#also just a heads up this is Not ship i don't ship irl ppl lol
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mintjeru Β· 5 months ago
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241005 watch me woo!
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icycream24 Β· 11 months ago
Silver and Espio for the ask meme? :>
hehehe my favs hehee🀀🀀🀀
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I think most ppl don't know, but I used to really dislike Silver when I was first introduced to this character online. Not a game, no no, but YouTube AMV vids of this dude with cutesy shippy art of Silvaze. His portrayal was so degraded to me (I was 11 at that time?) that I believed he was a self-insert character for some popular artists to ship themselves with Blaze, in the girl-boss dynamic. Ofc, I looked for more info online and realised Silver was an actual character.
At that time I was playing Sonic Riders Zero Gravity and only unlocked Shadow/Rouge/Cream. After knowing what characters were avaliable, I tried my best to unlock the rest, including Silver. I also did not like his voice in English at that time, so much that I decided to switch the voice-overs to Japanese. And I also did not like it πŸ˜‚ Not because it was grading! But more like, I was shocked by the drastic difference between the two. Kid me had to decide which portrayal I prefer more (ofc not aware of narrative difference of the scripts, I just chose based on my preference) and ended up with Japanese bc I vibe with the calm seriousness in the voice more. Eventually I did get used to both voices after more exposure of this character, watching playthrough videos online.
Talking about watching 06, I was not expecting him to be so different from my first impression of this "whiny/incapable/loser" kid. Silver actually was serious about fighting for his future, like a dedicated soldier. Blaze was *not* the girl-boss, she was on equal grounds with Silver. (Really... I was like 11/12, now that I think about it, how come ppl's comprehension skills so drastically apart that we can get totally different character interpretations?) I started to find charming traits on Silver, and that was when I started looking up for this character's info more & more.
And then I discovered the Rivals series. I watched the whole thing, 1&2, and this Espio character... Wait they're kinda nice tgt. (it was year 2012?? AAAAA I can't believe I'm still insane about Espilver/Silvespio, they're my sons now at this point 😭✨) I remember using Skype and talked about the ✨chemistry✨ between Silver & Espio, and my friend said I was tripping 😭
Anyway here's Espio:
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At that time I didn't have that much knowledge on Espio, I just thought their Eng voice in Heroes sounded like he's dying in a few years with how gruff & grandpa it sounded LOL. Mostly I only draw him with Silver bc I realised no one shipped these two back then. (there was ppl but there was no tags for them) So I felt like, no, impossible. I need to COOK for them! So I started shipping them like FedEx with my limited skills πŸ₯΄
My Espio appriciation was mainly started by shipping him with Silver. As I reflect on why I enjoy this ship so much, I dug up traits that I like about Espio. He was helpful, supportive, and overall has a rather peaceful way of communicating with others (aka SILVER hhh). Compared to other characters, especially in Rivals, he was really chill and kept his head clear, and unconditionally aided Silver simply bc he knew he was helping someone with a good cause. Such admirable traits that I'd say are pretty rare even irl.
Still, Espio did not have that much screen time. His portrayal in my mind I do admit was half canon, half fanon. Silly ninja with goofy teammates that values teamwork & is capable of aiding others, plus saint-like patience & wisdom. (Haha...really, a lot of his traits are get from Rivals 2, his ways of interacting with individuals was way more informative than games & anime shows combined 🀧)
But yeah, with time I like these 2 characters even more, started to make all kinds of headcanons that I won't be able to elaborate here. The texts are already getting too long here πŸ˜‚ I've imagined them, either tgt or separately, in fluff/angst/spice/AU/wholesome/dead dove/anything really bc I just enjoy these two so much πŸ’•
It's kinda selfish to say, but with how little Espilver there was during that time, it was almost like they got a clean slate & I was not swayed by any other ppl's interpretation of these two for a few years. And ofc by time these two surely became my favorite characters. LOL I realised in my busy years of not drawing often, Silver & Espio were the only characters I drew πŸ˜‚
UGGGHHHAA I love these two sm 😭✨ thanks for asking hahah I wanna talk about them all day 🀧✨
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hay, this is more me looking for advice, but how do i stop lying to my followers about being proship? there was one point where i drew fontcest (undretale), and i got an anti who harassed me in ask, and sent me a graphic description of their brother killing their hamster. ever since i've been very weary of saying anything, or confirming i ship something cuz i don't want to read something like that again. that, and in general, i don't ship things too hard/go all in with it, at least 1/?
