#also let's be more understanding of single mother leandra amell dealing with loss with no one to rely on
ndostairlyrium · 1 year
MA QUANTO TEMPO, wait that I'll throw you some family prompts.
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👩, 👍 for Hawke, 💕, ✨ for Ankh, 😞, ⚰️ for Ela!
( of course, skip any you don't like, they're… A lot, LOL)
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👩 - What's your muse's relationship with their mother, what made it that way?
Leandra is a very cautious person, protective of her children. Being Hawke the guy with the thunderous laugh in the back of the room and the occasional "I turned Carvers hair into moss because he was being annoying" sibling, you can see why their relationship was rocky to say the least. Malcolm acted like Switzerland between them but most of the times it wasn't enough. They were clearly different people, they still are.
It's when Malcolm died that Hawke realized that his mother was acting a certain way for a reason, consequently he changed his behavior to ease her role as a single parent. He soon became someone to rely on, working alongside her with much more passion, plus he toned down his personality to avoid unpleasant attentions.
Usually, when parents are left alone with children depending on them, they either become superheroes with iron shoulders or they look for another adult in the room for assistance. In Hawke's case, unfortunately the second option happened. He was treated like the other adult in the household while he was still developing his identity. I think that's one of the reasons why Carver just antagonizes him at every possible occasion; he's not his dad and he's not acting like his silly big brother again. Who is Hawke? Why he's in charge? Why does he think it's best to do certain things without even consulting him and Bethany about it?
I can sympathize with Leandra for acting like this tho, growing three kids (two of them being mages) without someone helping is probably one of the hardest roles you can ever have. "Yeah but she could've asked for help rather than putting such responsibilities to her kid"
Listen Judy, the woman has kids with magic. What if she asked for help to the wrong person? One that could give templars a call and just take what's left of her family away, for example. She's alone, in a different country, her dreams have just been shattered in the worst way. She's just a human trying to survive an environment that is trying to crush her; realistically, a perfect reaction to crises rarely occurs.
What I'm trying to say is, Leandra's situation has never been easy. But she was also the adult in the room and she wasn't fair with her older kid.
Hawke took the lead because he understood his mother's struggle, but she failed to fulfill her children needs in return. But she also did her best? That's why Hawke was adamant to give her a better life in Kirkwall, he knows she could have done more, but also he knows that she just needs a different environment to grow and thrive.
tl;dr: he knows her flaws, but he can't help but love her profoundly even if he has all the rights to fail and process his trauma without having to act like nothing can touch him
👍 - Does your muse think they’re a good child and/or sibling?
No, because he blames himself for everything bad happened to his family. But he's a great child and sibling.
💕 - What are your muse’s thoughts on parenting and being a parent even if they aren’t one?
Actually, I never planned anything for this lol
I know she wants to generate a chaos elemental and the guy is into the idea as well, but there are quite the maluses involved in such a concept (anchor messing up with the inquisitor's body, age, lyrium influence on fertility, plus elves being unfortunate when it comes to their reproductive system). Hopefully they'll have that experience, I'm just not too eager to explore the implications surrounding it :'D and Bonbon is already a fulltime parenting job. Could be a training ground for the most poofy haired kid in existence? We'll see, we'll see
✨ - How important is family to your muse?
Her concept of family is different from the standard parent 1 parent 2 (3,4...), plus spawn. For her, family is the ensemble of all her loved ones, including her clan, her people in general, and the ones who entered her life by seeking her protection. She doesn't think of her blood relatives more than she would think of Cassandra.
Which is why when someone betrays her, the world just stops making sense.
😞 - Finding an orphaned child would your muse opt to take them in, find someone more qualified, or just leave them?
A Warden's life is not suited for a child. Before the Chantry just forced the Wardens to get rid of Anders, probably she would have left them to a flock of mothers/sisters to take care of them. In this moment she would probably claim a couple of favors and place them in the most suitable household. The girl has a heart
⚰️ - How would the loss of a family member affect them? Does it vary based on type of family member?
