#also i wasn't trying to come off as aggressive šŸ™ˆ
meiloorunsmoothie Ā· 2 months
You don't need sleep. Don't let the government lie to you. Listen to me. I'm your local eldritch horror, would I ever lie to you?
actually. i know that i need sleep because i've seen the evidence of what happens to me otherwise XD, but if we're talking about just people needing sleep in general...i'm still going to say that you do šŸ˜‚.
i also missed the part where the government was the one telling me that i need to sleep...pretty sure that was my circadian clock.
i don't know what an eldritch horror is, so i can't really answer the question of whether or not you would lie to me.
listen. guys. i understand this wasn't meant to be super serious (or was it?) but as someone who has done a fair amount of research on sleep i can't stop now. your body has a natural cycle that follows the light/dark patterns of the day. when it gets dark, your brain releases melatonin to help you fall asleep, and when it gets light, the levels of melatonin subside. that's why you really shouldn't sleep with your phones because blue light (what phones produce) disrupts melatonin production but that's an argument for another day.
and you do really need sleep to stay healthy. i know i've experienced this personally, but without sleep, memory and alertness is generally negatively impacted, you tend to get stressed more, and you usually have less control over your emotions (again, in general). not to mention that sleep promotes healing and strengthens your immune system.
okay that's enough (formal) sleep talk for the dayā€”and you guys should definitely be going to bed, or already be in bed if it's past 11 pm.
have a sleeping winn šŸ˜“
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cause it would be uncharacteristic for me to not jj-ify this
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obsessivevoidkitten Ā· 9 months
So obviously your drama with that one asukasa or however you spell their name is over, and you prob don't wanna hear abt it anymore but I recently checked their account to find out your fans have been harassing them.
Obviously, you don't control your fanbase (as you've said) and I am in no way Tryna put this on you. But some of your fans are straight up being racist.
Like it's not your fault, of course you don't seem racist at all, from what I could see on your account. But I just wanted to bring this to your attention cause it's like strange.
Cause it projects your following on you, it's weird your followers worst insult towards a petty tumblr argument is "you're black šŸ™ˆšŸ¦§ monkey". Im just saying from any outsider point of view, it'd look bad.
Also the anon sending you fatphobic "jokes" is a total limp dick clown. So I'm in no way on their side, I just wanted to point out both sides of the following are kinda being dicks (the harrasement on both sides I mean) .
But regardless of that, I'm sorry to bother you. I. Hope you have a happy holidays. (Also I'm sorry if my wording comes off as passive aggressive or bitchy I'm autistic and tone through text is kinda hard for me)
I have over 10,100 followers. I am sure some of them are not going to be good people. And if people choose to be absolute idiots and judge me for what a follower does then they are welcome to do so. That is horrible that they did that, and I hope they get reported and banned from the platform. At the very least I hope they see this and reflect on their unacceptable behavior. Also it wasn't a petty argument, they were telling me to commit suicide and telling me I needed to be executed via lethal injection. I feel like you are trying to make me out to be the bad guy because you're really downplaying what that side said and then trying to apply what a racist piece of shit said to be representative of me. But I am so tired of people coming to me about what a follower did. Especially after I ALREADY said previously that I do not condone or support or encourage my followers doing such things. I am done responding to people blaming me for what other people do. I hope this statement has been very clear that I do not condone racism or people telling others to harm themselves in my name. I literally do not know what more I am supposed to do.
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alwida10 Ā· 9 months
Do you think there is astroturfing around disney properties?
When Ant-man 3 was release, everyone was shitting on the movie but praised Jonathan Majors's performance but after the conviction I keep seeing statements like 'his acting was clownish', 'he was the worst part of Loki' etc.
You know since the recent poll about Loki, as of now 57.3% has passed on him,even after release of season 2 which was trending for a while got me thinking . Like, what happened ? Wasn't it the most watched show?
I really hated what happened to him so much that seeing him makes me eyeroll. My favourite MCU character ruined since ragnorak.
If Tom says he didn't like the show, would the opinion on it change?
Omg, yes! And thank you so much for coming to my inbox!!
So, first of all, thank you for teaching me a new word. For everyone else who -like me- didnā€™t know the exact meaning of ā€œastroturfingā€:
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But I think the whole situation is complex.
1) i absolutly think that Disney has a team that does use shady methods to make the public opinion appear better than it actually is. I think it was @iamnmbr3 who noticed that some 5 star reviews on major rating sites looked like they were bot-generated (but it was quite some time ago. I linked the article in my master post). Twitter (now X) has so many bots on it and the platform allows them to tilt polls massively. So, yeah, I agree. But. I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessarily the biggest influence on the public opinion.
2) I assume this is the poll you refer to. It doesnā€™t distinguish between series Loki, TR Loki, and OG Loki which might have biased the outcome in a negative way. I know some hardcore og Loki fans who did not vote at all, because they LOVE og Loki, but cannot give series Loki a ā€œsmashā€. Others voted ā€œpassā€ because the pic is of TR Loki which is still a turn-off for some. I assume that some series Loki fans might vote ā€œpassā€ because there are many that never liked Loki before the show.