2/? i don't think i do. granted, i draw a bunch of art and post it, but for me that's just general hyperfixation. i'm also ace, and while yes, most ships are romantic or sexual, mine tend to be platonic, or suggestive. and are not as clear cut as to if i ship the characters or not, because even for me, it's up in the air, and i don't know, i'm not good with knowing how i feel about things, i just express myself through art and hope it says all it needs to. i've come up with a sorta tagging
3/4 tagging system, with tags for platonic ships, joke ships, etc, but even then sometimes how i view the relationship changes. like right now, i'm drawing a child and adult character together, most of the time the dynamic i portray is paternal, but other times i want to make it romantic, either as a cope for my own truama, or just because it's been my brain rot for weeks and i want it out of my head to get back to the "clean stuff" and just not post for a while. idk, maybe this is
4/? is all overly complicated, and i've made a mess for myself, but i feel like at this point i've tricked ppl into following or liking my work. because ppl do like my work, and then they send ask like "your art's now tainted for me", but i've been this way since 2016, i've just been scared of getting disturbing irl hamster gore stories again. or i've been told "fuck you for normalizing this", "don't hc this character as a murder pedo", "this feels like grooming", "you know your audience"
5/5 like i don't, idk how old anyone is who follows me, idk if there's children looking at my content. and i can't just make a poll, or check the thousands of followers i have to see if they have their age in their bio, i can't fucking ask for an id before following, i just. idk, this was very long and ranty, i'm sorry, i just don't want to remake my blog again, maybe i'm just dumb and anxious, i don't know. srry this was long, hope you're doin ok (^.^)v
Hello, I delayed answering this for a while since, well, i'm definitely not usually the person people go to for advice so im not used to it lol ❀ /nm
Buuut i mean... I can see why youre upset. I dont think you should have to come out and say you're proship. Being an anti shouldn't be seen as the default. You should also be able to make whatever kind of content you want as long as you tag it properly. If your fanbase is making you feel like you can't, then that fanbase isn't your demographic.
There are actually a lot of decent people out here who are pro ship, and if you choose to be openly pro ship, yes you will get some hate mail, death threats, suibait etc and lose followers, but you will also gain a lot of fans who want to see your interesting takes on different interpersonal dynamics. (Also, the former group weren't really your fans in the first place if they'll be so godawful to you over some pixels on a screen)
And yes it is impossible to police thousands of followers and that quite literally is not supposed to be up to you. Minors on the internet are supposed to be monitored by their guardians. If you put a disclaimer/tag for your content and some dumbass clicks it anyway and doesn't like what they see, that's their fault not yours.
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I've also noticed that the majority of people who are pro ship are prone to actually filtering content they don't like, while antis seem entitled and want the creator to do it for them. Its just a better fanbase experience all around in my experience.
As someone who helps run multiple pro ship accs, i understand the visibility can be scary. But I promise at the end of the day you'll feel a lot better for it. Hope this is at least semi-helpful/reassuring idk ❀
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florenceisfalling Β· 3 years ago
okokok so its kinda like the consumption of skewed fiction is okay as long as you know the difference between what is and isnt okay in society? i think thats what im getting maybe? but what if someone reads that kind of fiction and like, also agrees that that kind of thing is okay irl? would they be a proshipper or would they be something else?
i think i can understand it, its just a deal of knowing that fiction is, fiction, and its not okay for fucked up fiction to happen irl? like i can read a story about i dunno, a town falling apart due to mysterious murders and enjoy the plot but if i were to say "man, im really wanting dozens and dozens of innocent people to be gruesomely murdered i think thatd be a really neat thing to happen" then thatd be a problem because at that point id think that kinda thing is okay amd id be wanting that kinda fucked up shit inflicted on real people?
