#also fun fact josie's day job is as a kitschy fake psychic
greatlyblessed · 1 year
I am intrigued with Urban Beach Fantasy! (For the ask game)
alfk;adkj hey yes okay, original fiction time!! So this was a nanowrimo project that I have picked up and down a bit here and there since.
The gist is that Finn, a 19 year old sea witch is living in a small town on the California coast. He talked a little bit too much about all the mermaids and so on, so noooooow. Everybody thinks he's kinda crazy. So now he just tries to mind his own business and avoid calling too much attention to himself. As a sea witch, he has influence over things relating to the sea. (I think it's a pretty soft-magic system here--)
But shortly after the story begins Josie-- a psychic-- comes in to town. Her visions said there was something afoot in this little town. Finn isn't interested in helping 'protect the human and magical worlds from each other' but Josie drags him along.
Anyway they come to find out that Finn is not the only witch in town. The other, a people witch, has figured out how to steal various magical creatures powers for himself. Downside: it's killing him.
So embarks a race to take down the guy who's got a magical influence over every human in town before he can steal the powers of (some kind of shapeshifter) to save his own hide and become waaay too powerful.
(Sidenote they free Sean from the people-witch's power-- but just because he's free of Magic Peer Pressure doesn't mean normal Peer Pressure doesn't still have an effect--)
I need to... do more work on this there are holes in the plot and so on but yee anyway! I wanna play with like, the brothers starting on the path to healing their relationship and Doing The Right Thing even when Everyone Is Against You type stuff.
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