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3) there are different types of fans. The hardcore fans stay, but during the airing a lot of casual fans come rushing in, consume, and eventually leave. These people are often very enthusiastic, sometimes even aggressively positive. by now they will have wandered further, leaving only the hardcore fans behind (old and new ones).
4) a lot of people loved the SHOW but not LOKI. I see these types of fans mostly on Reddit. They like the time travel, or kang, or the side characters or just the mcu. Those as well wonā€™t care for Loki or even vote on polls around here.
And then there is also this trend to attack people for liking stuff produced by people who are in any way problematic. Majors trial made all those people drop him like a hot potato. Perhaps some are now trying to ā€œatoneā€ for saying good things about Majors by roasting him? Perhaps the people who never liked him to begin with feel now itā€™s ā€œsafeā€ to publicly criticize him, since his supporters must fear being attacked for ā€œsupporting a domestic abuserā€.
All in all, I deeply agree with you on the series being very bad for Loki (as in ā€œdestroying any chance for a satisfying conclusion to his arc, his feelings about the adoption, and the time with Thanosā€) and I fear it might also be bad for both Tom and the MCU (as in ā€œthe public interest is going down and while the show WAS praised widely it still contributed to the downfall instead of generating or reviving interestā€).
And yeah, I have a post on how successful the show was in preparation. šŸ™ˆ sorry for being so extremely slow with that one. I prefer focusing on writing fanfics, these days. šŸ™‚ OG Loki is alive in our fics, dear anon. No one can take him away from us! šŸ«‚
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autumntouched Ā· 2 years
Unpopular opinion anon here,
I realize I wasn't very clear when it came to my comment about writers not having a right to demand engagement and that's on me for writing out my response late at night while half asleep.
With that comment, I wasn't thinking about when writers open up their asks for prompts or requests (and I do sincerely hope that people who submit asks or prompts are at least thanking the writer for them - because those *are* basically gifts from a writer to a reader & it would be incredibly rude not to say thank you!), but more so along the lines of when writers post unsolicited/unprompted fics.
As an example, just recently a writer I follow on here made an announcement that they won't be finishing a fic they started because the first chapter they posted didn't get the level of engagement they wanted for it. And while that's fine and totally their prerogative, the passive aggressive post about why they weren't going to finish it kinda turned me off of that writer for a bit.
And yes, it is much easier to interact with readers & fellow fans on Tumblr vs AO3. There's no doubt about that! (I feel like AO3 is *so* close to being perfect, they just need a few tweaks, but I digress).
Anyways, I hope that helps clear up where I was coming from with that comment! And I think the conversations you've started are ones that, while they might be uncomfortable for some, are ones that we've needed to have for a while on here. ā¤ļø
Omg šŸ™ˆ This discussion has used up so many of my emotional spoons, but I really appreciate the way you all have engaged in it so thoughtfully, honestly, and openly. I was so worried this could devolve into an unhealthy and unproductive place (ahem other sm conversations) but I actually feel like we are moving toward ways of better understanding one another?
Also, I so appreciate the clarification and can understand the frustration of what feels like and can be unfair expectations on readers to behave in a certain way. Also writing with no sleep šŸ˜… omg thank you for reading my response and not coming back with a punch šŸ˜­ I was there with you
Just jumping off the topic youā€™re raising and pivoting from a direct response to what you said:
I think in going back to the idea that everyone writes for different reasons, writers also have different needs to be able to do their work. I think thatā€™s why I see writer/reader as a relationship? If I love their work and want more as a reader, thereā€™s a level of meeting their expectations that Iā€™m willing to go to. If it becomes too much for me, for any reason, I quietly exit and move on
But also, in respecting that relationship, as a reader I try to understand where they are coming from as a writer. If this is their hobby or theyā€™re here to gain experience, I do want them to feel like their time was valuably spent and realize they may need a lot more validation. On my end as a writer, as much as I love my readers, I donā€™t need their validation in the same way because my writing abilities have been validated in other ways. So I ask for an emotional connection. And I totally respect if thatā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea ā¤ļø I mean, obviously I still LOVE and appreciate praise but my confidence in my skill set remains intact (for the most part lol). Youā€™re right, no one should have to engage in ways they donā€™t want to or be expected to. I think moving forward thatā€™s something I can put at the top of my blog so readers are aware of how I prefer to interact. That doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m kicking anyone out or stopping anyone but then readers are not caught off guard when I raise my hand about something. And if thatā€™s not how they want to be engaged they can say oop, this writer is not for me or good to know, wonā€™t let her know Iā€™ve read this šŸ˜‚ That means you might not get the stories you want, but I think weā€™re both recognizing there are trade offs in all of this and we have to be comfortable with our boundaries turning people away. Obviously if engaging causes anxiety or any other mental health issues please do what works for you but then youā€™ll have context for why Iā€™m making certain decisions on my end without surprise or a feeling out of the blue Iā€™m leaving you. Managing expectations seems like the best phrase? I hope this sounds fair to people but let me know ā¤ļø
Okay, responding directly again: Thank you so much for sitting with me in this REALLY uncomfortable conversation and expressing your frustrations as a reader. Hopefully I can make at least my own space a little better for everyone out of this
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