#also here's your lil sapphic Jayn <3
dhampiravidi · 2 years
continued from here:
Jayn beamed, the way she always did when in the presence of Pogue Parry. Hearing him call her by one of his many nicknames just made seeing him even better. She quickly sat down her shopping bag (which didn’t have much in it anyway), still holding the bag of fast food in her other hand.
“Hey, cowboy,” she replied, reaching up to gently pat his head. He’d used a bandana to cover the front half of his hair and tied back the rest in a ponytail. She ignored the mess on his pants and used a hand to steady herself on his hip while she pecked him on the lips. “I like your hair. You should do that more often, tying it back--it’s cute! Oh, and Cass and I stopped by the diner. We thought we’d bring you some lunch before we went home.” She smiled mischievously. “I got you extra fries.” Of course, it was only fair to also buy him a Coke, but Jayn knew how much he loved fries. Pogue got some every time they went...well, anywhere.
Something did feel a little weird, though. When Jayn had been with Cassia, they were pulling each other around and giggling, being eighteen-year-old geeky girls. It wasn’t like Jayn had ever pretended to be anyone but herself around Pogue. But while in front of him, she felt like she’d been hiding...something. And she worried that she was ignoring Cassia every second that she paid attention to Pogue.
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