#also i'm not a fan of AAA but he's got a lot of good art?? blumaroo day in general tends to have a lot of good art
thejellyfaerie · 7 months
People draw Aristotle A. Avinroo the same way people draw Pacesetter. I'm not going to elaborate.
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canmom · 2 months
Hello! I absolutely love your blog, everything from your festival recounts to animation analysis and programming (one of tumblr's recommended posts was the one where you made your own rasteriser, and I liked your attitude in what I've read so much that I'm gonna attempt to conquer my 3-year-long grudge against using opengl during college and do something similar now that I'm a bit older and have no deadlines :D).
But anyway, I have 2 questions (sorry if there's easily accessible answers, tumblr search is not helping): 1. During your animation nights, does the screen stay black while everyone watches their own video while you provide commentary? I haven't caught any yet but maybe someday! And 2. do you have any youtube channels or just one-off video essays that you like that also cover animation/directors? Or, even programming lol.
Sorry for the long ask have a nice day!
hiii! i'm very touched that you like my dorky eclectic blog <3
For the Animation Nights, I just stream the video over Twitch from local sources on my computer, typically by playing the video in mpv and recording it in OBS. This is obviously not ideal from a video quality perspective, but it's the easiest way to watch video in sync without making everyone download files in advance. Then we all chat in the Twitch chat box (in large part to crack stupid jokes, it's not that highbrow lmao). I've gotten away with it so far!
As for youtube channels, I can recommend...
anime production/history (i.e. sakuga fandom)
SteveM is likely the most sakuga-fan affiliated anituber. He makes long, well-researched and in-depth videos on anime history, usually themed around a particular director or studio.
Pyramid Inu might be my fave anituber - very thoughtful analysis of Gundam, obscure mecha anime and oldschool BL and similar topics. tremendously soothing voice too.
The Canipa Effect does excellent deep dives into the production of specific shows, both western and anime. I appreciate the respect he gives to the Korean animators of shows like AtlA in particular!
Sean Bires's 2013 presentation on sakuga is pretty foundational to this whole subcultural niche, and a great place to get an introduction to the major animator names to know and significant points in the history of anime. unfortunately a couple of the segments got slapped down by copyright but the rest holds up!
animation theory (for animators and aspirants)
I'm going to focus here on resources that are relevant to animation in general, and 2D animation. if I was going to list every Blender channel we'd be here all week :p
New Frame Plus is one of the best channels out there for game animation, describing in tightly edited videos how animation principles work in a game context and analysing the animation of various games. highly recommend
Videogame Animation Study is similar, examining the animation of specific games in detail
the 'twelve principles of animation' (defined by Disney's Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas) remain the standard approach to animation pedagogy; there are various videos on them, but Alan Becker (of Animator vs Animation) has quite a popular series. I haven't actually watched these but many people swear by them! Dermot O'Connor expands the list to 21. Note that some of the terminology can be a little inconsistent between different animators - c.f. 'secondary motion'...
Dong Chang is an animator at Studio NUT, who produces a lot of fantastic, succinct videos on standard techniques in the anime industry, timesheet notations, etc. etc. Studio Bulldog, a small anime studio, are a good complement; they focus more on douga than genga and are generally a bit more traditional.
big topic here, I'm going to focus on game dev and tech art since that's my field. but also some general compsci stuff that's neat
SimonDev - graphics programmer with a bunch of AAA experience, fantastic explanations of advanced optimisations and some of the more counterintuitive aspects of rendering
Acerola - graphics programmer who makes very detailed guides to a variety of effects with a very rapid and funny 'guy that has seen monogatari' editing style. When he's good, he's really good. His video on water is probably the best one I've seen (though I can recommend a couple of others).
TodePond - the most charming, musical videos about recursion and cellular automata you've ever seen. less programming tutorial and more art in themselves.
Ben Eater - known for his breadboard computer series, a fantastic demonstration of how to go from logic gates up to the 6502 with actual hardware. worth watching just for how clean he puts the wires on his breadboards like goddamn man
Sebastian Lague, Useless Game Dev - both do 'coding adventure' style videos where they spend a few weeks on some project and then document it on Youtube, resulting in a huge library of videos about all sorts of fascinating techniques. great to dive into
Freya Holmér - creator of the 'shapes' library, makes videos on mathematical programming, with gorgeously animated vector graphics. Her video on splines is a particular treat.
There are definitely many more channels I can recommend on these subjects, but I'll need to dig into my history a bit - unfortunately I need to rush out right now, but hopefully that should be good to be getting going with!
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fallen-gravity · 11 months
What inspired you to make Safe Haven? Btw I really love the fanfic not just because I’m Mollie and Ollie fan but it’s also because you have shown how much they have grown in there friendship after everything that has happened to them. Keep up the great work!
