#also i was writing this throughout the rest of the ep after daria's call so i'm not sure if i missed on anything mentioning this
get-kayned-idiot · 8 months
the magnus protocol ep2 spoilers under the cut !
as someone who likes cataloguing, i think magp002 is flesh-aligned. possibly also stranger. flesh is the fear of being mutilated beyond recognition, of being changed (physically). yeah, there's not a lot of 'fear' in regards to daria making the adjustments, but being aligned with a fear doesn't just mean fear of something. in fact, most avatars (as seen in tma) tend to kind of worship their patrons (simon fairchild, judy the fire lady*, and obviously jonah magnus), so daria does seem like she's on the brink of being a flesh avatar. maybe she'll show up in later episodes, who knows? (jared hopworth, that you?) the stranger isn't the main fear in magp002, more of a... side fear. the fear of things not being 'quite right'. the uncanny valley, basically.
it's implied a bit when daria talks about her dysmorphia, during one of her adjustment sessions when she talks about how some parts 'weren't quite right yet'. it's a little stranger-aligned, with the little identity issue thing, finally seeing someone interesting, someone worth knowing when she looks in the mirror after she visits ink5oul.
not quite stranger, but there's specks of it. the flesh is the main character in this one.
no theorizing here, but just some analyzing and rambling. i didn't go deep into it, mainly because there's a bit of trouble organizing the thoughts. i just like assigning fears to statements, what can i say?
*yeah i forgot her last name
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