OR OR IS IT LIKE TWILIGHT?? people like twilight for lotsa different reasons, some like the movie because its outrageously toxic and badly made, some like it because of the concept of "this is a toxic relationship and its extremely entertaining" and some like it because they idolize the relationship between bella and edward and i guess jacob. the difference between these three is that the first two recognize this relationship as fiction and bad, whereas the last one idolizes the toxic relationship and probably wishes that kind of relationship to be irl. the first two know the relationship is not okay but the last one thinks it is?
~krabs :]
you grasp this really well dude dont apologize at all!!
what you said at the start - "the consumption of skewed fiction is okay as long as you know the difference between what is and isnt okay in society" - is such a perfect and succinct way of explaining it, or at least how i see it:
a person who is proship/profiction is someone who thinks that bad stuff (mysterious murders! toxic relationships! all the things u mentioned!) is okay in fiction but not in real life! ayyy
not everyone who agrees with that calls themself "proship" (lots of them r just ppl who think its common sense, not a label, lol) and not all proshippers have good views. but thats the basis of the proship community in fandom!!
the reason there are so many antis, or people who think proship is bad, is because people jump to conclusions when taboo stuff is involved. it kinda goes like this: person A ships something with an unhealthy age gap, or whatever -> person B assumes that because A spends time writing or drawing it, they think it is okay irl -> B thus makes a post falsely claiming A is a pedo/abuser/whatever -> person B's followers take this at face value, without checking further.
this spreads like wildfire online! you know how it is.
its also important to know that: 1.) when someone makes content with these dark themes like murder or abuse or so forth, they should be tagging it/otherwise making sure people don't have to see it if they don't want to. its just common courtesy, so that nobody gets triggered. 2.) fiction and reality are different, but fiction still affects reality. writing about a murderer is okay, mentioning someone being transphobic in a story is okay. but trying to incite violence with hate speech, or turning a character into a transphobic caricature, etc, is obviously Not okay. ik ur aware of that! im just sayin that anyone who responds to criticism for bigotry with "fiction =/= reality!!" is misusing that phrase.
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kharmii Β· 3 years ago
Someone sent me an anonymous ask talking about Omegaverse, but they ended it with this: *not an anti or looking for a fight tho! just really interested in fd history overall. plus i vibe w literary analysis :) pls dont answer this ask! this was an impulse info-dump on my end lol*
I'll respect that, but I want to talk about a few points they wrote on here for the fun of it. Save it about touching grass. I do that all damn day. Sometimes I just want to go online and say some goofy shit. (USUAL WARNINGS APPLY: R-18 EXPLICIT OFFENSIVE)
Anon wrote: tho tbh i am kinda sour about the fact that male omegas dont have periods :))
Really?! That seems misogynistic and also unhealthy af. Since this whole fandom is a dog analogy to me, I'd compare male omegas to those grody messes of English bulldogs that are unable to do all aspects of breeding without human intervention. They should have let natural selection run its course and let all those flabby lumps of flesh die out. After all, they can't birth without c-sections, and they can't even do the deed to make puppies. Breeders have to rely on artificial insemination.
Whoever created this kink obviously didn't world build outside of the asinine fetish. A male omega would obviously require a c-section so they don't hemorrhage to death squeezing an infant out their rectum, and they would most certainly have a period, but the menstrual blood might not have any place to go except back up into whatever version of ovaries they have. Then from there it would turn into fibrous tissue surrounding all vital organs. They'd all need routine laparoscopies done to remove the severe endometriosis growing around their vital organs, otherwise they'd constantly be in the fetal position suffering severe chronic pain.