And just wondering how would Scratch react when he realizes Ollie was sleeping over in the McGee’s guest room?
aaa, thank you so much for your kind words!!! it really means a lot to me to hear that people love my work 🥺🥺🥺🥺
A lot of the intial inspiration came from a headcanon I've been talking about with friends for months about Ollie sneaking off to the McGee house. Even before he told his parents that he thinks ghosts can be good and compassionate at NecroComicon, he's been struggling knowing that he has such contrasting morals with his parents (and even his own sister before he had a chance to talk to her too) and that really scares him, so I like to believe that sometimes he would sneak out to spend time with Molly and her family because he wants a space where he can autheitcally be himself. There's a queer metaphor in there somewhere about having a closest self and a true self around loved ones you trust the most, and little sprinkled bits and pieces of wherefore art thou Romeo. NecroComicon airing only added fuel to the fire of Ruben and Esther canonically not being accepting of Ollie's differentiating morals, so yeah, of course he's gonna feel extra scared and unsafe, because now they know he's not like them anymore.
Another part of it, the really initimate part of Molly and Ollie comforting each other through gentle touches and whispers, that part comes from personal experience. When I was about 16 or so years old, there was a time where my then-partner and I got talking about life stuff, and not even necessarily about us or our future or anything that was really about our relationship, and we started getting really emotional because yeah, sometimes talking about life is hard. And we were feeling really shy about it, cause we were around other friends too, so the way we went about it was we kind of...squeezed each other in a really tight hug, and we touched foreheads and got all real close and balled up together, and...we cried. We talked about heavy stuff together and wanted to cry together and it felt like a genuinely healing experience. Molly and Ollie are both going through a lot, and, you know, they're both incredibly touchy people in canon, that it just felt to me like that's something they'd benefit from. Have a heavy talk, and then just take a few moments to let the other help ground you. Gently take them by the hand, wind an arm around them, tell them that they're sitting right there and that they don't plan on leaving any time soon. The fact that The Grand Gesture and mollie becoming canon in the very next episode that aired after writing it was insane luck on my end; I genuinely had no idea what the episode was going to be about outside of June and Darryl's plot, so you can only imagine the look on my face rereading Safe Haven after it aired. Holy shit.
As for how Scratch would react knowing Ollie is right there in his house, well...I'm sure Sharon wasn't the only person that Molly woke up when she was running around trying to make sure Ollie was okay, right? 😉 The way I see it, he woke up when she woke up, and he was gonna give both of them an earful about it, but by the time he caught up with them, he'd probably just run into Ollie crying into Molly's shoulder, and even he's not that heartless to kick someone while they're down.
But he is petty enough to wait until morning, ask how Ollie's feeling, and if he responds with oh, thank you for asking, Scratch! I'm feeling a lot better, then he's gonna tear him a new one for waking him up in the middle of the night and worrying Molly sick like that. But of course Ollie's used to it by this point, and knows that probably means he was secretly worried too, so he just responds to all of his griping with a smile.
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
I'm back with the Jessica rabbit ask? Shigiraki stain and overhaul maybe?
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A/N: So Im not the most familiar with these bad bois but I hope I did them justice. Btw for Stain’s one, it’s the public finding out about his gf and like slightly yandere. Aaand on another sidenote,, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHIGGY!! ~lily
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The League was making their escape after another mission ended a bit too quickly cuz of some meddling heroes
Kurogiri wasn’t there to provide a quick way to escape so they had to resort to running through the city, hidden in the shadows of course
Somehow, through forces unknown to man, they bumped into you along their escape route
The moment you see them, your eyes grew wide
Shigaraki groaned inwardly cuz he knew how this showdown would go
The rest of the league were a bit confused. 
A civilian had just seen them, wanted villains, and their boss isn’t making any move to stop her from reporting them
Before anyone could attempt to threaten you, you ran up to Shigaraki and gave him a huge hug
Everyone: Umm nani???
What bothered them even more was that Shigaraki seemed...ok with all this?
“Aaa To-chan~~ I’ve missed you so much…” you pouted
Everyone: Nani wtf what how why wha-- *brain overloaded with unanswerable questions*
Once everyone recovered from their little short circuit, Shigaraki told them you were his girlfriend and not to worry since you knew about the league and won’t report them
Ngl he seemed lowkey annoyed at the whole thing but isnt he always
They just looked at you in awe
Wow, Shigaraki actually has interests in women and romance huh?
