#also fuckin' thank you for pointing out how it is literally no better having Nemesis as the guy to take down than the Nabateans
butwhatifidothis · 1 year
'Damn Nabateans, doing all that ruling and oppressing from a remote village in the mountains. Their parents aren't even from around here. Nemesis should go over there and kill them all because immortal superpowered god-kings are preferable by virtue of being the same race as me and would be easier to overthrow, despite Nemesis specifically requiring an almost sixty years long war to remove in which Nabateans played a crucial part'. Bruh what are these takes why are people like this
I can't begin to explain what the hell is wrong with all of these people coming out of the woodwork to justify the evil genocide man. While simultaneously IN-FUCKING-SISTING that they're totally definitely not justifying him (as they paint the Nabateans as evil and in need of complete removal by any means necessary)
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peculiar-shardscape · 3 years
Okay Imma narrow out the Points in Invertedverse because uh Yes
This is in the order to when you meet them btw
Ulipse-Point of Facts. Very chatty and nice, but can be annoying just to spite others. Knows a lot of Wikipedia pages off by memory. They are part of Tali’s trio.
Mino-Points of Building. Very sweet and kind but swears so much to the point you need to keep children away from them at all costs. They are also part of Tali’s trio.
Naen-Point of Wreckage. Lazy asshole who thinks he’s better than others. He just lies around and tells others to fuck off. Mino and Naen are arch-nemesis’
Ixol-Point of Caretaking. They’re super calm and look after others without a problem. They’re very gentle and love looking after animals. Their caretaking ability is actually so good, they’ve managed to keep Yawgate stable for quite a period of time
Yawgate-Point of Violence, plus the first boss fight! By the name, they are very violent, and also insane! They’re very freaky over others and only trusts Ixol. At some point, Ixol had to do something, Yawgate immediately snaps out from not being around them and attacks the trio, thus the boss fight commencing.
Shallare-Point of Beverages. Yes, they can make drinks. Unfortunately you have to be liked enough for one. Shallare’s pretty fuckin rude and will likely insult you if you talk to them at all. However, after completing their challenge course, they’ll end up liking you and give you drinks once in a while. Some of these drinks can give you power ups whenever you’d like. (Normally you don’t get power ups unless you find them, but Shallare eventually holds a bar to sell power up drinks you can use any time. Unfortunately they are limited and you have to buy them again when you run out)
Arrolin-Point of Matter. Specifically liquid matter. Arrolin is kind of rude too, not as bad as Shallare. In fact, they’re both really good friends, but they refuse to tell others about their friendship. Arrolin’s more of the “Doesn’t talk to others” antisocial while Shallare’s the “Talk shit about others” antisocial. Arrolin makes a lot of experiments, especially compound liquids. Just be careful, half the world is acidic as hell
Pasless-Point of Crystals. Or gems and rocks. I don’t know. They’re very easily confused and almost always oblivious. They can’t understand metaphors nor similes and will always take things literally. They’re also really obsessed with shiny things, but heavily to the point they refuse to give stars to the trio because of their obsession of how shiny they are. They’re also the second boss fight after Mino tries to pry the stars off of them. Thanks Mino
Signol-Point of Puzzle Solving. They’re incredibly shy and terrified of others. They’re super fidgety and hates people looking at them. They’re very passionate for the puzzles they solve, but out of anxiety, believe their skill is useless for others, which they refuse to help in some times until Mino helped them feel more comfortable with themself.
Anshine-Point of Insecurities. GOD this Anshine sucks. They’re rude, petty and will taunt you almost all the time. Talipon never felt so tempted to kick them in the guts. Anshine seems to love annoying the hell out of others, specifically Signol due to how insecure they are. Their challenge course sucks because they deliberately change the way some mechanics work just to screw with the trio.