Also they wrote: it's mostly a way to make your mlm ships "work". wc i guess makes abo theoretically weird and harmful w the way it makes gay ships approximate heterosexual relationships? also there is some ingrained misogyny to it... its a slippery, slipper slope. but nggl, thats not something you should put into mind as much! the things ppl enjoy are not complete reflections of their beliefs or who they are hehe
It doesn't work with mirror twins who are genetic copies of each other and therefore can't be opposite genders.
The blankshippers keep throwing out that 'your fantasies have nothing to do with who you are irl', and they have this huge persecution complex like they think so many people are out to judge them and harass them. -Come to find out, they are cliquish and JUDGEMENTAL AS FUUUUUCK. They will stew over some little slight and then label you as a horrible person over it....but don't you dare judge them for the sick-ass weird shit they are into. I found this out when a bunch of them were gossiping on Discord about me (it's fine; you can keep on keepin' on and I won't hold it against you *wink*). Two of them blocked me, so I can say mean stuff about them, and they will only find out if someone goes out of their way to tell them.
One clown, "Tombstone" was secretly stewing with resentment while we interacted back-and-forth when I'd reblog his/her posts. I thought we were having fun, but this person didn't like how I interpreted fan art wrong when I'd attribute my head canons to other artists images, and I supposedly used the word 'retard' when reblogging one of his/her posts. The only time I remember (goofing around) doing this was a long-ass time ago, calling Emmet a 'crazy-retarded God-killer'. I thought he/she might have been talking about this, but no go. He/she said that I should stop saying mean stuff about Emmet on his/her posts, yet he/she constantly dehumanizes Emmet, is into torture porn about the twins, and turns them into a serial killers and/or monsters. There's nothing meaner than that.
Another clown, "Dingo" is like....good riddance. This artist makes Emmet's facial expressions look mentally retarded af. He/she likes drawing Ingo's jacket but has issues with Emmet's for some odd reason. Also, he/she is the one who did a gross bull/cow drawing where Ingo was wearing a full arm glove that presumably goes up a cow's vagina that's roomy enough to accommodate an entire human arm. -Nothing gross and inappropriate about that. Nope. No sir. -Also did dog-fucker. I can almost see the invisible stink lines coming out of them.
The worst part is that he/she draws the twins looking gross and skanky with scruffy hair. They don't seem like the skeevy tramp-stamp sort of dudes. Sure, they look like clownish creepy puppets, but they also look rather crisp and shiny and fresh. They look like the sort of guys who would smell pretty....walking into a room engulfed in a cloud of good-smelling cologne. Even when Ingo was in Hisui, I'd bet he was the type to bathe in the hot springs twice a month, instead of just once a month like is customary for Pearl Clan members. When he'd reunite with Emmet and be told he was rather ripe, he'd reply, "Why...I was just in the hot springs a week and a half ago!"
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Art credit to: ℃эŁ@cal_1d2d Twitter.
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down-thedrain Β· 3 years ago
"this is the only way I can write lore" god yeah me too. anywayz
6, 8, 11, 17, 18, 30, 34, 35, 39, 40
6. are there any other preexisting characters that inspired an OC?
does real life dr**m count as a character. i mean ig since he wants his fanbase to ship himself w ppl so badly
to actually answer the question. i'm sure all of them have super subtle inspirations that i sort've subconsciously added on without really knowing it but specifically:
- the main 4 used to all be undertale ocs before i rebooted them and they still have very vague references to the aus i created them for. i don't really wanna mention which cuz just thinking about it makes me lowkey nauseous but it's definitely there
- similarly c4's based on grillby from undertale and c4 and java's dynamic is based on grillby's and sans's
- given how much avatar the last airbender inspires the pacing and writing style i wouldn't be suprised if requiem isn't at least partially inspired by the idea of the avatar (particularly with the idea of being a bridge between the spirit world [gods' and good/evil spirits' plane of existence] and the physical world [earth])
- like i said there's probably a lot of subtle references that even i don't know about djfkdhdk those are the ones i can think of off the top of my head
8. is there a certain song or playlist of songs you have that make you think of an OC/your story for them?
