#also like while I wouldn't mind doing one or two BB rewrite prompts as a general rule I'll ask people to avoid them
troutfur · 11 months
bonefall rewrite piece where owlstar and sparrowstar meet at a negotiation of some sort.
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I target BB!Owlstar on my side of the field to special summon canon!Owlstar in attack position and canon!Pebble Heart in defense position.
Anyway! My bad attempt at a joke aside I'm gonna have to hijack this prompt for my own ends because I've always thought that the Pebble-Sparrow-Owl trio could have a really cool dynamic as a trio in the aftermath of DotC. I need Pebble Heart to be a separate character from Owlstar because both from his position as a meddie and his characterization in canon I have him serve as a mediating influence, as an anchor that keeps his siblings from drifting too far off from each other. Plus I think trios just generally give a more stable ground for character dynamics than mere dyads.
This one I based on a fic I that's been rummaging in my mind for ages about Sparrow facing a coup from Skystar's kin following his death and having to convince her brothers to lend their aid in her campaign of guerrilla warfare to reclaim her position.
(Want to submit a prompt of your own? Check out my guidelines and send it in! I'm only slightly likely to hijack it with a lame Yu-Gi-Oh! joke.)
With labored breaths, Sparrow Fur sat against the rough bark of a tree with a trickle of blood going over her left eye.
Everything since the ambush had been a blurr. Skystar hadn’t even been cold in the ground for more than before one of his brats got cocky and decided to organize an insurrection. There’d been no shortage of cats to stand behind him, the downside of Skystar’s system of advancement by merit was that there would always be a gaggle of malcontent cats eager to stand behind the first cat to promise them a place by his right paw.
Though she had barely the energy to move she attempted anyway to rise to her feet before she was gently guided back down onto her back.
“Easy there,” Pebble Heart instructed, pressing a wad fo wet most as he wiped the spot on her head from where the blood was oozing. “I haven’t even finished cleaning your wounds, Sparrow. Are you like this with Acorn Fur as well?”
She didn’t reply, instead just letting the twitching of her tail to give the message. It had been humilliating enough to be forced to flee her own territory, to hide among the dampness of ShadowClan and forced to rely on kin she thought she’d have no debt to anymore. Yet here she was, SkyClan’s deputy reduced to such a sorry state.
“I know, I know,” the dark-gray tom soothed., adding with a sigh, “It’s so hopeless with you, SkyClan cats.” Briefly he turned around to retrieve a herb from the stash he’d managed to bring alongside him from his nest. “Will you calm down if I tell you that I have someone who can help you out with your predicament?”
“Pryyp?” Sparrow Fur mrowwed. It’d been the first word the ShadowClan medic had heard her say in hours.
“Pebble Heart?” a familiar voice asked approaching the makeshift clinic fashioned from the cover of a fallen tree.
For a moment Sparrow Fur vocalized a sound like a growl. The recently-arrived tom widened his already large eyes in surprise, standing there for a moment before rushing to the side of his brother and sister. It was Owlstar of ThunderClan.
“Do you know who did this to her?” Owlstar asked. “How did this happen? When?”
“I found her a couple sunrises ago,” Pebble Heart explained. “I don’t have all the details and she hasn’t been well enough to tell me herself but I’ve got an idea of what it was, and she’ll need your help.”
“No!” Sparrow Fur immediately snapped, causing her brothers to tumble back as she labored to go back on her feet. She found it hard for the words to come to her mouth but she could say that much. “No! No! No! NO! Not ThunderClan!”
“This is no time to be proud, Sparrow,” Pebble Heart insisted. “If you want to reclaim leadership from Tiger Tail--”
“Wait,” Owlstar piped up, his sight brightening. “Skystar’s dead? And it was one of his sons and not Sparrow who took the leadership? This is excellent! From now on we could--”
Owlstar was stopped in his enthusiasm by a growl from his sister and a scolding from his brother. “This is no time to be thinking of a battle! Sparrow’s hurt and her would-be murderers are chasing her and this is what you think about?”
“Well, I have to think of ThunderClan!” Owl Eyes defended himself. “And SkyClan’s been nothing but a threat. Why shouldn’t I think about our rivalry now?”
At least there was something she could agree with her brother on...
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