#also it must've been so surreal ofr bulkhead to suddenly be reduced to just head
deadlifeseries · 1 year
Head with no bulk
yes the title is a bad pun
yes this is about the headmaster episode
yes i am once again writing mooshy shit let's go
This had to be jus about the worst thing ever.
First he had a gallery show and no pieces for it, and now he had woken up with his body somehow missing. After calming down from the initial shock he commed Prowl.
"Hey, Prowl. I uh, I have a problem"
"What happened? Are you alright? You didn't come home last night", everyone just assumed that he'd be back late after Bulkhead stormed out the previous day and didn't come back late into the evening. But as the morning came he was nowhere to be found.
"Sort of? But I need you to come to my location, and please hurry".
Hurry? Did something happen? Prowl hoped not, he raced through the streets into the more run-down part of town. As he aproached Bulkhead's location he couldn't see him anywhere.
He transformed to robot mode and looked around, and called out for Bulkhead.
"Down here!" he called back, slightly embarrased at being seen in such a state. Prowl picked him up "how did this happen? Who did this to you?" His visor switched angle back and forth before settling on pinting sharply up "I'll make sure they pay for it".
He looked down to see Bulkhead look tired and defeated, "what's wrong?" Prowl asked and caressed the other's cheek. "It's just..." he sighed "Everything's going wrong. Everyone's scared of me, I've got a gallery show but I can't make anything good, and now this". The angle of Prowl's visor softened, he knew that Bulkhead had certain insecurities but hearing how much it really bothered him was horrible.
Prowl walked into an allet and sat down with his back leaning against a wall. He held Bulkhead against his chelsplate so that the other could hear his spark. "Why do you worry so much about what others think of you?" Prowl wanted so desperately for Bulkhead to see all the amazing things that Prowl saw in him. "Because they're right! I'm too big and clumsy, and I always break everything! I've always been the looser, I don't know why you even bother with me".
The last sentence made Prowl stiffen, and his vents stilled. In a split second Bulkhead found himself being glared at just a few inches away from Prowl's face. "Now you listen to me. I will not tolerate hearing you talk about yourself in such a way. You mean the world to me and I know for a fact that you are so much more than your physical strength. Anybody who disregards you as nothing more is a fool. I know that it's hard to deal with being talked down to, trust me I have been there myself. But no matter what remember that what others think does not define you". His engines had begun to revv agressively as he spoke, unable to contain his love and passion.
Bulkhead still looked slightly unconvinced, he was about to retort but was immedietly cut off by Prowl's lips pressing hard agains his own. When he was free he tried again, but was once more cut off. "Let me talk!" as much as he tried he couldn't escape Prowl's grasp, "only if you don't depreciate yourself again" he warned.
"Okay, I won't. I just.. I've always been seen as just big and dumb, and I just want to be seen as something more than that. That's part of why I got so invested in spacebridges, I thought that maybe I'd actually make something of myself. Even if maintenence work is looked down on". Prowl listened patiently as Bulkhead spoke, and when he finished Prowl kissed him again, a lot softer this time. "Well, your knowledge in the field is defienetly unmatched. I may not be able to change the opinions of others or completely take your worries away, but know that I will always love you just how are. And I won't hesitate to remind you of it", he smiled and peppered little kisses all over his face and neck, which made Bulkhead start to laugh.
"Are you feeling better now?" Prowl had made them both blush a lot and he savoured the sight of Bulkhead's dorky grin, "yeah, I'm better... thanks, dear". The little petname made Prowl's spark skip a beat. He stood up and set off in the direction of the base "of course, my love".
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