#also i think a lot of these are incorrect based on the canon fate lore because i didn't do too much fact checking this time around.
092219archive · 5 years
i’ve been meaning to make this post for a while and i kept forgetting... but this was all that was on my mind today so i’m gonna try to get it out.
i actually have some things planned for chaldea eren because i was hit with this weird burst of inspiration, which i wish would come around more often but i’d guess it’d lose it’s touch if it did come around so frequently.
originally, i was trying to write a little fanfiction of sanson confronting eren after training, because eren put a lot of time and materials into sanson to make him stronger. but i don’t imagine sanson to believe that he’s really worthy of that time and attention, especially considering his past. he killed a whole bunch of people, even innocents, so there’s no way he doesn’t feel guilty.
he’d meet up with eren in the dead of the night just to ask them, “why?” and eren would respond with, “i don’t know.” that response would confuse him because they spent so much time working with him yet they didn’t even know why they did what they did. master, who was always so tactical and resourceful...
eren would then explain a little further, saying, “i think it’s because i say myself in you.” and that’s an even stranger response, because... he hasn’t seen master kill a person, ever. he’s only ever recalled seeing master command servants to eliminate their enemies, but never... master themselves.
but then i stopped there, because this was something that was running through my head for a while but i don’t think i’ve ever made it public.
see, the thing with chaldea eren is that they’re... fate eren. you know, the original karnalover13. it almost sounds like i’m making an excuse to pardon the fact that they look the exact same but honest to god, it’s not LOL
and i already knew that i wanted to bring fate eren into f/go either by some weird reincarnation stuff, or literally dragging them into chaldea. that angst comic i made was actually based off this idea, where fate eren’s memories were basically "given” into chaldea eren’s memories but not. exactly.
i don’t know if anyone noticed (or if anyone could have noticed because my sketches are so messy), but eren in the first page is straight up fate eren, not chaldea eren with longer hair and an outfit change (although you could technically say that it is chaldea eren based on what i’ve already typed up). chaldea eren in the third page is, i guess to some extent, fate eren except... dragged into chaldea and dubbed “the master of this chaldea.” that’s why they have the shorter hair and they wear the chaldea combat uniform, and not their older/former outfit. this is oddly difficult to explain.
and asked nobody ever: “what are you trying to say, eren?” not even i know.
like i mentioned earlier, chaldea eren is fate eren and vice versa. but how did they get there is something i never had an elaborate explanation for.
i was thinking that maybe they died during the holy grail war in trifas, but were reborn as a chaldean master. how does that make sense? i don’t know, but it was a neat concept.
another idea was that they somehow won the holy grail, but the grail went apeshit, and they were suddenly reborn as the chaldean master. how does that make sense? not sure, but it was half-assed so i didn’t really put much thought into it.
but then i thought: well, if fate eren’s father had access to the newest technology, would he have had access to the pods that had the potential masters sleep in? and that’s a bit of a stretch, but insertia did take place in a timeskip after the first holy grail war that happened there within trifas. maybe the technology wasn’t that advanced, and maybe apocrypha was held way too long ago to truly be allowed access to the modern machinery, but fate eren’s father’s organization isn’t really based in trifas... there’s a chance, basically. a stretch, but it’s not entirely impossible, i feel.
and i think just like how it was in extra/ccc/the titles with hakuno, their data was transported into chaldea’s database as a candidate for “potential masters.” how they retrieved the physical body is either through transportation or they created a false being, but creating a false being wouldn’t be super good for the plotline of f/go so i don’t think i’ll incorporate that. whether it was fate eren’s decision to be sent there is something i’m still working out.
while in chaldea, chaldea eren doesn’t remember whatever happened in trifas. i think they’d only remember vital information like biological stuff (their name, height, weight, etc.), maybe who their father was and what he did, but not whatever happened in the grail war. but sometimes, they’d get dreams of someone extremely familiar, participating in a war in a place they don’t recall ever seeing or been there yet feeling nostalgic, watching this person take out their targets, and servants... fighting? and they’d probably wake up having thoughts like “i’ve never been there, so who could these people be? why am i dreaming of things like this?”
and i think those connections with the servants that they’ve had in trifas would remain, since feelings don’t really... go, unless you deliberately trash them but even then, you’re still kind of... familiar to them. karna, arjuna, ozymandias ー they’d remain, and some of their time in singularities is finding out “we’ve loved each other in the past before, which is why we’re so familiar with each other even if we just met” kinda deal. and meeting people like kiritsugu and cu, found family, was a major relief for chaldea eren since fate eren spent so much of their time alone.
and speaking of singularities, a lot of it is spent dealing with them to correct the course of humanity, but it’s also finding out that “i’m not just some master of chaldea. i’m a murderer.” their weird dreams, things maybe romani or da vinci said, people and servants they’ve met ー they all lead them to realize that they’ve lived another life before this one.
the fact that fate eren was a murderer to do whatever it took to win the grail for their father, the fact that they did feel guilty even if they couldn’t outwardly show it, knowing they were in the wrong but knowing that they’ll never forget how to pull the trigger no matter what they do... and that’s why chaldea eren has a soft spot for sanson.
