#also don't worry about my savings. I already determined I won't be summoning until at least Shorekeeper
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came back to Wuthering Waves just in time to fall in love with Changli and somehow this happened...?? ?? ?????? ?
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dreamrecorder · 3 years
The words we keep
Soulmate au - first words tattoed on the wrist
Includes: Venti | Diluc | Kaeya | Albedo | Zhongli | Xiao | Childe
Mentions of suicide in Zhongli; angst and brief violence for Childe
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Oh you're here- I mean! I'm sorry I didn't mean to take your spot!
The bard had guessed that he'd meet his soulmate either in Angel's Share, in Windrise, or at the hands of his statue in Mondstadt. But the latter two were more unlikely. But he doesn't mind sharing his space with you really. In fact, Venti would be more than willing to let you in his space. But lo and behold! He didn't think he'd meet you at the hands of his statue!
Nights prior, you always heard a voice singing songs of various emotions. The voice eventually led you to Barbatos's statue. When you looked up, you saw the bard in green. His voice was very calming and pleasant to hear, so you always visited the statue at night. Until recently, your curiosity grew. Why does the bard always stay there at night?
Seeing your relaxed form on his statue, hair swaying in the wind. Venti just went soft. "Quite the lovely view isn't it?" 
He didn't mean to surprise but you still did become surprised. He found it endearing. "Oh you're here- I mean! I'm sorry I didn't mean to take your spot!"
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Ah- you scared them. Please don't do that.
Now who did he scare and what did he do to warrant his soulmate's first words to him? Diluc has always been aware that he can be intimidating and usually he doesn't mind that. But for you- he does give half a mind.
There was a new winemaker that Connor had hired and Diluc has yet to meet them. Connor had even commented that their methods were a bit unusual. But if it's enough to get the former's approval, then Diluc will see to this newcomer.
Diluc met you during the night, just at the edges of the Stone Gate that signifies the border between Mondtsadt and Liyue. The man was simply patrolling around the area for any hidden dangers. That's when he saw you, kneeling on the ground with a group of slimes surrounding you. Seeing your plight, Diliuc quickly ran and summoned his greatsword. With a few swipes imbued with pyro, the slimes hastily retreated. He was about to chase them off, but he was more concerned of your safety.
Diluc was about to speak when you cut him off as you stood up, dusting your clothes. "Ah- you scared them. Please don't do that."
Diluc was dumbstruck for a second. He did not expect to meet his soulmate right here right now. Seeing his stupefied look, you raised a brow. "Are… you alright, Sir Diluc?"
"Those slimes were about to attack you." Diluc pointed out. His reply made you chuckle a bit and shake your head to the sides. Did he say anything funny?
"No they were not. I was trying to befriend them so that I could use their slime concentrations for the winery."
Now Diluc was even more confused. Slime? For tbe winery? "Wait- you're the new-"
"Winemaker. And your soulmate if you're not yet aware. Come on, let's go look for those slimes! We can talk on the way about our… professional and not-so professional side of our relationship." And with that, you trailed to the path of the slimes with a smile on your face. As for the wine tycoon, he was still confused- like a lost puppy, but there was this gentle smile that landed on his lips as he followed you.
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Yes, I am suffering and in need of a Pyro Vision. Soulmate or not, if you don't have a Pyro Vision- shoo.
The text tattooed on Kaeya's wrist always left him laughing. He just knows, that this was meant to be a comical moment. He can even imagine the moment he meets his soulmate just from these words alone. But of course, he does worry about your well-being. Kaeya had his guesses. Maybe he would meet you in Dragonspine or maybe- you were an unprepared tourist enduring the permafrost of Snezhnaya and he'd meet you there. Well- in the end, he's still amused at your winterish pain.
Sure enough, Kaeya was tasked to scout Dragonspine for any Fatui activity. He could feel it under his skin that he'll meet you any second now. As he traversed through the mountain path, he noticed a group of warming seelies hovering over… someone? And that someone is shivering immensely. The captain grinned.
You heard footsteps approaching but you stayed in your crouched position, determined to preserve your body temperature. The seelies were helping, sure, but they were not enough to counter the coldness your Cryo Vision emanates. Damn it. Just because you're a cryo user doesn't mean you're immune to sheer cold.
The footsteps stopped and you snorted at the words the stranger spoke, "Could this possibly be my soulmate suffering in the cold and in need of a Pyro Vision?"
You huffed, you didn't want to meet your soulmate in this kind of situation. But it happened anyway, much to your dismay. Still crouched, you managed to turn to face the man as seelies continued hovering around.
