#also i just saw that photo of him on google bc the article didn't have one
grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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An Interview with Royalty
By Jane Robson | Published 25 March 2013
Interview with Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence KCVO CB ADC(P)
An amazing opportunity arose for Castle Court  4R Children to attend an interview with Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence at the RNLI Headquarters in Poole, where he is the Chairman of the RNLI Operations Committee.  They had spent the spring term developing their journalistic skills as part of their literacy topics, so a chance to practice them on a member of the Royal Family could not be missed!
Charlotte gave the opening speech and asked the first question – “Thank you so much for allowing us to interview you as part of our English Work”.
“May I begin by asking what your links are to the RNLI and how important an organisation it is to you?”
When I was very small, about three years old, I had holidayed at Dungeness in Kent.  I was taken to the local Lifeboat station where I remember a big shinny boat and thinking I really wanted to go on it.  As you now know, in recent years I have been fortunate to get involved.
Leila:  Please can you tell me what you wanted to be when you were our age?
I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do at your age.  I did know that I DID NOT want to work in London, and due to the interest in the sea  I signed up with the Navy and have just left after 37 years.
Jimmy: Were you ever naughty and if so what punishments did you get? Were you ever grounded?
I actually can’t remember as I only remember the good things about my time at school.   I may have been kept in after school.  My sports did keep me out of mischief as I enjoyed football, cricket  and tennis.
Tenzing: What are your best memories of school and did you have any scary Teachers?
My best memories from my prep school in Kent are the fact that I had plenty of time for sport and enjoying the Countryside.
As for the scary teachers:  the scariest teacher left when I arrived and although there were one or two others, I don’t think they were too bad!
Charlie : What was your favourite sport at school and what is your favourite sport now?
I enjoy all sports.  My favourite is cricket.  I played with some people who went on to play for  their county and England.
I’m too old for some sports now, but I do enjoy sailing and golf.
Joanna: Do you find it strange being a part of the most famous family in the World?
No not strange, I’ve got used to it.  I do live two separate lives.  One is supporting my wife and the other is supporting my own commitments, such as the RNLI.
Charlotte: Did you think you would grow up to marry a Princess and sit down over a roast dinner with Her Majesty the Queen?  Does it ever feel a bit unreal?
No.  If someone had told me some years ago I was going to marry a Princess I would have thought they were rather barmy.  It actually feels very real and comfortable.  I know the Queen as a person, she is warm and friendly,  and to me she is my ‘mother- in-law’
Charlotte Gilmour:  Do you feel part of the Family?
Definitely. I am an extended part of the Family.
Cosmo: When was the last time you rode a bike? What do you think are the simplest pleasures in life?
I rode a bike at school and university, and cycled a lot when I lived in Winchester but I would NOT ride a bike in London – it is too dangerous for me!
I haven’t ridden a bike for a while, however last summer, when we were staying at Balmoral Castle in Scotland, three of our party decided to ride their bikes to a place where we were having a picnic.  They were exhausted  when they arrived, so I offered to ride one of the bikes back.  It was seven miles, and I was definitely out of practice.
As to the simplest pleasures in life: enjoying  the company of friends, the Countryside and getting on with life; doing something interesting.
Taylor: Do you disco dance and what is your favourite music and best dance moves?
It has been a while since I disco danced,  but I do enjoy different types of music. I was recently in the USA and for three evenings I listened to Blue Grass Music. I do enjoy modern popular music as well.
My favourite dance?  Well, I do enjoy watching ballroom dancing and I regret I didn’t live in an era when it was very popular.
Charlie: Do you have any pets and what are they?
I have a lot of dogs: two English Bull Terriers,  four Labradors and two Spaniels
We live on a working farm so we also have sheep, cattle, and pigs.
Charlie: Did you have any unusual pets when you were small?
I had a dog and a Hamster.  I do remember Gerald Durral’s book about animals and he said he kept a scorpion in a match box, but I had nothing as unusual as that.
Geen : What makes you really chuckle?
A good joke, and if you see something that goes a bit wrong, a bit like the situations which occur on the Television programme  ‘You’ve Been Framed’.
Izzy: What is your favourite food and does Princess Anne cook or a Servant?
I like most foods; any good food and I particularly enjoy food from the farm, particularly our meat and vegetables.  However my favourite food is fish.
We do have a cook,  but my wife does cook when the cook is not there.  She also cooks if we are out on the boat together.  II don’t really do any; although I did learn the basic skills of cooking whilst I was at school, so I can cook if I needed to.
Izzy: Do you catch your own fish?
No I don’t.
