#also ever think it's weird that reuniclus doesn't have a high atk stat even though it's described to fight with its fists
simply-serperior · 1 year
i saw your snivy line Pokémon partner headcannons and i really liked them!! i loved all the personality you added to the pokemon and the post was very very cute. could i request you do a post of a trainer with the reuniclus line? thank you very much in advance <33
REUNICLUS as your partner pokémon!
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> aw tysm!! reuniclus holds a special place in my heart bc i used to own a bw themed pencil case that featured this pokemon. i'd be more than happy to write this request!
> also i kinda went up & disappeared for a WHILE. oops.
> i still write tho dw!! i am here to fulfill your pokémon daydreams
> as always, this is all strictly platonic.
> it/its pronouns for reuniclus.
> gender neutral for mc.
your first encounter with solosis was when you were heading back to town after a long day at school.
you weren't a trainer by any means. you had no pokémon to call your own and was just planning to head straight into college. as such, you mostly went from place to place via paths or roads that were relatively far away from wild pokémon habitats.
you always made sure to carry a bag that was filled with repels in order to ward off any aggressive pokémon. it was a safety precaution that all non-pokémon trainers followed.
but it's not like you had ever encountered any wild pokémon anyway. so your repels usually ended up wasting away in your bag.
personally, you'd rather not carry around so many damn repels with you. at least then, your arms wouldn't be all sore from carrying them around everywhere.
maybe you should just get a pokemon of you own? you hummed at the thought.
you continued your way back to your house when you were stopped in your tracks by a blur of green.
a frazzled solosis rolled into the middle of the road, staring at you once it noticed your presence. alarmed, you pulled out a repel from your bag.
an awkward silence enveloped the area as you & the cell pokémon watched each other cautiously. after a while, you took a step back.
solosis remained rooted in its spot, eyes drooping ever so slightly. with its remaining energy, it called out to you with telepathy.
— wounded.. need help.. —
and with that, it unceremoniously plopped down onto the hard concrete.
you stood frozen in place as you looked around in a frenzy. you soon glanced down at the fainted pokémon once you came to the realisation that the mysterious voice was from solosis.
so you weren't crazy. good, good.
now then, it mentioned something about being wounded..? you walked closer to it, inspecting the pokémon's unconscious state.
upon closer investigation, you were able to spot that the liquid surrounding its body was leaking out of a... wound of some sorts.
was it a wound?
man, pokémon biology is weird.
you reached out to it before stopping yourself.
was it even safe to touch?
you fished out your phone and called the local pokémon center. after explaining everything to the head nurse joy, you hanged up.
help would be here soon.
meanwhile, you should probably move to a less dangerous spot than literally being in the middle of the road.
thankfully, your town often preferred to ride on pokémon rather than cars so vehicles were a rarity.
however, that didn't mean your current location was exactly risk-free. you looked back at the unconscious solosis before pulling out a towel from your bag.
you carefully wrapped the towels around it, being mindful not to get your skin soaked in the weird liquid that composed of solosis' body.
cradling it like a baby, you picked it up and gently laid it down on the side walk. huffing slightly, you sat next to it while you waited for help to arrive.
once the ambulance finally arrived, you handed solosis off to the medics. they asked you a few questions about the full details of what happened, solosis' mannerisms, etcetera etcetera.
after a few minutes, they thanked you for your help & iniative in action. you watched the ambulance disappear in the horizon before continuing your way back home.
the next day, you weren't really expecting the very same solosis to show up at your doorstep.
seriously, how did it even find you?
it barged into your house, eyes crinkling in warmth. with the use of its telepathy, it happily thanked you.
you did nothing but blink stupidly at it during the whole time. you quite frankly found the whole situation bizarre, only replying a 'no problem' half-heartedly.
it glanced around your house, seemingly looking for something. it perked up excitedly once its eyes landed on a shelf.
without any warning, solosis' eyes glowed as it picked up a random object from the shelf with its psychic abilities. your squinted your eyes in confusion, reaching out a hand to stop it.
what was it doing??
it looked back at you before launching the object straight into your palm. you fumbled for a moment, trying not to drop whatever it just threw at you.
you opened your mouth to softly scold it, but the words got stuck in your throat once you realized what you were holding.
it was a pokéball from your parents' personal collection.
solosis floated closer to you, a derpy smile decorating its features.