"Yes, I am suffering and in need of a Pyro Vision. Soulmate or not, if you don't have a Pyro Vision- shoo."
Now actually hearing it from you made Kaeya laugh hard. If he was already amused just from the ink on his wrist before, Kaeya's now even more so deeply amused. You muttered sadist on his way. Deciding he's had enough a good laugh for today, the captain gave you his fur coat and a warming bottle. "Come on, let's get you some place warm, yes?"
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You're not the only one! I actually did one for you, too!
When his mind is not occupied by hus studies, it would often drift ink embedded on his wrist. Everytime Albedo does so, he would often wonder what did the two of make for each other that would lead to you eventual meeting.
The Windblume Festival arrived, and of course, so will tourists from other lands. Usually, Albedo would simply pay no heed to the ongoing festivities and their participants. But this time- things were different. You unknowingly caught the alchemist's eye. There was this sudden itch in his hands- and Albedo knew he had to sketch you form. However, before he could even approach you- you left to another direction.
He caught sight of you again the next day. You were reading a book on a bench, with the plaza fountain giving you a beautiful background for Albedo. Discreetly, the alchemist sat on a bench front of yours and began sketching. Unbeknownst by him, you were also entranced by his form and you, too, began sketching.
Albedo was first to finish- and like usual, he would give the sketch to the person he drew of even if they were strangers. As he walked, there was this certain nervousness that found way in his stomach. This never happened before. Why was he nervous?
Once close enough, Albedo cleared his throat and handed you his sketch, "I know this seems suspicious, but I want you to have this. You have a wonderful form."
You'd be lying if you said your heart did not stop a beat at his words. When you saw the paper he was offering you, you gasped at how he caught every detail of you. Bashful, you tore the page you were drawing on from sketchbook and gave it to him.
"You're not the only one! I actually did one for you, too!"
When your words reached his ears, Archons bless you as he gave you a genuine and joyful smile.
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Please... don't touch my heart that wants to disappear.
When Zhongli fully embraced his mortal form, he didn't expect the universe to gift him a soulmate. Like a snake, ink slithered into words that gave his heart a certain sadness. Zhongli knew, you were suffering somewhere... Out there...
He saw you first at the highest peak of Guyun Stone Forest. Everything happened so quickly. One second he was watching your distant form from the beaches below then the next he knew- his heart dropped, the same way you willingly fell to the hands of death that waited in the sea. The archon did what he knew is right- and that is saving you.
To Zhongli, immoratlity can both be a blessing and a curse. When your skins touched, he knew you were of immortality. He could sense it. And he could also sense the tiredness that nest in your soul from the burden of immortality.
Once Zhongli landed on safe ground, that's when he spoke. "I won't ask why, however is this truly what you want?"
The way his words reflected the ink written on your wrist made you open your eyes wide. When the realization sank in- that this man is your soulmate, you began crying. You were tired of life- but this man- this man is now your lock away from your want for death. If you stayed with him- another cycle of seeing the people you love come and go.
"Please..." you begged, "don't touch my heart that wants to disappear..."
Your voice was sad and pleading- but Zhongli was a stubborn man, just like his element. He wanted to help you but not by giving your death. He wanted you to see life in a new light, hopefully with him by your side.
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Excuse me... Here- for you. Qingxin.
Xiao was always resolute in his resolve that he has no need of a soulmate deemed by the universe. However, there are times that he would let his mind flutter around the concept. Specifically, around the words elegantly written on his wrist and his soulmate. Xiao would question why would you give him qingxin flowers in the first place. Other than that, there was also this underlying worry in his thoughts about you and the qingxin flowers. These flowers... they can only be gathered on high stone peaks. What if you slipped and fall?
This leads Xiao to have days where he just spends his time at the peaks of Jueyun Karst, looking out for any foolish person scale mountains just for qingxin. It's not because he's worried about you no- Xiao just doesn't want anyone die under his protection over Liyue. There has already been too much deat-
"Excuse me..."
At the voice, Xiao's head whipped to your direction with eyes wide in surprise.
"Here- for you. Qingxin."
There was this bored look in your face, but Xiao could see the worry in your eyes. Worry? Were you worried about him? Xiao frowned at the thought but still took the flowers from your outstretched hand.
"Foolish mortal... you could have gotten yourself hurt. Climbing peaks just for qingxin..."
... But still a small smile graced his lips and your heart melted.
"Thank you."
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You're the only person I recognize whose eyes resemble the deep blue ocean.
The words tattooed on his wrist always left Childe questioning about his soulmate and what led them saying these words. Somehow- imagining the possible scenarios always makes him melt. This string of words- it never fails him to bring a sense of comfort in his heart. Childe learns of yoir existance during a mission.