Ploque-Point of Cards. What kind of cards? Who knows. They probably have a Uno deck somewhere! Ploque is neutral by behaviour, but can be easily pissed off. They were happy to help out the trio before Ulipse snatched a deck of cards, which massively pissed Ploque off and set off a Boss fight. Thanks Ulipse
Cyalm-Point of [[[[####]{{]]. Cyalm’s basically forgotten their sense of self, that includes what they were good at. They’ve lost their ability to talk comfortably and freaks out whenever confronted. They seem to freeze when feeling threatened, and after a while, will freak out and cry. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a way to help them out yet.
Stratosfear-Point of Strings. We all know Strat by now. They’re evil and insane. At least not as bad as Yawgate but still. They’re the main antagonist, but they won’t let themself get beaten easily! Another trio hasn’t been mentioned just yet!
Morward-Point of Dance. They are incredibly active and are very talkative. Their behaviour is different for everyone. They’re cool with Talipon, very happy when around Mino, but absolutely hates Ulipse’s guts. They’re the lead of the other Trio, and with enough convincing, decides to help out the main Trio!
Compale-Point of Writing. Writing is their passion. It’s all they’ll talk about sometimes. They’re very interactive, but bad at reading the room and can sometimes say offensive stuff nobody likes to hear. They don’t mean to upset others, but they do it a lot. Morward’s dealt with this and has stopped worrying over it.
Solgon-Point of Control. At first, they seem hella laid back, once you find out they dislike you, you’d wish you could go back home. They act all chill and comforting when first meeting them, but after Morward and Compale go off to do some errands, they confess to the Main Trio about how much distrust they feel towards them, and refuses to let them hurt their own trio. A boss fight starts and you find out their power is controlling other people’s powers. The shooting star is practically useless against Solgon, and this results in a pissed off Talipon punching Solgon right in the face and knocking them out. When the two arrive, they refuse to believe that Solgon attacked the Trio and break off their truce
Voixer-Point of Repair AND Void. Who forgot about this guy? Not me! They were hidden back in their original place. Eventually after realising the game was wrecking up, they broke out of their dimension and went to search for the Trio. Their memories are recollected as they remember Talipon from the previous gameplay and agree to help them out. Eventually they help Player break out of their trapped area and so Talipon and Player reunite and work together yet again
Sorry that was more rambling than I thought I would do oh well enjoy this all ig lmao
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To distract myself from this awful political scene I'm forced to watch for history class: can you give us some obscure side characters (like, Dr. Diminutive, Newton the Gnu, type characters) you absolutely love for no reason? :) <3
Okay I am literally so late because I was doing my chem reading and my writing hw BUT I can’t refuse a chance to scream about my favorite characters (but y’all can refuse to listen to my scream about them so here’s a cut)
First of all, I want you to know that I haven’t even started listing characters yet and this ask has already lead me to spend almost $4 on Agent P’s Guide to Fighting Evil and that’s why I don’t look at the PnF wiki when I’m tired thank you for coming to my TED talk
I almost feel like I’m cheating by starting with Dr. Diminuitve but HOW CAN I NOT LIKE TELL ME THAT LIL MAN IS NOT THE BEST CHARACTER THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN OKAY FUCKIN DO IT JUST KIDDING YOU CAN’T I mean come on, one of his first lines was literally “I don’t have a Napoleon complex; Napoleon had a ME complex!” I had to check the wiki to see if that was his first line ever and I’m very disappointed that it wasn’t and then in OWCA’s Going Down when all the evil scientists were just vibin against the fence and they started doing that West Side Story snappy walk and Diminutive was so into the snaps that he just didn’t fucking move and then he opened his eyes and the rest of the gang was halfway off the screen fjdskhfkalsfhaskl I just really love him okay the more I think about it the more convinced I am that he’s actually my favorite character
