#also i've had those thoughts for a while but thankfully tabata seems to be finally working on them!
datesoma · 6 years
(bc ask meme ) 48.What do you think is the series’ biggest flaw? How would you have handled it differently?
Black Clover Ask Meme
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48. What do you think is the series’ biggest flaw? How would you have handled it differently?
The biggest flaw so far is probably that a lot of the characters still seem 2 dimensional, especially the Black Bulls and Yuno? Sure, they’ve changed some but their basic foundation still seems more or less the same… Their original characteristics (Gauche’s plain out obsession with Marie and Luck’s obsession for fighting especially) are still there despite character development that should’ve erased if not at least eased them, and it’s getting kind of annoying, but hopefully Tabata knows where he’s going with that and why!
I’ve noticed that this has been slightly changed on Gauche during his, Grey’s and Gordon’s fight with Rades and Sally; so I really hope this continues until his obsession with Marie doesn’t exist any longer, and he starts loving her as a sister properly; same thing for Luck and his hunger for battles. Luck’s reason for wanting to fight was to make his mother proud since he thought she was the only one who cared for him, but in the Magna, Vanessa and Asta vs Luck/Lufulu fight, he broke out of that and finally sees that the Black Bulls are his family now; so I’m looking forward to further character development on that in the near future!
Another aspect that’s, imo, done wrong is the lack of the rival’s on screen development? Yuno is Asta’s main rival, but he’s barely ever seen, and when he does appear he’s just somehow gotten stronger, with no prior development that we, as fans, could see; just so that Asta can have a reason to want to be even stronger. The only development we’ve seen of him was when Asta was also there, so it’s no wonder that a lot of the fans consider Yuno ‘boring’. Personally, I would show off more of Yuno’s missions/thoughts etc while Asta isn’t there, and I’d try to flesh him out as a character outside of him being just plot-fodder for Asta! I hope the current arc will go down this path too, what with Patolli wanting to get Yuno’s necklace and there literally being a great chance for Yuno to be in the spotlight.
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