#also indis and finwe really pulled from all sources when they named their kids like??
xiphoid-processing · 1 year
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The Descent of the Minyar
okay so ik that a popular hc is that Finwë, Ingwë and the like are of the first gen of the elves but ngl i think its very interesting if they arent! And also ik that Indis is Ingwë's niece but i like them better as siblings. I'll be getting one of these up for the Ñoldor and Teleri too when I finish them.
Names below cut! (Pretty long bc it includes all names and not just made-up ones, so you've been warned)
Primitive Elvish=PE; Early, Middle, Late Quenya= EQ, MQ, LQ. Anything with ? is unknown or speculative
Imin [?PE?]- One? (Masc)
Iminyē [?PE?] - One? (Fem)
Minyakwēn [PE] - First One
Melnā [PE] - Beloved
Arispar [PE] - Good Hunter
Stalmā [PE] - Strong hand
Lindaómë [EQ] - Voice of Singers
Takolumë [EQ] - Body-fixer
Kalwayéma [EQ] - Fair-Face
Isqael [EQ] - Wise One
Píneakolumë [EQ] - Small-Bodied
Nereäri [EQ] - Intensively/Very Stout
Ilwen [?EQ?] - Unknown, perhaps Sky
Kalimáma [MQ] - Bright-Mind
Ingwë [EQ-LQ] - Prince/Chief
Airehröa [LQ] - Holy-Bodied
Indis [?MQ-LQ?] - Bride/Wife
Ingalótë [EQ-LQ] - Top Flower
Airesáma [EQ-LQ] - Holy-Minded
Finwë [EQ] - Hair
Nolwë [EQ] - Bold/Brave
Ñoldóran [?EQ-LQ?] - King of the Ñoldor
Ingalaurë [EQ-LQ] - Top Gold
Airefëa [LQ] - Holy-Spirit
Éveähúna [MQ-LQ] - Future-Cursed
Laiwantë [EQ-MQ] - Pale-Face
Ingwion [?EQ-LQ?] - Son of Ingwë
Meldahínë [MQ-LQ] - Beloved Child
Findis [?EQ-LQ?] - Hair?
Laurefindelë [?EQ-LQ?] - Golden Haired
Umbarnáro [EQ-LQ] - Fire Fated
Illicenítë [?EQ-LQ?] - All-Seeing
Ñolofinwë [?PE-LQ?] - Wise-Finwë
Arakáno (Aracáno) [?MQ-LQ? ] - High Chieftan
Írimë [?MQ-LQ? ] - Lovely
Lalwendë [?EQ-LQ? ] - Laughing Maiden
Arafinwë [?EQ-LQ? ] - Wise-Finwë
Ingoldo [?PE-LQ?] - The Eminent/ The Ñoldo
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