“i was there once, you know.”
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felassan · 4 years
Extended thoughts on the Dark Fortress preview pages [spoilers at link]
(Would I be an MJ if I did not do this? This post is under a cut due to spoilers.)
I like the preview pages a lot, I’m excited for release - roll on March 31. There’s a lot packed into just these limited pages, so I’m looking forwards to seeing the issue and its contents in their entirety. 
A flashback to the Battle of Ostagar all those years ago is the last thing I was expecting when coming to this comic and it hit me with a one-two of feelings and nostalgia. Up there just off-screen, the Hero of Ferelden and Alistair have just lit the beacon in the Tower of Ishal. In these panels, the rain, the lighting, the atmosphere - it’s surreal (not in a bad way) seeing these fateful events again, back where it all kinda began really, and that page does a good job of replicating that cutscene and the heavy feel of it in a different medium. It’s a nice touch seeing surprise/unsureness and even conflict on some of the soldiers’ faces as Loghain gives the order to retreat. A couple of them even seen disconcerted as they walk away (looking at one another in askance). I like this take on Ser Cauthrien, and I wonder if Aaron ever encountered Aveline, Wynne, Carver or non-mage Hawke at Ostagar before the battle...?
Loghain’s words “He must do what his honor compels him to do” almost feel like a bit of metacommentary, i.e. on Loghain’s character in addition to obviously being about Ser Aaron.
In-universe before now, there have been varying accounts of Ser Aaron’s experience at Ostagar. Did he miss the fight, did he kill two ogres, etc. Now we see the truth of the matter is exactly as he told Vaea, which speaks of the trust and close relationship between the two. I’m not going to lie, the “I am coming my king” and subsequent panels make me cry on this re-read. Aaron reaching out for Cailan in his sleep with his other fist clenched, jerking awake from a nightmare in a cold sweat.. Aaron is so brave, he was the sole or one of the few soldiers in Loghain’s company to make this kind of stand (and you can see that there was a moment when he did turn to leave and considered it before turning back), and these panels convey the extent of the trauma that he experienced on the field of battle that day. I’m positive that in panel 2 here, it’s the exact moment when he sees Cailan die. It also hurts to think that not far from there, Duncan is seeing the same thing. They’ve done a good job integrating the new characters’ pasts with previous canon events with things like these. It’s like, expanding on things, but without anything conflicting.
When Aaron reaches for his alcohol skin I’m pretty sure his hand is shaking. Vaea is so tender and understanding/supportive at this part and it’s a really poignant and soft moment for them.. Aaron’s nightmares are a regular occurrence it seems. I love her and their relationship so much.. keeping watch over him while he sleeps a bit away from the others and the fire. ;; Also Autumn’s ears here, she’s lying down but still listening to what’s going on with and between her people. ;;
Brief pause here: I always appreciate getting a good sense where different events are taking place in the additional media. Also we now have in-universe confirmation that in the timeline we’ve now reached 9:45, as opposed to only external word-of-god. Do you guys ever think about your Wardens and how it’s been 15 years for them?
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Aaron is like a father to Vaea 😭
Fenris has two daggers now in addition to his twohanded sword. The better for ending Danarius’ bloodline my dear 🔪
Have they tweaked Fenris’ hairstyle a bit, compared to Blue Wraith? Possibly also his skintone and eyebrows, compared to Blue Wraith? (I find this kind of thing hard to tell. If I’m incorrect here please feel free to correct me.) He looks good in this preview.
Poor Francesca. Tessa is really kind at this part and it’s nice to see more moments like these between female characters (women supporting one another). It reminds me of the moment in a previous issue where Vaea hugs Francesca on the ground. Tessa makes a great point here that true strength isn’t necessarily being stoic and unemotional, it’s standing up for what you believe in and for the greater good, even at great personal cost. It’s not 'not crying' and hiding your sadness. That’s a nice message, and again, Fran has really grown on me.
I also think it speaks well of Fenris and his character development after all these years in-universe that he was looking for a way to help Aaron, then immediately thought to go speak to Francesca when she was upset to see if he could help her in turn.
hhh brooding silent Marius staring broodily and silently into the flames and not responding to Fenris’ attempt at making conversation tho, the gentle lampshading..  That’s so true to his character. These might be my favorite panels in the whole preview. Fenris’ dry wit and facial expressions, the general composition, Fenris peacing out like “ok bye ig” lmao. You also get the sense that Fenris is reeling a bit and feeling abandoned since Hawke and co split up. After trying to do something to help both Aaron and Fran above, he then tries to make conversation with Marius. He’s trying to lighten the mood but also to connect after being alone for some time. He has missed having a group around him, and I suspect this group with its varying troubles and issues reminds him a lot of Hawke and co. That both the humor aspect and this characterization comes through in these 3 panels is pretty brilliant.