Mrs Robinson – May I ask if you have been able to train your Bull Terrier, as I could never train mine?
I think you can, we did ours, they are soft and gentle and lovely pets to us.
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oootsevenlyon · 3 years
why I'm not happy about the cb/mOnO
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mOnO is OnlyOneOf's announced new single to be released on September 10, 2021 and OnlyOneOf isn't excited about it.
Not to mention there's a song release while 8D Entertainment still refuses to address fans' concerns about Jisung's departure.
I'll put most of the rest of this under a cut because it's long and i'll be discussing bubble messages. but just in case you're like "what's mOnO?":
It's a digital single announced as their first 6 member release, first teased with individual portrait shoots starting September 1st and then more properly announced on September 7.
Under the tagline "from boy to man", it is supposed to convey a "more intense and mature look."
[here's the Naver article this quote is from]
So here's all the things that bother me:
First, a few short comments on things I don't have a lot to say on but that are still notable:
- the line "from boy to man" really bothers me because their previous releases haven't been immature at all, they're literally all adults who for the most part manage their own content and Kyubin is literally 29 none of them are boys what are you on about?!
- the whole release, including the photoshoot, feels very rushed. the picture quality is... decent enough i guess? Except if you look at the group teaser picture, the "OOO" mark is incredibly low-res which is really weird for a watermark
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look at that. what's that?
As I've said before, quoting the TV show Skins is... a choice I can't make sense of? And there was that one quote that wasn't even a real Skins quote. It really feels like 8D just ... googled that? And then didn't even fact check? Doesn't feel like something OOO would do. Doesn't feel like something Jaden would do..
- obviously it's ridiculous that 8D was silent for a month about a major reorganisation of their only group and them quite apparently silencing their members and then just drops some teaser as if everything is normal, that's a given and i'm not elaborating on it here because i talk about it literally every day.
- "mOnO", paired with the black and white pictures, the whole theme appears to be about "monochromatic" - anyway, here's a quote by Nine from an interview: "It means a lot to get away from black and white. By adding more elements and colors to our albums, we hope to represent our growth.” (he's talking about the ice and fire packaging)
[link to the article is here]
And now - OnlyOneOf isn't excited about this release.
I'm really only basing this on bubble messages - we also have the fancafe and the member twitter account. But bubble is that one platform where I, like, check my phone on my lunch break and there's 37 new messages from Rie. So. Bubble. I'm paraphrasing in parts and you aren't supposed to post their messages outside of bubble because it's a paid service. But if you don't have bubble and you want to see their messages for yourself, there are places on the internet where you can find translations of all their messages from the very beginning.
I'll do this teaser by teaser, and put everyone's reactions:
Yoojung -
from Yoojung: "who saw the teaser~~~" (0:47 am KST) + that he was surprised when he saw the picture + thanking everyone for complimenting him.
from KB: saying that yoojungs photo is "a big hit 🤯 " (0:48 am KST)
KB -
from KB: "i like the teaser.." (17:02 KST)
from Nine: saying that KB's picture came out well (6.11 am KST)
Rie -
from Rie: "wow you guys are seriously amazing, i can’t believe you put it together.." (0:48 am KST) (*bc people were right abt his teaser being next)
Mill -
- Mill hasn't mentioned his or any other teaser -
from Nine: "oh!! it's Yongsoo?!? I thought it would be Junji 흐흐" + Mill's hair has gotten long + he's handsome (0:05 - 0:14 am KST)
from Rie: saying that his teaser looks like a perfume model (2:01 am KST)
Junji -
from Junji: "it’s me?!ㅎㅎㅎㅎ" (1:18 am KST)
from Nine: "doesn’t junji's hair fit him perfectly????!??!?" (17:53 KST) (but he didn't fall in love with him!) (+ next day talking about it again, "oh my jjunji isn't that too erotic...?!?!" (Sep 6, 1:27 am KST))
Nine -
from Nine: 19:28 KST - is looking forward to the teaser, hopes it comes out soon / 23:50 KST - "is it time already?!?!?" + what kind of picture will it be? / 1:28 am KST - "oh right my teaser is up too" (after talking about Junji's teaser again) + how he took out his piercing bc he thought it would fit the picture better
group picture -
- nothing -
video teaser -
from Nine: "oh the teaser was uploaded ㅎㅎ it's my voice 하 " (4:15 am KST)
basically - that's nothing. even with wookjin clowning us like that, it's literally nothing. they've talked about getting vaccinated a whole lot more than they've talked about this song. no word of excitement about the actual music. big "oh, right... the teaser" vibes. all the reactions we have are basically about the visuals, not about the content or the concept
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