Idk if this counts as an obscure side character but he is incredibly underrated so I gotta throw in: LAWRENCE FUCKING FLETCHER. He’s just such a pure and innocent lil dude. He sees the boys doing dangerous shit and he’s just like, “Well that’s happening,” or better yet, “Hey, that looks fun!” I mean, the airplace? The flying carpet? The monster trucks? He genuinely gives zero fucks and I love him for it. I wholeheartedly believe that Lawrence knows Perry is a secret agent -- or at least that he’s smarter than he acts -- but he’s literally so indifferent to everything going on around him that he never mentions it because life is full of fun and exciting things like that and he can’t talk about them all, you know? And he gets so excited about his antiques and he’s so passionate about history and ughhhh I love him 
I was about to say I feel like I’m cheating by using a special but it just occurred to me that that’s lowkey how I’ve prefaced all of these so no, fuck that, I’m using a special and that’s just how it’s gonna be. CARL FROM THE LAND OF INTERNUS WOULD HAVE MADE A MUCH BETTER ENDING THAN THE ACTUAL BOOK HAD AND FUCK YOU MONOGRAM FOR CUTTING CARL OFF BEFORE HE COULD TELL IT HOW HE WANTED TO
These two kinda go hand-in-hand but Bunka Da Bunkaquan and Sweary the Swan are my favorite alternative Perrys. As far as the specials go, Steampunx isn’t one of my favorites, but Sweary the Swan is just... How do you even describe Sweary the Swan? He is life. He is the reason I wake up in the morning. He is the only thing worth living for. And then Bunka Da Bunkaquan is just so fuckin cute and anyone who disagrees needs their eyes checked. And tbh while we’re talking about Tri-Stone area, I gotta throw in a mention of Doofengung no of course I didn’t have to google what his name was what are you talking about because I love how he just stares at the water and every time it drips he just fuckin cackles lmaooo
Okay one more special (maybe) but Doofenshmirtz in The Temple of Juatchadoon brooo I just googled it to make sure I spelled that right and I did woah my power is unmatched is lowkey my favorite Doofenshmirtz. I don’t know if it’s because I actually like him more than every other Doof or if it’s just because his first scene was with Phineas Ohio Flynn and they knew each other and they had actual interactions throughout the episode and the Doof/Phineas relationship is my favorite underexplored relationship, but Juatchadoon Doof makes the list anyway
The “what did you think, _________ was just going to fall out of the sky?” couple — who 100% deserved that cameo in catu
I’m almost afraid to say this in public, but I actually really like Roger. I was mostly indifferent to him at first, but then Delivery for Destiny happened and I was like wait a minute, why am I sleeping on his man who literally orders boxes just to give to his cat? And once I realized that he was kinda cool, it started sinking in that he was never actually a bad guy. Heinz never even really claimed he was -- if anything, his problem is that Roger isn’t a bad guy, and everyone in Gimmelshtump and Danville knows it. And I gotta give Roger credit for not being too harsh on his brother, because yeah, he can be a little stuck up (I’m looking at you, stupid golf game), but you can’t really blame him for thinking he’s better than Heinz, you know? But at least he’s not a dick about it like their parents are. Also the entire latter half of this paragraph was me trying to find a way to work in the other part of that scene with the cat box and it didn’t work so I’m just gonna tack it on to the end because this isn’t an essay for English class and I can do that lmao. Paul mentions that he just delivered something to a Heinz Doofenshmirtz, and Roger is like 😬 because let’s be real, no one wants to be represented by the type of dude to try to juice City Hall, but he’s obviously not going to say that because he’s still a respectful dude, so he’s just like “Charming... man... isn’t he...” and he’s literally so uncomfortable and it cracks me up every time but also it’s lowkey kinda wholesome because Heinz may make it his life mission to embarrass his brother but Roger doesn’t reciprocate. but I accidentally discovered a few weeks ago that John O’Hurley is a raging Trump supporter so I gotta dock points for that one
In the same vein, Paul the delivery guy. What more do I have to say?