Being a traumatized orphan still, she would take the loss of his brother in the most heartbreaking way possible. She knows her clock is ticking faster than his, and it would be an upsetting surprise if he was the one walking through the Veil first.
She would honor his name by all means, even if this would end in losing all the freedom she struggled to capture all those years she was away from Highever. She would return home and stay in court to protect the designated heir until the situation is cleared from any threat, sacrificing her tasks in order to celebrate what her brother accomplished while she was away.
If Alistair died (Warden Alistair in my worldstate) it would be tragic in the most greek-theatre-like possible way, because he became the most stable presence in her life since the loss of her family. He's the air she breathes, her compass whenever the morality of a situation gets blurry, the man that made her say "not all men suck" for once. She wants to give him a better future, it's irrelevant if she's involved in it or not.
She knows she's on borrowed time, grasping every minute with what's left of her nails, but he doesn't need to carry such burden. He deserves happiness, he deserves the world. And she wants to give it to him on a silver platter.
If her brother died she would have a plan, but if Alistair died nothing in her life would make sense anymore.
The ask meme
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Areida Hawke
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Race: Human 
Gender: Female 
Class: Rogue
Title: Champion of Kirkwall 
Family: - Aristide Amell (maternal grandfather) 
              - Bethann Walker (maternal grandmother) 
              - Malcolm Hawke (father) 
              - Leandra Amell (mother) 
              - Bethany Hawke (sister) 
              - Carver Hawke (brother) 
              - Gamlen Amell (maternal uncle) 
              - Mara Hartling (aunt) 
              - Charade Amell (maternal cousin) 
              - Fausten Amell (maternal great-uncle) 
              - Damion Amell (maternal first cousin once removed)
              - Revka Amell (maternal first cousin once removed)
              - Four unnamed second cousins through Revka 
              - Anders (husband)
              - Karl Hawke (son)
              - Malcom Hawke II (son)
              - Leandra Hawke (daughter) 
Voice: Jo Wyatt  
Appearances: - Dragon Age II 
                        - Dragon Age Legends 
                        - Dragon Age: Inquisition 
                        - Heroes of Dragon Age
Areida Hawke (born 9:06 Dragon), commonly known as The Champion of Kirkwall, is the main protagonist of Dragon Age II. She is the daughter and eldest child of Malcom Hawke and Leandra Amell, and the older sister of Bethany and Carver Hawke.
Areida was born in 9:06 Dragon to Malcom Hawke, an apostate, and Leandra Amell, a noblewoman from Kirkwall who ran away to elope with Malcom after discovering she was pregnant with Areida, an action that caused her maternal grandparents to disown her mother. At the age of five, Areida was given two younger siblings. A brother named Carver and a sister named Bethany. Areida loved her younger siblings and was very protective of them, even while they were still in her mother’s womb. After her siblings were born, wanting to protect her beloved family, Areida began to practice dual dagger combat fighting. 
When Areida was fourteen-years-old, her family settled on the outskirts of Lothering after being on the run from Templars for several years. Due to her sister, Bethany, being a mage, her father spent a lot more time with her sister than he did with either her or Carver, a fact that Areida didn’t mind at all, understanding that Bethany needed to be trained in using her magic properly.
When Areida was twenty-one, her father became ill and passed away, leaving her as the head of the Hawke household. Three years later, Areida and her brother, Carver, enlisted in King Cailan’s army and took part in the battle of Ostagar. When Loghain Mac Tir betrayed Cailan and left the battlefield with his army, therefore leaving the King and the rest of the army to die, Areida and Carver managed to survive and escape back to Lothering in order to retrieve their mother and sister.