We reach the titular dark fortress! If ever there was a fortress for a bad guy, huh? x) The narrow exposed causeway being the only approach is a smart line of defense, strategically. Also, the realization that this is where Fenris lived while he was a slave of Danarius’ :| It’s a horrible-looking place and will be full of bad memories for him.
If this is how stormy the Nocen Sea gets in places - well, it reminds me of the lore that in Thedas naval exploration beyond the known map has been historically limited by different factors like pirates, Qunari dreadnoughts, stormy seas and sea creatures etc.
Characters speaking their native languages in places is always a nice touch. Now we’ve heard “By the Maker!” in Orlesian.
Aspects of the style and architecture of the Tevinter buildings in this preview, like the window shapes and the red lights and stuff, echo or remind me of what we’ve seen of Minrathous in the most recent trailer and some of the recent pieces of concept art for the next game. Neat.
We have our name and identity for the mage on the cover! Tractus Danarius, bastard son of Danarius. Danarius fucked around huh. “Tractus” has a Latin root, fittingly for a Tevinter name. Its different meanings are quite interesting: being dragged, extracted, plundered, an anthem sung in some masses, an elongated area or abnormal passage... I wonder if one of them will come into play somehow, the name possibly having been chosen for a reason? I also wonder how young Tractus is relative to Fenris, and if their paths have ever crossed in the past.
Tractus makes his entrance with two elven slaves or servants in tow. Like on the cover, his eyes are red. The head of his staff is a red sphere, also. Can we assume a connection to red lyrium, then, given these factors and the villains’ interest in using red lyrium to power the sarcophagus? I would guess that as normal magic was required to make it work with blue lyrium, the thing required to make it work with red lyrium is blood magic? A blood magic ritual. My guess is that the thing Tractus shows Marquette and Nenealeus is probably a chained up dragon or similar, which they plan to sacrifice and use the blood/power derived from that to fuel the magic/ritual. This is considering blood as a theme in this setting, blood as a source of power mechanically and the dragon-like beast on one of the covers which has clearly at one point been shackled and collared. (Here’s some previous speculation about Dark Fortress based on the covers.)
Although Tractus’ relative youth and inexperience compared to Nenealeus comes across in these pages, I get the feeling that Nenealeus will regret talking down in this manner to Tractus later in the comic.
It seems Tractus paints his nails dark. His commitment to aesthetic I give 5/5 stars
Remember the fall of Ventus/Qarinus to the Antaam invasion in TN? The Antaam must be progressing through Tevinter if people fear that Neromenian may soon fall also.
I appreciate that everyone’s horse is different! It’s a nice touch. A lot of the time in media groups of people ride identical horses like they’re clones or automatons as opposed to actual creatures.
Tractus’ smile when he’s asking if they’re going to wait for Qintara to arrive is slightly manic, lol, he’s giving off “Are we there yet?” car journey energy here. The doorway in this panel - is that a portcullis-style door? It seems like it has spikes at the bottom which would sink into the floor, and that there’s some kind of mechanism running along the floor towards it. Presumably to contain the [dragon?]?
I forgot Nenealeus has a sword - I guess then he knows magic artforms similar to those of a Knight-Enchanter or Arcane Warrior. Also here, Marquette echoes the Executor in TN, with the sentiment that Qintara fell with Ventus. Nenealeus is then referencing Gaius, the impersonator Qintara, right? That’s interesting; Gaius’ true master was Fen’Harel, on whose behalf he accessed important information about the world. This means then [?] that some of the time when Gaius believed himself to be working on behalf of Fen’Harel, he was really being manipulated by Nenealeus. Poor Gaius, at different points Fen’Harel and Nenealeus were pulling his strings. Does Nenealeus’ manipulation refer to Gaius trading it away to House Danarius for information?
Marquette references the red lyrium idol, and suddenly my Dragon Age 4 ears are pricking the way Autumn’s do. x) He mentions that it makes weapons, referencing I assume Meredith’s lyrium sword, Certainty and the ritual blade that pops out from the base of the idol during The Dread Wolf Take You. I wonder when the events of this comic take place in relation to the stories related at the spy meeting in TDWTY? Is this before or after the events of the Mortalitasi’s tale? At any rate, Marquette voices something we’ve been obsessing over: what else can and does the idol do specifically, beyond just making weapons and being Ominous and Powerful? Because whatever it is, it’s key to Solas’ ongoing plans, and Solas obviously knows.
