#also if youre reading this and thinking 'this doesnt sound very gay' consider: dude trust me
jaysworlds · 2 years
That … was fair enough, actually, and she said as much. He gave her another lopsided smile and nodded.
“Your smile is nice,” Daryn noted, and he laughed, perhaps a little nervously, colour flooding his cheeks.
“Your smile. It’s nice. I haven’t seen it before.”
“You’re drunk.”
She rolled her eyes, rolling onto her back to look up at the ceiling. “Just a little bit. But it is a nice smile.”
“Just a lottle bit.”
“That’s not a word.”
“How would you know? You’re drunk.”
Daryn huffed at him. “I know what I’m talking about.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
“I’m a little tipsy,” Daryn told him, reaching up to poke his mouth when he leaned over her. “And your smile is nice.”
“Why are you so insistent about this?”
“Why are you so insistent about it?”
“I’m not.”
Daryn rolled her eyes, reaching up to poke his mouth again. Kyo caught her hand before she could this time, stopping her before she could. “Don’t do that.”
“You are insistent,” Daryn told him, although she graciously didn’t poke his mouth anymore. “You’re saying ‘oh, I don’t have a nice smile, you’re just drunk.’ But you do.”
gay people being gay i love them <3
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
tgcf chapters 107 - 120 this is one where i give some Opinions. i do overall like hualian a lot but i have some quibbles
wait why am i still taking screenshots? i can copy/paste again afskldfjasad
It really was hard to tell whether people would feel happy after watching such performances. However, in truth, slaughter and the sight of blood did create excitement in people. Whether or not there was fear, after the initial shock was over, a rush of adrenaline would be produced in the heart- me watching horror movies
“Shi Qingxuan said. “Then, Your Highness, Crimson Rain Sought Flower! I order you to—to immediately strip each other’s clothing!” - djslkadjlsd WHY DID HE SPECIFICALLY SAY THEY HAD TO STRIP EACH OTHER THISALSKDJ is this a normal thing is it a wingman attempt what is happening
“I’ll tell you what it is,” he said softly. “To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet be unable to do anything. That’s the worst suffering in the world.” ... “Ming Yi asked, “What’s the biggest regret of your life?”- when truth or dare gets a bit too real
On the side, Hua Cheng was still only observing, and was already bored to the point where he’d changed back into his red robes. Then he changed to black robes again. Then to white robes. Almost every time Xie Lian looked back, he would be donning a different appearance, and with every new look there were different hairstyles, and different accessories, and different boots, and so on; sometimes playful, sometimes elegant, sometimes deadly, sometimes glamourous. Xie Lian was growing dizzy from all the colours and kept looking back, unable to look away. - THIS ISNT THE TIME HUA CHENG. YOURE PRIMPING. THE WINDMASTER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED AND YOURE PRIMPING
obsessed with xie lian not being able to figure out to use the windmaster’s fan and just. using it to SMACK
also windmaster??? whats going on??? :( i know some things from spoilers like who is not to be trusted but i really have no clue whats happening rn
anyways back to puqi shrine lets check on those kids also can we PLEASE get some funds for this restoration smh. hua cheng and xie lian doing mundane hard labor together to fulfill prayers.... :pleading:
jailbreak in the heavens 2: dig a tunnel
Sure enough, the moment Ming Yi put pressure on his shovel, a hole opened up before them. With the shovel raised, he burrowed crazily ahead while Shi Qingxuan, in the middle, cheered him on crazily. As the only non-crazy person, Xie Lian brought up the rear. That treasured shovel of the Earth Master was indeed magical, and with only a few strokes, a new tunnel of over ten meters was dug. - anybody remember mulch diggums from the artemis fowl series? this is much more dignified than that but i think this is only the second time ive read a character just starting digging a tunnel as a plot point
okay so much is going on i wish i hadnt spoiled who certain characters actually are for myself but i have no one to blame but me for a) not blacklisting spoilers at all and b) just having a little freefall through the tags. oh well. anyway heavenly college admissions scandal except way worse. the corruption extends to the heavens and the windmaster is having a very bad day
i guess we’re having a high seas adventure now?
