#also i haven't been to a Full Scale comic expo since 2019 and im soooo excited
sixofravens-reads · 1 year
Okay, it's one week until my local comic expo, which means it's time to ask that question again: anyone have any recs for comics/graphic novels/manga I should check out?
It's best if they're a few years old, as it's sometimes difficult to find brand new titles there, but let me know what you've got and I'll look it up!! I'm not super into Marvel/DC but if there's a particularly compelling storyline that doesn't require a whole lot of extra research to understand I'm willing to check it out.
Things on my list so far:
Mooncakes - this was recc'd to me a while ago and I just haven't found it yet
Eat the Rich and Know Your Station by Sarah Gailey - these are newer so idk if I'll find them but hey, might as well try
older CLAMP manga
a slew of manga from the early 2000s I've been nostalgic for (I don't really have a list, it's an If I See It I'll Know thing)
The Wicked + the Divine - read about 4 volumes of this but fell off the bandwagon, would like to get back on it now
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