Not to mention, you were really attractive
And that voice of yours…
None of them really seemed to want to believe that someone like you was dating Shigaraki Tomura™
Then Toga literally just asked you why
“Well, why not?” you said with a seductive smile aimed at Shigaraki
They didn’t really know where to go from here until Compress reminded them they were still in the middle of an escape
Oh right…
You gave shiggy a small kiss on the cheek and waved goodbye to the league as they ran off into the shadows
Something tells you that you’ll see them all again pretty soon
Whether it’s on the news or in person
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HERO KILLER: STAIN / Akaguro Chizome
You two have always kept your relationship under wraps
It was for your own safety, after all
However, news of Stain having a girlfriend spread across rumor groups all over the nation
They were all just rumors until someone managed to snap a pic of you and Stain locked in a tight embrace
Everyone was pretty shocked...for different reasons
Most fans couldn’t accept it and felt betrayed 
They believed you were a distraction from Stain’s true goal and purpose
Still, there were many others who appreciated you as it showed them Stain also had someone to fight for
And that someone was hella hot, according to the picture at least
This kind of stuff always ends up going viral and in your case, it did within a matter of days
Fanart and fanfics of the two of you filled the net
That along with the multitudes of intense shippers made you guys a beautifully tragic OTP
A lot of stuff went down in the Stain x Mystery Hottie fandom and let’s just say we dont talk about that anymore…
The same was true of those who hated you. You received a few death threats and even had someone stalk and almost attack you
Thank goodness Stain was there though
Oh yeah did I mention how upset Stain was with all this and he hasnt even seen the art or fics smh
He was absolutely livid
The world wasn’t supposed to know about you. You were supposed to be his and his alone to cherish.
From then on, he spent a great deal of time and effort keeping you hidden. You didn’t mind much since you knew it was for the best
You knew from the beginning that being in a relationship with Stain wasn’t going to be easy.
You never once tried to leave though
And that was something Stain would always appreciate, love even, about you
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OVERHAUL / Chisaki Kai
Things have been a bit rough lately and so you and Chisaki finally made the decision for you to move to the Shie Hassaiki base
When he brought you to there, it didn’t seem like anyone was around
“They’re all out on a mission,” he explained
Chisaki then left you to go do some work and you quickly made yourself at home
Around evening time, you got really hungry and Chisaki still hadn’t come back to check on you
So you did something you probably figured was a little stupid...
You left your room to go look for him 
And maybe to get some food if you could find any 
The only problem was that the compound was huge and you quickly found yourself lost in its seemingly endless hallways
You were getting desperate when you turned a corner and bumped into a group of men in scary-looking masks
They were all pretty shocked when they saw you
Their base wasn’t supposed to be infiltrated this easily, especially by someone who seemed to be a civilian
One of them, the biggest, meanest looking one, walked up to you and grabbed you gruffly by the arm
“What are you doing here?”
You tried to calmly explain that Chisaki brought you here
They didn’t exactly believe you though and were probably just trying to figure out how best to kill or torture you
You sighed, figuring you should just use your trump card
“I’m his girlfriend.”
They still didn’t believe you
Before you could say anything more though, a loud voice spoke up from behind you
“What do you think you’re doing with my woman?”
It was filled with so much iciness and calm hostility
Like literally you could feel a chill run down your spine
It was even worse for the idiots who tried to kill you  
They were practically shaking in fear when they realized you weren’t lying
Long story short, you calmed Chisaki down and the men were spared
Whatever doubt they had about someone like you being Chisaki’s girlfriend was kept to themselves as they profusely apologized over and over
Since then though, they seemed to have developed a lot respect as well as fear of you
Afterall, you were one of the only people Chisaki actually listened to
And that was no easy feat indeed
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plague-of-nice · 3 years
Howdy Joie! I saw your post about Ogata, Shiraishi, and Sugimoto- what are some of your favorite trivia about them / what are some of your favorite things about their individual personalities :D?
Clover @tex-treasures
Clover! Aaa thank you for dropping by 🥺 It's true I'm fixated so much on these three right now so I'm glad to ramble about them!
cw: mentions of Parent & Sibling/step-sibling death, Allusions to spoilers (also a few links to clips from the anime; Minor to Major Spoilers)
Regarding Sugimoto...
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One of the anime protagonists that I loved immediately. (Well- I haven’t watched too many anime for that statement to have weight, but the impact is still there ajdkadj) He’s charming guy and to me, the epitome of the duality of man. He’s one second chill and a huge softie, the next he’s living up to his name as “The Immortal Sugimoto” and an absolute beast in a fight. I’m super soft for his story too... The fact that he’s looking for gold to help the woman he loved (that woman having been married to his childhood best friend who ended up dying in the Russo-Japanese war) but then shifting to end up being Asirpa’s guardian and helping her... Sugimoto is a very kind and big-hearted man that’s been hardened so much by his rough experiences... It wasn’t part of the plan to end up falling for him but here I am! It’s very hard not to, to be honest, he’s just... so good. 🥺
Regarding Shiraishi...
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The unexpected F/O... Ever heard of “Happy Little Accidents” but with self-shipping? Because that’s exactly what happened with Shiraishi, The Infamous Escape King. He is...by all intents and purposes... a huge comic relief character while also simultaneously being a mainstay protagonist alongside Sugimoto and Asirpa. It’s way too easy to just dump him into the “big silly idiot” category but to be honest, to me he can be cool and cunning whenever he’s given his moments. I seriously did not imagine I’d end up loving him the way I do now... I used to swear he was just a really good and funny friend to get into trouble with... 
