#also love how alm and celica have flavor text for each other's locations
fayesdiary · 2 years
Idk how hot this take is but I think the exploration phases in SoV are an absolute delight and I hope they're in more Fire Emblem remakes because I want to see what's in characters' minds as they poke around and look at stuff
Ok, this is gonna need a lengthier response because:
If you mean exploring the villages and locations? I wholeheartedly agree! Poking around and checking everything for secrets is really fun, and the fact there's so much flavor text for both Alm and Celica checking spots and most of it either provides some neat worldbuilding or is really funny (along with being able to talk to characters of your army who monologue about their life) is definitely one of the best parts of Echoes and it badly needs to come back in future titles!
But when we come to the dungeons... eh. I think I mentioned it once, but while it is a neat idea, Echoes' execution leaves a lot to be desired and it actively becomes obnoxious on replays or lengthier dungeons. Especially if you start hunting for the ludicrously rare drops.
(Also I have the really bad memory of one of my Ironman attempts ending horribly at the ends of an unavoidable rare Terror)
I wouldn't mind it coming back because exploring locations especially now in HD on the Switch would be really cool, but it definitely needs to be improved.
TL;DR: The explorable villages and other locations are one of the best parts of Echoes, but the dungeons really need to be reworked in the future
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