Dragon Age II
Around the year 9:30 Dragon, the Fifth Blight has just begun and, following their victory at Ostagar, the darkspawn fell upon the village of Lothering. The Hawke family was among the last to escape alive. Hawke's mother Leandra suggests that they flee to Kirkwall, where her younger brother Gamlen holds the Amell estate. On the road they stumble into Aveline and her templar husband, Wesley, also survivors of the massacre. During their escape, they run into further bands of darkspawn. Though the party defeats many of these creatures, victory comes at a cruel price: Aveline's husband contracts the darkspawn taint and Areida’s brother, Carver, is slain by an ogre. Surrounded by darkspawn and on the verge of death, they are rescued by an attacking high dragon. The dragon turns out to be Flemeth, the Witch of the Wilds. Flemeth offers them safe passage to Gwaren in exchange for a favor. Areida had no choice but to agree.
Areida, her mother Leandra, sister Bethany, and Aveline board a ship to Kirkwall but find that the city is filled with an influx of Ferelden immigrants, all fleeing the Blight. The city guard has been turning the refugees away and banning them from the city. Worse, they discover that Gamlen has gambled away the Amell estate and fortune. Gamlen is able to get a contact to bribe the Hawke family and Aveline into the city, but only if Areida and Bethany agree to work off a tremendous debt as indentured servants. Areida had no choice but to agree to be under the smuggler, Athenril’s employment.
One year later, Areida has managed to work off the debt but still lacks the funds needed to properly care for the entire family. Areida then meets a dwarf named Varric, who persuades her to become a business partner in his and his brother, Bartrand's Deep Roads Expedition. Needing a map of the Deep Roads for the Expedition, Areida, Varric, Bethany, Aveline head locate an apostate and grey warden named Anders in Darktown. While trying to make enough money to invest in the expedition, Areida meets and befriends Merrill, A Dalish elven mage who is First to her clan's Keeper, Isabela, A free-spirited pirate captain and smuggler, shipwrecked and stranded in Kirkwall, and Fenris, an escaped elven slave from the Tevinter Imperium, infused with lyrium tattoos by his former master.
In time, Areida was able to make enough to invest in the expedition. Though Bartrand betrayed both Areida, Varric, Anders, and Fenris during the expedition, the treasures found within the Deep Roads brings Areida both fame and fortune. When she returns home however, she finds Templars taking Bethany away to the circle, having discovered her magical abilities. Areida tries to stop them but Bethany tells her to stand down and goes with the Templars quietly. Areida comforts her heartbroken mother as they witness Bethany being taken away. 
Two years later, Areida, Varric, Anders, and Bethany enter a secret Warden prison in the Vimmark Mountains searching for a sect of the Carta who are after "the blood of the Hawke". After investigating the deranged Carta members, the group discovers that the Carta sought to bring either Areida or Bethany's blood to a creature called Corypheus in order to wake him from slumber. After getting to the bowels of the prison Areida chooses to side with the grey warden, Larius who believes Corypheus should be destroyed over the grey warden, Janeka who wants to control Corypheus. Once she releases Corypheus from his prison by using her blood, Areida and her friends destroy him. The Seekers of Truth attempt to investigate some time later, but the prison has been destroyed and they are turned away by Grey Wardens.
A year later, Areida's status in Kirkwall has improved substantially since she assumed her role as scion of the aggrandized Amell family. She has also developed feelings for Anders and started a romantic relationship with him. Areida is asked by the templar Emeric to investigate the mystery of the missing women in Kirkwall. While investigating the murders, Areida's mother, Leandra, is abducted by the white-lily serial killer while on her way to visit Gamlen. Following the killer's trail, Areida finds that Leandra has been murdered and pieced together with parts of other women. Her killer and the instigator of all the serial killings is a blood mage named Quentin. Keeping Leandra alive with his magic, Quentin aspires to recreate the image of his dead wife. Areida battles Quentin and his demon and undead forces. After Quentin dies, Leandra also dies. Her last words were telling Areida how proud she is of her. Areida mourns the loss of her mother while being comforted by friends.