im gonna keep it real im getting tired of how often we get told how handsome hua cheng is. i know its all xie lian’s pov and while im not terribly familiar with it i know what genre we’re working with and im assuming thats pretty typical. its something i dont much care for in general and idk maybe it sounds better in the original but ngl its starting to make me roll my eyes. love you goth king but god okay we get it.
i guess what i will say about hualian so far is that overall i like them and i like how they interact in general they have a lot of nice moments and they just genuinely seem to like each other which is really nice to see EXCEPT for when it actually comes to things that could be romantic or sexual which is a shame bc i dont think it has to be like this. again disclaimer that im only reading a translation and dont know everything might not have all the knowledge necessary to accurately criticize etc etc and im assuming a lot of this is expected from the genre (disclaimer to this disclaimer that i cant say that for sure its just based on things ive picked up about the bl genre over the years) but idk like xie lian was so distressed after their underwater kiss scene. it was kind of uncomfortable to read and maybe im being unfair i know his cultivation is based around abstinence or whatever but idk i dont care for it. and that scene alone doesnt have to be a bad thing like idk i guess its his first kiss ever (?) and it would make sense if he feels weird about it but i just have my doubts thats going to be addressed or resolved in a satisfying way. also im like. dude everyone is like centuries old. xie lian’s been on earth for 800 years. has he really never met or heard of a gay person during all this time? maybe he hasnt idk what he got up to yet maybe that’s actually a thing. also same thing with the reactions from the immortals to xie lian in a dress and characters like the windmaster like again you’re all centuries old and its not uncommon to be able to just completely change gender presentation. why are you all weird about a man wearing a woman’s dress? i just feel like that shouldnt be a big deal to these characters idk
also again not going to lie part of this that im not really a big fan of reading romance in general. yes i am reading this book. yes i do read and write a lot of fanfic that includes or centers romance. im multifaceted. but really what im talking about is the like physical side of it and descriptions im extremely picky about it. ill give an example. early on in the torture pit (or whatever it was called i cant remember lol) when xie lian kind of accidentally felt up hua cheng in the dark when he was being carried. i dont think thats a bad thing to have happen between the two romantic leads i think thats fine and good to include that early but i just did not enjoy reading it when it happened idk maybe it was the wording and i do think that moments like these work better in a visual medium. ive definitely read het romance that reads like this and i wasnt a fan of that either lol same with fanfic i get tired when writers go on and on about how hot one characters finds another character. this isnt a huge criticism of it like i said im picky but again like with the way that hua cheng is described it just makes me roll my eyes sorry kings
okay back to the reading. this whole saving the fishermen thing feels like a big set up for something narrative-wise. hua cheng specifically insisted on coming and i know one of the characters involved ends up dying im wondering if thats now it would be a good time tbh if things get just a bit too unfortunate during this heavenly calamity... and the brothers are notably not having a harmonious time... also tho it feels very likely we’ll just have another Hualian Moment (tm)
In such a situation, Pei Ming still acted the same. In the evening, when they rescued a few fishermen girls, so scared their eyes were blurry from tears, he held them in his embrace and soothed them with a gentle voice; a true show of honeyed romance, affectionate and charming. - pei ming please get pickled again.