The mission was to assasinate a captain of the Knights- you. He observed you for days and took note how you're silent and alone for the most part but kind to the people who approach you- he almost feels bad for having to kill you. The day came when he had to kill you. It was supposed to be a quick kill- but he should know better. You were a captain for a reason, so you fought back. However, in the end, Childe was stronger as he wrap his hands around your fragile neck. Another second, he'd have you dead- until a child's voice cut through- your little brother. The way your eyes watered up at the sight of your only family. Seeing the hurt in your eyes, Childe's thoughts went overdrive- No- nonononono way I'm killing in front of a kid- He simply can't- he was reminded of his little brother, too. With a wavering will to disobey orders, Childe let you go and retreated to the night,
"Don't think this is the last time you'll see me."
Like a shattering glass- the words he uttered made your heart shatter like glass...
Childe saw you again, this time in Liyue. When your gazes meet- there was a shock that passed through with tension suddenly gripping your necks. Childe swore he hid much of his identity physically that night- but he knew you recognized him. He managed to corner you in Yuehai Pavillion by swooping into an empty seat right in front of you. There was a tense moment and an oppresive air. He noticed how your hands were ready to grab your weapon. "How did you recognize me?"
You carefully thought of your words. And when you did reply, Childe have never felt so much despair until today. "You're the only person I recognize whose eyes resemble the deep blue ocean."
Back before he knew you- these words always comforted Childe- but now? Childe felt chills in his spine as despair clouded his mind. Why would the universe decide to have person he was supposed to kill his soulmate.
Similarly, his heart also shattered.
A/N: Look!!! I got meself some banners ksks---- this is all Childe's fault rawr
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Til death do us part | Helmut Zemo
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Bodyguard AU! 🕶
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 12
After that day, Zemo and yourself had grown a little closer. You were more willing to sit and chat with him when he asked you to.
You had seen all his tea sets by now. Even helped him find another one to collect. He had bought it instantly, waiting for it's delivery so he may share it with you.
You had spent pretty much every day in his office with him. There had been no warnings of Walker or his group. The pair of you would spend the days laughing, smiling, and growing ever closer.
Now you could happily believe that he may hold feelings for you. It was the little things that gave him away. The touches. The smiles. The compliments. The staring.
You just used all your might to keep him at arms length. You still refused to take a step further. You wouldn't let that happen. He had loved and lost before. As his bodyguard, that could very well happen again.
Perhaps his feelings would fade.
That was just wishful thinking.
You were currently sitting across from Zemo in his office. Another intricate tea set, this one pale blue with white details swirling around it, set out in front of you.
You were sipping from your cup when Steve came. Zemo looked at his expensive watch and cursed quietly under his breath.
"I forgot I asked for you."
Steve doesn't look at all offended. Actually, he looks far more amused about the sight he sees. He knew you had been with the Baron a lot these past few days, but he had no idea you were in here having tea parties with him.
"What can I do for you, sir?" Steve asked.
You turned to the Baron confused, wondering why he wouldn't just ask you for something. Steve would have been doing his rounds around the estate.
"I'm tired of being locked up in my own home," Helmut states.
"It is for your own safety, sir. They are still out there."
"Yes, I'm aware, but I am tired. I want to throw a party."
Both you and Steve stare at him, concern written all over your faces. That was the worst possible thing he could do.
"Helmut," you had been using his name a lot more recently, "I don't think that's a good idea."
He looks at you, a smile settled on his face.
"My home. I'll do what I want. I want to hold a party. As much as I enjoy our chats and tea parties, I want to have a bit of fun," he shrugs, not at all concerned about what kind of advantage that would give Walker.
Zemo wasn't about to Agent Walker enter his home and take you.
"I really don't think that's a good idea," you say.
He was still unfazed.
"I'm going to do it regardless. Whether or not my security detail is going to be present that night, well, that's up to them."
You turn to look at Steve.
"I don't think we're going to change his mind."
"I agree," Steve smiles at you. "Up for the job?"
"Actually," Zemo intervenes, "I was rather hoping Y/N would attend with me."
You look at him.
"Well, I would. I'm your bodyguard, I have to be close by," you state, missing the point entirely.
Helmut wanted to roll his eyes, but didn't.
"No, you don't understand. I want you to come to the party as my date."
Your mind goes completely blank.
Steve has also completely frozen behind you, but his eyes are on you.
"But... how can I do my duty if I'm attending as a guest?" You ask softly.
"That's the point. You won't be on duty. You'll be my date."
You try to will more words, but nothing comes to mind. You glance back Steve who just stares at you silently.
