#also heavily considered deleting this bc it's just. well yall have eyes
dr-gaytorius · 2 years
oh mein gott id keel myself for dis twink clad in ze raven costume 
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incarnateirony · 4 years
what's shot 46? should we keep an eye on that? i remember some spec that would be cas' last appearance before all the PR made people pivot to full on anxiety "he's not in the episode"
There’s a variety of potential “last” shots.
I’m still staring into the abyss of 28pt4, myself. It’s incredibly strange that they shot it early... twice... with the rest not being handled for almost two weeks. Which tells me they needed someone or something incredibly specific, close to the beginning of shooting, for that particular scene. 28pt1-3 appears to be entering and battling masked monsters in the barn, and they didn’t need whoever was there early for those parts, but they needed it for part 4. Which... 
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46 does fall into the possible list board range, but here’s the thing:
There are very few scenes we know what the shots ARE.
We know 47/47A are the brothers sitting around outside the impala in that cute town setting, I’ve presumed preparing their goodbyes. So yes, up to 46 would be possible. Hell, after 47 would be possible. 
These are the highest possible days I can see Misha in (I know it’s 19 boards but look closely at the actual shots):
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Notice 46 is there.
From 20: 11, 12, 20, 28pt4 (2x), 46.
The boards are Aug 19, Aug 21. Remember the Misha dirge he posted on the 20th saying he hadn’t been on set? Despite the dramatic zoom on the goddamn tapeball showing his colors from recent years that fandom mysteriously thinks is yellow but it’s been Green?
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Here, have a Misha heavy episode:
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This is the most conservative estimate of what I see out of Misha’s vancouver timeline, but only accounts for 2 days, as opposed to his original 5 day statement back in Vancouver. However, covid arrangements may have warranted shuffling and trying to bulk out as much Misha as possible early on to save on accomodations, and we ALSO know 19 & 20 are both missing about 30% of their shots, so the 3 other filming days that week may have very well even had other 20 shots, who knows?
Now, that’s again--most conservative estimate. Based on what we saw, Misha deadlined his streaming for the most part after this (in which the goddamn Van cityscape was visible outside of his window in parallel to him being in Van via Charlie before Charlie deleted lmao), and the only visual we get of him afterward was his Aug 25 post for Sam Smith (x)
The vaulted ceiling seems to change but it has the same HP Slam walls as the other unit; we have no context for this shot, but a great number of rentable extended stay suites in Van actually have these, if he rented a furnished apartment instead of a bog standard hotel to go insane in for a few weeks. And depending on the complex, can still be a relative highrise like his hotel view was.
Now, ep 20 shots don’t begin actually appearing on the board again until um... well, it starts being officially 20 Aug 28, or basically at the end of the week I consider “reasonable range”, with the Aug 25 post in mind:
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The next week does not begin until Aug 31, which I am more tentative about misha being at. You can find all the QOTDs here (x)
On the second day of the week of Aug 31, they start heavily mixing 19 scenes into the boards as if to compensate for starting heavy with 20 scenes. Across all boards, both episodes are missing about 30% of their listed shots, so we have literally no idea when they were filmed.
28pt1 starts filming Sept 2, and the parts continue through the 4th.
September 11th, Misha surfaced from being invisible to the world with a roughly one week beardfuzz saying he had been on a camping trip. This would put him in range, via ~shaving~, of being at Sept 2-4, but I’m not entirely sold. 
When it comes down to it, the biggest most suss thing is that the ENDING of shot 28, pt 4, was shot Aug 21, but the rest of it was shot 2 weeks later?
So despite beard being small enough to possibly have been there, I don’t think he actually was in that particular week. I could be pleasantly surprised, and you can check the quote boards if you want to consider that. 
What do we know about shot 28:
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Cool, it’s the barn scene where Sam and Dean are facing weird masked shadow people. So shots 1-3, they walk into a barn, get jumped, and fight shadow monsters and then *something* important enough happens that part 4 was shot weeks earlier for *reasons.* Got it. 
It’s so weird that fandom seems to have missed this.
I dunno, maybe they just needed alastair to fulfill the 15.01 pennydrop and that was the day for it but I really doubt it. Considering Heyerdahl lives in BC and wouldn’t need special accomodations being paid for. He could just kinda stroll in whenever. So that’s not it. It’s not Billie, not only did she say goodbye but even if she didn’t, she also lives in Canada. In fact, most potential big players won’t need that kind of accomodation like J2M do. 
Keep in mind folks: whatever leak you think you’re working on, check it closely. The original March 18 leak? Came attached to claiming Cas wasn’t even mentioned in 19 by supposedly reading the script. How did that work out? What about the spoilerglasses I chuffed off by disregarding their attempts to throw liminal script bits of 17 at me that also claimed Wayward characters were going to die brutally and disrespectfully in 19 and their friend saw it on a nearby lot? How did that turn out? What about the fact that one leak-bearer has two sources that oppositely say that there’s no Cas in 20 and another that says it’s a TFW positive ending, Cas doesn’t end up human, etc etc, and has a bunch of specs on it? 
They’ve endgamed yall. And everyone acts like their basic wordplay on things like “story, show, scripts, page, fictional character” in PR would be ridiculous lies in the same show that made up an entire fake Abominable Snowman movie in the past to cover Jim Beaver coming back. Like, you’re... oh, you guys are serious, you’re actually believing this. lol ok
After that, Misha shaved again, got a haircut, mentioned traveling for his new Amazon movie from a different apartment/hotel -- an Amazon movie filming in the US, not Canada by the way -- then came back a few weeks later with a beard again, much denser than the Sept 11 beard.
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