Why did my feelings eventually turned more romantic? It’s honestly because his motivations are very subtle (Again, because he’s the comic relief): Shiraishi’s very driven by themes of love. Like- With the life he’s lived, he’s hardly had stability in his life. He was abandoned as a baby, and then he ran away as a kid. One time as a prisoner, he fell in love with a shoddy drawing of a nun and used that as motivation to get himself transferred to a different jail just to find her. Heck, his iconic robe was a gift to him by a brothel lady that liked him very much and he wears it constantly... Even as a member of “The Golden Trio”, the main 3, he developed from a wallflower type of guy into someone who actively chooses to stick by Sugimoto and Asirpa ‘til the end. He’s so sweet, silly, and funny... and I fr find it hard to explain just how much he’s been a pleasant surprising mainstay in my heart, I just love him very much! Also he’s the one I have the most solid self-ship lore with at the moment. 😳
Regarding Ogata
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HOOO MAN. The one that started the fall. The cold, bastard, mountain cat-like sniper. It’s all thanks to him I got into G.olden K.amuy. Like- I literally just ran into fan art of him on Pinterest, then moments later I already had a pin board filled with the many other art/screenshots/manga panels of him.
As a narrative character, he serves as this huge and unstable foil to everybody’s plans. He joined the hunt for the gold for his personal gains, hopping around the involved parties and coercing to no end. But man... He’s truly one of the most intense cases of “I (wish I) could fix him” I’ve ever encountered. I adhere to canon a good degree and that’s why it’s been a bit of an uphill slope having him as an F/O... Like- There’s a lot to unpack, y’know? Growing up as a neglected, illegitimate child, having killed his own parents and step-brother... He’s been deprived of so much love and care. (Not to mention how things went down recently in the manga...)
AKSAKSJASJ Okay, in a lighter note, he truly is a big bastard at many points and at its peak, it’s also Ogata’s best moments because it showcases how cunning and ruthless he can be. He likes thinking he’s hot shit, and even has canon moments of him asking people to beg for his help and referring to him and his rank as Superior Private... 😳 (’Nuff said about that)
AND OH MY GOD. IT’S A SEASON 3 SPOILER. But this moment is so iconic, it lives in my head rent free. It’s Ogata’s peak. The sexiest he’s ever been. I love me a multi-lingual man, I’m just sayin-
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jungwnn · 3 years
Hiiiii😚 i wanna request for a ship with txt, enhypen and bts, thank you soo much for taking the time to do this!☺ I hope you have a good day, stay healthy and take care for yourself🤗
INFP-T | enneagram type 4 | sun: Sagittarius, moon: Cancer | Hate studying anything except English | Competitive when it comes to things I love and am passionate about | Like creative writing and interior designing(basically architecture) | Novels over movies | Even if i watch movies its either action or angst-drama, and always like the evil characters more than the good ones because I'm able to sort of understand why they do what they do, I believe everything has a reason, and every action is a result of something | I also believe in soulmates, love at first sight and all sorts of tropes like these | Obsessed with Greek and Roman mythology and ancient Egypt and just in general medieval eras | Love taking polaroid pictures and traveling | Aesthetic all the way, love being in the nature | I love fairylights and abstract paintings and night walks and stargazing | Love sad things | I'm sensitive to smell and don't like artificial scents | I like going to libraries and museums and cathedrals and old medieval buildings, beaches also and other nature aesthetic places | Always observing little details about everything that other people fail to notice | Easily scared or startled | Have huge trust issues and very sensitive | Have very few friends and am loyal before anything | I'm moved by little things and don't really like much of fancy dates, I like it simple and my favorite would be walk along the beach at night | Am very open-minded and wise but no one's really aware of that | Like disturbing people and then giving puppy eyes | Shy at first but when you get close with me I'm very loud, talkative, playful and annoyingly funny and weird | Just realized it yesterday that i tend to 'huh' a Lot | Clingy with people I am very close to(might even jump and koala hug them tbh) | Everyone's comfort pillar | Very expressive with words and actions | CLUMSY(I hit or bump into something at least once a day) | Love eating (taking advantage of my never getting fat genes lol) but am sort of quite picky | 5'2 - 157cm and I like tall people but I have no problem connecting with people on the shorter side of the height spectrum | Baby voice and baby face | side bangs and dark brown short almost straight hair which reaches just 4cms above the shoulders | Big chocolate brown eyes | Have slightly honey tanned skin | I'm a crybaby too, like if someone I love or care a lot about is getting scolded for whatever reason or they are sad or something then I tend to cry immediately. And while watching or reading sad things too | I do random sounds or actions too and I noticed recently I go 'huh' and 'uh' all the time | sometimes I don't even understand myself like a few days back I was wearing a black sock on my left foot and a white one on my right and then i forgot that i wore mismatched socks so when I noticed it after a while I got fascinated for literally no reason then within seconds i forgot about it again and then when it came to my notice again i got fascinated again and this went on the whole day lmao | My fashion style leans towards boho chic/bohemian and casual | And prefer bare face over makeup and converse over other footwear and dusk(sunset) over dawn(sunrise) but in the album I like dawn ver more🤭 | I love spicy and sour food and have a high tolerance of spice | And my love languages are acts of service>physical touch>quality time>words of affirmation.
in txt i ship you with!! Beomgyu !!
