#also if Dong Eun doesn't bag him at least out of revenge I'll be disappointed
divinereign4ever · 2 years
I didn't see it in the tag (but I am late to the party so it could be further down) but is anyone thinking about how in the first episode Yeon Jin's mom said something like "people with Os in their name will bring her bad luck?"
Because I know people are theorizing that Do Young, Yeon Jin's husband, may stand with her over Dong Eun bc he's content with his trophy wife and perfect daughter (even if he basically knows that his wife is evil and his daughter, while indeed perfect, isn't his biologically).
I mean yeah that could happen but idk that "O" thing is sticking with me. I think he's gonna flip to Dong Eun's side and that will be the icing on Dong Eun's revenge cake.
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