“are you.. do you.. wait- are you implying what i think you are?”
it remained silent, only tapping its head on the pokéball as response.
one.. two.. three..
the pokéball glowed a bright yellow signalling a successful capture.
you now had a solosis.
what the hell.
it wasn't exactly easy to explain to your parents as to how you got a pokémon seemingly overnight.
it also wasn't easy to explain why they were missing a pokéball in their personal collection. thankfully, they forgave solosis in the end, only giving it a brief scolding.
you now had a pokémon.
it was strange really.
solosis was clingy, often laying on your shoulder while you worked. it hated being in its pokéball, preferring to be around you as much as possible.
it was a little awkward having it around at first, but you soon found yourself enjoying its company.
your only complaint was how it acted like an absolute child at times. you won't give it more pokepuffs? gee, i hope you like getting your room completely wrecked by a psychic-type throwing a tantrum.
your school had a strict rule where students had to keep their pokémon in their pokeballs during class hours unless it was allowed.
solosis wasn't exactly happy.
it would pop out of its pokéball during class which led to multiple instances where you got in major trouble. eventually, you decided to take initiative. you threatened to have it stay at home while you went to school if it ever disturbed class again.
it was difficult to hold your ground while solosis was looking up at you sadly with its wee eyes. in the end, you held on strong and solosis hesitantly agreed to behave during class.
as compensation, you always let it out of its pokeball during lunch time. everyday, you'd buy it a box of poképuffs to reward it.
after a year, solosis evolved into a duosion while training against your classmates' pokémon during gym class.
the activity was simple. students were supposed to get in close and personal in the pokémon battle.
it was supposed to simulate how hisuians used to battle a long time ago. students had to get close to their pokémon like they were personally fighting the battle themselves.
it required you to dodge impending attacks while ordering your partner to attack.
you could argue it was a little dangerous.
but the gym teacher assured that numerous school staff will be posted to watch the fights. if things were to go way out of hand, the staff would step in.
during yours' & solosis' battle, the opponent's zorua launched a night daze, which ended up hitting solosis hard.
solosis ended up getting tossed into your arms. the two of you rolled a small distance before ultimately skidding to a stop.
out of breath, you looked down at the pokémon in your arms.
“solosis..? you okay?”
no response.
you let out a breath while you sat up properly. a staff member inquired about your status from a distance. you only gave a thumbs up, only concerned about your partner.
your mouth opened to say another word, but your throat tightened up once solosis started glowing.
solosis— no, duosion, now looked up at you.
the psychic-type nodded while in your embrace, grimacing slightly at its injuries.
duosion floated out of your hold and onto the battlefield, uriging you with the tilt of its head to continue.
once the realization dawned on you, you were ectastic.
heated up, you yelled for it to attack with endeavor, inflicting all the damage it had taken to the unsuspecting zorua.
both pokémon were now extremely injured and struggled to fully stand.
in a desperate attempt, your opponent ordered zorua to use night slash. zorua leapt up into the air as its claws glowed a dark purple.
you knew duosion wouldn't be able to dodge the attack fast enough. instead, you called for it to use protect.
zorua clashed with the protective barrier, resulting in it being temporarily stuck in the air. in order words, it was defenseless.
quickly, you yelled for duosion to use round. zorua got hit and dropped to the ground, unconscious. thus, you & duosion were crowned as victors.
once school ended, you booked it to treat duosion out with a visit to its favorite restaurant. you let it eat & order as much as it liked.
sure, your wallet sported a massive hole afterwards, but who cares? your partner evolved! and as an added bonus, you got a pretty good grade.
yeah, it was a pretty awesome day.
after a few weeks of living with your newly evolved pokémon, one thing became abundantly clear to you.
your partner was now utterly unpredictable.
in accordance to its pokédex entry, duosion's brain was split into two upon evolving. due to this, it tended to act on two different things simultaneously.
you'll say it again, pokémon biology is weird.
oh, remember the deal you made with solosis where it agreed that it would stay in its pokeball during school hours, albeit reluctantly?
well, throw that out of window — with duosion, there was a 50/50 chance it would disobey. it all depended on which brain would win.
there were a handful of times where you had to let duosion stay at home. it comes at no surprise that duosion was annoyed, often times sulking in your bed while it waited for you to return.
however, when you do subsequently come back, it would hold the knob of your bedroom door — thus effectively locking you out.
it's so petty, dear god.
why is getting back at you one of the only things duosion's split brains can both agree on??
thankfully, duosion could be coaxed out with its favorite foods that you bought from its favorite store earlier for compensation.
it's a headache & a half dealing with your childish partner, but you love it anyway.
it has been two years since you've first met duosion (who was a solosis, back then).
admittedly, you now can't imagine a life without it. duosion had been there for you in your most important moments.
getting a scholarship to your dream college? graduating with top marks? finding a good, stable job?
yup, duosion had always been beside you — through the good and the bad.
now, there's one more thing to add to your list of achievements in life.
buying your own house.
it was exciting. you had saved up enough money to purchase a nice, one story house. sure, it wasn't lavish or big — but it was yours.
you were more than content with that.
your cheeks hurt so much from grinning.
duosion cheered & celebrated with you, even doing a cute, little happy dance.
at the actual day of moving, you both were in high spirits. duosion levitated some of your boxes with its psychic powers to help you out. you gave it a pat as thanks.
you hummed as you set down a box filled with your most treasured possessions in your now-bedroom. your partner followed shortly behind, letting out an exaggerated sigh once it finally set down the pile of boxes it was carrying.
you let out a laugh, affectionately rolling your eyes.
“you're such a drama queen.”