So it seems that the villains’ plan is to use the red lyrium idol’s sword part with the sarcophagus, red lyrium, a ritual and [the thing Tractus shows them in that panel - the dragon?] in order to transform Shirallas into, essentially, a Red Wraith, a Red Lyrium Fenris. And then to arm him, under Nenealeus’ control, with the sword.
Does Shirallas still have his vallaslin - is it just the lighting and the angle in that panel? Also, that panel with Shirallas and Nenealeus looks so ominous and foreboding 😭 .. (and reminds me somehow of Fenris and Danarius when Fenris was still his slave and bodyguard) Shirallas, we really are in it now 😭 This is a really cool panel btw, like the composition, the lighting, the dramatic-ness. 
Nenealeus is motivated by a desire to route the Antaam from Tevinter (like the mage in the Mortalitasi’s tale in TDWTY) and reconquer lost lands in order to restore the glory of the Imperium (which reminds me in a way of of Aurelian Titus, who also wanted to restore the Imperium to greatness). Classically Tevinter here.
“Danarius the Lesser” is a sick burn. I’d guess Tractus’ life thus far, as a bastard, has had themes and struggles with inferiority and consequent lack of power but desire for it (being disrespected, but craving respect, being connected to a certain world but not really part of it, in fact rejected by it). Venatori connection confirmed. That the Venatori had to be convinced to accept someone as a Danarius - implications for the role of the Venatori remnants and their role in Tevinter and things in general going forwards? Lightning flashes overhead as Tractus and Nenealeus have this face-off in that panel, emphasizing the tension between the two. I wonder what the magic in the fortress and in the courtyard can do? It’d have been no mean feat to escape from this place as a slave, it seems, especially bearing in mind there’s only one proper way out, that causeway (passage not included). Tractus’ staff-head lights up when he’s making a threat (uh-oh), and then wow! Shirallas moves so quickly, in the blink of an eye suddenly appearing out of nowhere and startling the guard-mage onlookers. He’s fast and formidable.
I wonder about Tractus. Is he a “half blood” because he’s a bastard and his mother wasn’t an Altus, or even wasn’t a mage, or because he’s a bastard and his mother was an elf? Or both?
Will we see a face-off between perrepataes (Marius and Shirallas)? Will Marius face-off against his former master, Nenealeus? Perhaps a showdown between the Blue Wraith and the “Red Wraith” is on the cards?
Back to our team in the tavern! There’s a looot of great character content packed into these pages, which is really cool. Each brief character interaction conveys a lot, and in general this sequence is just well-executed imo. How troubled and tired Aaron looks at the bar (my heart.. it hurts); Fran worrying for Aaron; Vaea knowing that she can’t pressure him too much because that’s just not how it works when it comes to folks who struggle with issues like these; Vaea asking after Fran’s wellbeing; Fran struggling to come to terms with what happened to her father; Fenris watching the door waiting for news (he’s so vigilant isn’t he? safety, an escape-route..); Marius Broods Harder; Vaea’s [relative] pacifism being highlighted; Vaea engaging Marius looking for reassurance; and the choice of having Marius break his silence now is meaningful and impactful in that it shows what happens when one becomes ‘numb’ to the constant murderizing of people, so to speak. Fenris then rightfully points out that becoming numb to killing and violence isn’t really a good thing and is worse, really, than being ‘soft’ or uncomfortable with it. I wonder if he’s speaking from experience here, given the hundreds of people Hawke and co kill their way through during the Kirkwall years, for example. Then Vaea’s concern for Aaron and his state of mind, and Fenris’ uncanny insight into that, of a man he’s only recently met.
Tessa looks so cute when she comes in the door! I love Vaea’s lil “:D” face when she sees her, and I wonder what the tavern food on the table is.
Those two panels, when Fenris talks about Hawke and Leandra, are the biggest emotional gut-punch in the preview pages 😭 omg.. I’m not strong enough for this.. bls... bruh... This is then compounded by (hitting me when I’m down!!) the look of sheer... fear, fury, alarm, upset, shock - that appears on Fenris’ face as soon as he hears “I found Danarius”. Seriously, look at his eyes here. He (understandably) still has a trauma-response associated with the name/man.
Bless Tessa. 
I have to say, it’s very Metal of Fenris that not only did he kill Danarius in DA2 (in those universes), but he has also been going around Tevinter since then killing all of Danarius’ [adult] heirs, and that his response to learning there’s still one remaining is to grab his sword and go to march off with the aim of ending the bloodline a second time. Very metal
I love the final panels in the preview as well! Vaea’s sense/smarts and how she wasn’t afraid to tell Fenris no, Autumn’s giant ears, how Autumn also moves with Vaea to step in front of Fenris to stop him (SHE! HELPED!!!), Autumn’s Happy Face and furiously wagging tail and agreement with Aaron, and Proud Dad Aaron rising from his slump to praise Vaea with the most Proudest Daddest expression that you ever did see...  ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
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