#also i was listening to mafumafu's music while writing this if anyone knows him
haipain · 6 years
Hihihi!!! Joining the celebration✨ "We can't do this" kisses with Haiba Lev, in a Mafia AU? I'm a sucker for Mafia!Lev. Reader is a detective investigating his gang but they're falling in love and oh, no! Thanks so much, and congrats✨♥️
hihi! i hope this is okay, this was so much fun to write (i rewrote this 3 times bless) 💕
i’m just going to include a trigger warning: hints at violence? just in case anyone is sensitive to things like that!
also kmn its only been 3 weeks but my writing skills have become rusty af HAHA whyyyy
“Well, if it isn’t my favourite detective!”
The voice comes from behind you, one that was definitely recognisable — the way it flowed so smoothly, low and knee-buckling. There was no doubt, it was him.
Haiba Lev. 
Almost instantly, you freeze, joints locking up and goosebumps spreading across your skin as you spin around, making sure to arrange your features into one of annoyance.
“Snooping around again?” He grins, a childish air of delight surrounding him as your noses touche. A wave of nervousness hits you as your heart begins to thump wildly, and an involuntary reaction follows, causing Lev’s grin to turn into a full-blown smile.
Everything about him was pushing your boundaries — his job, his demeanour, just… everything. Was there ever a person that managed to rile you up in every way possible? If there wasn’t, now there was, and he was standing in front of you.
“I’m off duty right now,” you reply as nonchalantly as possible, turning your head to face the busy road. Lev chuckles, poking his index finger into your cheek.
“Off duty… Hm, so why are you near my home? It’s pretty boring in this district, there isn’t really a reason for you to be around here… unless-” he stops, wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you so close, to the point where you could smell the very faint smell of shampoo lingering on his skin.
“You came here to see me?” He teases, letting you go and taking a step back.
“I don’t recall this district being owned by you, it’s my free will to walk where I want to,” you snort, pushing yourself off the wall. Except, what he said was true. It left a bitter taste in your mouth to admit it to yourself, but you were actually hoping to catch a glimpse of him.
“Relax, I was just kidding,” strong fingers wrap around your wrist, and you are pulled back with force — right into his arms. “Since you’re off duty, that means you’re not a detective now, so,” he mumbles, dropping his voice into a whisper breath tickling your neck. “Shall we go on a date?”
“No,” you respond swiftly, reaching a hand up to your neck and rubbing it to rid it of the ticklish feeling. “I’m still a law enforcer, you’re a mafia leader, we don’t mix outside of my wo-”
Lev tilts his head in mild frustration, brows knitted closely together, mouth pushed into a pout. “So? Like I said, right now you aren’t a detective, so why not?”
“Then, I can ask you the same thing,” you breathe a sigh of annoyance. This boy was not good for your heart, and honestly, right now, apart from his appearance and height, he definitely didn’t fit the mould of the leader of a gang. A kindergarten teacher maybe, but not a mafia leader. It felt as though you were chastising a child. “Why do you want to go on a date with me?”
“Because I like you.” Woah, no hesitance there — you had an inkling on how he felt about you, and figured that he probably knows about your feelings as well. Yet to hear it straight out of his mouth, despite the number of times he had said it… it still catches you off guard every time.
“Well, that’s a no, and I’ve got to get going, enough of playing games here.” With a rush of words, you quickly slip out of his embrace and left before he could make any more retorts.
That was close… I almost agreed.
Ever since you met Lev, you crafted a ritual that had grown on you, one that you stuck to religiously.
Walking to the room near the end, you push open the door and stare at the wall filled with pictures. 
Specifically, they were various pictures of Lev stuck to your wall, each marked with a red marker, the date and activity taking place. By now, you had known that there was an issue with what you were doing. Yet, you found it really hard to stop — and so this ritual had now gone on for months on end, with each greeting piercing your heart, increasing the guilt that made itself home in you.
“I’m home, Lev.”
Initially, you had convinced yourself that this was solely due to your investigations on him, it was nothing weird — in fact, you argued that it was necessary, because it was part of your job. There was nothing weird about taking pictures of his group and trying to connect the dots together, to figure out the business his gang was taking part in, so that you could get the crucial evidence necessary to throw him in jail.
But it slowly became clear that there was an issue. Bit by bit, the entire wall was filled with pictures of him, even when he’s not doing anything suspicious, even when all he was doing, was simply taking a walk around the neighbourhood. Bit by bit, the notes you penned down were beginning to be a little more intimate and frankly, part of you were horrified at how you were alright with doing this, but the other half of you simply felt pure bliss. And bit by bit, you find yourself roaming around areas he frequented. This wasn’t right, and you were aware. Yet, being aware didn’t automatically translate into jumping headfirst into fixing the problem. How could you, when you had actually enjoyed doing this?
“What should I do?” you murmur to no one in particular, brushing your finger against the most recent picture, the one taken during your previous encounter with him. His smile is teasing, and nose slightly scrunched up in an attempt to imitate your frowning face.