- here comes a thought from steven universe reminds me a lot of ruby/java
- regular lake and reviator lake make me think of swift and python respectively. these two songs make me very mentally ill
- fun fact! vysel was the result of me listening to lifetime achievement award by lemon demon on loop a trillion times and thinking "hey. what if that was an oc". but also kicks by barns courtney fits him so so so so so very well it makes me go stupid
- i just did a bad thing by bill wurtz also reminds me python which is funny cuz it sounds so Not like python but it just. works (particularly with the line "i just did a bad thing, i've ruined everything, and i've let the things i've ruined ruin me")
- dasher by gerard way also reminds me of java unfortunately. i think java would like gerard way nd probably mcr in general too lmao
- i could also sit here and talk about jack stauber all day but no one wants to hear that so let's move on lol
11. which character has been through the most design changes?
swift. easily. she used to took so different (and so worse tbh) it's crazy
ok remember earlier how i mentioned that the main 4 used to be undertale ocs. swift used to be from a completely different au. and her role/personality was completely different too. again i don't wanna go into details cuz i don't wanna remember my ut phase Ever but like. she used to have gray as a main color n shit and god her old design looked so ugly lmao
the main 4 all used to look so so different tbh. all of them has different clothes and stuff cuz i made their designs in motherfucking g*cha l*fe cuz i couldn't draw yet. (they all used to be part cat part demon btw. did i mention that i made these guys when i was 10.) but swift was the only one who went through a complete design overhaul cuz their design was That dogshit
(python does get an honorable mention in this regard because it used to be a girl but then i changed it cuz i had too many girl ocs. he transitioned in universe AND irl go figure)
17. who is your favorite OC?
ruby lol. i think it helps that she's the first ever oc i made period but also she just,,, ouhdjdhdjdh i really really like her design even though it's not the most interesting but she's so so so so friend shaped i wanna give her a hug irl. i project onto her the hardest so i feel very personally close to her too, she's the person i wanna be when i grow up. she's very easy to draw too, i don't have to force myself to draw her like i do my other ocs (not that i don't like drawing my other ocs but ruby is the one i go to the most when i have art block). and she's just a lil silly and she laughs and i don't make her wallow in her own sad backstory so when she really gets sad it feels so real and just thinking about her gives me the warm fuzzies :) i like her so much
18. who is your least favorite OC?
vysel. holy fucking shit. out of every oc i've ever made (for this universe of otherwise) i think he's the only one where i've actively given him next to no redeeming qualities cuz he doesn't deserve any. i don't wanna make him symathetic i want him to fucking die. his entire meta purpose is for me to vent how much i fucking hate e-celebs and how much i wanna see them fail. that's why he dies twice in the story he's just that fucking terrible
i do think he's fun to draw and write and i really like his contrast with python character-wise and how much influence he has over basically half the world and i REALLY like how java has a "don't meet your heros" moment with him but like. personality-wise i think i made him a little too hateable for my own good but. wtv it's ok
30. which OC has been the hardest to develop/design so far?
i remember vysel and especially swift were hard to design but i'd have to go with requiem. they're design is nooot veryy interestingg atm and while i have a good idea of how they fit into the story n such i just. i don't know how to write them. at all. and i never feel like focusing on them either so i'm stuck in perpetual hell lol
i think writing specific scenes with them in it would probably help but then that means getting into "season 2" of the story and s2 is a lawless land LMFAO
34. what scene that you've written/imagined is your favorite?
(okay here's the part where i go too way to hard in on responding lol)
python/vysel confrontation scene my heart goes out to you
it's set in the middle of the story and it sets the tone for both vysel's character and is basically the launch point for python's arc and like. it's the point where the story goes "oh shit we're getting serious now" and it sets the tone for the back half of season 1 and. please whoever's up there give me the strength to write this i'll go absolutely batshit
without fully spoiling everything building up to that moment, i do wanna say that python isn't a bad guy. not at all. but...
y'know. when you leave your life of endless work and ridicule from almost everyone around you, only to be forced to marry someone you don't even know at 14 (when it was born the world didn't see a problem with doing that). so you leave in hopes to find somewhere you can truly you call home, scamming and bartering for everything you have along the way.
