#also not to be dramatic but I'm going through a really rough patch rn and clancy came out just in time to give me some comfort
holystrongegg · 4 months
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Twenty one pilots did it again, they got me out of my art block with this masterpiece of an album ❤️
And this...this is what I make with my newfound inspiration. Of course it's a meme redraw, and I spent way too long on it, enjoy lmao
Edit: this is what I'm referencing in the oldies station video lol forgot to add it
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
Hey how do you think it would be like to be roomies with naruto, kiba, shikamaru and sasuke (separate) and y/n is crushing on them hard, she is basically simping. And they are aware of it (tho y/n does not know this) and they are teasing her or are sly about it.I really love your writing please don't stop
first of all, thank you!! i'm going through a bit of a rough patch rn with anything concerning my writing, so this meant a lot.
you're very sweet. i really appreciate it!!
so, let's see.
it'd take him an eternity to realize that you harbour feelings for him. [i'm talking literal months of heavy blushing and stammering from your end whenever he'd do something that'd turn you flustered.]
despite being awfully oblivious, he still somehow manages to constantly invade your personal space without actually meaning to.
he turns awkward around you as soon as he finds out, though - especially if he likes you back.
bashful grins, blushing, constantly rubbing the back of his neck and fixing the collar of his t-shirt - he does it all, and he does it obviously so.
also sweats a lot and becomes profoundly tense and irked about the silliest of things, like you not wearing a bra underneath your t-shirt, even though you're doing nothing but chilling at home. you've tried to explain to him that you get uncomfortable if you wear one for longer periods of time, but he still gets oddly annoyed about it.
starts keeping his distance, especially in the evenings. the door to his bedroom ends up being shut all the way [you can even hear the lock click into place from time to time.]
he also stops his habit of barging into the bathroom whenever you're showering or washing your teeth, and instead knocks like, you know... a normal person?
overall, very jittery and constantly on edge. it's annoying as fuck.
that is, until he drinks. when he's drunk - he's the complete opposite.
he admits he likes you after he comes home from a night out with his friends. his sentences are messy and slurred and accentuated with dramatic hand gestures. he's telling you everything and nothing all at once.
“and i know i’ve been actin’ weird lately, but at the same time you’ve been actin’ hella weird, too. and i also know the reason as to why you’ve been actin' weird, ‘cause i know why i’ve been actin’ weird, and-”
he doesn't remember half of it by the morning.
but it still counts.
becomes an absolute menace after finding out you like him.
teases you a lot [even more than usual.]
this man can’t stop wiggling his eyebrows at you, sending you sly winks and equally as complacent smirks whenever you cast a glance in his general direction.
you think nothing of it at first, because he’s like that with everyone.
so he kicks it up a notch. until the words ‘i know you like me’ are nearly plastered on his forehead, and yet you still refuse to believe it.
part of the reason as to why, is to save yourself the embarrassment. he’d surely never let you live it down if you ever admitted how you actually felt about him.
he sees it as a game.
lives, breathes and exists for the mere sight of your red face and bashful demeanor.
walks around the apartment shirtless a lot, because one: he’s self-assured like that, and two: your ogling feeds his already humongous ego.
touches you a lot, and on purpose, too. he’s constantly ruffling your hair, pinching your cheek, poking your sides. 
by this point, you’re just waiting on him to smack your ass and call you his pretty property.
nothing brings him more joy than whenever he succeeds in striking a nerve. he’s laughing when you start shouting at him to shut up; is absolutely hollering when you throw your pillow across the room at him and miss.
he casually tells you himself that he knows you’re harbouring a crush on him while you’re trying to make pancakes at 3am; that naruto had spilled it by accident with that big-ass mouth of his, and that he’s long since grown bored of playing silly games with you.
“cut the bullcrap, cutie.”
he’s snickering at the sight of absolute horror to fall upon your face, but knows when to put an end to his teasing and comfort you properly.
so you talk.
you eat the pancakes and talk some more.
and then he fucks you on the kitchen counter.
knew you liked him from the second you started glancing at him for a tad bit longer than you’d usually do.
is surprisingly chill about it, and acts like he doesn’t care, even though he does.
he cares a lot, actually.
he’s sharp enough to know it’s because he likes you back, but stupid enough to not acknowledge it properly.
and is he planning to do anything about it? hell to the no.
sharing an apartment with you is comfortable, after all. you don’t nag him and let him live his life the way he wants to, so why the fuck would he ruin that?
still, the sight of your shyness and affection makes him wonder what it’d be like to actually be with you.
he starts lingering around you more often to just enjoy your presence whenever you’re cooking or reading a book. 
the silence doesn’t bother him.
he keeps inviting you to smoke with him, because ‘it’s better with company.’
uses the chance to get spoiled by you every now and then, under the pretense that he, once again, doesn’t care.
by spoiled, i mean him resting his head on your lap, quietly humming whenever you run your fingers through his hair.
he loves being lazy with you. it’s just so simple and natural.
he hates it when things are forced or rushed, and this is the exact opposite of that.
he’s high as fuck when he tells you he knows that you like him.
he says it with a little breathless chuckle. the tone is so soft and sleepy that you can’t even be nervous about it, really.
you’re both silent for a long while, just enjoying each other’s company.
he sighs.
“and, i dunno... i suppose what i wanted to say is that i like you, too.”
he doesn’t know how to feel about it at first.
he starts paying closer attention to you, though. the way you dress, the way you speak, the way you behave.
silent appreciation.
though he always looks away whenever your gazes connect.
he tells himself that it’s just because he’s curious, but deep down he knows it’s a lie for whatever reason.
he doesn’t want to care, but goddamn he just can’t help himself.
secretly wonders why in the hell would a nice person like you ever fall for him.
he’s so complicated, after all.
sends you an occasional text if you’re out late, just to make sure you’re okay, but never replies after you tell him that you are.
it’s the little things with sasuke. you’ve gotta be satisfied with small affections, instead of grand gestures.
it takes him a long while to accept that he likes you back.
but goddamn, the sound of your loud laughter as you’re nearly wheezing like an idiot over the stupidest fucking meme surprisingly doesn’t annoy him. 
no, instead he can’t stop himself from quirking a smile in return.
he knows it’s game over from that moment onward.
it takes him yet another aeon to make a move.
he never tells you that he knew beforehand that you liked him. that he saw the text you sent to naruto, asking about him. 
he admits his feelings for you first; when you’re curled up in his bed from having a particularly bad nightmare, and his fingers are lazily stroking your spine in meek attempt of soothing you.
he pretends to be nonchalant about it.
even though he’s secretly hiding his smile against the top of your head, when you at long last tell him that you like him, too.
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