If my love of Roger didn’t turn the world against me, this one probably will, but I’m going to say it loud and proud anyway. I LOVE PETER THE PANDA. He’s just??? so??? cute??? Like when he was tearing apart Doof’s inator and he was just... actually no scratch that I need pictures for this because I can’t explain this in words
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Peter really said “this bitch empty, YEET!”
okay but the ones I was actually looking for are...
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I mean, how can you not find him adorable? And don’t even get me started on his relationship with Perry because Meapless in Seattle was just... B R O Perry flew halfway across the country (probably I mean idk where exactly Danville is but they use EST so Seattle is probably halfway across the country?) just to go grab a coffee with him. They went on a lil date at a fancy restaurant I know Dan said it wasn’t a date but he's been wrong in the tiktok comments before which means none of his opinions are canon lmao. They’re just? So? Cute? I don’t even know what to make of their relationship but I live for it.
And I can’t mention Peter without bringing up his nemesis, who, to be entirely honest, I also don’t know what to make of and he’s mostly on this list because I like the line “How did you get chorus girls in here?” and when I downloaded and cut a bunch of songs that you can download from Google Drive here if you want, I specifically kept that part in because I love it lmao (I do gotta point out tho because it’s been bugging me since I last watched the episode: I don’t think we have any proof that Professor Mystery even exists in the PnF dimension. I had just assumed he did for the longest time, but that entire episode takes place in a dimension where Lawrence is a polar bear. Who knows what other differences there are?)
I love all the grandparents and I don’t even have an explanation they’re just all adorable
Okay I know I said no more specials but TECHNICALLY at2d isn’t a special; it’s a movie. I am physically incapable of not brining up the muffin time Normbot and the “I use aggression to mask my insecurites” Normbot.
While we’re talking about Norm, his old head would 100% swear all the fucking time if it wasn’t a kids’ show and i gotta respect it
Dan Povenmire does one line for a dude named Vinnie in Mission Marvel and off the top of my head I don’t remember who he is but it was the beginning of the episode and I think (?) it was during the New York scene and he does it in the Vinnie Dakota voice long before Dakota was even a concept (I’m assuming) so he gets a mention
Jerry the Platypus gives me Paper Jam Dipper vibes and they are both valid as fuck (the fucked up Doof copy is not valid as fuck tho we’re gonna pretend he didn’t exist)
Don is literally the best part of Where’s Pinky and I’m not just saying that because I’ve been watching Whose Line for years and I was super excited to see Wayne Brady in the credits (and the fact that he was also in both the quarantine rap and catu makes me incredibly happy)
Ooh I almost forgot OWCA Files existed but Harry the Hyena playing the trumpet and the subsequent “you’re gonna be wearing that in a minute” is the best part of OWCA Files and tbh just Doof, Perry, and Harry could have carried an entire series by themselves (though I do also love Karen and Maggie)
WAIT A SECOND THE BUG TRIO FJDSAHFLKSAJD I was trying to pick a favorite last time I watched OWCA Files and every time one of them spoke they were my new favorite like I lowkey thought their plotline was boring but the characters themselves were hilarious
Wait I forgot Vlorkel too omfg these two belong way higher on the list but Vlorkel is the love of my life (and I lowkey wish she had met Steve the giant chameleon because they would have become best friends)
I wanna keep going but it’s currently 1:45 in the morning (this is why I’ve been avoiding asks during the day: I get way too into them and spend a solid hour and a half on them and I’d never get any schoolwork done lmao) and it’s far from the first time I’ve stayed up this late but I figured it was fine because I have no classes tomorrow but it occurred to me like four seconds ago that I DO HAVE A CLASS TOMORROW SHIIIIT I had an anatomy exam on Tuesday during my usual class time (which if you read my tags you might have known about because I was having an existential crisis over it) so he moved our class tomorrow excePT IT’S NOT TOMORROW IT’S TODAY IT’S LITERALLY IN LESS THAN SEVEN HOURS FUCKING HELL I GOTTA GO TO BED ASAP
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