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pls I can already already see yall fighting over movie chararters😭 I just get the vibe y’all met in a really weird way like he was reaching over to grab a random ass toy and you were too and bam!!! Talking, numbers exchanged. He instantly fell in love with you dude. Like gyu isn’t one to simp but your the exception here. Like dude had a big smile when you responded to his text message. Will he ever tell you that he would bounce up like a puppy whenever he got even a notification hoping it was you?? No. Never. That never happened I swear. There was a time where kai texted and was like “hey soobin said practice in an hour” and gyu straight out texted back “idiot shush I’m waiting” and Kai was just like ??? “...ur weird” basically gyu is literally in love with you from the beginning like it’s insane. That doesn’t stop him from teasing you though. Dude you better stay on high alert this dude is constantly pranking you. They are all harmless but if he ever did hurt you or do something wrong. He will instantly hug you and literally apologize all day and shower you in love. Just finding comfort in each other!! Like he is always there to listen to you talk about anything and just comfort you, He also trust you enough to share his issues! He loves to call you idiot all the time but he says it in the sweetest way or just to tease. He also loves to carry you, it makes him feel super tall ( esp when moas be calling him tiny 😭) also sleepy gyu!! Clingy!!! Let’s say y’all went on a date just a quick ice cream and a walk around the park right, He would look at you and be like “your so pretty~” then you look up and be like “huh? What did you say?” And he would just pull you closer to his side and be like “nothing idiot~” in the same cheeky sweet tone. Then later on that day y’all would just to hang out on the couch cuddled up. He was obviously tired since he was yawning every five seconds. He pulled you against his chest and just started mumbling about how happy he was to have you!! But that’s for your ears only!!
Your overall relationship would consist of:
☼lots and lots screaming like dude is loud but he is expressing his love so it’s okay!
☼movie marathons!!
☼pls don’t use puppy eyes on him he’ll cry at how cute you are
☼let him kiss your forehead and your head he wants to be tall
☼he makes u meals but sometimes they burnt 😣
☼brags abt you all the time like I’m pretty sure taehyun knows your favorite food and your birthday by how much gyu talks
☼he loves listening to you talk abt your interest and fascinations !!
so for Enhypen I ship you with !! Mr.Jake sim!
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I just know this boy loves you for your witts bro, like.. how can you be so smart, interesting and pretty at the same time?? Like you completely captured this boys heart!! He loves hearing you talk about Roman and Greek mythology and ancient Egypt!! He thinks it’s honestly so amazing to listen to you speak about your interest🥺 He has this thing, where like whenever you do something cute or he just looks at your face he just walks over and squishes your cheeks. He loves loves loves showing physical affection! He WANTS you to know that you are the light of his life and you make him so so happy!! He talks abt Layla to you all the time and even called you her mom like WOAH. Speaking of mom, Jake gives me the vibe he talks to his parents about you!! Like mans is so serious abt you he just adores you!! Dude is so worried about you when you bump into things, like let’s say you accidentally hit a wall. He will be by your side in a second telling you to be more careful them kissing your forehead. He calls you princess 🧍(HAVE U SEEN THAT ONE FAN CALL BYE) he also treats you like a princess as he should. I have a feeling when he can’t see you in person he calls you and y’all will fall asleep on call. like he would be all sleepy and be like “i miss you :(“ and just talk about your guys day and it would be so sweet!! I’m sure you get the idea !! He’s in L word with you hardcore!!
Your overall relationship would consist of!!
☼he always buys snacks for you because he wants his baby to eat well
☼he is a romantic he loves taking walks on the beach with u!! (And Layla)
☼always compliments your eyes !!
☼always gets you flowers or lil things that remind him of you !
☼he has you as his wallpaper!
☼if y’all go see scary movies together he will most definitely try to act tough and protect you but he fails and hides his face in your neck
for bts I ship you with !! Kim taehyung himself !!