Helmut chuckles softly.
"Are you really that surprised I would want to have you as my date, after everything?"
Zemo smiles fondly at you.
"Please say yes."
"I... uh... What about Walker?" You ask.
"I'm sure we will be well guarded." He looks up to Steve who nods. With the extra guards on the estate, there were plenty to cover the grounds.
"You know he could still show up?"
"I'm aware, but I'm not going to sit here any longer and wait. Let him come."
"Let him. I'm not afraid of him. I'm afraid of what he'll try and take from him. I can only ensure my desired safety if I have them with me at all times."
"I don't understand."
"I think you do," he says, standing up. Helmut comes around to your side of the desk and kneels in front of you. He takes your hands in his and looks you in the eye.
You have no idea what to say.
Steve silently excuses himself, knowing this was an important and private matter between the two of you.
Your heart felt like it would explode.
"I only wanted you as my personal guard so I could keep you close. When you saved me that day, I was in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. I didn't think you were capable of protecting me because you are so unlike the others. You stood out too much. I was wrong about you. You saved my life and everything changed. After that day, all I could see was you bleeding out on that road. It haunted me. I was angry they had left you, but ever so relieved to hear you were alright. It dawned on me while we were parted that I perhaps I was rather fond of you."
You bit your bottom lip, unsure of what to make of all of this.
"Now, I want you to know that I'm utterly devoted to you. I don't want you to put your life before mine. It should be mine before yours. Let Walker come. I told you that I was in the military, do you remember?"
You nod.
"I will not let him harm you. I will not let him take you. He already took someone from me once. Never again."
"I can handle myself, Helmut." He smiles at the use of his name. "I'm your bodyguard, let me protect you."
"This is quite a predicament," he chuckles.
He knew you were stubborn, you had been since he met you, but he was insistent on not letting Walker hurt you.
If John Walker so much as laid a finger on you, he wouldn't live to tell the tale.
You smile at Helmut.
"I would love to attend as your date."
He smiles handsomely. That's all he wanted to hear.
"I will have an outfit sent to your room."
"You don't have to do that."
"I want to," he states, smiling still.
You give in and just let him do what he wants. It would appear he would have his way in the end anyway, after all, he's going ahead with this party.
"You are excused for the rest of tonight. I'll send for you if I need you," he says, releasing you finally and returning to his seat.
You stand, though rather awkwardly.
"Alright. I'll see you later."
"Yes, you will," he chuckles.
You leave the room with a huge smile on your face. Your heart was racing unlike anything before and all you could think about was the handsome Baron behind that door.
Steve is waiting for you.
You look up at him, trying ever so hard to bite back your smile, but failing miserably.
He's smiling too.
"What did I say?"
"You were right. I'm sorry for putting the job first, but when he looked at me like that... I knew he meant it. Damn him and his stupidly handsome face."
Steve laughs fondly.
"I'm happy for you."
"Thank you."
"What are you going to do about Walker? A party is bound to give him a chance to get inside, even if I summoned more guards. I'm worried he'll get in."
"I have faith in you."
"Walker isn't messing around, Y/N. He wants the Baron dead and he's going to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Your life is in so much more danger now."
"I won't let him hurt Zemo. Even if this is just a fleeting thing, I will lay down my life for him because that's what I came here to do," you say, determination set on your face.
Steve knew you meant that.
He nods quietly as he looks at you. Right here, right now, you seem like a whole new person. Steve couldn't be more proud of you.
"We will do everything we can to make sure nothing happens, OK?"
You nod.
"Thank you, Steve. And no matter what happens tomorrow, promise me you'll protect Helmut."
"Promise me. Do your duty."
He stares at you. You're serious. If anything happened, it would be just like last time. Protect Zemo, leave you behind until they could get you help.
It would pain him to have to do it a second time.
"I promise."
He had said the words. He would.not fall back on them, but if I can help it, nothing will happen to you.
This time both you and Helmut Zemo would get out safely.
Walker will not win this fight.
@thesuitkovian @justfangirlthingies @belle82devart @anteroom-of-death @silverlambcaptain @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @lieutenantn @daniielbruhl @awesomesauce-abbie @latenightartist-author @lazygurl05 @rumblelibrary @nonamec0s @shura-gorl @ginger-abreu @caligrl1992 @livvyshmiv @luciadiosa @vverliebt @tatooineisdry @charistory @somethingthatsaysbubbles @apparrio @alex-the-nb @thewrongkhristol @hb8301 @the-chaotic-cow @mssennimatilda @uncomfortablebagel @fictionlandslanddreams @madhatter2727 @kinismanditory @the-webkinz-kier
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