#also i know she shares name with astrid and altair's mother
maeflower · 4 years
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"The powers that be do realize that I'm a college student, right?"
keeper of the sun and moon / danica "dani" silvan
full time drakaina, part time keeper of nmc, part time big sister figure slash mom friend™ of 601 arcana hall
the keeper's lifestyle is not good for the mental and physical health of her sweet, anxious self but she manages to pull through with the help of her friends and her supportive although a bit arrogant nephilim boyfriend
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bewarethefangirl · 8 years
Designing Luxendarc with Doll Makers #3- Growing the Family Tree
So, kids. When you ship characters, sometimes you have them have kids, and I'm not the only one.
My problem is, sometimes, it can get a little outta hand when you have lots of AUs. I had to make a freaking LIST of which children goes with who- and that's just with two characters, Janne and Yew! They have fifteen kids in all my AUs between the two! Thankfully, due to headcanons, Tiz and Agnès do not have the same problem as those two and only has four kids, and as for Edea and Ringabel... Let's just say I'm waiting for Third and leave it at that.
Arch-Geneolgia -All AUs that follows the canon ship of Yew and Magnolia, because those two deserves happiness. Rubina Basil Branwen
Balestra-Geneolgia -Mainly 'Berryverse, but can be used with any universe that utilizes THE POWER OF LUNAR MEDICINE Wolfram Esteban Alstroemeria Branwen
Balestra (Denys) -This is mostly Swanverse canon. The Japanese artist Oukan got me into it. Eloise Falk Aurel
Balestra (Minette) -I blame Miss Tree to get me into the ship. Granted, the idea that Minette is older than Janne is funny already. Bastet Oskar Astrid Remus Romulus
Rubina Arch-Geneolgia
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby. My adorable Ruby. I managed to use a customizer made to create your own Corrin to design you, Ruby. You are the heiress of House Arch-Geneolgia and YOU OWN IT, sweetie. You were the biggest evidence that your mother's looks wasn't due to albinism when you were born with everything but her hair color- instead, you inherited your uncle's hair color, except a tad darker. In Swanverse, you and your cousin Eloise are as thick as thieves, and as older sisters to your respective siblings, how can you not? The same thing happens with your cousin Bastet. You're also very close to Uncle Janne- in fact, he taught you everything you know about swordplay, making sure to take care of the wounds you end up with. Nikolai was also your grandpa figure, as warm and kind as your father.
Once you got old enough, you continued the Geneolgia tradition of joining the Crystalguard, and even used the Kaiser Asterisk as a Sub to help your abilities. The scar on your nose was a result of a successful mission as a cadet, a badge of honor that represented the will of House Arch-Geneolgia. You'll even end up as a member of the Three Cavaliers, though without the influences of the high houses, you weren't the leader. Being the heiress of House Arch-Geneolgia is responsibility enough.
Basil Arch-Geneolgia
Oh, Basil, you and your poliosis. Your role as member of House Arch-Geneolgia made you perfect in becoming an ambassador, and your charming Geneolgia looks helps you in that role. While your sister Ruby looks more like your mother, you, on the other hand, look a whole lot like both your father and your uncle. You're three years younger than Rubina, in fact, and four years older than Branwen. While you're not interested in being an Asterisk Bearer, you did had training with them, preferring the skills of the Ranger and Pirate Asterisks. You end up being best friends with Yasu, who's parents were once trainees under your father and your grandpa figure. Your family is very important to you, as well, and you always make sure your parents and sisters are always in good health.
Of course, you're not exactly perfect- you have an immense fear of wasps and had learn fire magic to deal with them. And because you know so many languages, sometimes you end up a little tongue-tied at figuring out the word in one language while knowing said word in another! And yet that also adds to your charm.
Branwen Arch-Geneolgia
There's another Branwen, when your father Yew is married Balestra instead of Arch. You two Branwen almost share the same name. Both of you are the youngest children. The two of you have the typical Geneolgia glasz eyes, with your non-Geneolgia parent's eye shape. And speaking of your non-Geneolgia parent, the both of you inherited their hair color, as well as their skin tone. You've also inherited your mothers', ah, bust-size (or in the other Branwen's case, her grandmother's as well). Neither of you prefer combat, and instead preferred in dabbing in every Asterisk for non-combative utilities.