and the you finally find that place, and you think that you'll actually be happy for once. and then some guy who doesn't know a thing about what you've been through makes you the laughingstock of the city. and you're fucking done being pushed around and forced to leave cuz everyone thinks you're a freak who doesn't deserve happiness.
so you stop the problem at its source.
and the audience and the rest of the characters don't know ANY of that shit. all they know is this: up until that point you see basically no genuine emotion from python, he just jokes and insults everyone around it and hopes that they hate him enough to never ask any personal questions. and everyone is used to that by that point. but then you see the anger, the heartbrokeness, the hell on its face when he sees the flyer and the characters don't understand why or what vysel even did but when python looks at them and says that this fucker has to die they know better than to try and stop him. and. and fuckenkasbwkdhwkevwkdhekev i go absolutely bonkers
i wanna save what's actually in the scene for another time though. i think it's better if the characters tell you what happened, not me.
if i ever do write it i'm posting it instantly this is the one aspect of the story i can confidently say i'm proud of
35. which OC would beat you up if they met you IRL?
vysel. i don't care that he's a whole foot taller than me i'm kicking his ass i'm grinding him into sawdust
39. what's your favorite part to draw on a certain character?
i love drawing ruby's lil dangling star earrings. i used to not draw her earrings but now that i have i'm not going back jfkdfhfkfh they're just so fun and they're so her yk
40. what's your least favorite part to draw on a certain character?
idrk? i designed all my ocs with the intention of being fun to draw
i have been wanting to do a map of python's body markings and that hasn't been very fun. i feel like i'm very very close to making them look like how i imagined them to look but it's been slow going unfortunately so there's that
and that's it WOO
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alo-piss-trancy Β· 4 years ago
if you don't mind sharing, what are your opinions on the ud/g characters so far? id love to hear your thoughts on them :3
Yeah, I'd be happy to talk about my thoughts so far! :D Altho fyi I'm still on the 2nd chapter and I'm playing pretty slowly/taking my time with it, so I haven't met a ton of characters yet. I'm trying really hard to find all the collectables/win the arcade challenges and stuff so I'm going at a snail pace lol. It's been an absolute blast though!
K/omaru's kinda different than I expected her to be tbh but I do love what they did with her! I kind of had it in my head that she'd be more upbeat/heroic and like, stronger/more of a fighter than M/akoto, so to find out she's actually even quicker to give up/very defeatist was a bit of a shock lol. But I do really like it, both for development purposes as the game goes on and also bc she IS what a normal person in that world would be, depressed and scared shitless, panicky even with a weapon, relies a lot of T/ouko. Having the sister of the Ultimate Hope be... not Despair, but just a little less confident like that is very nice thematically. I love her banter with T/ouko a lot, they're funny af together. Not sure if I really ship them? They might be cute but also T/ouko is so 200% devoted to Master B/yakuya that even my multishipper butt has trouble separating them at all lmao. One-sided crush from K/omaru's side would be pretty sweet tho πŸ’›
I don't trust M/onaca. Not even bc she's named M/onaca or bc of her creepy hollow gaze or overly uvu nice routine, but bc she has green hair. In my experience you NEVER trust an anime bitch with the cutesy green hair and golden/green eyes combo. They will be evil, or at least a bit unhinged every time istg. This bitch be plottin πŸ™ƒ That said, I'll admit her design is cute af, very aesthetic πŸ’š and I'm very interested in her development as a character. Her and the blue boi are cute although I'm positive she's going to betray his ass immediately when the moment comes. There is no love in her soulless little eyes and I fear for him
