#also don't mind beidou over here with her famous last words lmao
immobiliter · 4 months
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       Damn it all to Haishan's deathbed. As soon as she'd received word from her contacts in Liyue harbour, and a summons from the Tianquan herself mere hours after she'd stepped off the Alcor, a sinking feeling had settled in the pit of Beidou's stomach. A Liyue treasure galleon, bound to Natlan with mora ( something not exactly in plentiful supply as of late, given the fate of Morax ), sunk somewhere off the coast of Fontaine and now vanished. She knew who was to blame. She could likely reel off a whole list of names to Ningguang, given the sorts of... conversations she'd been privy to last time she'd been on Nassau. An island whose sovereignty had always been disputed, now home to rebellious freedom fighters who wanted to establish an independent state of their own. All they needed now was an Archon to rule over it, she supposed, and she knew exactly who'd jump at the chance of that glory.
       Beidou suspected he was behind this little stunt too, though, despite the Tianquan's question, it was far too early to be throwing names around. “ That's the problem, Ningguang. If the situation in Nassau is what I fear it to be, then it's not just one man or woman who is to blame. They're likely all working together. ” What she was about to suggest might elicit some trepidation in her companion — after all, Beidou knew these people, had sailed with them, drank and made merry with them. But her loyalty to Liyue came first. “ I can go, but it has to just be the Alcor. Too many ships from the fleet and it'll look like we're there to wage war. Let me go alone and talk to them. Maybe I can get them to relinquish the stolen mora without this becoming bigger than it needs to be. ”
@resolutepath / cont.
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