wheucto · 13 days ago
object show characters being named as their own objects might strike you as odd, but is it really that strange? with humans, differentiating each other using names is necessary. we're all "humans," so there's not much to name off of. physical features, maybe, but people can often share those...
however, with objects, there's a clear distinction to name someone after. and, why do names exist? to distinguish people from one another. why would you make a name, when there's already a perfectly good one right there? and sure, there's people who are the same object, but there's people with the same name too. they'd probably get nicknames/slightly different names... besides, that's why surnames exist.
#wheucto#wheucto speaks#osc#object show community#Be subjected to my thoughts.#<- /silly#tags don't add onto my point at all i just wanted to ramble about how names might work in an objects' universe#though this doesn't mean human-esque given names can't exist... like_ nobility tended to have a bunch of names... there might be something#- similar there? like they had non-object names#also for someone super well known like royalty_ it's probably important to distinguish them from other objects of the same kind#also for patronymics/matronymics... theres going to be people named something like [object] treeson or like featherson... thats so silly#in this system_ it would be very possible for someone to be named “feather featherson”#bc your parents wouldn't really choose your name#also i like to imagine an america (US that is) where they just have crazy names bc they wanted to be able to choose their own#since the nobility and royalty had names but the commoners didn't...#i dont know if that would be likely but i think it would be fun!!!#also since it'd be a movement started by like_ adults... it would mostly be people choosing their own name... which (i think) would lead -#- into a society where people are typically expected to choose their names#(maybe parents would name their children... but it'd be accepted if they later changed their name...)#(though i'd imagine being called like your object name as a child could be kind of weird... but who's to say people wouldn't like their -#- object names?)#and like... if you're choosing your own name. imagine you're like twelve. you'd probably like name yourself after like a character or -#- something similarly stupid. like internet names_ except it's real life!#also i wonder how gendered names would be? i mean_ they could probably develop somewhat similarly to human names?#and i wonder about if there's like a difference between how... um... upper class people with names (in non-US countries) and americans -#- treat names... like for an american maybe_ being called by your name (or its derivatives) even among close ones is the norm#but elsewhere it's common (for those with names) to be referred to by your object when you're close to them
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