#also just kassius's ''seer'' being [redacted] is SO GOOD
aos did kree so good. and also kassius is SUCH a good villan. he's such a whiny little baby and he's a politician and he's got daddy issues and he killed his brother and also he IS threatening as fuck and his relationship with sinaria is,,,, so co-dependent and fucked up ("terran biology is simple. she's kree, i do not know how to remedy death for our kind." *shoots him in the head* "then i suggest you study the condition more closely") its SO
listen i love the dystopia i love how fucked up all the situations are in season 5 i love that they reintroduce tahiti but being used by kree to resurrect people to torture them more i love the rebellion i love the roman vibes of kassius's whole upper-levels and the entertainment of it i love the fucked up politics between other kree and other aliens and kassius just clinging on to his shitty little rock with hunger for power and for admiration and not even being physically threatening really at ALL but being ruthless all the same, demanding perfection of everything...
aos my beloved
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