#also i genuinely can't remember the gender of the child that eluded me the moment i was conscious i think they straight up didn't have one
pinejay · 2 years
i had this dream the other night abt somehow having a newborn baby who turned out to be a genius and it's been haunting me ever since. every so often my brain is like "so i gotta check on my genius baby–" before being like o yeah that was a dream i don't have a kid. it's driving my nuts
so at the beginning of the dream i was doing quite a mediocre job of raising it, like on day 2 i forgot to feed it until the very end of the day so it definitely didn't get enough milk. whoops. but pretty soon u could tell it was developing intellectually super fast, started talking within just a few days. completely surprised me by requesting out of the blue to watch some old disney channel teen girl soccer movie to observe the social interactions.
at first i didn't panic and just attributed their intelligence to the fact that i would talk to them like another fully conscious adult from the very beginning even when they didn't say anything back. and we watched the movie together and it was weird but nice. they were also growing physically bigger pretty fast. continued to do a mediocre to okay job of raising them, at one point i was like "wow how long has it been now? 8 days?" and they were like "no 15 days. i've been alive for 15 days" and in my head i was like aw shit i already forgot their birthday. i'm such a bad parent. then later i did talk to them directly abt my shit job feeding them at first and they were like eh it sucked but you're feeding me well now so it's fine. very shrug the shoulders abt it
then i got it into my head that i had to teach them morality and not to look down on others just bc they're smarter in this way, so they don't do evil with their powers or whatever. like i was rly panicking over the fact that i can't just model healthy human behavior and hope they mimic me and learn how to be a good and reasonable human being that way, bc they were already asking questions and bringing up concepts i absolutely did not introduce to them. they were pretty reasonable already so i wasn't too worried but i did still think it was worth it to directly have a conversation abt it.
for some reason i decided the way to address this was to bring up julius caesar lmao. not that i actually know that much abt history so this was a stressor for this dream version of me as well, bc dream me didn't know any more than conscious me. i basically approached them like "so... u know how julius caesar was like i came, i saw, i conquered?" and they were immediately like "oh yeah i know all abt that! did u know the battle where he purportedly declared that wasn't actually..." and went on to explain some interesting historical wikipedia content while i desperately searched for a way to bring the conversation back around to explaining that everyone has different strengths and abilities and we're put on this earth not to compete to be the best but to enjoy ourselves and help other ppl etc etc and conquering isn't the end goal of life, without dismissing their passion for history lol. and that's when i woke up.
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