also its funny that hua cheng is just kinda hanging out and everyone else just has to deal with it
Looking down from above, the entire area was painted in a terrifying black. It was easy to see the collision between the two different-coloured currents. Their fierce battle was what formed this enormous whirlpool. As the eye swallowed the ship whole, the two currents of water separated. However, the battle was far from over. Like two venomous vipers, they continued to snap at each other. Each collision was followed by a mountain of angry waves. - this pretty dope ngl. also love our wind and earth masters just chilling on a shovel i dig it. hehe
Yet, other than discovering Hua Cheng had a fine body, there were no other finds. Xie Lian was at his wit’s end and started to worry. - okay see this one’s funny im just also irritated bc im like WE KNOW!!! WE GET IT HE’S HOT AND XIE LIAN THINKS HE’S HOT OKAY GOT IT
okay kiss #2 again its not the kisses themselves its xie lian’s reaction it just bothers me idk im not saying i need him to be super into it and completely unconflicted about it rn but he’s just so freaked out about it and idk i just dont really like it just feels weird i dont care for that aspect of it. also dude hua cheng is a ghost and he did this exact same thing for you before just chill. i wish instead of xie lian literally running away while screaming that hes sorry he was just like “oh haha youre fine thats cool im gonna go look around the woods i dont feel weird about this at all haha” like idk its kind of funny but when its literally our two romantic leads i just feel like its confusing like it kind of makes me feel like they shouldnt be together if one of them freaks out this much again considering the fact that they are both CENTURIES old. i know i know xie lian is an 800 year old virgin but. he hasn’t been like this about anything else so yeah idk like it still could have been awkward and funny i just dont think it needed to be so :/ that being said it was funny that xie lian was then internally like “oh i did it wrong? perhaps i should ask him for more.. instructions....” if that actually happens i might like it bc it would complete this little watery theme
Before he finished, he immediately remembered. Coffin wood. There were trees here everywhere; and a deceased? There was one right before his eyes. Sure enough, Hua Cheng smiled. “Won’t it be fine once I lie inside? - love that hua cheng just sat on the fact that he can turn anything into a coffin. that would have been really useful information earlier but no he just waited until everyone but xie lian was gone afjaklsdjf
also i do think that oblivious xie lian thinking “wow whoever it is that hua cheng fancies is an idiot for not liking him back theyre totally taking him for granted :/” is kind of funny and sweet. actually the whole conversation they have at the campfire is good and im bookmarking it to think about later
“...You on top and me on the bottom,” Xie Lian replied. “Isn’t top and bottom the same?” Hua Cheng asked. - okay im sorry but. mood whenever theres discourse about top/bottom dynamics for a ship im just like jesus christ i dont care. tbh i rarely read fanfiction if its just sexual and ngl if i see a fic specifically tag characters as top or bottom i wont read it lmfao. especially when people have really strong opinions about this stuff when theres nothing canonical to back it up like headcanon all you want but whenever i see people argue about it im just like no offense but go work out your own sexual issues and dynamics instead of arguing with strangers on the internet about who’s a top and who’s a bottom. sorry to be mean but just thats how i feel lol
this was mostly a ramble with a few excerpts but im getting sleepy im going to TRY to take a break from this for like a day but we’ll see how that goes i do very much want to know what happens. anyway if you read this whole thing hiiiiii sorry for subjecting you to my opinions on top/bottom discourse
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meloncholy-archive · 4 years
maybe i do get better
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there i was, reading haikyuu fanfiction— 
(specifically anything with oikawa. hes a chaotic gay and doesnt know what to do with himself so felt.)
i was expecting enough fluff to get me idealizing my next relationship 
(considering my tendency to project my own insecurities into people, the idealization unfortunately comes free with no cost)
or enough smut to get me rutting against a pillow.
(i wish i had an explanation for the pillow rutting but im just lazy and hate being messy with normal masturbation)
unfortunately, all i got was a few soul crushing realizations about my life where at the moment, The Eternal Mood is just: can the ground swallow me whole right now? can the inexorable tide wash over and take my body with it? is it possible for me to drown except not feel the pain of drowing because having water in your lungs is actually a bitch and choking hurts and why tf would anyone want to die like that? 
(i want my last death moments to be a beautiful tradegy that you’d think shakespeare would write about. or like hemingway! no idea how that dude writes but hes always sounded fancy and suave in my head.)