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okay okay!! I feel like taehyung loves your mind, he loves hearing your side of things and just loves everything about the way you think! He truly thinks your a piece of art !! like homeboy just loves spending time with you and just talking. He is a hopeless romantic like he loves taking you out to dates that mean a lot to both of you! He takes you to art museums and beaches and takes so many pictures of you!! he has a whole folder dedicated to you!! He also loves hanging out with you and your guys friends!! He just wants everyone to know he’s with you forever and ever!! He is the kinda dude to rest his elbow on your head like deadass just to tease you. He takes you to his hometown often because like I said he wants a future with you!! Expect a lot of snacks from his mom because she adores how happy you make him and he is just!! ugh you lucky lucky girl!! He likes to travel with you, like he can be so unpredictable!! dude will sit there and go “for dinner can we get pizza? Also I got us a trip to Paris for my week off” LIKE OKAY WE GET IT YOUR RICH!! But good for you I guess🙄 also matching outfits. He’s buying you a matching beret and your gna wear for that boxy smile idc. He looked at your matching socks and instantly wanted to try and now he claims it’s the coolest shit ever like Yoongi is always like “why tf?? You bought these in pairs?” Like mind your business Yoongi. His baby does it so he wants to do it too !!🙄✋
overall relationship!!
☼kisses on the lips all the time
☼plane ride cuddles
☼ur boyfriend is your professional photographer
☼pls tell him he’s a good boyfriend he just wants to make you happy
☼always talks to you abt the future <3
☼no joke he has y’all’s kids names planned
☼fun fact.. he bought you a promise ring 😣
a/n aaa!! I hope you like it!! I’m so sorry for the wait!!
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luvdsc · 3 years
sam is super talented!! i'm actually like one person away from him? like one of my mutuals is a close friend of his which threw me for a loop, but apparently he's super thrilled every time his art does well, and it's kinda funny because i cannot imagine his world where his art isn't known? like it's so good it's inevitable it'd go viral!!
and yeah, i was very lucky!! i think my parents don't really mind when i do as long as i don't break laws or rules and i'm healthy?? which i appreciate but i think it's nice to have ambitions set ? like where they encourage sports and everything, i never did clubs or extracurriculars
i do a mix! graphite, colored pencil, acrylic and oil paint, etc :) i started with traditional, it just takes a very long time so i do digital if i don't have a lot of free time!
picasso's bothers me too !!! i tend not to share that because it can be an unpopular opinion but it hurts my eyes and i don't like his composition because abstract pieces have never been my cup of tea. i feel like it can definitely be a genre that's just used to say.. oh yeah it's meant to be abstract i didn't mess up LMAOO
it is hyunjin, yeah!! i drew it during his hiatus when stay though stray kids was doing an underwater photoshoot, and i wanted to make sure he wouldn't be left out <//3 i had to use like four photos of his side profile and one reference of a random person underwater, but i'm really proud of it! and the sicheng and ten ones, i only sent you my favorites haha, there are quite a few portraits i finished i'm not that happy with!
i use the gaussian blur pretty frequently (like to mix the flat colors for hair or clothes) and a blur brush on 50% opacity to blend everything i need to in order to make my works softer! i use krita if that helps!! i think i have a skin tutorial i did a while ago on my blog, and my voice is kind of grating because i was sick but i think it displays my process... kind of well?
i think grainy works and sharpness can be really good though!! i tend to oversoften mine and make it look airbrushed, but i recently downloaded some pore brushes which should help with that!!
the first landscape was actually acrylic paint, one of my traditional works!! it was a graduation gift for someone, so she can have some art in her dorm room <3 and her room is sage green decor-wise, so it fits in really nicely!
and thank you for the compliments,, your art is really nice too!!
like this was a recent work of yeonjun i don't really like,, i have more works i'm not a fan of then ones i do enjoy haha! but i feel like it's good to share how the oversoftened stuff looks, and also just works i get lazy on towards the end of drawing them!
the felix one is older, and one of my "sharper" ones, as you can see i really got lazy on the hair, it's just scribbles at that point haha, but i still love it!
and that drawing of haechan has a pop art background, sort of, which i think is fun! my style is variable and they all are different qualities, but i think enjoying it is the most important part!
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i know you don't like to dm minors, but if you want to,, for art things, like the brushes or techniques i use, or in general, my inbox and messages are always open! and i turned 17 on the 8th, so i'm not a super young minor djsfdkfj
also sorry for the lack of emojis <//3 i'm on desktop
hi, sweetpea, i'm so sorry for the late reply! the tumblr app is super wonky and it only shows the first ten asks i get ?? so i've been going by that, and my older messages are starting to appear 🤧 butt omg that's so cool that your friend is friends with him?? :o his art is absolutely amazing oh my gosh, of course it's a no brainer his art will always do well 🤩🤩
we love supportive parents 🥺💗 yeah, i agree, it's definitely important to have ambitions set though because you need to live your life and be able to support yourself. it's not good to solely rely on your parents or other people forever 🤧
oooo nice !!! i also do a mix of those, but i ultimately prefer painting since it's not as rigid (?) as traditional drawing - like things look completely off if i draw something out of proportion, but it somehow works with paint?? idk how to explain it, but for me personally, i think there's more room for creativity with paint 💓 how long does it take for you to complete a digital drawing on average? :o
ashldkfjahsl YES that's exactly how i feel about his art too 😭 i don't particularly care for most abstract art, but i really love jackson pollock's art! 💘 i like abstract art that doesn't have a still life subject or landscape or something if that makes sense? it's just so fun and therapeutic to toss some paint around :')
omg they're absolutely amazing 🤩 i love them all sm 💗 all your art is so beautiful!! do you print them out and hang them up in your room?