Taboo, would be the word to describe the relationship. It didn’t feel right to keep tugging back and forth, without ever settling the burning pit of emotions within the two of you — a closure felt in place. This had gone on for far too long, it was simply far too unhealthy for both you and him.
“I like you, I really do.” Sliding your eyes shut, you leaned your forehead against the wall, the cold jolting you a little. “Ironic, isn’t it? We both like one another, yet we can’t be together… Dating you is not even in the question…” you pluck one picture off the wall, hugging it to your chest as you flopped onto your back. “So I guess I’ll just have to be satisfied with the pictures in this room, don’t I?”
This is for the best, you repeated in your mind, all while feeling the cool metal of your phone in your hands feel as though they were about to melt off your skin. Slight hesitation takes hold of you as you scrolled through your contacts, fingers pausing at one contact. Then, with a determined push, you press on it, watching as the call connected.
“Good evening sir, I… have a request. Its regarding the investigation on Haiba Lev.”
“Oh! If it isn’t pipsqueak!” Lev pipes up, the usual charming grin plastered all over his face. “What a coincidence! Or is it really? Who knows, maybe you’ve actually come to meet me-”
“Actually, I did,” you shrugged, as if it meant nothing to you, when in actuality, your stomach were in knots and hands clammy from nerves and being in the cold for the past hour.
“Ah!” His face lights up as he speaks, eyes glinting with mischief. “You’re here to confess your love for me, aren’t you?”
“Spot on, Haiba.”
Now the roles have reversed; he freezes, a small blush rising to his cheeks. If you two had any other roles than the one you held currently, this would’ve been a very heart-warming scene. Except it wasn’t, and confessing your love for him wasn’t all you had in mind.
In all fairness, you were never the calmest detective around. In fact, it’s the exact opposite, you were rash, hot-headed, though you suppose that came with its own benefits. So, with a quick pull, and the tip of your toes, you pull him into a kiss, the warmth of his lips spreading across your own, making your toes tingle comfortably. Your brows were drawn close together, heart pulsating wildly in your chest and jaw clenched tight as frustration crashes down on you, because the sheer helplessness you felt was nauseating.
Right now, it was probable that Lev knew what was up. While childish, he was impossibly perceptive at times, and now was just one such instance. His gaze had revealed his thoughts. Time seemed to stand still, with the only things moving being your chests and the little puffs of white clouds formed by heavy breathing.
Lev was the first to speak.
“Wow,” he huffs. And then, taking a look at your face, he continues, a frown similar to yours now on his face, his voice taking on a colder tone — one you had heard him use during business deals. A shiver runs through your body as you took care to tread as carefully as possible. “There’s something else you want to say, isn’t it?”
“I think you’ve known this for some time now, but yes, I do like you.”
Silence fills the air as he waits for you to resume, watching as you squeezed your eyes shut, clenching your fists, as though it was causing you pain to do this.
“But we can’t be together, we were never meant to be, I’m a detective and you’re the leader of the mafia — the difference is too stark, we are on opposite sides-”
“So you’re scared, is that what you’re telling me?”
“… It’s against my morals.”
“Morals? A load of bullshit.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s just impossible. I’m here to tell you this because I thought it’d be good to get proper closure, since we won’t be seeing each other anymore as I’m not longer investigating you.”
He runs his hand through his hair, a chuckle escaping his lips. Love was an abstract concept, one that he never really grasped, but looking down at you now, his primal instinct was to grab you and lock you up so that you could never leave him. Lovers you two were not, yet he felt so possessive of you. The more you couldn’t belong to him, the more he wants you — no one else except him should have you, you are his. This was such a stupid reason for you to leave him. Morals or not, right or wrong, he doesn’t care. What matters to him is that he obtains you, your heart, your body, your everything.
Pain spreads through your scalp as he tugs roughly on your hair, pressing yet another kiss on your lips, but this time round, it was rougher and harder. As he watches the saliva trail joining both of your lips together, he flashes a crafty smirk.
“Did you really think I’d just accept this?”
Oh no. Fear strikes you, and it’s all of a sudden that you realise — he’s a mafia leader. Of course this wouldn’t go swimmingly. How naive were you to think that’d happen? All this time, you were focused on your roles and feelings, spending time horsing around… it made you drop your guard and fail to take into account just how he actually was as a person. The childish persona? While very much true, that wasn’t all to him. Haiba Lev didn’t rise up to be a leader of a gang at the tender age of 19 just because he was sweet and kind and funny. No, there was just a single thing about him that differed. Because, what Haiba Lev wants, Haiba Lev gets. The method doesn’t matter — the goal does. And so, he’d do anything to attain what he wants, even if it means…
“How silly of you. But don’t worry your pretty little head, since you said we can’t be together in this life,” he hums happily, brushing a thumb against your trembling blue lips, watching as terror began to seep into your eyes. “I have a solution.”
“We can be together in death, isn’t that perfect?”
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