(last side note: the funeral should be a Grand Thing because its my time to shine and i hope my sister doesnt steal my thunder, even in death. what a bitch.)
anyway. coming of age.
the realization is as follows:
i dont think i really loved [redacted] as much as i thought i did
i know i dont have to say redacted but its weird saying his name now. not that i still have any sort of attachment to him. even now, i just think he was important to my life but i dont hold any value for him anymore. 
he was someone i once called home but ive later on realized my coming of age came moreso after our breakup when i learned to let go of all my stupid kiddie highschool fantasies and started really looking at my life and seeing its worth. 
as anyone has probably guessed from an outside lense, we werent fit. like i used to think “opposites attract” but we werent just opposite, you know? it was like as if we were on 2 different planes of thought.... if those 2 planes were from different alternate universes. its like we knew each other but also, did we really. 
we spent years together yet i couldnt even get him to fully trust me to just be okay with letting go and telling me whats wrong with him. but in turn, its not like i fully trusted him too. at the back of my head, even from the start, was an almost gnawing, aching feeling of— 
“you’re not right for each other” “he’s gonna cheat on you” “you’re going to breakup eventually” “well, might as well enjoy it while it lasts”
i think thats why i had a lot of moments w him where we’d just look at each other and say (mostly in between the lines): should we even still be doing this? are we really just gonna keep holding on like this? 
sure, we cared about each other. there was love, of course. and in some very vulnerable moments, i did genuinely think i was undeniably in love there and i think he did too. 
but he was a projection of all my self-hate issues and an idealization i had for stability in life. like when the dust settles, 
my subconscious would think: at least one (1) person out there loves me. at least i know someone will always listen to me. at least there is somebody out there who would be willing to do anything for me.
but now that im out of it, i realized i loved more the idea that somebody loved me than i actually loved the person. hell, i spent so much time asking him to not let go just yet and be beck and call just to appease him.
(its pathetic, i know. i talk a big game of independence but LISTEN, im really terrible at it........)
i dont know about him and where his true feelings lie for me but as i have realized for years and never told anyone, he was never someone that was “willing to do anything for me.” he did things for me out of obligation. i think that hurt for me a lot to think too deeply about.
we were really just.. two people that were just seeking comfort in each other and holding on so fuckin tight for that short while there. i deluded myself a lot into thinking hes always going to be there for me and hes the love of my life but you know? we’ve always been passerby’s to each other. we didnt emotionally connect as well as i told everyone. our talks werent as deep as i wished. he couldnt get out of his shell, even with me. hell, i never even fully felt like myself in our entire sex life. i told you. i was at beck and call. hes finished? thats fine. want to just use me and it doesnt matter if i climax? ok, whatever. too tired to top? ok, i’ll do it. skip out the foreplay? ok, thats cool. want to just have me get on my knees? fine, i’ll do it. i’ll do everything. 
it was... a moment... in time. we were hanging by a thread. you know before the actual breakup, we actually almost broke up like 3 times? at the end of the year usually. i guess that was us thinking: do we really want to prolong this any longer and for another year at that? 
but its weird, right? i knew we’d breakup eventually but it didnt mean it didnt hurt still to have someone leave. leaving always hurts and being cheated on will always be a terrible feeling. but you know whats funny? regarding the cheating thing? i think what came out more from that was my self-hate issues. being with him felt like someone choosing me despite all my imperfections. i wanted an unconditional love, basically. but him cheating on me felt like me still not amounting to anything because big surprise! he chose someone else anyway! he won the breakup! hes the victor! you were always a reacher! he was a settler! you never good enough for anyone!
its terrible. i have a lot of issues. 
despite everything, this isnt a post to say “all this time, i didnt love him.” thats not true at all. as i said: hes still someone important and i did genuinely think for a while there that he, for all intents and purposes, was the love of my life. but as i also said: i dont think i loved him as much as i thought i did.
in fact, in all our 3 and a half years together, i actually think i hated myself more than i ever actually loved him (as grueling and depressing as it sounds).
