#also guys is it yuuta or yuta because im seeing both...
rosesaints · 8 days
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being one-sided academic rivals with yuuta who doesn't understand why you're constantly glaring at him in the hallways, who doesn't even have to turn around to see that you're directing your fury at him after another close race with your grades. you're pissed, because it doesn't even seem like he knows he's the bane of your existence despite how thinly veiled your (supposed) hatred is, and the icing on top of the cake is how he goes out of his way to treat you like one of his old friends.
you catch him staring at you a lot with that genuine look you've grown accustomed to seeing. he waves at you in the halls, turns around and sends you a warm, sincere smile when grades are passed back even though you're on the verge of tearing your professor apart. and he always, always asks if you'd like to study or take notes together.
you swore you would never study with the enemy, and yet you end up at the library every thursday night anyway, pressing yuuta up against the stacks to hear his delighted little gasps and whimpers as you suck at the smooth, unblemished skin of his neck, whispering how much you want to destroy him, how much you wanna see him fail and it's like he wants to drown in you, lovestruck and nodding along to your harsh words with stars in his eyes.
"yes, yes, of course," yuuta sighs breathlessly as you pepper him with more kisses that are starting to drift even lower, wondering if maybe after this, you'd finally let him take you out on a date.
read the completed work inspired by this drabble!
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