— big words... coming from you... —
you both continued to joke with each other, unaware of another entity inhabiting the house. the entity snarled, watching from the shadows before flicking away to another part of the house.
for the next couple weeks, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. outside of a few things, nothing indicated that something was off.
you chalked up the misplacement of your possessions with duosion's random releases of psychic energy. it tended to happen when you had a psychic type around, so objects appearing in places where they shouldn't be in wasn't anything new.
there were also times when kitchen utensils would just suddenly float up high into the air. you didn't think much of it because, well, duh, you had a psychic type.
what about the feeling of dread and exhaustion creeping up your spine at random times? well, you did have a deadline inching closer & you were working your ass off to not lose your dream job.
you were going about your life normally.
but then came the day when you decided to clean up the guest room.
you only stepped foot in it once during the day where you moved in, but duosion immediately pulled you away, claiming that it was "off."
you let it be, seeing as you weren't going to be using it as of now. your parents & friends had already visited your new home, but no one ever really spent the night.
however, you felt that it was time to rid the room of dust. besides, you were planning to use that room for extra storage.
duosion remained silent as you cleaned, glaring at... something.
you continued with your task, occasionally looking over your shoulder to check on your partner.
once you finished tidying up, you brushed off your hands on your pants. with a content sigh, you turned to duosion and was about to ask it something when you spotted something reaching out to grab you from the corner of your eye.
what the fUCK?
you let out a silent scream as your unknown assailant pulled you deeper into the shadows. you struggled, unaware of the bright flashing light near the entrance of the room.
you froze up when you felt giant, plushy arms pulling you out of your grim fate.
confused & hella terrified, you glanced at your saviour. your eyes widened slightly as you gaped.
“oh my god— duosion! no way!”
duosion — now a reuniclus — floated closer as its arms gripped you tightly. with a relieved expression, the pokémon quickly rubbed its face onto yours. you patted its head as a response, quietly thanking it.
although you were extremely happy for your partner's sudden evolution, you had to redirect your attention back to what just happened. you turned your body to the direction of the entity who grabbed & pulled you.
there, in the corner of the room, a black mass swirled violently. the mass twisted and turned, eventually taking the form of a pissed off haunter. at the sight, you took a step back with reuniclus.
haunter launched a dark pulse directly at you. reuniclus acted quickly, holding its arms out as it casted protect.
a little angry at the haunter (what an understatement), reuniclus decided to strike back with an attack of its own without your input.
the psychic-type launched a devastating psyshock at the opposing pokémon, knocking it out with one hit. you flinched slightly, recognizing reuniclus' psyshock to be way too powerful — especially for haunter, a ghost-poison type that was weak to psychic attacks.
concerned, you fished out your phone & called the local pokémon center.
wow, you just felt a strange rush of deja vu.
once the professionals arrived, you brought them up to date on what just occurred. after careful thought & some slight investigation (they brought a gothitelle to lay things out), they were able to come up with a reasonable conclusion.
apparently, the haunter had sought refuge in your house the night before you & reuniclus moved in. it claimed the house as its own & was extremely territorial over it — to the point it would cause weird things to happen just to scare you guys off.
unfortunately, you weren't phased in the slightest. as time went on, anger & irritation snowballed into haunter getting so fed up that it resorted to violence.
although you felt sorry, you paid a generous amount for this house & you sure as hell weren't up & leaving.
however, you weren't pleased with the idea of kicking haunter out either, so you came up with a compromise.
when haunter recovered and gained consciousness, you gave it an offer. you would let it stay in the guest room & leave it be as long as it didn't try to kill you or reuniclus.
haunter agreed & now roams the house in peaceful terms. reuniclus is still a little untrusting and wary, but give the little guy some time.
now, time to delve back to reuniclus hcs.
jesus christ, i really got sidetracked
reuniclus gained arms suitable for intense hugging now, so expect lots of sudden hugs.
reuniclus seemed to also really love its new set of fists, often battling by infusing psychic energy onto them & hitting enemies
the first time you saw it battle that way, you choked on your own spit.
it was pretty badass but also kind of?? silly?? and hilarious??
i mean — watching your small, adorable pokémon punch the shit out of other pokémon 5 times its size was pretty funny.
you're convinced reuniclus first did it to make you laugh, but over time, it had come to really enjoy the fighting style.
okay, okay—
arm wrestling.
yup, you heard me.
whether you're fit or not, you're going to get absolutely destroyed by this psychic-type.
reuniclus would gather all its psychic energy to smash your hand to the ground.
you'd argue that it's literally cheating, but the brat would let it go through one ear to the other.
despite the questionable sportsmanship, you would still agree whenever it challenges you to a match, though. watching reuniclus brighten up whenever it scored a victory was always heartwarming. so yeah, sore arms and hands all the way when you're rooming with reuniclus.
at the end of the day, reuniclus would cuddle up into your arms, and you would feel all your worries crumble away.
with half lidded eyes, you'd fall deeper into sleep, knowing you're with your most trusted companion.
you wouldn't trade this for the world.
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