#also idk if she was asleep or just super docile but she let me take a BUNCH of pictures RIGHT next to her and didn't even flinch...
fantabulisticity · 3 months
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I think she's this bitch
#she is genuinely the fucking BIGGEST wasp i have EVER seen in person in my FUCKING LIFE#and she is SO SO SO SO SO PRETTY LOOK AT HER COLORS????????? THAT LONG OVIPOSITOR????????#SHE'S AS LONG AS MY FOOT. LONGER THAN MY HAND. I LOVE HER SO SO SO SO MUCH#I FUCKING GASPED SO LOUD WHEN I SAW HER#she did not want to be picked up and she flew away when i tried. i was being VERY gentle so she pretty easily escaped my grasp.#but I LOVE HERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR#giant ichneumon wasp#norton's giant ichneumon wasp#ichneumonidae#ichneumon wasp#wasp#hymenoptera#insect#bug#big wasp#big big#personal#friend shaped#also idk if she was asleep or just super docile but she let me take a BUNCH of pictures RIGHT next to her and didn't even flinch...#...when i moved to pick her up. she only had an issue after i plucked her off the tree and then she wriggled out and flew off#which like. fair. i just wanted a picture of her on my hand for size reference but i should've just put my hand next to her and taken a...#...pic while she was chilling.#oh i just looked at the size ref in that link and my GOD she was WAY bigger than that but i didn't get a good size pic 😭#maybe i'll go put a ruler on that tree and take a pic of the part of the tree where she was standing so you can see how fucking BIG she was#like. without her ovipositor she was fucking HUGE. i am in LOVE with her and i want to see her every fucking day#hmmmmmmmmm wikipedia also says she's supposed to be smaller? maybe she's a different one. she was HUGE.#like when she flew past my face i didn't have a CLUE what th#*what had flitted past me. NO CLUE. it took a second for my eyes to adjust and then my jaw hit the fucking ground.#i gotta go take a pic of that tree with a ruler she was fucking ENORMOUS#like. i CANNOT emphasize enough how big she was. i love her. i lover her so so so so so so so so so much.
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feelingsinthedark · 6 years
some (crack) hcs 😬
a little bit of explanation: on my instagram @cityofscreechingfangirls I had my followers like submit weird tsc ships and someone submitted Church x Chairman Meow so these are about that and I got carried away with them lol and idk I’m just posting them bc I like getting validation 👍
(it’s annoying that I’m copying and pasting from my notes and it doesn’t keep it as bullet points it makes them asterisks alasksssdkdd sorry for my rambling)
Church x Chairman Meow
* Ok see I’m kinda fine with this one lol ok
* Oof there’s gonna be qoaad spoilers here
* Oooohhhhh I’m gonna see if I can break yalls hearts with this one 😈
* So Magnus (and Alec) sometimes visits Tessa and Jem and Kit in Devon and obviously that’s where Church is
* Church isn’t gonna leave Jem
* Or baby Carstairs
* (Church is super obsessed with baby Carstairs and loves her even more than Jem fight me)
* And once he brought Chairman Meow bc obviously
* Church and the Chairman are together the whole time
* Kit notices first he’s like wtf Church is never this nice except to Jem and Charlie
* (Charlotte Carstairs aka Charlie Carstairs aka baby Carstairs I hope her name is Charlotte sksksksksk)
* And he’s heard that cats never get along together so this is double weird
* But he just kinda goes along with it and ignores them and plays with Charlie
* The cats curl up together and fall asleep
* When Magnus has to leave he tries to take Chairman Meow back but Church hisses and scratches him
* Which isn’t uncommon behavior for Church
* But Magnus manages to pick up the Chairman
* And he starts freaking out too
* Which the Chairman usually never does he’s just chill and likes to sleep like he’s dead wbk
* And they put two and two together lol idk
* Magnus manages to Portal back to New York after they promise that Chairman Meow can come back whenever he wants and they’ll have lots of “play”dates
* Sometimes Church disappears for a long time
* Like even longer than usual
* Especially now he doesn’t usually disappear anymore bc he’s obsessed with Charlotte and needs to protect her 🥰
* Then they hear from Magnus that somehow this fucking demon cat has crossed the fucking ocean and is at Magnus’s place
* Anyway Church and the Chairman live like this for a while
* They hang out together when Magnus visits the Carstairs fam
* He brings him every time now
* Sometimes Church is impatient and makes a little trip across the fucking Atlantic
* Most of the time they just cuddle together and take cat naps
* And they’ll scare people off together
* They also protect baby Carstairs together
* Even when she’s older
* After a while Magnus notices that Chairman Meow is more vicious and moody than normal
* He’s usually cute and calm and gets scared easily but now he isn’t and if you piss him off or don’t give him attention he’s a little demon
* Magnus tries to see how long the cats can go without seeing each other
* Bc the Chairman is being annoying and taking after Church lmao
* The next time he visits Jessa he doesn’t bring the Chairman
* Church sees that Magnus is here but not his cat
* They try to keep him from leaving but nothing can stop him from going to see the Chairman
* He claws and bites and he’s a monster lol idk
* So they give up
* The Carstairs fam moves back to America
* Especially after Charlie’s unending pleading bc she wants Church to be happy with his cat boyfriend
* And Kit always takes Charlie’s side in everything
* And Jem also has a hard time denying his daughter anything
* So Tessa just gives in and they move
* Idk where twp fits in here and like Kitty reuniting etc idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
* Church and Chairman Meow live pretty close to each other now
* They are constantly together sleeping at Magnus’s apartment or the Institute or at Jessa’s place
* Or they’re just out on the street terrorizing the New York populace
* So they’re happy
* But as always
* Immortal-mortal love has to end
* Chairman Meow gets old
* He can’t go out with Church as much anymore
* A lot of times Church is at Magnus’s place with the Chairman
* No one’s ever seen Church so docile
* He never bites anymore unless you try to take the Chairman away from him
* Or even just if you try to touch Chairman Meow
* They’re always cuddling now
* Just a pile of cat in the corner
* Damn I’m even gonna make myself cry oof
* One day Chairman Meow leaves and doesn’t come back
* As cats do when they are at the end of their life
* (At least I’ve heard that don’t @ me if I’m wrong skskskskskssksk)
* Church stays in their corner at Magnus’s place for a few days
* Hissing at everyone who comes close to him even to feed him
* But eventually he gets up and leaves
* Wandering through New York
* He doesn’t want to go home bc the Chairman is gone
* Charlotte finds him one day sleeping in the park and tries to take him home
* They haven’t seen Church in so long
* She especially misses him
* He was such a big part of her early childhood and she hasn’t seen him at all lately
* Charlotte brings him home and tries to comfort him
* Bc she remembers how close he was with the Chairman
* She tries to feed him a little bit
* He lets her bc he still remembers her and Jem and he still loves them
* But nothing will ever compare to how he felt about the Chairman
* So he wanders around New York most days
* Half heartedly terrorizing citizens like he and Chairman Meow used to do
* Sometimes he wanders up to Magnus’s apartment
* Magnus just lets him have his little corner
* He gives Church all of Chairman Meow’s toys and clothes etc
* It takes a long time for him to become the Church he used to be before he met the Chairman
* And then Jem dies and Charlotte and other Jessa kids and it happens all over again ok I’m done
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