the point of this post is currently at: ???. this really isnt even just me finally admit everything ive realized the past 2 years since 2018. jeez, this isnt even a post to say im fully okay with myself. 
ive been good, i guess. and im glad to finally learn to do things purely for myself, be okay with being alone and out of that funk (a bit). im happy to have good friends, the life i have and the existence of menthol cigarettes.
but i dont know, im 21, you know? im starting to realize im so fuckin young and i dont have to have everything figured out all the time. i dont need to rush myself into being the best version of myself because everyday, i’ll always be a little bit better than i was and thats okay, too.
and guess what? ive started to stop thinking of the “what ifs.” the what if i stayed in a relationship w him, what if i took things more seriously than i did at the time, what if i actually listened more and stopped talking during those 3 and a half years. 
ive started to take the “what ifs” for the future instead. and god, i have a lot of “what ifs” now for what lies ahead (and this time, im doing this for me).
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sadrien · 7 years
wanna chat? pt.20
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
i'm not dead yet but i'm v close
eponine = alya enjolras = marinette grantaire = nino marius = adrien
eponine: dont listen to marinette
enjolras: Ummm???? LIsten to Marinette
eponine: no fuck u
enjolras: :P
grantaire: ???????? what did you do  
eponine: NOTHI N G
enjolras: She tried to chase Chat after the akuma attack and almost fell in the Seine 
eponine: i did not
enjolras: She was 100% ready to swim
eponine: NO I WANS T
grantaire: oh is that where you went
eponine: f i g h t  m e
grantaire: al youd do anything for another interview wiht one of them
eponine: >:( u arent wrong tho
grantaire: exactly i cant believe you almost went into the river  
eponine: i hate you
enjolras: Has anyone heard from Adrien today??
grantaire: i talked to him thsi morning
enjolras: When was this morning
grantaire: uhhh like…. 2  
enjolras: Sleep??? Is a thing??????????
grantaire: video games are also a thing
enjolras: I hate you
grantaire: </3
eponine: good afternoon i am gay
grantaire: youre bi
eponine: good afternoon i am bi do u have a moment 2 talk about our lord and savior ladybug 
enjolras: Why are you like thsi
eponine: im running on like 5 cups of coffee
marius: lmao lame
eponine: what 
grantaire: ?????
enjolras: Did alya steal adriens phone again
eponine: first of all rude second of all what 
marius: who even is everyone on here??} what kind of nerd club is this  
grantaire has changed their name to nino
nino: blame adrien he got all geeky on us  
eponine has changed their name to ladybugfan2020
ladybugfan2020: hello im still bi
marius: what in fresh hell is going on here
enjolras has changed their name to mari
mari: Who are you??? And why do you have Adriens phone  
marius: because he’s too trusting lol guess who’s thumbprint is in it and has access to everything 
nino: i know my dude doesnt have anything weird on his phone that he wouldnt want people to see but still bro thats ominous  
marius: ;* 
ladybugfan2020: really tho who r u
marius: god i can’t believe you can’t figure it out who do you think adrien would trust not only with his phone but also enough to put their fingerprint in it????? 
ladybugfan2020: nino mari probably not me but a girl can dream ladybug chat link 
marius: i’m stopping you right there because fictional characters don’t count i’m honestly offended is there a block button on skype??? 
mari: Why do you have his phone Chloe? 
marius: wow!!! one of you has a brain!!! a concept 
nino: oh shit he had a big photoshoot today didnt he man i feel bad that i forgot 
mari: He didnt want to talk about it much dont feel too bad
marius: no shame on you for forgetting clearly i’m the only one who cares about adrien here 
ladybugfan2020 has removed marius from the group. 
mari: Alya no
ladybugfan2020: alya yes?? i dont like her 
mari: I mean same but Adrein wont know why hes been removed
nino: mars got a point
ladybugfan2020: ugh y do i like either of u
ladybugfan2020 has added marius to the group.
marius: fucking rude
ladybugfan2020: fight me
marius: maybe i will!!!!
