#also my mother decided that lgbt people are now her new fun hobby. like she's always been homophobic but for some reason she decided to lik
feluka · 10 months
i'm actually gonna explode they're pushing me to my limits
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marriagelawrp · 6 years
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Full Name: Priscilla Mary Franks
Age: Twenty-two
Gender: Female
To Marry: The Stripper
Occupation: Unemployed
Ethnicity: French & German
Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart
Priscilla was born to John, a plumber and Rachel Franks, a housewife on the 23rd of April 1995. Her parents were forty-one when she was born, three months before her mother’s due date. She had to stay in the hospital for a month, before she could go home with her parents who were over the moon to finally have a little girl. They already had five sons, named John Jr., Boaz, Moses, Seth and Caleb who were between the ages of twenty and five years old when she was born.
She grew up in a loving family, she really did, and her childhood was a happy one. Her brothers always looked after her, protected her and were always there for her. Her parents adored her and gave her everything she wanted, if they could afford it.
They also instilled in her the Catholic values and beliefs they so cherished and she learned to love them as a small child. She had a beautiful singing voice and eventually, she joined the church choir. She loved getting dressed up every Sunday, she loved listening to the beautiful stories of the Bible and seeing her friends at church. To this day, she adheres to her Catholic faith, goes to church and prays three times a day.
The Franks’ Christian values weren’t all that were instilled in her. Her father’s conservative views on what a woman’s role was, were also pumped into her from a young age. She was taught how to cook, clean, iron… was taught how to do everything a good woman was supposed to do. Her father also controlled what she could and couldn’t wear and certainly did not permit her to date.
From the outside looking in, most people would think that what Priscilla was going through as a teenager, would spark rebellion because she was controlled by her father but really, she didn’t know any better and she was quite happy. She loved church, she was good at cooking and didn’t mind helping her mother around the house. She loved beautiful dresses and wasn’t all that interested in boys. She had no desire to rebel.
That was, until her father started to protest her plans to go to college. She had always thought that just like her brothers, she’d go to college, but her father had other plans for her. He wanted her to find a nice young man at church – he even gave her some suggestions – and get married. She wasn’t completely opposed to the idea of marriage, but she wanted to wait a few more years. She wanted to study something, so she could earn her own money and contribute to a family. She even threw an uncharacteristic temper tantrum. It was her mother, who always was the peacemaker at home, that convinced her father to let her go to community college. Her father decided that the best option was to study accounting, and so she did. That way, she could work for her father’s plumbing business. It was her father’s way of controlling her, deep down she knew that, but she was so happy that she could go to college that she didn’t protest.
Against her expectations, she loved accounting, because it was structured and because it was so satisfying to her when in the end, everything just fit in her calculations. She went to college, but still slept at home and rarely got to attend a party but she did sometimes get her parents’ approval. She wasn’t a party animal, but she always had a nice time. It was through those parties, that she realized that she was quite different from the other girls. It wasn’t just her faith, it was mostly that she didn’t understand why they were fawning over these supposedly hot boys. They looked nice, they were fun to be around but nothing more. It took her until the start of her last year of college to realize that she didn’t notice the boys, because she was too busy looking at the girls.
That realization shook her to her core. Not only was that against her religion, which she cherishes with all her heart, but it was also because her family would never accept that she was attracted to women. That just wasn’t going to go well for her at all, and so she didn’t tell anyone and pushed it down. She wouldn’t speak of it, ever. That didn’t mean she stopped thinking about it though, and through some LGBT Christian online forums, she found views on Christianity and sexuality, that she could understand and agree with. It is very new, but she has managed to reconcile her faith with her sexuality in the last six months. She hasn’t officially come out yet, and it something that scares her but she knows it will be necessary because, she made an impulsive decision that will out her in the short term.
That faithful decision was made when the form from the government came, which she had to fill in. The government would find her a spouse and unlike many others, Priscilla didn’t really mind it that much. She’d always known her spouse would be chosen for her, it didn’t matter whether it was her father or the government. What was the difference? The only thing she was surprised by was that the questionnaire asked which gender she was attracted to. She had automatically assumed that all women would be paired with men, and that was something she didn’t really want but she had accepted that. Now, she suddenly seemed to have an option. The time she stared at that box was far longer than necessary and she even skipped it until the end and then, before she folded it and put it in an envelope, she crossed ‘women’. She chose to tell the truth.
It took her a long time to really understand why exactly she did what she did but upon reflection, there was one difference between the government and her father. At least with the government, she could be married to someone of the gender she knew she was attracted to. That didn’t mean that she’d like the woman that was chosen for her, but at least there was a small chance that there would be some sort of connection, whether it be romantic or sexual. She hasn’t admitted her attraction to women to anyone though, which means that revealing who her spouse is, will be her coming out towards the people she knows.
And the one coming out she has had, hasn’t gone smoothly at all. Her father has seen the letter she got back from the government, telling her who her spouse was going to be. Her fiancée’s name was clearly female, and her father hit the roof. She didn’t say anything other than ‘I must have made a mistake, father, I’m sorry’ but he didn’t care. He is now petitioning to get his daughter’s spouse changed, even if that isn’t legally possible. Her mother hasn’t said much, but Priscilla can see in her eyes that she knows it wasn’t a mistake and it is surprising to Priscilla that she doesn’t see disapproval or disappointment. At least there is that.
Now, Priscilla is working for her father’s company, doing his accounting and still living at home, even though their relationship is tense. Her father knows that she meant what she wrote on the form, but he isn’t ready to acknowledge that, he may never be, but Priscilla sees a way out of this situation through marriage. She really wants to try and make this arrangement work, even though she is terrified of people learning about her sexual orientation. All in all, she really has always dreamed of being a wife and a mother. She just hopes the other woman will want to give it a real go as well.
✕ WHERE THEY LIVE ✕ You were raised by a working class family with very traditional, conservative, and mostly outdated American marriage values. Because of this, you still live at home with your parents and will do so until you are married. Your family was originally from the Midwest but the virus epidemic forced you all to move to New York City when you were young, in order to to stay safe.
✕ THE JOB THEY HAVE ✕ Your parents have been supporting you under the belief that the responsibility of supporting you will be passed on when you get married. You have a number of hobbies and skills you have mostly honed at home and with some community college classes, and you have sometimes earned a little money for helping out family friends, but you have not yet held down a paying job.
✕ THE MARRIAGE LAW ✕ With nearly eighty percent of the population dead because of a virus outbreak, the world is in dire need of repopulation. The government stepped in and created a marriage law, giving people eight weeks to marry a stranger chosen to them by the Government. Your letter came this week, and you have eight weeks to marry The Stripper.
THE WIDOW - He used to be your parent’s accountant, and when he left to take over his wife’s business, your family maintained loyalty by patronizing the business. You are a regular customer and sometimes hang out there when you want a little time away from home.
THE TROUBLEMAKER - You landed in a little bit of trouble because of him a few years ago and although it was a minor, you still haven’t forgiven him for it.
THE STRIPPER - Your parents are under the impression that your provider will be a working husband, but you have been privately questioning your sexuality for some time and reflected this on your registration form for the law. This is how you ended up matched with The Stripper, whom you now have 8 weeks to marry.
                      THIS CHARACTER HAS A FLEXIBLE FACECLAIM                              & IS CLOSED FOR AUDITION
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