. drank hard liquor: Yes 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Don’t need glasses 70. turned someone down: Yes 71. sex on the first date: No 72. broken someone’s heart: No 73. had your heart broken: No 74. been arrested: No 75. cried when someone died: Yes. 76. fallen for a friend: I think fallen is a bit too strong of a word do you believe in … 77. yourself: Yes 78. miracles: I believe in coincidences 79. love at first sight: No, how can you possibly know a person well enough at first sight to LOVE them? With the exception of your own children. 80. santa claus: Used to, although I was sceptical 81. kiss on the first date: Depends on the person and the situation 82. angels: No other 83. current best friend’s name: It’s embarrassing, but I feel like she’s my best friend, but I don’t want to say she is and her not feel the same YOU KNNOW 84. eye colour: Grey/blue 85. favourite movie: Wuthering Heights (The version with Juliette Binoche and Ralph Fiennes)
Thank you @illyriangoddess for the tag! I tag:
Anyone currently reading this? also, @fae-queen-night-court
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sleepwalkwith-me · 6 years
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
— What was your last…
1. Drink: Coffee
2. Phone call: a friend called me because she took the bus to my house but she didn’t really know where she had to go
3. Text message: i asked a friend what we would give this other friend for his birthday (surprise, we ended on money. how original amirite?!?!)
4. Song you listened to: mystery of love – sufjan stevens (did i cry listening to this??????? maybe)
5. Time you cried: oh. well. listening to mystery of love haha. i saw call me by your name two days ago and idk why but this song just HITS ME LIKE A TRUCK
__ Have you ever…
6. Dated someone twice: i have never actually dated anyone
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah mate no regrats
8. Been cheated on: like i said, have never dated anyone, so no.
9. Lost someone special: yes
10. Been depressed: not really, i haven’t been diagnosed or anything. but sometimes i feel like there’s definitely something up with that brain of mine.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes. 10/10 would not recommend.
— Fave colours
12. black
13. green
14. yellow
— In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: yessss. i started a new study in a new city, so i met loads of new people. i’m lucky enough to call some of them very close friends already :)
16. Fallen out of love: Love?????? no. but this year i got over this big crush (iguess? a bit more than just a crush lol) that kinda dominated my life for a year or two.
17. Laughed until you cried: i don’t even remember what it was about but yesterdayme and my friend marijn were in the weirdest mood where everything was funny as heck
18. Found out someone was talking about you: no not really? i mean people probably do but who cares you know
19. Met someone who changed you: i wouldn’t say completely ‘changed’ me, but one of my new friends from university does make me a more WokeTM person so i think that counts as positive change right?
20. Found out who your friends are: not in a bad way, but i graduated high school this year, so now i realise that i don’t speak to a few of my old friends anymore and that they were just friends because i saw them everyday.
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: yeh.
— General
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: All of them.
23. Do you have any pets: Noooo, i used to have cute lil bunnies but i have been pet-less for about 8 years i think :(
24. Do you want to change your name: nah. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have the dutch ‘ij’ in my name bc it’s had for non-dutch people to pronounce, but that also makes it cool i guess
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i had 2 exams on my birthday haha, so that was my main activity. But afterwards I went out for dinner and drinks with my friends which was very nice <3
26. What time did you wake up today: 6:30 and i DID NOT LIKE IT
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: downstairs, in my house, pouring myself a tea before going to bed. i came home from a symposium at 23:30 so i needed a little chill out time before i could go to bed
28. What is something you can’t wait for: lots of things!!! things that are happening in the near future, like going to the efteling (dutch themepark) with my friends in a few weeks, going out tomorrow, spending this weekend at my sisters house in amsterdam, or going to mallorca with mah gurlz this summer. But also i can’t wait for things like falling in love!! meeting people that will be in your life forever!!! moving to Utrecht!!! 
30. What are you listening to right now: my mom and dad talking about books they are reading, and the radio (radio 4, classical music) is playing in the background
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: weirdly; no??? at first i was like yeah ofc everyone knows someone named tom but then i couldn’t think of anyone???? weird dude.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: my own stupid ass bc there are a million things i should be doing rn but what am i doing????? filling in this tag bc i’m selfobsessed ha ha lol
33. Most visited website: tumblr or netflix i think
34. Hair colour: Blonde
35. Long or short hair: not like Really Long but it’s over my shoulders so idk
36. Do you have a crush on someone: i’m crushing 24/7 honey, whether it’s on a celebrity, or a cute guy from my class, or even someone that has been even the tiniest bit nice to me haha what’s wrong with me??? idk i love people man
37. What do you like about yourself: i’m always trying to see the good in people, which some people don’t really see as a positive thing and they tell me that it’s gonna get me screwed over or something but idk i think it’s a good thing
38. Want any piercings: atm i have 3 earrings in my left ear, 2 in my right, and also a helix piercing in my right ear. and boiiiiii do i want more! i really like earpiercings but idk which one to get next yet
39. Blood type: don’t know actually. is that weird? is that something i should know? oh well
40. Nicknames: depends on who i’m with, but a few are: karlit, karliño, karlinna, kar(rie), carlos, and heyitscarry (that’s my snapchat, everyone makes fun of me for it lol), 
41. Relationship status: single
42. Sign: ~~*aquarius*~~
43. Pronouns: she/her
44. Fave tv show: it’s usually the one i’m watching at the moment, but a few overall favs are brooklyn nine-nine, new girl, american horror story, teen wolf, queer eye (!!!), jane the virgin, shadowhunters (i know it’s shit but MALEC IS THE ONLY THING KEEPING ME ALIVE RN), and oh my i could go on. idk, i just really love shows in general; good or ‘bad’, if they make me happy i’m instantly like ‘yup just found my new fav show!!!’