nino: last time you did that al got akumatized lets ton e it down
marius left this group
ladybugfan2020 has added marius to this group.
marius: fuck you
ladybugfan2020: oh u wish
marius: i want out
mari: Then put down Adriens phone??
marius: i’m bored this photoshoot is boring you’re all JUST as boring though  
marius has changed their name to chlo
chlo: a random reminder that i hate you all and am only talking to you because i’m desperate
nino: im honored
chlo: you should be
ladybugfan2020: new question y r u at the photoshoot
chlo: cause i was in part of it?? duh 
mari: You model?
chlo: ok so clearly i need to talking up myself MORE i thought that was something people like you wanted me to stop doing make up your mind 
mari: You cant tell but Im rolling m y eyes
chlo: of course i’m a model have you seen me
nino: unfortunately
chlo: fuck off
ladybugfan2020 has renamed this conversation to “chloe sux”
chlo: fucking this is why i’m not friends with any of you  
mari: Lets be real you wouldnt be friends with us if we werent like this
chlo: probably true
nino: i dunno we were pretty close when we were 6?  
chlo: oh god don’t remind me i’ve blocked that from my memory 
nino: what? dont like remembering how we got married on the playground 
chlo: get out of my life lahiffe
nino: are we getting a divorce?? 
mari: No you got divorced when we were 8
ladybugfan2020: i feel like im watching a soap opera wild did we all get married on the playground??? i got married to this girl in my class when i was 4 and she was my first kiss good times we had to break up tho cause she wanted to go on the slide when i wanted to use the monkey bars 
mari: Aw tragic young love
chlo: not surprised
ladybugfan2020: k ive shared every1 else go share ur 1st kiss
mari: Kim in a game of truth or dare when I was eleven
nino: chloe at our wedding
chlo: lame also i don’t owe you anything cesaire  
ladybugfan2020: i can just ask adrien later
chlo: fuck ok i kissed alix the day before nino and i got married alix kissed me i think it was a dare  
nino: i cannot believe you cheated on me i want another divorce 
chlo: yeah yeah
ladybugfan2020: whyd u 2 divorce anyway?
nino: chloe didnt invite me to her birthday
chlo: ummm????? i mean no i didn’t because it was a girls only sleepover but also i remember YOU had a crush on mari so 
ladybugfan2020: just kno i am living
mari: YOu had a crush on me when we wer e 8???
nino: mari i hope you know everyone has had a crush on you
mari: ???????????????
ladybugfan2020: can confirm
chlo: ew they need me to do something i’ll steal adrien’s phone back later be less lame when i get back 
nino: no promises
ladybugfan2020: lmao anyway now we just gotta find out who adriens 1st kiss was any1 kno?  
mari: Nino would know
nino: i mean i do but thats for him to share im sure he will but ill let him do it 
ladybugfan2020: nice now we just gotta remember to ask ive got it 
ladybugfan2020 has renamed this conversation to “who was adrien agrestes first kiss??? find out more at 6”.
mari: Subtle
ladybufan2020: thanks
chlo: i lived bitch
nino: did chloe just meme
chlo: of course i did???? i mean come ON adrien agreste is my best friend what did you expect?  
nino: nah dude hes my bes t friend
chlo: no he’s not
ladybugfan2020: rude™
mari: Were his best friends???? 
chlo: pff you’re more than just his friends 
ladybugfan2020: ????
chlo: nothing anyway you people are boring god did you do nothing while i was gone?? how does he suffer being in your presence 
nino: has anyone ever told you youre kinda rude and obnoxious
chlo: yeah you multiple times 
nino: cool imma do it again
chlo: where’s the middle finger emoji 
nino: :P
mari: I cant believe you came back  
chlo: yeah neither can i guess you’re less boring and annoying than doing nothing
PM between chlo and ladybugfan2020
ladybugfan2020: can i ask y u hate mari 
chlo: i don’t hate her
ladybufan2020: …
chlo: it’s a long story
ladybugfan2020: well shes my best friend and ur kind of a dick to her
chlo: yeah well i’m not a nice person
ladybugfan2020: have u ever considered trying to b a nicer person
chlo: fuck off adrien agreste is my best friend what the hell do you think 
ladybugfan2020: try harder
in who was adrien agrestes first kiss??? find out more at 6 
mari: Has Adrien seriously been working this whole time???