aaa thank you so much for telling me how to do it !! i love love love that art style with the blurring because it just looks so soft and dreamy 🤍✨✨ i'll have to try those techniques out when i start a second drawing :') and i'll check out your video! and omg i didn't even know they had pore brushes?? i need to do more digital art aksldhflajkds
omg that's so nice !!!! do you gift your art to your friends often? they're so lucky 💟
asukdhfalkshflaksd what the heck, wdym these are art pieces that you got lazy on???? THESE ARE STUNNING HOW DO YOU NOW LIKE THEM OMG I'M IN AWE 🤩🤩🤩 yeonjun's lips look so so pretty, and felix's freckles and his hair omg 💓💓 hyuck looks sooo good, too !!!! and i love sunflowers !!!!!! 🌻🌻🌻
and omg thank you, lovebug, i may have to take up that offer if i ever finish my first drawing and attempt the soft look for my second one :')
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tumblunni · 5 years
It's a little weird that only Cynthia gets voiceacted out of the main champion trio in this anime vid. If it was an issue of getting old voiceactors back on short notice, then technically isn't Lance the one who was used most recently in Generations? Is Cynthia's Japanese voiceactor just always lurking in the shadows ready to jump back into the fray? Or did Nintendo just aknowledge that she's the most popular champion lol. (Apparently she's either rank 1 or 2 in literally every country's fandom!)
Ian so happy that Barry made it in as one of the main friendsn of the female protag choice (and also that they included the female protag choice in promotional materials this time!) And it's awesome that Rosa was chosen as one of the primary important characters overall, and that cool tote bag with her saving Brendan atop a charizard was the first foreshadowing we got of the entire game. She is soooo underappreciated, I'm so happy she gets all this love! Gives me hope of other underloved charries maybe returning hmm hmm Charon hmm
Barry's goofy run...ilu Barry...
More underloved characters returning: PORYGONS FIRST ANIME APPEARANCE IN FOREVER! I like how poryphone is in this game and rotophone is in the next upcoming main series one, that's a nice way to subtly link them and also.show how they're different. I wonder if it's like the android Vs apple brand wars?
Mysterious new characters? I think that's just meant to be Aroma Lady and Lass in a bit of a different design, cos they're Erika's usual gym assistants. But the aroma lady looks a lot like an older Green...?
"speed it up!" "Slow it down!" Lol the dialogue here is minimal but it does have its charming moments :3
Brock hugging Cheren's Snivy!!!! I didn't even think about cool interactions that could come from the Masters meeting each other's Pokémon!!! Imagine something like at the start of the journey big onix is all scared of lil Snivy and Snivy starts off playing into the scary persona cos it's proud of someone acknowledging its power. But along the journey they're able to become friends and get over their differences and get to this point where Snivy jumps in to defend someone ten times it's size and can trust it's friend's trainer to help it when it gets hurt.
Aaaa so much potential aaaa... I want everyone to be buddies...
Oh man I wish whenever I got a badge I also got the gym leader to join me on my journey... I really hope there's lots of good plot bonding with all the characters I want like a full fire emblem support system thing (but for intercontinuity friendships not marriages of course)
I like how the whole thing is framed with a monologue of Blue about how he's gonna win the world tourney and you arent. It'd be cool to have him as a rival again! Especially him in his less evil gen 2 version
Who are the mysterious domino mask guys? New evil team? They look coincidentally similar to my Team Jinx idea I had for a fan region when i was a teenager, so I'm happy!!
And then some more animated bad guys it seems?? IT REALLY LOOKS LIKE HUNTER J FROM THE ANIME AAA and she has cool fancy teammates now?? Maybe we'll learn more of her backstory? I like the guy with the face tattoos/oddly triangular scars?
IT WAS ALL SUGIMORI'S IDEA THEY REALLY DID GIVE HIM A GAME TO CELEBRATE ALL HIS CHARACTERS IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM AAAA Im so glad cos I have ALWAYS complained that the trainer's never get merchandise and every time theres a returning cameos I'm so happy dear GOD I love SO MANY of these classic friends!!!!!
It's neat that it's being developed with a new smartphone app company instead of niantic, I'm glad this new company is more open to having the actual Pokémon art style. DeNA looks neat and their president seems to be a nice and stylish guy!
Oooo new region Pasio! It's an artificial island created specifically to be a paradise of tournaments and sporting events, similar to how the Battle Area was in sinnoh. I wonder if this kind of thing is common around teh pokeworld and this is kinda just like the main one that started a franchise of smaller ones around the world? Is this Pokémon Disneyland???
