iztea · 2 months
Have you read Lady With the Dog by Chekhov or The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath or On the Road by Jack Kerouac or Unaccompanied Sonata by Orson Scott Card or American Gods by Neil Gaiman or One Hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez or Girls Burn Brighter by Sobha Dao or Blue Light Yokohama by Obregon or The Overcoat or The Nose by Nikolai Gogol or anything from Agatha Christie or Sherlock Holmes or Ranpo Edogawa or Slaughterhouse V by Kurt Vonnegut or anything by Ray Bradbury or The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli or something by Ocean Vuong or Thích Nhất Hạnh or The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai or Great Expectations by Charles Dickens or Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck or White Nights or The Gambler or Notes from the Underground by Dostoyevsky or The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck or The Stranger by Albert Camus or anything by Rumi or Les Misérables by Victor Hugo or Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
(Something tells me you are not from the west but I am awful at recommending through solely vibe so take it with a grain of salt)
oh my thank you for taking the time to write all this out, i really appreciate it! I've looked up titles i wasn't familiar with and I'll definitely give The Order of Time a go. The Bell Jar has also been on my TBR cause I enjoy her poems a lot. I think I'll go with these two and revisit the others later, thank you again!
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