However, you are the youngest of three siblings instead four, and you prefer Asterisks such as White Mage, Bishop, Performer and Patissier. You end up working for the Orthodoxy as some sort of cleric, but your main role as a member of House Arch-Balestra is to make sure everyone in Gathelatio aren't being idiots. Especially the high houses, who does have a history of making stupid decisions.
Wolfram Balestra-Geneolgia
Wolf, you take after your father Janne and uncle Denys in looks. You have Janne's dark hair and Denys's eye color, thought your eyes are darker. You are a stoic young man, yet as passionate as your parents and as scholarly as Yew(berry). You are the eldest, your brother Esteban born three years after you. Your name was chosen to match your parents, but the "ram" also doubled as a nod to your Crystalfather Tiz, the shepherd of Norende. Your kind heart made you follow in your surrogate grandfather's path and become the next Bishop Asterisk Bearer, but you added an impressive skill to your repertoire- bo staff training. You've also trained in the White Mage Asterisk for some offensive abilities, but your greatest weapon is your politeness- you know politeness judo, and you use it well.
You are the heir of House Balestra-Geneolgia, however you decided not to become the head, instead giving the role to your younger brother Esteban, that you see as the better leader of the four of you. Thankfully, your siblings agreed with that decision. You've started a school funded by the high houses of Gathelatio for the impoverished children, thanks to your younger sister Alstroemeria's rather... forceful personality. (Honestly, it wasn't a surprised that Meria was very much a chip off the old block named Janne. People has joked she was born via budding.)
Esteban Balestra-Geneolgia
Born three years after Wolfram and two years before your sister Alstroemeria, you look so Geneolgia that it's sometimes easy to forget you've inherited your father Janne's green eyes and your Balestra grandmother's freckles. Training has left you a scar at your eyebrow, which you kept as a reminder to be careful. You're a pretty quiet guy, but you're also rather adventurous, hot-blooded and outgoing. You never wanted to be an Asterisk Bearer, but you do dabble in Emperor when the time is needed. You are fond of archery, and have trained intensely in it since you could hold a bow.
You are next in line as heir of House Balestra-Geneolgia, but your natural leadership skills made Wolfram choose you over him as head of the household, which you accepted. Like the rest of your family, you worked in improving Gathelatio and its citizens, and your main goal was to ensure enough jobs were created to help sustain Gathelatio's citizens and keep the economy growing. You also help created a boom of tabletop games, creating a new reason for social gathering.
Alstroemeria Balestra-Geneolgia
Meria, you just look like a female version of Janne with Yew(berry)'s hair and eye color. Heck, you were even born on the same day as Janne! Younger than Esteban at two years while older than Branwen at four, you are the most vocal of them as well as a natural-born leader like Esteban. Because you take so much after your father Janne, it didn't came as a surprise when you became the next Fencer Asterisk Bearer. You've also studied under Kamiizumi to learn the ways of the Swordmaster Asterisk, bolstering your aptitude with the sword.
While you are a natural-born leader, you weren't interested in becoming head of House Balestra-Geneolgia, and was overjoyed when Esteban took the position. Instead, you aimed to use your talents to become the leader of the Three Cavaliers, and became the first Balestra to do so, while being the first Geneolgia to gain the position without the influence of a High House. You enjoyed helping out trainees find their talents within the Crystalguard, and your willingness to aid people quickly made you a popular figure in Gathelatio. You also have a massive sweet tooth (thought not to the insane intensity that is Edea Lee) and would always go to the local bakery and sweet shops to buy the daily specials.
Branwen Balestra-Geneolgia
I've already spoken of your Arch-Geneolgia counterpart above. The baby of the family, born four years after Meria, you are reserved and formal- and yet you're an extrovert who eschews tradition. Thanks to the former Pope Agnès, a group of untouched Asterisks were found, and you got up to the task of trying them out, seeing if everything was polished to be useful for potential Asterisk Bearers. You seem to have an affinity to one known as the Engineer Asterisk, which you end up being its Bearer.
