#also i prob can't wear them a lot b/c of the lack of arch support
3gremlins · 6 months
ngl i kind of love that ugg (style) boots are back in vogue (ish? they apparently were super in vogue in 2023 at least) like yes, you deserve a comfy ass slipper boot here in the 2020s! they look cute and they are comfy*!
*but they are not good for weather. like they are good for if you live in a place like socal (which is where the company was founded and presumably also like Australia, where the founders got the idea since sheepskin boots had been a thing there for awhile) where winters might get to 50 degrees F and are typically dry af. you can treat them with stuff to make them a little water resistant but they're still not really meant for serious Weather (rain, snow, that gross sludgy snow that's been hanging out in the road for days, etc) and they are also not really functional as a warm boot in very cold weather (like you'd actually want a real winter boot that's waterproof, with traction and shit). just like something to keep your feets cozy on cold floors or in cold houses.
related: growing up in new england, my mom and i were always so distraught at the fashion sold to the whole country that was literally only functional in southern california. like tiny skirts and cozy boots work when it's 50-70 F degrees out and perpetually sunny, but not so much when you've just had 8ft of snow in the space of a month, it's currently pelting down a "wintry mix" and it's 10 F degrees out lol. So much of why fashion didn't work for me as a teen clicked when I moved to socal lol, like "oh, these are the people/the place those clothes were for". (ofc also there's the gender stuff that factored in too) i'm sure there's something there about how applying niche fashion trends nationally is objectively terrible and also really flattening. I feel like it was a bigger issue in the 90s/early aughts with mall culture, but it might still be true (i'm sure there are and were still some niche trends, but it'd be nice if they were highlighted somehow? or if there was less of a monoculture push in the US at least). it is weird that a few fashion voices dictate "trends" for the whole country when different people/locations require different things from their clothes.
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