#also its so funny that you find lisa's fake ids right at the start and she's like ummm its because im a photojournalist duh?
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the-blue-phantom · 10 months ago
just replayed treasure in the royal tower and oh my goddddd its such a tedious game i missed all the qol upgrades they added to later games so bad
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bella-ca · 6 years ago
Bound: A TRR AU
Mireya has always known she was different. She just didn’t realize how much. Upon her 18th birthday she gets information that will forever change her life. The stuff of her nightmares is reality. The things that go bump in the night really do exist. It’s up to her and her family to fight these monsters. Her life will never be the same. What happens when she falls in love with one such being? Will she live up to her legacy or become what she hunts?
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A/N: My muse kept telling me this story needs to be told. I love anything related to supernatural/horror beings. I decided to name my MC. The Y/N= your name format just didn’t feel right to me. This is a TRR love story. It is a slow burn. This is unbeta. All mistakes are mine. I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to choices by Pixelberry. I’m just borrowing them. Same with the pics they are not mine.
Warnings: violence, cursing, murder, revenge, death. Underage drinking. By reading you are acknowledging you are at least 18 years of age.
Word count: 1857
Chapter 2
7 Years Ago
Afternoon turned into evening. You started to get dressed for the party. You put on a pair of black skinny jeans and tight burgundy top that accentuated your cleavage. You left your hair down. You completed your look with the high heeled leather boots and your tight leather jacket. You didn't bother with purses putting a few essentials and your phone in your pocket. You also put the dagger your dad gave you in a special holster your dad had made for you. Hey you could never be too careful. As you were getting ready there was a knock at the door. “Come in.”
“Ugh….so unfair. Your sister whines throwing herself on your bed with a groan. “Let me guess…” you tell her with a smirk. “Dad said no didn't he?” “Yes.” she says with a pout. “It’s so unfair. You got to go out at my age.” She says glaring at you. “Well first off, it was to small parties, not to clubs and second I wasn't boycrazy and third, Alex and Josh were always there with me.” you tell her. “Ugh whatever” she tells you rolling her eyes. “It's Friday night, why don't you go see a movie or something?” you ask her. “Everyone has dates I’m stuck by myself today.” She tells you with a frown. Mom and dad says we are having a family night.” she says using air quotes. You laugh. “Hey it’s your turn. I hung out with them this afternoon.” You tell her. “Mireya!, Alex and Josh are here. You better get a move on!” your dad yells from upstairs. “Kay” you yell back. “Have fun tonight. Have a drink for me.” Your sister tells you with a smirk. “You roll your eyes. “Bye sis, enjoy your night at home.” She frowns throwing a pillow at your. Your run out the door before it can hit you.
“Happy birthday Reya” Alex and Josh tell you giving you a hug. “Thank you.” So you ready or what?” Alex asks eager to leave. “Yeah lets go.” You give your mom and dad a kiss and head out to the car. “So Reya where to?” “Have you guys eaten yet cuz I’m starving.” Josh laughs. “Reya, your always hungry.” “Shut up” you tell him. “Since when have you turned down food?” you ask him with a smirk. “True” he tells you with a grin. You head out to your favorite diner. “So clubbing huh??” You ask the boys while eating another french fry. You already know they like going there to meet girls. It's hard for them to meet and keep girlfriends. A lot of the girls would get jealous of your relationship with Alex and Josh. They did have relationships, but not many serious ones. You felt like a lot of it was your fault and you would try and distance yourself from Alex and Josh. They would always tell you that it wasn't your fault and if girls couldn't handle you in their lives, then they weren’t worth being with. When you were teenagers, you did have feelings for both of them. You did actually kiss them both once during a drunken game of truth or dare, but the romantic feelings weren't there. At least not for you. If they did have feelings for you, they never showed it. You were fine with that. You have had a few relationships throughout the years. You weren't a nun and the boys knew you dated, but they didn't know the full extent. They still thought you were a virgin. You found that funny. When you did lose your virginity, the guy broke your heart. You found out he was in a relationship already and you were the side piece. You confronted him and beat him up. You vowed to never again fall in love. Most of your hookups were handsome guys you met that were just passing through town. You knew you would never see them again. You preferred it that way. Less drama.
“Come on Reya” Like you don't want to meet some guys.” Alex says rolling his eyes. You grin at him. You finish your meals and head out to the club.
You walk into club Kismet and straight up to the bouncer. He smiles letting you in. You walk into the club and straight to the VIP section. You take a seat and pull out your fake id. You order a bottle of your favorite tequila. Josh pours shots for everyone. “To Reya, Happy Birthday here's to you getting laid” He tells you laughing. You choke on your drink. “Shut up Josh.” you tell him smacking your shoulder. “What your an adult now.” He tells you with a smirk. “My love life is none of your business.” You tell him before taking another shot. “Are we really gonna discuss this. I came here to party not talk about Reya’s love life.” Alex says rolling his eyes. You guys have another shot. You look over the balcony to the dancefloor below. Its packed. “Ready to mingle?” Alex asks you. You nod grinning at him. The three of you head for the dance floor. You dance with both of them for the first few songs, then split up as they start dancing with other girls. As soon as they leave your side. You are approached by a guy that was a little too drunk. He starts to dance with you and you let him at first. Then he starts to get a little handsy. “So you walk away leaving him on the dancefloor. He doesn't even blink grabbing at another girl.