Like the other Branwen, you ensure that the high houses doesn't do anything stupid with the influence of House Balestra-Geneolgia, however it's your technological prowess that put you on the map. Your studies of the Celestial Altair's creations help in revolutionizing Luxendarc's technology to a new level, while ensuring that these creations were environmentally friendly, knowing what resulted in the Celestial Realm's state of affairs.
Eloise Balestra
No one could guess that your fathers adopted you when you were three- you have enough resemblance to Janne's parents as it is, but your personality is, well, just like Meria, you're another chip off the old block. Yet you take pride of your origins as a girl from the New Grandship Republic, and like the corsairs before you, you've had a tattoo made when old enough celebrating your identity. Yet you also take pride of being part of the reborn Balestra family, recreating your father Denys' markings on his mechanical arm for your tattoo. In tribute to your father Janne, you try to mimic an old hairstyle of his... as thick as your hair is, you still can't get it as wild as good ol' dad. You like to play hairstylist on your spare time, as well.
You inherit the Fencer Asterisk, while dabbling in both Spell Fencer and Swordmaster for extra help. You end up, like your cousin Rubina, becoming a member of the Crystalguard as well as the Three Cavaliers. You also currently possess what was once known as Vendetta- you rebaptized it Redeemer, a fitting new name under your hand. You also technically own Boots, a cat that came into the family before you joined, but who only likes you, and you alone.
Falk Balestra
You fell short of inheriting the Fencer Asterisk, but at the very least you're capable of using it as a Sub-Asterisk! The main reason why you had problems with Fencer is that one day, you've misused one of it's abilities, and your rapier whack your face and left you with a scar over your left eye. Cue your fathers freaking out and Janne forbidding you to use Fencer until you were a bit more responsible. You and your twin Aurel joined the Balestra family a little after Rubina's first birthday, taken from Eisenburg at the age of four. Your parents died when leftover toxic mist mixed with something that resulted in a nasty explosion in your small village.
As you grew older, you mellowed out personality-wise and decided that perhaps being part of the Crystalguard as a knight just wasn't ideal for you. Instead, you aimed to become a swordplay teacher to the cadets hoping to be knights of the Crystalguard, guiding them to responsible use of their chosen weapons- something you had to learn when you received your scar. With a smile and a kind but aggressive attitude towards teaching, you've not only met your goal, but became the go-to person to teach Janne's famous fencing skills.
Aurel Balestra
Taking an Asterisk who's former Bearer was, well... You received Salvemaker from Eternia thanks to your intense studies in chemistry and alchemy, and sworn to not become another Qada. ...Which is easier done than said in your case, seeing that you were raised by kind hearted people who adopted you after you lost your parents and hometown. Besides being an Asterisk Bearer, you're also a well-known fashionista and you let your older sister Eloise style your hair. Personality-wise, you're quite similar to your uncle Yew, and it's his talk about his studies in Al-Khampis that made you want to be who you are nowadays.
Your work in the alchemic fields helped making new medical discoveries that would've been impossible without the help of Salvemaker. Qada's famous poison, you not only managed to find how he managed to make it, but what would be the perfect antidote to it, and how to prevent its misuse from happening again. This, among other findings, made you join Eternia's Council of Six per your uncle Yew's suggestion, which suited you perfectly, as you would take the position once held by the former wielder of the Spiritmaster Asterisk.
Bastet Balestra
Bast, despite being named after a goddess of cats, you grew fond of foxes. At first glance, you look like your father, but there's much more of your mother with a second glance that you're a good blend of your parents. Personality-wise you're quite similar to Edea Lee, except without the absurd sweet tooth, crazy appetite, black and white insanity, and aggressive matchmaking. You were pretty little when you received the scar on your face, but you don't remember how you got it and who did it to you- your grampy Nikolai simply said it was from some animal, but it was never clarified. You were born exactly between your cousins Rubina and Basil, who are three years apart.
You also became a Six-Stars graduate of Al-Khampis, thanks to your studies in both fabric fibers and magical manipulations of medicine. You are also the current Bearer of the Arcanist Asterisk, however you only use it in dire need, having been trained in your parents' Asterisks themselves. And although you're a fox person, you're forbidden from touching the Yokai Asterisk for now, until your uncle Yew feels comfortable with you using it. Your main goal, however, is to start your own clothing lines that would benefit the poor somehow, either by being part of your team or via funding supported by the brand.