45. Tattoos: sadly, no
46. Right or left handed: righty
47: Ever had surgery: yeah once when i was little, i think i had something with my ear but i don’t even really know
48. Piercings: like i said, just my ears; 3 normal ones on the left, 2 normal ones + a helix on the right
49. Sport: not anymore whoops but i used to dance and do this weird sport called wheel gymnastics. look it up, it’s fun.
50. Vacation: what about it?? uhmmm upcoming ones are a 3 day trip to berlin with this huge student organisation in may, and a week in mallorca with my friends this summer.
51. Trainers: as in.. shoes? like.. sneakers?? idk, don’t own them. i usually wear converse in summer and my fake dr. martins or my heels in winter i guess haha
— More general
52. Eating: rn? nothing, just had dinner tho
53. Drinking: coffeeeee
54. I’m about to watch: the flash, 3x04 
55. Waiting for: my deadlines and exams to be over so i can do nothing without feeling guilty
56. Want: ???? so many things?????
57. Get married: uhmmmmmmmmmmm not yet 
58. Career: well i don’t have one if that’s what you’re asking. but i’m studying sociology so idk i hope to get a job where i can use my sociology-skills
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: both plz 
60. Lips or eyes: eyes
61. Shorter or taller: shorter
62. Older or younger: ?????
63. Nice arms or stomach: arms fuck me the fuck up
64. Hookup or relationships: depends??? 
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: i think a combination of both would be good
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: ya
67. Drank hard liquor: ya
68. Turned someone down: ya
69. Sex on first date: i’m a big ol’ virgin waddup
70: Broken someone’s heart: yes, sadly.
71. Had your heart broken: notreally
72. Been arrested: haha no 
73. Cried when someone died: yes
74. Fallen for a friend: yessssssss 
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: i go from yes! i am that bitch! to hell no who is this and what does she think she’s doing 
76. Miracles: i mean, not in a religious way or anything. but i think it’s a cute way of naming small, nice, alsmost-impossible things that happen 
77. Love at first sight: i think you can definitely FEEL that you are going to click with someone just by looking at them, but love? no.
78. Santa Claus: in the netherlands we have a slightly different holiday that we celebrate (don’t worry, we also have christmas) where there’s also a man that gives you presents and such. i don’t really remember but my mom always tells me that i very quickly didn’t buy the impossible things surrounding this Sinterklaas. i would always ask questions like; but HOW THE FUCK does he get to every child in ONE NIGHT??? (well maybe i didn’t ask it like that but.. you get it)
79. Angels: nah
— Misc
80. Eye colour: blue
81. Best friends name: Kim, vienna, femke, and estelle
82. Favourite movie: i don’t like ‘favourite’ questions bc i cannot choose man. it totally depends on what kind of movie we’re talking about??? like, i love movies like 17again and mean girls and high school musical? but i also loove movies like call me by your name??? and things like harry potter??? WHAT KIND ARE WE TALKING ABOUT
83. Favourite actor: again... favourite?? there are actors that i think are really talented, there are some that i just like as a person, there are some that i like just bc they play this character? the one that came to mind was dylan o’brien, bc i think beside his looks and nice personality he is an amazing actor (stiles! VOIDSTILES! Mitch rapp! Thomas! wauw what a guy)
84. Favourite cartoon: i don’t really watch cartoons i a m so r ry
85. Favourite teacher’s name: Meneer van Leeuwen. He was my philosophy teacher, but he also teaches physics and ANW (algemene natuurwetenschappen, was BESTE OOIT), and he was my mentor (not the right word sorry idk) for this big endproject that you have to do at the end of highschool in the netherlands). he was truly the BESt.
Thank you @foolishly-fond for tagging me! i’m always a slut for filling things in about myself l o l so i enjoyed doing this. 
I don’t really know who i should tag, and 20 people is a LOT so youknow, consider yourself tagged if you feel like doing this :) x
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