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Brief shot of the mysterious potentially Hunter J + team, apparently in fancy tuxedos? Do they run the league? Is that the plot that's gonna happen, it turns out this was her new evil plan to find the strongest trainers and sneakily steal their Pokémon?
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Cool new designs for trainer classes?
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Really hard to catch all the trainer's tho cos they overlap each other. There's Flint and it seems Cheryl the stat trainer but I couldnt catch any of the ones near the end where it starts fading out...
Also I just REALLY LOVE the Sync System where you actually get unique special moves from the trainer's you pick, rather than everything being entirely dependant on the Pokémon. They can apparently use heals and buffs as well as having their own unique animation for z moves!
Aaaaand lots more trainers going past super fast and I can't see a thing, lol
Keeping my eyes peeled for team galactic...
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maiverie · 2 years
hellooo mai !! here is my update hehe^^ i'll try to send messages more often but i don't rlly have that much to talk abt but i'll still try !!
i got my manifesto day 1 album but i didnt get sunghoon weverse pob :(( its ok cuz my pulls for the actual album were so good?? anyways i got jay in the uniform pob and hee in the other (they look saurr good) and my pulls were absolutely insane i got my entire bias line??? i got jake for the postcard and jungwon and sunghoon for the pcs ?!?!?! i was so surprised i got so lucky,,,
i tried getting another border carnival album but they didnt have hype ver :(( the guy at the store said everyone always goes for that ver so i got dimension dilemma instead and i'm pretty sure i have a sunoo curse (not complaining though) i was in a rush so i accidentally got the wrong ver but its not a big deal lmao
i got two sunoo pcs and i got niki for the poster ! so as of rn i have at 5 sunoo pcs (damn), 2 hee pcs, and one for everyone except jake (jake pls come home) but if i count the other things in albums then i've got members !
and my barista course was fun !! it was rlly stressful at the beginning cuz they kept feeding us lots of information in the beginning but the second part of the class was more chill and we did a bunch of stuff like fudge and latte art,,, i tasted one of my coffees and it surprisingly tasted good ? i genuinely thought it was gonna taste like absolute shit lmaoo the instructors complimented my first latte and my milk frothing so ig i found a hidden talent hehe
as of rn im listening to jungwon's live, i rlly hope the members rest well and get well soon !! they were so excited to promote paradoxxx invasion esp jay but they got covid so :((( but jungwon is genuinely one of the sweetest ppl on earth bc he kept reassuring engenes that they're all fine and he's even on live for us ( genuinely sobbing i love him so much)
also apparently we're getting actor hoon soon !! he'll be a cameo in the drama mimicus (?) which they sung an unreleased ost for !! 02z's names were mentioned but hoon's the only one confirmed as a cameo,,, saur excited to see actor hoon !!
since we both live in aus, im guessing its evening where you are? so i hope you had a very very great day today and you rest and sleep well !! i slept for 12 hours tday cuz i was so tired,, anyways hope you are well !! lots of love and take care <33
-- sunrise anon
OMGGG HI SUNRISE ANON MY FAVE <3333 nooo omg pls don't feel obligated or anything, though im always here to chat if u need!! <3
AAA CONGRATS ON PULLING UR BIAS LINE!!! that's so good al;kjfiwe i really wanted more jungwon pcs so congrats on getting him :(( YES TOTALLY AGREE the pob pcs are literally sosososo nice they look so good in their lil uniforms :< im obsessed w the pcs this cb fr T^T
ALSO AAA WOW REALLY??? i don't actually have any of the border carnival albums so thank u for the heads up </3 also omg SAME i swear i'm always pulling sunoo HHASHDJS ALTHOUGH ITS OKAY SINCE ALL HIS PCS ARE >>>
:00 NIKI POSTER??? THATS SO GOOD AA also omg im gna come over and rob u for those hee pcs hHSDJSDJ WATCH OUT SLEEP TIGHT
ALSO OMGGGG UR BARISTA COURSE AAA im sosoos happy to hear that u had fun!! omg new hidden skill unlocked?? plss not them complimenting u on ur coffee :< that's so cute i wanna try a course one day now :(( i'm a really big fan of coffee so laksjdf sounds like you had sm fun!!
JUNGWON WAS LIVE FOR 4 HOURS??? PLSS i love that boy so so much :(( i swear he has sm love for all his fans and even tho he must have been super bored w quarantine and all,,, i actually feel so touched that he was live for so long T^T he treats us so well im sobbing i love him sm. also!! who's ur bias btw??
YESS ACTOR HOON I HEARD!!! IM SAUR EXCITEDDDD like that's so cool,,, i honestly dont know what to expect but im really excited nevertheless hehe. aLSO O2Z?? STOP???? JAY IN A DRAMA?? JAKE??? IM SCREAMINGWE
omg 12 hours deserved!! i've been having pretty decent days, just super busy lately!! hope you've been safe n well <33 it's been raining a bit where i am so 😭
lots of love <33333
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