Oskar Balestra
You resemble your father quite a lot, and inherited your Balestra grandmother's freckles, but one look at your eyes and anyone can tell you're Minette's kid. At first glance, you didn't seem remarkable among your siblings. You and your twin sister Astrid were born three years after Bastet, but among the five of you, you seemed the most plain. That is, until all of you were able to distance yourself from each other a bit that your personality- that you're a total goofball with a nack of improving utilities. Weaving looms? You managed to design one perfectly for rugs. The kitchen stove? You've redesigned it for new types of fueling. You turned the saw into a musical instrument, even! Not that you couldn't invent things- in fact, you are Luxendarc's creator of the scratching post.
You only have Catmaster and Fencer as Sub-Asterisks, but that's because you preferred refining utilities over combat. You often visited Sagitta to understand their technology and how to peacefully apply it to the current standard of the rest of Luxendarc. While not a Six Stars student like your older sister, you did place your mark for your re-inventions in Al-Khampis, and your studies on applying your discoveries became part of many a curriculum, and not just in Al-Khampis!
Astrid Balestra
Your father once joked to your mother that your calico looks came from her- and indeed, part of your hair is your father's color and the other part is your mother's. You also have your mother's eyes while, like your twin Oskar, you have your grandmother's freckles. You were born without your left leg, but prosthetic technology helped you in being able to walk- and your false leg is pretty resourceful as a bludgeoning weapon. It wasn't a surprised when you ended up being the new Catmancer, or that you grew fond of your trademark color- the purple of a Five-Stars Al-Khampis student.
You've decided to join the Crystalguard, since your father was a member, and one day replaced him as a member of the Three Cavaliers. Soon, and not surprising in the least, you became THE face of the Crystalguard, which helped you when the role of the Three Cavaliers' leader was given to you not long after. You continued on your parents' work in the reformation of the Crystalguard and the Orthodoxy, including creating the Order of the Metal Limb, a honor given to people that helped society grow despite their disabilities, named after the fact that you yourself have a prosthetic leg.
Remus Balestra
The third chip off the old block, and the eldest of the mirror twins. Romulus and you are a year and a half younger than the other twins (much to your parents' distress), and both of you are redheads with heterochromia of blue and green- however, it's the placement of the colors that identifies you: green on the right, blue on the left. There was no surprise when you inherited the Fencer Asterisk, or that you joined the Crystalguard. Like father, like son, after all.
What made people caught off guard was that you weren't interested in becoming part of the Three Cavaliers. No, instead, you suggested creating a new unit in the Crystalguard that you could help develop, the Inner Guard- a unit specifically build to ensure the mistakes of the old Orthodoxy and the Crystalguard never happened again, being aware of the crimes that plagued Eternia for generations, and how they affected your parents. And once you were old enough, you were given the position of leader of the Inner Guard, who's only bosses are the Three Cavaliers and the Pope. You also playfully doubled as a model for your sister Bastet's clothing lines, wearing them during down time.
Romulus Balestra
While you are the mirror twin of Remus, you are much more like your grandfather Jerome in personality. Your eyes are green on the left and blue on the right, and the small scar on your cheek was from training with your father in survival. You also had the potential to inherit Fencer, but you left it in the hands of your brother Remus, not interested in the least in anything involving Asterisks, the Crystalguard, or anything related to them as a whole. You were much more interested in the history of Eternia and the fallout that resulted by the Great Plague, as well as how it changed all of Luxendarc.
You've decided to undertake perhaps a rather unusual challenge- rebuilding the lands destroyed by the Great Plague. Your first target was the village that turned into Gravemark, finding land not far from it suitable for rebuilding. With the information provided by Braev and Mahzer Lee, you also kept the culture of the area alive as well. This started the ball rolling as the Duchy, with the help of the Orthodoxy, decided to follow along and rebuild other villages and towns, revitalizing Eternia's population. You end up mayor of the new village you've put sweat, blood and tears into, a fitting conclusion for you.
...Two guys, four family possibilities, fifteen kids, who knows how many AUs. Yeah, this is me in a nutshell.
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