chlo: not constantly but he hasn’t had much downtime when he’s not getting pictures taken of him they’re having him do other stuff probably cause he’s the boss’ kid but i don’t know i just pose and look pretty 
nino: use no brain power like usual
chlo: haha very funny
ladybug2020: do u think hes gonna read through all these messages???
mari: Depends on if hes tired or not
ladybug2020: mk hey sunshine if ur reading this ilysm thats all 
chlo: ugh they need me
mari: I mean you are like Working 
chlo: whatever we’re almost done so adrien will probably be on next bye losers
nino: bye ex wife
chlo: Ok I see that something happened Oh my username has changed Well ok that explains almost everything
chlo has changed their nickname to adrien 
adrien: I had to turn autocaps back on
nino: dude thats lame
adrien: I’m a lame person Also to answer the chat name’s question Nino 
ladybugfan2020: ???????? what??????????? when did this happen?????? 
adrien: A few months ago?
nino: sounds about right 
adrien: I had to do a photoshoot that was going to involve kissing a girl and I didn’t want my first kiss to be work related I was talking about it to Nino and he was like “the answer is to have your first kiss before the photoshoot”  
mari: And so the next logical step was to kiss NIno
adrien: …yeah sort of
nino: fun fact adrien is a great kisser @alya cause mari already knows 
mari: Please stop talking to me oh my god
ladybugfan2020: i feel like im missing out how do i get adrien agreste to kiss me how did u do it mari? it was an accident right??? just like…fall asleep on his face?  
mari: I’m leaving goodbye I hate you all
ladybugfan2020: </3
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sasuke420 · 8 years
1-65 except the ones you already did
ok this is A LOT so sorry if you’re on mobile
1: Do you have a crush at the moment?
2: Have you ever been deeply in love?
3: Longest relationship you've ever been in?
like........unofficially almost 2 years but official a combination of 2 months then 7 or 8 months idfk 
4: Have you ever changed for someone?
i absorb the personality of everyone i ever talk to but like, not intentionally
5: How is your relationship with your ex?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i hope we never speak again or if we do it’s just so i can be like FUCK YOU again tbh,
6: Have you ever been cheated on?
7: Have you ever cheated?
8: Would you date someone who's well known for cheating?
what the fuck no
9: What's the most important part of a relationship?
umm......communication? trust? all those words people throw out that are true and real but i love being very open at all times so truly communication
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
serious i guess? my last “fling” was kind of a disaster so idk 
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on "breaks"?
NOPE NOPE NOPE almost fell for that bullshit and it’s basically what ended my last relationship so absolutely not no thanks!!! not for me
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
i hate the phrase hooked up bc it could mean anything from kissing to sex so i never know how to answer this?! i already made a post the other day sayin ive kissed 4 people so theres that i guess 
13: What's one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship?
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
idk you do you but like, personally before like........16 seems too dangerous imo bc you are Children but as long as it’s safe and whatever idk
15: Do you believe in the phrase "age is just a number"?
no bc it’s usually used by predatory older dudes but i mean age differences are fine as long as it’s not creepy and terrible. but don’t say this as a 24 year old dude as an excuse to date a high schooler
16: Do you believe in "love at first sight"?
17: Do you believe it's possible to fall in love on the internet?
that’s like, exclusively what’s happened to me so, yeah
18: What do you consider a deal breaker?
i don’t have like a specific list in my mind or like one THING i cannot tolerate but i guess a huge one would be anything having to do w not tolerating mental illness bc that is my entire personality
19: How do you know it's time to end a relationship?
when they make you feel shitty more than they make you feel happy
20: Are you currently in a relationship?