Tensions between the Qunari (who have been stranded in Kirkwall for several years and refuses to leave without their missing relic) and the city's denizens have also been escalating. Areida is asked by Viscount Dumar to intervene with Qunari affairs several times during their stay in Kirkwall but the discord reaches a boiling point when Aveline, now captain of the guard, enlists Areida's aid in trying to arrest some criminal elves who have been granted religious sanctuary in the Qunari Compound. The Arishok, who had to endure a series of provocations from Kirkwall's anti-Qunari sect, takes a final offense to the attempted arrest of his new converts and counterattacks; marshaling his forces to conquer the city and convert it to the Qun. Areida was able to rally the templars and Circle mages and fight back the Qunari. They reach the Viscount's Keep where Areida defeats the Arishok in single combat. Having saved the city, Areida is crowned the new Champion of Kirkwall. 
Two years afterwards, Areida joins a mysterious elf assassin named Tallis, in infiltrating the Chateau Haine and stealing a precious relic. Areida, Tallis, Anders, and Fenris take part in a traditional Orlesian Wyvern hunt. After which they fail an attempt at stealing the relic and are captured. Tallis then reveals the truth about the relic, The Heart of the Many. After escaping, Areida chooses to help Tallis pursue the relic which leads to a fight with Tal-Vashoth and Grand Duke Prosper de Montfort which ends in Prosper de Montfort's death. Though his death at Areida's hands would have normally warranted retribution from Orlais, Prosper's dealings with the Tal-Vashoth against the Qunari, if revealed, would have embroiled Orlais in an impolitic scandal. Areida then lets Tallis leave with the true prize. At some point after returning to the Hawke Estate, Areida writes a journal passage regarding her relationship with Tallis and whether they'll meet again.
Another year later. Knight-Commander Meredith has taken stewardship of the city at the request of the Chantry, but so far has prevented the election of a new viscount. Meredith's stance against the mages has become harsher and much more cruel. After several more mages escape the Circle, Meredith orders more raids, crackdowns, and unwarranted incarcerations. Meanwhile, tales of insurrection from the Mage Underground have been becoming more frequent but have steadily declined to the point of almost utter annihilation due to Meredith's harsh tactics. First Enchanter Orsino accuses Meredith of being a tyrant and urges the citizens of Kirkwall to revolt against her. The citizens of Kirkwall look to Areida to keep the peace between the Templars and the Circle. Meanwhile, Areida is also requested to protect the city from maleficarum apostates. After Bethany is kidnapped by insurgents, Areida becomes embroiled in a conflict with rebel mage-templar conspirators seeking to overthrow Meredith.
Things reach a boiling point when Anders blows up the Kirkwall Chantry in order to remove the chance of peaceful compromise. Meredith immediately orders the Rite of Annulment and demands that the Champion stand with her and her templars in executing every mage in the city. First Enchanter Orsino pleads with the Champion to defend them against the templars, citing that the Circle had nothing to do with the attack on the Chantry. Knowing that the mages had nothing to do with the Chantry explosion, Areida chose to support First Enchanter Orsino and the other mages.
The final battle ends in the Gallows. Desperate to defeat the knight commander's forces, Orsino uses Blood Magic to become a harvester. Meredith, driven insane and paranoid by her Red Lyrium forged sword, also becomes an enemy. Both are eventually defeated by Areida to restore the peace. After the battle, Areida and her friends escape Kirkwall before templar reinforcements arrive. Areida's name became a rallying cry for oppressed mages everywhere. 
On the Run 
Fearing that Divine Justinia V was planning an Exalted March on Kirkwall, Areida and her companions left Kirkwall to spare its denizens and also to divide the Divine's forces should she send them to hunt for them. Areida went on the run with Anders, living under the name Marian and cutting her hair a little bit to avoid being recognized. A month after they left Kirkwall, Areida discovered that she was pregnant with her’s and Anders child, the baby having been conceived a week before Anders blew up the Chantry. Several months later, she gave birth to son named Karl, named after Anders’ friend and former lover who was mercy killed by Anders after being made tranquil. Two years afterwards, she became pregnant again and gave birth to another son named Malcom, named after her father.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
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Eventually Areida contacted Stroud to help with the investigation into Red Lyrium. Stroud however was concerned about corruption in the Grey Warden ranks and went into hiding. Areida was later contacted by Varric Tethras who introduced her to Inquisitor Rosabelle Trevelyan. After answering the Rosabelle's questions about Corypheus and how he may be related to missing Grey Wardens, Areida and Rosabelle rendezvous with Stroud in a smuggler's cave in Crestwood to see what his investigation uncovered.