You walk back up to the VIP section and take another shot and you can feel eyes on you. You turn around. You see a man with piercing hazel eyes come up to you. He is tall, handsome, well built with black hair neatly combed. You blush. “Would you like to dance?” He asks you. “Umm sure” you tell him a little dazed. You aren't sure if it's the alcohol or his looks that have you flushed. “You head out to the dance floor. As a slow song starts playing. He grabs you close and you feel your breath leave your body as his eyes look you over. “You are a good dancer.” You tell him and he chuckles. “So are you.” he says with a grin. “What's your name? He asks you? Mireya you tell him. “What is yours?” you ask him. “Nicolas.” “Nice to meet you Nicolas.” you tell him with a smile. “I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but today is your birthday, correct?” Nicolas asks. “Yes. I turned 21 today you tell him “ He laughs. “You look a little young to be 21 Mireya.” He tells you. You blush avoiding his eyes. He leans in close and whispers in your ear. “Don't worry your secret is safe with me.” You smile looking into his ever changing eyes. You clear your throat as the song ends. “I would love to get to know you better.” He tells you. Your heart skips a beat. “Okay how about we go sit?” He follows you back to VIP. You talk for awhile as you drink. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and on the way back you feel a shiver go down your spine. You turn around and see a handsome man with dark brown hair and eyes walking up to you. Your heart skips a beat, warmth shooting thru you as you watch him approach. The desire to kiss him almost too much. He walks right up to you. He leans down and tells you. “Be careful, don’t trust him.” “What?” you say confused. “Be careful Mireya, don’t trust him.” he says again and leaves. You stand there stunned. Who was that man and how did he know my name? You look around trying to find him but he is nowhere to be seen. What the hell? You take a few deep breaths. Come on Mireya, get yourself together.
You walk back to VIP and see that Nicolas talking with Alex, Josh, and the 2 women they were dancing with earlier. They are laughing as you approach. “So I see you met Nicolas.” you tell them both. “Yeah, we were just talking about you.” ugh, great. You could only imagine what they said. “Dont worry Mireya, all good stuff.” Nicolas says seeing the look on your face. The girls with Alex and Josh just glared at you. Here we go again. “Forgive my brothers,” you tell them with a smile. Upon hearing the word brother the girls immediately relaxed. “I’m Mireya.” They smiled but did not give their names. “This is Tiffany and Lisa.” Josh says trying to ease the tension in the air. “Nice to meet you.” You say giving them a fake smile. Nicolas clears his throat. “So we were just talking and I was telling them that I could give you a ride home if you wanted.” You look at Nicolas surprised. He was brave to be telling Josh and Alex that. “Actually, we promised dad that we would bring Reya home.” Alex says. Glaring at Nicolas. “Reya?” Nicolas says looking at you. “Its my nickname.” You tell him blushing. He smiles at the boys. “of course.” Nicolas says. “It was a pleasure meeting you Mireya.” he kisses your cheek before he leaves. The boys kiss the girls goodnight and follow you outside.
You had park the car a block away. So you follow the boys down an alleyway as you all stumble into each other. Alex had already sobered up so he could drive and was having a hard time keeping you upright. You giggled holding on to Alex to keep from falling. “So I take it you had a good birthday?” He asks you. “Hell yeah she did.” Josh answers for you. You laugh. It was a lot of fun until you cockblocked me.” You tell him with a smirk. He stops to look at you surprised. “What?” he says anger in his eyes. “You heard me” you tell him. You guys said I should get laid and then you cockblock me.” Alex stops walking to look at you. He takes a deep breath and says. “Reya, your drunk. You don't know what your saying.” He grabs you by the waist and starts walking again. “Whatever” you tell him rolling your eyes. Before Alex could respond you hear Josh behind you throwing up in the alley. “Get it all out now cuz your not puking in my car.” Alex tells Josh. You laugh. A strong smell hits your nose. You have never smelled it before. It was like a dog, copper, and sulfur. Then you hear a noise in the alleyway. “What was that?” you ask. Then you hear a howl. “That can't be good.” you say shivering. You look around and see three pairs of eyes glowing in the dark. “What the hell?” Alex asks. You see what looks like 3 huge wolves standing on hind legs come out of the dark and surround you, growling. Before you can scream. They attack.
Chapter 3
Thank you for reading!! Reblogging and comments are appreciated. It will keep me motivated to write 💜💜
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