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
yeah i’ve seen it happen and work out fine
22: Do you think people should date their friends?
sure why not, it’s nice to be friends then have it turn into something or whatever. i like relationships based off of friendships 
23: How many relationships have you had?
um i’d really only count like, one, so......1
24: Do you think love can last forever?
yeah i love happy old couples
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
um.......not really??? that’s like, a big statement, 
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn't approve of?
no because i dated someone my parents disliked for a long time
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?
absolutely tho i’m not huge on them for myself
29: What do you notice first about another person?
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual?
me all the time: IM GAY AS HELL
but really i’m bi 
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?
haha........................................................................................yeah and it’s fucked up my entire psyche so (-:
33: Do you want to get married one day?
34: What do you think about getting your partner's name tattooed?
sounds like a very bad idea and also wouldn’t even be like aesthetically pleasing so no thanks
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?
probably? idk
36: Are you still a virgin?
no i’m a sinner
37: What's more important: Looks or personality?
personality but obviously i like people that i am physically attracted to so.....i mean its both but i am very big on personality which is why hookups arent rly my thing too much
38: Do you enjoy love films?
do i enjoy them? i will SOB at them, so, 
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses?
40: Have you ever had a valentine?
answered i think
41: What's your imagination of a "perfect date"?
getting drunk and taking a nap together
42: Have you ever read "Romeo & Juliet"?
i did for school in like 8th grade 
43: What's more important: Your partner or your friends?
gotta get that balance. don’t neglect either of them
44: Would you consider yourself "romantic"?
i call myself a hopeless romantic constantly
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends?
46: Have you ever been "friendzoned"?
fake concept. i had high school crushes that never went anywhere but that doesnt mean friendzoned really so no
47: Which "famous couple" is your favorite?
i don’t pay attention to thos things honestly................mulder and scully
48: What's your favorite love song?
i have an entire playlist of love songs, hmu for it, but ummm probably first day of my life if thats considered a love song
49: Have you ever broken someone's heart?
eh. kind of. complicated
50: If you're single, why do you think you are?
i’m ugly
(bc i have been single for like...2 months and thos things dont come fast)
51: Would you rather date someone who's rich but a douchebag or someone who's poor but a nice guy?
poor but nice guy 100%
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?
ehhhhhhhhhhhhh not really i mean sometimes? i don’t know it depends on the situation 
53: Are you jealous of couples when you're single?
LOL.............yes i am known to get kinda salty
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on Facebook)?
eh. i like having it be Official and known as a thing but other than that idk
55: Would you consider yourself "clingy", "overly attached" or "jealous"?
i will cling to you with the force of a thousand suns (but try to play it cool and fail yikes)
56: Have you ever "destroyed" a relationship?
nah he did that (side eye emoji)
57: Do you think it's silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart?
me: i’m going to kill myself when we break up
so like, no, but don’t do it because i didn’t and that was a dumbass mindset
58: Are you the "dominant" or the "submissive" part in a relationship?
the MOST submissive you will ever meet, in your entire life, please dominate me
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner's birthday or your anniversary?
answered i think
60: What's your opinion on open relationships?
whatever works for u but probably not my thing
61: Who's more important: Your partner or your family?
my siblings can fuck off but parents and partner are both important
62: How do you define "cheating"?
????????? is there more than one definition??? its fuckin cheating. dont flirt or do shit w other people. 
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate?
it doesn’t make me feel awesome to think about but it’s not like, an issue
64: Do you think Valentine's Day is overrated?
me when im single: yes
me if i was in a relationship: NO (HEART EYES X1000)
65: Would you consider yourself a "cuddler"?
WOULD I? CONSIDER????????????? I DONT CONSIDER ANYTHING. I KNOW FOR A FUCKING FACT I AM. i will cuddle 24/7 365 baby
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