J/ataro (I think that's his name? The art mask boi) is my favourite Warrior of Hope!!! I mean, I'm like 80% sure his mask is made of human skin and I know he's committed many, MANY atrocities (that dancing puppet diorama of adult corpses was... something lmao), but ALSO... he's very polite, easily the nicest of the Delightful Children 2.0. He fixed their air conditioners and chairs and stuff and he's a good boi deep down kind of. Minus the murder I mean. And he has floppy sleeves and likes crafts and the fact that he literally wants ppl to hate him and doesn't think he's worthy of love slaughters my feelings 😭 He's like G/undham but EVEN SADDER and therefore he will be my favourite no matter what awful shit he's guaranteed to pull in the future akdkfk. I'm terrified bc I know in my gut I'll probably be responsible for his suffering if each boss battle is like the red-haired kid's and I'M NOT READY TO DO THAT TO HIM HHHH. I desperately want one of the other gremlin kids to be his friend (maybe the pink or blue one???) PLEASE JUST LET ONE BE NICE TO HIM. LET HIM BE HAPPY. I KNOW IT WON'T HAPPEN SO I MIGHT HAVE TO MAKE FLUFF AUS OR SMTH πŸ’”
I... don't remember anyone else's names yet and I can't google bc spoiler potential RIP. So uhhh:
Pink girl: 20/10 design, kinda trash personality but she's also fun lol. Seems to like animals which is a plus. Is mean to craft boi, which is a minus. She's like if G/undham, S/onia, J/unko, and H/iyoko were blended into one evil little gremlin which I find pretty funny. I love that she's the fighter and I look forward to seeing what devastation she'll wreak πŸ‘Ώ She and M/onaca would be cute tbh (but again, I'm sure M/onaca will Ruin Her. Plz run pink child your devotion is going to be for naught c':)
Blue boy: He's a cute, composed boi and I feel bad for him lol. You just know he's going to absolutely snap towards the end. He seems like the smartest and most likely to succeed, which means he's gonna get screwed over big time. I like that he kind of babysits the other gremlins. RIP his crush on M/onaca, he's gonna get his heart broken. Also watching him talk shit to N/agito gives me such life y'all don't even know lmao. Those milkshakes were garbage and he should feel bad.
Red boy: Kinda annoying AF to me personally, but I do feel horrible for him. The scene where he's so desperate to stop his hand from shaking that he bashes it until he breaks it while K/omaru was begging and crying for him to stop was hard af to sit through, GOD. Everything about that scene was just hhhhh
I'm legit so scared to see these other kids break down after that, like goddamn... I don't wanna know what they've been through but also I do ajdjglk. Damn these game creators snipping my heartstrings, I just wanted to make robot bears dance dude 😭
Other chars:
S/hirokuma: predictably, Absolute Baby, 20/10, I will love and cherish him forever πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’› HE'S SO CUTE HHHH I ADORE HIM 😻 Even if he turns out to be evil or makes me mega sad ajdjgkhl I don't entirely trust him but I also don't NOT trust him???? Let's face it this game's gonna flip one over on me regardless of what I try to predict bc they love their plot twists and betrayals so I'm just chillin for the ride lmao
Y/uta: Not 100% convinced he's dead ngl but also... I wouldn't be that upset if he was tbh. Maybe bc I just like the angst of M/akoto getting his sister back and to have a potential wife in K/yoko in the end while A/oi lost her own wife and brother thru all of this hell πŸ™ƒ He seemed nice enough, the part where he mimicked writing names in hands bc u know he probs learned that from A/oi made me wanna cry 😭
ALSO I JUST MET WHO I THINK IS H/AGAKURE'S MOM AND HHHHH 😍😍😍 She's so pretty and her voice is 20/10 but I'm terrified she's either gonna turn out to betray me OR even worse she's gonna get killed bc I gave her the hit lists before I saved akdhkgl TOO LATE NOW THO AND I REFUSE TO LOOK IT UP SO I'M JUST GONNA HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT IF/WHEN IT COMES
That's all I can think of to say so far ajfkjk, hopefully it's coherent c': I'm thoroughly enjoying the game and it's variety of chars, tbh I think I actually might like it a little more than the 'main' ones :0c Mostly bc it touches on a lot of the stuff I liked about the novels/was implied in other games, it's nice to see the darker takes not be interrupted with as many running gags and such. The easter eggs are super fun too!
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