Stroud explains that he was investigating if Corypheus could have survived fatal wounds just like an Archdemon can. Yet in the middle of his investigation, every Grey Warden in Orlais began to hear the Calling which he believes is being elicited by Corypheus. Believing that their end is near, Warden-Commander Clarel planned on using a blood magic ritual that would end all Blights before they all perished. Stroud was branded a traitor for protesting Clarel's plan and went into hiding. Stroud, Areida, and Rosabelle scout the ancient Tevinter ritual tower in the Western Approach to investigate a Grey Warden congregation.
At the tower, the party witnesses Grey Warden mages sacrificing their fellow Wardens to summon demons. They are being led by Lord Livius Erimond, a Venatori Magister who convinced Clarel to use his blood magic techniques to raise a demon army to invade the Deep Roads and kill the Old Gods before they wake. The demon binding rituals Erimond taught the Grey Warden mages, however, has the side effect of enslaving them to Corypheus, who will use them to conquer Thedas. Erimond escapes to Adamant Fortress while the party confronts the enslaved Wardens of the tower.
Areida and Stroud join the Inquisition as they lay siege to Adamant Fortress. They confront Erimond and Clarel about the truth of the demon binding ritual and attempt to sway the Wardens against Erimond. When Erimond summons Corypheus' dragon to deal with the Inquisition, Clarel has a change of heart and betrays Erimond. The dragon attacks and a massive battle ensues after which, the Inquisition pursues Clarel. Clarel inflicts her wrath on Erimond but is killed by the dragon he has summoned. Clarel's last act is casting a spell that subdues the dragon, but its crash causes the ground beneath them to crumble, resulting in the party falling off the ramparts. Rosabelle uses her mark to open a rift to transport the party to the Fade.
The party finds a spirit posing as Divine Justinia V who briefs them that they are in the realm of a Nightmare demon and that Rosabelle must recover the memories it took from her. As Rosabelle recovers these memories, she remembers how the mortal Divine was bound by Grey Wardens and sacrificed to power an orb -- an orb which Rosabelle picked up and which gave her the mark, and how the spirit in the Divine's form was the one who led Rosabelle out of the Fade after the creation of the Breach. Once Areida realizes that the Grey Wardens had a hand in sacrificing the Divine to further Corypheus' schemes, Areida becomes incensed and accuses the Grey Wardens of being out of control and needing to be checked. Stroud is defensive about the accusation, and argues that the Wardens were most likely mind controlled by Corypheus and that Areida herself has caused much chaos by causing the mage rebellion which Areida retorts that she did so to protect innocent mages.
The spirit leads the party to a rift but the Nightmare is preventing their escape. The spirit sacrifices itself to weaken the Nightmare, and the party defeats the Aspect of the Nightmare blocking their escape. The party reaches the rift but either Areida or Stroud must stay behind to distract the Nightmare for the party to leave. Areida wants to sacrifice herself to atone for freeing Corypheus but Stroud takes the sacrifice instead to atone for all the harm the Grey Wardens have done. After the party escapes from the fade, Areida travels to Weisshaupt to brief the Grey Wardens on what has transpired. 
In 9:44 Dragon, Varric mentions that Weisshaupt has apparently deteriorated into 'the special kind of mess that only happens when Areida shows up'. A year before the Exalted Council, Areida became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter she and Anders named Leandra, named after her mother. The epilogue states that some time later, Areida, Anders, and their children returned to Kirkwall and that Areida is helping Varric rebuild Kirkwall's damaged infrastructure.
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